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Approved F C,2, 1 r 24A LA LA L ? ? r 1.-?A 14?LL"" ? JUL 1972 ase 2006/01/03 cimgopso-o- s A ihNIL tJc? LaV4 \ k.:Ztrzc:11CD[171cayr 1-1:F-fiZcfil-,112`17,C1(7,c,7ro Y.1 6,4 ?f3LIE4)P1 C r P. Oen-cgskv Mr. L. Patrick Gray, 3c1 Acting Director ? F.B.I. Washington, D. C. Dear Mr. Gray: I was glad to read of your new policy encourag- ing the exchange .of ideas between the press and ? the F.B.I. and I thought that rather than attempt ; to arrange an appointment (I am sure you are very busy what with reading the files and all), I'd simply send you this letter containing some of my own thoughts on the Bureau which you have temporarily inherited. ? Who am I, you .might well ask, to advise you - on how to run what some regard as the most ?Sophisticated intelligence agency in the world? Let . me concede at the outset that my own raw, un- evaluated file on the F.13.1. is probably no more ac- curate than your own ray" unevaluated file on me. Oh, I've written a book on the Justice Department and the F.B.I. under Robert F. Kennedy. I attended last fall's Princeton Conference. on the F.B.I. co- - , sponsored by the Committee for Public Justice. I'm a regular Sunday night viewer of Efrem Zimba- list Jr. and "The F.B.I.," and I take the F.B.I. tour in Washington every chance I get. But it is only be- ? cause after all this research I have concluded that . there are no outside experts on the F.B.I.?in the sense that there are experts on such nonsecret Gov- ernment agencies as State, the Pentagon, the Bureau .of the Budget?that I am presuming to write you - now. - Actually, although there. are no experts, there are a growing group of quasi experts including alumni of the Bureau and the Justice Department, law school professors, members of the American Civil ? Liberties Union, the Committee for Public Justice and other long-time Hoover-watchers, who are developing a consensus about the direction in which the Bureau ought to move; but since their first suggestion is that President Nixon ought to dump you in favor of some nonpartisan figure of greater stature, you understandably might not be disposed to accord them the sort of impartial hear- ing which I am sure you are giving this letter. WasiWrgzersemserometeensourporimax,temaftwromerue.eakuatam.ammes,mars-Newslealrire Justice" Victor S Navasky the author _at --kve1111-1Y. , tr9tYearittar Attg9tSti4UAWNIM rt CIORP&PITIA6911W199CMPPlOst you thinlc. of the F.B.I. .this a radical step,, please :recall that 3. Edgar 601R001400060001-3 And anyway my own ideas differ markedly from the evolving conventional wisdom which was per- haps best summarized in a letter to this newspaper from N.Y.U. law professor and Committee for Pub- lic Justice chairman Norman Dorset), who !wrote: ? . Among the major issues that should be canvassed are the Bureau's effectiveness in organized crime and civil rights and police brutality cases, its emphasis on statistic-pro- ducing crimes and its reported lack of coopera- tion with ? some local police agencies. . . The F.B.I. has not had a thorough Congression- al review in its 64-year history . . . the failure to define the Bureau's intelligence-gathering powers has apparently resulted in the accumu- lation of much unchecked, often derogatory information, whose dissemination is not subject to proper control. It has also resulted in the use of an unknown number of undercover agents and listening devices. . . Change the Bureau's name. C771,171",:it=t1:52MtliiMLikEl My own six-point program for the Bureau is not 'inconsistent with much of this agenda but it is, I hope you will agree, much simpler to grasp and therefore should be easier to implement. Briefly, the Bureau should: Change its name, shred its - files, drop Zimbalist's option, teach a course in what I call Bureauspeak, give away the new F.B.I. building and hire some Nader's Raiders. I'll elabor- aontirimfm NEWSWEEK Approved For Release 2006/O1/CO MayA1/Dm-016m ROO NATIONAL AFFAIRS Hii:ver and gs F 1: An Era Ends Jolm Edgar Hoover was a legend who outlived his own time. He came into the government as a library clerk in Woodrow Wilson's day and served as its pre-eminent policeman for every Presi- dent from Calvin Coolidge to Richard Nixon. In his extraordinary. 48-year run as Director of the Federal Bureau of In- vestigation, he held more power longer than any man in the history of the Re- public. He made himself and the FBI into authentic American icons?the gang- busting, spy-catching, straight-shooting, star-spangled heroes of the ..tabloid headlines and radio-TV serials and the backs of Wheaties boxes. When Hoover died last week at 77, the President him- self did the eulogy?a man of lesser sta- tion would have been unimaginable? and spoke for millions of Americans when he called the Director "one of the giants a peace officer without peer." But the years that had ravaged the old man's bulldog face and rattled his bureaucratic calm had begun to erode his legend as well. It was not grief alone that some of his mourners experienced when they guessed that there would never be an- other J. Edgar Hoover. . His legacy to American law enforce- ment?the development of the FBI into one of the world's most effective police forces?was large and beyond challenge. But in his last years, his age and his STATINTL Abet13-63661 -3 The Direetgr in state in the Capitol Rotunda: 'One of the giants' crotchets began to show, both in his own public flashes of temPerament and in the reduced morale and misdirected ener- gies of the bureau he so loved. The times ran past him, and by the end, Mr. Nixon, who had known Hoover since the Hiss case 25 years ago, stood almost alone re- sisting the advice of his counselors that the Director ought to be retired. Now, with Hoover's death, the President post- poned choosing a successor until after Nov. 7 and instead gave the job pro tern to an old Nixon hand, Deputy Attorney General-designate L. Patrick Gray III, 55, a lawyer of conservative temper and managerial talent (page 28). Making Gray acting director avoided yet another round of nasty Senate confir- mation hearings in this election year, and it could well move the bureau more nearly under real Presidential control AP than it had been for years under Hoover. But it left open all the hard questions about just what the FBI does and what it ought to do?questions from which it had been sheltered for a generation by IIoover's near immunity to criticism or even serious review. There had been little apparent con- tingency planning; Hoover's immortality had been rather assumed in official Washington. ("I think," said one Congres- sional staffer, "that people felt he had a dossier on Saint Peter.") He looked fit enough the last anybody saw of him in public, betting the . Saturday races at Pimlico, taking Monday lunch as always with Associate Director Clyde Tolson at the Mayflower Hotel, leaving work that. evening after a day crowded with paper and ceremony. Hoover died, apparent- ly of heart disease complicated by high -'Approv 1924: Taking over .... .1,4 , , 4 - -4?11r-#."'t , r \NI ,,,a., -.' ' _ _ _ ___ _ or T. -,, -' '',.-4,! a : CILAIRDP80-01604.R0 000600043- _ _ 1935: Gangbusters 1933: As FDR signs crime bill Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-01601R001400060001-3 blood pressure, in his sleep that night. The passage of mourning that followed was suitably stately and yet oddly dimin- uendo, given Hoover's towering presence in American life over a half-century. His body lay in state in the Capitol Ro- tunda, an honor ordinarily reserved for Presidents, the giants ,of Congress and war heroes, and 25,000 mourners filed past in 21 hours. Flags dropped to half- staff. Hoover's banquette at the May- flower was draped in red, white and -blue and retired till after the funeral. FBI agents drove close to his home, an old Georgian house lush with flowers and fake grass, and sat there in silent witness. Dr. Benjamin Spock said he was relieved, and Jerry Rubin of the yippies whooped: "Wow! Wow!. Wow! Wow!" But mostly, even old antagonists managed a few kindnesses, and Mr. Nixon's somber ten-minute eulogy at National Presby- terian Church ("The United States is a better country because this good man lived his long life among us ...") more surely set the tone of the public response. After the burial, the flag was folded and -presented to Tolson, his aged and ailing companion, who., succeeded hoover for two days and then retired. ? Standards: And so an era ended. It bad begun 48 years earlier almost to the day, when Attorney General Harlan Fiske Stone asked Hoover?then a natty, up-and-eoming Justice Department law- yer of 29?to retrieve the bureau from the corruption it had sunk into during the Harding years. Hoover accepted, with absolute power over the agency as one of his conditions. He ran out the blackmailers and boodlers, set high hir- ing standards ,(lawyers and accountants preferred) and pioneered in scientific law enforcement (the fingerprint files, the national crime lab, the police acad- emy and, lately, computer banks of data on crime and criminals available at push- button speed). The bureau under his stewardship, and with his intuitive PR genius, brought in .a memorable series of kills and collars?Dillinger, Floyd, Ma Barker, Bruno Hauptrnann, Nazi spies and saboteurs, the Rosenbergs, Colonel I Abel. Hoover went gaudily public?mug- ging for photographers, hobnobbing with Winchell, relaxing at the Stork Club, promoting the bureau legend, and his own, in books and movies and comic strips. Presidents respected his talent and authority and enjoyed his gossip. Congress approved his budgets with the most perfunctory review. His power rested on fear as well as reverence?on the presumption that, as master of the FBI files, he knew every- body else's secrets. His discretion with this material was not absolute (the bu- reau's tapes of Martin Luther King's sex life were widely leaked around Wash- ington) but was substantial: the serious complaint in his latter years was that his management of the FBI was going ideological?that he overcommitted it to infiltrating the enfeebled U.S. Commu- nist Party and to wide-ranging surveil- lance of black and left protest activities and. that civil-rights enforcement, the war on organized crime and even coun- terespionage all suffered as a result. his last years were marked by a se- 'ries of public embarrassments. Activists looted the bureau files in Media, Pa., and leaked batch after batch of papers on the sometimes Kafkaesque reach of the FBI watch on the left.. Earth Day rallies got monitored and Weatherpeo- ple got away. Hoover himself leaked word of the Berrigan kidnap-conspiracy case prematurely and prejudicially to a Congressional committee before any- body had been indicted. Congressmen found the nerve" to attack him. Demo- crats sensed his vulnerability and began making him a campaign issue. Hoover got controversial and responded to con- troversy with moments of pique (he called King a liar, Ramsey Clark a jelly- fish) and long moody interludes of al- most total inaccessibility. He came out of the cloister only for a very few safe interviews and for his annual pas de deux with Congress, and even these took on a wistfully parodic quality by the end. ("You don't allow any gay ac- 1969: Last pest 1965: Breaking a civil-rights case 1961: The Kennedy years 108: With Tolson and Walter Winchell 1950: With Harry Truman 60001-3 1954: G man's best friend 3 Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-01601R001400060001-3 tivists in the FBI, do your he was the critics quieted down?he would not asked by a House appropriations sub- throw an old friend to the wolves. committee last March. "We don't allow Ploy: The issue was settled; the tacit any types of activists in the FBI, gay or decision was to let Hoover stay on, pith- otherwise," said the Director.) ably past the election. But they began What he wouldn't do was stand down talking about the succession, and decid- under fire, and, as even his hardiest ad. ed last year to post Patrick Gray to the mirers in Washington had finally to bureau as Hoover's No. 2, perhaps this agree, the bureau?his bureau?began to summer, perhaps after the election. suffer under his narrowing rule. Day-to. This plan went, awry when Richard day liaison with the Justice Department Kleindienst was nominated to succeed faltered because Hoover wanted every- John Mitchell as Attorney General and thing to go through him. The FBI quit insisted on Gray as his deputy. With speaking to the CIA because somebody , Hoover's death, Gray's name resurfaced in the FBI leaked some trivial informa- instantly in phone conversations among tion to the CIA and the CIA wouldn't Kleindienst, Mitchell and the White tell Hoover who. The old innovative House, and his choice as acting director spark that helped make the bureau's was sealed before the day was out. 0th- reputation began to flicker. "To suggest Cr names circulated as possible perma- change," said one former agent, "was to ncnt successors. Still, the suspicion grew suggest that the way things were being in Washington that Gray was really Mr. done was wrong, and that was suicide:' Nixon's man and that the delay till No- Avoiding embarrassment became a ma- vember was only a ploy to prevent a re- jot imperative. prise of the long, contentious hearings Priorities seemed to get misarranged. over Kleindienst's still-pending nomina- Agents used up valuable time fattening tion. Gray, with or without the Presi- the FBI's annual statistics with stolen-car dent's encouragement, moved in as recoveries and minor thefts from inter- though he planned to stay a while. state commerce. Two FBI men infiltrat- The successor, Gray or anybody else, ed one three-man Communist cell; 100 will follow J. Edgar Hoover but will not monitored a rally of 400 Catholic antiwar replace him. He will, for one thing, be ? activists. Hoover got late into organized subject to closer Congressional scrutiny crime, partly because he refused for than Hoover ever had to endure. The years to believe that the Mafia existed, requirement of Senate confirmation is a new one, enacted in 1968, and the sen- partly because he didn't want the bu- reau s immaculately scandal-free record ? ators are likely to seize on it not only to - exposed to the temptations of syndicate screen the nominee but to ? debate the size bribes. Big-city police forces, onlarger, graver issues of what the FBI is once dependent on the FBI's great technical and ought to be about. Hoover did not h resources in bank-robbery and kidnap- ave to answer those questions; he was . ing cases, developed their own skills and permitted, by the leave of Congress and savvy over the years and began wishing with the clear affection of most Amen- that the Feds would move on to authen . cans for most of his career, to run the tically national crimes?stock, security and FBI as his own lengthened shadow. He credit-card frauds, for example. -A big- brought the bureau to an exaggerated city robbery-squad detective, power that it is unlikely to maintain now one urban ?not without challenge. But it will re- police captain told NEWSWEEK'S Nicholas Horrock, "handles more robberies in a main a large and enduring monument, month than an agent might in a year. Yet and when it does its work well?enforc- i when there's a bank robbery, they come ng the law with honesty, efficiency and zipping up with a lot of so-called exper- dispatch?it will honor the memory and -the best impulses of the man who man- tise. The fact is we know more about, aged it for nearly half a century. . these investigations than they do." None of this was likely to get changed sp long as Hoover stayed on. Last year, with the controversy, quickening, some senior White House and Justice officials began a quiet effort to persuade Mr. Nixon to, put the old man to pasture. "Hoover, one offiCial said, "was becom- ing more and more of a political issue 'and more and more a developing liabili- ty. The mood of the nation was changing, and he appeared to be out of tune. There was a desire among some people to remove the issue before the campaign got started." They got as far as the Oval Office three times; at the last of these meetings, last autumn, only one man in the room besides Mr. Nixon favored keeping Hoover on. The President was said to have seen having to move Ho Athg, ? wxi,Vtilit of nt bar tiease 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-01601R001400060001-3 Rtivb ty ? ' YR S 7572 ST8T141111k1TL Approved For 85W0100,6/01/03 ? CIA-RDP80-01601R00140006000 SSIONAL 'RECORD ? SENATE ? There being no objection, the items - were ordered to be printed in the REC- ben, as follows: !From the Washington Post, May 9, 19721 ? UNITED STATES SEEKS JOBS FOR VETERANS Although Vietnam veterans claimed almost one-fourth of the new jobs created in the nation during the past 12 months, their un- employment rate remained at 8.6 per cent, well above the national average, the admin- istration said yesterday. President Nixon ordered Labor Secretary James D. Hodgson to continue for another year the Jobs for Veterans program began . almost a year ago. "I regard this effort as of the highest prior- ity in federal manpower and training pro- grams," Mr. Nixon said in a letter to Hodgson. Hodgson reviewed for newsmen the re- sults of the program during the first year. He said one of its most difficult targets was to overcome "a public indifference to the obliga- tion we owe to Vietnam-era veterans." Hodgson said Vietnam veterans accounted for a net increase of 538,000 jobs in the 12- mouth period that ended April 30. That was almost 25 per cent of the 2.2 million increase In total 'employment throughout the nation. Despite the advances, there were 340,000 veterans without work, 8.6 per cent of the total In the work force, down from 9.7 per cent a year ago, but still above the national average of 5.9 per cent. ? KNOXVILLE, PENN., Apri1.14, 1972. Senator THOMAS DAGLETON, Senate Office Buildin, Washington, P.C. SENATOR EAGLETON: The enclosed Resolu- tion was passed by the Student Senate at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, April 4, 1972. We felt it would be of interest to you. Sincerely, CHARLES HUDDLESTON, . ? ? Body President. :KESOLTJTION. Whereas: 5 million Vietnam-era veterans have come back to America and have ended up looking for unemployment assistance, in- cluding 95,000 Vietnam veterans in Tennessee alone and several hundred at UT.; Whereas: Many of these veterans, includ- ing a number of GI Bill students at UT. have "lost" their earned unemployment bene- fits because of an obscure one-year-drawing limitation ("benefit year") in Tennessee law, and believing that veterans need more finan- cial assistance while looking for jobs or com- pleting school; Whereas: U.S. Senator Thomas Eagleton of Missouri introduced a bill on May 3, 1971 (S. 1'141) to provide for Vietnam-Era Veter- ans' Supplementary Unemployment Compen- sation, for 52 weeks at $75 per week; but the bill is still in the Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare; , We the Student Senate of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, do hereby respect, Sully request Labor and Public Welfare Committee Chairman Harrison Williams to hold hearings on S. 1741, and urge Sens. Howard Baker and William Brock to help procure such hearings on S. 1741. In Addition, we respectfully request that Governor Winfield Dunn, and the U.T. area's State Representatives, Richard Krieg and Vic- tor Ashe, do all within their influence to ex- tend the one-year Tennessee limitation on ex- nervicemen's unemployment compensation to Iwo years (similar to Maine, California, at al), with a retroactive provision back to 1905, the year the Vietnam War began, so as to reimburse several thousand Vietnam Vets who "lost" their earned benefits, due to poor Claims Office information and trying to get an education on the GI Bill (unable by law to draw unemployment simultaneous- ly); and to end present confusion and dis- crimination in the Unemployment Compen- sation Act. THE PORNOGRAPHY OF VIOLENCE Mr. SAXBE. Mr. President, many people feel that organized crime is be- Coming a phenomenon of the past. Nu- merous nations are free of it as are en- tire regions of this country. However, the recent assassination of Mafia Chief Joseph Gallo jolts us back to reality. Today, organized crime penetrates broad segments of American life, However, the Cosa Nostra can thrive only when and where the public tolerates it. Organized crime syndicates provide goods and serv- ices desired by the consuming- public-- narcotics, prostitutes, loan sharking, and gambling. These are consensual crimes. The American public not only supports the Mafia, we also find its leaders amus- ing and admirable and the heroes of recent literary works. The shooting of Joseph Gallo blends fact with fiction. -Gallo served as the inspiration for the book and the movie, "The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight." The plot deals with the rivalry between the south Brooklyn gang led by Kid Sally Palumbo and the Mafia establishment.. They slaughter one another with every means? at their disposal. The attempted comedy is funny, I suppose, to those Capable of laughing at shooting, stabbing, blowing up, and strangling. The subject matter is even less amusing when it becomes real- ity and a four-gun battle takes place in a public restaurant. Following the shooting of Gallo, an onlooker standing across from Umberto's Clam Bar in Little Italy was reported to comment that-- It's just like The Godfather. They filmed it down the block, you know. Yeah, Corleone [the crime chi eftan played by Marlon Brando] got hit right over there. The plot of "The Godfather" revolves around gang warfare, and the names of the leading characters might well be Genovese, Gallo, and Profaci. People are currently flocking to see tins movie which portrays a family that uses guns, axes, garrotes, and fear to achieve dominance over the entire Mafia in the United States. It is intended to shock, and it does. But what truly is frightening about "The Godfather" is the reaction of the spectators. I could not help feeling de- spondent when the audience laughed at the sight of a Hollywood film producer waking up to find the severed head of his Prize race horse staring blindly at him and cheered at the sight of Michael Corleone shooting a police captain and a rival Mafioso in a restaurant. The heroes of "The Godfather" scorn law as impotent, and they create and adminis- ter their own code of ethics. They share a conviction that street justice is prefer- able to the justice practiced in the courts. And the audience loves it. History and culture are expressed in literature. What will future generations say of our society when they read Godfather" and "The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight"? Our culture not only tolerates violence, we glorify violence. We mus ourse .ce as a nation to exposi Ig the true character of violence and to supporting more posi- tive values. This 's why I have joined with 12 other Senators in introducing the Omnibus Criminal Justice Reform Amendments of 1972. THE FBI IN PERSPECTIVE Mr. IIRUSKA, Mr. President, it seems very likely that the Federal Bureau of Investigation, one of the Nation's most effective and most respected organiza- tions, may become a common topic of political discussion in the months ahead. Such an occurrence will be particu- larly unfortunate, because the FBI is, as It was during Mr. Hoover's long and dedicated tenure, a professional organi- zation. As such, it should not be, nor was it embroiled in Partisan polities. - I know those of us in this body are united in the hope that the agency, dur- ing the period of transition which it must now undergo, will, be-spared the discom- fort of being dragged into partisan politi- cal debate. In this connection, the eminent Wash- ington Columnist Richard Wilson hits written a timely and interesting column which places the national role of the. 1 BI into the proper perspective. - The article capsules clearly and con- cisely the role of the FBI in the entire scheme of national ,law enforcement. It also points up the problems which the Acting Director, L. Patrick Gray, will ? have to face as he takes over the reins ? of the organization which knew only one Director for nearly five decades. Mr. Wilson's column is worthy of our attention. It should be particularly noted by those who in an election year will be faced with the temptation to make politi- cal capital of the agency. I ask unanimous consent, Mr. Presie 'dent, that the text of Mr. Wilson's column as it appeared in Monday's Washington Star under the headline, "Coming Dispute on FBI Put in Perspec- tive," be printed in the RECORD. There being no objection the article. was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: COMING DISPUTE ON FBI Pu T IN PERSPECTIVE (By Richard Wilson) The role of the FBI in the general scheme of things in the nation has always' been ex- aggerated. It is not it national police force, its jurisdiction is circumscribed. By far' the greater responsibility for law and order resides in state, local and other federal agencies. The latter includes the United States Secret Service as well as nu- merous federal enforcement agencies oper- ating in conjunction with the Justice Der partment's Criminal Division, ? Of the $2.3 billion budgeted for 1972-73 federal anti-crime programs, $330 million, or less than one-sixth, is directly for the Fill. These facts are recited in an effort to put Into perspective a kind of hysteria which will soon evidence itself on how the post- Hoover FBI shall be run, who shall head it, and what its philosophy shall be. The hysteria rises from one major Source, those who Imagine that the FBI is or will soon become a secret police used for political repression. This bugaboo is regularly paraded in Congress and the liberal community, which must now be astounded by the state- Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-01601R001400060001-3 mt. MING T ON ?TAfl Approved For Release 2006/000M4YCl1lIZDP80-01601R001kx:TebT316t1Ji -3 RICHARD WILSON Coming Dispute on F The role of the FBI in the general scheme of things in the nation has always been ex- aggerated. It is not a national police force. Its jurisdiction is circumscribed. By far the greater responsi- bility for law and order re- sides in state, local and other federal agdncies. The latter in- eludes the United States Secret Service as well as numerous federal enforcement agencies operating in conjunction with the Justice Department's Criminal Division. Of the $2.3 billion budgeted for 1972-73 federal anti-crime programs, $330 million, or less than one-sixth, is directly for the FBI. These facts are recited in an effort to put into perspective a kind of hysteria which will soon evidence itself on how the post-Hoover FBI shall be run, who shall head it, and what its philosophy shall be. The hysteria rises from one major source, those who imag- ine that the FBI is or will soon become a secret police used for political repression. This bugaboo is regularly paraded in Congress and the liberal community, which must now be astounded by the statement of Interim Director L. Patrick Gray that he has yet discov- ered no secret files or dos- siers, a la the European secret police, on political figures and prominent Americans. If Gray finds no such in- criminating files in the future, he will have destroyed the cherished convictions of thou- sands of liberals and radicals that they are under constant surveillance. Their megalo- mania .and status will have un- dergone a shattering deflation with the disclosure that the FBI did not even think it worthwhile to tap their tele- phones. . ? In fact, the FBI is very ex- clusive, having in operation about 50 telephone taps in na- tional security cases at any particular time on the scores of millions of phones in the Put in Perspec country. In view of the politi- cally inspired violence and threats of violence in the era of dissent and the many bomb- ings and depredations, a fig- ure of 50 wiretaps (actually 36 in 1970) does not seem out of proportion. Gray has undertaken, as one of his first responsibilities, dis- pelling such distrust of the FBI as was based on hatred of Hoover. He tries to apppear in the role of a reasonable and accessible official who will ef- fect changes in style if not in substance, contrasting with Hoover's adatnancy and re- moteness. This may be useful in the beginning but in the end Gray will have to undertake, be- cause he is required by law to do so, the type of inquiries which Made Hoover so unpop- ular in radical intellectural circles. These inquiries extend to college campuses where dis- sent crosses the perilous boundary into overt action against the government, and to the ghettos where the creed Pie of armed violence challenges established authority. If Gray receives reports of plots to blow up the Capitol, or destroy its heating system, or to kidnap prominent federal officials, he will have to look into them, regardless of how juries have reacted to such charges in the past. And if such inquiries result in renewed charges that the. FBI is an agency of political repression, Gray will have to live with it, as did Hoover ? having at the same time the general support of the vast majority. ' If . Gray is looking for an example of how to extract a leading government agency from the field of controversy, he might examine the tactics of the U.S. director of intelli- gence, Richard P. Helms, - CIA Director Helms-, before he ascended to a higher role; managed to extricate the CIA from a position of prominence which did not become it. CIA is managing to keep out of the news, 'except in those cases where it might be expe- dient to let it be known that it was not entirely in agreement , with the Defense Department. 4 Otherwise, very little is heard anymore of the CIA's shadier side, although it stretches credulity to believe that .this agency has aban- doned an active role in shap- ing the world's affairs. A mild manner and lowered profile has aided Helms, and something like this may be valuable in the case of the FBI now that it is no longer neces- sary- to support the Hoover personality cult. If Gray succeeds he may be- :come the permanent director of the FBI, although that would depend to a great extent on Nixon's re-election. Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-01601R001400060001-3 NEW YORK IMES STAT I Approved For Release 2oone 79A-RDP80-01601R001400 Bureau Policies to Face Wide Scrutiny by Public Dy ROBERT M. SMITH ? \ Speclea to The New York Times WASHINGTON, May 2?The word drifted down through the bureaucracy of the Federal Bureau of Investigation here this afternoon just about the time an informal meeting was taking place ill the office of the Attorney General-desig- nate, Richard G. Kleindienst. y .The word was not startling. ,It simply told the thousands of agents, supervisors, inspectors and secretaries what to put at the bottom of letters that for 98 years had borne one im- print, J. Edgar Hoover. In the early afternoon, they were told .that mail would be signed Clyde A. Tolson. Mr. Tolson is Asso- ciate Director of the bureau. ' However, it was clear that the ailing, 71-year-old Mr. Tot- son would not be Mr. Hoover's successor. The meeting in Mr. Kleinclienst's fourth-floor office ?one ? floor below the F.B.I. director's?began the process of collecting names and, with the names, idea S for the way . the F.B.I. should be changed. When they began to think about a successor for Mr. Hoover, Justice Department officials inevitably began to think of two related questions: What the persons whose names occurred to them weuld do to the F.B.I. and what their nomi- nation would do to the Nixon Administration politically. The questions that a new bureau director will have to face range from the agency's surveillance practices to its re- lationship with the Attorney General, from its role in a pe- riod of "radical" politics to the distribution of power within the bureau. ? Possible Choices - Persons who are rumored to he under consideration are Jer- ry V. Wilson, police chief of Washington, D. C.; Peter J. Pitchess, sheriff of Los Angeles County; Cartha D. DeLoach, a iornwr top F.B.I. official and now a vice president of Pepsi- co, Inc.; Myles J. Ambrose, for- mer head of the Customs Bu- reau and now director of the Office of Drug Abuse Law En- forcement; Jerris Leonard, head of the Law Enforcement Assis- tance Administration; and F.velle J. Yeemeee, Attorney General of California. Darker horses appear to be John E. Ingersoll, director of the Bureau of Narcot,ics and Dangerous Drugs; andHP.Pre. rick Gray 3d, Deputy Attorney General-designate.' Still less likely appear to be Robert C. Mardian, former. As- ?sistant Attorney General. and Supreme Court Justice Byron R. White. So far there are no solid re- ports on the persons being considered. According to reli- able sources within the Justice Department, Mr. Kleindienst's meeting this afternoon was just an informal "name - dropping" session and no machinery has yet been set up to gather and process candidates for White House consideration. "Do not expect rapid ac- tion, one informed official said. Apparently, some informal lobbying has gotten under way. A public relations assistant to Mr. Ingersoll at the Bureau of Narcotics called to offer a re- porter a biography of Mr. In- gersoll "in connection with Mr. Hoover's death." One course that the Adminis- tration might choose would be to have Mr. Kleindienst name an acting F.B.I. director ? such as W. Mark Felt, the current No. 2 man ? and have him keep the job through Novem- ber. That would eliminate thel prospect of handing the Demo- crats of the Judiciary Commit- tee ? fresh from the embar- rassing hearings relating to the International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation ? the chance for scrutinizing another Administration appointee as well as the policies and prac- tices of the F.B.I. during the last three years. By the logic of at least one Administration official, if Mr. Nixon loses in November, the new President will appoint his own F.B.I. director anyway. And if Mr. Nixon wins, "there will be a lot less zeal on the part of the Democrats to ques- tion anybody in the fall." Asked how people in the F.B.I. here were taking the news of Mr. Hoover's death, one long-time bureau official said: "There is no emotion. What you had is a small empire and a king, and very few people ever got to meet the king. The director was totally isolated. People are sitting around ask- ing, 'What's going to happen and how will it affect me?' " 'Bureau Runs Itself' d -fictr WrIff?C1e?044?/glilat sense, the bureau runs itself." Edward H. Hayes, the special STAT I NTL agent ?iri charge .of the burean c in Wisconsin,, struck a typical gress. note 'whem he said he had "no For that reason, former worries about the future of the bureau officials have been F.B.I. without Hoover." urging the need for "safe- The personality and experi- guards" on Mr. Hoover's suc- ence of the new appointee and cessor. One department official the changes the Administration said today that the next ap- would like to -see in the bureau pointee "will have to inspire' are obviously linked, particu- confidence that he will not larly in a Government bureau abuse the power of leading a that has been the fiefdom of potential secret police force." one man for almost half a cen- Whether or not Con- tury. gressional critics of the bureau Justice Department officials will now move to build such have indicated for a long time restraints into the structure of that they were unhappy, even the bureau is not yet clear. at high levels, with three as- pects of-Mr. Hoover's direction . of the bureau, and they are al- "Democratic Views Democratic. sources in the .ready indicating that they hope Senate indicated today that the Administration will try to some of the persons reportedly remedy these in Appointing his under consideration would en- successor. counter little opposition from The first complaint of many them ? such as Justice White officials was "the gulf" between and Police 'Chief Wilson. the bureau and the Justice De- :.partment. As one of them put l it, "Mr. Hoover's tremendous ,dominance of the bureau al- -lowed him to put a curtain around it and- make it inviola- ble at less than his level." This, he said, impeded "day-to-day working intercourse" between On the other hand it was contended that only "Mitchellian logic" could prompt the Administration to face the likely Congressional struggle of appointing sbme one like Mr, Mardian, whom they regard as an arch-conservative people in the department and on rights. their counterparts ? in the F.B.I. No matter whom the Admin- Other Justice Department of- istration nominates, the bureau ficials have spoken privately seems certain to face in the Of a kind of clandestine rola- course of his confirmation hear- tionship that grew up between ings -the most thorough public themselves and bureau em- ployes, with F.B.I. personnel investigation in its history. The helping them so (once as they nominee will doubtless be asked were "protected" from Mr. to deal with a range of ques- Hoover's learning they were tions that have been raised with . not living by the rigid struc- growing disquiet over the last ture of the organization chart. year. It was in April, 1971,. that Representative Hale Bogs of Louisiana, the House majority leader, charged that the F.B.I. had been tapping the telephones of members of Congress. While subsequently de did not pro- duce evidence that would satis- fy most of his colleagues, this appeared to be the first of a string of criticisms. Senator Edmund S. Muskie, Democrat of Maine, charged that the F.B.I. had conducted - widespread surveillance of antipollution rallies on Earth Day, 1970. Senator George Mc- Govern, Democrat of South Da- kota, contended that Mr. Hoov- er had tried to injure the rep- utation of an airline pilot who had criticized the bureau for its handling of a hijacking at-i tempt. ? Burglars broke into the Media, Pa., office of the F.B.I. That chart required every re- quest from JuStice to go to the top of the F.B.I., be approved, then bucked down to the opera- tional man. "It was," one of- ficial explained, "a way of preserving Mr. Hoover's con- tr61." Morale Problems Cited The second complaint of some department people was related. They felt that the F.B.I. had severe morale -problems, that it inhibited and repressed its younger men and daily forced Iso much bookkeeping, clerical :work and ritual forms on its, lagents that they became parti- ally immobile. The third complaint related, to Mr. Hoover's personality., Most Justice Department lawyers shared respect for the man and his accomplishments in law enforcement. They -ad- mired what Ray L. Feist, the a special agent in charge of the and released to the press doe- El Paso, Tex., bureau office merits indicating that the bu- pointed to today ? 47 years reau was engaged in active free of fraud or scandal." surveillance of student, Negro : GIA-R13980f-011431R0044N99pAplra,ps. a very powerful agency, only _ about his near-total power in ? ? bontliaued N. Approved For Release 20001SMINGEM-IRDPBCRAMIRgOGABOUir0001-3 19 MARCH '1972 STATINTL EDITED by LLOYD SHEARER BECAUSE OF VOLUME OF MAIL RECEIVED, PARADE REGRETS IT CANNOT ANSWER QUERIES. prr The FBI has expanded its GuEr V,n,O.1 overseas net- ' tihi,..asitl work of agents from 90 to 96. FBI operations in foreign ,countries have never been specifically authorized by ;Congress. Intelligence -gathering, 'especially over- seas, is supposedly the domain of the Central In- telligence Agency. But FBI .Director J. dgar Hoover .has convinced Congress to let him open two new , offices abroad and increase t his permanent foreign staff. The function of 96 FBI agents in ten overseas posts is to develop and maintain a. close and co- operative relationship with police agencies in the ?countries to which they've :been assigned. Overseas the FBI agents are called "legal at- taches." Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-01601R001400060001-3 larr. Approved For Release 2006/01/0tEEIMDP80-01601ROOt SOCIETY OF FORMER AGD:ITS IZE1.IEI 07121293 ILV7A110 Zra WILLIAM W. TURNER Mr. Turner, a former FBI agent, is now a journalist and lecturer. Ile is the author of Hoover's FBI (Sherbourne?Press) and Power on the Right (Ramparts Press). The annual convention of the Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI might again have passed unnoticed last fall had not Spiro Agnew been the featured speaker. The press showed up at Atlanta's posh Regency Hyatt House, and although rapped by the Vice President and the pro- gram hairman and pointedly left unfed at lunch, dutifully reported the speech. "Our traditional concept of success," Agnew told his well-tailored-and-barbered audience, ."makes the ultraliberal nose twitch with distaste, as though it has sensed a vaguely unpleasant odor." The former G- men greeted his familiar philippics with a standing ovation. ?" Despite this coverage, few newspaper readers had the remotest idea of the success J. Edgar Hoover's alumni have had in penetrating the highest echelons of the nation's .security-industrial complex, or in populating the Congress, the Executive, the Judiciary and state and local govern- ments. ? As an index, there are eleven Society members in the House of Representatives, foremost among them being H. Allen Smith, ranking Republican on the powerful Rules Committee. Four hold key staff positions on the House 'Internal Security Committee. The chiefs of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Secret Service, IRS Intelli- gence Division and Post Office Inspectors belong to the Society. So do the security directors of major defense con- tractors, large corporations and the National Football League. Many public law-enforcement and private investi- gative agencies are dominated by Society members. The Governor of New Jersey carries a card, as does the attor- ney general of California, who aspires to be that state's governor in 1974. The Society, with headquarters in the Statler Hilton in New York, claims approximately 5,200 members. It was founded in 1937 with slightly more than 100 members and the motto: "Loyalty?Goodwill---Friendship." The moti- vation seems to have been an American Legion-like cam- araderie among men who fancied themselves front-line veterans of the war against crime. To this day, the pages of the Society's monthly Grapevine drip with nostalgia for the Dillinger days. A recent article, for example, lamented the passing of a member who had helped "set the trap for John Dillinger in front of the Biograph Theatre in Chicago on July 22, 1934," and ran a news photo of the agent, in two-tone shoes and :straw boater, standing behind the hearse that carried away the remains of Public Enemy No. One. Another issue published an article by a charter mem- ber, entitled "G-Men Cut Gangsters Down to Size in ? Blazing 1920s." It told how "the FBI stepped in with bril- liant detective work and undaunted courage under the matchless leadership of J. Edgar Hoover." Nothing in Grapevine tampers with the legend. No mention is made, for instance, that theAlArtiltWiNia*RelitatleaNfd011103 Dillinger for the kill was actually a paid informer of the private Hargrave Secret Service, and an announcement that a member newly elected to a California judgeship took part "under J. Edgar Hoover's leadership in the capture of Roger 'The Terrible' Touhy" fails to recall that the FBI had erroneously seized Touhy for the 1933 Hamm kidnap- ping, a caper actually pulled off by Alvin "Kreepy" Karpis. The bond of experiences shared lures the Exes, as they call themselves, to Society luncheons, dinners, dances, parties, ceremonial functions and days at ballparks and race tracks. A meeting of the Ls Angeles chapter was addressed not long ago by Jeremiah O'Leary, a Washing- ton Star reporter through whom the FBI plants its stories. In 1970 the Philadelphia chapter passed a resolution ovei after-dinner coffee, commending that city's "law-and- order" police commissioner, now Mayor Frank Rizzo. Later that year the Utah chapter played host to Judge George W. Latimer, defense counsel in the My Lai trials. And last October 22, Hoover himself appeared at a Wash- ington chapter dinner to report delays in: the construction of the new FBI headquarters (which will cost an estimated $.105 million and be by far the most expensive government office building). Such events are covered by Grapevine in something of a fraternity-house style. One recent item reported that a member who manages a restaurant-hotel complex in South- ern California had bought a female elephant for a wild animal farm that is part of the promotion. The member, the magazine advised, "is adamant in his refusal to ride the elephant as a publicity stunt, even though it conforms to his political party preference." The Society's most important single activity is the Execu- tive Services Committee, a kind of placement bureau that depends on the local chairmen to keep it informed of local employment opportunities. The Exes have found the FBI legend highly exploitable?indeed, some entered the bu- reau simply to gain the prestige. Lawyers have found that an autographed portrait of Hoover on the office wall gen- erates clients; others have discovered that the doors of industry and commerce are frequently wide open. The committee puts out feelers on behalf of agents who are quitting or retiring. Its success is indicated by a recent report that it had "placed thirty-nine Society members with an average salary of $19,750." The annual Congressional Night staged by the Society shows just how highly placed some of the Exes are. The 1970 event, at the Rayburn House Office Building, heard speeches by Secret Service Chief James J. Rowley and Congressman Smith. The 1971 affair, transplanted to the more commodious Shoreham Hotel, starred Lieut. Gen. Joseph F. Carroll, head of the DIA, and Republican Con- gressmen Samuel L. Devine of Ohio and Lawrence J. Hogan of Maryland. Six other Congressional members of the Society were present: Garry Brown (R., Mich.); Omar T. Burleson (D., Tex.), chairman of the House Admin- istrative Committee; Frank Denholm (D. S. Dak.); Ed Ecgi&TRFR9.7CtiN:1)RAR114W29glalne (R., Iowa). Three others who couldn't make it that night were Smith, Robert Tiernan (D., R.I.) and Harold Runnels (D., Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-0160 DES MOINES, IOWA TRIBUNE E - 113,781 JAN 2 6 1972 Spy Competition The Federal Bureau of Investigation has 90.agents . - overseas and plans to .add six more. Is J. Edgar? Hoover trying for an International Bureau of Inves-.. tigation? Columnists Rowland Evans and Robert Novak say Hoover had to promise the State Department and the Centraligence Agency (which have a primary duty of -.1111ng intelligence abroad) that FBI agents abroad would operate strictly under U.S. am- bassadors. They will operate in the guise of "legal attaches" to embassies. The FBI is said to have agreed that it will not gather foreign intelligence, but just help apprehend fugitives from U.S. justice. ? Evans and Novak assert, however, that FBI men do gather foreign intelligence and that they forward it directly to FBI -headquarters, not through the am- bassador. The intelligence the FBI gathers is mostly worthless gossip, according to intelligence agents f 'rim rival agencies. Internecine wrangles am? ong rival intelligence out- fits are normal. The Central Intelligence Agency was created in 1947 to bring some order into the situation ? to co-ordinate the work of the various . Defense and State Department intelligence agencies abroad, and leave the FBI to handle investigations of violations of federal laws at home ? unless par- ticular fields were assigned to other agencies, such as the Narcotics Bureau. The Central Intelligence Agency was forbidden to do clandestine work inside the United States, but an expose-type book by David Wise and Thomas Ross ("The Espionage Establishment") asserted that the 'CIA violates this ban. A recent Newsweek account of the .shift of heroin smuggling in the last two years from French and Corsican smugglers to Latin American smugglers is based mainly upon FBI sources. So evidently the FBI has moved into narcotics, now, once reserved for the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs. Co-operation and even competition between differ- ent federal agencies has its values sometimes, but aren't jurisdictional lines getting pretty snarled up? ? Are there no workable limits for the FBI and the C? IA? STATINTL Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-01601R001400060001-3 STATINTL Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-01601R001400060001 3 HOLYOKE, MM. TRANSCRIPT-7,ELEUMI JAN 2 0 19rz E 27,815 Indulgence .We're going to wake up some morning and find that J. Edgar ? Hoover has been named third-in- line for the presidency. At about 10 'a.m. that day the president and his number two will succumb to poison- ed cheesecake and the Grand Old Watchdog will take over. Despite Hoover's enfeebled state (even right-wing columnists con- cede that his able men are quitting and toads are rising) ? he still has one of the biggest monuments in Washington. The new FBI building is second in size only to the Penta- gon and will cost $120 million. Hoo- ver feels nice about that since the Kennedy Center cost just more than half that. While the world has been expect- ing Hoover's retirement, he has ap- parently been shoring up his Wash- ._ , ington stack. According to column- ists Evans and Novak, he just got authorization from Pres. Nixon to open up '20 new spy offices 'abroad. Coming at a time when foreign service and the CIA are getting cut back, there's hardly rational justi- -fication for putting from two to six agents in places like Rio de Janie- ro, Santo Domingo, Canberra and New Delhi as "legal attaches." Hoover has a feud with the CIA .1 though, so I guess we've no choke but to go along with his spy vs. spy exercise. Every time he hears swing tunes Hoover decides he wants to get back into the kind of world- wide operation he had in WWII with the Intelligence Service. And, ? as presidents and public know too well, whatever Hoover wants, Hoo- ver gets. Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-01601R001400060001-3 J NASIIINGTON POs 21 JAN 7972 Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-01601R0 STATINTL 01400060001-3 Rowland Eimns and Robert`Novak oover's Empire Abroad .., J. EDGAR HOOVER has quietly won President Nix- 'on's approval for an expan- Sion of the FBI's interna- tional intelligence-gathering operations despite grave misgivings in the State De- partment and Central Intel- ligence Agency. ' That will put the Federal Bureau of Investigation in over 25 foreign capitals, un- authorized specifically by' law and unknown to the public or most congressmen. Moreover, these FBI agents, supposedly stationed abroad ,to help apprehend fugitives from U.S. justice, are trans- mitting ? secret intelligence reports back to Director Hoover. This bizarre story casts further light on two intrigu- ing aspects of Hoover: First, his undiminished ability, born of four decades of ex- perience as the bureaucrat supreme, to get his way in Washington; second, the te- nacity of Hoover's passion to get the FBI into the spy business and his animus to- ward the CIA. The overseas FBI agents are called, officially and eu- phemistically, "legal at- taches" and are assigned to U.S. embassies abroad. ,Legal attaches have long performed useful work ? in Ottawa and Mexico City, helping track down fugi- tives. Similarly, the case can be made for agents assigned to London, Tokyo and per- haps one or two other for- eign capitals. But Hoover has gone far beyond this. Shielded from public and congressional scrutiny, he has quietly built an overseas network of FBI agents in some 20 countries. The latest step came last year when the director pro- posed expansion into . an- other dozen capitals, and showed his legendary deft- ness in the bureaucratic jun- gles by going right to the top for approval. In a private conversation at the White House with President Nixon, Hoover casually brought up his de- sire to establish a few new legal attache offices. Like most Presidents of the past 47 years, Mr. Nixon has no desire to cross the director. He agreed. Thus, Hoover went to the State Department armed with the President's prior approval, a fait accomp4. State Department function- aries, faced with cutbacks in the demoralized Foreign Service, were appalled at presidential approval for a dozen legal attache offices - - . containing two to six FBI quired to send foreign intel agents each. Across the Po- ligence reports back to Hoo tomae River, CIA officials. ver through FBI channels eyed Hoover's overseas ex- pansionism suspiciously. In tedious negotiations, the State Department man- aged to cut back Hoover's legal attaches for failure to expansion by about half. Fi- send him sufficient intelli- nally, the FBI proposed gence material. opening new offices in six The caliber of the intelli- additional cities: Manila, gence picked up by the over- Rio de Janeiro, Singapore, seas FBI agents is consid- New Delhi, Canberra and ered suspect by intelligence Santo Domingo. Although experts, however. Barred the location of legal attache from conducting overseas offices is a closely guarded operations, ?the legal at- secret, it is understood that taches tend to pass along FBI agents will now be gossip picked up on Em- placed in all of these cities bassy Row and in the coffee with the possible exception houses. Whether the thou- of New Delhi. sands of tax dollars spent for this purpose is justifia- ble is therefore questiona- ble. But, as we have reported in earlier columns, the F'BI's own outstanding agents know that the bureau could stand substantial improve- ment in . carrying out the tasks Congress has assigned to it?particularly apprehen- sion of foreign espionage agents in the United States. In view of that, Hoover's overseas expansionism, con- doned by the President and the Secretary of State, seems particularly inappro- priate. Publishert-Hall Syndicate unseen by State Department or CIA. Indeed, the director himself has reprimanded IN OTHER WORDS, Sec- retary of State William Rog- ers, who as attorney general under President Eisenhow- er in the late 1960s gave Hoover free rein at the FBI, decided not to make an issue of Hoover's worldwide expansionism. One reason is assurances, given to both the State Department and CIA, that the overseas FBI agents will be operating strictly under the U.S. am- bassadors and will not be gathering foreign intelli- gence. The truth is otherwise. The "legal attaches!' are re- Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-01601R001400060001-3 WASHINGTON STAR 1 2 JAN 1972 Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-01601A0Vflikpe60001-3 DAVID LAWRENCE Hoover Should Be Kept as Adviser To some people, the possible resignation in 1972 or 1973 of J. Edgar Hoover at the end of a long and. meritorious career would mean just a change in an official position, which hap- pens often in government as able replacements are found. But the head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation is to- day one of the most impor- tant persons in the govern- ment, and anybody who suc- ceeds him can hardly have the knowledge that Hoover has gathered in 48 years of dedi- cated service. The Bureau of Investigation was established in 1908 to han- dle Department of Justice in- vestigations. But it had many difficulties and it had to be reorganized during the Cool- idge administration. In 1924, J. Edgar Hoover was appointed by Atty. Gen. Harlan F. Stone as its director and has served in that post ever since. When this correspondent talked with officials in the ear- ly 1920s about the future of the FBI, they foresaw it as a small agency that would do the detective work of the gov- ernment. But when Hoover took charge, he began to de- velop it as an effective investi- gative unit that could be help- ful not only to the Department of Justice but to the President and other executive depart- ments. ? The main reason why many people inside the government will be sorry to see Hoover retire is that he has performed useful duties in information- gathering and has been able to detect activities by factions or groups either generated by_ foreign influences or prompted by a desire to assist the causes of countries hostile to Ameri- ca. All that Hoover has packed into his mind over these many years has not been put on pa- per. President Nixon will be reluctant to see him go. This correspondent has not mentioned the subject to Hoo- ver, but believes that perhaps the present director of the FBI could be persuaded, when he- does decide to retire, to contin- ue to perform duties as an adviser, especially in delicate situations that arise from time to time and with which he is familiar. Also, this would per- mit orderly transfer of the huge task to the new director, which is not going to be some- thing that can be done in a year or two. Hoover is not interested at the moment in retiring, but when he is ready 'to leave pub- lic office, he ought to be en- couraged to serve as an advis- er to his successor so that his recollections of events and his knowledge of particular types of problems will become MI- mediately available to whoev- er is in charge of the FBI and to the President. Few people have a complete knowldege of the scope of the FBI's operations. It does, of course, cooperate with the lo- cal police departments and en- forcement bodies. But its main functions are carried out through its own investigative machinery, which is very effi- cient and works to collect in- formation that has often been used to solve crimes promptly. A lot of the important tasks performed by the FBI never get into print. This is because they are merely in the infor- mation-gathering category and are transmitted to other agen- cies, such as the CIA, and fre- quently help in dealing with plots of an international na- ture which have been hatched to hurt this country. The FBI has a limited num- ber of agents, and the decision of how to use them requires experience. Some people think the FBI only serves the De- partment of Justice in the pur- suit of evidence in connection with certain kinds of criminal activities. But the FBI has worked in many cases that never became public. The man who must survey this entire establishment and watch it from all sides gathers over the years an experience that is difficult to describe. For this is almost unlimited in cover- ing the many crime problems that arise. J. Edgar Hoover has in- stilled a Spirit of fidelity among his men not to any po- litical party but to the govern- ment of the United States. His wide experience should not be lost. If he does retire, a meth- od should be found to maintain contact with him for his ad- vice, as his 48 years have taught him more than any oth- er man knows about the crimes and underground war- fare with which this country is threatened from time to time. Certainly it is to ? be hoped that Hoover would accept the idea of an arrangement that would continue to make avail- able to the government his un- matched knowledge in a spe- cial and important field. Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-01601R001400060001-3 FBI CONFERENCE TIIL lIATIO11 STATINTL Approved For Release 2 o o 6iefictio.vcIV9-741DP o -o 1.6 o R001400060001-3 - - STATINTL (7----;41-7-) maircuil fil`MVALIIITYN Mr: Schardt is a Washington-based free-la nee writer concen- trating on civil liberties subjects; and iS national legislative director .of -the ACLU. Supreme Court nominee Lewis Powell characterizes criti- cisms of the Federal Bureau of Investigation as "mindless attacks." Supreme Court. nominee William Rehnquist is impatient with those who Object to the Bureau's proclivity 'for tapping the private telephone conversations of law- abiding citizens... Some .71 per cent of the American people are so untroubled by the role of the FBI in America that they can assure Gallup pollsters. they high- ly approve of the Bureau's work. Those who disagree with the majority on this inevitably emotional topic are often called "soft on crime," or worse. Indeed, most of the majority would. transpose the phrase "mindless critics". to read "any critics," for they have long been .conditioned to misconstrue even constructive criticism of .. the Bureau as an attack upon it. . . But those who disagree with the majority are growing, both in .numbers and in determination that the time has come_ for a searching evaluation of Amen 's single most sacrosanct institution of government. So it was that early this month the Committee for Public Justice,. a recently formed group concerned about political repression, - teamed up with the Woodrow Wilson School of Princeton ?University to conduct a historic conference?the first or- ganized, serious, scholarly inquiry ever conducted int.() ?the place of the FBI in American society.? . Participants included some forty legal and constitutional scholars, journalists, former agents, former Justice De- partment personnel and ex-informers. Inside Princeton's Cols;vin. Hall they sat around a huge, green felt rectangle of tables, amidst microphones, pitchers of ice water, tape recorders, banks of TV cameras and tall towers of blind- ing lights. For the sake of the cameras, the huge room's .30-foot tan curtains were closed against the brilliant sunlight of two sweet, warm fall days. Inside, the discus- sions w6-it on and on and on. If the hard-working group never saw the light of day inside that morn, their pulling and tugging and probing did manage to shed a different kind of -light on a topic long exempt from meaningful scrutiny. Getting there' was not half the fun. From its in- ception, the conference had been accused of being "loaded" against the FBI. It was, in fact, difficult to achieve a satisfactory balance, since invitations to partici- pate or to send a representative were rejected by Atty. Gen. John Mitchell, the Society of Former Special Agents, and J. Edgar Hoover himself, the latter asking the con- ference, in the ? course of a 7-page letter of regrets, for an "acquittal" in the "trial.' . --A name-calling, pre-conference column by William F. Buckley wrote off thArrtiVecr IktstigiboWticiriedIA-RbPsoifot4lo TR9 0400esoo CIA ? always felt, taking the Fifth Amendment duiing the 1950s witch hunts, or publicly disagreeing with Mr. Hoover. On the floor of Congress the conference was attacked by Rep: Richard "chord, chairman of the House Internal Security Committee. A 2-page ad in The Daily Princetonian, head- lined "Scholarly Convocation or Hatchet Job?," was.spon- sored by Undergraduates for a Stable America (USA), a group headed by T. Harding Jones, a senior who last' summer served as a White House intern to Presidential counselor Robert Finch. Jones termed the conference "the epitome of the bias and oneness of opinion that the USA has tried to change at the university." (I. F. Stone ex- claimed that he ne.ver thought he would live to see such a meeting, let alone at Princeton, "which I had always considered an air-conditioned desert island where [politics professor] Hubie Wilson sits in lonely liberal splendor.") Numerous protests came also from Princeton's con- servative alumni, along with thick stacks of hate mail and threats. The range and depth of protests against even this sober effort to examine the FBI underscored the' overwhelming success of the Bureau's decades-long pub- licity campaign, and reinforced the need to hold such a Seminar. ? Besides examining the role, powers and structure of. the Bureau, the conference aimed to study six major areas of. mounting concern. Princeton professor of politics Duane Lockard, a conference co-chairman along with Norman Dorsen of NYU Law School and-Burke.Marshall of Yale Law School, listed them in a 'letter re-extending an invitation to Mr. Hoover: the Bureau's failure to deal adequately with organized crime; the extent and nature of its use of informers; its collection of vast quantities of data on private citizens; the Bureau's budget; its per- formance in ?enforcing civil rights laws; and its public relations activities. To do its work, the smoothly run marathon was or- ganized to hear summaries of thirteen study papers. pre- pared by various participants, to discuss. each .of them, and to take part .in four panels------one featosil:-,?: ex- informers, one of former Special Agents, one of fsEener Justice_ Department officials, and one - examini::,, FBI relationships with local-Police. Questions were accepted from anyone in the room----conferees, official observers, or members of the general public who filtered in and out Of the 200 chairs provided for them at one end of :the room.. At the end of the first day, which lasted until- .after 10 P.M., persons were heard to say that they had 'not. learned much new. Yet even near the close of almost. twelve hours of work, everyone in that _room had been listening and concentrating with notable intensity. And by the end of. the second day, it was unmistakable that. something important had gradually been.. put together, topic piling upon topic until there it all was.' What it amounted to was an enormous collection of information, proposals and unanswered questions. And FBI nuts" and others NV o had committedsuch sins as "eon t nu o.ti Approved For Release 2006/01/03 CIALRb15130 k Approved For Release.226061/OttioniAb14o 1---- 4 cv4.- f !fait, 1. "".1 q:-,??!" , k STAT114\ITL ? ? ' ? ? s _ STATINTL -01601R001400060001-3 -01601R001400060001-3 :1(02 S STAT I Approved For Releas4 CIA-RDP80-01601R001 A New leocv,s on F.B.le Talk in Capital No Longer Centers on Hoover but on Bureau as Institution By ROBERT M. SLII.TH Special to The New Yoe.: Times WASHINGTON, Nov. 8--How,timeof "radical" politics; mean- good are your 'relations with J. Edgar Hoover, a Justice De- partment official was asked. ingful oversight of the bureau's finances; the relationship be- tween the bureau and local police forces, and the dissemina' TL SIAIINIL 400060001-3 was in order was an examina- tion of the burdens that the executive branch had placed oil the F.B.I. in the last 30 years. His basic argument was: If, the President and his assistants, tell the F.B.I. that they want to know whether .there are sub- versives at an ecological or con- stuner gathering, what bureau director is going to say, "We shOuldn't try to find out." Questions . like that carried the conference to support of a suggestion heard in Washing- ton since last spring,: The "No better better and no worse than Lion and control of computer- tion of a. hoard of private citi- they. have ever been," be re- stored information, zens to monitor t he F.BI.'s . work. That is not a suggestion lied One sign of the new question-. CIL mg the recent conference i ..hat Mr. Hoover's operating - Does that Mean they ? on the F B.1. at Princeton Uni- !style makes him likely to wel- good or bad, the . questioner ' vers 3. . aeclined to it , Mr Hoover d COrne. perSiaed. "No comment," the go off the ground that the par- official said. When . a Justice Depart- - . Analysis ment official does News not not say out- right that Things ? - ---- - - - _ with the F.B.I. arc of Senator Robert F. Kennedy. . . just great, it is significant. It Nevertheless, the criticism of is a sign of the times and of the bureau tended, on the whole, to be scholarly and in- the problems that have recent- _ ? dcipants were patently biased against him. Many of them were, as they were civil liber- tarians and former associates stitutional. ly come to plaaue the F.B.I. 's 76-year-old One of the key questions that It is also a sign of Mr. developed at Princeton was: . Should the F.B.I. Combine both Hoover's bureaucratic skill, jus, criminal investigations and se- power, perseverance and cnrity surveillance?and where plain staying-power that offi- does one draw the line between cials still don't talk about the real problems between their agencies and the F.B.I. If they wanted to talk about them publicly, they could men- tion that the bureau has severed direct liaison with the Central Intelligence Agency. They would also contend that it is plagued with bureaucratic ,rigidity in carrying out its assignments and is as jealous as an inse- cure lover of the information it has gathered. Although officials are not dis cussing Mr. Hoover publicly, there is increasing discussion of the F.B.I. as an institution., - A Different Crossroads Thus, 3. Edgar Hoover is not just at another of the crossroad that have dotted his 47-year career as the bureau's chief. The focus has shifted. Washing- F.B.I. surveillance?and the ton is now talking about what Jolm Birch Society, which he is wrong with the .agency?in- thought should not. But those, stead of what's wrong with Mr. he acknowledged, were extreme Hoover?and- the bolder offici cases. are speculating on what should be done to the agency and who should head it when Mr. Hoove is gone. , In the last few months, since Representative Hale Boggs's charges that Congressmen's telephones were tapped, the per sonal attacks have dropped off. The disc.16;Sions now involve such topics as: the responsive- ness of the ,bureau to the con- trol ofAftrOiiodifrofiRdie and the rrtsioent; its role in a the two? ' Professor Troubled _ Prof. Thomas I. Emerson, a Yale law school professor, said that what bothered him about the bureau was its work in 'compiling political dossiers on people not chaaged with a crime or reasonably suspected of a violation of the law." Two participants ammeditately replied with two questions: Would he not want the F.B.I. to look into a "political" group whose activities included vi- olence? And who should decide what constitutes "reasonable" suspicion of violating the law? Mr. Emerson agreed that these were tough questions. He drew a distinction between the Ku Klux Klan--which he thought should be subject to . The conference- made- no progress in drawing a clearer line. ? ??- ? Nor did the conference make headway on the question, of who should decided. which groups ought to be bugged, tapped and watched. Some participants contended that whoever that person should be, he should not be Mr. Hoover. John T. Elliff, a young peliti- VrsTr6PARP3tYaletIVM 0-01601R001400060001-3 STATINTL Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-0160 iitauvisii,uncr, PA. PATRIOT 45,299 PATRIOT?NEVIS ? 159,880 DJ 6 71 0 fr0 t1 f /CY' '? " , 1-114 o 1\?" PI 1 , [4 - ? From Vic Patriot Wire Services ? WASHINGTON -- CIA Direc- tor Richard A. Helms has been - given broad overall supervision in an overhaul of the United States' intelligence gathering Operations, the White House announced yesterday. ? Officials said Helms would be freed from some operational responsibility at the Central In- telligence Agency tO assume "communitywide responsi- bilities of the several scattered intelligence operations." Chairman George H. Mahon of the House Appropriations Committee, which has been amOng.congeossional critics of ' U.S. intelligence operations, ? said after a White House brief- ing on the reorganization that it was a step in the right direc- tion, but it was too early to pre- diet results. ? "I believe we can save per- sonnel and money and get more intelligence," Mahon told a reporter, but he quickly ?added that intelligence oper- ations had been repeatedly reorganized with but ,limited . success. C Rep. Lucien Nedzi, -chairman of a House armed :seryices subcommittee with so- :pervisory responsibility for the CIA and Pentagon intelligence or:i.erations, said he did not find the new shakeup particularly .i!dramatic." tr iiL Tr, A -p-rtiJi J,'iJLk o tik) rest 1R001400060001-3 ?An intelligence 'committee will be set up within the Na- tional Security Council which :will be headed by Dr. henry A. Kissinger, presidential adviser ?. on national security affairs. The committee will include the CIA director, the attorney gen- eral, the under secretary of ' state, the deputy secretary of ? defense 'and the chairman of , the Joint Chiefs of Staff. put Nedzi questioned the ad- --A "net assessment group" "I, will be ,established within the ditional duties given Helms. have doubts about the capacity-.) ational Security Council ; which will be responsible for of any one person to be able to; ?reviewing and evaluating all oversee the entire intelligence '*itellieence oPeration and at the same time administer the CIA," the con- gressman said. The reorganization also re- vived the old U.S. Intelligence Board whose membership will include Helms, FBI Director 3. Edgar Hoover, the chief of the Defense intelligence agency and representatives of other agencies with a stake in in- telligence operations. Time magazine reported in its October-25 issue that Hoo- ver recently had "effectively cut off the international from the national intelligence effort" by limiting contacts between FBI and CIA men. But officials flatly denied the report. Time in the same article said Hoover also had abolished a seVen-Man FBI section that maintained eopta.ct with other U.S. intelligence units, in- eluding the defense intelligence agency... - The- White 1-lose announce; in e n t listed these specific ? steps:. - --Helms will assume "en- hanced leadership" in plan- ning, reviewing, coordinating ,and evaluating all intelligence ?Iprograms and activities. Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA:RDP80-01601R001400060001-3 Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-01601R001400060001-3 STATINTL . FT. WAYNE, IND. JOURNAL GAZETTE fly 0 rt; M - 240 S - 105,850 ? Scab Much of what's been happening at - the FBI recently will never appear on its Sunday evening television Show. On TV .the inspector never unekpectedly "resigns" or gets transferred to' a remote ) post, the' FBI never bungles a rescue at- rtempt.. during a plane hijacking; and, most importantly; it n-e7Frii7"gsked to appear at a university seminar to de- fend its activities. The FBI's early strength was the ; product of 'a single dedicated man,, the ? director. The FBI's current -weaknesses ' ;have the same origin. The identification of the individual with the institution has made it. particularly,difficult to sep- arate the-two and look at the 'BI with the same sort of detachment given other federal agencies. And that's ihe point on which most of the FBI criticism bogs down.' A recent' Princeton University con- ference on the FBI followed a familiar script. Invited 'to appear before the con- ference, irector J. Edgar Hbover de- 'dined on the grounds that the FBI had been' convicted ahead of time, but he sent along letter defending the bureau . and itsoperations. Hoover also stig- ., . gested referendum on FBI perform- ance among living U.S. Presidents, Con-: gressmen, ? Senators, at'torneys' and fed- eral judges. A referendum, however, is hardly the type of review the FBI needs. If the Princeton-type examination irks the FBI, it might be pointed out that, there has been little else done over the'. years to make unnecessary. The long-' standing lack of accountability 6'.nd ade-' quate review procedures have led to a' massive accumulation of questions, com- plaints and weaknesses that threatens, both the FBI's image and effectiveness. While no one would -reasonably suggest "politicizing" the bureau, there are numerous matters about FBI quality, competence, direction of activities, and .financial expenditures thatare of legiti- mate, public concern, but have been . sealed away in the name of security. There have been a number of recent, reports, ,Including the severing of close relationships with the Central Intelli- gensi_g_'1. ency, to support the belief that FBI is running inlo' substantial conflicts. ? As long as the bureau remains althost I totally immune from a 'thorough and relatively impartial review, which' might be provided by a Presidential cornmis? sion, there is no way of knowing wheth- ; .er the FBI's version of national security is a sound or defective ,product. And there's little possibility for ?examining the product as long as the critics can only focus on the director's scalp. Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-01601R001400060001-3 ? ? ';','_.k.Q.H..11-'iGTON Approved For Release 2006031/93 :414-RDP80-01601 rilJV tjfi THE APPREHENSION of -\-VaS. prepared by Dor the Federal Bureau of 311.. thy Lmldsberg -and John t/ Doar., who served in the Jus- vestigation that last week's lice Department's civil citizens' inquiry v,-ould rc- u: sot in a 101)51(10(1 rights division from 1960 to '"""" 1967. lug was largely unjustified. In the unlihely event that ? As it turned out, the Con- an official body held a simi- ference on the FBI at lar hearing on the FBI, this Princeton 'University f -alth" paper would be an invalua- fully mixed its criticism ble model of objeativity, with some solid support and personal knowledge and meaningful insights into the agency built by J. Edgar To the long-standing criti- Hoover. cism that the FBI dragged ? To be sure, there was an its feet on civil rights, Doer abundance of shrill dentin- pointedly replied that nei- ci`iti?"" from P"fes"4"1"1 ther the government nor the haters of 3""g st""M"'-'; American people were. and it was true that Prince- ready, in 1960, for the civil ton's Duane Lockard, con- rights revolution but that ferenee chairman, loaded the the law had involuntarily sessions with plenty of enlisted the 1-13.1. D ng critics. ocumenti POI failures betweengj and 1961, floor As Lockard explained yes- ''The bureau was ill-pre- pared for its predicament. Is it any wonder it delivered such a lackluster perform- ance? FBI field offices in the South were neglected and undermanned. There were no bureau manuals on the detection of discrimina- tory selection of voters. "Voter discrimination it- self had not yet been clearly or Specifically defined. 'Ile bureau supervisors .es.tab- lished in high posts at the scat of government knew only the myths published by the disciples of the solid South." But with the buildup of violence in Mississippi in 1961, a series of events pro-. duced, Dour said, a "magnif- icent change" in 1131 per- formance. TEE EVENTS included the murder .of three 3 oung civil rights workers; art c.:K- ataination of the ildissi,ssippi situation by former CIA Dircetor Allen Dulles, and Moyer himself, plus the ,most ? complete explanation opening of an FBI office in 1'0?,010 a assignment of more than 150 terday, "How else could you have a conference" on FBI procedures and its role in society "without inviting mostly critics?" But whether out of a sense of fair play or bp- 'cause. the conference WilS indRed rigged, individuals ?saw to it that the FBI got Its due along With its lumps. For example, Burke. Mar- shall, former assistant attor- ney general in the Kennedy administration, listeized to alleged FBI informers_ and wondered aloud NV he ther they should have even been Invited. ? Chairman Lockard also Invited Fir?ank Carrington and Richard 'Wright of the conservative 'Americans for Effective Law Eilfoi cement, ? Inc., of Chicago and then saw to it ?..1.1.ey were 'given every oppOrtunity to criti- cize the critics. IN THE CONCERN over whether the FBI was getting a lair shake Or 1101, probably the best and certainly the ? STATINTL R001400060001-3 TATI NTL 11) (1 Ll. Aftei.? that, Doer said, the. FBI "demonstrated IL sZ-ime of the toughest law enforce- ment assignments 3111Ftgilla- ble, exactly how and why it had earned its reputation for thoroughness, -persist- c'nce and toughmilidedness in responsible law enforce- went." ? In solving major rights cases involving the Ku Kiev Klan, Dour supported the FBI's use' of paid inform- ants, infiltration, wiretap- ping and oilier tactics soundly criticised by others at the conference as in- fi-ingcrncnts on constitution- al rights. Several Co7iference parti- cipants asked, if Doer's ap- proval of Fill methods in fighting the Fien'inight also be applied hi such groups as the Black Panthers or the Weatticrmi-in faction of Stu: dents for a Democratic So-, elety. . The responses we.re so di2 verse tina even the FBI would be satisfied of a bone- Lick' cross section of opinion. ? N'd# riiii-*OaOodaritytto3.3em-R12108dbai601R001400060001-3 nearly ignored. agents to the state. STATINTL STATINTL Approved For Release 2006/0NPV: 01-RDP80-01601R001400060001-3 ?P ? 77.--v 1?1 .2 , ? 11 ti 1) 7 cl 11 L ii 7 1; . BY GLEN 3;31SASSE1 [Chi ca TerJuLe Yu:1;s PRINCT;TON, N. J., Oct: 'cif-- For the firs/co time in history, , Edgar Hoover's 1.7 ederaI Bu- reau of -Investigation was on trial. But, after two days of ) f 7 ft, 0. -,-.)..-; . # 11 I . 1 , / ? ,...-,-,-,,:, li .1 P, i. \ ? ' ',, ci, si. r.,, - ? '...,-- ,?, rxe erift s A3..e Read ? ? ? - / \ -, c.,: ix? . .--.' fr/..,.) ,../--,.,,, 1-1 L./ ,,/ ,,,+ I i ? t.1 I/ . . e . r , , ? e l . '-';(" :. . ": q 0 . . . . ? - ? - ? ...., __. . . ..A. V" U.) . ?,'s.?./ L," Q.,49 C; '?_-/ ,c mane:A?even if the prelimi- ! failed to give it direction, gold- nary cheek produces negative.. results. I-Ief also said .that or- 1 Generous Budgets Noted 1 ganizations, not "high priority" ? The cc c' was also given - survellaace i.argets, are sys- a critical look at the FBI's tematically im'iltrated by the . budgeting. process and how un- FBI in order to . provide in- hke other governmont, agencies formers with cover for pone- - and dep,.onc.,,nts, the Far is tr'ti"g more inaceesiblegrollps.. not subject to the usual outside The 11-3-I was also frequently budget reviev,- systems, attacked during the conference `,',-'::!er rircus,1::: ?,-.rrr. in- I ? for its ciisseinination of data vestigator for .the Senate' For- rot connected with criminal ac- eiLn R el a ti 0 a s Committee, tivity. Arych Neier, executive . directer of the Arnerlea.n Civil n?1-ed that in the last 21 years therties Union, ollarcecl that the FBI had received exactly the FBI has injured "millions what it asked fer In its hnclet Valley, Cal.-, ene of tome for- of people" by data dissemina- .in all but te\yo years. Ca these mar FBI agents who partici- 'tion functions that. are beyond 'occasions, he said Congress pated in the conference, pre- the agency's legislative author- rave it roci,e it's original '--,-2-----; , i ...-,,, ; I I/ 3, ,- i , i ,,.-/ i-, ,Pi ,i-. ,. , i ? ,o For two days at Princeton's Corwin Hall, the committee heard -excerpts from 33 papers specifically commissioned for the occasion.- The papers, to he published in book form, amounted to prebahly the most concentrated attack on the FBI liberal by scholars, former ln existence. ? , - its ear Justice Denartmefit officials . _Wtiat ernergej was a pictlife. Find .writers, there. is no final 01 ag3-neY obsessed bY bun> verdict on this most untou.ch- .crate skuliclro'igcrY, aPParently able of .Arnerican.governmental. growing snore powerful thr?u its institutions. . widening use of informers and The organizers of affair wiretaps, and fast becoming a ?the Cora,nittee. for' Public . serious threat to constitutional Justice, top heavy with liberal rights. Democrats?pleaded ignorance William W .Thr-i-16r of 1,1E1 yesterday as they wound up the proceedings at Princeton University. In their final statement the Committee's organizers .stated the problem as they saw it and their inability to do more than draw public attention the situation. '"The obi-Aral point is that for 50 years a powerful federal seated a highly unflattering "in- ity. ? requests: skier's vIew" of the agency According to Nein, of the he added that most govern- his paper. Turner was pi-evi- ?' u' ,0" ss 01- finge11-Prints Ye" ment agencies except perhaps ,?,111:snla,-Vel=1;',ed bY the Fla as eeived bff - the- FBI on an the Central Intelligence Agency . erage working day in: ? 1970, almost fiever receive what they Besides the usual office gos- only 13,000 came ..from law Cil- request. sic and tales of. lie under a agenoics. The Pincus also riduculed Hoo- director who tolcrates no minder wc.r.z. from banks, in_ ver's statistics used in his ap- cism, Turner disparaged many ' snranoe Companies, govern_ 1,-;earanees before the House cc- ment -agencies engaged in hir-- pi?opriations, Su be orn m it t C e lag and licensing pc-ople, or handling the . FI31 funds as other sources not directly con- meanir.gless. neeted to law enforcement. Examples of these ? figures Care:essness Is A/lcged are: Fugitives located were 318, "a new high and an in- crease of 11; per cent over the locations in 1930 6Alto1nc- bile recoveries increased 5 per- cent in 1970 as compared to of the FBI's achievements in catching spies an) criminals. 7N7 ? In short, he attempted to (loci:- ment what he. believed to be the great gap between the agency has net had the ,thoro myth and reality cf. review that we believe free- ? The A. C. L. U. official said Warns of Informer Use that.the FBI, ?on receiving these dom and good gOVOITIment re- _ .former rm figunt told rc,ort:s t113 quIrc in, a democracy, ?lie.), said how ag,ents are, "paperbound" what the FBI files show on the . , (Public officials have not in a morass ot forms and Luc- subiset if the fingcl.pri-1t. conducted such a review and private citizens find th.einselves unable to do. so theroly for a Jack of public information,". the committee leaclet-s; concluded. uments that must be idled out for Noier 1039 to reach a- record high Agents have strict time re- Was the bureau's die cd care- ei 3?,5'30." cluirc,monts for instance, he lessne.ss in distin5nishing ba- Overseers Board Urged said, such as being expected to .? , In the end the, committee came up with more gripes than recommendations for the FBI. The roost important question to he settled, it seemed to be, ? ' _ ; Another particl)ant .Franic ? . ? Hoover, who wilt be, 71 ;! , paiticipaht, jorm Intl, am ? was how to draw the line be- Do - ? nne,i', a Yale University lay, ? ? assIstant professor of dooties tWOOn thr..:1 FBI's crImcf 'eorce- ?neat functions and its role in at Brandeis University, praised spend a certain amount of time '' . ' ? '- ' ' `""e' ? '-'-') "criminal . in 3IS data gathering and dis- cultivating potential "We have inulft f-i . start 1-i,re, , but it is only a start. \;.70 urge imormants, security informants semination? Congress to cont1nue. and racial infoiTnants." - Nevertheless, one co.r.ferca:ce professor .active in .the smoo 1921, refused to partici- pate or sencl a rc.present:iiive can Civil Union, ,ef warned that the gro,,,iing use to the meeting. Hoover char,:, of informers by that the oo.nunittoe whose n the FBI is turn- prominent members include 11? r-s the nation into a "Judas forrner Atty. Gen.' Ramsey ; ecenteed that FPI nre- burcau' Clark with whom he has feuded T. Ile blarned any FBI fatilts on and who was absent, and Burlir?"liminar probes.61 . Pe'erh'I''' the "long line of attorneys, ciea- I Marshall, a former assistant 51105 '7 organiz sid ations' thru oral Preents and Cone?ress.es atterney general?was APIOVettftit RMeit6 2066/0110Aio. 'ciA7RQE113970:60,RPP against him. ? to tie FBI, but have Hoover for establishing a highlypolitical surveillance. objective and politically neutral' There were also remnime31c3-- system for processing, fihn, tions that a board of overseers he .established to review the and retrieving data for th'o, activities, or an, om- budsman be created to hear citizens' complaints ?bout the ? 40S0600Ceti-fair iloover may have the final word. The ex.? fereneo prornist,d to send hIm (1/ WASHIN"GTON POST Approved For Release 210i/44/1331A7RDP80-01601R00140 fa:P 112.3 rz( -1. r{4,:711 Id if By Charles Krause Speei.afto ryfie Washing Lon_ Cl . PRINCETON, NA, Oct. 30 bureaucrat,' 11.undley said. ? The threc-co?chairmen- of "He . always picked areas the two-day Conference on the where he had the must popn,- .FBT called on Congress today Liar and political suj port. lii for a "thorough review" of the; some political prosecutions FBI "neither to N'indicate, nor w?as involved with, the bureau condemn the. bureau" ? .but was very,-very sensitive." "only to.l.mprove it." The discussion of .the FBI's Burke----klarshall, former as investigation of organized sistant attorney general dm- crime- stemmed from a paper lag the Keon:edy. administra, presented to the conference tion, Norman Dolton, a profes- by Fred J, Cook, author -of SOt of Jaw at New York 'filo FBI and Organized verSity, and W. Intane: Lock- Crime." Cook said the FBI be- arch, chairman of Princeton came interested in the Mafia 'University's politics depart- only after Robert Kennedy he- meat, said that "for 50 years came attorney general and , powerful federal. agency has even then was not -always' cc- not had the thorough review operative. ? ? . -that. we believe freedom and' ? - -iiI,' . good government require in a A dsciisson of the F BS . performance. in investigating democracy. , The conference, which civil rights voting chscrimma- ? - tion cases was led by jOhn ended this afternoon m , ade .a Doar, former assistan1 attor- start toward such an inquiry, novferteral in the civil rights the co-chairmen said, but *,.as hampered "for lack of public division. Door said that before . -Informal ion.??we . urge - our 7964 "we found that the bu- reau didn't know the-. ft legislative representatives to thing about its job" of investi- consider a national conitnis- gating discrimination cases. . sion of inquiry that would an- swer raany of the questions But alter Director railed here:, tiny said.. Allen Dulles ?spent two da,vs The co-chairmen suggested investigating alt increasingly that the Senate, 'having power violent situation in .ilissi:ssi90 of approval over the next in 1904,' "the bureau really director of the FBI, might do performed," he said. the job. . Door defended the FBI's Use One of the conference's 1-par.' of informers, wiretaps and ucipapts had another view, electronic surveillance in gain- howeym Bermird ? Fenster, ing, information about the Mt wald, former counsel to the Klux Klan . and differ-ed. - Administrative Practices sub- sliarPlY - with opinions ex- committee of- the Senate Judi_ pressed earlier in the confoi;- ? airy Committee, said he did ence that the use of informer not think Congress "is ? ever "raises the .specter of a PoNe going, to investigate' J. _Edgar .-sttic.e-' Heover or the FBI. Hoover's; got a dossier on everyone on the Hill, and they know it." ? 'William Hundley, chief of the Justice Department's- or- ganized crime division from 1958 to 1906, said he believed- one of -the reasons the- FBI had been lax in investigating organized crime ? was that 'many .eOngressinen - had connections with the Mafia and that, conversely,. congress- men will be loath to. invosti- :gate the inn-eau because they , -feared the F.2.T. Might ictal . L'iou,er is the complet Approved?For Release 2006/0e1/03 : CIA-RDP80-01601R001400060001-3 STATI NTL D060001-3 STATINTL VIILSEITG 1OT4) Approved For Release 2f)C0/61/031EMIIA-RDP80-01601R00 , . Tr -ir t. ? I',71r:;.40yri7 1.-(':...!' ' , r'.:s I .. T ii" :?.1.:, i.,...... :../..: i oLi (if- .ff.: di ,,..? .t,.. . 13y Charles Krause tipeclal to The W[15%11111;1..011 post PRINCETON? N.3, Oct. 7?An TBI Conference" ope:ned here today with the 55 participants painting a grim . picture of a. police state disre- garding crMstitutional liber- ties and repressing political dissent by use of informers, 'wiretaps, electronic surveil- lance and agents provocaturs, The ? 1'm, charging it was cast as the "defendant" and :found guilty before the fact, has ciclined to participate. ? Legal scholars,- politicai sci- entists, journalists and former Justice Department personnel, FBI agents and informants spoke of increasingly uncon- trolled 'power of the FBI, espe- cially in its attempts to mond- tor groups which seek social, ? economic and political chsnge. ' While most of the partici- apnts did not question the movements for change. . :tor J. Edgar Koover, was wide - Fill's ability to combat certain "It can hardly be denied spread,- types of crime, many ex- that the self censorship which The FBI Conference, Spoil- pressed their dissatisfaction it (surveillancc by informers) sored by. Princeton's Woodrcr,v with the bureau's efforts to stimulates more damag- Wilson school and the Corn- fight organized crime, protect jug than many expprossed 'rnittca for Public Justiee, civil rights workers, infiltrate tutory or administrative me- end Saturday, protest- groups and promote straints." the FI31's image as a vigilant_ Former FBI agent Robert 'and ineorruptable investiga- Wall supported. Donner's live agency. charges. Wall said he resigned William Turner, a former from the Washington bureau FBI agent asked to resign in in 1970 because he became. cis- 1951, charged that. he knew of gusted by. the FBI's surveil- several im,innees in which FBI lance activities. "Anyone who agents had forged cheeks, sto- would say something against Jen properly, been involved in the Vietnam war had to be drunken driving accidents and watched and watched closely.. otherwise acted outside the The chilling ,effect was very law. Turner said that none of real," he said, - these agents was charged be- Donner concluded that cause it it sure-au policy to "thoughlul fancriCans must persuade local law enforce- begin to ask themselves ment officials to drop charges. -whether 'national security' ... A Turner said that the FBI really requires that .we cor- as been so unsuccessful in its rupt and bribe our youths,. qteropts to- uncover foreign blacks, professors, students ?t:spionage agents working ho and others_ to betray friends tile United Mates that the CIA and associates; whether there eAas been forced to, set: up its is no other way to defend own bureaus around the e01111- ourselves. . . than to institu- try. tionalize the surveillance of Pro!. Thomas T. Emerson of non-violent protest activity." - - Yale low school, charged that The participants in the con- the FBI regularly violates the fercnce questioned whether First and Fourth amendments all surveillance ? should he .1,,,,ory, STATINTL 1400060001-3 of the constitution. Emerson ended, or oily that concerned said that wiretaps, bugging with political dissent. There and the use of Informers tend was a strong- feeling, ex- to limit freedom of speech and ?pressed by john Doar, for- violate the Fourth Amend- mer assistant attorney general limit's protection from illegal for civil rights during the Kennedy administration, that the use of informants was necessary in protecting civil -searches and seizures. Emerson said that the FBI's "political warfare against dis- sident groups raises the rights workers and combatting. spectre of a police state." The organized crime. Yale law professor said the only remedy for current FBI practice is the creation of a public board of overseers and an ombudsman, to protect the public from arbitrary FBI practices, such as the inclu- sion of persons' names in The use of wiretaps and elec- tronic surveillance Was the sub- ject of another paper, pre- pared by Victor -N?vasky, au- thor of "Kennedy justice," and Nathan Be\vin, ton attorney. Navasky charged that there has been history of deceit practices, sueba A the inclu- ambivalence and confusion sion of persons' narnes nin within the government con- FBI dossiers. ? corning, bugs and taps." he Prof. Frank Donner, also of said the. use of "suicide Yale law school, said political taps," illegal wiretaps by FBI informers used by the FBI are agents to obtain inform Mon Intended as a restraint On without authorization from el- free expression, as a curb on (her Vic courts or tEl Direc- Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-01601R001400060001-3 STATINTL 11E7ISV,Ta4 Approved For Release &6P711T049:761A-RDP80-01601$50A-6660001-3 NATIONAL. /IF TAIT:ZS THE Hoover Under Fire : In 47 years as bead of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, J. Edgar Hoover has always had two things going for. him: absolute loyalty at the highest. echelons of the bureau and unswerving support from each incumbent Administration. But in the wake of a long run of embarrass- ments to the bureau (NEWSWEEK, May 10), the unexpected retirement earlier this month of William C. Sullivan?the third top-ranking official to depart in less Brown: ,Alanhattan shoot-out than two years?has triggered a new round of attacks on the crusty, 76-year- old G-man. There. are signs that some of Hoover's closest lieutenants arc among :the critics?and that the disaffection may have spread to the White House itself. The main thrust of the fresh objections is that Hoover, ever sensitive to criticism ,.of - any kind, has increasingly isolated the F131 from other agencies of govern- ment and that the bureau's performance has consequently deteriorated?particu- larly in a field in which it once was justly famons, counter-espionage. To be sure, an FBI man still sits in on the weekly meetings of the United States Intelligence Board, along with represent- atives from the CIA and the Penta- gon's -intelligence-gathering agencies. But Hoover has eliminated the special FBI teams that once handled liaison with oth- er agencies of gavel-nil-lent. And he has ended the informal man-to-man. byplay that once existed between FBI agents and their counterparts in other govern- mental agencies?including the CIA. Now C-men may consult other government officials on a case only in writing, through channels, and they must include an ac- count of the contact in their reports. ? When the agents themselves argued Approved For asej2QQ./Q1/93ccIA=RDP8070... Top G-man Hoover: New critics against these and other Hoover polie es they deemed restricting, the chief ?e- sponded just as ime usually has in the past?by branding the men insubordina -e, and pressuring them into retirement. The first 10 go was the FBI's chief liaison offi- cer with CIA, a 70-year -Bureau veteran and onetime professional football player named Sam Papi eh. Papicli stepped down last year after an incident involv- ing alleged disclosures by an FBi agent to the CIA about the mysterious disap- pearance of a Czech-born Russian history/ professor at the University of Colorado. But the sharpest rift involved Sullivan, another 30-year vet and one of the men deemed most likely to succeed hoover. For years, Sullivan had been asking his chief for more money to fight Soviet-bloc espionage. For years, Itoover turned him. down. Finally, Sullivan spoke out public- ly on to threat as he saw it?infuriating Hoover and assuring his own professional ? demise. It came a year later?after Hoover, word has it, ordered Sullivan's phone disconnected and the lock on his office door changed. The fact is that a small, elite corps of the FBI's best agents bear responsibili- ty for all counter-espionage within U.S. shores. In recent years, however, this facet of FBI activity has gradually fallen on . Hoover's list of priorities?despite the concern of oilier U.S. intelligence of- ficers, who, like Sullivan, fear that the Soviet spy threat may be growing. In part, the neglect may .reflect FBI frus- tration at State Department interference. After months of legwork, for example, the FBI arrested a Russian U.N. translator in Seattle last February as he was picking up missile secrets from a U.S. Air Force. sergeant?but the State Department, fearing possible danfaue to improVing U.S.-Soviet relations, had the Russian deported instead of prosecuted. Glamorous Figures: The chiefs growing body of critics, 'however, ,lays primary blame on Hoover himself?and what they contend has been his unwarranted pre- occupation with the New Left and the: U.S. Communist Party. The slow, often unrewarding, largely secret work of, counter-espionage, they add, simply does not lend itself to the wholesale-arrest statistics Hoover likes to spread before Congress to bolster his appropriations re- quests each year. : All of which has led some 'Washing- ton observers to conclude that an effort is finally under way within the Adminis- tration to force Mr. Nixon to ask his old friend to step down. Hoover's own lines are still open to the President; he chats vith Attorney General John Mitchell lmost daily on the phone. And the id crime fighter?a past master at pro- ecting his bureaucratic flanks?shows no igta of caving in under the current ?gessure. As one senior military intelli- CMC officer told NawswEEK's Nicholas iorrock "I-louver understands that the R0011499Q60QPiHure whoever's on our side is more important than those ,ho are ranged against you." STATINTL Approved For Release 200601/0?3::1C1k-IRDP80-01601ROCAWOCT6g601-3 STATINTL ' 11 ' r e File on J. Eoiciar Hoover ? Out of our way to cooperate. That would mean sharing the so-called gjo- ' ? ?. - , ry. It's an infantile view of things." UNDER J. Edgar Hoover's dictatorial, fossor named Thomas Rilia. The FBI j ? In recent months, Hoover has 47-year rule, the Federal Bureau had refused to give the president of of Investigation has- in the past been the university any assurance that the dis- widely regarded as one of the finest law- appearance, did not involve foul play, enforcement agencies in the world, but an nil, agent, acting on his own, .Yet now the 76-year-old director's fief- told a CIA, employee that it did not. dom shows evidence of crumbling, large- The CIA man passed on the message ly because of his own mistakes. The ?no foul play?to the president, who :.FBI's spirit is sapped, its morale low, then let it . slip to the press. Hoover 'its initiative stifled. For the first time, was furious,. Because of that fairly ob- there are doubts within the bureau scure - incident, he has limited most. and within the Administration about FBI contacts with the CIA since then the FBI's ability to serve as an ef- to written and telephone messages and. :fective agency against subversion. An occasional direct meetings that he spe- . experienced former CIA agent, until re- cifically approves. . :cent!), an open admirer of the di- Sharing the Glory. Ciien the corn- -rector, remarks unhappily: 'Hoover, plexity of ,most espionage cases, co- :because of his personal pride, has se- ordination ,between the two agencies Jiously affected the : efficient operation is often crucial. Men from the FBI of American intelligence. And personal and CIA continued, on rare occasions, .pride in a? matter of national security to circumvent Hoover's directive by PETERS-DAYTON DAILY NEWS has no place. If a guy does that, he meeting privately, without his know]- is a real liability." edge. CIA men complained . that Hoo- - For months a feud between Hoover - %TY'S action effectively cut off the and one of his most senior assistants international from the national intel- has shaken the higher levels of the bu- ligence effort. One former CIA agent ar- reati. In the midst of a bureaucratic gues that Hoover, finding himself under war -of memos, some FBI men have re- heavy attack, believes that he is safer Signed to escape the crossfire. Said making fewer moves and allowing one Justice Department official who fewer initiatives so that there is less pos- has followed the battle: "Hoover is .flail- sibility of a damaging mistake. ,ing out in all directions. Everybody in Last July, Hoover increased his ba- the FBI is looking for cover." Even reau's isolation by abolishing the seven- more significant is the pattern of dam- man FBI section that maintained con- aging isolation in which Hoover has. tact with other U.S. intelligence units placed the bureau. A year and a half ?includinc,.. the Defense Intelligence . ago, he ordered the FBI to break off di- Agency and the individual armed ser- ,\ .rect daily liaison with the Central In- vices' intelligence networks. Some ob- . telligence Agency, raising apprehension servers, speculated that Hoover took . in the intelligence community about ef- the action to prove that he was not dis- fective counterespionage in the U.S. ? criminating against the CIA, that all Hoover gave those orders in irritation major contacts could be handled by tele- ade ago over his non-Hooverian con- over a minor piece of information phone and mail. In fact, Hoover has tention that the Ku Klux Klan rep- that was relayed by an Fin agent in Den- never been eager to exchange in- res'enteci a .greater threat than the ver to a CIA emplApproveld1PofiReleaste12006/01403tbcelitUREIR10-0113601R001 4000 NON -3, arfy. Since 1967, case involved the disappearance of a cies and police departments. Says a they have been at odds about espi- ? Czech-born University of colorido pro-_ former .I 7B1 official: "We've never gone onage restrictions, ordered by Hoover, dl is played a certain vindictiveness in more minor matters. Angered by a TWA pi- lot's criticism of an FBI attempt to pie- vent a skyjacking. Hoover first tried to have the pilot fired, then ordered his agents not to fly on TWA any more. Hoover also concluded that the Xerox Corp. was not cooperating suf- ficiently in an investigation ? of the theft of documents from an FBI office in Media, Pa. The FBI learned that cop- ies of the documents distributed to news- papers were made on Xerox machines, and Xerox executives, in Hoover's judg,. ment, did not disclose .enough about cus- tomers who used the Xerox machines. He proposed replacing all of the FBI Xerox machines with IBM equipment, and was dissuaded only when told it would cost millions. Ironic Tangle. Seven months before Hoover passed the mandatory retirement age of 70 in 1965, Lyndon Johnson ex- tended his tenure indefinitely. Nixon has been as reluctant as past Presidents to face the political outcry that might follow the repudiation of a legend. A tangle of political ironies surrounds the director's present relations with the Nixon Administration. The President and Attorney General John Mitchell have been hopinp, for months to ease Hoover out with great ceremony and public thanks for his long, remarkable career. The AdMinistration has grown in- creasingly disenchanted with Hoover's- performance, believing that the FBI was doing too' little in intelligence against Soviet agents and against do- mestic radicals. Yet last spring, when Democrats in Congress led an attack against the FBI for the opposite reason ?what they saw. as an Overzealous ex- pansion of intelligence investigations ?the Administration was forced to defend Hoover and postpone his re- tirement. There are those who believe that Hoover deliberately embroils him- self in political controversies precisely because they serve to prolong his ten- ure. At least one highly ranked Jus- tice Department official has urged re- porters not to write stories critical of Hoover, so that the FBI director can. be decorously removed. - Bog Jobs. Hoover's feud with Wil- liam C. Sullivan, the former No. 3 man at the bureau, is a measure of the Administration's dilemma.' At 59, Sullivan is a 30-year veteran of the bu- reau with an impressive reputation among intelligence officers here and abroad. Although long a favorite of Hoover's, Sullivan quarreled with his boss a dee- Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-01601R001400060001-3 STTINTL REDWOOD CITY, CAL. TRIBUI\IF OCT 18 271 E ? 21,923 Are We 10 Spy-Catc If the Central Intellicience Agency obtains some evidence of ginellic , s,pying, stuff too sensitive to relay by telephone, is it really unable to deliver , the facts in a face-to-face contact with the, Federal Bureau of Investigation? ,If so, America's intelligence commu- nity isn't working as well as the na- tional security requires, and the Presi- dent should look into it and straighten it out. "Leading" but unidentified. mem- bers of the U.S. intelligence commu- nity have made the charge through the. press. They say the CIA? could only mail the hot tips to the FBI, or get FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover's express consent for a special agent-to- agent meeting. They claim Hoover or- dered the break in direct liaison 11/2 years ago after growing piqued at the CIA in a furor about a leak from an field office. - ? - - 1 UCe0 !no by vAc -150 More than a year ago, Hoover abol- ished a seven-man FBI section that kept contact with a dozen important federal agencies, including five mili- tary intelligence units, customs and immigration. That liaison, too, now is done by phone or correspondence. Our concern goes not so much to assessing blame as to the continuing impediment in intelligence machinery. With the British exposing Soviet spies in lots of 100, and with sophisticated equipment and computers making time of the essence, can America al- , ford to wait for mail deliveries to nab , spies? If effective 'liaison does not exist,1 the President should do some head - knocking or some housecleaning. Bu- reaucratic strife, whoever is involved, must not be allowed to imperil the ". national security. Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-01601R001400060001-3 Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-01601R001 MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. TRIl3UN4 OCT 1 5 1912 - 240,275 S ? 674,302 ?'HOONCrti A k.-;7 ti vs, ',if 4r, Lit'q fi p ? 'For all of J. Edgar Hoover's much- vaunted anti-communism, he has ap- parently broken off relations between Jis Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Central Intelligence -h . Agency (CIA). And the reason, ac- cording to intelligence officials in !Washington, is little more than ? ;Hoover's vanity: The 76-year-old di- rector was piqued over the CIA's re- fusal to divulge the name of an FBI .agent who disclosed information to the CIA about the disappearance of a Czech-born University of Colorado professor in 1969. 'These same officials are concerned over what's happened, as a result of Hoover's irritation, to the govern- ment's ability to control foreign es- pionage in this country. The British recently discovered the extent of So- viet espionage in their country, and surveys of embassy and foreign-of- fice officials in other nations indicate that the picture is much the same there.. It is no less so in the United - States ---- yet, in the last three, years, ,there have been .only four, instances?, in which the exposure of foreign es- pionage agents in this country has come to public attention. ? So long as the world's powers are involved in espionage activities, pru- . ence dictates that it's wise for goV- STATINTL 400060001-3 ernments to know what's going on within their own borders. Hoover, in fact, has drummed that notion into the American consciousness ! with great success, and his reputation and position are based in large measure on his success in convincing the pub- lic. of the need for FBI protection against Communist espionage or sub- versive activities. But Washington's intelligence com- munity is now questioning how good the FBI's protection is. The CIA is 'forbidden by law to operate as an intelligence agency within the United States, but it picks up information elsewhere in the world that the FBI had been able to use. The break-off of the liaison between the two agen- cies, intelligence officials contend, has left a gap that foreign agents may be able to exploit. It's.ironic:that Hoover is allowii.pg the FBI to become less effective in.eoun- ter-espionage work because of his in- jured pride. That he is, however, is another indication that he's come to run the FBI as a personal fiefdem, placing his own reputation ahead of the agency's responsibilities. It's also another -reason why President Nixon should give Hoover the honorable re- tirement he's long-since earned, and should place the FBI in new hands.? , Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-01601R001400060001-3 Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-01601R001400060001-3 STATINTL +.0.11B SAN FnANCI8CO3 CAL, CHRONIp0LE 480,235 Iron-Comirnimicating ? THE SITUATION OF UNWILLING communi- ration between the FBI and the CIA, as reported by the New York Times, is:6.61)1=15re. It is par- ticularly unfortunate if it results from a personal miff and affront felt by Director J. Edgar Hoover. it is simply unacceptable that bruised feelings, however justified they might be, should be carried ? so far .as to .defeat the clear interest of the gov- ernment in having unhesitating and Co-ordinated intelligence from these two agencies. Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-01601R001400060001-3 Approved For Release 2006/91/03 : CIA-RDP80-01601R001400060001-3 MODESTO, CAL. BEE E - 45,178 47,770 Cnn ." tt k, 41, 1:4 ? STATINTL . . ? DIRECTQR --: J. Edgar Hoover, the ' director of the Federal Bureau of Inves- , ligation, has held his job for 46' years and served the nation well by building the 'bureau into a first rate crime detection ; organization. . ,Recent news stories, however, suggest :his balance and judgment no longer are ',. sufficient for the demands of his job. . , The New York Times On Monday re- :. ,vealed that a year and 0. half ago Hector 'had the FBI bheak !off direct liaison with I ?the Central Intelligence Ageicy in a fit % of pique because the CIA would riot die- /close the name of an FBI agent who had ? given the c1.1%,.corc.:,?, confidential hitocroa- '7K !'. GO Ii* ? : Long known. as a strong-vdped direc- tor, Hoover ordered all contact between the two vital security agencies limited to :mall, telephone and infrequek spee.iul .,? .. , - 'C --r. F. r:r.fcf .? r y L.__ LI meetings. This ended the role of Sarni iminity are !concerned' about! the!gOvern.-! Papleh, the FBI agent, who had full time nvent's ability .to control foreign espio.: responsibility for maintaining elose con- nage ander these difficult circumstances,. tact with the CIA. accord74:., uti the Times. There 110W is .feoling arnong the government's top The. FBI director was warned. by Pap- telligence officials that the situation has ich that communicatiotis with the CIA by mail woulcrI hd an impossible arrange- ; become so acute that Hoover should be deposed and some of these intelligenci:; ment that might. leave a dangerous gap . leaders are malting their views known; which enemy agents would try to exploit. Papich pointed out that the complexity of for the first time. the intelligence work, along with the speed of ;travel ana' communication, ARBITRARY_ ? The Timc.,:s says the! made it essemtial there be direct links criticism of Hoover, who is no'w fi3, cen-1 between tlic? bureau at.,,d more than a tcrs on his "insecurity and amthoriturian-1 dozen CIA officials every day. - ism." He makes arbitrary decisions such. -------? as the one to end the liaison with the CIA, OTHERS, --- Your months later, ac- and other intelligence agencies in mo? cording to ;the Times, Bcover also abol- merits of anger and then sticks to them ished the seven man FBI section which with dogged stubbornness, regalcilum of handled liaison With other government any adverse COil3eCIUC'tja's? . ' ? 1 olfices., including the Defense Intelii- The retirement, under pressl.ke, of Wil-: .1,zence Agency, Inc Office of Naval Intollf: ham C. Sullivarl, 59, a 3:3-year H.Bf veter? .gence, Army Intelligence, Air Force! In- an .who at one time was Ifoovei's heir;( - telligenca and the State Department. apparent, created another fe.-;:or in Octcr ; : The 1 inrs reported ilbover said the: her. Hoover was said to have b-sen made! iwork bi tii:s. section could be pre.perly furious by Sullivan's efforts to modernizei I handled lt,y telephme and .cotTesm- the FBI and direct more of as siorts to-.1 i [ dence, 'this, migh be amusing, if an auto- ward fighting organized crime. cratic it.si.n.."?--s e.7eCil,ti.VED issued such an There is a personal tragedy itni.oved in; [ obviously fo?Dlish order while running, an Hoover's. present problem. Be deserves; runimport.nrt business enterprise, but great praise for the loyal devotion be has; l. Hoover's atbitrary edict is affecting the given to his task. The.re is no doubt he; roost sea: it)ve areas cif national security, has made an invaluable contribution to - ' To get around the damaging effect of the nation. The tragedy is that . he' is: I Hoover's order, officials of the FBI and hanging On to his job when lie no longet i stli, CIA have held private meetings, un: is capable of -doing the job. known ' to Hoover, at - which .they ex,, It has reached the point his friend:: 'hanged information, but this is a hell of should say "retire." If this does not lin'. Ivy to run an intelligence se vice pen, th,,,n it is thne for President TI.Vt? i,-1.'Lligh Ott dais of the intelligence co! - aid Ni o' to ask for his resig7tation.i. - Approved For Release 2006/01/03 :.CIA-RDP80-01601R001400060001-3 1 DLNV1.;ii, COLO, ? POST /Om IkpieTritfor Release 2006/01/03S1MFIKLP80-016 E 252,108 01R001400060001-3 ? -'.:73 .; . //,-;:-ZI. 11 ft . ' 1?1 , 1 .-:i ,k,,,, 1 '.1/. 'i. -' - ,-- I : -a % P r '1 r: + ? i . .1 . . 1'1 . 77::,. (t.),(7-'; .,''',1 rj- i II: ?? 1 '' Li\ -.!(...-..). t, .:\ .*.'-'..Z.'. L ? H'..?::.,-3. \,-.:.-_-__ ,,,...- r., .., 1 , . _.. __, . _ . . ,. ... '''''''' i I 1 ' 1 i ' I i.t ?,.?.?-,-, ,,,j 1., i _?.? ,.. ?i , ? ? . _ .. -; ' -, (7.?_-- i.L..-:1 K---:7)(--,7?:, , ,, - ;. 1 / i : \ N .., i7:-)01-.--j ? . -- ' .. ... . . ! i il . . i'l .,.-- ",?--4 !. t /.), \i",,, FT A m . . 1 % -^ A - ' l ' if V / (---.).) [ i''''.."'f, 1 fr?:,` :', , ?--, \ (.,'' 15 i ,) A -??A A, -. ?A.;/ ) ) ! ''Z...`:A -?- - ? 'C-LI,J ',...ILL?.::1 _ .,..?i . l.., .' u (:;.:-::.. j /.,,- --..j-7..t: \ i ?,'. -'..),.\'..4 0, .! i .., ,! { nelini,),:c.,11.3113,T,0zr,1 ..,(:!.1!.71-F,f1..,.\:1.13y '+.1,1':vr ', flf igeeel: I: 8 in i 1:ilgle0 3)-1-3),ii: 03.,?neir:70.1is'.. of (Ril-,;.1) 'aiii.ii iii.;,.: -iitl.i.-f.:-A-14rabli.!'iie--trged'iiih?E'l'is' t-u',11ie,?'tOa. check '.- a ny-,istervaily,u1 al this " . for a charter flight. At the time. ' Dr. Joserth R. S miley, form nploy er C/A eie in Deaver. VhC " - - ' ' of h.er death she was .involved: sif ".. Rita, then 40, disappeared presidat of the Iiiiivery of : CIA then sugttested that the jil COUrt pioceedings hi connec- ' ..;?-. March lii, 19t39, from CU, where ; Colorado, decqined CCUITterit? Fiji tell SmileY, and- ?`,.1.1cIl ?,?tt , tion with her zdit-Ted conversion. . . Moruk";y Oil a report that the.F.DI refused, the 'CIA went '1,ervia8. an assacialse Pr?'r-es,s" of some of Eiha's property to .? C e it t r a I hiellif:.;ence Agency- ahead. ,filid informed Srniley, iN. laISSI an hist?1.3''' 'Ail `Ic(1-11a'111.- ha own use. ' ? ince of the professor, Mrs; (CIA) provided asSUralICC'S of ' piralging hijn to soccea). lalya Tnimenbaum, committa` - -- - ? i''''.? ''...--- - Itid?safety of Prof. Thomas A CIA -.,}-ir.illesrnan in Washing- suicide by Cyanide poisonin ' Rilia s;hortly after he vanished ton deelined coinnient Monday last March_ at Colorado Slat( , from the University of Colorado on the reported rift between the Hospital. Before she died, shc ' ribOut 1,- years ago. CIA and the FBI. repete.dly said Riha had "just ; ? Smiley, now president of the sl--.:ars Dr07-_,:D made it to Russia" after lea', ' Univk-rsity of Texas at El Paso, Other Washington sources, ing Boulder. - ? ? recallt,d that while he was pres- however, insisted there, Mns Mrs. Tannenbaum had beer ?Mont of Cid, he bad contacted bec,i no disruption of any kind committed to the hospital aftat "relial-ile sources in Washing- in the direet liai.,on between the being found legally insane or. ... _ ton" in April 11.0 and ha .d t:.?.-o ay,encics. rj-.11c CiA i'.4 111.3 the July l069 date she allegedi3. received the assurance that ' FBI, this source said, "con- .. . llilia was "alive and well" at ' stantly haVe communication by that time. . 'telephone, letter and (weekly) Bat a FebruallY 1970. hives-Oneetings of th2 U. S. In- i ligation by the Denver Districtlelligence Board, as well as in attorney's office indicated there :conversations ? \vim 'oho an_ was "no substantial his in I. ether." fact" for Smiley's public state- inept about Riba's safety. Also in February 1070, the Boulder Police. Department said that its earlier "alive-and-well" report on Riha Vi2S based on "a misunderstanding." Similar re- ports of Piha's safety issued by the Denver 'Police Department were based on Boulder police Lsources. .... _ dispatch as denvinc, any break I. -A New York Times 'dispatch in direct F.B1-CIA liaison -a year 'Sunday said that the Federal and a half ago. "The FBI," the - Bureau. of investigation (FBI) spokesman was quoted, "has j-broke off direct liaispn with the always maintained liaison with 'CIA a year and 'a. half ago the CIA, and it is very close .because the CIA wouldn't tell J. and effective liaison." .Edgar -Iitoover who had leaked The dispatch .said that as a .information about Rilra's disap- result of tile alleged break in li- pearanee to the CIA,. which aison, high officials of the in- :then passed on the infOrmation teligence community were con- lo SMiley.? ? , corned about-the government's ? ? The dispatch said the -FBI1 it a o__y i _o control foreign espio- learned that there had been nf. nage in this country. :foul play, and that Itilia had ...chosen to leave Boulder for per- ..conal reasons. . .. According to well-informed -.sources, the _dispatch said, an The board was described was the lson instrument between members of the intelligence community. Members of the beard include the FBI, CIA, National Security Agency, State Departine?t and Ti. S. Atomic Energy Coininission. Au Fin spokesman was quot- ed in the New York Tipaes. `STILL CCNCEBN.-:';',y), In a telephone conversation from Ed Paso Monday, Smileyl 'told The Denver Posh, "I'm still 'concerned 0,o;tt, the professor' Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-01601R001400060001-3 STATINTL if, 0 0 .1. xp.733; 10 OCT 19/1 Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-01601R00 1400060001-3 STATI NTL ----. . w is said to be favored, for a is restricted by law from oper- ... . . .. .. varietY of reasons, hY seve, as an irLtelligenee agency 'fr T.he em C prominent members of the Ao.- 31 thi s count r y. -. ? 1/2 I/cannag agen s 0 States' laver -.come to pubac tied basis to and the ? ? 1-/..!.t- -,. ---?' t-. , ? 0 r ?5-fiv 74 1.1- 0z-1 01\ ministration. But - so far there ploye in Denver .was involved is rib sign that he has lost the in reel:tail-1v.) backing of the one person who The agency then suggested counts,----Preside.nt Nixon. that the F.B.I. tell Dr. Smiley, ?four- about ? Only cases involving Nvho was very concerned ' the :eXposure .of foreign espio- 14r. Riba's disappearance, what /11-3Z,V3r. MOV3 (21.-faxpel -Cacisc,'s C.:OniC01'13. Araote.p,. 0 if qls About Cc-4.44g ? i 6 t in ? the UnIt d 1 ad happened on a confiden- I n'.elligenec With Spies By R03Ela hi. SMITH . ? Sac 0.1 to The Neyi Thitcs WASHINGTON, Oct. S----The Federal Dureau of Investigation broke off direct liaisoir with the Central Intelligence Agency a year -and a ?half ago b6cause the 'C.I.A.' would not J for the CIA, could not be reached today. -. The. suspension of direct con- tact is one of the factors prompting leading members of the intelligence community to Edgar Hoover who had leaked?feel that. Mr. Hoover must be information from his organiza- deposed as Director- of the tion,. according to authoritative F.B.I. The feelings of these sources. ' ? . - . officials- run so high that some . As a. result, highofficials of of them have dropped - their the' intelligence community are customary secrecy to make concerned about the Govern_ their views known. Others re- ment's ability to' control foreign main silent because they fear espionage in this country. Their public criticism might boom- apprehension - has .been in_ erang;, reinforcing Mr. Hoover's creased by the recent British desire to continue in his post discovery of extensive SoViet and evoking public support for operations. him. . ? - Reputation a Factor ' To offset some of the danger, - ' " ' officials of the F.B.I. and the Adding to the anxiety and C.I.A. have held private meet. anger of members of the intel- ings, unknown to Mr. Hoover, ligence community is Mr. at which they exchanged infor- mation. Authorized communica- tion is limited to mail, telephone ProfesSor's safety "by what I Director of the C.I.A., Richard- and infrequent special meetings. consider reliable sources" in Ilehns, accepted his man's posi- tion and refused to force him 17. B. I. Spokesman's Stt-:-Lc. era Washington. "I repeat my real regret that to divulge the FAIL man's - Asked if it was true that the I can't go beyond what I have identity. Irritated, Mr. Hoover broke bureau broke- direct liaison said," he told. The New York. off all direct liaison with the With the ' U.I.A. more than a reMain as long as he can at. ' J- mar 1970. "A confidence. Times in a telephone interview year ago, an F.B.I. spokesman the post he has held for 4-61,is a confidence." attention in the last three years. community s fears. Ilia htheaa Two of the- cases involved the r fedd . expulsion .of Soviet agents; an- After the refusal, the C.T.A. STATI NTL other.. involved . two Cuban. went ahead and told Dr. Smiley, diplomats at the United Na- pledging bira to secrecy. Ac- tions and 21 South African girl, cording to reliable sources,. Dr. . and the fourth dealt with a Smiley later inadvettently let Swiss Government official.. it get out that there had been The story of the severance o-f 110 foul play. The question F.B.1.-C.I.A: liaison begins with arose at F.B.I. headquarters in the . disappearance of Prof: lashi?gton: How had the pres- Thomas Pao. in March, 19(39-Yident of the university obtained Mr. 'Itilya ? was ." a -Czech-born this information? , associate professor . of modern The bureau office in Denver Russian history at the Universi- told headquarters that it had ty of Colorado. ': .. a ' - not given the information to The 40-year-old professor left- anyone. It eventually was the' university abruptly, apPar- learned here, however, that an ently took nothing with him individual F.B.I. man had, told and left a mysterious trail. He the story to a C.I.A. man. For disappeared from .the oal-nPus Mr. Hoover, the question then so suddenly that, though nor-, became: Which of my men gave Malty a neat- and precise man, out this information? He asked he left papers scattered on his the C.I.A. - ? university desk where he had The C.I.A.. man in Denver been preparing his :income tax was inflexible. Ile told his su- _ -- .? periors that the information had return. - - given hire in confidence ? Friends and felloW faculty been members said they feared that and it was a matter of con- Professor Riha might be dead, science. According to sources,. der he well knew what would but police .officials in Bou' der Denver and the former happen to any F.B.I.- man. -he. -tamed?at the least, exile to president of the university,--Dr. ) \lontana; at the roost, dismissal. Joseph R. Smiley, insisted that The .C.I.A. roan held his he was alive. ground under pressure from the Dr Smiley told the press Hoover's reputation. In then . emomatically at the time that bureau, saying any disclosure view, his personality is alwould be a breach of faith. The compound insecurity and had been vsured of the authoritarianism. They fear the 76-year-old Director will do nothing to repair the break- down- _in liaison between the two agencies and will try to Central Intelligence Agency.' said today. "It is not true." - .. . . ' ? , Confidential Information ? Until February of last year, He years. the F.B.I. man who provided added, 'The F.B.I. has alwaysl ' l\-Ir. Hoover's retirement has. What Dr. Smiley, by then the personal link withthe C.I.A. .- - maintained liaison with the!been Periodically predicted- and president of the University of was Sam Papich. Mr. Papich C.I.A., and it is very 'close andt, . . , _ ? -- Texas at El Paso, could not grew -up ? M Montana ? and effective liaison." Spokesmeni say was that be had, been given worked in mines there before ..... .., -., - .' - . --. . ? ? the information. concerning he attended. Northwestern Urn- Professor Riha in confidence. by versity. He played professional. an employe of the C.I.A. ? football, then Went to work for ked in Latin ? v. professor's Czech origin. It AmeriCa for a while for the been foreign interiek net.. F.B.I. learned that there had been no foul play, that thz pro- fessor had chosen to leave. for personal reasons. - According to well informed sources, an individual age.nt in the F.B.L's large. Denver office, The agency was interested in the F.B.I. / ? . . the Riha case because of the Mr. Papich la or special assignments. He later ? ' - nted to know if there had bureau and handled several became the liaison officer be . . via , 'A ? 4---.af . . ? tween.the bureau and the C.I.A. His reputation v.ras that of an r ? honest and sincere roan with high professional competencei and an insatiable -ii-apetite for; work. Most importantly, in an acting on his own, told a C.I.A. area potentially fraught with employe in Denver. (The C.I.A. jealousy, intrigue and deceit.' Approved For Release 2006/01/03: CIA-RDP80-01601R001400060001-3 , rga'AinileU STATIIITL Approved For Releavrsig9.6d0/9%9A-RDP80-01601R001400060001-3 --1 001' 1971 . 1{17 YI kcie ; From time to time the, question is asked why rnewspapers'never seem to get anything right and One answer, of course, is that we try, but that we arc only human. Another answer, however?and a better one----:is that in the complex and delicate in- terworkings of the press and the government it takes at least. a little cooperation by the government If the public is to get .a-yersion of events which can :properly be sail to be,right. As a case in point, we :would like, strictly For Your 'Information, to walk you through a brief case history involving a news story on hlage We of The Washington Post, on, Sept. :3, and a subsequent article on this page on. Sept. 8, both of which asserted that the Federal PUrCall of Investigation had employed lie detector (polygraph) tests in an investigation of State De- partment employees-The original story said three or four ,officials W.ne interrogated in this fashion as part. of a government-wide 'inquiry into a leak of, claSsified infermatic.m having to do with the Ameri- can position ha the SALT negotiations. Today, in the letters space on the opposite 'page, F11.I Director Hoover states categorically that both stories were'. .'totally and completely untrue" and that "at ?0 time did the FBI use polygraphs, as rtllegod, in its investigation.". De takes us sharply to task for "this Inept: handling, of information." Well, we have looked into the mafler and it is clear that we were wrong about the FBI's use of lie detectors, We are pleased to have this oppor- tunity to express our regrets to Mr. Hoover and to, ? .wt the record straight. But we are net prepared to leave it at that, if only because the implication of Mr'. Hoover's sweeping denial ("totally and com- pletely untrue") is that, the original story was en- v.Tong?that no polygraphs in fact were used ? upon :scate Department employees and this is clearly not. the ease. Nor is it quite so certain whose handling of this information was "inept." The facts, are, from all we can rather, that polygliaph :tessts were administered to State Department officials by employees, and with equipment belonging to an outside ageney?presumably the Central Intelli- gence Agency which has these instruments avail- ? able for regular use in security checks of its own, person nel. s. , In other words, we had the si,-Tong agency, which: is an important error and one we would have been happy to correct immediately, before it had been compounded in the 'subsequent article. on Sept. 8, if somebody in the'governinent had chosen to speak up. But the I'M was silent until Mr. Hoover's letter arrived 10 days later, and Secretary of State. Rogers., who was asked about the story at a press conference: on Sept. 3 in -a half-dozen different ways, adroitly avoided a yes-or-no answer every time. That is to say, he did .not confirm the role of the FBI, but neither did he deny it; he simply refusecYto discuss methods,?while upholding the utility of lie-detector tests in establishing probablcoinneccnce, if not prob- able guilt. And that-remains the State Department's position, even in the face of mir. Hoover's denial.. No Clarification, no confirmation, no. comment? despite the fact that the original story in The Post had been checked with the State Department and the role of the FBI had been confirmed by an 'DM- cial spokesman on those familiar anonymous, not- for-attribution terms which government officials resort to when they don't want to take responsibility publicly for what they say, and which newspaper reporters yield to when there is no other way to attribute assertions of faet:. ? The result of this protracted flim-flam was, first of all, to have the Justice Department and the FBI falsely accused of administering lie- detectors to . officials of another agency, and then, with D,Ir. Hoover's denial, to leave the impression that no polygraphs were used at all, and you have to ask yourself what public interest is served by havht this sort of misinformation circulating around, gath- ering credence. It is not an -uncommon practice, of course, for the government, when it is confronted in print with an embarrassing and not altogether accurate news story, to clam up completely .rather than help straighten ,out inaccuracies-- especially when clarification 37Lkti confirmation of that part of the story which is accurate.,But,ii is not a practice that does much to further public knowledge. And still less does it help the newspapers get things right. , Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-01601R001400060001-3 Approved For Rele-asnOOM ev 1114nt7 Cab ,? 13y Crocker Snow Jr. Globe Staff The written report of a confiden- jtial discussion about Central Intelli- gence Agency .operations held in 1963, a year after the public contro- versy over agency involvement with the National Student Assn., shows, the CIA was anxious to establish new contnots with other student groups, foundations, .universities, labor_ orga- nizations and corporations for its it3,7erseas wbik. . ? . , The discussion was held in Janu- ary I 9.63 among ra.nking government 'officials and 'former officials, includ- c.. ing several former CIA officers, under the auspices of the Council on Foreign P,elations in New York. - ? - Though no direct quotes are at- tributed in the report, the ? opihion - was stated by the discussion leader, V 'Richard M. Bissell Jr., formerly a deputy director of the CIA, that: "If the agney is to he effective, it will have to make use of private institu- tions on, an expanding scale, though these relations which have 'blown' ? cannot be 'resurrected." ' . The discussion also referred .to the continued utility of labor groups and American corporations to CIA opera- tions. No such groups or corporations . . . -are named. ? ? ? ? The ? written report, like Others sponsored by the council, is consid- ered by the participants as "confi- dential" and "completely off the rec- ord." ? ,.: / The 'document is being circulated . . by the Africa Research Group, ?o. 9A-RDP80-01601R0 . The document reflects individual. assessments of the' CIA by th'o.se present. The report includes a num- ber of general statements: ?The two elements of CIA activity, "intelligence collection" and "covert ac- tion" (or "in(ervention") are not separated within the agency but arc consid- ered to "overlap and inter:- act." , ? --The focus of classical espionage in Europe and other developed parts of the world had shifted "toward targets in the un- derdeveloped world." --Due to the clear juris- dictional boundary be- tween the CIA and FBI, thu intelligence agency was "adverse to surveillance of US citizens overseas (even when specifically request.. ed) and adverse to operat? ing against targets in the United States, except for- eigncrs here as transients." --The acquisition of a secre,t speech by Soviet Premier Nikita ? Khrush- ?chev in February: 1956 was a classic example of the po- litical use Of secretly ac- quired intelligence. The State Department released the text which, 'according to one participant, prompt- ed "the beginnin?.., of the split in the Communist movement." since this speech had been Specifical- ly targeted before ac- quired, the results meant to this participant that "if ;von get a p:ecise target and go after it,' you ,can change history." .. loy es- tablishing personal rela- tionships with _individuals rather than simply hiring them, was regarded as especially useful in the un- derdeveloped ?world. The small, radically oriented.organization statement is made that headquartered in CambrIdge,Y=ca7se "covert - intervention - (in "it offers a .still-relevant primer on the underdeveloped world) the theory and practice of CIA ma- -; is usually designed to oper- ate on the 'internal power balance, often with g fairly Shwit-term objective." ?The reconnaissance of ? for South Vietnain at -,?? di- CIA 4 ; 7 do v. ,nc, ,,, ac,o.n- Portions of the document are scheduled to appear. today in the "University ? Reviev.7," a New .5fk,r1; -Approved ForlRekaisec12006101/03rDIGIA-RDP80-01601R0014000 0 1 - 'based monthly. during the '50s '? provided "limitt but dramatic re: flights were lab of the cancel' scheduled sumr between Presic' bower and after Francis G was shot down sin.) "After five d flights were from the Ru; these operation highly secret' in States, and with son," reads the these overflight ;leaked' to thc Press, the U 'have been forc action." . The fleeting, was not to eons: CIA missions so characterize gc cepts and procc discussion was I of a council sit: "Intelligence a; Policy." The chairnu, meeting was Dillon, an i n v STATINTL D1400060001-3 STATINTL hanker who - rte i?vvctticnniti-- - Washington. as underscore- the statement that "it is tary of State and Secretary notably true -.of the subs:- of the Treasury in the Nen- -dies to student, labor and nedy Adm in is tration. Cultural groups that have. Twenty persons were recently- been publicized listed as -attending inched- that the agoncy'S objective ing prominent former ?Ili- was never to control their cials and educators -like :octivities, only occasionally Harry Howe Ransoni ?ollito point them in a particu- Vanderbilt University: and lar direction, but primarily David B. Truman, presi- to enlarge them and render dent of Mt. Holyoke Col- them more effective." lege. . An an article in the Sat- The list 'included Allen V,Irday Evening Post in May W. Dulles, former. director 1937, Thomas Braden, who of the CIA, and Robert ?Yad helped set up the sub- Amory Jr., *who had been' sidies with Dulles, defend- deputy direetor, as well as ? ed the concept 'as a way to Bissell, who had been clop- combat the seven major uty director until shortly front organizations of the after the Bay of Pigs inva- mmunist world hi which Sion, in which the CIA wasithe Russians through the involved. V use? of their international fronts 11--td stolen the great The diScussion took place . ? words such as peace, jus- just a year atter revela- tie? and freedom." Lions by Ramparts Maga- zine con eernin g CIA- / The report shows that funded training of agents_ the Publicity had ,not been 0Orrt-,47.ntleer 4' Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-01601R001400060001-3 STATINTL HUTCHINSON, KAN. NEVIS JUN 23 1071 D ? 50,622 ? 51,841 loovez s itii FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover has quietly entered into the growing de- - bate over President Nixon's Red China policy. Writing in a veterans' magazine, Hoover sounds an alarm that "the shadow" of Red China is .falling across 'America. He says that "sub- versive" activities by the Communist Chinese already are mounting, and he implies that such activities will become critical if the present thaw In relations leads to recognition of the mainland. His story has been taken as an open endorsement; of the forces that seek to block that recognition, both by the U.S. and in the UN. His argument is a right-leaning marshmallow. Hoover is well aware that "'sub- versive activiteS" by foreign gov- ernments are bound to increase when they have established a diplo- matic base. This long has been rec- ognized as a two-way street, as any 1111111IiJJLJ raose0., CIA agent could inform the FBI dij rector.. The major accomplishment :of es- tablishing diplomatic bases is, how- ever, that it offers a direct line of communications between heads of government and can lead to relation- ships between the peoples of those governments. Not recognizing the nation with the largest population on earth would be funny if the world was a stage and governments were its stars. Since that is not the case, it is az folly with far more dangers than laughs. It is natural to assume- that spying1 activities in the U. S. would increase somewhat when, or if, Red China is recognized. That is a major FBI concern that should and would not be taken lightly. But spreading the cold word on the thaw now is an open political ma- neuver by Hoover. You'd think he had been elected to the office he has held so long. Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-01601R001400060001-3 DALTII.:0Iff3 1D:p3 A!:::7;111CAll Approved For ReleaVe 20-08i011tor3-1-: CIA-RDP80-01601R001400060001-3 STATINTL ?? r; ? '4 4' , ? / ? r= ? ? r. -1 :Ft) . (11 ' tt r 7-Pit fol. 0 ? ?? 0 How extensive is wiretapping, by fed-- oral agencies? Is it a necessary evil or has it become a threat to American society? To find out, o',Vashington correspondent Kelly spent weeks interviewing officials, FBI agents and former agents and pouring oyer court records. HARRY ICELLY ? News Amerienn . Washil;gton Bureau WASHINGTON Two block; from the home of Congress is a three-storY, concrete 10111 flagwith locked, stezil-slicathcd doors. Unlike the liquor store on 011.12 sick, and the woman's shop on the other it carries no signs of advertising. It wears an air of mystery and intrigue. Pedestrians walidng on the othe'r side of Penn- sylvania Avenue, past the big anuses' of the Library of Congress, can see men Meting behind the blinds on the ? second and third floors. The ground floor is almost faceless except for the closed garage doors. ''I think that building with the garage doors is the center of FBI wiretapping on capitol hill,' ? says a r)-year-old senator's assistant with passionate conviction. "I can't prove a damn . thing, but I know it." ? lip another block, beyond the street-corner ven- dor sk. en( i lowers, is a small shop: with a gianI. post ''Jn the v,i,dow bearing the warning "Shill), Someone is Listening." ? ? ? . ALONG WITH the warning is a bigger-than-life size picture of FM: Director J. Edgar Hoover with enormously magnified ears, Is this.vhat 'President Nixon calls "hysteria" and Attorney General John Mitchell describes as "paranoia?" ? The building which the Senate aide denounces as A covert FBI wiretap center for eavesdropping 'on members of: Congress is an FBI installation all Light. It isthe crypto-analysis section of the FBI crime laboratory )vhore everything front horse race bookie's mysterious 'jottings to the code of the master Soviet spy Rudolph Ivanovich Abel have been broken. Has an unreasonable fear of federal cleetronic surveillance activities developed -- fueled in part by Mitchell's own tough talk, disclosures of :sm.- yeillance, and Democratic leader Hale Boggs' charge that his telephone been tapped by the FBI? ' The evidence indicates that federal agencies do more wiretapping and bugging than they officially uS . tr14-;%, j!. , admit -- in a trend that Inca increased significantly ? ? but still do not, do as much as many critics fear. . "Lord, there couldn't possibly be as much elec- tonic into.rcption as people seem to t! anti these Is," .says a former official. "There isn't that many agents to do it or money- around to meniter the damn tap?; or t;ipes." ALTI.;OUGH TUE FBI gets practically ail the n the surveillance a dome,tic wiret;Ip publicity, other fedef.;Il agencies are m loll such as the Epac.1. x-ofved to a lesser degree in the electronic in-. Panthers, the Weatherman and terception of conversations, 'including the Secret others 0,-Tmed to LP radicals or Service, the Bure-au of Narcotic; and Dangerous dangerous. Drugs., the Customs Bureau ar.l the Internal Re- The justice Department is POW venue Service. appealing court decisions denying The Central Intelligence Agency is forbidden by the government has -such a law to carry on domestic intelligence gathering Wiretai?-ight without court:order. operatipns, so it turAS most of these missions Over to the FBI. JUSTWE Department and Although Attorney General Mitchell has ridieut. the ? FBI have acknowledged in i ed the fin-out view of some in Washington who feel court or fl other statements the every room is bug- ged and that every phone is wire tapping, bugging or tapped and that the FBI is tapping the CIA, and "overhearing" of the late RCV. the CIA is tapping the FBI, there is testimony that the F/3I did tap an official CIA telephone. V/ 11 in Luther King, boxer Muhammad All, black militant -H. In W'ashington, the center of FBI wiretapping is Rai, Brown, five of the defendants in the Chicago seven trial, black reliably reported to be the FBI's Washington field office, one block from the Justice Department and panther leader David Ililhard and Siter Ilizaheth I\IcAlister in the only throe blocks from the Chesapeake and Po-. atlezal plot to kidnap presidential lornac Teluliono.company. . "In the old daYs," recalls a former agent,- "If 0,V5e1 HcxY 1'-rissinl;01% you'd ClAck. a critic of wiretapping tap Who said he rejected all FBI re- ' cluesA to mISC fa;,s in domestic said he knew of 110 cace 'her Hoo?.-er tried to. go eroth:d his back to use a tap or WrIliout his approval.- 'lice !;ity's folklore is full of stories adding to the shadows around the practice Of - wiretap- ' Robert Amory, Jr.. said high officials of the White House show- ed hint evidence that the FBI %vas tapping his official telephones when he was deputy director of Intelligence for the CIA-from lfi52 through 1962. Now,, a Washington lawyer; Amory said he believes the phones were tapped because ho favored Red China's admision into the Unifed Nations in the 15:30s. He suggested that the tapping was part of the tugging and , hauling between the CIA and FBI at that- time. , At-the start of thg bitter foreign. policy debate in the Johnson ad- ministration, a go-between tried to smooth relations with a high' ad- ministration official. There meet- ing splintere.d on disagreement over a point with the high official reportedly contending, "we know. this is true. In this city of ugly devices we hnow many things." IS A CONVERSATION on the general subject of wiretapping an' , official of the Law Enforcement 'Assistance Administration in the Justice Depatitt tient suddenly blurted: "Some pc-epic here think these phones are tapvd. I say the - bell with them. Let them listen," The official has since left. the department. - The debate, with its constitu- tional and politic:II overtones, ha.s also developed the brassy ring of Washington's favorite Lu i' sport ---- the numbers game. you? wanted to tap someone's telephone, climb toe pole otitride his house, hook up the and they rts: to a car or trucl-:. at the foot of the pole. Now thene arc a hell of a lot more wires 'and cables, and gadgets. Its a lot more con-Iplicated." The FBI is u w :erst.cod to lease .410 telephone lines that run IYGrn the telephone compnay to the Washington ficid.offico and can be used for lapping hngging; SOME OF tin:ESE linos, ac- cording to fonmer Al t Orr.ey RantseY are used to tap telephone:i and teletypes of f,?re-ign missionS and n foreig worki:Ig for o:her countries. , 'A telephone com?pany. spol-;eman s said he "couldn't talk about that" ? the leased lines ? and then added 'qUiekly "I'm not aware alit. If there is such a thing you'll have to dir...ct that query to the or the Justice Department . . we can't, talk any more about the government's telephone .?ei?vice than we can Lbout voice.;.''Be acknowledged that when the FBI presents a :court order for a wire tap -under- the organized, Crime act or in a national security case approved by the attorney general, the telephone company personnel will identify the line lot the FBI hut does not make the at- , An FBI spokesman declined to comment about, any leased wire ephone linos. The FBI, and other federal agencies, have authority to tap anti ling under 'the r6S omnibus cnime bill arid iiresider tial orders in organized educe cases with a court's approval and in national security cases. Most of the dirrent Controv'ersy has developed- over Mitchell's claim of the right to use wiretaps- in the surveillance of: tinniest lo The average cost of a fARprovednEoriRelease 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-01601R001400060001-3 st yea r" wts- out at.$1.2,10,-.. _ STATINTL 00x1.61::7.1ocl - TL.1"4.1I. ApprovedTor Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-R1:5ijou-916 t? JUN -c/1 f". "-re,? n? [10r? ? f-1 fl STATINTL 1R001400060001-3 I IT\ \--; /7 r? \ .1- - t , ? ? 1 VT::::1 V I t 1 The FBI received 23 threats on the life of Director J. Edgar Hoover, last year and ,so far this year. That's why the EBI has four armored cars.. Mr. Hoover disclosed in testimony inadc public today that both he and Attorney GCMCF- al John N. Mitchell have used the -5,;27,CC.15 ears i? getting around New Yoili City and her; In:- Leics. ARIVIC1111,711.) CAnS "The armored vehicles are used for Foic,c- tiv.6.purposc:s," Mr. Hoover lc:1(1'a closed df2.or house appropriations subcommittee hearing MarCh 17. ? The other two cars are kept in Washington. The FBI, Mr. Hoover also told the commit- tee, currently is tapping 47 telephones and has secretly planned at least six microphones tel security reasons or to investigate organized crime. None of them is being used on con- 'pressmen, he said. "When I listened to the recording of that speech and read. v.diat Clarc had said in his bon I was so outraged it caused me to Eflalie the statement that 1,e,, is a 'jellyfish," Mr. Hoo- ver said. "Ile did the sa:w,e thing to me," Rep. Jelin J. Rooney, D-N.Y., subcor.lniittee chainran said. "He ((lark) spol--.o at a dinner in my honor at the Waldorf Astoria in New York and lauded rile to the As a matter of fact, it was to me a little sickeninq, he was laying It On no heavy." "He was too sirupy," Hoover interjected. "lie later ?:,,,tf:ac.!;ed me and endorsed my pal- mary 0.1.:To:-.ult, ignoring everything he had said just a year or so before that," Mr. ROO^ rv added. "He did the same thing to me," Iv1r. Iloover RUES/a still poses the main threat to Ameri- can secui?ity, Mr. Hoover said and added that Moscow has encourap::,.d terrorist acts by , Be said he "wanted to put the TeCora- domestic protest groups to further its goal of straight" in the secret testimony. ?overthrow,im.,, the U.S. governmtrfat. In 39./0 `'new left and black e:tremists House Democratic Leader Hale Boggs of stepprid up their 'violent ?.110. terroristic tac- .Lollisiana charged earlier this year the, FBI - tics" while "old line communist CC 01105in- was bli;girq; congressional -telephones. How- tensific(.1 thr:ir intelligence operade31S, trtrgf:ts Over, he never produced evidence of his . against the I.)iited. States," he said. ? - , charges, ? - "The most serious threat to the security of DENI,f,..L ? ? our courtr.y. is Soviet Russia and its said- . t ' Mr. Hoover cited a ne w lies," 're spaper article . . . . (Washington Post) which he said raised "sus- He also v.lainea?that "despite its differences ?!cion that Sc;;. Birch Bayh's (0-Ind.) office with the Soviet Union, Red China continues to NV RS bugged during the "Judge Clement Hay?- regard "the United States as the common ene- sw or t I> controversy." Judge Ilaynswerth_'s my of the people of the world and its propa- nomination to the Supreme Court was rej.:,:cted panda is designed to stimulate disruption of by the Senate last year, with Sen. Bayk among our society," ? ? the more vocal Haynsworth opponents. ? He voiced the warnings In snpport of his "We, of course, never had an electronle cow ? budget request for ,31f3.0 million for 102, erage.ofinator Bay]; or any ether- senator or which is S44.2 million more than last year and congressman," Mr. Hoover said. "Further- 7v,-mch along with 514 million he got last month more, the charge that the FBI has tappr.d CIA \-t in a supplemental appropriation, would allow phones is absolutely false. At no time in the for 1,075 r,v,y aunts to bring the pm agent history of FBI has this ever been done. force to 8,853. ?"I would lihe to add, also, we have never Mr. Hoover also announced that the Fl3t. tapped a telephone of any congressman or any opened six new "foreign liaison posts" (hiring senator since I have been director of the bit- the past year in Lebanon, Venezuela, Den- recti," be said. mark, Bolivia, Nicaragua and Israel making a total of Itsuth posts "to develop and maintain Mr. Hoover said his testimony on FBI eke- a close',- coe:,perative relationship with the pa- General John 'Al MitehP11 prior to his MaTC:11 . " 17 appearance before the subcommittee. ' countries which they cover. "We are operating 33 telephone sUrveIl- lances and four microphone installations in bu- . man cases in the security field," Hoover re- ported, and said two additional telephone taps were waiting to bo installed. , _ HITS CI.2111%. AGAIN' ? Mr. Hoover also took exception to a recently published book by former Attorney General Ramsey Clark, who was critical of Mr. Hoo- ver's handling of the FBI. 5) Mr. Hoover recalledhAio 0'p-44u-11-'1F kdl ease 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-01601R001400060001-3 _ jim _ark s ,tenore as attorney general, citing a speech he macfe in " , Approved For Releaseni FBI ..nspedion. ? The FBI is charged with .the most important police functions in our Republic. Its duty is to investigate not only serious federal crimes but also .domestic and foreign political threats which rise to the level of .treason, sabotage or "subversion." It is the nearest thing America has to a secret police. During the past 50 years Presidents and Congresses of both parties ?have given the FBI and its director ever-wider respon- sibilities, powers and discretion. Yet no matter where thelr sympathies lie, few will deny that the Bureau is undergoing the most serious and sustained attack in its history. The proudly displayed . conservative attitudes of Mr. Hoover and his ill-concealed disdain for the left have produced a very real fear that the director does not carefully distinguish between his own political preference. and his professional work. Practically every politician in Washington more liberal than a right- wing Republican feels that the FBI has him under con- stant surveillance, and that the director has a dossier filled with all his peccadilloes. If a "law and order" champion like Rep. John Dowdy, who vas instrumen- tal in passing the DC Crime Bill, is not immune from surveillance, who is? Whatever, the judgment on Hale Boggs' wiretapping charges, it is significant that. an. ? astute, political animal, who is also House Democratic Majority Leader, could launch a broadscale attack on the Bureau. The Bureau's 'competitor agencies, such as the CIA,. the IRS, the Secret Service, military intelli- gence, and state and local police forces have also had much reason over the past 25 years, to develop a .healthy respect for and jealousy of the power, effec- tiveness, and political strength of the Bureau. There arg?hints and rumors that even Mr. Hoover's superiors lit the Justice Department are looking for a graceful - way to ease him into retirement. Against this back- ground, it was only natural that the recent outrage over the revelations of Army political spying should have so quickly shifted and broadened to focus on the 'FBI and its activities. Without at all minimizing the seriousness of the Army's spying, it was short-lived, amateurish, small potatoes compared to what the FBI has been doing for decades. It must have been some perverse fate that decreed that the director should be confronted in so short a time with so large -a collection of controversies ? the public indictment of the Berrigans before any legal action had been taken against them; the forced with- drawal of agents from a class conducted by a pro- fessor who had been critical of the director; the, firing of agent Shaw for being so indiscreet as to be less than sycophantic in his defense of the director; the em- barrassing theftgfp rITT),TIC IRM :01. A -RDP80-016 S-ATINTL raeFiRtfigfedig 166ffinhi ating glimpse they gave into ureau me iciency and 01R001400060001-3 inanity; the firing of .three clerks for off-duty en- .velope-stuffing; the ? bugging (legally) of a congress- man; the surveillance of Earth-Day, the Most nonpo- litical political demonstration in memory; and the TWA pilot's troubles. The list becomes larger every day. Mr. Hoover has faced similar incidents before. What is new is the political climate, the concurrence of the controversies, and of course, Hoover's age. ..At 76, his attitudes' have hardened, his enemies have become legion and en-Lboldenea, and hib itiends have become embarrassed. The revealing meeting among "top White House aides" a few weeks ago is evidence of the political mortality of a man who only recently was universally acknowledged to be invul- nerable. It is revealing, in the first place, because it. was held at all;. second, because it took 25 Minutes to conclude the director's retirement couldn't be forced; third, because a top presidential aide deliberately leaked the details of the meeting .to the press; and fi- nally, because the reason for not retiring the director right then was that he couldn't be removed under fire. Naming a successor has become a popularalunch- time game all over Washington. -? While friends of the Bureau fulminate and enemies rejoice, the fact remains that this is a serious situation for We FBI and for We country. Who succeeds Hoover is not the only or the central question. No agency, and certainly not one charged with so much power in an area so 'fraught with political ,and constitutional dangers, should be permitted to go 50 years without a ,public accounting. Not only must we guard against political abuse, illegality, and infringements of our political liberties, but we must also protect against bureaUcratic arthritis. _ ? An investigation is a necessity. And it should be by Congress. No presidential body of "distinguished Americans" would have the power, the trust, or gain the public attention that is necessary for this under- taking. But no existing committee or subcommittee of Congress meets the prerequisites that are called for. Senator Sam Ervin's Constitutional Rights subcom? mittee has done fine service in publicizing the prev- alence and danger of political surveillance. But it has Bureau friends on it like Senators Thurmond, 'Ilruska, Byrd and McClellan, and it has Bureau enemies like Senators Bayh,- Kennedy and Tunney. An inquiry into the Bureau by Ervin's subcommittee would probably end in a shambles. And then there is always Mr. Hoover's friend, James Eastland, who is not only chairman of the full Judiciary Committee of which Ervin's group is a subcommittee, but also chairman of the Internal Security subcommittee as well. Clearly, the Ervin subcommittee will not do. What will do is a Select Senate Committee, chaired ciivRi3F8&_rcy.i16.(AftlioilIrbiokongttight qualities for the task. He is a conservative,Te personally likes the c t 37/1"... Approved For Relejit#Zagat/nafIA-RDP80-0 "Z/3 AWSI " STATINTL 1601R001400060001-3 . Assessing the v317 House Majority Leader 'Tale Daggs' transparent "Today, as we in the Congress undertake to re failure to back up his specific charge that the FBI cover and restore the people's liberty, we find that it is ourselves who are called to account, ourselves had tapped his home telephone should not be al- lowed to obscure the significance of his contribu- who are under surveillance, ourselves who are tion to an understanding of the grave threat Viilich prisoners of the power which our silence permitted the bureau presents to American liberty. It is true to come into being." ?and the fact needs to be acknowledged candid- 0+-9 ly?that Mr. Boggs said more than he has been This is a terrible indictment?and a true one.' able to sustain in his attack on PBI Director J. For at least 25 years?of the 47 years during which h Edgar Hoover two weeks ago. "I charge categori- e served as director of the FBI?Mr. Hoover has cally," he said, "that the "FBI has had me under been treated by Congress not as a public servant surveillance ? my personal life." This newspaper but as a royal personage. His appearances before commented at the time that the charge was, by the appropriations committees were occasions for its nature, unprovable. Certainly Mr. Boggs' glib sheer fawning and adulation, not for inquiry into assertion in a speech to the House that an uniden- his performance. And, indeed, such studies as the tified telephone company investigator once told appropriations committees may have made as to t him that sOmeone, also unidentified, had at some the ways in which the bureau expended the public f time placed a tap on his telephone?a tap which funds entrusted to it were made largely by FBI had been removed prior to the inspection of his agents assigned to the committee as investigators. line by the company investigator?fell ludicrously No committee of Congress has ever presumed to short of proof poSitive. Mr. Boggs' subsequent a p. demand a sampling of the bureau's reports on gov- pearance on the TV show "Face the Nation" was ernment employees to determine whether they are even more embarrassing, Serious criticism of the done wisely or foolishly, if they are filled with facts FBI suffered a setback in consequence. or kvith unverified gossip and rumor. Nevertheless, recent events have afforded incon- No committee of Congress has ever inquired into trovertible evidence that the FBI has engaged in the extent of FBI surveillance or investigation or :widespread surveillance of Americans on purely eavesdropping or snooping -- or whatever euphe- political grounds and that the FBI has employed mism or circumlocution you may want to apply 'techniques of surveillance which high officials of to its activity?into the lives of American citizens the Department of Justice sought to hoodwink the concerning whom there is no evidence of criminal public into believing it did not employ. In his conduct, only evidence of political nonconformity. 'speech to the House on April 22, Congressman No committee of Congress has ever inquired into Boggs said some indisputable things about the FBI the personnel policies of the bureau, into its hiring .which he should have said in the first place; and standards or its promotion procedures or its treat- le put the blame for the FBI's excesses for the ment of its employees?or even into the question first. time precisely where it belongs---on the shoul- whether there is actually any need for the monster ders of the United States Congress. honor' . or mausoleum now being erected in * "Today," he said, "I see what until now I did not of Mr. Hoover on Pennsylvania Avenue. permit myself to see. Our apathy in this Congress, our silence in this House, our very fear of speaking An investigation of the FBI by Congress is long, Olt In other forums has watered the roots and has- long overdue. Perhaps there is real merit to Sena- tened the growth of a vine of tyranny liich 13 tor Muskie's proposal of a domestic intelligence / ensnaring that Constitution- and Bill of Rights review board analagous to the Foreign Intelligence lj which we are each sworn to defend and uphold- Advisory Board organized in 1956 to ride herd, . . . What has occurred could not have occurred mainly on the CIA. But that, of course, presents without our consent and complicity here on Capi- a ganger of becoming ia time a mere gloss or pro- tol Hill . . ? tective umbrella for the FBI. It might, as Senator '?'We have established the rule of the dossier. Ervin observed, "amount to a Band-Aid on a broken 41Vb have conferred respectability upon the In- leg." The appropriate means of keeping the FBI .former within proper bounds ought to be determined by !Tle have sanctioned the use of bribes and pay- the Congress, we think, and only after a thorough molts to citizen to spy upon citizen. . . . examination of the way in which it now functions "No member of this House knows?or cad know and of the duties which the Congress wishes it to with any eertainty-What the bureaus' atd -agencies fulfill. The FBI, like any other federal agency, involved with the liberties of the American people ought to be subject to searching congressional scru- may be doing. . . ? i tiny?and more frequently than once very 47 years. Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-01601R001400060001-3 Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-01601R001400060001-3 Rep. Ogden Reid has called for hearings by the Fonign Operations and ?Government Information Subcommittee of the Governmerit Operations Com- mittee. That would at least he ,preferable to hear- . ings by the Government Operations Committee of . the Senate. Senator Kennedy has displayed an in- terest in taking on such an investigation. Senator .Margaret Chase Smith has _been ,suggested as a par- ticularly detached, able and vigorous person to con- duct a study of the FBI. But the outstanding sena- tor to head a thoroughgoing investigation of the FBI--of the whole range of domestic intelligence and criminal investigating activity by the federal gOvernment ? is, in our judgment, Sam Ervin of North Carolina. Tough, fair-minded and with a pro- fouLd commitavnt to American constitutional lib- erties, Senator Ervin has pioneered in the study of ineursions into privacy. It would offer reassurance to the whole country if he would now indicate a willingness to take on this difficult and important assignment. Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-01601R001400060001-3 Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-01601R001 LOS ANOMS, CAL. ,MALD?tXAMINER E ? 540,793 'S ? 529,466 2;17 131j_ ; --- ? Iv\v I\ tiir L.-1$, , I i : C 1 ?-? ( 9 ' ri ri :,.!',...i `N.t..iLi Li' ..........1 -,.:4,A -.-...) IgQ ' kz.)'' li ii L.i' tieD. ..:-L ., ),:-._.7,,;: r , .,3 (7\ r,..1 17.2' !, , )fi . ?r-i,---, TI 9 ir7 " j.,..!. 7 C ' H U.S. Sen. Henry M. (Scoop) best interests of the American Eidson, D-Wash., has called people and to protect the good w a "watchdog" committee to name of the FBI, it would be versee activities of the Federal wise to have a watchdog corn- ttreau of Investigation to "pro- mittee of Congress oversee their ,ct its good name." activities." Jackson, mentioned as a pos- Jackson said his suggestion in ble.presidential hopeful, made no way meant he supported or ie proposal yesterday at a disbelieved charges of improper, ews conference in the Holly- investigations leveled at the 00d Plaza Hotel following a FBI and its chief, J. Edgar Hoo- jeeting with 10 Southern Cali- ver, .recently by Rep. .Hale ,irnia labor leaders. He then Boggs, D-La., and several Dern- ew to Palm Springs to meet ocratic presidential aspirants. ith pther potential backers for He said he respected Boggs !presidential bid, although he but had seen no proof of his 11.1 has not announced he will charges of illegal wire-tapping. p a definite contender for the Jackson said he also "has seen: : ;emocratic nomination or enter no evidence" that Hoover is too le new Hampshire primary. Old at 70 to perform his job. Any 43 have peat respect for decision to replace the FBI te high degree of professional- chief, he said, should be left to an and efficiency of the FBI" President Richard M. Nixon, lid the former attorney and The watchdog committee, he rosecutor. "In light of the con- said, would be similar to the vversy that has arisen, in the J o i n t Appropriations Armed .1 - , -ervices Watchdog Committee ver the CIA which now audits Ind super--VE-8- the Central In- telligence Agency. "The FBI has been a highly efficient organization . . . nev- said.erthsa they n. have ao,,lvce' Theed b been eanne anyctuo accusation a est ifccinen ideians 1:: i h he et?, ?Jackson also said he would fa vpr United Nations seating.for - ? both Nationalist and Mainlan?4 r China but doubts the issue be resolved that easily." ---------------- k , . STATINTL 400060001-3 Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-01601R001400060001-3 ? Approved For Releate 2CKIEUI)11Ea1CIA-RDP80-016 ?" , /0-1 rt 7! of f 7 "."1. ; L L r r _ 7 WHEN U, THANT retires as secretary general of the United Nations, his successor may well be chn.-,-.en from Ethiopia, Nigerhn Ghana, Ceylon or Indonesis.. One Cs.- jection to a Swede or a Finn taking office is that a white man will not be favcned. Black, brown, yellow, ri; white, no. The flip side of the coin is also unusual. Eldridge Cleav- er heads a chapter of Black Panthers in Algeria. They collaborated with Arafat's Palestinian guerrillas against Jordan's King Hussein, thounh the revolution is none of their business. But, comradeship seems to have puffed off in angry recrimi- nation. Cleaver claims blacl:s tre discriminated against by Arafat, and are not taAen I nto high councils when sLrategy and totior, are dis- cussed. So, now Illacl: Pan- thers and the Arab n,u21-1.ill7.s are on the outs. * * THE FED2RAL Bureau of Investigation, untlr J. Edgar ;Hoover, became the world's 'greatest crime-fighting orga- nization. Now the Bureau and Hoover have come under 'attack from politicians, sev- eral of whom lonve heady eyes fixed on the presidentil- STATINTL 01R001400060001-3 , 0 ,? OT(744 CI; nomination. No man, over the years, has done More for his country than the director. It may be time has come for him to pass in the responsi- bility of his post. But, Hoov- er's record does not warrant the snide attacks. The presi- dential aspirants smear their own image by making tho:n. If there is a govern.nontal bureau that should have a studied investigation, it is the CIA. According to re- ports, it hos authorized mur- der, spends billions without having to account for a penny,. and puts out intelli- gence reports (as in the Bay of Pigs) that often fall farl, shot t of accuracy. Why snc?. Fn-l:?nd nose i:ato that Par.- d.-,ma's box? * TH.F. old days 7.re gone forever is demonstrated by the disupearance of de- veto; operators, golf caddies, shoeshine boys, butchers , v.-ho gave away liver, kidneys : and brains, trolley ear con- ductors able to retire on , fares they .didn't ring up, newspaper copy desk men who wore green eyeshades, n politicizas who thought all our country's ills could ba curul by a toad five-can't : cigar. ladies who wore 117n-s;l1- button shoes. But' they may come back any day now, Most of those people and things I could do without, but they're nice to remember. * * * A LADY writes, asking help in promoting hotpants for men. The answer is no, no, 1,000 times no. The very thought of pot-bellied, hairy- legged males trotting forth in S uch apparel shakes my aesthetic principles to their very foundations. It's bad enough to see that type in Bermuda, or walking shorts . . . but hotnants? Perish the very thought. * * * TEE PEY:LiVIAN govern- ment has seized American fishinn boats, even though they were in international waters.. Owners were fined 550,000. A congressman ha; introduced a bill thr4t would suspend sugar imports from countries that illegally seize our fishing vessels. A heart- broken burst front Presi- dent Juan Velasquez. He said: "I do not believe Ameri- cans can do such a barbarous thing. They have human feel- ings and a sense of justice, and will not harm my coun- try." Don't he ton sure, Ve- lasque-z.. We've had a bellyful of Peruvian piracy. Stop har- rying our tune hunters more than 12 miles off your coast, and return the money you blackmailed out of them, then hnaybe we'll buy your sugar. * * IlEMEMBal;ED by all old timers is Mother Kelly's noted groggery on Dade Bou- levard, long gone but not for- gotten. "Mother," of course, ',vas no woman, but a stout Irishman, who made the be- irtni:i2s of his fortune by _ tending bar for Helen Mor- gan in high old prohibition days. The solid rock of the Holly entertainment routine was P..rinett Green, singer and master of corer:Ionics, and pianist Jack Reynolds. Deynolds stayed here, and has played at many places. Bennett went to the coast, got into movies and TV, par- ticularly as a regular on the "Lucy Show." He's retired new, v.-hich shows how fast time goes. But. Jack keeps merrily on his way. Bennett, .ncidentally, had a part in the origlnal "No, No, Nannette" musical, which .has become the bin-gest 1971 hit on Broadway. "Nanette" first appeared in 1925, so you can see how far back the show (and Mr. Green) go. ? Approyed For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-01601R001400060001-3 Chaucreei,. Drtjuis STATINTL Approved For Release 2006/01N RD,P, 80-0160 ix, 1,1-4 R001400060001-3 --??? ? ? 77-?-) 7 - ? tr? -70 7 0 ; fj -r-'7 I' .9. ;, , \ By ADAM CLYMEIt . ? ,?: .? . : 3" . ' ? i ' . ? " Washingtom SCOrns to worship, the FBI, is in- CIA: except te a handful of report- in his administration and iriiste.'t . He isn't any Dillingcr, hut the volved. ers most of r:-.em ',:ar. ..n. to it and ? no U.S. Capitol phone had been ? new Public Enemy for the FBI has This mistargeting is part of Inc , to their coll.:see:es as its patsies, tapped. - (Of ' course, congressmen , certainly put the administration reason the protests don't seem to be who can be colinted oa to write a have other phones, too, and having into an exceptional snit. And with very effective. Moreover, there are story involvine the ES: pretty much an informer call. a congressma1i good reason, because responses to a few substantial points at which as the , FBI, and? r...lt its foe, would and then tapping the informer's 'Senator Edmund S. Muskie aren't the a?dministratio.i is taking a posi- like to see it vutitten. - phone is technically and legally dif- nearly as obvious as ways of an- lion that sounds like anti-privacy, When reportees asked at the FBI ferent, but it sure a3 hell 13 listen- swering other cuitics. like the Justice Department's vie,,,v -bout Muskie's chai-tes Wednes- ing to his conversation, which is From the administration view, --lately scorned by a judge?that it ?.'ay, they got "no CC.-Jtnent" with what bothers people.) But the Mo;;- Senator George S. McGovern and has an absolute ril-it to decide. the implication :hat tlotey were un- nihan suggestion didn't get through :?Representative Hale Boggs, the when national security is involved reasonable even to ask. At the theo- elsewhere, at least not quickly. earlier recent critics, were less of a in internal dissent and tap a phone reticalfy sup-el:or JL Ce Depart- There were two other intriguing worry. Each of them was vulnera- without a court's permission. And meat, there inns also no comment, element; in the President's peesen- ble in -two ways. In personal terms, the administration has, in contrast but with a Erie:sillier manner, and tation. He, praised Mr. Hoover fully, Mr. Boggs was sneered at as unsta- to its predecessor, talked about the the man in C:::Sr.". ;':???:A he would but without the stridency others 'hie or unwell, with the implication usefulness of wiretappin?g and bug- see if he could get sin:3 reaction, have used. And he admitted that a (drunk) perfectly clear. Senator ging. The Johnson administration He did, but it was tli hours later, little criticism of Mr. Hoover might 'fivIeGovern can be dismissed as an talked harder than it sometimes apparently after seneone had sometimes be justified, just as criti- all-out dove, denounced by letter- acted, and the Nixon atimini.stra- studied tea leaves arei other omens cism of , himself might sometimes writiug FBI officials as unpatriotic. tion may be tapping less, 'out it sufficiently to :,-.:;!::::' .iat the Mus- be justificd. Of course, ...1r. Nixon .More important to any gool. coun- enjoying it mone. kie charttes had not 101 obliterat- has occasionally admitted h3 has teratPc1;, however, v,-as that Mr. ? ? ? -, - . ,._ .. ed by Zeigler s el:..ttec, and it messed something up. At the FM, A recent epistle to the President Bo5?-ts chaea-es cont,ress'oPPI pkores wouldn't be fetal te, explain just never is heard a self-critical v.-ord. ? ?-c''''? ? ''' ? '''' ::`-'-' - ? from De-',1 I-) Vovei?-----n tl-- ',Teat ? ? ? were tapped v,-ithoilt offering evi- ' '-":" ? ? - ? ?'-'1---' : 'c' b ,`"' vmat tne 1-? 31 tvas del.ig at Earth Mistakes are punished, sharply, but deka and Mr. McGovern publi- frienl'yrIr? l'''''3'-'??2`' ai ? 3 \vi'-'e-: Day. It was a zeed es:planation? not admitted. cized an attack on the 1--.EI as corn- spr9ad fet?ing, even Fong v.-eil-off not v.-holly cliss:.:,.... of all the . . . ing fro in several . agents even businessmen from v-nem .11. Moy- fuzzy edges?lie: se:elle:a, saying Finally, the President observed thougii all he had was an unsigned ruhan now extracts. ce:.:sultant's the FBI had been wesTeed of yip- that criticism, especially that ' letter on FBI stationery. fees that the adr-nrus'rat?on wPrt- ? . II ? ' ' ' ? - . ' " - '' ? lerce at the rallies :met went to men t of it which was- "unfair" or ed to suppress "cll.-II liberties in the cheek. Trie st.:...,kesme2 c,f: th..2 F-,.i.. "malicious" was only likely to But Senator Muskie is personally nation and has already to some ex- make Mr. Hoover "dig in" anti rot Left mi,ht ca'.I i' a lie, but re- unassailable, subject only to a tent succeeded." The meino seems, .. . ''h ,.. ed. ,s ? poiteis E,`, t: v,0..1.:: not and retire. Be said he agreed, and felt charge of seeking political advan- to have stirred the V.Thite House printedit. it would be unfair for Mr. Htiover, tage, but then v.-ho isn't? And, more breast-beatitag, since it said the ? 6 1 . after long years of great service, important, he hal evidence that the case was going by default. But they got it a :iv late, and to leave "under a cloud." Ti13 FBI had snooped on various Earth So the administration restated some papers didn't z'ar it until they forces attacking the 76-year-old di- Day activities here. He charged, the philosophical part of its case had gone to press. It -.could have rector are hardly united, under a without backing it up, that activities this week. But it still ignored the been so much easier, and better single command that rilRkes them in another 40 to 60 cities were also detail. Reporters came away from for the adminisinatien, to do it all advance or halt, but was the Presi- spied ? ,. Thatcharge may be the Ziegler briefings feeling he simply the day before: but it annost seems dent wistfully appealing. to them More believed?whether true or not could not comprehend how any that the admiaisteation. upset over collectively? Was he, recalling one ?because the first had evidence, honest and rational person could the way its actiiii3s, L?peciaily the of his predecessor's favored peace .The reaction was thateati'ain and question that v,-onderful . old man, war, are reported, has decided that methods, seeking .a ?"Hoover again White House Press Secretary J. Edgar Hoover. sitting-down and answering reason- pause," a period of aefevl rnonths -Ronald L. Ziegler trotted out the Without taking space for a num- able questions is ? like consorting of 'silence that would enable Mr. af.lnaListratipn's...outragte that arly- ber of well-documented cases of with the enemy. ' , ? Hoover to retire gracefully?' Of Ole wenitt think it, of. all people, the FBI's saying one thing and do- Mr. Moynihan, the firmer presi- course Mr. Johnson's . "bombing believes in invasion of privacy. ing another, the simplest reason dentin l counselsr, suggested that pauses" did not produce the face- That's only one level of the sus- for good reporters to distrust the his erstwhile cellealetes answer saving compromises their advo- ? *ion. The soberer critics here FBI is that it behaves as if it has false charges t.-?-ith precise data, cates promised, but perhaps the hi- think it is just, insufficiently both- something to hide. It has the least a message E"..:7L apparently got scrutable Mr. Hoover is really ered by such invasions, especially helpful public information opera- through to Mr. ...-Tixen Friday night more traditionally Oriental than the against timvliolcsome types, and es- tion of any major chunk of the at the editors' ,;:atr:.:-;. He cited crowd in Hanoi and would respond pecially ',viten an organization it government excluding, maybe, the total numbers c'f tapped telephones differently, ? I Approved For Release 2006/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-01601R001400060001-3 _NE CTEITK Approved For Release 20(162)1/04;:i C4-RDP80-01 60 THE MI: II 0 ovrzr's 17o33 lie seems as. formidable as any other Washington monument?and very nearly as enduring. Yet as he approaches his . 47th anniversary in office, FBI Director 3. Edgar Hoover appears to have fallen . into 'unprecedented disfavor in the high- est places. From the Justice Department ,to Capitol Hill and even within the Viite House itself there are veiled hopes and hints that the Hoover era may finally be coining to an end. "Hoover's , :replacement as the head of the FBI is no longer unthinkable around here," says jone 'Republican Congressional insider. fact, there would be a sigh of relief ?that could lift the Capitol dome quite a few inches." 'Age alone could write a last chapter to Hoover's unique career, ,of course. Al- though still remarkably hearty at 76, he has already served six years beyond the nonnal Federal retirement age, thanks to an exemption granted Lim by President .Lyndon Johnson. But Hobver's departure cduld also be hastened by ,a run of em- barrassments that lately has plagued his Fgdricy??including several precipitated : by the domineering director himself. Not only has the FBI met with sparse success in dealing with the new bred of radical -terrorists,* it has also suffered some lapses in Its own internal security: a "leak" from its Seattle office that linked San Francis- co Mayor Joseph 'Alioto with alleged Mafia members, for example, and the re- cent theft of 800 tci 1,000 FBI docu- Meats from an unguarded Media, Pa., branch office. And Hoover has not helped' the bureau's image by publicly denouncing former Attorney General Ramsey :Clark as a "jellyfish," airily stere- otyping Puerto Ricans and Mexicans ? ("They don't shoot very straight. But if they come at you with a knife, beware.") and prematurely announcing an alleged kidnap-conspiracy involving the Berrigan brothers and a gronp of other Roman Catholic antiwar activists. Vindictive: Another ase in point, re- ported earlier this year, was Hoover's seemingly vindictive treatment of an agent who criticized some aspects of the bureau in connection with a course he had taken in police science. Although he gen- erally defended the 1131's record, agent .John F. Shaw .was summarily ordered transferred to the FBI's Butte Mont., of- fice and then permitted by Hoover to resign "with prejudice." Shaw subse- quently filed suit in Federal court, and Serk:George McGovern has demanded a CoAgressional investigation of the case. . afaifr, was nothing new to hands. "Mr.: Hoover administers .by.pique, whim and fancy and the Shaw es. . : *The FM's Ten Most Wanted List was expanded to sixteen last year to speed the capture of radical terrorists but no arrests have been recorded since the caphire of Angela Davis iIn I last month's mysterious bo iml veatArir. kel FBI modestly permitted the 2 st anniversary of its. famed list to pass without even a "birthday" STATI NTL TaM060001 -3 case is just the latest- instance," says one eforiner high-ranking G-man. "But his case has done to the bureau what the Calley case has done to the Ari,ny. It has hada significant demoralizing circa." Still, it is the Berrigan affair .that: las triggered most of the recent eriticisn of Hoover?especially within the Justice De- partment under whose aegis the FBI is nominally supposed to operate.' The di- rector broadcast the alleged kidnap con- spiracy during an appeal for supplement- al appropriations before a. closed session of a Senate subcommittee. His remarks, made public with his blessing, mortified DOJ staffers who feared their case against the 13errigans might be compromised. Relations between Justice and the FBI are also threatened DOW because copies Wally Hoover: End of an era? of some potentially incriminating letters, supposedly written by tie radical priests, have mysteriously found their way to' several Washington newsmen. Whether' the letters are genuine is not dlear and none has been published. But should they be, the government's case could be hurt, and some Justice staffers are pre- pared to blame the FBI for the leak. ? Health: But despite grumbles from DOJ staff,.srs about the penchant for going it alone, Attorney General John Mitchell argues that there is more coop- eration than ever. "We have liaisons on more levels than over existed before," says 'Mitchell, who helped 'persuade Hoover to let his men join racket-busting Federal "strike forces" around the couti- e0e,'2006/011403r? !UMW P80 if) t601 R health, active, wori:S a full day,. is always rel "available day or night, just as if he was 26, the A.G. told NEWSWEEK'S Robert Shogan. "There have been a number of public incidents which, to use the words of the President, have just given [some]. characters a 'cheap shot' at him. But the 'President has known J. Edgar Hoover for many -years and is fully cognizant of his capabilities. I believe that on balance the President continues to have.- faith in Mr. Hoover ..." The notion that the President might be keeping a balance sheet of sorts on his old friend Hoover is novel enough. Elab- orations on that theme by other top Nixon aides hint at a surprising degree of disillusionment. "Everything is on bal- ance," says one, gesturing with his hands to represent scales. "Right now there is more on?this side [Hooc'er's' assets] than that [his liabilities]." What about all the embarrassing headlines?- "They're no- ticed, obviously," he says. "This Adminis- tration is concerned with the public atti- tude toward law and order and the forces of justice, and the public confi- dence in its institutions, and cannot over, looks anything." Should the balance tip against the old bulldog, it is suggested, the President would have no qualms' about arranging for Hoover to retire. Of course, Mr. Nixon's relationship with Hoover 'dates back to his House days and the Alger Hiss investigation, and "roots like that are 'not lightly over- looked," observes one White House staffer. But the suggestion alone is seen tbaykasine Hoover watchers as an unmis- l':le signal of changing times. Rigid: For the record, most congress- men still defend the FBI boss against- his critics. But even Hoover's staunchest sup- porters in Congress privately admit that' his retirement is long overdue. "I would hate for this to get back to my district, but it is time for Mr. Hoover to move along," says one unreconstructed South- ern conservative. "He has done a'? tre- mendous job in developing a highly disciplined and professional organization but he has outlived'his usefulness ... In an age where we constantly require more flexibility, Mr. Hoover is, one of the least flexible officials in the government." Says a COP House leader: Any man who has made the statements that J. Edgar Hoover has made lately. ... should be put out to pasture." Whenever and however Hoover steps down, the problem of naming his re- placement will remain. For Hoover has been notably wary of grooming a suc- cessor who might share the limelight. His No. 2 man, officially, is Associate Di- rectdr Clyde Tolson, but at 70, Tolson is reportedly feeling his age far more than Hoover. Besides, Tolson for years has served primarily as Hoover's companion at lunch (the Rib Room of. the Mayflower Hotel each noon), dinner and regular excursions to local race tracks. A more likely choice from the ranks would be William C. Sullivan, 57-year- 40131160 tit3 director. Described as a scholarly type, Sullivan made head- lines last fall with a speech warning ? of- , ) .STATINTL ? Approved For Release 2006/- C1N-RDP80-0160.1RnniannnAnnni _ft _ ? d hi. Ticts!.}i!::: ? ;y I It 11:2.! 1.2cr, tin to tont-J. 11t3.11ini;tid iW1ct t: up In t?%! otiv:Y? Tha it ? AJ:t3iti..12;;; SOriCi Ly, for irtiThiY:j:, tt Genc:1 v irc tclephon