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Document Creation Date: 
December 9, 2016
Document Release Date: 
November 6, 2000
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Publication Date: 
July 27, 1971
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80-01601R001200590001-7.pdf54.25 KB
STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/03/04 :- CIA-RD E1INNi.APOLIS,, MINN. TRIBUNF~. M. - 240,275 S -.674,302 ' J, 21 ti - V, f'17 4; 1s I- h i. We were wondering last week why William F. Buckley's magazine, the National Review, published documents attributed to government officials, calling for avoidance of long innvolve- ment in Vietnam, which Buckley later admitted were forged. We were un- satisfied then with Buckley's explana- tion that the purpose of the hoax was to prove that forgeries would be ac- cepted as true if their contents were plausible. Now, in a column elsewhere on this page, Buckley offers a further ex- planation, the thrust.of which seems to be that actual documents' saying essentially the same thing as the forgeries must exist somewhere. He starts with "the certitude that these .papers are merely paraphrases of documents that actually do reside in government archives," then, without citing any evidence to support that belief, concludes that the publication of the forgeries proves "that the Pentagon and the CIA are not cola - posed of incompeterrttr- - the unwar-, ranted conclusion to which runny .. . were led by the fragmentary revala- tions (of the Pentagon Papers)." He had touched on that same line of reasoning when he announced the hoax last week. Papers similar to his magazine's -staff - written forgeries must exist, he said, because "it is in- conceivable to nie that there is nobody in the Pentagon, CIA or White House who has the same analytical?povvers as a junior editor of the National Re- view." But saying that sometliing must exist because you fervently wish it did is not the same as proving that 'it does exist. That distinction---that link with reality-seems to have escaped Buck- ley. Oh dear,. as Buckley is wont to say, what to do with people like that? Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601 R001200590001-7