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August 15, 1971
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Approved For Release 2 1 , i CIA-RDP80-016 ecdrer"ea1 C/IA Chief #Lore .Although most of his life is "classified,'.' there are so me things that Richard M. Helms just can't keep hidden--his en- gaging charm, his subtle wit, his cool self-confidence. In fact, these very-public qualities have made Helms, di- rector of the very-secret Cen- i tral Intelligence Agency, one of We most sought-after din- ner guests in Washington. i But the tall, handsome, col- orful Helms is more than just a suave party-goer who hap- pens to have a "high-level gov- ernment job. He. is also "a dedicated and immensely pro- fessional administrator, a forth- right and honest- man," said one federal official. _ Joined in 1941 ti. Helms, 59, joined t h. e CIA shortly after it was created in 1947. Over the years, he has been involved in many top-se- cret. international . intrigues, a few of which have been made public. In 1955, for example, just af- ter Nikita Khrushchev gave his secret "de-Stalinization" speech in Moscow, Helms, then deputy director of the CIA's clandestine services, devised a way to use the speech to em- barrass the Russians. He directed agents to dum- my tip copies of the speech and insert insults about neutral na- tions and their leaders. After the "speech" was distributed abroad, the red-faced Russians had a difficult time explaining what had happened. Helms was appointed CIA chief in 1966. He coordinates all foreign intelligence activi- ties, serves as'chief intelligence adviser to the White House, and sits as chairman of the United S t a t e s Intelligence Board, which advises him. Helms learned his social graces in Europe, where he studied at fashionable schools in Switzerland and Germany. A native of St. Davids, Pa., he was graduated in 1935 from Williams College in Williams- town, Mass., where he was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. ?;II??'i OR Richard M. Helms, director of the Central Intelligence A g e n c y, is re- s p o ii s i b l e for coordinating U. S. foreign intelligence. irtcrvic-%vs Hitler. Helms then returned to Eu- rope as a reporter.for a major wire service. Utilizing his -flu- ency in German (he also speaks -French); Helms was able to get an exclusive inter- view with Adolf Hitler. In 1937, he joined the Indian- apolis Times Publishing Com- pany and later became its na- tional advertising -manager. Then, during the Second World War; he worked for the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), and as soon as the CIA was created, he signed on. - Through the years, he has served in many capacities with the CIA arid, thus, was well prepared to become its director in 1966. Helms lives. in Washington with his second wife, Cynthia, whom he married in 1969. They have five grown children. .Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601 R001200360001-2