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June 27, 1972
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Dr J ~( 4~':) .i 1) 27 JUN 1972 Appro a For Releasi 201/03/0 : CIA- DP8 a t,!l a By CONRAD ICOMOROWSICI WASHINGTON. June 26--Participants in the June 17 raid on national Democratic party headquarters here had direct links with the White House. Republican National Committee. Central Intelligence Agency and fascistic or- ganizations of Cubans living in the U.S. Disclosures have linked an or- ganization of veterans of the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba with the White House and the raid on the Democratic head- quarters. The tentacles can be glimpsed of a long-term conspiracy to use terrorist gangs and individuals against "left-wing causes" in the U.S. The raid on Democratic party headquarters-not at all a "left- wing" organization-shows how far this fascistic activity has gone. Ties with the fascistic ele- ments in the military reserve through the White House can be discerned. Trail of CIA The trail of the CIA is visible at all star cs of the operations of these gangs. Members of the Ex-Combatientes Cubanos de Fort Jackson are reported to have met. with "American friends" on "direct action to combat what they viewed as left-wing causes in the U.S.," according to Tad Szulc in the New York Times June 2.2. The blundered attempt to hug Democratic party headquarters and to photograph files has re- vealed a festering cancer in the White House. When Nixon moved into the White House lie brought with him the baggage of the days when he introduced the first concentration camp bill in the history of Congress and helped create the period of McCarthy- ism. ;McCord's links James W. McCord, who was held on $30,000 bond after his arrest last Saturday, was at-that time under contract as security coordinator to the Committee for Reelection of President Nix- on headed by former Attorney General John N. Mitchell and of paredness, which is a part 'of the Executive Office of the Pre- sident. Its job is witchhunting,' the hunting out of dissenters and so-called "subversives" and planning of measures to deal with them. . The Cubans, who were recruit- ed for subversive activities against Cuba, including the CIA- organized invasion, have been working with the United States Military Reserve unit, which operates under the Office of Emergency Plans and Prepared- ness in the White House. Other direct links These are not the only direct links. The name of E. Howard Hunt, Jr., was found in the ad- dress books of two of the parti- cipants in Saturday's raid. Hunt is a former CIA agent, who worked for it from ' 1949 to 1970. lie was an associate -of "Frank Bender" in the organization of the Bay of Pigs invasion, and has maintaind his connections with former Cubans. Hunt was a consultant at the White House in 1971 and in 1972 until at least March. Two of-the participants in the raid are connected with Amer- itas, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the All-State In- vestment Fund, S.A.. incorporat- ed in Panama. Persons familiar with the revelations of CIA "fronts." through which funds are channeled and activity con- ducted, believe this setup has the same foul smell. At his Thursday press confer- ence. Nixon did not denounce the raid but confined his state- ment to: "This kind of activity ... has no place whatever in our electoral process or in our gov- ernment process." The fact is that the connec- ti6ns of- the" participants in the raid with the White House. etc.. -STATOTHR governmental circles, both De- mocratic and Republican. as in the Bay of Pigs fiasco, the CIA activities in Laos and Cambodia, and 'lie role of secret conspir- acy in the Indochina war show that Nixon's statement is untrue. STATOTHR the Republican National om- show that "this kind of activi- rnittee, Approved For Relvas 20O1O6/44i :aCIAQRDP80-01601 R000900150001-9 McCord was also a' 'member although it should not. The his- of a 15-man unit of the Office tory of surreptitious activity by u ( Jul' Ii/r: oApprore/ For Relea201/03/0 : CIA-~DP80-01 ~i co, F a7d, on, By CONRAD KOMOROWSKI WASHINGTON. June 26-Participants in the June 17 raid on national Democratic party headquarters here had governmental circles, both De- direct links with the White House. Republican National mocratic and Republican, as in Committee. Central Intelligence Agency and fascistic or- the Bay of Pigs fiasco, the CIA ganizations of Cubans living in the U.S. activities in Laos and Cambodia, and 'he role of secret conspir- Disclosures have linked an or- paredness, which is a part Hof acy in the Indochina war show ganization of veterans of the the Executive Office of the Pre- that Nixon's statement is untrue. Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba sident. Its job is witchhunting,' with the White House and the the hunting out of dissenters raid on the Democratic head- and so-called "subversives" and quarters. planning of measures to deal The tentacles can be glimpsed with them. of a long-term conspiracy to use The Cubans, who were recruit- terrorist gangs and individuals ed for subversive activities against "left-wing causes" in the against Cuba, including the CIA- U.S. organized invasion, have been The raid on -Democratic party working with the United States headquarters-not at all a "left- Military Reserve unit, which wing" organization-shows how operates under the Office of far this fascistic activity has Emergency Plans and Prepared- gone. ness in the White House. Ties with the fascistic ele- - ments in the military reserve Other direct links through the White House can be These are not the only direct discerned. links. The name of E. Howard Trail of CIA Hunt, Jr., was found in the ad- dress books of two of the part'- Tile trail of the CIA is visible cipants in Saturday's raid. hunt J it all stages of the operations is a former CIA agent, who t/ of these gangs. Members of the worked for it from 1949 to 1970. Ex-Combatientes Cubanos de Fort lie was an associate of "Frank Jackson are reported to have - Bender in the organization of met, with "American friends" on the Bay of Pigs invasion, and "direct action to combat what has maintaind his connections they viewed as left-wing causes with former Cubans. Hunt was in the U.S.," according to Tad a consultant at the White House Szulc in the New York Times in 1971 and in 1972 until at least June 22. March. The blundered attempt to bug . Two of - the participants in the Democratic party headquarters raid are connected with Amer- and to photograph files has re- itas, which is a wholly-owned vented a festering cancer in the White house, subsidiary of the All-State In- When Nixon moved into the vestment Fund, S.A., incorporat- White House he brought with ed in Panama. Persons familiar him the baggage of the days with the revelations of CIA when lie introduced the first "fronts," through which funds concentration camp bill in the are channeled and activity con- history of Congress and helped ducted. believe this setup has create the period of McCarthy- the same foul smell. ism. At his Thursday press confer- ;MeCord's links ence. Nixon - did not denounce James W. McCord, who was the raid but confined his state- held on $30,000 bond after his ment to: "This kind of activity arrest last Saturday, was at-that . . . has no place whatever in our time under contract as security electoral process or in our gov- coordinator to the Committee ernment process." for Reelection of President Nix- The fact is that the connec- on headed by former Attorney Lions 'of- the" participants in the General John N. Mitchell and of raid with the White house. etc.. the Republi n National om- show that "this kind of activi- l STATOTHR For Redpalse l2G01i/0v3/041:a A~RDP80-01601 R000900150001-9 mittee. Approved McCord was also a, 'member although it should not. The his- of a 15-man unit of the Office tort' of surreptitious activity by