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DAILY. 7ORL Approved For Release 2000/05/VJ :MZYA1R '461MT40 By Vicki Morris hot-her fact that or that not the you purpose want of to this accept as war is genocide, the result is certainly genocide part of the same genocidal policy the American government has carried out in Asia 'since the nuclear devastation of ? Japan." Al Hubbard, a member of the execu- tive board of the Vietnam Veterans Against the. War, made this comment leveled December 28, surrounding farm- " """"~" """ """"'?`g'r's mnun'.n ro land defoliated. kill him. Whop the r,rarrior falls from his The air invasion of the North was horse, you must care for him, teach him " never really halted, Hubbard -said. It and It send was him halsoomo.pointed out to Hubbard merely became mat c. In provinces torthen south, closer that the constitution of the DRV guar- te to the Demilitarized Zone, U.S. bombers antees justice, common defense, peace, "the words of the fly over daily, he said, and while he was welfare preamble to and the U.S. liberty, Constitution." there, visiting a kindergarten class, he The difference, commented Hubbard, went through an air raid with the chil- ? th t th V' i dren. He later discovered that this "gener- osity and humaneness" has been part of Vietnamese history for thousands of years. In an ancient cave Hubbard- visit-ed, on one of the islands at the mouth of . the inlet of.Hai Long Bai, his Vietnamese interpreter translated the following proverb carv th 1..-....,4..... ,.,... d i e --- e o: n s a e ietnamese are living the meaning of those words while Ameri- cans are not. ? after his trip to the Democratic Republic "Imagine fiveyear-old kids in ' a ' One of the most significant effects of re Vietnam in March. While Hubbard was ? school room," said Hubbard. "The air the trip was that Hubbard was able- relating some of the horrors he had seen raid alert sounds. They grab their little make comparison between the North as a result of the previous bombing raids straw thatched helmets and head for the Vietnamese and the South Vietnamese on tile North, from December 26 to 30 door. Disciplined at first: Then, when from his experiences while in the Air last year, a radio news .bulletin an- Force. He was struck by. the pride and pounced that American ships were tail- the explosion comes, dazed and terrified happiness people in the North have in y an awesome thing you cannot begin to their work, while in the South, he said, lag Soviet ships on the way to North by' Vietnam. Less than eight hours later understand, the kids run, in the wrbng people "just fuck-off," either because President Nixon announced his latest direction and away from shelter. They they are mercenaries only concerned "`peace" measures to mine all ports in the try to hide under the tiny straw helmets, with getting paid or because they oppose step their backs get hit, leaving many per- the American intervention. DRV and step up the air war on that em- manentlyparalyzed." battled country. The 'difference in attitude was evi- ? Hubbard, a Black former Air Force As Hubbard described his experience, dent from the moment he stepped out of he laid out ictures of the vi ti f p c ms o past pilot (1954 to 1966), is the second Vietnam veteran to be invited to North Vietnam. raids for a four-page brochure to be put Fie also, spent two weeks in Japan, and out by the VVAW. Some he had photo- several days in Moscow as a guest of the graphed himself in the hospitals. Soviet Peace Council . Nguyen thi Thau, now seven-months- Hubbard said he spent most of his old, was three-months-old last December eight-day stay in the DRV in schools and when a fragment from a shrike missile hospitals in the provinces "with the went 'through her cheek and hit her children' who were the victims - the brain. Her mother was lying critically in- targets of those raids." jured in the next room; her father and The type of raids made it clear that brother were killed by the same explosion. they were intended to slaughter civilians Pictures of others had been given to and destroy homes, said Hubbard. First, Hubbard by the War Crimes Commis- to high explosive bomb is dropped which like Sion of the DRV Some had been killed, terrifies and confuses people, making Nguyen van Than, three years old, them run in all directions, he explained. and his sister, Nguyen thi Binh,, eight at- Then .there are the second, third and months, struck in May 1970 during an at- tack on the Le Ninh State Farm. Some fourth drops of pellet bombs, each con- were maimed, like Don van Son, pierced taining thousands of tiny steel balls. through the skull by four fragments of a. "These bombs cannot pierce cement guava bomb in Haiphong in March 1967. or steel; they cannot; destroy bridges, Despite the bloodshed, the' people factories, a train or a truck; they cannot seemed more determi-A th the plane in Hanoi,.he said. "At the airport in Saigon," Hubbard said, "the faces?of the Vietnamese always bore expressions of resentment, fear and suspicion; guns and uniforms were everywhere." On the other hand, he said, those who came to greet him in Hanoi, were relaxed, "actually affectionate. Most important, there was no feeling of fear and the only guns I saw Were in the' hands of the people, people without uni- forms. "The very idea of being able to walk into the residence of the Premier without being checked by guards at the door; the idea of being able to sit down and rap like two human beings without an army of bodyguards around was almost unbetiev- able " 11 . Discussions with Premier. Pham.van Dong and the vice premier Nguyen Lung Bang and Le due Tho, member of the an ever to destroy military targets," he said. "They succeed in their struggle, he said, "in- politburo who has, played a leading role cannot destroy an thins except un rotect- in the negotiations in Paris, centered Y P spired by an Vern ite hatred of tt;e LS. around the U.S. peace movement, said ed flesh." imperialist government." . The destinations reached: "But I was amazed at their ability to Hubbard. Although the Vietnamese ex- A,hospital in Thanh Hoa, destroyed separate me as an individual Amer can pressed gratitude for the support of the December 26; clearly marked; no evi and a former participant in the war from anti war movement, Hubbard said, they dente of a military target in sight. were dismayed at the lack of unity. the despised murderers of their people A school it Huang Binh, ," The movement in the United States, 27 hit December he added. "The Vietnamese looked upon Hubbard said, could learn a valuable ~. _. _ me, particularly ac a Third world -- r ase -L0114u> It fa>-~vl ~i p r~ l 1`(Clly "" ` are mime in Bo T f n, > ? than one of 't - minori ies in or Vietnam, with t s perp~ Lrators. c ri2'fr c Approved For Release 2000/0 GU~R I; P80-01601 R0006001 LAOS A heavily censored report revealed May 7 in the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee charged the U.S. spends $100 million a year to support a Thai irregular army of 10,000 men in Laos. The report 'revealed that for the first time U.S. helicopter, gunships, under U.S. army command but apparently with Thai pilots, are .supporting medical evacuation missions in -northern Laos. The report was prepared by committee members James Lowenstein and Richard Moose after their trip to Thailand and Laos in January. The report also noted the CIA and Thai army headquarters in Udorn air force base in Thailand provide contact with the Thai irregular forces; the irregulars are trained in Thailand by U.S. army special forces per- sonnel; payments including bonuses are made .by the CIAto the Thai unit at Udorn. Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 TULSA, OKLA. TRIBUNE E -? 79,425 ~..... MAY 2 2197' t `ACCEPT IIAIVQI TERMS' Editor, The Tribune: Nixon has replaced one risky policy decision which failed with another risky and even more dangerous one. The CIA 1969 advised the President against a fockade, certain that it would fail. In light of the reality that South Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos will eventually come under the control of Communist regimes (our top officials have already accepted this fact), the best solution appears to be the pull- out of American troops and the creation of a coalition government in South Vietnam. This way we can be reasonably certain of getting our POWs back. But should the block- ade fail (and the odds are against it) we prob- ably will never see our POWs again. Therefore, as a loyal American, I feel that our best policy would be to accept North Vietnam's terms for a settlement, and get our troops and our POWs out forever. This will be a painful decision, but under the circumstances it is the only practical Tulsa B.H. Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 DAILY WORLD Approved For Release 20bf /0J`r15I9.7tIA-RDP80-01.601 1 lalk ~3~ A By JOSEPH NOt,TH- This is the eighth of a series describing the historic visit to North Vietnam of the. delegation of U.S. Communists led by Gus Hall, gen- eral secretary of the Party. They were invited by the Vietnam Workers Party. They experienced the resumption of bombings of Hanoi and Hai- phong; later they visited key places in the land and had many talks with Party and governmental leaders as well as. with workers and farmers. The delegation included Gus Hall, CP candidate for the Presiden- cy; Jarvis Tyner, CP Vice-Presidential candidate and chairman of the Young Workers Liberation League; Rasheed Storey, chairman of the New York State Communist Party, and Joseph,North, author of "No Men Are Strangers" and editor of World Magazine. Next io traveling the bomb-torn roads to South Viet- nam to visit the National Liberation Front-as well as the freedom forces in Laos-we did the best thing possible. by calling on their official representatives in Hanoi located 'in the yellow stucco buildings the long-gone French ad- ministrators had built throughout the past century. The same buildings, but what a difference in the occupants! The independent flags of South east Asia, and' the native flow- ers brought from. their regions, :now adorned these quarters. We went first to the Laotian Mission, then to the South Viet-~ namese. True; South Vietnam and North Vietnam are one -country, but contemporary ?history has con- signed one region the' (ask of building and defending socialism (North Vietnam), and the other region the struggle for national liberation (South Vietnam). The two interlock and affect each other's struggles. Yet one felt shades of differentiation at the South Vietnam mission when we met the two NLF women and others who had made their .way here out of Saigon secretly, ac- companied by a guerrilla warrior who was decorated five times for heroism and who was all of- 16 years old. He was wounded and limped badly. He wore smoked glasses,: for his eyes too had been severely hurt in battle. - _ -`Old friends' - ? The South Vietnam ambassa- dor here, Nguyen Phu Seai, sat under a painting of Ho Chi Minh. He was in his late thirties, a veteran of the. war,. and ' smiled luyMnoir,~'o, LOW his welcome when we entered He said he knew of our . pres- ence from "The People,", the daily official newspaper, and that he had known Gus Hall a long time because he had read Hall's speeches at international conferences, his articles and pamphlets.. "We know you as old friends" he said, offering tea and the little Hanoi bananas and oranges. The visit to the Laotian dele- gation was somewhat different. The chief authority, a tall hand- some man, spoke in quiet, calm tones which seemed to be the earmark of all the Southeast As- ians we met. He said warmly that he remembered John Pitt- man, our co-editor, who had been on a political and journal- istic mission to Laos two years ago, and whose dispatches first tore the veil from the CIA- run military actions in that country. The ambassador told us of a saying in his country. Since its population is three million and since the U.S. bombers have dropped three million bombs on Laos, they say, "Each Laotian builds freedom even though he is carrying a ton of U.S. bombs on his back." 26 years under bombs ? For the past 26 years no day STATI NTL passed without a raid "and many of our people live in caves," he said, "yet our population has trebled since we kicked the French imperialists out." One guide who knew Laotian ren- dered the Ambassador's words into Vietnamese which was then translated to us in English- frbm Laotian to Vietnamese to English. - He said you can gauge the way. things 'are going by such facts as this: Before freedom, under the French, all Laos had one solitary doctor, and one hos- pital. Now Laos has "30 doctors, 4,000 nurses and many medical centers. We have in the main.- overcome illiteracy; everybody in the Army and all functionar- ies are now literate." - Before,* starvation ruled the country. Today, despite the bomb- ings, "there is no hunger, for. the new government, has been able to improve the supply by -achieving two rice crops a year." Despite genocidal air attacks, the Laotian authority said, mili- tary victories have been contin- ually won, especially recently on the southern end of Route 9. (In the next instalment, ques- tions about Angela Davis from a young woman freedom fighter at the South Vietnamese mission.) Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 Approved For Release 200015 :'Fk~~j -e1601 R .1 lie White House Classifies Coni'ess si. L, BY THB partment and CIA -won't 'less up to ing into two clays of secret sessions. what. they are doing with the Thai The basic bj ti o ec on was that Gravel \VASIii\G'l'ON-Secrecy,leads to mercenaries. The reason is that Con- -would be violating the law by mak- self-deception. If you want proof of `M'ess last year passed a law prohlb- jn public a document classified se that overlooked political axlont,.look iting the use of defense funds to. ct?et. Then to the amazement of the help third-country forces fight in senators, it turner] out that there at the va\' we'have gotten involved. 4x11 ort f II L o with" :i. secret mercenary army in It?a.ll started. not so innocently .a decade ago when the. Central Intel- ligence Agency recruited, directed and supported -an army of . \leo ] p n aottan of C.anlboclt was no law specifically authorizing an governments If all th f t . e ac s were made public, it would he evident that the cxccutiwe.branch was vio-' lating the law. It's easy enough to blame the ex- f it s usecrecy CV- or i ta ibesmen to?keep Lao, from going erybodybknow11 s ding . Pros- Communist It was like having a ]dent Nixon , who issued a new exec- Gurkha army of 'ollr own; only no utiwe order on classification recently one knew we had-it '.and thus nobody cared that we. --ere getting over -1-hat the government business is more involved in a -war in I?tos. It weighted down -v i t h.. excessive se- ' was all going :splendidly until the crccy.? CIA sent Gen. No and 'his For all its c'ritic'ism of the exccu- * the executive branch to classify in- formation. The whole secrecy svs- tent, it turns out, just rests on im- plied powers assumed by the execu- The whole security . system ob- viously .is not going to come tum- bling down. Nor should it. But once C o n g r e s s starts questioning it, maybe it will hjtgin to realize that Gravel has a point when lie argues that Congress also can determine what information should be made army on an ill-fated 'offensive. last ti-e'hranch, Cons tens really likes se- public. Right now it's reached the spring. The Ueo "irregulars" got crecy. At ]east those in power do be- point of absurdity: the Senate sends cx'mn?ed up;-they had about l0~,. ca_ cause secrecy means power. "If you its debates in secret session down to wallies. That ]night not have been ton. had except there were no more tribesmen to recruit in Laos. So the CIA stal?ted recruiting mercenaries in Thailand, only it caller} then] "volunteers.". No w the Senate Porcign Relations Committee has discovered that we have a'.lOQ mijlion an11111al commit- ment. to finance an iu?my of ]0,000 'Thai ?.vo:unteers" fighting in Laos. The-Thais like it because thew are getting good pay as well as extra military assistance froin'the United States. Presumably the Laotians like it becau-e the Moo and Thai can do the fighting, But what about Con" gross and the, poor American - tax- payer who never linen they were running 111) a $100 million annual. hill in Laos? And . what about the present moral character of it nation that .200 years ago won its indepen- clenc?e fighting, Hessian mercena- ries? . Put aside all the moral, geopoliti- cal and financial considerations. It's also a disturbing case of the evils of secrecy in our government and Con- gress. Secrecy provides a way to subvert the conatitutional checks and'balances on the war powers. Oh sure, the CIA informed a few m e 01 b e n s of the Appropriations' Gomnlittcc. But then it intimidated them by'explaining it was so hush- hush they couldn't talk about it to' the rest of Congress. After that the privileged few didn't even bother to raise. questions-that was until Sen. senator Very important iii.his own Pied. eves and in the eyes of his col- Congress ought to understand that ]canoes. it tired not be stick' a willing, 'ac- ]f you want a bewildering exam- quiescent partner in a? secrecy -svs- ple, take the. case of Symington. One ten that leads not only to deception day lie is deploring the executive but to the impotence of Congress., naries. The next day he is on the Senate floor gUestloliing whether sc- eests should be given to members of Congress except those on the Armed Services, Foreign Relations, and Atomic Energ? committees. Sy- mington, it should b'c pointed out, is the only member of all three com- mict-ees. Or take the case of Rep. Della Ah- zug, who had the temerity to intro- duce a resolution demanding infor- mation on how. mans- bombs we are dropping in Indochina. From the horrified look on the face of Rep. F. Edward Hebert, the chairman of the House Armed Services 'Committee, you would have thought Ms. Abzag wanted to reveal the secrets of the A-bomb. But really his consterna- tion was over the fact that she w'a.k challenging the power of the Armed Services Committee, which wants to keep such Information locked up in' Its own safes. ? Maybe Sen. dike Gravel (D-Alas- ka), with his maverick ways, is _fi- nally forcing Congress to face up to the problem. 1-le tried the other day to place in the Congressional Record a copy of it still secret national se- curity menlorandunm that Henry STATINTL Stuart Symington (D-ido.l and his Kissinger had prepared back in 19W) foreign r e l a t i o n s subcommittee on the Vietnam options open to the started -iuur ?~S1~1 }~ 1 s,t~ e'. 1 ~!I}ttfn'` O1 ~~1n~~1601 8000600140001-3 -war in La Kt` c th 11 S1) fCfel- NEW YORK. U) ES 17' MAY 1972 Approved For Release 2000105/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 he; S~~th~~st By HANS J. SPIELMANN 'BANGKOK, Thailand-The world's attention in recent months has been turned toward the. Mideast-Turkey, principally-as the source of illicit supplies of heroin. But the fact is that the fabled. "Fertile Triangle" of South- east Asia - Thailand, Burma and Laos-continues to produce two-thirds of the world's known supply of opium, from which heroin is derived: .The figures alone are eye-catching: in 1970 Thailand's hill tribes con- tributed 185 metric tons of raw opium to the world's supply, Burma 1,000'tons, Laos 100. It is true that most of the opium, or about. 800 tons, is consumed by South- east Asians from Rangoom to Hong Kong. Nonetheless, about 400 tons continue to leave: the area,' bound for adtlicts around the world. The buyers, not all Americans by any means, range from soldiers in Vietnam to junkies along Newt York's Eighth Avenue. . So' vast are these suppliesO (U.S. addicts, for example, consume annual- ly the heroin derived from "only" 120 metric tons of opium), so limitless the profits, that governments, armies and revolutionary fronts have played parts in the production' and trade throw*,h the years. They continue to do so, and even the United States Central Intcl- digence Agency has had its days in the poppy fields. "They have been growing poppies for 150. years." sian- C Cdn~e~tibn The. production- of opium only be- The Kuomintang troops also keep came illegal in Thailand in 1958, as up political appearances, when the STATINTL did trafficking and smoking, and the real idea is opium. They say that they hill people really could not understand carry out pro-U.S. espionage in that they were outlaws. Not to worry, Burma, and even claim forays into as things developed: production went China for "anti-Communist" activities. on unabated. As it is now, there is a sort of Com- mon Market in opium operative in Southeast Asia. National boundaries are crossed by an assortment of rogues who, while moving tons of the stuff, "lose" only 2 or 3 per cent as bribes and tributes and so forth. The.operation begins with the fields in. the high country (over 3,000 feet above sea level for the high-quality poppy) of Thailand, Laos and Burma. The hill people themselves have neither the courage, contacts nor funds to enter into the distribution, so they await the sharp lowlanders., These townsmen come around at harvest time, looking down their noses at the hill people whom they consider to be inferior, and buy the opium at very low prices. The best buy is in Burma, where a kilo of raw opium sells for $15; in Laos it's $30, and in Thailand $40. Opium is gathered in the villages and then in ever-larger towns by smugglers, who may be described in the first dealings as petty, but who become rather more than that as the opium changes hands and the supplies pile up.'Then highly disciplined para- military types take over, .with tough- ness and sure-handedness. Among these is an outfit known as the Shan .of Northern Burma-rela- tives of the Thais-whose dream, at least back in Burma, was the establish- ment of an autonomous Shan State. But its fi htin win the Shan Libera- g g g, The:'Vietnam war and the complex 'and confusing movement of "foreign- lion Army, has generally abandoned ers" back and forth through Southeast politics as it observed the fertile fields of Shan asylum in northern illi i h c t Asia has created a boom in t e production. of raw opium. Today, in Thailand. Thailand alone, it is estimated that Units of. the front transport the half of the 350,000 hill people. in the" opium grown in Burma (and this is the elevated areas of the north participate mother lode-700 metric tons for ex. In growing poppies. port) to bases in Thailand. Of course, Thirty per cent of these workers as units cross the Burmese-Thai bor- Thirty back and forth, back and forth, are Addicts, themselves, but they turn the talk is all politics and the dream a tiny profit by the standards of the of statehood, but it's camouflage for million-or-billion-dollar deals we are the real action, which is the opium. accustomed, to associating with nar- The Shan has somewhat complex, cotics. The average worker earns but strict, working arrangements with about $100 a year and has, incidental- the notorious Kuomintang (whose par- ly,. no real knowledge o what he is cut organization is Nationalist Chi- doing. That is to say,. the hill people nese) troops of the Fertile Triangle. do not even know that they .are pro- Sometimes the Shan and the Kuomin- ducing, an illicit product for a? world tang trade arms and ammunition, and market; they have been growing the medicines-often purchased from U.S. poppies and using the opium in lieu stocks in, Laos-for opium. of pain-killing medicines for about 150 But these units are no longer used and supplied by the United States . or Taiwan, as they once were, although they maintain radio contact, with each other. The Kuomintang is said now to,jiave 10,000 men under. arms, chiefly in Thailand, but in Burma and Laos as .well. 'Frequently, Kuomintang caravans of between 300 and 500 moh,?plus horses and mules carrying contraband for trade, can be seen working toward the north of Thailand and Laos toward Burma. They are supplied along the way with food by villagers eager to please such impressive forces, and eager to make extra motey or to ac- quire some unusual luxuries. ,Once they make their. contacts-, either with Shan troops or with smug- glers-the Kuomintang caravan can pack up as much as fifteen tons of opium for the return trip southward. It is said that these troops and their "allied contractors" transport between 450 and 500 tons of raw opium south- ward each year. Their profit mark-up is 200 per cent. One, arrangement that-6e Kuomin- tang and the Shan have is that each Kuomintang convoy that goes into certain poppy-growing territory actu- ally controlled by Shan troops must, pay tribute. This amounts to about $1:50 a kilo, and entitles the caravan to a transit letter and Shan escorts back to territory controlled by the Kuomintang. ' (In other areas Shan convoys. must pay tribute to Kuomin- tang soldiers-the reverse sltuation.) As noted, there are. a great 'many addicts in Southeast Asia, and the, Kuomintang troops sell off a good deal of the opium back in Thailand. They get four to six times what they paid. But most of it is headed for export- for quick dashes across more borders, to airports and train stations, to sea- ports, to Bangkok, Singapore, Hong. Kong, Vientiane and Saigon. And on In the last five years, the Kuomin-' tang, discovering among other things that some of the opium it was trans- porting was bringing in 2,00 times more profit to the ultimate dealer than to its troops, began processing the opium itself. Kuomintang thereby in- creased its own profits, never incon- siderable, at least threefold. years.; Approved Fir.. RAI ease 2000/05/15 CIA-RD P80-01601 R000600140001-3 continued Approved For Release 2000/05/##4 PA -'OT'~bff, Is edon"m o Inali ena e? If not, it will be alienated, and ultimately destroyed. That is the paramount issue of the Victor Marchetti censor- ship case. [See Marchetti's "The CIA: The President's Loyal Tool"; The Nation, April 3.] Marchetti, now 42, graduated from Pennsylvania State University in 1955 with a degree in Russian studies and history. He was recruited for the CIA by a professor, who, .interestingly enough, was secretly on the agency's payroll as a talent scout. In time, Marchetti was promoted to the CIA executive staff and served" finally as executive assistant to Adtn. Rufus L.' Taylor, deputy director from 1966 to 1969. Marchetti was with the agency for fourteen years, resigning in the same year as did Admiral Taylor. Obviously, Marchetti knows a lot about the CIA-that is part of the trouble. lie was well thou lit of b Richard his colleagues . y Helms, CIA' director, presented him with an autographed picture inscribed, "To Vic-With appreciation for his support.'"' But the longer Marchetti served the CIA the less he appreciated it and .its work. Among his reasons 'for leaving he cites "the clandestine attitude, the amorality of it all, the cold-war mentality-these kinds of things made me feel that the agency was really out of step with. the times." And: "It's one of my strong beliefs that the ?CIA has to be more tightly gvervicwed by Congress. As it, is now, the agency operates almost exclusively under the authority of the President." Thus the CIA is one of the factors in the 'subordination of the legislative branch to the executive. For that matter, once it is let loose on a project, the agency is subordinate. to the executive itself only in a very loose sense. As everyone now knows, it is carrying .on a war in Laos at a cost of roughly $500 mil- lion a year, using tribesmen as mercenaries and running its own airlines, etc. In the Kansas City area it maintains an arsenal, with a "huge inventory" of weapons for its/ foreign operations; it has bases for training. and gthcr purposes elsewhere in the United States. The Marchetti case assumes constitutional importance because Mr. Marchetti, when he joined the CIA, signed the usual agreement not to write or talk about the agency's activities even after he left it. Marchetti came to the at- tention of The Nation when he wrote a spy novel, The Rope Dancer, which had apparent reference to the CIA. Since this was in fictional form it does not appear to have agitated the CIA management; nor did The Nation article which, together with some interviews Marchetti gave to newspapers, was read by Admiral Taylor, who 'had some reservations about accuracy but concluded that there was nothing damaging in any of the material. But when Mar- chetti contracted with Alfred A. Knopf to write a non- fiction book about the CIA, the government got into action. Although Marchetti is willing to have the CIA re- view the book for classified material, the government went before U.S. District Judge Albert V. Bryan, Jr. in Alex- andria, Va., and obtained a temporary restraining order prohibiting Marchetti from writing the book for Knopf- a book of which he has not yet set down a single line. The American Civil Liberties Union is tr in to get the I ernment is whether a U.S. citizen can agree to waive.his freedom of conscience, of thought, of moral sentiment in the manner prescribed by the CIA. The case dramatizes the fact that the CIA is essentially an alien institution-- alien to American custom, alien to the Constitution, and incompatible with both the forms and the spirit of democ- racy. In. our view, Marchetti not only has the right but the 'moral obligation to write his book, just as it was his moral obligation to write the article commissioned by The Nation. A ruling to that effect by the federal courts would not impose an unreasonable limitation on the proper and law- ful activities of the CIA, or any other agency. It can set up rules, office policies, and normal administrative meads of enforcement, but it cannot compel a former employee to waive his freedom to say or write what he sees fit, once his employment is terminated. If an agency of the govern- ment deems something that has been published to be in violation of law, it may proceed against the author and publisher, but pre-censorship is repugnant to American institutions. STATINTL . restraining Apprtamede~,~ FReIease t20DF 5/15 : CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 The question raised by the action on behalf of the gov- LYASi1IriG'10N P05T Approved For Release 2000/05115 M lAg DP80-01601 RO Jack Anderson Smugers Using been Involved in drug traffic ''for some years.'; Yet, despite all . this evi- dence of official Thai corrup- tion, the United States con- tinues to supply Thailand with millions in American. arms. And the Thai govern- tnent smugly dismisses this cglulnn's documented reports a / 0 ` DESPITE furious denials by the Thai government, evi- dence is mounting that mem- bers of Thailand's 16-man rul- ing council have .been cor- rupted by international dope smugglers. As-far away as this oriental intrigue is, it directly affects the alarming rise of crime on America's streets where ad- dicts rob, house-break and shoplift to feed their gnaw- mg heroin habits. ,Reports from the Central Intelligence Agency, and the State, Justice and Defense departments, all agree that shore' and it ma- tion lines with double agents that no one knew what was r ally happening. Hitler's own risen invariably gave him false information because they didn't like him. Of course, tii,-y couldn't have'cnown for sure what they were giving ;1}m since the British were running the German spy network in England. Then again, the Roosevelt-Churchill hotiie was tapped. Sure, a spy can be important-but you iie:'cr knowkl to how many people." History proves over and over that the spy game is a waste of time and money, says Farago. "When I worked in naval intelligence in 1915-;7, the infor- ination published in the New York Times was super- ior to what was coming through our office. The Korean invasion of June, 1950, wasn't announced to President Truman by our vast spy network; it came over the Associated Press wire. And, of cou>;se, the CIA's 'secret' Bay of Pigs was one long farce, Eisen- hower turned down the idea in September, 1960, but Allen Dulles (then CIA head) and Richard Bissell (then chief of staff) sold it to Kennedy. It was so cleverly planned that virtually every major news source from the New York Times to the Nation knew t, , ilium ? best-sell i R-diear!W200M 5/1.5 ~601 R~0060Q 1400 1-3 ~ $11'PS), T. go has spent most of his life working, in an ~ Leming (w o was t ten with British American intelligence services and studying espion- Intelligence and went on to write the James Bond L 2 G N11 "%R 1972 STATINTL Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 causing more than 100 civiliari deaths But intelligence officers also report in a short attack that seemed designed signs that the North Vietnamese would to dramatize Cambodia's-tenuous mili-like to make a push on the old im- tary- situation. Further terrorist at- ` perial capital of Hue, a principal tar- he . y r tacks later in twhe week destroyed a get in 1968. j u key bridge and sank and damaged So far, the Communists have S ~C. vital supply shins in Pnomnenh harbor.. avoided main force around clashes Cambodia is also undergoing a preferring to stand at a distance to ? political upheaval stemming at least fire rockets and mortars at their ae. CC.. t..~ in from a crisis of confidence in enemies- as in Pnnrnnnnh last Tnnc- , its military leadership following a day, and at several Vietnamese bases "~ serious defeat administered to Cam- just below the Demilitarized Zone and Ii r U16 so bodian President Lon Nol's forces at Tayninh, west of Saigon last week. i S h o .. . along Highway i,c north of Pnomr ~ mer cans are conntinuing to ]E1ct1o13. pooh last December. withdraw troops -- there are fewer As active as the Communists have than 108,000 in South Vietnam now, been outside South Vietnam's borders and there will be only 69,000 by May, SAIGON- The Americans and their son during which they normally con power. The planes are based mostly' South Vietnamese, Laotian and Cam- centrate their attacks they have outside Vietnam, at five airfields in bodian allies are fighting three dif- done surprisingly little inside the Thailand and on two aircraft carriers ferent, ground wars these days. The country so far this year. That is a always on station in the Gulf.of Ton-.. North Vietnamese are fighting one, in source both of comfort and of worry kin. The only large American air base three different places. And last week for the Americans here. "I think North left in Vietnam is at Danang. But .American analysts here, trying to Vietnam is determined to do some- when intelligence . reports indicate make sense of it all, were saying that thing in South Vietnam in the 1972 something big is tip, American air. the Communists might be concentrat- dry season," said a senior analyst. "I power can be increased easily.- as mg their attacks in Laos and Cam- think they want to have a very, very it was in. mid-February, when the bodia because it is easier for them to direct influence on the American elec- command brought in extra B-52's and succeed there now than it is in South toral process." a - third aircraft carrier to mount a. Vietnam: American officials here predicted a large bombing campaign against the `' a ? r ,-The. analysts do not doubt, how- North Vietnamese main force offen- Tot offensive that never came. over, that an important aim of the sive would be launched in February "Whether the Communists will corn- North Vietnamese is to affect the out- to coincide with President Nixon's mit their main-line units, I ( come of the November elections in visit to Peking. It failed to material- don't know," one American specialist \ . the United States. "They think maybe ize and now they are saying that it said. "But they are in disposition to that they can embarrass us as easily was suddenly called off in the mid- do so on very short notice. And their there in Laos and Cambodia as in die of last month because the enemy buildup in air defenses along the trail .,Vietnam," one of these analysts said realized his limitations. Now they ex- and just above the Demilitarized Zone he other day. pest the big offensive some time next indicates they plan to do something At week's end, the situation at the summer. "I think they'd prefer any in retaliation for which they expect once secret Central Intelligence Democratic candidate to Nixon," an a very strong bombing reaction." ,'Agency base at Long Tieng in north- American official said the other day, The North Vietnamese are also -ern Laos was ";fluid." The Laotian de- "and they'll try to do' what they can building three new airfields just above. fenders of the installation, which has to embarrass Nixon on the Vietnam the Demilitarized Zone. Would they not been a usable military base since issue and cause his defeat." use them to send bombers beyond the North Vietnamese nearly overran The Americans' protege, President their borders against their enemies? it. last January and forced the with- Nguyen Van Thieu, shares this view, "That," one source said, "would be an drawal of most equipment and air- but he would prefer Mr. Nixon to any '-ntirely new phase of the war." craft Were in disarray. Scores of them Democratic candidate. The fear among -CRAIG R. WHITNEY had - thrown away their weapons and the Nixon Administration's representa fledsouth; away from the fighting. tives here is that if the Communists Clouds last week prevented the staged a spectacular offensive - by United States and Laotian Air Force trying for example to cut the country bombers -from hitting the enemy posi- in two in the Central Highlands re- tions effectively;' and American of- gion - the political impact in the ficials,here predicted that the North United States would be enough to Vietnamese would try to push every bring about a change next November. defender out of the Long Tieng val. All this of course is speculation, but- ley if they could. tressed only by intelligence reports of- To, the south, in the Laotian Pan- the movement of a greater number' handle; the Communists have widened of North Vietnamese troops - some their: hundreds of miles of infiltra- say 80,000 of them - into South ti',on and supply trails and brought Vietnam than at any time since the' in more antiaircraft guns and Soviet- great Tot offensive of Early 1968. built surface to air (SAM) missiles Most of these reported troop move- there than ever before. This has ham- ments of North Vietnamese divisional pere? the American bombing effort, size forces appear to be aimed to- now at its seasonal peak of several wards the Central Highlands, west of'- hundreds of missions each day. the provincial capitals of Pleiku and Kontum, on Tuesday, from one delivery forces are most vulnerable to attacks. point on the trail, the North Viet- namese launched scores of rockets at the Cambodi,ArnnlritQ'VedP R,lease 2000/05/15 CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 4.;R YORK,T1.iR5 Approved For Release 2000 1A-RDP80-0160 E nemy ill Tr g to iz Dd o sat Key cos Base By JOSEPII B. TREASTER VIENTIANE, Laos. March 251 Qualified.' Americans here North Vietnamese forces, in! Territorial Drive Seen maintain that. any North Viet- heavy shelling beginning last) For the moment the North namese advance that developed Saturday and followed by a se Vietnamese and the Commu- in the event that long Tieng fell could be delayed consider- ries of ground attacks, have nist Pa.thet. Lao are not be- lieved to ho interested in tak- ably by a series of retreats to driven Laotian troops off four ing Vientiane, but Mr. Sisouk, the ridges between the base of the nine positions on the and other Laotians think t.heyl and the Vientiane plain. Many) ridge verlooking the mountain want to occupy as much terri-i feel that this tactic should hold; base at Long Tieng. taly this year as possible in off the North Vietnamese until; namese have been unable to There is a widespread feeling occupy the positions them- in; Vientiane that 1972 could be selves, a decisive year in the long -American officials have struggle for Laos. sought to discount the import- The Communist forces now ance of Long Tieng, which is control ab,aut two-thirds of the 33 miles northeast of Vientiane 91,000 square miles of Laos, the capital, and which served according to informed ATneri- for years as the center for can sources. If they succeed In secret Central Intelligence getting much more territory, /Agency operations in northern the Vientiane Government, J Laos. The Americans say that, headed by Prince Souvanna many of its former functions I'houma, will have very little have been shifted elsewhere bargaining power in negotia- a.nd that it is no longer of tions. strategic value. Long Tieng sits astride one : Sisouk na Cliampassak, the! of three natural routes to the acting Minister of Defense, and' south, the central one. In ad- Government officials disagree. dition to physically blocking: Mr. Sisouk said in an inter-i movement on this route. it has view today that he believed; been useful as a base for ta CA BOCIIAI 4 ?Komporg. Thom SOUTH. VIETN M A irh Sa l9 om_ son for Mr. Sisouk's concern. ti the New York Timos/March 26, 1972 Laotians lost key posts , near Long Tieng (1). Foe struck near Dakto (2) and shelled Tayninh (3). the primary North Vietnamese tbiective in attacking and try- ing to capture Long Tieng was to clear the way fora drive south' to ti}~ Vientiane V launching operations directed at the other trails. Since the latest North Viet- namese attacks began at the end of December, however, the base has been virtually para- lyzed, fighting for its life.,-No aircraft have been able to use the mile-long MacAdara. run- way. Supplies have either been parachuted into tehe base or, dropped from helicopters, i Enemy Troops Put at 7,000 Mr. Sisouk estimated that! !there are about 7,000 North Vietnamese in the force be-! sieging the base. Other sources said that perhaps an. equal number of irregulars-Meo hill, 'tribesmen, Thai volunteers and! lother Laotians - under the! command of Maj. Gen. Vang j Pao, were defending Long j eng These irregulars are part ofI a force of about 30,000 who were trained and recruited by the United States' Central In- telligency Agency. They are considered to be the only viable fighting force on the Laotian Government side. Both American and Laotian officials fear that if the defend- ers of Long Tieng were over- whelmed the morale of the ir- regular forces and the 58.000, the rainy season be ms in May and military operations in Laos become next to impossible.; But these Americans concede that a collapse in morale could) prove to he an insurmountable problem. i Officials currently are deny-, in, corre~pondent's requests to:, visit Long Tieng, saying that' all available helicopters are being used in the battle. Little Ground Combat Reported. While informed American sources have. described the f'ighting at Long Tieng as "in- tense,' field reports seem to in dicate that there has been rela-; tively little ground combat. Instead, the indications are that the campaign for Long Tieng has been largely an artil-I lery duel, with considerable! bombing also being done by American and Laotian pilots, In the last week of fig hting,i informed American sourceS have been able to confirm only 102 North Vietnamese deaths. There was no total - available for Laotian Government losses. Two task forces have moved out several miles beyond Long Tieng in an attempt to cut or at least threaten the North Viet- namese supply lines. But so far neither task , force has seen much action. Both the Americans and, Laotians here believe that the, odds increase in favor of the' Governnint forces the longer] the battle goes on because of the chronic problems of re-1 supply that the North Vietna- inese face. Informed American sources estimate that the North Vietna- mese have .:p to five more days before they bins to feel a pinch in supplis and so far they have given on indication that they intend to do anything but press the battle. Today Mr. Sisouk said that he was ready to "pay any .price" to hold T:ono Ti-a. STATINTL S ff"r cr. Laosiaeniidl J teff'lbt- CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 CIA-RDP80-01601 R SEATTLE, WASH. TI i'1 12 61972 E -- 24 4 , 776 S - 310,357 ~~Nix n revelation 0 C e ofo F" 4 tlil ! 3 e Q mNSmg By SVEIN GILJE In a rare reference to ci- vilians involved in the Indo- china war, President Nixon has revealed that some 50 American civilians are miss- ing, or held captive. The reference came in a presidential proclamation declaring the week begin- ning today as the National Week of Concern for Prison- ers of War and Missing in Action. The week will be noted here with a proclamation to be issued tomorrow by May- or V. es Uhhnan. Earlier Gov. Dan Evans "issued a similar proclamation. The President's proclama- tion noted that "there are 1,623 American servicemen and some 50 United States civilians missing in action or being held captive by North Vietnam and its allies." The proclamation did not go into spe'cifics as to the ci- vilians. It's known that some civilians were captured or are missing, such as from the 1.970 invasion of Canmbo- dia. But presumably this also STATINTL refers to civilians missing in seven. years and 427 more Laos, where the C; tr,~l in-,than six years. teJl,ir, a FAxncy has been One of the men, Lt. Col. active in the so-called "se- Jack W. Bomar, is believed cret war" there. Civilian pi- to be dying of a kidney ail- lots fly for Air America, ment judging from letters which contracts with the C. his wife has received. A kid- L. A. Some of the men have been held or missing for sev- eral years. "At the end of t h i s month," Mr. Nixon said, the first men to be taken prisoner will begin their ninth year in captivity. This is the longest internment ever endured by American fighting men." Seven men have been cap- tive or missing more than eight years; 135 more than ney machine and a techni- cian to operate it have been offered through the Red Cross, but there has been no response from North Viet- nam. The men in the P. 0. W. or missing categories are af;- ing: 311 are older than ?10 years, 15 are over 50 years and two over 55. The week will be observed at Fort Lewis and the - Mc- Chord Air Force Base, as well. Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 Approved For Release 2000T/15R OVA-RDP80-01601 R00 .": 'By D. E. lionk Special to The Washington Post 11IONE, Laos-A scattering of ramshackle bamboo huts bared to the sweltering sun, a long reel-and-white striped barrier pole, and a wide, dusty fork in National JRou'4c 13 mark perhaps the most important road junc- tion in Laos. Sixty miles south, through ,mountains and across plains, is Vientiane, the capital and entry point for the equip- ment of war passing here. .North, by way of the left Cork, is Luang Prabang, the royal capital, now cut off by Communist - Pathet Lao troops. The right fork is the im- portant one. In a day, dozens of heavily laden trucks rum- ble to the right through Ban Iiouei Pomone, shift. to a lower -year and begin the ascent into the mountains of northern Laos. Twenty miles east, the. road ends at Ban Son, America's largest refugee center in Laos and head- quarters for Gen. Vang Pao and his CIA-supported army, now fighting desper- ately to maintain a toehold. Road Vital Link "Close that road," an American official in Vienti- ane said, "and you can prob- ably write off Vang Pao." - One day this week, there was a break in the flow of trucks hauling gasoline, am- munition, food, and building jnaterial as well as of the buses and taxis taking pas- sengers to and from the town that has sprung up around Ban Son. An am- bush midway between the two endsof the road halted traffic. Drivers waited for word to come down by radio that it was safe to go in. A flatbed truck loaded with empty gasoline drums from Ban Son and carrying soldiers and civilian hitch 2 hikers had been ambushed. A taxi driver explains that 10 were dead and 30 wounded. Ile nodded at a bundle of U.S. 'M16 rifles in the dust and at a cluster of young soldiers silently watching them. A couple of the rifles were smeared with blood, dried by the blistering sun. Soldier Dead One rifle was missing its ]land grip. "Dead," a boy-sol- dier said, nodding his head east, up the fork in the high- way. :1s the vehicles began pulling out onto the road, a government official re- marked that they were fook ish to go and that the'road was not yet safe. He let them go nonetheless, while the foreigners were told to wait. The young tribal soldiers waiting for a northbound taxi with their bundled ri- fles noted our interest in the weapons. The youngest sol- dier dragged on one ciga- rette after another. When Ile spoke to his friends, in clipped phrases in both Lao and mountain dialect, it was evident his voice had not even begun to clec en with adolescence. None was older than 18. Dark -skinned, shaggy haired, dressed in greasy, baggy combat fatigues, they were fully equipped for war. ]land grenades dangled at their belts. Pockets bulged with ammunition, They wore flack jackets over sleveless shirts. One of the youths asked a taxi driver if he was willing to take them and the weap- ons to Vang Vien. The driver refused. The young soldiers were. apparently, already here from Ban Son before the ambush took place. Taxi .drivers who ferried the dead and ' wounded into Ban IIouei P01-none, transferring them on to Vang Vien.. brought the rifles to the checkpoint at the junction. their unit had instructed the boys to carry them to Vang Vein. East along the road to Ban Son, a llue.y helicopter, its sound distinct in the mountain air, chattered a few hundred feet above the road just beyond sight, prob-. ably searching for the am- bushers, but already too late, Later, an American ex- planined it was one of the new Thai "irregular" gun ships that the CIA now op- erates around Ban Son, os- tensibly doing only medical evacuation. Although the helicopters are always standing by for emergency needs, like the ambush, the enemy can hear them coming far away and is gone before they get there, the American said. - "There is no answer to ambushes along that road, or any other road they want to hit," he commented. The American believes the -North Vietnamese are planning to seal tip the road into Ban Son, the central lo- gistics point for the Long Chong area, multiplying problems for the CIA and Vang Pao. "It is a hell of a smart move," he remarked. Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 TIM NEVI! YORKE Approved For Release 20p0105115 : IA-RDP80-01601 R006~ '~Jd01-3 u 5 MAR 1972 THE TALK OF THE TOWN Notes and Comment THE President's trip to China shows that television coverage opens up what is virtually a new field of action to men in power. With television, a President can- draw eyes away from the piecemeal,. day-to-day unfolding of policy and focus thertt on complex, powerful, symbolic events that he can manipulate more, easily than he can the world itself. It allows him to act directly on the country's imagina- tion, like a high priest. Major. events of this kind, which are designed chiefly for the sake of coverage, are more elu- sive than events of other. kinds. It is not only the results of an event like the China trip that are indeterminate but the very nature of the event. 'When the excitement has died down, one has to wonder even whether anything really happened at all. As we have turned these matters over in our mind, we have found ourself thinking in more than one voice-in a kind of colloquy. The colloquy revolves around the ques- tion of appearance and reality in poli- .tics, and goes like this: FIRST VOICE: The trip was the most unreal, and therefore the most de- ceptive, event in recent memory. It was a circus put on to'enhance the prestige of the participants and divert all of us from their real actions in the world. At a? time when action was regrured, they gave us theatre. Instead of agreements and. explanations, they gave us tourism and toasts. (The news-starved reporters raised the art of interpreting official handshakes and official toasts to the level of a new academic discipline.) It was all hints and no commit- ments. The trip fits into an ominous new American strategy-for wide- spread but "invisible" continued in- tervention-abroad, with our govern- ment phasing out the techniques that .attract the public's attention. The new strategy would rely heavily on conduct clandestine wars, like the one in L'aos), on allies and mercenaries (like the Cambodians and the Thais), oti donations of materiel, and on the deployment of warships (as in the India-Pakistan war). If troops were, to he required, volunteers rather than draftees might be used. At home, the government, instead of seeking sup- port, would encourage indifference. Ideological passion in the public at large would no longer he required, or even .desired. Already', the public has dis- covered that China is an unfriendly but -basically reactionary power, like the Soviet Union, and that it is as ready to sell out a revolution (as it (lid in Bang- ladesh and is doing in Ceylon) as sup- port one. In -the new view, the great' powers would command the globe like three or four or five giant machine-gun turrets. The China trip set the style for the new international politics. It went a long way toward the Sinification of the tracted hostility, and was a potential Arnericaih public..It helped get us used , source of ultimate, global calamity, to resting content with the 'pageantry was calmed in this country, and per- of international relations while leaving haps calmed in China, too. Here at the substance, to the President and a home, one can already feel a certain few experts, who dazzle us from time lightening in the political mood. To be to time with their startling shifts and sure, just -before the President's trip a unexplained reversals. And while we're___.1?"tuperative chorus came out of the watching Nixon and Mao shake hands (live from Peking! ) our government is underwriting murder in Southeast Asia. SECOND VOICE: Your distinction, be- tween politically contrived pseudo- events and the "realities," which is indeed often a useful one, has misled you this time, owing to a peculiar circumstance. That is the strangeness- air power.combined with electronic battlefield devices on t,tnerC or L (to Apprdve elea a 200 and unreality of this country's last twenty years of relations with China, which a high official of the State De- partment has now gone as far as' to call an "aberration." In those years, it was as though the American public wanted to keep the slate on China clear of any information, so that the most hysterical men in our political life would be free to chalk up their worst imaginings there. The President's trip put an end to all this, and to a style of American politics that went with it. And doing so didn't require any of the substance you demand. (In' the same period, other . people fastened their utopian dreams on China, and their imaginings, too, have now been undercut.) The President's trip was a ritual, but it was a. beneficent ritual. It was a rite of disenchantment. The hysteria in America and China, which was itself the wellspring of our pro- White House accusing the Democratic Preside ntial'candidates of, among other things; "aiding and abetting" foreign enemies, but even then the voices seemed to come out of the past. They didn't carry the tremendous coercive weight they once had. (Which ene- mies? Mr. Nixon's hosts, the Chinese? The North Vietnamese? ) Our politics used to be boxed in and confined by charges like these. Now many men in political life, including some of the Presidential candidates, will be able to act with a new sense of freedom, and perhaps lay claim to wider, less fearful constituencies. Whether the President had it in mind or not, his trip can help to liberate new political forces here at home and to move us into a new era.. 75 : CIA-RDP80-01601 R~UMO'?F4]006 31Uestion of Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 whether we have. really moved into a new era or only done so on television, in the image-world, is crucial. There is no question but that the trip laid to rest the American public's excessive fears of Chinese expansionism, and this is in- deed a considerable benefit. Unfor- tunately; the unreal fears impelled us into a real war and into the quasi-occu- pation of a province of China. We paid in real blood for our unreal fears. Ex- cuse me. Arc pa1ving in real blood. The. trip has given us relief from our own overheated imaginings, but it has not given us relief from the real war that our imaginings impelled us- into. The 'war continues as an anachronism, today's bombings are as pale and unrea to us as memories. Has the government found new uses, in new, unannounced policies, for America's war in Southeast Asia, now that the old uses have disin- tegrated? If this nation has entered a new era, it hasn't yet left the old one behind. Everyone is yearning for the ;age of peace the President is promis- ing. But we have to hold ourselves back until the, old era does actually end. We can't let ourselves enjoy in imagination the fruits of efforts we have yet to carry through to completion in reality. In the present confusion, perhaps the following would be a good rule of thumb: No American may enter the new age of peace until every man, woman, and child in Southeast Asia has entered before him. Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 LOUI3'vILLt, 'KY- -COURIER JOURNAl4 MAR 2 4 1972 ' Td -- 239,949 S -- 350,303 Courier-Journal TV & Radio Critic STATINTL Chro tolo ' to -s o ; 1a CIA's 'secret nn , The Central ? Intelligence Agency's "secret army" in Laos has been anything but secret for a long time. . It has been seen, talked about, written about; until now, nobody has done a de- tailed documentary film about it. NBC's Bob Rogers has, and he'll show it on- "Chronolog I" at 8:30 p.m. today on WAVE-3. Recent news about. Laos and the army has given Rogers' report immediacy. It also has given Rogers fits updating his script in light of developments. . From Washington the other evening, he talked about the report: Q. Did you have trouble getting in? A. No, not too much. I think the situa- tion is so bad that the bureaucrats who- I can't' say they erected the wall of se- crecy because that was done years ago, at very hi li levels-I think they've just decided it's counter-productive. I think they believe the evidence is so clear now that the North Vietnamese are in- vading Laos that they want somebody to go up and take a look at it. Q. You then were almost invited in? A. I wasn't invited in, really. The rea- son 1 went out there, Ted (the late Ted Yates who was fatally shot in 1967 while he and Rogers were covering the Arab- Israeli war;. Rogers was lying beside Yates. when Yates was shot) and I had dole a show years ago, called "Laos, the Forgotten War." That was before the "se- cret army" really got going. There were scattered bands of guerrillas up in the mountains, but they had never been or- ganized. Q. Was there a leader at that time? A. Well, Vang Pao-has always been the :Leader up there but at that time he did not command the. military region. IIe's a big man in Laos now ... I had been so struck by those people's commitment to the United States that I originally thought about going out there for a look at what night happen to them and how they were feeling after about 10 years of fighting on our side with the very good chance that we were going to walk out on them. Q. You were reasonably welcomed then? A. Yes, suddenly at least for somebody they considered a reasonably objective reporter people started talking to you. And we got to go to some places I never expected to get. We also got shot at a helluva lot going to those places. But the only ground rule we worked under was: "Don't show the faces of any CIA men." Q. How many CIA men did you see? A. In the field, probably about 20, 25. Q. You talked to at least one? A. Yeah, he is a very senior one . . . The CIA calls him a "case officer." In any other war but the "secret war," you'd cal] him a military advisor. Q. So how have they done? A. Well, actually they've clone a pretty good job over there ... They were given the job. Certain American statesmen and/or politicians and/or diplomats de- cided that we wanted to maintain the fic- tion that the Geneva Accords were still in effect. When they first event into ef- fect in 1962, .we withdrew our troops, our 600 green Berets; the enemy did not with- draw their 6,000 ;regular troops. There's a strong element (of thinking) in the dip- lomatic corps and in the administrations that have been with us since that time that have always dreamed than someday when Vietnam is settled that the Geneva Accords can go back into effect and thus the United States cannot admit violating them. Thus, the CIA got into this act. Q. How is your show put together? Does it focus on such political questions as you've mentioned or what? A. The first act focuses on the "secret army." It includes the footage we ant. of the fighting around Long Tieng when the North Vietnamese first hit it, including a very wide shot, if you look very closely you'll see a small figure in a blue jacket being knocked down by a mortar round landing. Q. Is that you? A. That's me. Best shot my cameraman ever got. Fortunately, Skyline Ridge which is really the keystone of the battle is just like a moonscape, so most of the shells that hit on it are hitting clown in holes, and you are in another hole. So, you just get the concussion; you don't get the shrapnel, thank Christ, or this thing would be being done posthumously. Q. You ever stay home any more? A. Yeah, I'm gonna stay home tonight. I have to because I'm so darned sleepy. I've been up till 2 in the morning the last two nights trying to get this, script writ- ten and keep up with the breaking de- velopments.... You know what disturbs me as I,follow the news is thinking of all those little kids I was with over there, getting killed, because the real basis of the "secret army" is the Dloung hill tribe. They generally are .known as Moo, a sort of derogatory term, like "hillbilly." Twenty per cent of the Aloung in the "secret army"-and the Aloung make up about 40 per cent of the "secret army"- are under 16 years old. In fact, that's my show opening, standing there with an 11- year-old carrying an M16 and saying "This is one of our allies in Southeast Asia." Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 37r. YO K T111 1'.C Approved For Release 2 00/05t/,155,YVA-RDP80-01601 R irfidds Build STATINTL Special to The N m York Times ' - . I r gradually increasing Ni!thin . SAIGON, South Vietnam, is r heaviest rocket attack of the! 'March 23-Intelligence reports,. South Vietnam. The best analy- war on Pnompenh-they do not; enemy has been employing are said to show that ths, sis here is that it will continue;,tntend to take over the coun-i since mid-February inside South North Vietnamese have recent-I' to mount over the next fowl try. Vietnam is to attack the small months. With South Vietnamese mill 13, built up airfield s in ihei. "They have found that tar- cs mud forts and 'outposts of the Lary caeabiliti already can Me kong Delta. American southern part of their country gets in-Laos and Cambodia are siderable and ;rowing stronger -and have been promising the easier to hit," one official said. !every week, the AmericansI sources say now that they ex - Vietcong and their own troops Things have been pretty hard say, it is easier for the?Com-1 pect that tactic to continue. that they will begin using for them here in Vietnam this !munists to demonstrate their! Yesterday, a district town ,bombers over South Vietnam. year, but they can pretty much?!otvn strength elsewhere, ! headquarters in Kienhaoa prov- sbSetiior American analysts and tlir: i-n a ally very tlittiell miles to "canTenibarrasshey think yheiy Saigonttwas5 attacked sinutearly; 'hare are inclined to view such .stop th ;n in Laos." !Cambodia or Loas as in Viet- morning. Nineteen Local militia- promises as propaganda. "They . Between 6.000 and 9,000 nrm," an American official teen and nine civilians were ,would add a new dimension to North Vietnamese soldiers be- !said. "I think their plans are reported killed. the war if it happened," one of Fan pressing an attack on the guided by their desire to have With 108,000 American. !:hem said today. Plaine des Jarres in Northern -.a. very direct Influence on the; troops left in Vietnam, most of But the South Vietnamese Taos last December and forced/American electoral process this! the United States effort to deny Air Force moved half a dozen the Central Intelligence Agel year." to the enemy the supplies that.! .F-5 fighter planes to Dunang CV in January to withdraw, In South Vietnam, American!,make that hind of attack pos recently to be ready if North most of its equipment and heli-II analysts say' they discern an ;sible is concentrated in the Vietnamese MG'S should dash routers from Long Tieng. thel.nnwnv natrnrn rnf chnllinacl.air and ni'er the sunny trails south across the demilitarize once-secret base 25 miles south ;cone. of the plateau. What. the American analysts l: expect is a gradual upsurge of- The Attack Is Resumed enemy military action inside,' After having effectively put South. Vietnam - especially the base out of action in mid. :rocket and mortar attacks - 'January, the attackers fell back. more shellings of the Cambodi- But a week ago they began an capital of Pnompenh, and a pressing their offensive again, determined North Vietnamese .retaking most of the key posi- .a.ttempt in northern Laos to Lions on Skyline. Ridge, which push the defenders out of the 'overlooks the northern side of rather than direct, large-scale-,,,M southern Laos where the ground assaults, but they say North Vietnamese have brought that the 80,000 troops of North their antiaircraft strength to Vietnamese divisions are in the highest level of the war, Position to he committed quick- Iv to action. Those divisions have, moved recently or are moving, into the Central Highlands ands into the jungle mountains be-. low the demilitarized zzone. Bitting Cambodian ,Lines .old Long Tien," base. the narrow Long Tieng valley. , The South Vietnanlese, for Expect Summer Offensive "Weather has very seriously i'?licir part. have been pushing American specialists view hampered our bombing therein rout into the jungles both in, t t n Cambodia, most re-i the construction b the North the last few days," a military Y Gently. with a 7,GC0-loan force :Vietnamese of three 3,600-foot source here said ,referring to! east of the Chup rubber planta- airfields, in addition to three both American and Laotian) tion and south of the demili- operational? MIG airfields be- low Government Air Force bomb-j tarizcd zone, seeking to cut', the 20th Parallel, as part ing In support of the defenders.' Communist. , simply lines and of preparation for something, "When the weather breaks stem an offensive before it can for which they expect us tolthe other way ..." he began,l,start. '-, retaliate by bombing," as one and broke off. jl They have reported that they American put it today. "The North Vietnamese have have seized more than 1,100 Senior American officials made a strong decision to take weapons and 25,000 gallons of here now'say that they expect. the base this year," he said, !gasoline in base areas in east-1 + the long-awaited enemy milt ?but that does not mean they fern Cambodia. "Each of those tary offensive this year to come the period from July to Sep- ,have the capability to do it." ,weapons was carried on some-j in inther'and from July it Sep- The American view is that body's hack all those hundreds the North Vietnamese are di- of miles from North Vietnam. be aimed at affecting the Unit- verting men and - materiel to An intelligence specialist said, ed States Presidential election. northern Laos as a way, of "I think these spoiling oper- They say that the offensive , putting pressure on the neu- ations couldn't have helped but was scheduled to have taken lt p place last month but that the'ttalist Government of Prince disrupt their offensive plans." Communists decided that they Souvanna Phouma ' to with- The Communists retaliated. draw its consent toAmerican yesterday b shelling the South would have taken ton many, bombing of the Communist in- Vietnamese rear base at Tay- casualties if they had ,one, filtration network, which the ninh, blowing up five times as through with it at that time. enemy. is widening this year much gasoline as the South American military officers,. and civilian analysts here say tit the southern Laotian pan- Vietnamese Army had seized that it is clear that the primary; handle: in the two weeks before. objective of the North Viet-,{ Doubt 'Cambodia Takeover Spel have also become namese strategy this year, as frequent t just below the demil The Americans feel that;itarized zone, though so far in the past, is South Vietnam. 'while the Communists are al- Though they do not believe anjways capable of bringing pres- enemy offensive has yet becun.sure to bear on the ill-trained 11 df -- Cc>mm u?tY~6trdA Manoi Reported they have not been accom- panied by ground attacks of any size. ' 'Idi9i~; d/diii?tl~ 'F d~tAt 1Rb90 '6-f0ft00600140001-3 STATINTL Approved For Release 2W0ORP : CIA-RDP80-01601 (la,' R Tonight, NBC News' Monthly Special Reports On: TEE VEIL OF MYSTERY shrouding 'our military role in Laos. It's penetrated for the first time in a detailed documentary about Gen- eral Vang Pao's "secret 'army," which is trained, advised, equipped and financed by our Central Intelligence Agency. VOICES FROM THE GEAFITLAND Wisconsin's-Presidential Primary is less than two weeks away, so here's a fascinating report on Black River Falls (pop. 3,290), an independent community of voters who cross party lines as casually as they cross Main Street. II IPG?VIIUG THE IMAGE Allan Gardner, an expert in politi- cal advertising, assesses recent and current political TV pitches, then measures them against the tube's more familiar commercials. ON THE LIGHTER SIDE Check in at a 12-room hotel suite (in Texas, of course) that rents for. $2,500 a night, including towels. Garrick Utley anchors the acclaimed successor to "First 'Tuesday"- Tonigiet 830-lth3Dprn 1VBC News 4 Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R0006001400,01-3 STATINTL Approved For Release 2000/45/J.,kc CJ-RDP80-01601 THE CI 'S ": - ' S s T A M Y" I LAOS Tonight NBC News' Monthly Special Reports On: THE VEIL OF MYSTERY shrouding our military role in Laos. Its penetrated for the first time in a detailed documentary abddut Gen- eral Van(, Pao's "secret army," which is trained, advised, equipped. and financed by our Central Intelligence Agency. VOICES FROM THE HEARTLAND Wisconsin's Pr: ,itlcntial'. Primary is less than two week, away, so here's a fascinatin~? I' of t on Black River Falls (pop. 3,290), an independent communit, 0h,=[ens who cross party lines as casually as they cross Main Street. IMPROVING THE IMAGE Allan Gardner, an expert in politi- cal advertising, assesses recent and current political TV pitches, then measures them against the tube's more familiar commercials. ON THE LIGHTER SIDE Check in at a 12-room hotel suite (in Texas, of course) that rents for $2,500 a night, including towels. Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 STATINTL S 4G32 Approved For ~I0D018CiI1~~BP8~f~0~1~ fiians under Pathet Lao control. Congress- men I:2cClcskey and Waldie found, In a U.S. information survey initially concealed from them by the Embassy, that 75% of the 190 respondents from 90 villages had had their homes bombed. In addition 97% had seen a bombing attack and 611; had seen a person killed. Congressmen McCloskey and Waldie. also conducted their own interviews, and all 16 refugees queried, from 7 different villages, testified to the aerial destruction of every single dwelling in their hamlets. A report by U.N. expert Georges Chapelier in December 1970 stated that in the Plafne des Jarres "by 1969 the intensity of the bombings was such that no organized life was possible in the villages . . Jet planes Caine daily and destroyed all stationary struc- tures. Nothing was left standing. The vil- lagers lived in trenches and holes or in caves. They only farmed at night. All of the interlocutors without exception had their villages completely destroyed. In the last phase, bombings were aimed at the system- atic destruction of the materials bases of the civilian society. At one time there were more than 50,000 people living in the Plafne des Jarres. There is virtually no life there now. the last ground troops are withdrawn. The Pentagon, which seems to have statistics available for all categories and contingencies, lacks even all estimate of the likely civilian casualties this presence will cause. Such con- siderations do not seem to have a high pri- ority In current American decision making. The so-called "gook rule" which haunted the Calley trial has far more profound implica- tions for i he air war. On the afternoon that the U.S. helicopters and attack planes accompanied the South Vietnamese into Laos the President issued a statement on our environmental crisis. Within it he quoted from T. S. Eliot's "Mur- der in the Cathedral." "Clean the air, clean the sky, wash the wind ." It would have been revealing for the President to have quoted further: "The land is foul, the water is foul, our beasts and ourselves-are defiled with blood. A rain of blood has blinded my eyes .. . Can I look again at the clay and its common things and see them all smeared with blood through a curtain of falling blood? We did not wish anything to happen." Let us stop the bombing, withdraw our troops and begin to "take stone from stone anci wash thezu." One village chief indicated that In 21( hamlets not one home was left standing. In\ Mr. GRAVEL. Mr. President, I also ask his own village 45 percent of the 2600 In- unanimous Consent to have printed in the habitants never left their trenches. RECORD excerpts from remarks I made to A sample of 25 villages from the Plains des the Fluid for New Priorities dinner in Jarres revealed casualty rates of 5-10 percent New York City on January 14, 1972, from the bombing It is estimated that 50 civilians are killed for every Pathet-Lao There being no objection, the excerpts casualty. were ordered to be printed in the RECORD, In 1903 Jacques Decornoy, the Southeast . as follows: Asian -des!, editor for Le Mande traveled through Pc;tl:et Lao controlled areas. Accord- ing to his Interviews, 65 villages in the Sam Neua district alone had been destroyed by U.S. air power. Traveling through the dev- astated areas he depicts it as "a world with- out noise for the surrounding villages have disappeared. The Inhabitants themselves liv- ing in the mountains." Such testimony is of course contrary to our ;government's official position that "never before has such care been taken to spare civilians in bombing raids." The picture burnt Into one's Imagination is that of hundreds of thousands of Laotians desperately huddling in caves and trenches as U.S. planes roar overhead. Again It Is the enormity of the suflering endured by these poor people which blinds us to our own pol- icy.I will rerun the picture, because we must break through the psychic numbness we have developed. There are hundreds of thousands of poor peasants. noncombatants, living under- ground In fear of U.S. air power in Asia. There are entire areas of former civilization reduced to near cave man standards by the most advanced nation in the history of the earth. For what? no matter for what, it Is indefensible. At Nuremberg Teleford Taylor, chief U.S. Prosecutor, argued that where the military profits of any policy are dwarfed by the civil- ian casualties, such a policy is indefensible. The massive air war by the U.S. against the peoples of Indochina is indefensible. Every B-52 raid, every A-119 K stinger drop is criminal. The situation in Laos is, not appreciably different from what Is currently occuring in Cambodia. As the Senate Subcommittee on Refugees noted, the same pattern of destruc- tion is being repeated relentlessly through- out Indochina. It is up to the Congress to terminate It. The President has made it clear that he intends to continue the bombing, stating in. February this year, "I will not place any limitations on the use of air power." -Secretary of Defense Laird has Indicated that we Intend to maintain a naval and air presence in Southeast Asia Indefinitely after TiiF, CONTINUING AIR WAR, (Excerpts from remarks by Senator MIKE GRAVEL) The Nixon Administration's recent re- siunption of heavy bombing of North Viot- nanx oncr, more raises a basic moral ques- tion: what right do our leaders have to kill and maim men, women, and children halfway across the globe who pose no threat to this Country? As usual, the Administration Is claiming that it is bombing only "'military" targets, This may or may not be true. One remem- bers, after all, that the Johnson Administra- tion claimed the same thing. Even If the Administration is bombing only "military" targets this time, there can be no doubt that it also Is causing serious civilian casualties, In a rural country like North Vietnam most so-called military tar- gets such as bridges and factories are located in and around heavily populated civilian areas. Hanoi reports that in the most recent raids bombs fell on a hospital, and even mili- tary sources admit that American jets hit North Vietnamese army barracks as they went after nearby airfields. The Cornell Air War Study quotes a memorandum by former Defense Secretary McNamara , in which he estimated that the bombing was causing 1,000 civilian casual- ties every week during the sustained raids of 1967. An equivalent casualty rate in the U.S. would be more than 000,000 per year. Interviews with U.S. pilots indicate that most of the bombs we drop on North Viet- nam are anti-personnel ordnance such as pineapple or guava bombs. These bombs con- tain hundreds of steel pellets. One sortie of this type of bomb sends over half a million of these pellets snowing over an area half a mile long and an eighth of a mile wide. During the Christmas raids alone it was announced that American planes flew over 1,000 sorties against North Vietnam. It is, therefore, not hard to believe the following Associated Press dispatch, dated December 29,: "Hanoi claimed that in Than h Hoa Province on Sunday the U.S. planes killed 24 civilians and wounded 47. A broadcast said most of the casualties were caused by steel pellet anti-personrel' bombs workers in the fields." bombers are doing to these people. But It's still going on right now. This month alone another 50,000 tons of anti- personnel bombs, napalm, and white phos- phorous are raining down upon not only the people of North Vietnam, but Laos, Cann bodia, and South Vietnam as well. We won't be told of the victims, of course. To the extent we learn anything it will be of "protective reaction" strikes, "Interdiction" missions, and the bombing of supply depots. But there are human beings under those bombs, and they will continue being killed and maimed until we, the American people, demand an end to this bombing, In just the eight months since President Nixon told the American people in his April address to the Nation that "Victnamization has succeeded", there have been an additional 1,302 Americans killed in the Indochinese War, and 4:870 more wounded. Deaths among allied forces In that same period have risen 15,595, and the Pentagon estimate of the number of new deaths among those people it chooses to call the "enemy" is 5G,030. That last figure is no doubt conservatively low. These numbers tell of the failure of Viet- namization, not Its success, An Orwellian transformation is taking place in our military policy in Indochina, Due to public pressure American ground troops are slowly coming home, but they are leaving an automated war behind. Coin- puter technology and a 'small number of troops manning aircraft and artillery are creating a U.S. destructive presence that may literally hover over Southeast Asia for years to come, In the midst of this the public is confused, pacified by the diminishing troops levels, yet vaguely troubled. by continuing reports of devastation. In his mid-December newsbrieflng Secre- tary of the Air Force Seamans sought once again to play down the air war. The basic point Seamons tried to make was that the air war was not escalating, that in fact it had been wound down. As such, his remarks rep- resent a relativistic apology for the continu- ing raids, a logic more appropriate for 1984 than 1972-the logic of permanent war. It Is an insult to the American people to portray the air war as fading away when in 1971 somewhere between 750,000 and 800.000 tons of bombs were dropped over Indochina. Though down from the peak years of 1968 and 1969, this figure represents: a) nearly 40% of all the U.S. air ordnance expended during the Second World War, bi nearly 80% of all the air ordnance ex- pended during the three year Korean War, c) the equivalent of 37 IIiroshimas, or roughly one every nine days. Most Importantly, the Nixon Adminlet.ra- tion has made it clear that the bombing is to continue indefinitely even after the last American ground troop comes home (if he ever does). Even If reduced by 50%% the air war still would continue at an average level greater than that of the Korean War. But there are many indications that the " reductions in the bombing are bottoming out. Pentagon sources, for example, indicate that. B-52 strikes, though currently down 60% from their peak in 1968, are to continuo indefinitely at their present rate of 1,000 per month. And although tonnage figures registered a 30% decline from 1969 to 1970, they dropped only 23% from 1970 to 1971. At a time when the Harris Poll Indicates that 65% of the American people feel the war Is "immoral", and oppose by a 57 to 29 mar- gin continued American bombing in order to achieve political ends, it Is Indefensible to continue the strikes at any level. In regard to Secretary Seamans' "wound down war", it is worth noting that the Sen- ate Refugee Subcommittee found that, "In this year, 1971, more civilians are being killed Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 Approved For ReleaseVMM"TO I ,RM 6P 06001 TR E COSTS THE SAME - I JUST SPENT THE MONEY YOU MARKED FORTNE BOAT ON THF- CA IA"- AND VICE VER'~ '? Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 STATINTL Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-0160 CLEvF.LAND, OHIO PLAIN DEALER ? M - 409,414 S - 545,032 -- MAR 2 3 197 1 1ockbusier Tomorrow on Laos 101 By William Hickey A television network doc- uu~entary with the same blockbuster potential as CBS' last summer's "The Selling of the Pentagon" is scheduled to b e. aired to- morrow eve- ning at 8:30 when NBC News devotes a sizable por- tion of its m agazine-for- mat news pro- , grain "Chronolog" to an examination of the Central Intelligence Agency's secret army in Laos. T It e 45-minute segment '"represents another reporto- rial coup for NBC News' in- defatigable correspondent Bob Rogers and, in a larger sense, for all. the broadcast industry's journalistic .forces. Rogers' latest accom- plishment is really not sur- prising to those who have followed his brilliant career with NBC News, for they have come' to e x p e c t nothing short of major scoops each time he leaves the confines of New York City, Easily the outstanding ;: combat correspondent cur- renitly working in television, Rogers possesses a splendid sixth sense for uncovering the full dimensions of a shootout, whether it be 30,- 1000 feet over the Sinai Pen- , c s com- insula or in a bunker along tribes nosed of youn who alw Ameri h d b , g ays cans a een the Ho Chi Minh Trail, and very pro-American to off- who fly everything from Pi- t he intestinal fortitude to set their presence," he said. per Cub observation planes put his feet where his in- What kind of a job did the t o four-engine bombers in p tinets lead }yi roved Fo?' ?e Se4b00/05/15 S UA,ARDPOOUO'@01R000600140001-3 pp forces, he sat . HIS STUDY of the once secret army in Laos is typ- ical of his pursuit of the im- possibly difficult story. No one, either in print or broad- cast journalism, had been able-to penetrate so deeply the CIA's web of secrecy, concerning its operations in Laos, but he did-and with a camera crew to boot. When I asked him the other day how he managed it, he replied matter of fact- ly, "Mae Godley, our am- bassador there, helped im- measurably. He has been trying to break down the veil of secrecy surrounding the CIA's activities in Southeast Asia for a number of years now. Once a few ground rules were established, Such as now showing the faces of CIA case officers on televi- sion, the agency cooperated completely." HOW DID THE CIA be- come involved in Laos in the first place? I asked. "It was very simple. Af- t e r t Ii e Geneva Accords w e r e signed in 1962, we withdrew all our military advisers to the country. Tile North ' Vietnamese, on the other hand, kept 6,000 well- trained forces there. They called them border security battalions. "For a while the United States lived with the fiction- a 1 belief that NVA forces would eventually pull out. Of course , they didn't, so w e began sending in CIA " A FASTASTIC ONE. / How do the Moung feel You've got to give the agen- ,/ about the impending U. S. cy credit. With a bare 'land- Pullout from Vietnam? I ful of men, they asked. accomplished what armies of regular soldiers couldn't. They solidified the Meo tribesman better use the word Moung, for Moo is a derisive term meaning hill- billy, into a first-class fight- 14 g unit. At best, it was hoped that the hill tribes would become fairly good guerrilla fighters, but to ev- eryone's astonishment, they have been slugging it out with the best North Viet- namese regiments for the "They're nervous to be s u r e , but General yang P a o , who is their No. 1 man, told me he had abso- lute faith in America and knew it would never aban- don the peoples who joined hers in the struggle to keel) Southeast Asia free," he said. How will your report be viewed by our State Depart- ment and the Pentagon? I asked. past three months and hold- "No doubt, they'll be up- ing their own. set by the fact that I re- "In fact, if it weren't for vealed the extent of our operation in Laos, but. I the Moung tribesmen and' really don't believe they'll the few thousand Thai vol- say much, because they unteers, Laos would have can't refute anything we fallen ' to the Communists have put on film. long ago," lie said. "MY JOP WAS simply to Well what about the Roy- show the American people al Lao Army and the Pathet what has been going on in Lao? I asked. Laos under the direction of "No one over there takes the CIA for the past eight either outfit seriously. The years? without their know- Royal Lao Army and the ledge. While we have done Communist Pathet Lao this, we fell that our obtec- have one thine' in common- tivity remained on the high- a total dislike of fighting. ?est possible level," he said. The war in Laos is being Be that as it may, I have fought by the tribesmen and the idea "Chronolog" is Thai volunteers against the going to cause its first big North Vietnamese," Rogers flap and it won't be a se- said. cret. NO ONE ELSE? I asked. ` 'I stand corrected. I should have mentioned the -CIA has an outfit called Air whi America h i __ _ Approved For Release 200Q/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01 ST. LOUIS, MO- POST-DISPATCH E -- 326,376 S .., 541,868 3 TV Comment ao ' Lo ks At CiliA's `Bearer Army' By John J. Archibald Of the Post-Dispatch Staff THE PHONE CALL FROM NBC-TV'S NEW YORK OFFICE came at the appointed time, but the voice was not that of re- porter Bob Rogers,. but his secretary. "Mr. Rogers had been delayed because he had to rewrite a large part of the script for his part of the 'Chronolog' show," the secretary said. "The news this morning from Laos made it necessary." When Rogers called later in the day, lie acknowledged that he'd had to update his report because of more recent developments in the Southeast Asian country. Ile had been caught somewhat by surprise, became until recently there had been little or no news from Laos, despite a heavy United States involvement in the fighting there. "Our 'secret army' will be shown and discussed on tele- vision for the first time in 'Chronolog.' " Rogers said. The show will be on KSD-TV tomorrow night at 7:30, Rogers happened to be in Laos at the right moment-just when our government decided to stop pretending that nothing much has been happening in that country. . "'I was there a few years ago to do an NBC special called, 'Laos, the Forgotten War,' " Ropers said, "and went back a few weeks ago to see how the Moung tribesmen were making out. The Moung-whom the Laotians call 'b'teo,' a word rough- ly equivalent to 'hillbilly'-are our firmest allies in Laos. "When we got there with our film crew, we found that the barriers on the 'secret war' were collapsing. I don't know ,why, maybe it is dawning on our government that in a demo- cracy you can only lie so much. Or maybe it ?^ because the North Vietnamese invasion of Laos is so serious now that the United States wants the world to know." In Laos,according to Rogers, very few Americans are In- ,volved in the actual fighting. About 200 Central Intelligence Agency men have helped train and direct an anti-Communist force of perhaps 30,000. "The CIA men have done a hell of a- job," said Rogers. "But the Laos forces are facing North Viet- namese regular divisions and are being bled white." The NBC-TV crew was given virtually complete freedom to take pictures and interview wherever they chose. Rogers re- ported. "We even have an interview with one of the CIA ad- visers," he said, "although we were asked not to show his face." To get more realism in his film for "Chronolog," Rogers flew in a Royal Laotian Air Force fighter plane, which was a T-28 propeller plane used by the ,United States 20 years ago. "I guess I'm a fatalist," Rogers said, "but I wanted to see what it was like. The plane was so loaded with bombs and machine guns that I almost was afraid to take my two camer- as Whir ate. I wondered if they might be the final straw that would overload the plane." ,Rogers doesn't conceal his admiration for the success achieved thus far by the CIA advisers, but'their ability wor- ries him. "I wonder, when other Administrations realize how much we were able to accomplish in Laos while retaining a 'low profile,' " said Rogers, "if uor government might be tempted to try it in other places." Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 W Approved For Release 2000/0p/~1 p pIDP80-01601 ~ a Bcorniig Stc-.zging Area . ' . AF r , .~, . r BY JACK FOISIE Times staff writer I3 ANGKOK-Thailand is gradually 'becoming the s, t a g i n g area for most American-directed grpund operations in-Indochina as troop 'withdr'awals con- tinue, from Vietnam and the war and political situa- tions become more tense in Cambodia and Laos. This' has resulted in in- creased sensitivity by both Thai and American offi- cials concerning the American'. air. bases in Thailand and the camps and bases involved in cross-border operations. -=-an. answer''to a---news- man's request,. American officials disclosed t.h a t there are 245 U.S.-militar.v advisers in Thailand and 280 members of the U.S. :special Forces. But other than outlining their ac- knowledged' training and advising roles,- the officials 'declined' to' gb deeper into Thai - based' -American operations: pertaining to the Indochina war. Rebellious areas in Burma also. are being penetrated from Thai-American camps in the western pro- vince of .Thailand. 'Volunteers' in Laos ._T he participation of Thai army "volunteers" in Laos as part of -a \Vestcrn- backed royal Lao army is now an established fact. More- than 5000 Thai in- fantry, artillerymen and airmen are in action on f o,r e i g n soil. They are .Americana - paid but the ?Thai government. also has its own reason for making the ."volunteers" available. The .\ o r t h Vietnamese army and its Communist ?Pathet Lao auxiliary are ('loser to the banks of the Mekong River. than in past dry seasons and . the. Me- knng is Thailand's border. 'Despite contrary evidence, both, Thai and American officials c-o n- tinue the pretense that, the volunteers sign up on their own. They are, in fact, regular Thai units led by their own officers and taking orders mostly from ,Many Secret Camps the U.S. Central Intel Officially, the role of. all ligence Agency. American Green Berets is One of the assembly to "train the Thais to he areas for this trans-lle- traiiaers" in colinterinsur kong migration is the Thai gency Warfare, 'both of- army camp of Saritsena, their own troops and those of "third country" -armies outside the north central --that is,, Laotians and town' of Phitsanulok. Air Cambodians. America transport planes But ` these` same Ameri= fly the men from there di= sari officials :acknoWledge rect'ly into Laos. . that. there are numerous In the most recent ex- `"ec.rc't camps-they - call. planation of the Thai pre- them "ad hoc training' Bence in Laos, a U.S. State areas"--at which Ameri- Department spokesman cans are located. But they last week described the Thais as local forces eli- will not discuss the Ameri-' gible for U.S. support. can role in these camps. This definition is intended It is known, however, to avoid being in violation that. ?s o in e are b o r.d e r of the congressional ban .raninc fronting T.,nc nn .the recruiting and pay- spending on the Thai army and apparently re- flects its support of Thai forces in Laos. A 10-man American ad- visory team is presently with a Thai army "sweep and clear". operation aimed at driving a 500- man insurgent band out of and back into Laos. The tal level and are forbidden to. fly or drive into any area where they might be shot at. Confirming this, an American- ? Embassy offi- cial said, "We've never had an American combat casualty- in Thailand and Ave intend to keep it that way " end Cambodia. ''T'hey are Laos and Camhodia1cJ luL The 6,.000 other Amer!- manned by both Thai and 5ecrecv concerning mil- can military are mostly 1 A rm,y ostica ni American ~r~~' dsF '},~flcac} l? C}~/b33 /'feylt p` D'R8 01 R000600140001-3 engaged in cc' 't'oss-border '"rcc a point can Air Force here and c l a n destine operations. where a visitor with a STATINTL great deal of aplomb can' equip the 125,000-man stumble into an American Thai army under the cur- clandestine camp and stay rent $60 million military awhile b} pretending that aid program. he,. also, is on a mysterious This is an all-time high assignment. . . for annual American It happened this way, without a lie being told. '?ho hate guard cha?l- lenged: ."Who are t'ob?" The =newsman assumed a serious, knowing look and replied: "Don't ask me!" For emphasis he pressed a finger to his lips. "Oh," the guard said, impressed, Al Uflderstand." lie opened the gate and directed the visitor. to. the command post. senior American, is Army , Exotic code names also Col. Charles ' G. Ray of figure into, the secrecy. Browns Mill, \.J. who, speaks Thai fluently. Neppergrinaer is the name ~`. Rav said neither he nor of a big American-Thai to- any of his subordinates gistical base, way point for goes below Thai regimen- weapons and supplies des- tined for allied forces in Laos. Despite its various un- publicized roles, the American special forces in Thailand have declined from a high point of 369 in 1969. The reduction was possible. after the Thai Field Police assumed their own training. The Ameri- can advisory force also has been cut hack by 25% from its high point. Other American military activities have offset the reduction. For more than a year, t he -" American military strength in Thailand has been announced as 32,200. Twenty-six thousand are airmen, as five big bases in Thailand continue to be the major springboard for American bombing of ene- my targets in Vietnam,. Laos and Cambodia and retaliatory strikes against N o r t h Vietnam missile and antiaircraft guns. All-Time High Cost JI/AIIINIL Approved For Release 2000/5 1 NA b --2RDP80-01601 R 1' C ~j C 1 where a Communist offensive has CLASHES fifurli i 1 lij1 recent weeks. Cambodia's President, Lon Noi, AROUND PNOMPENH appealed to .the public in a radio broadcast to remain calm land not panic after the rocket' .Attacks, One 6 Miles From Cambodian-Capital, Follow Shelling That Killed 75 87 The Associated Prue PNOMPENH, March 21 - En- emy troops reportedly staged a series of coordinated attacks 'around this 2capital city of Cambodia today in the wake of an early-morning rocket and artillery attack that was esti- mated to have killed 75 persons. The Cambodian command said that 500 enemy soldiers had entered the town of Takh- ?maq, six miles southeast _of Pnompenh, had killed a number of residents and had driven off many others. Earlier In the day, a Cambo- than spokesman reported heavy; fighting in the district town of Neak Luong, on the highway to. Saigon, 32 miles southeast of Pnompenh, and said it appeared that the North Vietnamese were trying to cut the road and move toward' the capital. Siege Reported to East to ca eas pemy troops were also said lave laid siege to the district tal of Preyveng, 30 miles of here. Military spokes- men here said Cambodian forces at the Preyveng garrison were trying to break out southward on Route 15 to link up with other Cambodian troops moving north. 'The, attacks In the Pnompenh area coincided with an enemy offensive against the big base at Long Tieng in northern Laos, where heavy fighting was re- ported for the fourth day. [Lao- tian and Thai forces were said to have recaptured one key position on Skyline Ridge, which overlooks the base, The Associated Press reported from Vientiane, but North Vietnam- ese troops occupying two other positions were said to have kept up heavy mortar attacks on the valley.] There was speculation that similar enemy attacks might attack, the most devastating on Pnompenh since the war began here two years ago. Officials estimated that besides the 75 dead more than 100 people had been wounded. . However, there was no evi- dence of panic, as the city's populace appeared to be going calmly about its normal busi- ness. The President said he believed the attack was inended to cre-:, ate public havoc during a polit-1ically difficult period in Cam- The New York Times/March 72, 1972 RISING ENEMY ACTION: A series of attacks on towns near Pnompenh (names underlined on. map at left) fol- lowed shelling of capital. In northern Laos- (map at right), heavy fighting continued for Long Tieng base. with capture Agency pulled out the extensive bodia. He was speaking of hisl`vas threatened weeklong efforts to form a new last Dece tuber , Government after proclaiming States C entral himself President and suspend- ing the Constitutent Assembly March 10, hours before it was to have finisned drafting a new constitution. Many of the casualties In the rocket and artillery attack were refugees driven from their homes by the war. One refugee shantytown was wiped out, and more than 100 huts were leveled. A United States Embassy spokesman said there were no American casualties. Cambodian officials revised downward the number of rock- ets that had fallen into three sections of Pnompenh during .the predawn attack. Spokes- men said they npw believed ithat about 75 rockets, instead of the 150 to 200 reported ear- lier, had struck the city. Battle 4th Day at Long Tleng VIENTIANE, Laos, March 211 (AP)-As heavy fighting was reported for the fourth day .at Long Tieng, American officials here said they believed enemy forces had sustained heavy losses because of waves of as- saults against entrenched de- fenders. Reports from the field said Laotian and Thai forces had succeeded in retaking one key position on the ridge overlook- ing the base, the headquarters of General yang Pao and his American supported guerrilla army of Meo tribesmen. But the base itself was said under continued mortar attack from two other positions on the ridge still in enemy hands. Lo Tieng, 78 miles north-' n ss oveu fl 0orrft A!I Yien 1C the United electronic equipn}ent it main- Intelligence~tained 'there. IA-RDP80-01601"R000600140001-3 1/ ST. LOUIS POST DTSPATCI Approved For Release 2000/0v 1 v ` Ji98P80-01601 RO AID Head Queried On CIA Ties Thee letter summed up a classified report m a d e by James G. Lowenstein and Rich- ard M. Moose of the Syming- ton panel's staff. That report has not been made public. A top AID official confirmed yesterday that U.S.-supported Laotian guerrilla fighters were receiving hospital treatment under an American humanitar- ian assistance program, but he denied that any aid went for combat operations of the CIA. "I assure you no AID (Agen- cy f or International Develop- ment) funds are allocated for military purposes in Laos," a deputy AID administrator, Maurice J. Williams, told the House Foreign Ad'fa'irs Commit- tee. Williams said he had not seen the General Accounting Office Teport that Senator Edward M. .f By a Washington Correspondent of the Post-Dispatch WASHINGTON, March 22 - Senator S t u a r t Symington (Dem.), Missouri, today pressed an inquiry into the relationship between the nation's economic assistance program in Laos and the activities of the Central In- telligence Agency and the De- partment of Defense there. Symington invited John A.' Hannah, administra'tar of the i ,Agency for International De. i velopment, to testify at a closed session of Symington's Senate foreign relations sub- committee on United States security agreements and com- mitments abroad. Through the subcommittee, Symington has been instru- ,?mental in the last three years in calling attention to the scope, of United States-supported mili- tary operations in Laos. Symington made public today a letter asking Hannah to ap- .pear before the panel. He framed eight questions for Han- nah to answer. He asked that hiannah submit a statement to :the subcommittee several days before appearing. Symington a s k e d Hannah what assurances he had given to Congress on the use of Han- nah's agency as a cover for CIA personnel and programs." "In particular," Symington said with respect to what is going on in Laos, "how many personnel and what programs are involved; and what CIA funds are channeled through 'AID programs and by What, methods? Symington strongly criticized American policies in Laos, Thailand and Cambodia March 1 in a letter to Senator J. Wil- `liam Fulbright (Dem.), Arkin- sas, chairman of the Foreign ,Relations Committee. ? At that time, Symington said the Indochina war was increas- ing in intensity in Laos and Cambodia, even though it might r be diminishing in South Viet- nam. (Ted) Kennedy had said showed that AID funds w re secretly fi- nancing C I A guerrilla fighter activities. Kennedy (Dem.), Massachu- setts, made the statement last weekend. Will testified: "W e do not provide funds for these puir- poses. If a mistake has been made, it will be rectified." Williams confirmed, however, the specific GAO finding, as summarized by Kennedy, that so-called military and pa,ramili- tary groups got hospital and health calre under the AID pro- gram in Laos. He said Laotian military per- sonnel and theirr families got both medical treatment at six hospitals in Laos and food sup- port under the AID prog'ram along with the rest of the Lao- tian population. A staff member of Kennedy's Senate refugees subcommittee said Wi'lliams's admissions did not go to the Senate subcom- mittee's broader longstanding contention that AID funds went to such direct milita-ry purposes as support of Laotian guerrilla fighters and. helicopter trans portation for them.. . STATINTL Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 ST. PAUL PIONEER. PRESS Approved For Release 201: IOVA-RDP80-01601 R00 Misused Aid Funds Lack of confidence in America's ate Judiciary subcommittee which re- foreign aid program has been evident , quested the GAO investigation. in Congress and among the public for He said it indicates that about $2.5 some time. This skepticism as to the million a year of "public health uses to which such funds are put will funds" intended for Laos refugee help be increased by a report from the and administered by the Agency for General Accounting Office showing International Development is going that nearly half of aid funds voted by' instead to the CIA for its "private - Congress for relief of civilian war vic- army" operations. tims in Laos is being diverted to the While details of the operation are L/ Central Intelligence Agency for its se- sketchy, it appears that the intent of cret guerrilla army activities in that Congress has been frustrated in order country. to satisfy aims of the CIA. The situa- tion presents one more argument for Although the report has been classi- greater congressional control. over fied secret, a summary of some of its CIA activities. And it is one more ad-,: dition to reasons for lack of congres- contents was made public by Sen. Ed- sional enthusiasm for the AID pro- ward M, Kennedy, chairman of a Sen-, " grams. Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 AfT'f IMf{rSTATINTL to, Approved For Release ~~ 1 A-RDP80-01601 R0 Enemy Massacres Civilians In- Assault on Phnom Penh From News Dispatches 1 nouncing the formation of a tion attack that killed 13 The Cambodian command new cabinet. South Vietnamese soldiers. said yesterday that some of Elder statesman and presi- In -Laos, fighting continued the Communist forces which around the besieged Central attacked Phnom Penh in the dential adviser Son Ngoc Intelligence Agency base at biggest rocket assault Thanh was named prime min- Long Cheng, with Laotian and war also raided the homes of ister and foreign minister. Of (Thai defenders reported to; civilians in the capital, mas- the 17 portfolios announced, have recaptured one key posi-( sacring at least 25, including eight were given to previous ; tion on Skyline Ridge. the women and children. cabinet members and most of 11,500-foot-high northern rim of Among the victims were the' the 17 were familiar figures in the base. The overall pros- manager circles. Sisowath pects for staving off the radio managea of the hoverenmy Sirik Matak, Lon Nol's closest station, which the eneemy {North' Vietnamese assault on troops put out of action adviser whose government Po- I the base, however, remained briefly, his French wife and sition was a casualty of stu-.grim. their child. dent protests against him, is' The Interior Ministry put not in the cabinet. the death toll from the devas- Lon Nol also said he was tating mortar and rocket at- I setting up a government com- tack and subsequent massa- mission to finish a new consti- cres at 102, with more bodies' tution, a task that the Na- being uncovered -as rescue! tional Assembly had almost .teams searched t h r o u g h completed when -he ousted it wreckage.. Another 200 on 10 days ago. more were wounded, the gov- Connivance Suggested - ernment said. Most of the vic- tims were civilians. No Amer- Nol denounced the attack on Scans were among them, the Phnom Penh as "barbarous," State Department said. suggested that it might have Fighting Continues been carried out with "some Fighting continued through- connivance from within" and out Tuesday on the southeast- called on the people to remain ern outskirts of Phnom Penh* calm and redouble their ef- Government reinforcements forts in the war, were sent to join a battle A South Vietnamese drive against 'advancing Communist ;against Communist base troops near the town of Tak camps in eastern Cambodia Khmau, 12 miles from the cap- continued yesterday, but the ital, headquarters base for that Meanwhile President Lon campaign, at Tayninh, 60 Not put an end to the _coun- miles northwest of Saigon, try's government crisis by an- I was hit by an enemy demoli- Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 WASH 'MAR 7Z . Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R *t C _..,DMr_ff rig, ni s ros.s By Peter Osnos !government iuICCS uu liityil-ay mist troops in the region of Washington Post Foreign Service 6 in December -,a grievous Cambodia that borders on the SAIGON, March 21-North military setback from which:' around Saigon is s Vietnamese forces and their. Cambodian morale has never; cited as further evidence that Local allies are on the move recovered. the Communists are preparing. {throughout Indochina, focus-1 The pre dawn assault today some kind of heightened activ- ring again on' Laos and Cam I r ity inside South Vietnam. ?. 4odia and continuing, their om-I (was much like the raid on In the Central Highlands Vinous buildup in the northern 1: Phnom Penh's Pochentong province of Kontum, where is(ctors of South Vietnam. i Airport in January, 1971, that the thrust of the offensive last United Statc?-y military l; destroyed much of the Cam- . hndian airforce- it was spec- month' had been expected,( 1 th - that had been hiillll sou ! SUP )rise and could have been said elements of the North Vi-1 Until tdnnr0ay@,q Fc{"' t 4f 'CMM Wr, ?e;;C.IA-RDP80-01601-R000600140001-3 Phnom Penh, Cambodia had !an. area where Saigon troops been relatively 'quiet since recently began a multi-bat- ? ing maxirnum pre ssure on (cabinet. Tile country had no creased then resistance o 'Laos and Can.boc!i'a, (functioning government until U.S. bombing of their supply 11 In the. first round of attacks selection of a new cabinet was routes. '. ' against Long Cheng in Janu- completed today. For example, since Novem art': the base was rendered rir- In the week that marks two ber 1, the start of the dry sea-'' tually useless as a military in- years since Prince Norodom (son, the number of anti-air-I stallation and as regional Sihanouk was overthrown, the craft guns on the trail, accord- ;Jiea'dquarters for the Central Communists can make propa- ing to aerial intelligence, has :Intelligence :\gency opera- ! ganda by pointing to a Cambo- increased from 340 to 600. f tions in northeastern Laos. dian capital that is defenseless "high Threat" Areas Equipment and support and a government that is at The Air Force used to clas- troops .were withdrawn. Only least momentarily unstable. sift' areas in Laos as "high! the army of CIA-backed Meo Despite the outbreak in re- threat." Now, that classifica-I tribesmen remained. i cent days of fighting on high-! Lion is accorded to nine areas Now, 16 battalions of North;way 1, the road that links", As to why the offensive in~ 'Vietnamese troops are said to Saigon and Phnom Penh, milt- South Vietnam has so far be threatening what remains tary sources here do not see failed to materialize, despite of the base, and if it falls the 'indications that major new Communists are certain to fighting is about to begin in the buildup, U.S. sources claim a major psychological the Cambodian countryside. s )eculate that stepped up victory. Indeed intelligence reports yombing at critical concentra- show that elements of a North Lions and South Vietnamese Reachable Goal Vietnamese division that had: preparations forced the enemy From the start of this year's been camped on western side to postpone his plans. dry-season' campaign in Laos, of the Mekonti River in Cam-i "There was a lot of second analysts said the Communists ibodia have now crossed to guessing in February," ob- were intent on establishing 1 the eastern side and are mov- served one officer." but I'll Pathet Lao control once and I ing toward South Vietnam. bet anything that those troops for all over northeastern Laos I In addition, sources said, an weren't all sent down here for- to enhance their political posi- independent North Vietnamese nothing." tion in any future settlement. !regiment has been spotted for That goal now appears to be the first time operating in the ,within reac ! the .'ward ..,from North Vietnam i t have Crossed the Demilitarized carried out by a handful of etnamese army's 320th Di- .Zone in recent weeks and are well-trained sappers. vision have been building `now moving tarough South - The difference this time is iroads and tracks n the pro- S''ietnam's Quangtri and Thu- that most of the rockets and I wince and have been spotted -athien provinces: mortars were deliberately . for the first time to the east'. The rate of Communist infil- aimed at populated areas , in !.? of Kontum city. Aration into South Vietnam in an apparent effort to frighten;; The arrival of four new regi- February, the sources said, civilians, especially refugees ! I ments inside South Vietnam was the highest since April, from the countryside who coincides with the dramatic 1368. which was the highest of thought they had found a,' reinforcement of North Viet- the ward s;mc?tuary in the capital. namese air defenses on the?Ho In the meantime. the re-, The attack comes at a time) Chi ,Minh Trail and just north ricwed offensive a. ainst Long ! whrn the Cambodians are par-I of the Demilitarized Zone. Chc?ng in Laos n ui today's, ticuiarly vulnerable. A week; On a non-attribution basis, shelling of P:inom'Pcch, along and a half, ago Len NorI American military sources, with the figistin" ~n highway,, elevatrd himself to president,; produce a barrage of facts and ' 1, follow th" pati,?rn set ear-1 scuttled an almost-completed figures to prove that the Com- licr in the dry Fe: -on of plac constitution and dismissed his munists have significantly i n - STATINTL vG'f?Pf9Ypd For ReI (QQV0?Wu E O} 9tB R0 a A0140001-3 S 4283 March c re one w ho s against avoidable loss or to protect producers, Southeast Asia. - sador to a is processors, and consumers against avoidable it is brought to our attention because operations, tells where the strikes will disruption of their usual markets, or (3) sales are made pursuant to requests re- of recent events in Laos and Cambodia. be, whether they will be on the Plain of ceived. from other Federal agencies in ur- According to the latest reports the Pathet Jars or in the region of Long Cheng, the therance of authorized program objcciive` _ Lao and the North Vietnamese are very CIA subsidized base which is now under ~sie e V.S. mine production of nickel in 1968 period for the transaction of routine country, made up of kindly people- amounted to 17,294 short tons, nickel con- morning business for not to exceed 34 those in the Pentagon, those in the ad- tent of ore. In 1969, U.S. mine production minutes with a limitation of 3 minutes ministration; those in the State Depart- was 17,056 tons and an Sstima.ted 18,000 tons on each Senator being recognized. ment, and those in the aid program- in 1970. U.S. consumption of nickel was 159,- will think and think again, because this 306 tons in 1968, 141,737 tons in 1969, and is not a prime example of the Nixon of nickel sttmstted at were 160,000 147,950 tons tons in in 1970. 1968, 129,332 Imports SOUTHEAST ASIA doctrine; It is anything but. It proves tons in 1969, and estimated at 150,000 tons Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, there just how bankrupt the, policy of our In 1970. Principal import sources for metal has been a good deal of talk about cer- country has been allowed become, not are Canada, 87 percent; Norway, 11 percent; tairi issues of paramount importance at only in Cambodia, but also in the rest U.S.S.R., 1 percent, and others 1 percent. the present time, not the least of which of that part of the world. Method. of disposal has been the issue discussed this morn- Then there is Laos, another small The method of disposal is set Korth in in. the need for tax reform. country with a very kindly, peaceful peo- section 2 of the bill and provides that, un- There are other issues, such as pollu- pie, What happened there? Hundreds of mlessay be made otherwise only after authorized by publicly law, advertising disposals tion, busing, the condition of the ghettos, thousands of Laotians have been made for bids, except when (1) the material is crime, justice, drug control, and the like, homeless refugees and much of their transferred to a Federal agency, (2) the all important. However, in my opinion, country has been destroyed. A clandes- - Administrator or. General Services deter- Mr. President, the most important issue tine army under the control of the CIA mines that other methods of disposition are now-and it has been for some years has been operating; the overall corn- necessary to protect the United States past-is the issue of our involvement in mander is the proconsul, the U.S. Ambas- H 41 1 dire t of such agencies. In.'this instance, the General Services Ad- ministration has advised that the entire alltount of nickel to be disposed of will be turned over to the U.B. Treasury. the national stockpile was $1,162.28 per 1': short ton. The current estimated market nrice for standard, commercial type nickel or may not be the same quality or grade Lions to foreign lairds where they do not Peking, to put their talents and their as the material quoted above. need them, do not want them, and should efforts to use, so that a degree of stabil- close to Long Chong, the CIA-sponsored M base in southern Laos. uch could be said about what hap- According to the latest reports the pened in these two countries in addition constitution of the Khmer Republic for- to what happened and what is happening merly known as Cambodia, in eff ect has in Vietnam. But it is all a tragedy as far been overthrown and the position of first as this republic is concerned. It is the responsibility has been taken by Lon Nol. worst tragedy in our entire history. I think if anything is going to be In Cambodia we are witnessing the done it is going to be up to King Savang folly of the American desire to export its Vatthana in Laos, SRI, and Prince ORDER OF BUSINESS The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tern- pore. Does the acting minority leader seek recognition? , Mr. PACKWOOD. I do not. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- pore. Under the previous order, the Sen- ator from Oklahoma (Mr. HARRIS) is recognized for 15 minutes. (The remarks Mr. HARRIS made at this point on the submission of Senate Reso-. lution 282, dealing, with the plight of mi- norities in Pakistan and Bangladesh, are printed in the RECORD under Submission of a'Resolution.) ORDER OF BUSINESS The ACTING- PRESIDENT pro tem- poire, Under the previous order, the dis- tinguished Senator from Wisconsin is recognized for not to exceed 15 minutes: (The remarks of Senator NELSON Oil the introduction of S. 3378, dealing with tax reform, and the ensuing discussion by Senators TUNNEY, -A'IONDALE, KENNEDY, and MANSFIELD are printed in the section of the RECORD devoted to the transaction of routine morning business under State- ments on Introduced Bills and Joint Resolutions.) not have them forced upon them, ity and peace can be returned to their Two years have'elapsed since the over- respective countries. throw of Prince Norodom Sihanouk and Let us take a look at the statistics. the result has been chaos. Two years la- These are not the latest statistics but ter seven-tenths of Cambodia is under they are up to February 19, 1972. Combat the control of hostile forces; and 2 years wounded, Americans, 302,651; combat later, out of an estimated. population of dead, Americans, 45,650; dead from other 7 million, one-third has become homeless. purposes, American, 10,077, for a total The not-result has been nothing but de-, of 55,727 Americans dead as of Febru- struction and ruin. .. ary 19; 1972, and total American casual- Thera is, of course, the makings of a ties as of the same date of 358,378. constitutional republic, but when the As far as others are concerned, we find constitution supposedly was to have been that the South Vietnamese have suffered put into effect Loll Nol threw it to one death loses of 145,414 and other free side and said he would not recognize it. world forces have suffered deaths of 4,838. So now the constitution and the repub- It is estimated that the other. side has lie, except in name, have gone down the suffered deaths of 796,458, drain. Marshal Lon Nol dismissed the I ask unanimous consent to insert in constitution as unacceptable. He dis- the RECORD a table supplied by the De- solved the assembly and he has taken ?- ..artment of Defense, which details these over complete control as a dictator in his casualties. pitiful country. There being no objection, the table RE RD i th t d i t b , n e CO e pr e n o The South Vietnamese Army, the tra- was ordered clitional enemy of Cambodians, is once as follows: again penetrating into Cambodia, to the SOUTHEAST ASIA CASUALTIES STATISTICAL extent.of approximately 30,000'or 40,000 SUMMARY troops. Does anyone remember the'inva- The Department of Defense released today lion of Cambodia just about 2 years the cumulative casualties reported in con- ago? Does anyone know what has hap- nection with the conflict in Southeast Asia as of 19 February 1972. pened since? Well, the North Vietnamese Total U.S. deaths from action by hostile are back where they used to be, in the forces is the sum of the following categories: area. of the Parrot's Beak. More of Cam- Killed in Action, Died of Wounds, Died While bodia is under the control of the North Missing,, and Died While Captured. Lines I e and their allies and more of through 4 subdivide casualties by oause or me Vi t na s e TRANSACTION OF ROUTINE MORN- Cambodia has been destroyed in the category. Line 5 provides an additional break- ING BUSINESS . meantime. down of the same totals by environment (air or. ground). Totals are cumulative The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under So I would hope that those who are ad- from January 1, 1961 through February 19? the previous order there will now be a vocating continued aid to this small 1972. Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01f601 R000600140001=3 C Approved For Release 2QQP/gR' l FS7 IA-RDP80-01601 Y fl 1PDry`1rL1d gat By Lucia Mount staff correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor Washington Sen. Stuart Symington (D) of Missouri saw no particular reason why the .46-page statement of the Defense Department witness should be classified as "secret." Never a man to mince words, he bluntly suggested as much to the witness. Only a few hours after the Senate Armed Services Committee executive session, the Senator had his answer in the form of declassification of the entire statement with the exception of two sentences - and even on those, be was told, the need for secrecy was questionable. The debate in Washington over the executive branch's need for secrecy Continues as 4''. orausly as it did in the days when the Pentagon papers were published and behind-the-scenes minutes of the. administration's India-Pakistan policy were disclosed. Only this month, for instance, the President moved to cut the scope of government classification by halving (to 12) the number of federal agencies allowed to stamp "Top Secret" on government papers and by speeding up the automatic declassification procedure. Much of the prodding for. such change., limited as the results appear to h " from Congress Conceding the need for secrecy in certain m STATINTL e ? some, as co delicate diplomatic and defense matters, the legislative branch nonetheless . continues to try to narrow the radius. , One of the foremost champions of the public's right to know and of a more assertive role for Congress in foreign policy is the tall and courtly Senator Symington. This onetime businessman, secretary of the Air Force, and presidential candidate (1950) who now is serving on three of the Senate's key defense and foreign-policy committees, sees the issues from a unique vantage point. Despite the military element in his background and his consequent service on the National Security Council, the Senator says he thinks far too much information is being withheld from Congress StifTer policy urged Symington argues that national security by the executive branch, no. longer, if it ever was, a ? physical, mil To remedy this lack of an outside check, Mary matter but also a question of having "I 'don't get enough information on which the Senator proposes creation of a select viable economy and of - "remember, I'm to make my decisions, and I resent that," Senate committee on the coordination of Democrat" - credibility and public faith he conmmented in the course of a recent U.S. Government activities abroad, to over- policies of the national government. luncheon interview. "If we could just get see the operations of such influential groups He has withdrawn his support of the w, this passion for secrecy out of the way ... as the Central Intelligence. Agency and then Vietnam for many reasons, not the lea: having run quite a few businesses, I have Defense Intelligence Agency. The proposal, of which are economic. Also, he sees a U.; a difficult time voting other people's?money in the form of a resolution, is in committee. weakness for pushing people aside and sa, in the blind. There's just no true accounta- In the meantime, Senator Symington, ing, "Let us show you hose to fight." 1 bility." who has traveled widely in the course of terms of national security, he sees Wester Following up his words with action, the his work on the Foreign Relations and Europe and the Middle East as much moi Senator from Missouri is trying to obtain Armed Services Committees, considers con- important to the United States. declassification of a report recently -com- pleted trol of the purse ,by Congress an effective Time will tell whether the Senator and.h seurity for the Senate agreements sub and -committee on commitments nts weapon for pulling more information from colleagues succeed in' getting the inform security abroad which he chairs. He admits that the executive branch. tion from the White House that they see] "If we keep voting the money, we're vol- It is noteworthy that Senator Symingtc "the going is a little heavy." secured declassification status last ?Decen Based on firsthand. visits to Thailand, untarily abdicating our constitutional pre- rogative," -he says. "We should refuse the ber for a voluminous, two-year subcomrr.i Laos, and Cambodia -in January by two money until we get the facts." tee report on U.S. commitments abroa( subcommittee. staff members, the report Among its points - bound not to plea! concludes that while the war in Vietnam Information and power are closely linked the executive branch - was the assertic is indeed win ling down,' war in Laos and in his view. He is fond of quoting a comment that multimillion-dollar U.S. support of t Cambodia. is increasing in intensity. As made 15 years ago by the late Dean Ache- 30,000-man army in Laos could in no wa the Senator describes it in a letter accom- son, former secretary of state, that the be considered an intelligence operation. paning the report to Sen. J. W. Fulbright shift of power from Congress to the White .for the Senator's role in all this, Re (D) of Arkansas, chairman of the Senate House was. the greatest change. in govern- Jas f r the Senator's (r' of role in all i, the Se Foreign :Relations. Committee,' " We. are of. meat in this century. Jame son, notes in his book "The State' fered nothing . . . but the prospect of more of "If that was true before Kennedy and Game tn t any argument or a State! the same, at higher cost." Senator Syming- Johnson, how much more true is it today?,, his father "displays a solidarity of dete challen~ ton further t an w e 1446191 in his eye Gatilm s the jaw line of M ties, such as tr-ose inaos"andamoia, t f 'l ush"more.' f +V, lied wr- veers . c so? a e- have strong foreign-policy ramifications and A? supporter o L ll, now before Congress, which seeks to A formidable challenge to any administr tinn. Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-0160.1 R .Two years ag o, the Senate Foreign Relations Ccmmittee learned that Atrerican furcign-aid funds were b iu j used to ls:ty foe the C~n1r 1 Intelli~,etice Agency's i7iiiitary opera Lions in Laus. A few nionths later, Dr. John I-lannah,, administrator of -.the Agency for international Develop- inent, told an interviewer, ."I have to - .admit that this is true." After repeat . ed. protests groin senators over the use of. AID funds by the CIA, how- ever,Hannah wrote to Sen. Edward Kennedy that "efectivc at the be- .-ginning of fiscal year 1972, all of the t1ID financing with which you have been .concerned will be terminated." But it wasn't. to a report by the General Accounting Office, ;.the congressional investigating body, nearly half of the U.S. funds appro- priated to help civilian victims of the war in Laos are still being diverted to the CIA's secret guerrilla army in that country. The report,, a summary of :.which was made public by Kennedy. :!d.a Saturday, showed that .about million in public-health funds admin istered by AID arc being diverted- e:tc'i y:;a.r. V!t)CeO e', ccln essianal sources indicated that another 'ac- counting-office report, expected later- this month, will disclose that AID'S. refugee-assistance programs in Laos, have also been diverted to military- Despite administration assurances to the contrary, then, the CIA still has' its hand in the non-military foreign ,,.id till. Thr_e"explanations for that' ,ern nossibie. One is that AID's ad ministrator didn't l n6v what was going on in his own agency. Ancther is that he delllierately misled the Senate. The third is that the adin+n- istr.:tion, after llrynnah's letter was written, decided to resunie the financ-' ing of CIA military activities with AID funds,- but didn't bother telling; the Senate about it., In any case, some: Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 THE MINNEAPOLIS TRIBUNE Approved For Release 2000/05/15 M I*- VP80-01601 R CIA'S hand is still in the till T~vo years ago, the Senate. Foreign Relations Committee learned that American foreign-aid funds were being used to pay for the Central Intelligence Agency's military opera- tions in Laos. A few months later, Dr. John Hannah, administrator of the Agency for International Develop- ment, told an interviewer, "I have to admit that this is true." After repeat- ed protests from senators over the use of AID funds by the CIA, how- ever, Hannah wrote to Sen. Edward Kennedy that "effective at the be- ginning of fiscal year 1972, all of the AID financing with which you have been concerned will be terminated." But it wasn't. According to a report by the General Accounting Office, the congressional investigating body, nearly half of the U.S. funds appro- priated to help civilian victims of the war in Laos are still being diverted to the CIA's secret guerrilla army in that country. The report, a summary of which was made public by Kennedy STATINTL Saturday, showed . that about $2.5 million in public-health funds admin- istered by AID are being diverted each year. Moreover, congressional sources indicated that another ac- counting-office report, expected later this month, will disclose that AID's refugee-assistance programs in Laos have also been diverted to military uses by the CIA. -< Despite administration assurances to the contrary, then, the CIA still has its hand in the non-military foreign- aid till. Three explanations for that seem possible. One is that AID's ad- ministrator didn't know what was going on in his own agency. Another is that he deliberately misled the Senate. The third is that the admin- istration, after Hannah's letter was written, decided to resume the financ- ing of CIA military activities with AID funds, but didn't bother telling the Senate about it. In any case, some corrective measures are in order. Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 .i yAQ1 T-11 E0 Approved For Release 20 ,0L0A 5LSUlA-RDP80-01601 R0001MR0001-3 nompenh Is Hit by 100 Rockets; 10 Killed in Major Attack by Foe PNOMPENH, Cambodia, Tues- ernment base at Long i icng, l e des i Pl I n a day, March 21-Enemy troops just south of the launched a major rocket attack Jarres, was reported under od nh nom - - p.. a/, --- against A - " The at least 10 persons and set- The situation .ting blocks of houses on fire. At least 100 rockets struck the capital city and its suburbs over a period of several hours beginning at 1:30 A.M. By 4 .A..M. relative quiet had settled over the city. There were reports of fight- ing at the site of a radio trans- mitter. Flames from burning buildings flit the predawn skies. Ambu- lances drove through the streets and rescue teams worked to find the dead and injured. First reports indicated that there were many wounded. Ten rockets fell near the Ministry of National Defense and set 'several homes afire. There were no immediate re- ports about foreigners in the city, but the United States Em- bassy did not appear to have been hit. Meanwhile, the military situ- ation in the southeastern prov- ince of Preyveng was described as "serious" by the Cambodian command after enemy gunners hit two towns yesterday. A South Vietnamese ammunition I honga - .::: i" Cni1f Of @ Tie g~? Tenkie It \ zrti\Dy9 Pleiku The Now York Times/March 21, 1972 Vast fires were touched off at Pnompenh (1). In Laos, Long Tieng (2) was under heavy attack. In North Vietnam (3), a U.S. jet bombed a radar base. mWin ` support base at Nam Thong, six miles northwest of Long Tieng, and seized control of a commanding position. on Skyline Ridge, a 1,500-foot- high natural harrier that over- looks the Long Tieng airstrip. The ridge forms the northern defenses of Long Tieng. By yesterday afternoon, the informants here reported, North Vietnamese infantrymen had seized three Laotian heli copter pads along the ridge. Enemy gunners, reportedly closed the Long Tieng airstrip today by firing 82-mm. mor- tars and DK-82 recoilless rifles from the heights into the val- ley. Other enemy units were said to be pounding the base with long-range 130-mm. artil- lery from the southern tip of the Plaine des Jarres. The fall of Long Tieng would be a heavy psychologi- cal blow to the Laotian Gov- ernment. It would mark the farthest southward advance by enemy forces in northern Laos and would open the way, if the enemy chose to take it, to push toward Vientiane, the adminis- trative capital of Laos, nearly -80 miles to the south. New Strikes In North SAIGON, South Vietnam, March 20 (AP)-The United States command reported today that the 100th "protective- re action" air strike of the year was flown last night over North Vietnam. The command said a Navy A-6 fighter-bomber made the attack against a radar site about 35 miles north of the demilitarized zone straddling the border between the two Vietnams. Two other United States jet planes raided an antiaircraft battery and a radar site in the! North earlier yesterday. Pilots l said they believed the emplace ment had been destroyed. The United States command dump was destroyed, six per- one official source said. Other sons were killed and at least sources said Long Tieng, head- 24 were wounded. quarters of Gen. yang Pao and The command said that his American-supported guer- Routte 15,' a secondary road rilla army of Moo tribesmen, linking the two towns of Neak- /was "all but lost." Long Tieng, which has also luong and Preyveng, had been served as a base for the opera cut off, leaving Preyveng "iso- tions of the United States Cen` dated." Efforts to open the road, tral Intelligence Agency in 30 miles southeast of Pnom- northern Laos, has frequently attack in m r ene y come unde penh, were unsuccessful yes- recent years. But the assaults ~ said the North Vietnamese guns terday, despite close American so far this year.- in Januarys had opened fire on a United and Cambodian air support and, and again in recent days -! States reconnaissance plane be- ammunition air drops. appear to have been carried out for the American planes fired r Field officers 'on the road with greater force than ever stheir ites were said toebewtrack tracking said they had called for help from South Vietnamese troops more than 50 miles away at the town of Chipoo on Route 1 linking Saigon and Pnompenh. before. other United States planes. The current all-out offensive. In -other war developments; was 'reportedly begun on Sat- South Vietnamese forces on the urday morning by 4,500 to 11th day of " their drive to 6,000 North Vietnamese troops smash enemy base camps in backed by four . tanks and eastern Cambodia reported that heavy artillery. Informed i they had uncovered more large sources said that the enemy I caches of food and weapons in forces "first routed Laotian and an area 85 to 100 miles north po- Thai. defenders from all he east of Saigon and 10 to 15 sitions in the vicinity of tthe I miles inside Cambodia. Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 Key Base Besieged VIENTIANE, Laos, March 20 (AP)-A major enemy at- tempt to capture the key Gov- ST. LOUIS POST DISPATCH Approved For Release ?0'11% : CIA-RDP80-01601 RO -Peace Funds For War A new disclosure by Senator Edward M. Ken- nedy of the misuse of foreign aid funds in Laos provides more evidence that the Nixon Administration is determined to ignore the will of Congress on Indochina. Despite the fact that the Agency for International Devel- opment assured Senator Kennedy in writing last year that AID public health funds would not be used to subsidize the Central Intelli- gence Agency's guerrilla war in Laos, the General Accounting Office has found that the diversion of AID money for military purposes is still going on. Meanwhile civilian casualties in Laos, for which the U.S. government is largely to blame and for which AID funds are supposed to be, allocated, are being neglected. The GAO report to Senator Kennedy's judiciary subcommittee on refugees said: "There is virtually no indig- enous medical capability in Laos to meet the immediate or long range public health needs of the general population or to treat casualties in war zones." Yet nearly half of the $4,956,000 in AID funds Intended for the relief of civilian war casualties in Laos in 1972 is still being diverted to the CIA's guerrilla war. Since the CIA has already circumvented previous congressional attempts to cut financing of the secret war in Laos and since President Nixon has said he will not be bound by a congressional act calling on him to set a date for withdrawal from Vietnam, this latest evasion of a mandate from Congress is not surprising. It only adds one more item to the long record of deceit on the war. AID has now made its contribution to the credibility gap and become another agency that has fallen prey to the corrupting influence of an immoral war that has already thoroughly undermined American' avowals of humanitarian purpose in Asia. STATINTL Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 ST. LOUIS POST DISPATC3 Approved For Release 20b/'ft 1M-RDP80-01601 CIA Uses Health Aid Funds For Combat Role In Laos WASHINGTON, March 18 U31. ,The escalating human toll American foreign aid health throughout the area continues funds continue to be used secret- to be of too little concern to ly to finance a Central Intelli- government, w h i c h bears a Bence Agency combat role in heavy responsibility for contrib- Laos even after officials prom- uting to the tragedy," Kennedy ised the practice w o u I d be said. stopped, the General Accounting The report said, "There is medical Office said in a report made public Saturday night. The document was disclosed by Senator Edward M. Kennedy (Dem.) Massachusetts. It said that despite assurances to Ken- nedy's refugee subcommittee by John Hannah, administrator of the Agency for International De- velopment, AID f u n d s pro- grammed for civilian war cas- ualties and health care in Laos continued to be used to support o ow enough to a military efforts. Kennedy said much of the re- conclusions about the extent of port was classified secret and war casualties in Laos. that he was permitted to dis- It said that in a six-month close only a heavily sanitized period in 1971, war casualties treated at all U.S. AID-support- summary. ed medical facilities averaged' Even so, he said, the fact re- 1072 a month.. mains that "thousands of civil- ian war casualties in Laos are continuing to document a shad- owy war in which the purpose and degree of American partici- pation are still being kept from the American people. Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 virtually no indigenous capability in Laos to meet the immediate or long range public health needs of the general pop- ulation or to treat casualties in war zones." The GAO report said a Fili- pino charity called "Operation Brotherhood" ran virtually the only acceptable hospitals in the country. The GAO said available data were not complete or reliable reach any it t ll STATINTL Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80- LOUIS, MO. r - _, S - 511. 'i6" 21 . .s Plead= Funds For JV(u- A new disclosure by Senator Edward M. Ken- nedy of the misuse of foreign aid funds in Laos provides more evidence that the Nixon Administration is determined to igr:ore the will of Congress on Indochina. Despite the fact that the Agency for International Devel- opment assured Senator Kennedy in writing last year that AID .public health funds would not be used to subsidize the Central Intelli- gence Agency's guerrilla war in Laos, the General Accounting Office has found that the diversion of AID money for military purposes is still going on. Meanwhile civilian casualties in Laos, for which the U.S. government is largely to blame and for which AID funds are supposed to be allocated, are being neglected. The GAO report to Senator Kennedy's judiciary subcommittee on refugees said: "There is virtually no indig- enous medical capability in Laos to meet the immediate or long range public health needs of the general population or to treat casualties in war zones." Yet nearly half of the $4,956,000 in AID funds intended for the relief of civilian war casualties in Laos in 1972 is still being diverted to the CIA's guerrilla war. Since the CIA has already circumvented previous congressional attempts to cut financing of the secret war in Laos and since President Nixon hzs said he will not be bound by a - i; ncssir,nal act calling on him to set a date f(,r wi,hdrawal from Vietnam, this latest evasion of ;,. mandate from Congress is not surprising. ~t olily adds one more item to the long record of deceit on the war. AID has now made its contribution to the credibility gap and become a-aother rgency that has fallen prey to the corrupting influence of an immoral war that has already thoroughly undermined American avowals of humanitarian purpose in Asia. Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP8O-01601 R000600140001-3 Approved For Release 20QQj/0j519ZlA-RDP80-01601 R ;.,CAsonCheng Base Reels, ref en ers Flee -- By D. E. Ronk Special to The Washington Post VIENTIANE, Laos, M a r c h' that of the CIA were moved 20-North Vietnamese infan- . about 20 miles southwest - of try Long Cheng recently. and tanks launched a ials have been ffi US U S o c . . heavy attack on Long Cheng, . downgrading the military im. the U.S. Central Intelligence portance of. the Long Cheng Agency base 80 miles north of said" base, insisting that since the Coda and base spokesmen er) shift of all command and sup- crumbling ubase under r the he were ply operations to safer areas on-I the base is now merely a tacti- slau cal position rather than a stra. Enemy forcefs were said to have captured much of Long tegic area. Other American Cheng Valley defense lines sources have said the down- and the situation was de- grading is an effort by the scribed by U.S. officials as U.S. mission to hide the signif- "critical and rapidly deterio- icance of the partial abandon- ment of Long Cheng. ratino." The current assault on Long Laotian volunteers were Cheng began Saturday with si- said to be fleeing. in large multaneous attacks on govern. numbers. Enemy artillery has ment positions along the Sky. ,completely closed the base's line Ridge, a 1,500-foot line of the ri th m airstrip. along the nor Lona Between six to eight battal- buil't' T-34 iitanks valley. Soviet are taking ions of irregular Laotian part in the assault. troops, who were flown into liew Road nu J the Long Cheng areas in a Communist a rt i l ler y has ary and' February, have muti- Comm been un st a the base. has U.S nied against their commander sources said they believe that and abandoned their positions. the guns were moved into po- Informed sources said about sitions on a new road con- t n irregulars ! la m ? ti t se j, na ie 1,VUV ao strutted by Forth tiained and paid by the CIA I engince_s from the Plain of The South Vietnamese coma..,, rebelled against their com- Jars across the north side of mand reported, 64 government wander; Brig. Gen. Thao Ly, the valley. and the gu24-hour period errilla operations that claiming he reneged on a A U.S. embassy spokesman promise to replace them. They said air strikes by U.S. Phan-' ended at dawn today, with 86. forced 15 truck drivers to take torn F4 jets have "increased'i enemy soldiers slain, six gov- ' in support o them to Vientiane. considerably Long Cheng's defense now Long Cheng defendersi lie depends orb CIA-trained, D Ieo said B-52s are "probably and Thai volunteers. The bombing enemy positions. sources said that Laotian But military sources here troops operating with Gen. expressed doubts that the gov- Vang Pao's RIeo force at ernment can hold Long Cheng Bouam Long, about 50 miles ? despite Lao and U.S. tactical north of Long Cheng, are re- air support. portedly balking at going into Long Cheng, one official combat. Thai irregulars are said, is "all but lost." said to be attempting to leave the base. Meo troops are reported to have attacked the enemy from the rear but the operation was described by the sources as a desperate gamble to draw the North Vietnamese away from Long Cheng. Defense Network Long Cheng is a complex defense network encompass- ing about 15 square miles cen- tered around the former base STATINTL LAOS Sam Neua ? y of Jars Sams/{bGpen" Thoung otong Cheng tered a North Vietnamese flo- tilla of 100 boats reportedly hauling supplies along a river in the Central Highlands, spokesmen said. wounded. The U.S. Command said three Americans also, were wounded during the pe- riod. American troop strength in South Vietnam fell 5,900 men last week, the biggest drop in six weeks, the U.S. Command also reported.. S. Vietnam Troops Storm Enerny Base SAIGON, March 20 (UPI)- South Vietnamese soldiers and tanks stormed a Communist supply base in eastern Cam- bodia today, the Saigon com- mand reported. American warplanes at- tacked Communist antiaircraft sites in North Vietnam, raising to 100 the number of "protec- .'he Washington Po9t of o r bons of C~ n. ~ n?~ five rec~y~ q~ 1~a ag t Pao. &r14ZXt~dattOlf F l loo 4~tdb~ iii ye RDP80-01601-R000600140001-3 most as many as recorded all. last year. Y. .........A.. .ten he4- WASHINGTON STAR STATINTL Approved For Release 2000/0541 QAA I RDP80-01601 R00 Laos Fig ht Rages SAIGON (AP)-Hard f i g h t i n g raged today for the fourth day at the Long Cheng base in northern Laos. In South Vietnam, North Vietnam- ese sappers invaded the big South Vietnamese base at Tay Ninth and killed 13 government troops. Informed sources in Vientiane, the Laotian capital, said Laotian and Thai forces had recpatured a helicop- ter pad on the Skyline Ridge overlook- ing Long Cheng. But North Vietnam- ese troops holding two other positions in the center of the ridge continued to pound the base in the valley below with heavy mortar barrages. The North Vietnamese were re- ported using frontal "human wave" assaults against the entrenched de- fenders, and American officials in Vientiane said they believed the Com- munists were suffering heavy losses. But few casualty figures were avail- able. Long Cheng, 78 miles northeast of Vientiane, is considered the most im- portant government base in northern Laos. When it was threatened with capture in December, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency pulled out the ex- tensive electronic equipment it main- tained there, but it is still the head- quarters for Gen. Vang Pao's army of Meo tribesmen. The Meos have suffered heavy losses, and American officilas say the base now is defended mostly by Lao- tian and Thai irregulars who, like the Meos, are financed, trained and ad- vised by the CIA. The sapper attack at Tay Ninh, 60 miles northwest of Saigon, came be.. fore dawn. The sappers slipped in under cover of a rocket and mortar barrage and hurled satchel charges into a military supply center on the base, kill- ing 13 South Vietnamese sol- diers and wounding 14. The South Vietnamese com- mand said damage to. the base was light, and the defend- ers killed. 16 of the attackers and caputured three, along with two rocket launchers, seven AK47 assualt rifles, rockets, mortars and explo- sives. At the same time enemy frogmen set off a mine on a ferry nearby, damaging it heavily. The Tay Ninh base is the headquarters for the drive which 8,000 South Vietnamese troops are making against en- emy base areas in eastern Cambodia. Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 STATINTL ved-Fot?-Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R0006 SAN FRA, 0 , CAL.. 1 , EXAMINER E - 204,749 EXAMINER & CHRONICLE' 9 - 640,004 MAR 2 0 ISrZ Laotians Mutiny At Big CIA Base VIENTIANE 1 L a o s.t -- About 1000 Laotian troops in- volved in the defenses of the C[A base at Long Cheng mu- tinied this weekend and re- turned to their homes in the South, informed sources re- ported today. Long Cheng itself was tin- der siege and its defense was doubtful. North Vietnamese troops in strength attacked Long Clieng today with hanks, heavy artillery, rockets and mortars. Government sources ex- pressed doubt their troops could hold out despite assist- ance from Lao Air force T-28s and giant U.S. B-52 bombers. The ['all of Long Cheng. a big C e n t r a I Intelligence Agency base 120 in i 1 e s northeast of Vientiaife.conua open the way for a North Vietnamese drive on Vieziti- ane itself. The base is head- quarters for Meo Gen. Vana Pao, whose Meo tribesmen and Thai mercenary army is supported by the CIA. Vientiane Informed sources said the mutineers were in the Lao-' tian special task force regi- ments known as "Group Mo- bile," also trained by the CIA, and that they refused to follow their commander, Brig. Gen. Thao Ly,. claim- ing he reneged on a promise to replace them. The sources said the muti- neers belonged to one of two regiments flown from Sa- vannakhet, 175 miles south- east of Vientiane, to Long l Cheng. One group 01 1UW men was at Long Cheng it- self and second group of lo(Y0 took part in an abortive gov- ernment offensive on the Plain of Jars last month. Left for Dome The mutineers were quot- ed as saying they were promised they Would be re- turned to Savnnakhet Within three months. When the Communists re- newed their offensive against Long Clieng last weekend they saw their chances of returning home dwindling and forced 15 truck drivers at gunpoint to take them to Ban Son, a sup- ply base 2A miles southwest "The,situation is critical," one official source said. Oth- er sources said Long Cheng is "all but lost." The offensive, believed to involve virtually all North Vietnamese troops in the Plain of Jars area, began early Saturday with simulta- neous attacks against Thai and Laotian positions. B y yesterday afternoon North Vietnamese infantry- men had seized three heli- copter pads along Skyline Ridge, 'a 1500 - foot - high natural barrier that forms the northern defenses of Long Cheng. The North Vietnamese were reported this morning to be ~FiTq" 82mm mort ars of Long Cheng. and DK-82 recoilless rifles They arrived in Vientiane from the ridge into Long Saturday night and left for Cheng valley, closing the home yesterday. airstrip The sources said some members of the Group Mo- bile who were airlifted to Bit a m Long during the weekend for ,operations north of the Plain of Jars refused to leave camp. Their status was uncer- tain., but Gen. Vang Pao was reported trying to moust a diversionary move in the area north of the plain to re- lieve the pressure on Long Chelig. - A North Vietnamese force estimated as the equivalent of two divisions routed Thai and Laotian defenders from all positions in the vicinity of Sam Thong, six miles northwest of Long Cheng, and seized control of a posi- tion on Skyline Ridge, over- looking the Long Cheng air strip, the sources said. Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 V Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R STATINTL DALLAS, TEX. NEWIMAR 1 9 1972 E - 242,928 S - 284,097 CIA's `Secret Army' Filmed THE Central Intelligence Agen- cy's "secret army" in Laos is the subject-for, the first time-of a detailed. documentary film which 'NBC News' "Chronolog" will present Friday, at 7:30 p.m. on the NBC Tel- evision Network. The documentary also includes exclusive footage of the secret army's commander, Meo tribal lead- er General Vang Pao, as he gives front-line directions to his irregular troops in their most desperate battle to date. It includes, too-for the first time "This is the great untold story of ever in the press or on television-an interview with one of the CIA's ad- the war in Indochina," Bob Rogers, visers to the secret army, the documentary's producer and re- porter, says. "While the world has IN ADDITION, the film explores been watching Vietnam and Cambo- in detail the secrecy-shrouded opera- at Long Tieng. _dia, the biggest battle this year-in, Indochina is being fought in Laos with up. to three full North Vietnam- ese divisions committed." ACCORDING TO Rogers, the brunt of the fighting is being borne by the. so-called "secret army" of General Vang Pao, which is paid, trained, - equipped and advised by agents of the Central Intelligence Agency. "Their losses have been extreme- ly high," he says, "but so far they have given the North Vietnamese a hell of a fight. I think for the first time we've managed to penetrate the veil of secrecy which- has sur- rounded the war in Laos and have captured it on film." This inside view of the secret war the Laos was shot last month during the height of this year's North Viet- namese offensive which, in -terms of manpower, heavy artillery and. anti-aircraft guns, has been the big- gest ever, Rogers notes. . THE FILM includes exclusive footage of the secret army composed of hill tribe guerillas and That "volunteers" in action. The film crew traveled to remote mountain outposts held by the secret army, and covered the heavy fight- ing around the threatened CIA base tions of Air America and its Ameri- can pilots, whose prime role is to render logistical support to the se- cret army and to the thousands of hill trjhe refugees from the North Vi- etnamee Invasion, There is also exclusive footage of, and interviews with, the handful of young American Air Force forward air controllers who, in their unarmed light planes, direct the massive and controversial U.S. bombing program in Laos. Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 Approved For Release 2000/p /1RORDP80-0160 STATINTL KENNEDYASSCRTSi 1p05 CIVIL FUNDS STILL CO TO C1!A1 The 'second-'-report is e*- estimated that in eacri year, petted to be presented later 0'S500,000 to $600,000 addi- this month .to the Kennedy ?tional. Is also> applicable to these projects for air transport committee by the accounting of commodities and personnel.", office. As part of its over-all ait-'Ithat, on May 7, 1971, follow- The accounting ofice's report program in Indochina, the`ing his protests over the use on the "civilian health" pro- Agency for International De- of aid funds by the intelligence grams in Laos contains a chap- velopment operates Air America a`.enc Dr. Hannah had written ter on "assistance to Lao and charters planes from com- him that "I can rerror to you military and paramilitary forces mercial airlines. Earlier esti- now that with one shift made and their dependents." A sum-' mates by the accounting office early this year and others that had the C.I.A. providing about will be effective at the begin- ;A db Senator Ken- nhnp of fiscal year 1972, all of Tells of a Secret Report That Practice Continues Despite Assurances 1971 PROMISE 9S CITED $2.5-Million for War Relief Is Said to Be Diverted to a Clandestine Army By TAD SZULC' Spectat to The New York Times vieW that "I just have to ad- mit that this is true" and said the link between had been es- tablished in 1962. STATINTL mary saosthat that section "is 70 per cent of the business for; the A.I.D. financing. with which the air support program. classified `secret "' A comparison of the G.A.O., you have been concerned will While the Kennedy summary estimates with the development be terminated." provided no details on' the re-agency's public. health obliga-j The accounting office re ported, in Laos shows that about, ported, however, that under an lationship between the Agency ',half the money is diverted for "understanding" reached be- for International Development, the guerrilla force of the Intel tween the two-agencies on Feb. which administers foreign aid, ligence agency. 1, 1971, the C.I.A. had agreed " 1 I- + s ume ter. a s and the ' Central Intelligence Agency, the Senator com- .mented that "A.I.D. continued to furnish substantial amounts of medical support to Lao mill- tary et al." with "little or no The total A.I.D. commitment 111 prtnctp e o for public health programs in tain costs" of A.I.D. support Laos in fiscal 1972 is $4,956,000, for the clandestine army. and the accounting office as- sumes that nearly $2.5-million will have been transferred to the intelligence agency. and use of the medical support Medical support for the C.I.A.'s items." army is channeled by the de- ',"WASHINGTON, March 18-= Figures and other?jde!'fj velopment agency through the Nearly half of . the United I,the G.A.O. report were made, "Village Health Project," which States aid funds intended to available to The New York is said to include two hospitalsi help civilian victims of the war Times today in Congressional and a a hospital nmero . small dispensaries in Laos are still being diverted' y hospital functioning as quarters, and they showed that s dispensary, all in rural areas. J to the Central Intelligence last month the intelligence The G.A.O. report' said tiiit Agency's clandestine guerrilla agency refunded to the devel-,the purpose of the "Village army despite the Nixon Ad- opment agency $1.3-million for Health Project" must be clan= ministration's assurances last medical assistance to clandes- sified "secret." But, elsewhere, May that this practice would tine army activity and related; accounting office documents be, hd-ted, according to the air support between last July 1 i stressed that the purpose was and Dec. 31. 1"to provide essential care, to General Accounting Office. Refund Called a First military and -paramilitaarryy I croups, refugees and local vil- A summary of the secret re- - .It was reported that the ac- Inge communities." port by the G.A.O., the' Con- counting office estimated that The development agency's gressional investigating body, these services by A.I.D. to the other public health activity in was made public today by Sen- C.I.A. would be in excess of Laos is the "Operation Brother- ator Edward M. Kennedy, $1-million between Jan. 1 and. hood Project," which assists in Democrat of Massachusetts. June 30, 1972, the second part the operation of hospitals in, The report was prepared at the of: the 1972 fiscal year for. six urban areas. This has no which the over-all commit-' known links to the intelligence. request of his judiciary sub- ments were made, agency. committee on refugees. The Kennedy committee esti- Investigators in the account- Based on the report's figures, mates, therefore, that the pres- ing office were said to have the diversion of public health ent annual figure for the diver- found that under existing prac- funds, which are managed by sions of public health funds to tice, A.I.D. functions'in Laos as the Agency for International. the intelligence agency is about the medical arm for the guer- gency 52.5-million. rills army, providing full medi- Development, mounts to an Lastmonth's paymentby the estimated total of $2.5-million C,LA. to the other agency was,: cal logistic. support on the a yaar. according to the accounting of-, ground and in the air. Another Report Expected flee, the first refund. The ac- C.I.A. use of the A.I.D. as part p counting office estimates that screen for military operations Congressional sources said the nonreimbursed east to in Laos first came to public at- that another secret General Ac- AJ.D. for supporting the clan- tention two years ago. On counting Office report -would destine army's medical needs March 4, 1970, the Senate For disclose detail's an the continu- was about $1.6-million each eign Relations Committee said of A.I.D.'s refugee-as- 1n* the fiscal years 1970 and that it had received ?confirma ing use 1971. tion from the intelligences sistance programs In Laos by 'These totals, however, were, agency of press reports con-1 the intelligence agency for the exclusive of air support for cerning the use of the other guerrilla army, in addition to military medical aid under agency as a cover. diversion Qt the public health the international development On June 8, 1970, Dr. John fund agency's air technical support A. Hannah, the A.I.D. admin . S- . . .. , _. p r The istrator, said m a radio inter-l Approved For Release CY~Yv51 : CIA-RDP80-0160'I R000600140001-3 A'ASH1_~u'1ON dikU Approved For Release 200q/%5 :'[8 -RDP80-01601 d lndo'chin'a H ald Cd a g u 7.C,-- Problem For Moscow } r 0 ~4 By GFUIiG>; SIIER11fAN me Dicer OLiU...--... 1 aal.uv -....---- - . sent . a subtle but quite real The Nixon game plan fora problem for Moscow. On the Japan-either dominate or be - if not decisive - attacks on Vietnam settlement, say U.S. one hand, U.S. analysts find, excluded completely from In- provincial towns in the north officials, sup p o s e s private the Russians have used all the dochina. and central parts of South Chinese and Soviet readiness distrust engendered by Nix- According to U.S. officials, Vietnam. to contain Hanoi in a balkan- on's visit to Peking against Nixon is prepared to make the The question is whether Ila- dzed Indochina peninsula. their Chinese rivals. They same pitch in Moscow in May not will stick to these uncom- Accord id to these sources, have accused China of stab- as he made in Peking in Feb- promising military tactics for the President made limited bing Hanoi in the back. ruary-that the U.S. and, this taking the South and C- and con- headway during his" rip to Pe- On the other hand, U.S. offi- time, the Soviet Union agree trolling Laos anambodia - king. The Chinese refused to vials believe that Moscow is to limit their aid to Hanoi and if it finds Moscow and Peking consider the Nixon "pitch" for equally worried about becom- Saigon. wavering in their support. At mutual cutbacks in outside aid the moment, the most officials ing too committed to Hanoi s No official here believes the here find is that the seeds of Publicly to North and South Vietnam. designs on Indochina..througlr public response in tiloscow will the Chinese have the Romanians riid other East uncertainty are c e r t a i n 1 y an that there. ,one bfrom e any less Should than aid to great lengths to real- Europeen diplomats in contact sure North Vietnam that Nix- with Washington, the Russians cut -b a ck happen, these on was told he could make have hinted that they have no sources say, it will en an ere .peace directly with Hanoi and desire to turn North Vietnam mal action by the outside pow- the "resistance groups" in into an "Asian Albania on the 'era, not through formal agree- ment. and Cambodia. southern borders of China. ? But ? underneath, officials Two principal reasons are Nonetheless, the consensus here find, Hanoi is still sullen- given. One is the continuing here is that Hanoi is deeply ly suspicious of this Peking cost of supporting the Hanoi worried about just such out- line. Analysts believe the reas- war effort. Defense Secretary side pressure for a compro- surances foresee a settlement Melvin R. Laird last week told mise settlement. Intelligence which would combine total Congress that Moscow-the reports reaching here, plus of- Ftmerican withdrawal with de' chief military. supplier of ficial Hanoi comment on Nix- nial to Hanoi of the negemony North Vietnam-is spendiing on's summitry in both Peking !it desires outside Vietnam in the equivalent of $6W million a and Moscow, show that the Laos and Cambodia. year on the war. North Vietnamese are not at Traditional Suspicion all certain of unyielding Soviet Russians Worried support. It is taken as an article of Second, and more important Hesitancy Citecl faith in this? capital that both politically, the Russians are history and the dynamics of said to be worried about Hanoi Specialists here go as far as rival revolutions dictate suspi- involvement in the whole of to suggest that recent North cion between Hanoi and Pe- Indochina which might drag Vietnamese hesitancy on the king. For centuries the Viet- Moscow into a confrontation military front may be partly namese have been resisting with Peking. In this view, the due to this uncertainty. Hanoi the suzeghbor gnty to the sought by north. their Soviet Union wants to curtail has stationed seven divisions giant neighbo Chinese power in Southeast in north Laos, opposite. the Now, in the expert view, the Asia by bolstering Hanoi-but northern part of South Viet- Chinese used the Shanghai not to the point of a military nam and in the central high- communique issued by Nixon showdown with Peking. lands, and in Cambodia. Yet and Premier Chou En-lai to they have failed to launch the The conclusion, therefore, is all-out m litary action freely warn :Hanoi _ that it must not that, both the Chinese and the predicted here. Russians-for different rea- In north Laos, the North Vi- epect neeighb ghbors tors. While VWhilinto supporting, s the "people's independence sons-might support a settle- etnamese could certainly take struggles" in Indochina, the. ment which would turn the the psychologically important Chinese included a sentence three countries of CIA base theat Long ir way the that "Ali foreign troops should. opening y 7.,dochina~--Vietnam, Laos and plain (-,f Vientiane, and gerer- ce withdrawn to their own Cambodia-into the "Balkans ating pressure on the Laotian countries." for I3anoi- Hanoi- True, the Immediate target, of Asia." government c.~pfor was the Unied States, but offi Hanoi would be guaranteed sponsored cials Here point out that in any Its independence-and at least That formula would have peace settlement, this sen- the real possibility of using Laotian Premier Souvanna tence would also apply to the its political skills and infras Phouma agree to reorganize North Vietnamese troops cur- tructure in the South to take his government and call upon rently in Cambodia andLaos. over Saigon. But the North the United States to stop Also the joint Sino-American would not run Laos and Cam- bombing the Ho Chi Minh trail endorseme t in the coirrmu- ? bodia, nor :could any of the through southern Laos; At the 000600140001-3 pique of ti wed for t ~ interrernce in other nation's e et Umon, the Um e a es, I ano n r . affairs could also apply bility to launch embarrassing DAILY Approved For Release 200j/95NA# 4-RDP80-01601 R00060 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-0160 CLEVELAND, OHIO CALL &. POST' $$ WEEKLYMARR"2g, i81c~ 972! other than securing food to adequately The CIA-A Pusher rrest the hunger pangs. Famine coupled TO THE EDITOR With filthy and over crowded living con- In reading different periodicals, par-- ditions has a tendency to make people /ticuarly one by Richard Morris, I find irritable, anti-social, immoral, unethical. there are three communities of America; and apathetic. Misery results from :.famine, misery, and government incom- socially introduced emotional problems petence..Narcotics entering the black stemming from just ordinary conditions community is one of the many in of every American ghetto: disease in- struments of oppression that has stifled fested living quarters; rats dashing the mental and physical capabilities of across the bedroom floor; an army of many blac,Cs in America. roaches scurrying up the kitchen wall; a It (narcotics) is a multi-billion dollar recently used toilet that doesn't flush; commodity. So with the highly advanced three families in a one family apartment technology of Amer?ca that allows uS to and a perennial shortage of money. venture in outer-space or show full- These favorable conditions which are length movies of the privacy of the late created by America's system of capitalist artin L. King's sex life... Then I am democracy and racism should be dealt convinced that there is no way the drug ? with as severely as the black pusher whc traffic can flourish in this county without spends his prime in prisons because he's the full knowledge of the law enfor- trying to survive. When this country cement and political officers. deals with the CIA, the FBI, local police When I read articles that tell me that and politicians who profit from the set` Southeast Asia is the world's opium and distribution of illicit drugs, then I producing giant with a yearly production can see America well on its way to of an estimated 1,200 tons which con- eliminating drugs. stitutes 80% of the supply to the world Yours truly, and Burma alone delivers 400 tons of Henry Robinson opium to the world, or that the CIA base 13409 Forest Hill Ave. in Long Cheng is reported to be the cen- Cleveland, Ohio 44112 traf collecting point for the majority of opium exported outside of Southeast Asia, or even that methadone is a replacement for heroin so the govern- meat can reap some of the profits, then I begin to wonder about our so-called democratic state of order which is sup- posed to create conditions where by my fulfillment and progressiveness as human beings will be recognize and respected. Although I am no expert on drug ad- r. dition, as far as consumption is concer- ned, I have been exposed to the sickness and it has brought me to agree with- Richard Morris, that it is conditions within the social order of things which turns one to drugs as a solution or pleasure. These conditions being famine and misery. Morris states that famine is when the normal urge for food cannot be sufficiently satisfied the result to the physiogomy of the human being is disorganization and a general lack of initiative to indulge in any other activity Approved for Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 STATINTL 37AThY wo-ZLD Approved For Release 2006/Q,/R 19:IEIA-RDP80-01601 R0006 Millions show solidarity with Indochina peoples Demonstrations and rallies involving millions of people in many countries this week protested the Nixon government's escalation of bombings and expressed solidarity with the peoples of Indochina. These' observances of the World Wide Week of Solidarity called by the World Peace.Council coincided with important new developments in'Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. The 146th session of the Paris talks on Vietnam was scheduled today (March 16) as the Hanoi and PRG delegations agreed to resume meetings postponed by the U.S. In South Vietnam growing opposition to the corrupt. and repressive Nguyen Van Thieu regime is reflected in demands for Thieu's resigna- tion by a number of political organizations, including the "Popular Front of Struggle for Peace," "Association of Buddhists," "Catholic Movement for Peace." These groups denounce the Nixon 8-point "peace plan" as a move to preserve and consolidate puppet neo-colonialist re- gimes in the Indochina countries. Another reflection of the growing op- position was the arrest and imprisonment by Thieu of 15 South Vietnam- ese intellectuals, including Professors Ngo Kha and Bui Quang Phu, composer Phan Tran and the journalist Thieu Sun. Saigon student leader Huynh Tan Mam has been handed over to U.S. Central Intelligence Agen- cy agents. In Hanoi a public meeting denounced Thieu and expressed solidarity with these most recent victims of his regime. In Phnom Penh, Cambodian university students have again opposed former Prime Minister Sisowath Sirik?Matak as a flunkey of U.S. im- perialism. Placards and posters calling for Matak's ouster came after Gen. Lon Nol, the paralytic puppet who proclaimed himself President and Prime Minister, embraced public following the V.S. favor- ite's resignation Sunday. On March 15, Lon Nol broadcast an appeal for more time to replace Matak's regime. His plea was seen as a move to. stall off further opposition until the U.S.-Saigon 50,000-man invasion force has won control of the country. In Laos, despite ceaseless bombings by.U.S. Air Force planes flying from Thai bases, forces of the Laotian Patriotic Front (Neo Lao lIak Sat; continued to ,wipe out, puppet and mercenary troops of the U.S. CIA headquarters in Vientiane. In Hanoi, the Democratic Republic of Viet- nam's foreign ministry said in the past few days the U.S.. Air Force has sharply accelerated the raids on Laos, dumping thousands of tons. of bombs on areas thought to be populated. Meanwhile, participation in the World Peace Council's World Wide Week of Solidarity with the Peoples of Indochina was reported in a num- ber of countries. Protest demonstrations and rallies are being held in Mongolia, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Austria, Sweden, Britain and, the Soviet Union. _ The Union of Democratic Women of Austria sponsored a meeting in Vienna which sent a message to President Nixon protesting the bomb- ing of Indochina countries, and coupling their expression of solidarity with the peoples of Indochina with a similar expression of support for Angela Davis. A similar telegram was sent to Nixon by the executive committee of the British Communist Party. Swedish Minister of For- eign Affairs Krister Wickman addressed a meeting and denounced Nix- on's "Vietnamization" program as intended to continue the aggression. Czechoslovak. trade unionists at a conference in Karlovy Vary said the continued U.S. aggression in Indochina shows the aggressive reaction- ary essence of imperialism remains unchanged. Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 ?A RING 011i POST Approved For Release 20 p(VQl (1k51 7bA-RDP80-016 S IS Which states that U.S. funds; s. , S. ? een shall not be used in Laos for t h i d r nnihtary support of t countries. To my knowledge it \Tiolating is "the first introduction of gunships.") I f ti the hell o n orma c o o VIENTIANE, March 15- Thai air force helicopters, some of them armed; are being used in combat here in apparent violation of the con- gressional prohibition against "U.S. financing of third country forces here. Thai pilots ase...flying both By D. E. RonK Special to The Washington Post ter>i came to light last week- an i Iaos\ end when one of the Hueys crashed just north of Vienti- ena Anrine a violent thiinrler. storm, killing . at, least four crew members." U.S. spokesmen in Vientiane denied categorically that the craft was carrying Americans; although. It was an armed U.S. craft of a type not possessed by the Lao military. Various other spokesmen confirmed it was U.S. owned, that it was, serviced by the Air America Corp., and that it was going bat support missions in the from Long Cheng to Udorn, area of the Long Cheng in"'-j Thailand when it crashed. tary complex 80 miles north of i Heavy American participa- here, according to knowledge-i tion in investigations follow- `able U.S. sources. The Thais, ing the crash raised wide- o to Gen. Vang Pao, commander official excitement. of the irregular forces fighting There is nothing new in STATINTL ,are using'UH1-E (Huey) hell- spread suspicion here that .copters on loan from the Americans were.aboard. But nited States, the sources now, it's generally accepted 'st1Jaid, and fly from Udorn air- that concern over the loss of :base in northern Thailand. crew and an American craft Command of the helicopters assigned to a sensitive new is said to lie with CIA advisors r rarn caused the flurry of craft are said to be controlled through, a U.S. Air Force - plane circling the area: (A State Department source said the Thai. pilots were not under U.S. command.] U.S. Mission. spokesmen, while acknowledging that the helicopters are armed, said that 'tfiey are only flying armed medical evacuation mis- sions under the command of Gen. Vang Pao. The spokes, man will only describe the pi- `Iots-as non-American and non- Laotian irregular volunteers "who are present in Laos under 'the same program that cov- eted the -entry .of Thai sob diers. Informed sources said it was unlikely that Thailand could supply enough civilian helicop- ter pilots for the program be- 'cause of the shortage of trained personnel in the coun- tey. Use of Thai military pilots in American aircraft would $eem 'to violate the ban Against U.S. funding of third Country forces here. - Thai pilot participation in the Laotian. war, according to knowledgeable sources. That pilots . have secretly been flying AC-47 "spookie" gun- ships and T-28 bombers on combat missions over Laos in. recent years. It is the type of aircraft and their closeness to combat that has changed. Aside from pilots, That troops now operating in Laos may number as high as 10,000 reliable sources here say, with more. expected as the current military situation continues to, (Sen. Stuart Symington (D- .J Mo.), commenting. on the re- port of Thai-piloted helicop- ters being used in Laos, said, !'This is but another illustra Yopi ? of. djsregard for. the, l#w] Approved For' Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 STATINTL Approved For Release 2000if/'R C-RDP80-01601 Daily World Combined Services Heavy fighting, continued yesterday in Laos and South Vietnam, while reports in- dicated a rise in mass desertions from the Saigon puppet army. In Laos, the major U.S. Central Intelligence Agency base of Sam The Saigon puppet . regime's CIA. It has been reported that Thong, 100 miles north of the' military command reported ves- about 4,000 Thai Army troops are capital city of Vientiane, fell to terday that its troops had won a taking part in the Long Cheng Lao Patriotic Front forces over "big victory" in the Central battle. The crash of the helicop- the weekend. Highlands with only "negligible" ter was blamed on "engine trou- Seven miles ft;rther south, a U.S. air support, and said their ble." major battle was swirling around troops were fighting "the North Long Cheng, center of Laos op- Vietnamese 320th Division, the erations for the CIA. victors of Dien Bien Phu." How- Giai Phong ("Liberation") ever, the "victory" communi- News Agency said yesterday that ques sounded rather suspicious in South Vietnam last year a to a number of newsmen in Sai- total . of 148,000 Saigon .. puppet gon. troops had deserted,- including As United Press International more than 50 percent of the reported from Saigon,."the area troops who took part in the in- (of the battle) has been a major glorious February, 1971, _inva-- target for eight-engined B-52s fly- sion of southern Laos. The ing their bombing missions out of GPNA said that more than Thailand and Guam." It is known 5,000 U.S. and Saigon service- that other Saigon forces nearby men were . killed or wounded are receiving heavy U.S. air sup- last year during actions aimed port from fighter-bombers, heli- at putting down mutinies within copter gunships and heavy bomb- the Saigon puppet army, which ers. steadily grew in number during A top Saigon puppet army com- the year. mander in the region was fired There were 2,730 known cases following U.S. political pressure of entire Saigon puppet army a short time ago, and the U.S. units refusing to obey orders to has openly tied in the Central go? into battle, the GPNA said, Highlands "victory" campaign indicating that there were prob- with President Nixon's "victory" ably a great many more which prospects in the U.S. elections. the U.S,-Saigon authorities sue- Later field reports by U.S. ceeded in covering up. newsmen stated that the Saigon More battles puppet troops were being led by In South Vietnam yesterday, U.S. advisers, one of them identi- the heaviest fighting reportedly fied as Sgt. Frederick Weekly of was going on in the far south, on the Ca Mau peninsula, an area' Waterloo, .Iowa, and that "a few which had been repeatedly. de- U.S. Cobra helicopter gunships" clared "completely pacified" b from the U.S. 52nd Aviation Bat- the U.S.-Saigon military corn talion at Pleiku. "helped out" in ,wands. the Central Highlands battle. In nearby Rach Gia province, In Vientiane, Laos, U.S. sources which a few months ago was admitted that a Royal Lao heli- blanketed by poisonous aerial copter, which crashed 15 miles spraying; the Saigon puppet north of the city on Saturday troops lost 120 killed and -wound- killing all aboard, had contained ed in three days of hard fight- five high-ranking Thai Army offi- ing. ?cers. More battles -erupted east of They admitted that the helicop- Saigon, near the old imperial ter. had been flying' from the big city of Hue, and in the Central CIA base area of Long Cheng to Highlands, which U.S. B-52's Udorn' in Thailand. Udorn is a have been bombing for the past major U.S. Air Force base in week. Approved For ReIId2 01059?liS': f 'lA - DP80-016018000600140001-3 STATINTL all POST Approved For Release 2000105f 1f timA DP80-0160 . "CIA.Buase in Laos Imperiled. Vietnamese As Not Attac By D. E. Ronk special to The Washington Post VIENTIANE, Laos, March 14 '-North Vietnamese infan- trymen launched heavy ground attacks today against the Long 'Cheng Central Intel- ligence Agency base 80 miles north of here, informed U.S. sources said. Long Cheng is in "serious danger," the sources said, add- ing that the general offensive against the base appears to be under way at last, after weeks of thrust, parry and counter- thrust between the attackers and the progovernment de- fenders. If the offensive succeeds, it could -open the way for a new Communist drive down High- way 13 toward Vientiane. Most sources here say they believe the action at Long Chong may Location of CIA base at Long Cheng threatened by attack. well be one of the most impor-I ment's only effective fighting ley. Heavy fighting was re- tant battles of the decade-old force. ported in the area of a heli- Laotian war. Sources herd have suggested copter pad known as Charlie The North Vietnamese first recently that a major attack Whiskey, which was used in threatened Long Cheng in De- on Long Cheng would proba-) the January attacks on Long cember, when they captured ; bly be followed by a push! Cheng to infiltrate the valley. the Plain of Jars to the north-! down Route 13, the highway1 Skyline Ridge is a. 5,000-foot i east earlier n the dry season than usual, and began a drive southward. In' January". they overran Long Cheng briefly but with- drew. The current situation is more serious, sources here said, because this. time the ::ommunists have the supply nd artillery capability to slis- :ain an offensive to the south. It is generally believed the 'lorth Vietnamese are at- tempting to smash Gen. Vang Pao's army of Meo tribesmen i fr. om 15 miles away, Conamu- ?at.het Lao. If they eliminate Vang. Tao's army, they will .liminate the Laotian govern- that connects Vientiane and J.uang Prabang. Such a drive, the sources say, would probably halt at the river crossing of Ban Hin Heup, 50 miles north of Vienti- ane, from where new calls for negotiations would originate. Ban Han Heup is the 1962 divi- sion and ceasefire line for es- tablishment of the current government in Vientiane. heavy artillery barrage fired gist troops struck along the entire length of Skyline Ridge, the inner defense ring on the north side of Long Cheng val- strip of high ground overlook- ing the runway and headquar- ters of Long Cheng, the base used by the CIA to train the Meo tribesmen in guerrilla fighting. [Gen. Thongphan Knocksy, spokesman for the Laotian de- fense ' ministry, said shelling has made Long.Cheng inacces-' sible except to helicopters. He said 12 government soldiers have been killed, United Press International' reported.] Sources here said an ele-I ment of the defending force attempting 'to make its way back to Long Cheng from nine miles to the east was hit by 600 North Vietnamese troops Sunday morning. Those defenders were be- lieved to be part of a guerrilla task force that Vang Pao sent into the mountains in an at- tempt to relieve the pressure on the base and forestall the Communist offensive. That task force was i,.nsuccessful, acording to sources here. Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 t)B,S,TII,;pxE., SUti ? STATINTL Approved For Release 2000/Q5Y1J5A'Rd i2RDP80-01 Laos, Still a Shadowy War Over the past decade Americans Laos Is "going public"; in part. may have known a bit more about ? The . partial publicity has been events in Laos than in Timbuktu; but not by much. Laos was a place of mysterious activities and shad- owy struggles, - engaged in and waged by persons and g. cups of no clear identities. Laos was im- portant, of course, because it was e "domino," in the years when the ,word was assumed to have some sort of sense, but the degree and character of its importance were explained to the American public but vaguely, if at all. Now, we learn from a Michael Parks dispatch to The Sun, the. long official secrecy about the war in Itary attaches and an estimated 300 CIA "case officers" and "field tech- forced mainly by American con- nical representatives" amount to; gressional interest as to what ex- the figures on American air com- penditures come to in Laos and bat; American involvement in Lao what the money was being used politics; the extent of thefts from for, along with an AID require- American supplies and money. Mont that none of that agency's What it adds up to, it seems to us, is a slight lifting of a veil that funds go into Lao military as- leaves Laos shadowy and sistance or for programs of the still mysterious and that raises mare Central Intelligence Agency. /insistently, rather. than answers, And so some facts are coming the questions of just what our pre- out, but others remain obscure. Mr. cise purpose is, or ever was, in a Parks has listed them as: The ex- small country whose people have act number of Thai "volunteers," become increasingly unconsidered or mercenaries, present there; just by all the combatants in the Indo- what the activities of some 100 mil- china war. Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 1t Y Y,O}K ~ZDES Approved For Release 20ba/d Wdhh lA-RDP80-KffWb0 WOW _in Laos' Hanoi Exhibit 1)epicts '71.-.Victor, e The writer o} the following or pnotograpns or t'attret Lao1who would then theoretically dispatch is a freelance journal- and Vietcong troops attending leap from peak to peak." ist who won the Pulitzer Prizes planning sessions before the By the end of the month, he in 1970 his disclosure of battle, moving supplies along for f continued, all the hilltops had the Ho Chi Minh Trail and at- lai the M y massacre. By SEYMOUR M. HERSH Speclai to The New York Times HANOI, North Vietnam, March) housing many seemingly un- d d amage artillery pieces and 11-The defeat of South Viet-I namese troops during the Laos thousands of neatly stacked disappointment to _ American i the museum are a number of military planners, but it has been widely described in Wash- ington as only a setback?alona the battle of Route 9, as it Is known here, is presented as an epic, turning point in the Indochina war and a heroic offensive at the tune of Tet, the Lunar New Year. troops, supported by a vast ar- ray of United States aircraft, bled Within Weeks tacking in Laos. been seized and the paratroops There are also scenes of de- had retreated. serted Vietnamese fire bases During the second stage, from March 1 to March 23, Mr. Thu- yen continued, Tchepone was abandoned as an objective and the main South Vietnamese forces were reassembled at Ban- personnel carrier, two heavy border. The museum official, tanks that appeared to be in who said he did much of the perfect condition and a dam- research for the exhibit, ex- aged but largely intact helicop- plained that three brigades were ter gunship. All had United grouped there. States markings and all were "On the one hand," he said, said to have been captured dur- "they could not reach their ob- ing the Laos operation, In the museum are dozens of smaller arms, including Ameri- can-made mortars and grenade launchers, as well as displays of Vietnamese identification cards and uniforms. A large poster apparently pre- pared by the Third Brigade of a South Vietnamese paratroop division bears a greeting to for- eign correspondents. The North Vietnamese said the poster had been made in advance for press namese forces were sent fleeing in full retreat within weeks. permission to observe the bat- tles in. Laos' and officials dis- couraged interviews with par- ticipants. But there is no such reluctance here. Last summer the National Military Museum in Hanoi was converted into a capture of Tchepone. First Stage of the Battle Tran Manh Thuyen, director of the museum, described the three main states of the battle as seen by North Vietnamese analysts. The first stage, he said through an interpreter. lasted from Feb. 8 to Feb. 21 hd in- volved attacks on the South Vietnames- rills that were car- ried by h. iiccoter onto hilltops along Rout^ 9. "This was a new tactic used by American planners," Mr. Thuyen said, "using the high ground to airlift puppet troops) The museum features a large simulation of the scene at Ban- dog, complete with helicopters that crash and burn, during the three-week siege. Mr. Thuyen said the South Vietnamese were forced to dig deeper and deeper foxholes un- der heavy artillery barrages from their foes and could not rally despite waves of B-5h bombings and close helicopter support. The South Vietnamese supply and equipment loses were extensive, Mr. Thuyen said. The widely circulated photo- graph of soldiers clinging des- perately to the skids of an evac- uation helicopter was promi- nently ci:.:talaved in the museum. played under the new Vietnami- zation formula" - using South Vietnamese troops and Ameri- can support and firepower-"in such a major fashion." A ranking Vietcong official in Hanoi similarly described the battle as a sign that "basically the Vietnamization policy has failed." "Of course," he continued, "it doesn't mean that Vietnami- zation has-failed completely yet but that from now on the United States policy only has to fail." Whether that judgment is right 'cannot be assessed ade- quately from here, but there is no question that every Govern- ment official interviewed in An informed Western diplo- mat explained that the battle came at a "critical time for the North Vietnamese-it was their test case against Vietnamiza- tion." Results Widely Reported The diplomat, a longtime ob- server in Hanoi, said that the battle came in the aftermath of the joint allied offensive into Cambodia in the spring of 1970, the heavy bombings of North Vietnam in the early fall and the November raid on the Son- tay'prison camp. Results from the front in Laos were widely reported in Hanoi's newspapers and a film strip was shown on the state-run helicopter pilots were 'forcedjopera tions in February, 1971. namese killed or wounded dur- -t that North Vietnam played Ing the two-month operationmajor pole in the battle. more than half the original at- tacking force. The statistic isl far larger than the official to-i tal, although some 'roughly to apply thick grease to their skids to make it more difficult to grab hold. The third and final stage de- scribed by Mr. Thuyen came at Khesanh, in South Vietnam, where the American and South Vietnamese forces eventually withdrew under heavy shelling, again leaving equipment behind. The North Vietnamese claimed a- toll of 23,400 South Viet- equivalent fi?ures v: ere reported; unofficially later. Other Claims by Hanoi = Other North Vietnamese claims, which were of course impossible to - verify, . included 230 personnel carriers; tanks and other vehicles destroyed or captured; 72 cannon destroyed: more than 700 helicopters and airplanes shot down, and four supply dumps destroyed. "According to our estimates," Approved For Release 2000/05/15a ` y i 00600140001-3 Indochina theater. It was the lira t1^!e the forces were Prn- . diers in the ditches along Route 9 as supply trucks rolled past only a few yards away with South Vietnamese troops abroad them," the diplomat related. "It was fantastic!" The museum exhibit con- stantly-speaks of Vietcong and Pathet Lao troops as doing the actual fighting, but no foreign .erver disputes the obvious T $U.( Approved For Release 2000RDP80-01601 R . -1? W 1 tAR Laos's public secrets ? . .' a a. STATINTL U.S. now tedds tdee traatPi, By MICHAEL PARKS Sun Stall Correspondent Vientiane, Laos-After a dec- ade of official American secrecy, the war in Laos is going public. United States Embassy offi- cials here say that the broad outlines of the American in- volvement in the war with the the hiring of foreign mercenary troops. but not 2. The activities of the more than 100 military attaches and the estimated 300 "case offi- cers" and "field technical rep- The American establish- resentatives" the Central Intel- extent's increasing acknowledg- ligence Agency has here. ment of U.S. activities here is This information would pro- attributable primarily to this h t i " ave on- We vide proof for charges that the budget limitat o :? doing," says a U.S. Air Force ist Pathet Lao and u Co d h hi n mm o ng we e account for everyt United States is violating t North Vietnamese are known Geneva accords that neutral- now," one American officer officer stationed here. now although many specifics ized Laos and banned foreign complained-and to the preced- Laotians bitter __ . .. d ?.... ilita er_ .., o al debate and niter n am ry p n Groups of newsmen have toured formerly top-secret bas- es with the chief U.S. intelli- gence agent as their guide. Open-about raids The frequent B-52 bomber raids ever northern Laos now are acknowledged and their tar- gets identified. ? A substantial part of the American war budg- et in Laos now is open to congressional and public scruti- 3. The number of American fighter-bomber strikes and B-52 missions flown in northern LV111111ILUOG, YY111L.11 Lilij~GLGU ++~' er its sponsor, Senator Stuart legislative interest. Symington (D., ?Mo.), also has But there are a number of stirred bitterness among the Laos, which would show an I indications that the current rate Lao. increase in the number of B-52 i of spending here exceeds that "I don't car. if the Amer!- raids and a 60 to 70 pet cent I allowed on. an annual basis by I cans want to tell the whole decline in those by the smaller planes since 1970. Carrots, sticks 4. The inducements and threats the U.S. Embassy uses l+y"Some people, have gotten the I factions to keep the "neutral- feeling that the intensity of the' ist" government of Prince Sou- Shuffling the count " says) vanna Phouma, the premier, on "Washin ton just asked us increasin h g g, ere is war up a senior American official. "Ac-I an even keel as the country is how many bombs and bullets can.#oreign aid program, not to r that hasI ds for Lao f d b un y a wa we used. They are figuring liow ~ use any agency tually what is increasing is our devastate I I t An with the t o for CIA ce l "We "are just letting people! know what is happening here. After all, the North Vietnamese war up here is increasing," says! qi senior American official. "After all, the North Vietnamese) are the aggressors, not us." A more cynical European dip- -llomat takes a different view: "The Americans have, it is true, told in general terms what revealed only 50 per cent of the facts, many of which were they omit the details.' Many of the details are important Such details include: L. The exact number of Thai itary assia on increasing y ess much they cost," said a top; mi Lao. official. programs. 5. The thefts of supplies and U.S. '`The cost can be figured lots Many of the recent disclo- money by Lao officials from I of ways. Do you include han-~ sures here , have been anti-cli- acknowl- the U.S. . em programs, es s in dling and transportation costs? matic, simply official acknowl- order to Uto k keep eep good r igreelatlat in ions Do edgements of what already was order include development widely known. with the Vientiane government. Costs? g "Do you include pay for the When correspondents were The American hierarchy here to the headquarters of the world exactly what they are doing here, but we can't fight a war counting each bullet and bomb and rifle," said Sisouk Na Champassak. the acting I Laotian defense minister. American officials here area also under orders from the U.S. Agency for International Devel- Thai volunteers. in the Lao or Laotian and the Nixon administration in the Thai aid budget? Do you Laotian irregulars at Long these pgtolt may never address include costs already in the Cheng, described as the CIA's these 'points, budgets at the bases in Thai- top-secret command post for A first accounting land? .... I guess the answers years, they were disappointed depend on how much we to find most of the radio and But" further details are ex- spend." electronic gear gone. petted to become public when pOfficials here say that the 11 But American agents werel, the administration makes its Nixon administration might seen wandering nonchalantly first six-month accounting of seek a supplemental appropria- around directing air strikes- ea under the Laotian tion, but wants to avoid a con- just as everyone knew they did. wa r r bditures budget. The accounting was ordered gressional clash over the war A British correspondent taken, b Con ress as art of legisla-, in an election year. up to the Plain of Jars to cover; Y g p American military-aid admin- 3 government operation camel lion limiting American military istrators in 'Laos, however, back wondering why he had. and economic assistance to have exceeded their budgets al-. been barred from covering pre- Laos to $350 million in the 1972 most every year, sometimes by vious operations. fiscal year. almost 100 per cent. "Lord only knows what they This re resents a potential ti, ht the were hiding " he u ' is supporting in Laos, how they were recruited and what they are paid. The number reported- ly is being doubled to 12,000. ? Disclosing any information about the Thais, American offi- cials here q~tr~y t to substan i etT Charges hit the Nixon administration is vio- latine a coneressional ban on g y , p Ironically, Congress s spend- d jump of $65 million over lash ins limitation is likely to result said. year. The limit does not include; - Y Top U.S. officials here say in more American air strikes in t> its io `tfV>sr`f.`~ ;vivlii h 1-'~ ?R 4"~`"a,&ater and l'bom s an ue used in these, hand estimated at between $"i. emmnlete information about the billion and $2 billion annually 15350 million_ -- ""I military situation to corre-i Congress and that the Nixon administration, rather than seeking legislative approval for increased spending, will at- tempt to camouflage the higher costs through accounting gim- "What you are' going to see, come April, May and June when the money runs short, is a lot of American pilots doing the job Lao pilots have. been STATINTL C, '7' 'r'`' ' EIS .li A;.6 41 #MI ~7 4l~.1 Approved For Release 20q0~0#f' i1;JklA-RDP80-01601 RO ustralian anderer . Oani y., Jungles With.Pathe-t Lao.- V By D. E. Ronk j Special to The Washington Post VIENTIANE, March 9 - "'When two soldiers wearing Pathet Lao uniforms stepped into the trail to stop me,. I knew the worst had happened. I had taken a wrong turning at the wrong time.- A month later I know 'different. It was a wrong ..turn in the right direction." John Everingham, 22, of :Brisbane,. Australia, has made many wrong turns during the four years he has known. Laos. In the past it was usually just a matter of retracing. his steps back along the narrow, steep -paths that criss-cross Laos' mountain country, going back to ask a Meo or Lao villager the way. -.But on Feb. 7, it .was dif- ferent. The two Pathet Lao soldiers were not hostile, they simply would not allow film to turn back. They beckoned and prodded him deeper into the mountains, where he would spend the next four weeks as an "hon- ored captive" of the Commu- nists. This week, soldiers `guided him to the outskirts of Luang Prabang, the Lao royal capital 130 miles north of here, and told him to go 'home. The following day he arrived in Vientiane. Everingham is six feet tall and weighs almost 200 lbs. He Is a former weightlifter, now an . adventurer and free-lance photographer with a special desire to know, understand and pho- tograph. the embattled Meo tribe of Northern Laos: In four years he has come to be famous here -for long treks into the wilder- ness, unarmed, guarded mostly by his flowing yellow hair, tiny goatee and sheer "The first, four days were the worst," he recalls. "It minutes, but there wa's a'giit" reaction to the quiet hostil- ity whenever we moved into a new area on the march away from Luang Prabang. All the people thought I was in American pilot or spy they had captured. "Everv,I!1e wanted to tell me how his village had been oombed. I was lectured by women, children, , officers, everyone, about the bombing of their village and the spookies," the aerial gun- ships that spew machine- gun bullets into suspected enemy troop concentrations. "But I was never physi- cally harmed, nor did any- one 'try to hurt me. They just glared until I explained that I was not a pilot, not an American. Of course they usually did not understand what either an Australian or a journalist is-they did un- derstand photographs and many asked me to photo- graph the bombing." From the first meeting on the trail Everingham's pap- ers and camera had been held by the guards. After a Say and a half march south from Luang Prabang he was placed in what he calls a "jog cabin jail" to wait for clear- ance of his papers by offi- cers at another camp. Two days later a Pathet Lao offi- cer appeared and released him into what he calls "open custody." Apologetic Officer Everingham speaks Lao, and when the officer ap- peared "he was most apolo- getic that they had- jailed a non-American and a photog- rapher. He gave instructions to stay close to the camp and allowed me open cus- tody, which meant I could wander around unguarded." Later, "we moved deep into Pathet Lao territory, going east toward 11oung Soui," the old Laotian neu- "T" really-' learned what war was there," Everingham says. "On the first day we were bombed, injuring one soldier, then strafed by spookies and Spectres," the latter being a C-130' cargo plane outfitted with ma- chine guns. In the area near Muong Soui, where he was being held captive and through which he had passed under guard, "I saw no traditional Lao villages," Everingham says. "All of them had been bombed and the people where living in the .forest. The people and soldiers were safe . because they could hear the planes long way off and get into their tunnels on mountainsides." Everingham says he was most surprised about the in- effectiveness of bombing on the roads in the area. "A couple of times' I was taken on truck rides along Route 7, which cuts across northern Laos near Muong Soui. When a bomb hits dead center in the road they just drive down into the crater and up the other side. When a landslide is made, the driver gets out. sets up about seven small TNT charges and bam! It is blown away. I had always assumed it took an army of people to keep roads open under the. bombs. Nothing like it." ? r Friendly Vietnamese At one point, marching east toward Muong Soul, Ev- eringham saw the only 1 orth Vietnamese he would encounter, a group of eight resting in a village in Pathet Lao uniforms and armed with Russian-built AK47'ri- fles. "All the time we were there they showed great de- ference- to the - officer in charge of me. They were cu- -which is something. They asked about Saigon, about Australia. No military ques-. tions, no hostility." "There was no shortage of anything as far as I could see and while in there we ate wonderful," he says. Chinese canned pork luncheon meat, pork egg rolls and fish, all promi- nently marked with their Chinese origins, were given to him in abundance, Ever- ingham says. , yz Crdllat slrU11g11ULU OU 11111C3 friendly than the Laotians was not tlt~t r~tx~Fe~ea~0 iiihe 5 : CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 afraid afte 5IAIINIL Approved For Release # M-IMM-01601 R000 Curbing The CIA Very quietly - and very properly - curbs have been placed on the Central Intelligence Agency. This super-secret arm of the United States government too often has been engaged in practices which, when re- vealed, have shocked the American public. CIA activities in Southeast Asia have attracted widespread criticism. For most Americans, the cloak and dagger work of the CIA smacks more of totalitarian regimes, of banana re- publics, than of an open and free de- mocracy. Attached to a foreign aid authoriza- tion bill last month were the first con- . trols placed on the Central Intelligence .Agency in a quarter of a century. Con- gress passed the bill and President Nixon signed it. Under these new controls the CIA will have to answer - well, at least partly - to Congress. It will have to submit quarterly reports to Congress on its operations in Cambodia. It also will have to report on its "foreign aid" programs. However, it is not expected to have to spell out details. It is the CIA which pays the Thai mercenaries to fight in Laos. Under the new controls, such pay cannot be above the salary scales of the U.S. military. As further curbs, there will be a reduc- tion in military personnel working for the CIA, and the agency has been in- cluded in a $341 million ceiling placed on aid to Cambodia. The controls can be considered hardly more than minor restraints, but Congress, by acting, has demonstrated it is not entirely happy with, the Central Intelligence Agency. In that attitude Congress is reflecting the feelings of the people. Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 BALTIMORE SUK . - Approved For Release 2000/0vg/' ~ 6R RDP80-01601 RO recise :tare, people are not sure. It may be it, bu. iness rival.'.', Approved For Release 2000/05/15.: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 . "Besides, everyone . would know we did it,`? an American here said recently. "With a Ij'eported shif ti ng attention STATINTL Cr, ? ? 111 Laos from Communists. to opium By MICHAEL PARKS The . American Embassy, The law prohibits the process- Sun Staff Correspondent which for years had condoned ing and transportation of hero- Vientiane, Laos - American!sI and indirectly helped Laotian in, opium and related drugs, intelligence agents here are;, traffic in heroin, morphine and and the cultivation and use of turning their attention from! opium as a part of the war opium, a traditional crop Communists to drug runners, against the Communists, has among hill tribes, is restricted. { according to informed sources. now brought in a task force of A second law, passed recently,. The United States Central In-' U.S. Customs and drug officials bars unauthorized importation telligence Agency has been giv- to help the Vientiane govern- +,of chemicals used to refine op- en a top-priority assignment, ment enforce its first drug law.: iurn American officials say, of dis-i Their budget may run to $1 The U.S. efforts are directed covering the routes used to million a year. g I The less at stopping the cultivation ,Smuggle opium from northern Customs officials are tighten inspection opium than. in reducing the -Burma through Laos to Thai-I helping ti oft large volume of drugs flowing land and in ointin opium re- . cargoes on domestic and inter- i p g national air flights, the rinci- through Laos to Thailand. Cam- fineries in the area. P bodia, South Vietnam and Hong One result was a mysterious pal avenue for the drugs to Kong. fire that destroyed a key ref in- move from northern Laos down Details of the budget for the ery for turning opium into hero-! to Bangkok, Thailand. anti-drugs program, which is in last year. Some of the inspections onp being coordinated with similar A recently reported series of flights of Air America and Co efforts in neighboring'countries, ambushes on n mule trains and! ~" eff caravans bo mule fl tinental Air System planes, are still being worked out, but he which are under contract to the U.S. officials frequently men Burma and Thailand are also ! U.S. Central Intelligence Agen-1 tion $1 million as the total attributed by knowledgeable ob- 1 cy, are too cursory to be effec-j annual cost. servers here to the American tive, and some planes still es- I -"` anti-drug campaign. cape inspection completely, asl Knowing smiles . do most military flights. In addition, private planes When questioned directly, still land at Vientiane's airport about the fire at the refinery from Thailand and Cambodia to' jnear the Laotian town of Ban pick up mysterious cargoes and; Houei Sai or the caravan raids, fly off again, having avoidedf l American officials only smile both Customs inspections and knowingly and shrug their filing of flight plans and mani- shoulders: fest by bribing the airport offi- Other intelligence sources re- 1 cials with $200. port, however, that some of the! Americans here hope that , small guerrilla teams that used pressure from the prime minis- to probe China's Yunnan prov- 'ter, Prince Souvanna Phouma, ince for the Central Intelligence and his intelligence chief, Ge+t- I Agency have been shifted to era! Khamou, will reduce this! tracking and occasionally wt-? traffic. tacking the opium caravans. An agent from the U.S. Bu-' Last summer, American offi- cials were discussing the possi- ous Drugs has been assigned to bility of bombing an opium re work with General Khamou and eery at Houei Tap, near Bane ouei Sai coordinate the American and . "There are so many bombing . Lao efforts. sorties that one could easily go' with ethe Laodnatioi al police astray, if you know what I have also been ordered to press mean," said one U.S. Embassy ;for enforcement of the new Lao official. Eventually, officials here now drug law, enacted under U.S. l t summer. as -say, bombing was discarded pressure Approved For Release 2000/09/4 M-RDP80-01601 R f 0 Heo,trifluesmen, ight on By Daniel Southerland With the support and advice of the U.S. Staff correspondent of Central Intelligence Agency, the Meo have The Christian Science Monitor been the 'most effective fighters against the Ban Xon, Laos North Vietnamese in all of Laos. But forced One hears so much about the low morale marches have taken a heavy toll among of the Meo tribesmen in Laos that one ex- them. pests to see nothing but sullen faces here, Children cared for But there is incredible strength- and somethimes laughter--in the faces of the And, having fought for more than a Meo whom the war has deposited here. decade, their casualties in battle have been Incredible, too, is the daily effort that is horrendous. For a population estimated at made from this American-run relief center to keep alive 120,000 refugees, half of them Meo. Scarcely a minute goes by, it seems, without a small aircraft Lifting off the run- way with a load of rice for refugees living near scores of scattered drop zones and .landing sites in north-central Laos. - Two companies, Continental Air Services and Air America, provide the airplanes, un- der a contract with the U.S. Government. The pilots are tough, well paid, and expert at zooming in on small landing strips slashed at haphazard angles into the jungle and mountains. Despite its importance as a refugee sup- `ply center, Ban Xon is r :.''' ?,:.'e? The Americans who work here fly up every day from Vientiane, 70 miles to the south, 300,000, the losses have been so serious - and the advance of the North Vietnamese so unrelenting - that some observers have been asking how much longer the Meo will be able to maintain their present way of life in their beloved mountains. Fortunately for their children, there is vir- tually no such thing as an orphan among the Meo. Even if both'parents are killed, some- Dne will take care of the child. If the child is a male, he stands a good chance of becoming a soldier when he grows .ip, and a Meo is considered a grown man at the age of 14 or 15. According to one esti mate, about 20 percent of the Meo soldiers now are under 15 years of age. "They have a fatalistic attitude, and they rlhake the most of moments of pleasure," he said. "They can laugh and joke. But the joking doesn't necessarily reflect their real feelings." "There's hardly a family in this country that hasn't suffered a loss because of the war," said Mr. Williamson, a veteran of 11 years' work with the refugees in Laos. "If every family in the United States lost somebody in a war, how would our mo? rale be?" and return to Vientiane in the evening. Why did he join? It's. not safe to stay here overnight. When a 13-year-old Meo soldier named Je A year ago, the North Vietnamese at- Yang was asked why he joined the Army, tacked Ban Xon, burned warehouses and he and his comrades laughed. They'd ob- vehicles, and killed 14 persons. But Ameri- can relief workers with the U.S. Agency viously never really thought much a out the for International Development, who are matter. There's been a war on for as long dedicated to the Meo and speak the Meo as they could remember, and it was simply language, note with pride that despite the expected that they would join the Army. attack, the Ban Xon center didn't miss a ,We are attacked, and we fight," said Je. ,single day of operations. Yang, who is expert with an M-16 rifle. The airplanes distribute salt and. canned Much older men fight, too. Vang Yee .meat and a daily average of 44,000 pounds Vang, 50, said thaf he had fought for many of rice to refugees in the area. If the refu- years - until a bullet wound in the leg gees are on the run because of North Viet- stopped him at the age of 44. But retirement namese pressure, they can get blankets, from the Army has not given him a peace- clothing, straw mats, and cooking pots. ful life. He said that the war had forced him Thanks to the relief program, there is no and his family to move seven times in three starvation among the Meo. But North Viet- years. namese attacks have driven the Meo farther Ten moves for family and farther to the south, to the point where A Meo who works for the U.S. Agency for they now are threatened. with being forced out of the mountains into the lower altitudes, International Development mission said that which they find unbearable. his family had been forced to move -10 The Meo, the largest ethnic miniority in times in only half as many years. Lacs, migrated into Laos from southwestern "Certainly these people, more than any China in the 19th century, They practice aother people I've known, can. put up with slash-and-burn system of agriculture on thetremendous suffering," said Jack William- mountain slopes and like to live above the son, head of refugee affairs for the AID 3,000 foot tep tj q~j ~ . ~li ~d 2(?O1 (`/05/15 : CIA-RDP80-01601 F+ 000600140001-3 feet, is a hot a, u a y a STATINTL RE. pure CLAND, 0 OREGONIAN .. 245,132 407,186 Morse stresses nation's need for f 0e press The American press must be kept free 'and must be kept competitive if self-gov- ernment by a free people is to continue to exist,- former U.S. Sen. Wayne Morse said Thursday. Speaking to a radio sales seminar sponsored by Tack- er, Inc., at the Ramada Inn, Morse said too many consti- tutional guarantees are being transgressed by all three branches of govern- ment. Noting the press has served as a potent check and balance in America since its beginning, Morse added that the press is undergoing a- technological revolution be- yond the wildest imaginings of Thomas Jefferson's day. A candidate for the Demo- cratic U.S: Senate nomina- tion in the May primary,. Morse scored a trend toward press monopoly. He said it could be as dan- gerous in the long run as possible restrictive actions by government. "To put it another way, what I am stressing is that competitior, although fre- quently economically waste- ful, is essential to maintain- an an open society. It is es- sential to political freedom," Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 RO Morse declared. "There is no substitute for the full disclo,3ure of the pub- lic's business," Morse said. Americans must retrieve constitutional rights "which 'five as a people through our officials of government at all levels are permitting to be eroded away under our very noses." "You are for down the road toward executive su- premacy in the United States," Morse ?said. If the 75 persons at the luncheon were asked 10 questions about what is reap. ly going on in American for- eign policy, ? "you'd all flunk," he 'said. "So would the Senate Foreign Relations Committee." Citing Laos as an example of a secret policy managed by the Central .Ii teiligcnce Agency, Morse said, "We're 'cendi+Gting one war crime af- ter another." The most dangerous trend in the United States today is government secrecy, Morse said. "If you want to remain free, you'd better. stop it." Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 SOVIET 11TER ATIONAIL AF'FA]TcS Approved For Release 2000705/115 : C?A-RDP 1 LAOS Patriotic Front's Successes WORLD / ORLD attention continues to be focussed V on Laos, which lies in the very heart of the Indochina Peninsula. Over the last 26 years, the Laotian people have been waging a persistent struggle for -their country's freedom and independence. The defeat of the US aggressors and their puppets by the Laotian patriotic forces in the Xiengk- houang area, the Valley of Jars, and the Bolo- ven Plateau in December 1971 is fresh proof that US adventurist plans in respect of Laos have no prospects before them. In 1972, the pa- triots are still in complete command of the si- tuation and continue to press their enemies and hit them hard. This is seen from the Janua- ry offensive against Long Cheng, the US mer- cenaries' chief base. Striving to turn Laos into a springboard for a drive against the national liberation move- ment of. the Indochinese peoples, Washington has entangled the country in a web of economic and military aid, and flooded her with various "advisers", now numbering 12,000. The US Central Intelligence Agency maintains an invi- sible presence in all government. establishments at Vientiane, builds secret airfields and bases, and prepares and carries ofd subversive acts. The 30,000-strong "secret army". of General Vang Pao is also a CIA creature, which needs $250 million a year to keep. This is the army on which Washington puts its stake in carrying out its "Vietnatnisation" policy. To achieve its aims in Laos, the USA has been making use of more than 20 battalions of Thai mercenaries, who act on the principle: kill everyone .and burn and destroy everything in sight. But there is more to Thailand's participa- tion in the undeclared war against the Laotian patriots: it also provides the Pentagon with bases for the air war against the Laotians. Aerial warfare is a special aspect of the US aggression against Laos. The US military dropped their first bombs on her peaceful vil- lages in May 1964. Since then, the US air force has become much more active. Over the last three years alone, it has dropped about 3 mil- lion tons of bombs on Laotian territory. The civilian population is being bombed with frag- mentation, napalm and pellet bombs, and other latest "achievements" of the US arms industry. US bomber and fighter aircraft take part in all the operations launched by government troops, Vang Pao's bandits, other numerous mercena- ries and the CIA. Hundreds of planes owned by the Air America and the Continental Air Ser- vices are engaged in ferrying troops and deli- vering arms and ammunition. At present, Washington's policy in Laos has shown some new tendencies. There are plans to increase-at least - to double-Vang Pao's "secret army" by including fresh detachments of Thai mercenaries and subversive groups from the Khtner-Krom nationality, recruited by the CIA in South Vietnam. In February 1971, Washington made its first attempt to use the army of the puppet Saigon regime in extending its aggression in Laos. Southern Laos was invaded by over 40,000 US- Saigon troops under air cover from US helicop- ters and B-52 bombers. What is more, US diplo- nmacy and the CIA have been trying hard to forth another military bloc: the Saigon-Pnom Penh-Bangkok-Vientiane bloc. This would amount to Laos's membership of SEATO, the bloc being used by Washington in its aggres- sive Southeast Asian policy. But neither bombs, shells, nor political guile on the part of US imperialism and its stooges can break the people's will. Led by the Patrio- tic Front of Laos, which was set tip IG years ago, the courageous people have been inflicting one defeat after another on the aggressors and their accomplices. Over the last 17 years, the Laotian patriots have killed a large number of US officers and men and something like 200,000 mercenaries, captured or put out of action about 64,000 weapons, and shot down over 2,200 aircraft. The Laotian Patriotic Front is in control of two-thirds of the country's territory. In the libe- rated areas, the foundations of a future demo- cratic, neutral and independent state are being laid. For example, despite the barbarous US bombings, the three-year national development plan for 1968-1970 was successfully carried out. In agriculture, the line is to set up collective labour groups, and the area tinder rice and other agricultural crops has been enlarged. Over 1,200 hydro-installations have been built, which have helped to irrigate 20,000 hectares of rice- fields. Some 2,500 kilometres of new roads have been laid. Thus, the victories on the battle-field have been backed by successes in labour. On the whsle, the events in late 1971 and early 1972 have shown the Laotian patriotic forces' firm resolve to liberate the country from the US aggressors and their henchmen. The sympathies of the whole of progressive mankind are on the side of the fighting Laotian people. Y. MARUNOV Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 3 MAR 1972 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 - CIA-RDP80-01601 R00060 Outmajjned Laotians netreat From Drive on Plain 6f Jars' By D. E. Ronk Special to The Washington Post VIENTIANE, Laos, March 2-A major Laotian force of irregulars and guerrillas is re- treating under heavy pressure from North Vietnamese artil- lery and infantry on the south- ern end of the Plain of Jars, according-to reliable reports reaching Vientiane from the scene. The retreat ends a spoiling action ,Chat began two weeks ago in an effort to protect the Meo-CIA base complex at Long Cheng by secretly send- ing 3,000 to 4,000 guerrillas be- hind enemy lines. Their objec- tive was to cut supply routes and silence the heavy artillery that has been pounding the government forces. North Vietnamese gunners and infantrymen have hit the south end of the, plain. Far outnumbered, the battalions, were forced to retreat, touch- ing off a general exodus. Qualified military observers here who only last week were cautiously optimistic on the chances of the operation's suc- cess, noted that the guerrilla troops would have had to strad- dle Communist supply lines for at least four to six weeks to claim any success for the oper- ation. Continued construction by the North Vietnamese of a primitive road north of Long Cheng, driving toward the vil- lage of Sam Thong eight miles to the south, continues to worry U.S. military observers here. The road can accommodate counterattacking guerrilla force far harder than was ex- pected and the troops have had difficulty moving' as planned. Sources here report that Communist forces far out- number the pro-government) troops in most engagements, and are inflicting large num- bers of casualties. More important, however, these sources say, is the gener- ally low level of morale among the guerrilla units, some of which are reported re- fusing to move except in the presence of their commander, Gen. Vang Pao. The retreat to Long Cheng is believed to have begun on Tuesday when, according to informed U.S. sources, two heavy attacks were launched against pro-government forces camped near Route 4 at the l the big 130-millimeter guns, 1 which devastated Long Cheng in January and are now being used with great effect against the progovernment troops on the Plain of Jars. It now ap- pears that despite the efforts of the spoiling action over the past two weeks, the Commu- nists are again Poised to strike at Long Cheng witl'their guns and'a road over which to move them. Match 3. 1912 The Washington Po" Map shows Plain of Jars and Long Cheng, to which Laotian troops are retreating under attack. STATINTL Approved. For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 LOS A jAp 'Qve Ear Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R008WOMMU1-3 JJE1 ALt-AVSP T 2 SEMI WEEKLY -35,000 WASHINGTON, D.C.--lf, and we have every reason to believe it's true, the charges made In the March, 1972 issue of "Earth Magazine " that th CIA i , e s now, and has been in the post, dealing in the d:pe traffic, it's deplorable. Drugs and its danger was brought to the at- tention of the American people of the National HERALD-DISPATCH newspapers in 1960. We pointed out in our initial drive against dope, the fact that it destroys American youth. Hence, if the CIA as charged and documented by "Earth Magazine" is dealing in the dope traffic, they are singularly destroying a whole generation of American youth. Dope des- the brain cell, it renders the individual, regardless of race, creed, or national origin, use- less and powerless to think clearly. Dope, as it was fed to American soldiers in Asia is despicable and deplorable. In Asia America's finest young manhood was destroyed before being sent into battle in a senseless, useless, racist war. In the article titled "The Selling of the CIA" text by Morton Kondracke, offers 'documen- tation, photographs of former CIA spies. The spy was quoted, and we have no reason to believe that Earth is lying on the CIA, that its history is a sordid one. The HERALD-DISPATCH has been aware for a number of years that the CIA has had stooges in the universities and colleges throughout the nation where they recruit brilliant young students. These students were used as spies to overthrow the African and Asian countries, to murder, assassinate, and destroy people. "Earth" cites facts that the CIA is involved in the opium traffic with the "fertile tri- angle", in the border areas of Laos, Burma, Thailand and the Yunnan province of southern China. They say, "about twenty-five percent of the heroin sold in America comes through this Southeast Asian channel. Ironically, the American taxpayer foots a six billion d liar a year bill for running the dcpe-the CIA, an organization which answer t nosy, is intricately ii Q0i6#~O Appr ved Fo a-hAD~966~hbZ6 A lI~ Q o r ~ t I E states. U.S. tax mane 'AIR WAR Ss TTMUNN 11 Approved For Release 200R/05 .1 A-RB1 01 R00060 .CIA and Mercenary ms's r Forces CIA and local Asian air forces are playing a growing role in the air war as the Administration seeks to minimize overt American involvement. There is abundant documentation pointing to the participation of these air forces in opium smuggling as well as in combat. (See Ramparts, 4/71 for a ftiller account.) Local.Asian air forces--supplied, maintained and directed by American "advisors"-are doing an :increasing amount of the bombing. The size of the Vietnamese Air'Force (VNAF) has increased dramatically, and the Royal Lao Air Force (RLAF), the Royal Thai Air Force (RTAF), and the Cambo- J. n n o1 n nou UllUhl? on IIIesa a 1111111 ei 111111 u 11111 ei I ieee?6oiIII iIll 11111111 11 egYCfi Geui ifie iii a?a 1011111 lri ill Ill 6 hheioif7E@e dian Air Force at slower rates. Although all the aircraft are piloted by Asians, Americans do everything else, from directing bomb loading to spotting for strikes. Air America'and Continental Airlines, privately owned, profit-making companies, operate under CIA direction and wage much of the supportive air war in Laos and Cambodia. The "charter" companies' planes perform troop transport and supply functions, spot for bombers, and engage in rescue operations for downed pilots. Air Force helicopters, helicopter gunships and giant. C-130 cargo planes are "rented" to Air America for $1 a year in Laos.. ASIAN AIR FORCES 'American aid toVNAF, FY 1970-72:.$922 million American aid to RLAF, FY 1970-72: $128 million (Do.D, CR,. 8/3/71) "The Nixon Doctrine . was premised on the assumption . . . of increased U.S. military assistance." (Undersecy. of State U. Alexis J.ohnson, FY 1972 DoD Authorization Hearings). "An important factor in carrying out the Nixon Doctrine will be-our military assistance program. We are requesting 48 million for de- velopment and 70.4 million for procurement of the International Fighter. In addition, we are requesting 10 million for initial spares. This aircraft is needed to provide an air de- fense capability for [our] Asian allies." (Secy. of Air Force Robert C. Seamans, FY 1972 Senate DoD Appropriations Hearings) Sen. Symington: "Are we going to continue to put these billions into Southeast Asia? Is that the overall plan in the U.S. today?" Secy. Seamans: "For the forseeable future we are going to continue to spend sizeable dol- lars in Southeast Asi.a." (ibid.) VIETNAMESE AIR FORCE "South Vietnamese military officers con- tinue to deal in large quantities of heroin in and to transport it around South Vietnam military litary aircraft." Robert H. Steele, House Subcommittee on (Rep. Europe, 7/7/71) . Fixed Wing Heli- Year Attack, copters 1 69 approx. 100 approx. 125 1/72 (total FW & heli. 750+) .1/73* 300-400 500-600 *projected (1969 and 1973 figures, Cornell study. 1972 figures, DoD) VNAF PERSONNEL 1968: 20,000 .(slightly under) 1972 (Jan.): 45,000 1973*: 50,000 *projected (Ibid.) VNAF ATTACK SORTIES Year Indochina Laos Cambodia. 1968 2,250/mo. none none 1970 3,150/mo. none 820 1971* 3,490/mo. 40 1,100 *as of July, 1971 (Cornell study) "Mr. Seamans acknowledged that the Viet- namese 'will never be able to build the capa- bilityto do all that the United States Air Force has. been doing in Laos. The Vietnamese Air Force . . . does not possess either B-52s or F-4s, the jet planes that do most of the trail bombing, and there are no plans,' Mr.. Seamans said, 'to give it any. g "The South Vietnamese Air Force is the (Craig Whitney, NYT, 12/6/71) sixthA roK/e F FcRda 206/b&15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001- (Michael-Getler, Post, 1/14/72) Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 "VNAF is being geared to fight a war where it will continue to have complete air superiority." [This superiority will appar- ently be provided by U.S. aircraft operating from Thailand and carriers in the South China Sea.] (Brig. Gen. Kendall S. Young, chief Air Force officer for Vietnamization) Gen. Ryan: "They will not be able to supplant the complete U.S. Air Force in South Vietnam." Son. Case: At any time?" Gen. Ryan: "That is correct." (Gen. John D. Ryan, Air Force Chief of Staff, Senate FY 1972 DoD Appropriations Hearings) ASIAN BLOOD, AMERICAN MONEY "Lao T-28 bombers have attacked towns, Saravane being a well-known case in point. . . Laos Air Force pilots are . . . paid a bonus For each sortie so that there is an incentive not to adhere strictly to the rules of en- gagement [forbidding random bombing]." (Senate Foreign Relations Committee Staff Report on Laos, 4/71) "There is a growing concern of the ten- il:,ncy of Laotian air force pilots from Luang '.?ahang and Long Cheng to dump their bomb _)ads on unauthorized targets, which is con- rirmed by U.S. military personnel. Only minutes after taking off the pilots reported- I-, hurry home to reload--and. collect a dollar bonus for every-sortie they fly. The indis- criminate bombing is causing loss of life on the ground and forcing villagers to flee their homes." (D.E. Ronk, Far Eastern Economic Review, 9/4/7:1) - "The VNAF bomb villages indiscriminately. I'grey don't care where they bomb. A lot of times they'll wipe out a village because they or their commander has a grudge against it, maybe it wouldn't make the proper payoffs." (Ronald Ridenhour, former G.I. whose insistent prodding broke the My Lai story, in a PAW interview) CIA AIR FORCES "There is a large U.S. civilian (para- military) fleet operating in Laos run by Air America, Continental Air and Lao Air. Trans- port . . . under contract with AID, although funds are provided by AID, the DoD, CIA, and the State Department. The funding arrange- ments are worked out in Washington." (Foreign Relations Committee Staff Report on Laos, 4/71) "Air America-is under the management.of George Dole, a CIA employee. . . . He is looking to the future, carefully developing heerunsifoo ?L. s th g t~h ~/15 Transport. . .'. The sole purpose for the existence of SAT is that the agency be ready for the contingency that some day it will have. to ferry men and material to some Latin American country . . . without of course having to contend with the Congress or any- body else." (Victor Marchetti, highest ranking CIA official to "go public," a former participant in CIA daily staff meetings chaired by director Richard Helms.) Inventory 20 helicopters 12 C-123s* 7 C-7As* 10 Porters 7 C-46s- 1 Volpar Estimated Cost FY 1970: $23 million FY 1971: $26.2 million 'Personnel Air America: 276-415 .(Senate Foreign Relations'Committee Staff Report on Laos, 4/71) "The CIA has changed its rules in an attempt to stop the use of-its private air- line, Air America, for transport of drugs [opium and. heroin] in Laos. Although only two months ago CIA director Richard Helms adamantly denied there had been any agency involvement in this traffic, he is now said to have told a secret Congressional hearing that there was involvement but it has stopped." (Flora Lewis, Post, 7/23/71) "The CIA has involved us in this covert operation, an opium war. The clandestine yet official operations of the U.S. government could be aiding and abetting heroin traffic here at home." (Sen. John Tunney in a campaign speech before the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce) "John E. Ingersoll, director of the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs, in -testimony before the House Select Committee on Crime, said that middle-level government officials and military men throughout South- east Asia were deeply involved in the traffic in opium, the product from which morphine and heroin is refined." (Felix Belair, NYT, 6/6/71) M n CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 ,~t?.i r.L .d Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 .T E T hind hdoch1NA WAR . A HANDBUOK PREPARED BY PROJECT AIR WAR AND THE INDOCHINA RESOURCE CENTER MARCH 1972 COPYRIGHT 1972 BY THE INDOCHINA RESOURCE CENTER 1322 18TH STREET, N. W, WASHINUTON. D,C, 20036 PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL IS GRANTED TO NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS. PLEASE CREDIT AND FORWARD PQ COPIES FOR OUR FILES. PRICE: $1.50; 10 or more, $1.00; Add 20% for shipping. Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 C.0rt,inV,ed Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 Project Air War and the Indochina Resource Center are projects of the Indochina Education Council which was established by agencies of the United Church of Christ, the United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A., and the United Methodist Church to help meet the crucial need for informing the American people about the ongoing. war in Indochina. PROJECT AIR WAR is one of the major information centers in the country studying and analyzing the ongoing war, a conflict which has escalated in the air.even as U.S. foot-soldiers have been withdrawn. The Project provides both authoritative statis- tical data about today's automated war and a tragic picture of what life .is like for hundreds of thousands of Indochinese peasants living under constant bombing. Project material has already appeared .in The New York Times, Washington Post, Time, Poston Globe, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, San Francisco Chroni- cle, Congressional Record, CBS and NBC: national news, the Mutual Radio network, transcripts of Congressional hearings, and a wide variety of other publications. Project staff members speak at com- munity meetings, college campuses, acid academic gatherings; are called upon frequently by congressional of- fices and media representatives for background information; and work closely with several national peace q co ups . The INDOCHINA RESOURCE CENTER serves as an independent clearinghouse for information on contemporary Indoc.*hina. The Center incorporates nine general sponsors from the academic community and sixteen academic associates who provide a wide range of inputs. The Center provides reliable, up-to- date information from specialists on the social, economic, cultural, polit- ical, and historical realities of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. This in- formation, which is often otherwise unavailable, is made accessible to Congress, journalists, peace groups, and others concerned with Indochina through the Ewice-monthly newsletter, Indochina Chronicle, in books and articles, as well as,by direct con- tact. The.Center also provides dir- ect answers to specific requests, sets up briefings and seminars, and is currently developing a series of audio-visual exhibits on Indochina for loan. "There was a pagoda on the hill right next to my village. The airplanes shot it and started a fire. Two monks were killed there together. On account of the war. The planes thought that there were soldiers in the pagoda so they shot it. But there weren't any. Only the monks died. ?--from Voices from the Plain of Jars, ed. by F. Branfman, Harper and Row, 1972. Original collection of essays and drawings by Laotian peasants. ?ima+ 1n our C::-` ~. 1C' fYM Aw.lYea KT. 1SA Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 EARTH Approved For Release 2000/0x- (l*2RDP80-016 ~['.YJnK va.Y-e.ww ..ri+J.rr w+.. WU. :~..:v.-1- s.. ~w't..[~ ~tn._....,.,.aw,_...a~.w__..-r.4?.~e. __# M-r.. y, d.+~+.w~i.a..F.::7JC~-.:.:. .-f.'t...~. .....:..;rk?.r..+:.extsrt.r....ih%:.t xxfair,J[wr~t.a.L.x3e:.Ai..[~....s;t~:i.: a~w. r1t ~,.;v; S~.?.w',:+...c.:*u...::.?*D.w.s~ r?t.F.~3+w.:aarrE..::.-...u~+w.Mwa:...,..w.u:.?~~ws.~.?.a:.".ii.t.~'ta..a;.-~*=t:-...+s~.+ww.....,..t+. .4t-'S..' 3,:l.E../'..r.Y :...Mb-s4..4i~r~..4i~.rar :unt.ain m en to fight ti nher the brave but brill:,I (.en. Van!,, Pao. I'i w(r Matt :I,000 :;rnviw'." I\nrlr r;uni rhriwti b(rw (1I.^ irl:,'irIu, nc,tinl: li:r Iut}'uui:tl..i,i, uae " Iir'.r;.iuit tit ni an(I 11 it- pnlihe to k(v?p the t.ruopa iii "U.S. dollars have ntacl(' Vnnr; f'ao ;t bower in ],tts," Aridt'r::on said. I he cites a confidantial report by the Arnet?ican AinIcnssatlor, describing Laotian Premier S(mvanna l'houma's dependence on two generals, Quau Ratliikoum and, Nang I'ao. According; to the Earth magazine article, Gen. Quan is said to have admitted in a recent interview that he was "the real boss" of opium operations in Laos. A former Green Beret, Sgt, Paul Withers, testified about the opium traffic at the Winter Soldier Hearings in Boston last October. His comments are 'reprinted in a booklet entitled "The Opium Trail" published b the Commi- y ,ttee of Concerned Asian Scholars. Withers testi- fied that he worked under CIA direction in Pak Seng, Laos. IIis'mission was to ]lire and train local people to fight as mercenaries against the Pathet Lao guerillas. One of the main tasks was to buy up the entire local crop of opium. About twice a week, Withers said, a plane from a private airline hired by the CIA would arrive with supplies and bags of gold dust. He gave the gold to the villagers in return for. their bags of opium which were then loaded on the plane. The opium was flown to relay centers and pro- cessing plants in South Vietnam. The CIA has been carrying on a "secret war" in Laos since 1962, at a cost to taxpayers of $500 million a year, according to Victor Mar- chetti, a'former top-ranking CIA official, interviewed in the same issue of Earth magazine. This is just one of many examples of the clan- destine activities the CIA engages in, in an ef- fort to bolster corrupt regimes sympathetic to . . American, business interests. The price of our continued support for these corrupt reg Ines is not only the taxpayers' money, but the lives of thousands of young Americans "strung-out" on heroin. David Duboff NI':WI'AI'I':It Some newspapers rrlprr sent only tlw. larrlc banking, 22 Whittier Street, Lynn, Masi. Phone: 599-b86 7 - teal estate and r?anulacturing Jnr.?rr?,1?., bua they never STAFF FOR THIS ISSUE; Jeff 13nimiiter Larry Sparkes Steve Wasserman Bill Cushing Sandy Moltz John Donahue David DuhoIf Chuck Beckles David "Tiny" White Jor:I ii'it oiih.urni Fee-.die 1"ciiparbauni Ray Malloy Jose Mende/ Ed Moult.. ,ferry IInn(IalI . Phyllis Ihuwn Linda Witieh(1II Bob Tracld Otto Persson The NEWPAPER is;, vulrcntccr Inthhca. tion which is iiidependent o1 any orgirrlirjlhun. 11 .,1. tempts to bea vehicle for Lynn citi/ens who wcIi lo express their views on what atleels Ihtrn 111()'j LIilectly. .ulnnl II. 1I.e NEWI'APEft is ru" by and] for t ynn'S pour ~innlilr?, w. I orri IreciNle,.turi srrrall businessrx,n. It frprc'.rnlS II inrrresl'; of I. yn(I's hc)rncOwriCrs anti l'irI p.lycls ? ,aril wc'iI' lint .tlr,nrl In .NlrrlrI it. EVuiyunrr is wr'Ionnru to 11.11 114,111,114., You mayyub- nfitvln article; a letter to th rcclitor, n picture, car- loom, r.l w.irieri or cpmrnr'rr.i..l adverlisr rrvern recipe ix'enl, nt.: Ynu may al5n hr tp will, dcir illunun .)n14 Suluc:inn(I .uIVeI Ic.uui :tncl COotributiurry, Liu, mec:tinys tin: "pcrr fit r'vr'rynmr' +rn(l rrliIuri,it dLCiSioiiS are made r nr11e(:livtly, [lucre i'. no rharrie For the NEWPNf'FR. It istlirs- tributerl free at mr'wD;lanr4. and shotr-, throe jhocrt the city. II '.nfrlaorl6 iistilf through adverrtserrrents and cunU ihit it is r.. If you we.h I'll help orrr rn any way, please call 1199-3429 or 599 b867, or write to the titrove advrvss TEE STAFF CHANGES WITH EACH ISSUE) Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 . .? ST STATI NTL Approved For Release 2000/0f/1R (-RDP80-01601 R CIA&wBacked Ldotyanc ac e" r- ~ . 0 ~ , .0 _M_ . - UM . an.09 S:Bed GE vy Laurence Stern bal guerrilla army organized Haze Hurts using newly supplied Soviet 130 ngest rangder artillery cannons, pieecce Washington Post Foreign Service and financed by the Central "Yes, we have American lo - LONG CIIENG, Laos - Intelligence Agency and J longeest range air strikes. But look at that on either side in the war, The little twin engine Piper fleshed with Mleo, Yao. as haze." He raised one hand to with devastating effect. groped through the smoke well as highland Lao volun- simulate an airplane and They are employing Soviet- haze that blotted out the teers, conscripts and con- held out the other hand to supplied tanks as mobile craggy terrain just south of fused-looking children. represent the ground. "The gun platforms. the Plain of Jars. Kayak ar,'1 The Greek and airplanes can't see and if' To bedevil American air "It's pretty had today," the flight .a-w are part of they come down too far for reconnaisance, the Commu- said the Greek, "but we're the low profile American support operations, they ei- _____ .__. .._ gists not only have suc- flying by timed distance so Pnese,icv uiat provides inc we don't have to see the guns, ammunition, helicop? ground to know 'where we ters, transports, air strikes, are ... Wait a minute." He m e d i c a I evacuation-in leaned forward and shouted short the wherewithal-that to, the pilot, "there's Peter give the ``friendlies" their Nob over on the right." plausibility as a military The silhouette of a nob- force. shaped mountain outcrop-. Though much of the se- ping-poked up through the haze and the plane took a steep clip toward a towering ridgeline which marks the vague boundary between the North Vietnamese infantry and the American-supported Laotian irregular army Which have wrestled to a temporary standstill just northward. "That's Skyline Ridge," said The Greek. "The North Vietnamese have their anti- air on the other side." Another sharp clip and role in Laos has been lifted here under investigative prodding from Congress and instructions from the admin- istration, there are still re- minders that American par- ticipation is somewhat of a political liabilty. "You can take all the pic- tures you want of'the Lao," I was counselled, "but please, we don't want any photographs of Americans." I agreed and complied. On the ground, Gen. Vang Pao the suddenly a valley popped mander of the irregulars, into view, dotted with greeted his visitor with a shacks, roads and a tiny air surprisingly shy smile and strip. The shacks were handshake. His two visiting mostly deserted by the vii- sons, Van Su, 3, and Cha lagers who fled last month's Leune, 4, clowned and North Vietnamese offensive romped with their father's and are still hiding out some staff officers to his unal- 15 kilometers southward. loyed delight. "Long; Cheng,' announced Vang Pao is famous for The Greek. his tough, soldierly talk, but -In the seat behind us,- today he reflected the seri- Kayak looked up from his ousness of the state of af- book. He is a tow-headed fairs in the Plain of Jars. American with an earnest "The North Vietnamese face who might pass for a have artillery and they have scout leader in his' olive tanks. Their artillery is big- twill uniform were it not for ger than what we have here the ammunition and rifle -they have a 27 kilometer and the .45 revolver that he range and ours is 15 kilome- wore along with it. ters. Out there on the Plain The two Air American pi- of Jars we have no artillery ]lots skimmed the Piper at all. We have very few Baron nimbly downward people and not enough ma- ther crash in the moun- ceeded in camouflalging tains or can get shot down." their guns, but have fash-?' The upper hand smacked Toned dummy replicas of the flatly against the lower guns visible from the. air hand which trailed toward and can simulate secondary the floor. explosions with gunpowder 5~ did c ' a s an B The Ameri - firecrackers. very good job for us. We The enemy, declares U.S. had our last B,52 strike just Ambassador G. McMurtrie last week out along there.' Godley, is a very formidable. He gestured beyond Skyline individual. Godley, who Ridge. "May-be we will have monitors the military con- to call for more B-52 strikes. flict with a fervor that has be the best thing would earned him the nickname be to get talks started again "Field Marshal Godley," among the nations that par- concedes that the enemy's ticipated in the Geneva Con- use of artillery and mortars ference. We must have the is uncanny. neutralization of Indochina. At Long Cheng one day They must get together alid last week there was a con- talk just once amore." tinuous shuttling of Amen- In the past 10 years, the fighting has decimated the can helicopters, C-123 trans ranks of Vang Pao's i?teos. ports, observation craft and, His guerrillas once were al- Laotian-flown T-28 jets over most 100 per cent Meo. But the 2,200-foot airstrip. now they comprise less than Outgoing artillery pounded 50 per cent of the force. The persistently at fixed targets Meo mountain people have on the other side of the borne the brunt of the fight- ridge. in.,, and civilian casualties- The C-123, a faithful work- as well as the dislocation. horse that must land and "We have some irregulars take off on abysmally short up here now f.rom Saravane runways, is the key to the in the south._But they can- mobility of men and sup- not walk in the mountains. plies for the irregular army. They slow down our opera- Conspicuously posted inside tions. A march that should the planes are signs'in Thai, take three days takes them Laotian, Vietnamese and nine days." He shook his English warning that "the head sadly. transportation of opium and other narcotic products is World's Best absolutely forbidden on this By the admission of some aircraft." The signs also ad- of the highest-ranking Amer- monish that all passengers icans in Vietnam, Vang Pao's are subject to search and re- guerrillas are facing in the moval by the Air America Noth Vietnamese units crews if they are found to across Skyline' Ridge per- he carrying opium. haps the best light infantry.hracing for Attack along the hilltops to the teriel. It is getting very dif- in the woAlthough ld' road and About the strip there :landing strip of Lon ficult to hold the situation." r b h are was evidence of the most Cheng, theAt p1tmve drftor Release 2000/05/1 5 tfA-KV~8o .e16011 b6 3't'40Y31J1aiese :headquarters base of the _tri- cn.~:~. t:; THE UNIVEREII Y OF SOUT! Rtd CALIFORNIA DA Y TROJAN Approved For Release 2000/05/15 : c g O16O1MM 40 RICK GU TART 1ppy Not long ago the counter-culture's own superstar, Allen Ginsberg, appeared on the Dick Cavett Show. After first chanting a Hindu psalm for some two minutes (watch out, Dick, your ratings are slipping), Ginsberg began weaving an enchanting web of mystery, high intrigue and crash exploitation-a tale of the CIA's involvement- in the heroin trade of Southeast Asia. In a straight forward manner Ginsberg told of a cocktail party, a la radical chic, which he attended with the CIA's chief, Richard Helms. It seems the two -made a friendly s,; c ex. Ginsberg accused the CIA of maintaining an open market for opium (from which heroin is derived) at Long Cheng, a CIA-built stronghold in Laos. Helms denied this, and so they made the bet. If Ginsberg lost,. he was to turn over his Hindu scepter. If, however, Ginsberg's accusations were correct, Helms was to meditate every day for a year-a thought as frivolous as watching Richard Nixon turn on for a national television audience. As Ginsberg was rapping this bit of people's folklore, he was all the time waving that very same Hindu scepter, as if he was exorcising the evil powers-that-be with -a -magic wand. ? . ' . The rest of Ginsberg's story is history-past and future-as set out boldly in the May, 1971 issue of Ramparts. Such an open market for opium, in the true capitalistic sense, does in fact exist at Long Cheng-with the open blessings of the powerful, clandestine CIA. This much has been told by as many as eight journalists who have managed to slip past the ultra-high security structure of Long Cheng, as the Far Eastern Economic Review reported last year. Carl Strock, one.of the reporters, gave an eye-witness account tells of "American -crews loading T-28 bombers while armed CIA agents chatted with uniformed Thai soldiers and piles of raw opium stood for sale in the market (a kilo for $52) ..." Where much, if not most, of this money earned from opium goes is towards the support of "friendly" capitalistic governments in Southeast Asia. For example, Newsweek has said that General Ouane, former chief of the Laotian general staff, ,'was forced into a premature retirement due to excessive exposure of his role in the opium trade. General Ouane, who, the New York Tomes said, "has Over denied allegations that he is in charge of the opium traffic in Laos," even confided to news- men that supporting opium traffic is a "good thing." Not only does this occupation provide the Meo tribesmen with a livelihood, Newsweek reported Ovane as saying, but it keeps them from the control of the Communist Pathet Lao. It is by now common parlor talk that these same Meo tribesmen are equipped and instructed for warfare, in a most thorough manner. by the "freedom-loving" CIA. Although not as clearly documented, there is a preponderance of evidence of dealings in opium traffic at the highest level of South Vietnam's government. In a broadcast reported by the N.Y. Times, NBC charged President Thieu and Vice President Ky with profiting from the drug traffic, and the Vietnamese police were accused of pushing illegal drugs (note the parallel with New York City). In that same broadcast NBC reported that the biggest pusher was said to be Thieu's.closest 'adviser and special assistant for military and intelligence affairs, Lieut-Gen. Dang Van Quang. All NBC's charges were attributed to "extremely reliable sources." So much for a mere spattering of the suspected truth. What all this suggests, incredible as it might seem, is that the United States government, directly or indirectly, is supporting a procedure which results in the heroin addiction of hun- dreds of thousands of American citizens. We should all know that Nixon has proudly proclaimed a "most significant" deal with. Turkey, a country which, according. to Nixon, exports two-thirds of the world's heroin. This fact is somewhat contradicted, however, by a -report by the UN Commission on Drugs and Narcotics. Referred to by both Ramparts and Ginsberg, this report stated that since 1966, 80% of the world's 1,200 tons of illicit opium comes ;not from Turkey, but from Southeast Asia. STATINTL V Approved For Release 2000/05/15.: CIA-RDP8O-01601 R00060014000f= f s lt:Ecf 93 CIA an'd capa: STATINTL S 2G92 Approved For RMXM209W =45R-rCfAtRl3PVd9 1 RO little on the side-but his government will be a lot easier to swallow. And if a truly fair distribution of the subsidy largesse Is beyond )Its immediate grasp, the practical implica- tion for the average ' man is that he had '_ ' het:ter get In there and scrap. U.S. AID PROGRAM IN LAOS Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that a most interest- ing article on Laos, written by Mr. T. D. Allman, and published in the New York Times of Friday, February 25, 1972, be printed in the RECORD. I urge Senators to read the article carefully. It is highly educational and should be considered in relation to the U.S. aid program in Laos and very likely elsewhere. There being no objection, the article was ordered to be printed in the REC- ORD, as follows: ? , 'IN LAOS AID MARCHES ON I asked if the k1 would have any value if the program ran out of money. Yes, he con- ceded, if the dollars were cut off the kip would not be worth the paper on which it was printed. - Now, three and a half years later, things are a little changed in the Na Hai Diao Compound. A.I.D. headquarters has vacated the ramshackle building and settled a few yards away in Vientane's most unusual inde- - structible building. With the devaluation of the dollar and the anti-A.I.D. vote in the Senate, A.I.D. has learned that empire has its financial limitations. Following the Senate vote, the U.S. Em- bassy devalued the kip by 20 per cent. Un- less Congress has a change of heart, or-the. rich Japanese and Europeans pay more to keep it up, the kip will be devalued again, or be left to find its own value, and A.I.D.'s most cherished program will be gone. The new A.ID. headquarters gives the impression of eternity, if not grace. It has no windows at all, not even a painted-over one, throughout its three stories. 'n ?aarw f and the United States for the long term. I am delighted to ask unanimous con- sent that Senator HANSEN's remarks be printed in the RECORD and to accept their support for my resolution. There being no objection, the address was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: WHAT's NEW IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD (Remarks by CLIFFORD P. HANSEN, U.S. Senator, Wyoming) It is an honor, a great pleasure, and a very timely privilege to have this opportunity to talk to the business leaders who comprise the Chamber of Commerce in The Oil Capi- tal of Canada. Canada and the United States are bound together by many interests-in historical kinship, in our economic interests, in our political idealogios which value foremost the individualism and initiative of our people: We are bound. together in a mutuality of interest involving our joint security. We are partners in freedom, and no two Nations have pursued their individual and joint commitments to freedom in closer proximity, with better cooperation, for longer years,. in greater harmony, with better fruits to show for the effort. I am pleased and proud that present U.S.- Canadian relationships, our historical ties, and cultural and ethnic commonalty have meant a great deal to our two countries. There is evidence that we are continuing to establish mutually beneficial trade rela- tionships, including auto and coal produc- tion and electrical power generation. We must work to build on these on-going programs in order to establish a freer flow of commerce and exchange of technical and professional talents. In this atmosphere of trust and coopera- tion, we can speak openly and candidly to each other. In that spirit, I would like very much to share with you some of my think- Ing on a very complex challenge in which the United States and Canada share a vital interest. That, stated simply, is the proposi- (By T. D. Allman) Locals call the new building "the white VIENTIANE, LAOS.-Some time ago, I had? ---cube," "the cinder block." but most often my introduction to the self-perpertuating "the windowless building." Its number on interregnum of suspended time, space and the embassy roster is 500-will they change perception occupied by the United States the number with the devaluation to 600, I Agency for International Development, and could not avoid wondering, and then per- its sister agencies, Clandestine Client State haps to 1,000, to keep up with the kip? The Division, When I paid my first call on the building, A.I.D. officials say, cost only $394.- genial, perennial' A.I.D. director in 'Laos, 000, and, one said, "will pay for itself in re- Charles Mann. ' . duced air-conditioning charges." Unofficial His office then was located in a small, mis- estimates by local contractors put the build- leadingly ramshackle building in the Na Hai ing's cost at millions. The air-conditioning -Dino Compound in suburban Vientiane. The runs off A.I.D.'s private generators; the U.S. compound is a self-contained cantonment Mission consumes more electricity than the which shelters, besides A.I.D. headquarters, rest of the country combined. The A.I.D. tel- the centers of the C.I.A. bombing and mili- ephone directory contains more entries than tary advisory efforts in Laos, a swimming the Laotian Post and Telegraph telephone pool, supermarket, American bar and res- book, but the A.ID. switchboard, preoccu- taurant, movie theater, popcorn machine pied with internal communications, still and microwave tower, all encased In a six- cannot be reached from an outside line for toot chain link fence and patrolled by units most hours of the day. of the U.S. Embassy's 500-man strong, blue- The new windowless building is off-white, uniformed private army, eyeless, bomb-proof, impregnable to climate The most noticeable thing, upon first visit, and' contains its ewn furnace for destroying about the compound was that in a country secret documents. Hundreds of bureaucrats, where every house is open to catch the faint- est breeze, each American building was Sealed off, windowless. When the buildings did have windows, they were painted over in white, locked, barred and curtained from the inside. In Mr. Mann's office, there were no win- dows at all, just a series of maps, displaying neat arrows, insignae, code keys and statis- tics showing the visitor exactly what was happening in Laos from the vantage point of A.I.D. activities to command. Mann, whose ability to attune A.I.D. ac- tivities to the requirements of U.S. interven- tion had made him A.I.D. direector in South Vietnam, Cambodia and the Congo, did not discuss' his organization's activities as a front- for the C.I.A. I had been told. in advance. However, his conversation-his talk, an explanation of how the U.S. supported the kip, the Laotian national currency, at a steady rate of 500 to the dollar was interest- ing enough. I was able to discern that the kip operation essentially consisted of ex- changing annually $20 to $30-million for valueless kip, and burning.the collected kip. The program acted as a straight-forward giveaway. It moved the Laotian economy no closer to self-sufficiency, indeed perpetuated dependence on the United States. As a result, the country was flooded with imported -consumer goods: "re-exportation" of some of them on the black market kept the business community content; there was little' inflation. Laos, Mann seemed to be say- ing, for obvious reasons preferred living at a standard it could never by itself afford to the evils of Communist aggression. their maps and coffee-makers, presumably clvn UL uIULIIIniuuig un aueyuuu: secure. could subsist within it, never leaving, for supply of the basic energy fuels that are so years. fundamental to our security, and to the con- ,-- tinued economic progress of our industrial- ADDRESS BY SENATOR HANSEN BEFORE CALGARY, ALBERTA, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Mr. CURTIS. Mr. President, on Feb- ruary 15, the distinguished Senator from Wyoming (Mr. HANSEN) addressed the Chamber of Commerce of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Senator HANSEN paid tribute to the high degree of good relations which have always existed between the govern- ments and the people of Canada and the United States. He discussed the in- creasing importance of the need for en- ergy supplies to support the growth of both nations. Senator HANSEN illustrates the de- pendence of the Canadian crude oil pro- duction on United States markets and compares this to Canada's embargo, last November, on further natural gas ex- ports to the United States. This, he ob- serves, could affect United States con- tributions to both oil and gas explora- tion in Canada. It was exactly this disparity of treat- ment which occasioned my introduction of Senate Resolution 208, on December 6, 1971, proposing studies to reach satis- factory trade relations between Canada ized societies. An adequate energy supply means, basi- cally, a capability to produce and deliver the oil and gas required to meet the rapidly accelerating demands for these fuels in the years just ahead. To fulfill these needs will require a vigor- ously healthy and expanding petroleum pro- ducing industry both in the United States and in Canada. More and more, the hard dollar decisions by management as to whether to explore and develop turn on the energy policy decisions ny Governments. This Is true whether the Government Is in Washington or in Ottwa-in Alberta or in Wyoming. In 1970 the world petroleum in- dustry spent $21.5-billion in capital invest- ment, but the expenditures for production were only $7.2 billion, and for exploration only $1.3 billion. All other expenditures for processing, mar- keting and transportation were up from, the previous years' level, while production and exploration expenditures were down. The funds spent on exploration and production represented the lowest proportion of capital spending on record. This does not bode well for the seventies when we know that we must more than double the capital expendi- ture's of the sixties to find enough oil and gas to meet the growing demand. However, rather than talk in terms of our- growing needs for oil and natural gas. it Is more accurate and realistic to talk in terms of our growing needs for liquids and Approved For Release 2.000/05/15: CIA-RDP8O-01601 R000600140001.3 BOSTO , MASS. HERAL#PP or Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-016 M 194,557 S FT 662 '?6 J12 ' * i I unaer. J by Wilbur L. Jarvis Uncommon Sense by James MacGregor Burns 196 pp. Harper & Row $6.95' Most Americans would count common sense and practicality as among their cardinal virtues. They would attribute much of the nation's progress to a tough- minded approach to national problems, to the application of common sense, to the rolling up of sleeves and getting the job done -But in his new book "Uncom- mon Sense," James MacGregor Burns, a Pulitzer Prize-winning historian and the Woodrow Wilson professor of govern- ment at Williams College, asserts that more. than common sense has been nec- essary throughout the history of the nation, and that certainly more than common sense is needed to cope with the problems of this decade. It is, he con- tends, a time for uncommon sense. He also observes that much of what has been regarded as practical progress has been more illusory than real. Too often we have not really solved a prob- lem-we have simply muddled through a trying situation, temporarily relieving the pressure on us, but leaving the basin problem to be dealt with again 'and again. "The history of this nation," he writes, "is studded. with actions that seemed wholly practical,and beneficial at the time but, In the long run, left a The failure Is rooted in a thinking. We confuse the means SIAIINIL =r- our-"most cherished values, as the Su preme Court, for example, has beeq' doing front the values of liberty and equality in recent years. We then, to the degree possible, reorganize our means to fit our ends rather than the reverse." way of with the ends, elevating the former to the status of the latter, -And in our confusion we have assumed that the exercise of power is in conflict with principle: 4 'The re- sponsible wielder of power is expected to obscure values rather than Illuminate them, to adapt principle to practice rather than practice to principle." As an example, he points to the way we practice foreign poiiry: " . . . self- righteous crusades that have sought to* establish American interests abroad In. the guise of spreading and defending democracy. "At the same time, our means have often contaminated our prime values. The cynicism and opportunism that em- braced Franco, that failed to take a strong stand In the United Nations against anachronistic colonialism, that avoided significant action against South Africa, that would use almost any mili- tary means to win victory in ? Southeast Asia, that permitted the creation of a secret CIA army in Laos-these cannot defend ` Temselves with an appeal to liberty and equality. Thus the pragmatic approach to our foreign policy has at the same time subverted our most enduring principles and weakened American pres- tige and power. In short, it does not work. It is unrealistic." ? The author finds confusion of means STATE N little comfort In other parts of "Uncom- mon Sense." They are described as with ends across the political spectrum. Though America's "young revolu- tionaries" . might agree with the indict- { npent of our foreign policy, as quoted in a preceding paragraph, they will find f'cloudy or confused about means" and "vague to the point of being cryptic about their ends." Neither they -nor the black militants" "subject themselves to the discipline of hard thought," with the. result that "revolutionary sentiments in this country .. , take on a mindless and even banal quality. And ?a blatantly un- democratic one." As a critic. of the American system, Professor Burns is more than an erudite fault-finder. He prescribes remedies for the ills he diagnoses. He has anticipated that his fellow citizens, stung by his discerning analysis and assessment that the American system Is failing, could well ask: "What would you do about It?" His book gives his answer. Not only would he have us rethink our ends and reorder our -priorities; he would have us recreate the national government. He would strengthen the presidency, and within the executive office he would set up task forces to provide continuous priority operations. And he would extend the task force concept into the states and localities through the establishment of- "presidential" agencies throughout the country. They would be several hundred in number, and they would "work direct- ly under the supervision of the president and his executive office, bypassing de- partmental and bureau levels if neces- sary. " Each agency would be headed by a single person directly responsible to the Professor Burns appeals for a-realism president. and he would be armed with In our political works that is beyond powers delegated by the president. The "some early concrete satisfaction for ? a' agencies themselves would have real residue of principles violated, hopes de- specific person or group." He calls for a o . and while ? they would try to feated, a tAr9Ma6keF'O"o e1 se' Q51MsinCW Od1r168~0 Q1P4QQQJ 4erwise in- ur system duce state and local agencies to do what 1 yoix TIMES .. STATINTL Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-,RDP80-01601 R000 aos,. .I.D. Marches On .13y T. D. ALLMAN VIENTIANE, Laos-Some time ago, I had my introduction to the self- perpetuating interregnum of suspended time, space and perception occupied by the United States Agency for In- ternational Development, and its sister agencies, Clandestine Client State Divi- sion, when I paid my first call on the genial, perennial A.I.D. director in Laos, Charles Mann. His office then was located in a small, misleadingly ramshackle build- ing in the Na l-[ai Diao Compound in suburban Vientiane. The compound is a self-contained cantonment which / shelters, besides A.I.D. headquarters, J i the centers of the C.I.A. bombing and I' military advisory efforts in Laos, a swimming pool, supermarket, Ameri- can bar and restaurant, movie theater, popcorn machine and microwave tow- er, all encased in a six-foot chain link fence and patrolled by units of the U.S. Embassy's 500-man strong, blue-uniformed private army. The most noticeable thing, upon first visit, about the compound was that in a country where every house is open to catch the faintest breeze, each American building was sealed off, windowless. When. the buildings did have Nirldows, they were painted,over in white, locked,, barred and cur- tained from the inside. In Mr. Mann's office, there were no windows at all, just a series of maps, displaying neat arrows, insignae, code keys and statistics showing the visitor exactly what was happening in Laos from the vantage point of A.I.D. activities to command. Mann, whose ability to attune A.I.D. activities to the requirements of U.S. Intervention had made him A.I.D. di- rector in South Vietnam, Cambodia and the Congo, did not discuss his organization's activities as a. front for the C.I.A. I had been told in advance. However, his conversation - his talk, an explanation of how the U.S. supported the kip, the Laotian na- tional currency, at a steady rate of 500 to the dollar was interesting enough. I was able to discern that the kip operation essentially consisted of - exchanging annually $20 to $30., million for valueless kip, and burning the collected kip. The program acted as ? a straight-forward giveaway. It moved the Laotian economy no closer "A.I.D. has learned that empire has its financial limitations." As a result, the country was flooded with imported consumer goods; "re- exportation" of some of them on the black market kept the business com- munity content: there was little in- flation. Laos, Mann seemed to he say- ing, for obvious reasons preferred liv- ing at a standard it could never by itself afford to the evils of Commu- nist aggression. I asked if the kip would have any value if the program, ran out of money. Yes, he conceded, if the dollars were cut off the kip would not be worth the paper on which it was printed. Now, three and a half years later, things are a little changed in the Na Hai Diao Compound. A.I.D. headquar- ters has vacated the ramshackle build- ing and settled a few yards away in Vientiane's most unusual indestructible building. With the devaluation of the dollar and the anti-A.I.D. vote in the Senate, A.I.D. has learned that empire has its financial limitations. Following the Senate vote, the U.S. Embassy devalued the kip by 20 per cent. Unless Congress has a change of heart, or the rich Japanese and Euro- peans pay more to keep it up, the kip will be devalued again, or be left to find its own value, and A.I.D.'s most cher- ished program will be gone. The new A.I.D. headquarters gives the ifnpression of eternity, if not grace. It has no windows at all, not even a painted-over one, throughout its three stories. Locals call the new building "the white cube," "the cinder block," but most often "the windowless building." Its number on the embassy roster is 500-will they change the number with the devaluation to 600, I could not avoid wondering, and then perhaps to 1,000, to keep up with the kip? The building, A.I.D. officials say, cost only $394,000, and, one said, "will pay for itself in reduced air-condition- ine '.harQes." Unofficial estimates by local contractors put the building's cost at millions. The air-conditioning runs off A.I.D.'s private generators; the U.S. Mission consumes more electricity than the rest of the country combined. The A.I.D. telephone direc- tory contains more entries than the Laotian Post and Telegraph telephone book, but the A.I.D. switchboard, pre- occupied with internal communica- tions, still cannot be reached from an outside line for most hours of the day. The new windowless building is off- white, eyeless, bomb-proof, impreg- nable to climate and contains its own furnace for destroying secret docu merits. Hundreds of bureaucrats, their maps and coffee-makers, presumably could subsist within It, never leaving, for years. T. D. Allman is a journalist who has worked in Laos for several years. STATINTL LO self-suffice n dee etu d dependence A~ 6is elease 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-016018000600140001-3 STATINTL Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R MONTGOMERY, ALA. ADVIa 1 1972 M - 61,769 S - 80,831 funds through hidden channels.. Cambodia and requires'CIA ar s rd A favorite method is for another transfers to be counted against the agency's budget to be kited by.a military aid appropriation. The certain amount, then that amount CIA is reported to have is decl~ red surplus and warehouses filled with arms at transferred to the CIA. various points in Southeast Asia In this manner, only a handful of for distribution?to anti-communist people know what has occurred, guerrillas. most. of them in the Executive The CIA will be forbidden to pay branch. There is an oversight foreign troops - such as the 4,800 committee of the Senate made up "volunteers" in Laos -more than of senior members of the Armed their counterparts in the U.S. Services and Appropriations armed forces. The bill specifical- Agency gets a large chunk of its $341,000,000 ceiling on aid THE CENTRAL Intelligence it includes t h eIA in t A Light Checkrein On The CIA Committees, plus four members of ly places the CIA under existing the Foreign Relations Committee. restrictions on giving arms to As chairman of the Armed forces in Asia. Services Committee, Sen. John Stennis of Miss. presides over the It will require quarterly reports group, which is supposed to to Congress on Cambodia and monitor all CIA activities. Last annual reports on foreign aid. CIA year the oversight committee assistance will. be included in the didn't meet a single time. totals, although,it will probably not The Foreign Relations be pinpointed. Committee members on. the These regulations will increase contend oversight panel are angry. They congressional supervision over- world activities around the wars, but the language is world have a decisive effect on the shadow not so tight as to prevent some conduct of U.S. diplomatic policy. circumvention, if the CIA. is They have taken action to by- supported by the White House. -pass Stennis and to gain some measure of control over CIA funds, The National Security Council, personnel and activities by writing the President's consultative new curbs into the foreign aid committee to which the CIA authorization bill. reports, has the final decision on The bill, signed by President the agency's activities. Nixon the other day, requires for the first time a reduction in However, the new controls military personnel working for the should require the CIA to think CIA in activities similar to the twice before committing the U.S. assistance and advisory groups to clandestine wars, as it has done now operating in Cambodia and all too often in the last several Laos. years. Approved. For Release 2000/05/15?: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 Approved For Release 2000/05/15 -: CIA-RDP80-01601 R00Q?pr1l114XL01-3 COLUMBUS, GA. ENRUIRFEB 18 1972 M - 32,231 fle Keeps on Fighting This world can be too. bland have been going on so long a place if we let it, and that is and implacably. His unique why we are glad that up in method of solving the political the mountains of landlocked difficulties of leading a tribe Laos, there is yet a man. who's with six major clans has the not quite out of, the mould of charm of swashbuckling sim- the times, Maj. Gen. yang Pao plicity to it, for example. . of the Meos. He simply married a- wife He is an ally of America, in- from each of the tribe's subdi- volved in fighting for inde- visions - six of them - and pendence for most of his adult acquired a family of. 27 chil- life, a soldier, a tribal peer of dren to cement his political re- the primitive Meo, and a kind lations with family relations. of peppery joy to have in the bland personality stew we be- He has been fighting Com- wailed in the beginning. munists in Laos, and fighting He talks a b o u t his war for independence and the Meos against the North Vietnamese people there, since 1946 when and the Pathet Lao Communists he was 16. He is .fighting now, like this: with North Vietnam's dry sea- son offensive there costing him "Win? Not sure. But we 1,000 of his Meos fighting men fight, sure." and threatening his mountain Why? headquarters. He is a unique individual, but he is hardly in "Hanoi wants to take our country." a unique situation, and the moral involved is that without Surrounded' by the clandes- tine the United States, he would CIA aid of America, with have been dead and his people a d v i s e r s and assistance, he taken into the drab, anthill or- {commented like this: ganization of Asian-style com- "Americans are not aggres- munism. sive people. They help us de- Communism can't abide the at- 'end our country but not to at- existence of a man like yang tack anyone else." Pao of the Meos. He is too, He is a most unlikely charac- effective an enemy and he has ter for this time, most unlikely too much individual character. of all to find him in Laos, We should continue to help which is an unlikely place in him because they hate him so 'almost every way for war to much. Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 STATINTL Approved For Release 20Wv 4'6S-DP80-01601 R 18FEB1972. a0s Aita~ks on a ill n o". elieve Long Ch By D.1v Ronk ville valley area 10 to 15 miles4 taken up by its troops over the Special to The Washington Post east of the plain where CIA- 15ast two weeks. The attack VIENTIANE, Laos 1 eb. supported intelligence patrolsplan appears to have been ac- ,17-A Laotian task force has say they have located enemy mounted a major counter-of- supplies for the current push ; complished. fensive into the Plain of Jars against Long Cheng and Sam To maintain secrecy before area 100 miles northeast of Vi- Thong. the attack, even supply drops entiane in an effort to relieve Other objectives of the task PI to most of the task force were heavy enemy pressure on the force are supply routes run? suspended during the entire Long Cheng Sam Thong defen- ning southward across the period. Some units were sup- .-sive line, highly reliable plain from .its northeastern I~ plied with food by quiet-flying' sources in Vientiane say. I corner and the artillery posi- Air America planes but only . ~/ A force of several thousand, tions on the southernmost Ii with limited amounts. Ammu- eung ahd lowland I end. nition resupply was not re Mco, Lao, 111 Lao gars was ' secretly l The Laotian task force is quired,? sources say, because of maneuvered into attack posi- the first major offensive ac- lack of contact with the enemy. tions around the upland plain lion by progovernment troops Reliable sources here say during the past 11 days, and is in the Plain of Jars since corn- that command of the opera- now attacking enemy troop I munist forces captured it from tion was given to Gen. Thao concentrations and supply.) General -yang Pao's army in Ly, commander "of irregular points in the area 20 ?miles;!iate December after 48 hours forces in southern Laos, who northeast of Long of battle. From the plain the is considered a highly compe- Sources here describe the of-' communist force then moved tent soldier by most observers fort as designed to break up a, against the strategic Long' here. Aside from the Meo vet- 'major offensive threat by! . Cheng base, forcing its evacu- . erans at Long Cheng, Thao against the Laotian govern- CIA and Vang Pao's pro-gov- are considered the' best in ment's northern front. ernment Meo Army Commu- j Laos. Thao Ly may join his The precise location of the mist forces briefly occupied troops on the plain soon, task force's various elements Long Cheng itself in mid-Janu sources here say. and the results of early action ary, but were forced into the are not available here because hills between the base and To protect Long Cheng it the attacks have undoubtedly tary observers here feel wil be from southern Laos, including disrupted any intentions of another major assault on the a substantial number of Thais the North Vietnamese to., base. The base area is the ke were flown into Long Cheng launch heavy attacks on Long y Sam Thong. Most of the so- Cheng and its sister village of to the Royal Lao government's called Thai irregulars in Laos Sam Thong. entire northern front. -upwards of 9,000-are be- An estimated three regi- ~lieved to be among those now A number of attack posi- meats of North Vietnamese, or holding' o, l tions have been established about 6,000 infantrymen, are ding the northern front. across the southern end of the believed poised to the north r here are no Thais with the 30-square-mile plain since the-and east of Long Cheng and operation onto the Plain of irregular force began- moving S am Thong. :'Jars, ~iformed sources here out from Long Cheng on Feb. From 10 to 12 130:lMM field 'say. 6? guns, with a range of 17 miles 1Among the military objec- are in Although information place the east the operation was kept in the he tives, according to reports in,Long Cheng. These are the e highest secrecy, at least four Vientiane, are limestone eaves'torces that the operation into. In. the deep Xieng Khouang- the Plain of Jars is attempting newsmen in Vientiane learned to disrupt. The task force's in. about it the day military tention disrupt. was to forces left Long, Chen" when prepare in se- 11Ieo tribesmen in the capital cret for simultane Approved For Release 2fl@D/t16/16ctb~9tMt001-3 soldiers involved the z}ewsmen withheld publication of the Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-0160' (Td6b940001-3 CHARLOTTE, N.C. OBSERVER M -..174,906 S - 204,225: (The Congress And. 'CIA Controk The Central Intelligence Agency, a the amount of arms it can distribute i many years, is going to have to join the One objective of the Foreign Rela- Uflon at last. tions Committee was to curb CIA activity The Senate Foreign Relations Com? in Cambodia, where the c o m m i t t e e mittee put its foot down recently and feared the agency might generate anoth- slspped some new controls on the CIA er war, as it helped to do in Laos. Thus, when it prepared the foreign aid authori- aid to Combodia is limited and the CIA zajion bill. President Nixon signed the bill must make quarterly reports on that E last week. country to Congress. The new limitations are not air-tight. The controls mean the CIA will be More are probably needed. But the Con- limited in the number of military person- gress has at last put a firm hand on the , nel It can use for its projects; in how reins for the first time since the CIA was ;`much it can pay foreign troops; and in created in 1947. Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 STATINTL c cod@d For Release 2000/05/15 : 'CIA-RDP80-01601 tiv". .PTITs x.19 IN 3r}b,~37, - +. ... .. . Q- C G) hu IF' L By SIIERLEY UIIL Press Politics Editor There may be more activity 1 on the ouis c than on the inside at the Republican Na- tional Convention in August, but any demonstrations will be peaceful, Dr. Benjamin Spock predicted here today. The widely recognized pe- diatrician, running for the presidency on the People's Party ticket, said anticipated protests in San Diego are "well along, is plannings." wPermits Sought He said -youth groups evc I now are negotiating with offi- cials there for permits and other arrangements necessary to conduct "nonviolent" dem- oiistrations at:the convention. "It won't be a civil disobedi- ence type of thing," he ex- plained. Instead, he insisted, it will be an orderly. attempt to "keep the pressure on" in als and peace. ~....a~"~~ C II L y) forces." +a :n Spock said he Is not aware of what might occur at the Dem- He also would withhold eco- ocratic convention in Miami icomic support from the Thieu tt: , a L .,t 1, Aecrr;hpd tha government. m a y ( e go as "infinitely worthwhile." rageous'. for presidential as- sistant H. R. Haldeman and "They radicalized tens of others to impute treasonous millions of young people," said ' motives to war critics. Spock. "It was brutal ... "The American people voted America will never be the for his (Haldeman's) boss be- same." cause Nixon promised a quick Spock, one of the godfathers end to the war in Vietnam," i of the youth protest move- said Spock. "I hope American went,. was in Pittsburgh to people won't be intimidated by rustle up not. only interest in that kind of rubbish." bis candidacy, but also signa- tures on petitions, required to In response to questions, outlined his platform, includ- ~t7akland. ino' an immadiinta halt in Ienges. will atte s YfA-RDP80-01601 8000600140001-3 Approved For Rel&s.'C~` At 'a news conference ? he 1 4 F ;C s : _ L AIX.d - DR. BENJAMIN SPOCK Won't be "intimidated." withdrawal of "troops, coerce. . ilit nary andlpara r C . Spock said he Is dedicated to the U. S. and, "It's our overn- relations with other. nations." , and, said Speck, it probably He speaks at 8 p. m. today will be necessary to collect at Lawrence Hall, Point Park put his name on the ballot. March S Deadline The: peoples Party needs 36,000 signatures by March 8, Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-016 YORK, PA. FEB 17 197Z M - 33,894 ,_ rsontheCIA Through the efforts of a handful of U.S. senators, controls have at long last been placed on the operations, cost and personnel of the Central Intelligence f Agency. These curbs are contained in i tt oreign aid authorization bill signed i last week by President Nixon. Credited with providing the controls are Senators Clifford Case of New ;.Jersey, Frank Church of Idaho and Stuart Symington of Missouri. All are members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Together with- J-Sen. William Fulbright, committee chairman, they have protested in- creasingly that Congress has too little knowledge of the CIA's activities, particularly in Southeast Asia. According to the New York Times, 'Senator Case urged last summer a tightening of restrictions over the Defense Department's use of its funds overseas and over its power to transfer "surplus" military material to other :.U.S. agencies. Senator Case, the Times said, insisted that the CIA be included lest U.S. involvement in Cambodia develop surreptitiously, as he said it had in Laos. "would prevent the circumvention of congressional intent in funding of activities such as the Thai troops in' Laos through the CIA rather than! through more open government agencies." A number 'of senators, particularly those serving on the Foreign Relations Committee, have complained over the years regarding the lack of congressional knowledge and control over military action abroad. The disastrous "Bay of Pigs" invasion of Cuba soon after John F. Kennedy assumed the presidency in 1961 was one of the major 'operations planned secretly by the Central Intelligence Agency. Since'then the agency has been blamed or received credit for masterminding various coups and revolts in various parts of the world. The CIA, by the nature of its in- telligence work, must indeed have privacy. But when it comes to involving the nation in military operations abroad, and otherwise affecting foreign policy, the CIA should be responsible to Congress as well as the < President for its actions. The curbs that were placed on the agency last Such restrictions, the senator said, week area start iu that direction. Approved For Release 2000/05/15: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000600140001-3 ~ YOR} TULES STATFNTI Approved For Release 200f0%l51RlA-RDP80-01601 R Bombing Is Linked to High Infil tra Lion ?Ra te- wIiITNEY GItAIG R . By Special to The grew York Times Laos. tserore the raids were base area and infiltration routes ,Three North Vietnames0 ~ regi- SAIGON, South Vietnam, Feb. halted at 6 P.M. in South Viet-lout of it were a principal target ments already in that area are R5--High.ranking sources re-Inam for the 24 hour allied Tet of the bombing.. hought to be trying to move cart that the decision to bomb truce, the Air Force and Navy! The North Vietnamese 28th, closer to Hue. port had flown 242 strikes. 66th and 95B regiments are be- Despite all the 'reports of Communist base areas at t ie North Vietnamese troop move- border of Laos and South Viet- according bombing was be- be- and nearby ndbe inKontum the baro area ments, the only significant up- liarn was based on intelligence cause the Nixon Nixoon n Admi Adminihestration, along with nine e independent pendent surge in fighting occurred last reports showing that more wanted to take no chances on battalions. The 3,700-man 320th week where in Communist Binhdinh forces, P Provovincce, e North Vietnamese troops were the embarrassment of a major North Vietnamese- Division is wehreg three Nnist rs I in- nony south this month than offensive Peking while if t it the rechave entlyarrfved regiments, launched a series of could President in the base area to in any previous month. . was vent one b bombing, shelling and ground attacks. The sources said that Amer; Y Enemy Forces Listed' Far to the south, in the Me. (can' intelligence estimates of Not Just 'Tourist Trip' Three days ago three North kong Delta, which has been troop 'infiltrations from North An exceptionally well-in- Vietnamese prisoners captured: relatively calm for three years, Vietnam and along the Ho Chi formed analyst said: "We have n Kontum told interrogators a North Vietnamese regiment Minh Trail toward Communist discounted a major effort dur-i they were from the 304B Divi-, has been reported infiltrating leg Tet and think it will come' lion. It is believed here that' into Dinhtuong Province west base areas below the demili- later. We don't really think they they are part of a regimental- 0f Mytho. tarized zone and in the. Central will do it before Nixon's visit, size force of about 1,500 mend A more immediate target is Highlands indicated that 30,000 and think they would not beIthat is named after the moreiithe base at Longtieng, in north- enemy soldiers would have infil- terribly interested in giving] famous and older 304th Divi ern Laos, supported by the Cen- trated into South Vietnam by Nixon talking points in Peking; sion. tral Intelligence Agency. It was b staging a bi offensive while: That unit is believed to be nearly overrun by three North the end of February. Y g on the move into the western' he is there." Vietnamese divisions last month American intelligence officials ?We think the final plan has part of the demilitarized zone; and most senior officers here ?. have also reportedly predicted not yet been determined," the in preparation for possible at-? expect them to, put heavy pres- that by the end of April 70,000 source added, "but that in the tack on the South Vietnamese' sure on the Laotian and Moo to 80,000 North Vietnamese sol- meantime the enemy is getting artillery bases called Sarge and defenders again soon. dfers will have moved south his troops in position. They Fuller, which were attacked last Officials here also expect re- aren't sending these guys down June when the weather was dry newed attacks in Cambodia, -more than in all of last year here on a tourist trip there. which has been relatively quiet --bringing the enemy's esti- , The North Vietnamese 308th Senior officials say that since December. mated main-force strength in American inteligence officers Division has also moved south If I were in the enemy's South Vietnam to 120,000? to have not found major evidence from the central provinces of shoes, I think I would have to 130,000. - of Communist infiltration into North Vietnam closer to the make some big effort before demilitarized zone, the Ameri- standing down for extended ne- considered conclusive. Some areas in Cambodia. The intellconclu data are not the Saigon odia. This from is true, base can sources say, probably to gotiations on a final settlement, they say, eevn though South act as a reserve for the 304th and this is probably what he is, Gaut"b predictions have not been borne and also to guard against a getting ready to'do now," an of Y reports from the field, Vietnamese forces withdrew South Vietnamese attack across ficial said. "But I don't expect but some American officials from Cambodia last month to bore believe that the reports free airborne strategic reserves the zone up the coastal plain that final push now." reflect a clear determination by for possible deployment to the into the north. Central Highlands, where a The North Vietnamese are the North major Vietnamese effort under in - principal enemy action is ex- also reported to be building up take military effort their antiaircraft defenses in the South. .the southern part of their Secretary of State William F. Rogers and the Army Chief of Staff, Gen. William C. West- moreland, have predicted an of- fensive timed for the Tet Lunar New Year, which began today, or for President Nixon's visit to Peking, which begins Mon- day. . The intensive American bomb- ing, halted temporarily today for the Tet cease-fire, began Thursday with the sudden de- ployment of the aircraft carrier Constellation to join two others In the Gulf of Tonkin and with the reinforcement of the Stra- tegic Air. 'Command's Pacific B-52 fleet. The bombing campaign, which directed almost a thou- sand fighter-bomber strikes and 75 B-52 missions principally against two North Vietnamese base areas near the Ashau Val- ley and w e s t t tR highlands, wa qua ly inten- sive just across the border in While the best estimate of country, not only with antiair- the American intelligence com- craft guns but also with more munity is reliably reported to surface-to-air missiles than be that a major countrywide have been there. The enemy offensive will not get under has also moving some way immediately, local Viet- 130-mm. artillery pieces -closer tong units are. said to have to the DMZ, according to been ]issued impressive orders that give them wide latitude American sources; with their but urge a three-phase political, 17-mile range tney outaistance military and diplomatic often- all but the most powerful Viet- sive this year. namese artillery. However, the intelligence "They obviously contemplate data appear to indicate that some attack will be made soon on South Vietnamese bases, border camps and cities in the Central Highlands, probably west of Kontum and Dakto around Fire Bases 5 and 6 and the Benhet ranger camp. Those positions, which were gists in the western mountains also attacked heavily lastl10f the two northern provinces: March and April, are close to a major North Vietnamese base area known as No. 609, in the jungles and hills of the region & lnAMA . ital cap Cambodia come together. The'the im.pcria doing something for which they expect a heavy bombing reaction," an official said. Advance reconnaissance ele- ments of another division, 324B, are believed to have of South Vietnam and to be moving into a base area, No. 611. The second of the two zones hit by the intensive bombing, it is in western Thua- RSP thiMAL $iue. 000600140001-3 S 1600 Approved For Re~Y~ ~ ~ 1~r DP$~ 601 R00 cost of $19.8 million. The 418-foot vessel is scheduled for completion in 27 months. Now If Congress will cooperate, the Wicker- sham's last two years in Alaska service should be good ones. The outlook is favorable that the waiver finally will be granted. HELP YOUNG AMERICA WEEK -Mr. EAGLE- TON. Mr. President, in the State. of Missouri, the first week of Feb- ruary was declared "Help Young Amer- ica Week." The purpose of this special week was to promote the strengthening of ties be- tween business, youth, and parents. This goal Is most commendable. The sponsors of this project have con- tributed $20,000 to each of the five most active nationwide youth organizations In America as a part of this program. Through the fine work of the Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of Amer- ica. Girls and Boys Clubs of America as American radicals, representatives of the PRO and the DRV have expressed their desire to see Nixon defeated in the 1972 election. Undoubtedly they know a major liability to Nixon would be a new NLF/NVA offensive throughout Indo- china. A major attack, suggestive of the 1968 Tet offensive, would shatter the illu- sion that the North Vietnamese military strength has been crippled by the bomb- ings, or that indigenous revolutionary cadres have been rooted out by pacifica- tion programs. Restraint on their part makes sense only if they have some rea- son for believing Nixon will actually withdraw after the 1972 election and halt all U.S. bombing and end de facto sup- port for Thicu. No evidence suggests Nixon would do this. Wisely, the Viet- namese insurgents have never relied on the strength of the U.S. antiwar move- ment in planning and executing their, struggle. Third. The recent heavy air bombard- "Help Young America" will be re^chc: