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Document Release Date:
November 17, 2000
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Publication Date:
March 28, 1972
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By'Thomas B. Ross ports to the Foreign Relations
- John A. Services Committee, the House
McCone, a former Central In- ore i g n Affairs Committee
telligence Agency director, has the house Armed ices
quire Committee. It also would d re-
endorsed a bill that would re-
the CIA to turn over its quire the CIA to provide spe-
cial information on request.
secret intelligence reports to Tuesday's witnesses will be
Congress. Chester Cooper, former in-
His endorsement indicates telligence analyst for the CIA
J that the CIA has abandoned its and the White House, and Her-
long' opposition to the bert Scoville, former head of
circulation of its secrets out- the CIA's research division. I
side the executive branch. Sec, of State William P. Rog- a
Aides to the Senate Foreign ers, who has asserted the
Rotations Committee reported right to testify for the CIA, has
Monday that McCone had corn- been asked to appear after the
mitted himself to testifying in Easter recess to present the
favor of the bill during hear- administration's position. He
ings starting Tuesday. The may send a subordinate but
aides said the Nixon adminis- presumably not Ray Cline, J
tration had registered its head of the department's. bu-
opposition to the bill, thereby -eau of intelligence and re-
preventing the current CIA search.
director, Richard M. Helms, a An ITT director'
presidential appointee, from Cline, a former deputy CIA
taking a position on It. d i r e c to r for intelligence,
Indirect support recently ? told the committee
But McCone's testimony is that he favored the distribu-
sure to be interpreted as in- tion of CIA reports to Congress,
direct CIA support of the bill. provided the "sources and
Former directors of the agen- methods of intelligence gather-
cy, a loyal and tightly knit ing" were not jeopardized.
group, rarely, if ever, take a Cooper insists that his bill pro-
public position that the in- vides adequate protection.
cumbent director opposes. McCone is scheduled to testi-
The bill was introduced by fy next month. It may be the
Sen. John Sherman Cooper (R- first in a series of appearances
J Ky.) last July, shortly after before the committee. As a di-
the' New York Times., the rector of the International
Washington Post, the Sun- Telephone & Telegraph Corp.,
Times and other newspapers he is a potential witness in the
published the Pentagon pa- committee's planned investl-
ers. The papers revealed that gation of the involvement of
rte CIA consistently expressed major corporations in U.S,
a skeptical view of Vietnam foreign policy.
from the Truman to the Nixon According to memos re-
administrations. Cooper and leased by columnist Jack An-
other senators argued that derson, McCone was given re-
Congress might have blocked ports on ITT negotiations with
the deep U.S. Involvement if it the CIA to devise a plan for
had received the Intelligence blocking the installation of Sal-
estimates. vador Allende, a Marxist, as
Regular reports President of Chile in 1970.
Cooper's bill would require
the CIA to make regular re-
Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000300360033-7
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