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Approved For Release 2001/02-104zetARDPM01:6048003W4f$071:3
12 DEC. 1971
by Carol Dunlap
LONDON. Anatole Carzov vvho flew a Soviet
,fl ( a rfteruher 0-1 the Soviet gated in the U.S: in 1949 was persuaded everal weer ,s ago, Oleg Lyalin, 34, plane to Austria and was then interro
- supposedly -
t,$)ill Trade Delegation here, but in re.- by the then Soviet ambassador to the
?-L.') ality -a captain.in the KGB, the So-
U.S., Alexander Panyush'Kin, to return
_viet .security and espionage apparatus, to Russia. Panyushkin promised Barzo?%
defected to the West. - that the Soviet Union woulcLforgive and
. Lyalin fingered 105 Soviet officials as forget, that he could be together with
Spies. tie also revealed to Belgian au- wife and son.When Barzov:returned to
..thorities those Soviet officials in Bars- .._ .
Moscow, Soviet agents grilled- him
. sels who., under a variety of covers, were about his American experiences, kept
also spies. ? - ? - him in prison eight months, then,with-
As a result Britain expelled 105 So- out ever letting him see his 'wife and
viets for espionage,' and Belgium fol- son, shot him.
.? lowed suit without revealing the num-
ber0 of expulsions. . Tva0ing secreZs ?
? What will happen to Oleg Lyalin? ,
What in fact happens to any Soviet de- Penkovsky and Barzov were caught
- lector who betrays his country for in the Soviet Union. Most Soviet "trai-
asylum? ? ..
. tors'' however, like Yuri Rastorov, Sec-
At this writing, Lyalin is being de-
- ? ond Secretary of the Soviet Mission in
-: Japan, Peter Deriabin, a KGB section.
-briefed by British intelligence under head in Vienna, Nikolai Khokhlov in
..maximum security conditions. When Berlin, and Vladimir Petrov in Sydney?
ihe British are finished with him, .our
take a turn at interrogation. secrets for asylum. But they never feel
defect while abroad, then trade .their
ow'r) Central Intelligence Agency Will
sure of escaphig the KGB's long arm of
. -? gut olio day the intelligence agents
... retribution. .
will drain Lyalin dry. Then what will
most spectacular case of "KGB
. happen to him? The British will "re- The .
ward" him for his cooperation
retribution involves Leon Trotsky, a ri-
some money. They will offer him the with -val of Josef Stalin. Trotsky, an architect
services of a plastic surgeon for facial of the Russian revolution and founder
disguise if he so desires. They will sug-
of an early Soviet espionage network,
gest "lasing him" in Canada, Australia,
chose political exile in 192b after losing
out the power struggle to Stalin. Al-
New Zealand, or some other friendly
though Trotsky never "talked," Stalin
country. The trials and tribulations of
Oleg Lyalin will begin only then, for as judged him a potential enemy of the
? 'the experience of former Soviet defect-
regime, marked him for liquidation by
. ors reveals, Lyalin's problems in adjust- the secret police. For 11 years Trotsky,
. ing to a new lifewill be compounded lived in perpetual fear. Finally in 1940
- by the omnipresent threat of KGB re- the special terrorist section (Spetsburo)
, ? - of the KGB caught up ?vith?hirri in Mexi-
prisal. ' . . - , _
co, bludgeoned him to death.
Treason, of course, is a capital crime . .
in every society, and the Soviet Union A year later the Spetsburo ' assassi-
cleats -hardily and summarily with its nated General Walter Krivitsky, former
traitors.: Colonel. Oleg Penkovsky, for chief of Soviet militaryintelligence for
- example, a high-ranking member of the Western Europe. Krivitsky's "cover" was
1937, fearful of beingpurged by Stalin,
Krivitsky defected to the West. Shipped
to Washington he was debriefed by the
FBI. Four years later Soviet assassins
murdered him in his hotel 'room in
--Ne4-vork exposed
Some Soviet defectors have managed
to elude KG,E3 pursuit. Perhaps the most
famous is Igor Gouzenko, cipher clerk
in the Soviet Embassy in Ottawa who on
September 5, ?1945, defected to the
West with 130 top _ secret documents
describing in detail the Soviet espi-
onage network throughout . Canada.
The documents resulted in the arrest of
26-Soviet agents, the conviction of 10,
and a Royal Canadian Commission re-
port on espionage which revealed That
a distinguished scientist.Alan Nunn May
had given the Soviet Union its first sam-
ples of uranium and a written report on
atomic research. . .
During the. investigation precipitated
by his defection. Gouzenko took refuge
with his family in military installations
under the protection of. the Canadian ?
Mounted Police. Eventually, however,:
the Gouzenkos had to resume some
semblance of a normal life. The Cana- .
dian Government helped then) to erase
all traces of their past, providing them .
with ?a fictional identity and a per-
manent bodyguard. ?
Gouzenko wrote an autobiography of
sorts, The Iron Curtain, which became
a best-seller and was adapted into a-
Hollywood film. Starring Dana Andrews_
A few years later he penned a successful
novel, but subsequently lost most of his
book earnings in unwise investments.
He and his family currently live in a
small- Ontario town on $50 a month for
each member provided by the. Cana-
dian Government. Gouzenko also organization:
Soviet intelligence apparatus who a relief organization in Geneva .named ceives .2100 a month from a Canadian
passed top ApprOvedfortReileasec20011G3104-d CIAAIDRAO,(1160fial)00300340057-3
West for 16 months, was tried, con- food packages to refugee families.. In
victed and executed in short order in
Approved For Release 2001/834i : tl'.1
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Survey Made in Europe to Discover Why
They Go to West,-What Happens to Them
UPI staff writer
? ' ? To answer -these ques-
VIENN.A---11 was 3 p.m.
tions, UPI talked . with
.on a mInnY Sul-1(18Y ailer-. government - officials and
noon in Brussels when diplomats around Europe.
An a tol Ch ot a rev. made
There are no full ans.vers
; ?defection is a shadowy
Borrowing a blue Scal world and the men who
.dia sedan from the Soviet deal With it cannot. tell all
trade mission 'where he they know. But broad out-
worked, Chehotar eV lines emerged.
'dropped his Wife, Margari- For a man to defect---to
ta, .off near the -Belgian ?forsake his country forev.,
Royal Palace, then drove era?is an extreme step un
60 miles north to Bruges
.for a rendezvous.
. ? The next morning, Oct.
4, the Soviet Embassy
called the Belgian foreign
ministry to repert that one
of its employes had stolen
. a car and disappeared. The
Scaldia was found later
beside a yacht marina :at
'smiling Russian.' ? a
smoother; more ingratiat-
ing envoy often indistin-
.guishable from his West-
ern counterpart. Of these,
the KGB men ofteit. are
the highest livers, the big-.
gest drinkers, the freest
.spenders in short, the,
fl a U.S. Embassy ? has
reason to think that a Rus-
sian plans- to defect, it as-
signs a diplomat, to Lover
near him at receptions and
parties, in case he wants
to make contact. ?
It is assumed by'outsid-
ers that both. sides .use
"dirty games"?blackmail,
promises of money and
other lures?to hook
potential defector. If the
West employs these meth-
ods, however, no. diplomat
will, talk about it;
. . ? ?
der?any circumstances. Most defectors either go.
For a Russian, with his ex-. straight to American em-
ceptionally deep ties to his basses or ask to beeturned
country, it is traumatic, over to the Americana.
0 n e Western diplomat This is partly because do-
compared it to suicide: fectiOn is alpolitiCal
"A Soviet citizen knoWs -radical changing of. sides
he can never go back and ?and the'United.States is
is cutting himself off from as far to theother side as a,
'Soviet can get.
Another reason is that it
is easier for a defector to
vanish in a vast country
with many foreign-born
-citizens and foreign-. ac-
cents, thousands of miles
from Russia.
Most of te n, defectors
show up unexpectedly,
either at -einbassieS-or at
'police ? stations.. A :leading
example was Svetlana.Al-
liluyeva, Stalin's daugh-
ter, whO marched into a
startled American ? Embas-
his family, who may suffer
the coastal town- -of - -Zee; because , of his act," the
brugge. .oefraet: diplomat; said. "For him,
it's a radical step and so
comes from an extreme
emotion. - -
"The one the. only'?
common factor in all de-
fections. is that the defec-
tor has felt, rationally or
irrationally, that all doer
tact in 13ruges Was. . had closed behind him,
Intelligenc Agent-
that he bad no?-choice but
to defect."
Like many poteiltial sui-
cides, many potential de-
fectors give. hints in ad-
vance. American dipl
mats are told to watch out.
for these clues, but often
they go unheeded.
. Playboy Symptoms
.These clues . often take
the form of. what one in-
sider called ".aberrant be-
havior for a Soviet
abroad"--a social life out-
Belgian police believe
that Cbebotarev left Belgi-
um- for Britain aboard a:
small boat from the tciwn
of Niewpoo'rt, 35 , miles
away. It has not been .ex,
plained how be got there,
or who his mysterious eon-
At 33, Chebotarev was, a ?
member of the privileged
Soviet elite allowed to live
and work in the West. His
calling: card, identified him
. as an official. of the trade
:mission. Less publicly, he
-also was an agent for the
Soviet espionage agency,
the ? KGB, or Committee
for"State' ?Se-curity-?aThead-
quarters on Dzerzhinaky
Square, Moscow, with of-
lice in all principal cities.
- Now, Anatoli Chcbota:
.side the tight Soviet circle,
reir is a Soviet defector-- heavy drinking, an oh
one of the small band of. vious taste for the high
-desperate men .who, by life, a Western girl friend.
fleeing the Soviet system These clues; which often
tor the West, have burned are unconscious, are par-
all bridges behind them. ? ? ticularly hard to spot t2,-
Who are these defectors? day. ? 'The dour; baggy-
Whatpants diplomat of the Sta- 'United. StatIa lor
makes them defect?
A lavrovroilfteteasea20.0003104 . c ?
w is known as the
How do .they do if?, hat _
happens to them tv
sy in New Delhi in ,1967
-straight .from a quarrel
with the Soviet ambassa-
dor there. ,
? Insiders say there is no
set machinery for , han- ,
dling a defector. A Rus-
sian:.who *shows up at an
American embassy will, be
passed on to a Central In
telligence -Agency man at
the embassy, - who will
take charge of the case.
. S o m Just .Variish
:If ' the defection` takes
place neutral nation,
attempts, will. be made to
get the defector ..to the
Ibk I Um
Smictimes. the hos
country will first quiz th
defector in a "safe house'
.?a secure, unbugged loca
tion---before passing hi
on to Washington. Some
times he will go to Wash-
ington directly.
Once in. America, ?some
defectors "go public" by
writing ? books or going
into anti-Soviet work. Oth-
ers 'simPly- vanish, With a'
new identity?laornetimos'
. ?
even a now 'face, courtesy.
of.a plastic surgeon.; ?
??? Homesickness can defeat
these precautions. A diplo-
mat Said Russians often
long for contact with other
Russians and eventually
join an exile colony, where
they are quickly ?spotted
by KGB men who have in-
filtrated the colony.
In the old days, such a
defectbr risked death. But
the last known. KGB exec-
ution of a defector took
place in West Germany in.
1959. Today, .the defector
will. he pr eSsured by
threats against his fainily
back home in Russia. .
Any- defection makes
waves. At the personal
level, the defector's family
is bound to suffer. But if
he is a KGB mai,he may
bring with him informa-
tion that can change histo-
ry. .
Chebotarev is said to
have brought .a list of 33
agents spying on NATO!
Shortly after he vanished,
one Soviet newsman and
15. Soviet ?businessmen
abruptly went home; They
panicked?none was on
Chebotarev's list. But two
other men who were 'have
been asked to* leave the
The most celebrated case
this year was that of Oleg
Lyalin, 34, a Soviet diplo-
mat and spy who defected
in London in early Sep-
tember. LYalin brought
along enough information
1.9 enable the British to de-
clare 105 Soviet diplomats
and businessmen persona
non grata?one ? . of the
most sensational mass' ex-
pulsions in . peacetime his-
tory, . . .
Approved For Release 2001/03/04 PCIAJRDP8OSCW6Tifg
? ???`,"'i
Better 'Deal
for Service Spooks?
JOURNAL that the intelligence reor-
ganjzation announced last month by the
President means a better deal, not less
authority?as the country's press has
been reporting?for members of the
defense intelligence community.
? Among the specifics cited: ?
.0 More "supergrades" (GS-16. to
GS-18 civilian billets) for Defense Intel-
ligence Agency:
O Assignment of top-caliber military
personnel to DIA (which in past years
has had trouble getting the most quali-
fied tnilitary personnel assigned to it
and proper recognition for their work in
intelligence fields);
O Better promotion opportunities
for intelligence?analysts (who in the past
have seldom been able to advance to top
:management levels without first break-
ing out into administrative posts that
make little use of their an?alytical capa-
This lass point stems from a major
White House concern with the nation's
intelligence product: "95% of the em-
phasis has been on collection, only 5%
on analysis and production," as one
White House staffer describes it. Yet
good analyses,.he points out, have faced
major hurdles in getting recognition and
advancement. Moreover, they have been
"overwhelmed" by the amount of raw
data collected by their counterparts in
the more glamorous, more powerful,
and better rewarded collection fields.
The supergrade problvn has been of
special concern to the White Flouse. A
high Administration official, who asked
not to be named, told The JOURNAL
that the "White House [has] pledged to
get Civil Service Commission approval"
for a GS-18 billet which had been
urgently requested by DIA Director
LGen Donald V. Bennett. Bennett, he
said, first requested the billet more than
a year ago. Even though DIA has not
- Our.Outgunned Spies
A QUICK JOURNAL SURVEY of government-wide supergrade authorizations shows
clearly that the Service side of the intelligence community, and DIA in particular, has
been "low man on the supergrade totem pole" and makes clear why the White 'House
intelligence reorganization is aimed, in part at least, at giving Service "spooks" better
recognition and more attractive career opportunities. Ilere are typical (in some cases,
ludicrous) comparisons that can be drawn from Part II of the Appendix to the Fiscal
Year 19 72 Budget of the United States, a 1,112-page tome which gives, by federal
agency, a detailed schedule of all permanent Civil Service positions:
o DIA has 3,088 Civil Service employees, but only 15 supergrades?roughly one for
every 200 spooks.
o DoD's Office of Civil Defense has 721 Civil Service personnel, but 27 supergrades?
one for every 27 employees, a ratio eight-to-one better than DIA's.
O The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, with only 776 civil servants,
has 36 supergrades'?one out of every 22, nine times better than DIA. The Peace Corps
also outguns DIA nine to one, with 52 Foreign Service billets in the GS-16 to GS-18
salary brackets for only 1,188 permanent federal positions.
O The National Security Council staff has a 23-to-one advantage, 73 staffers and nine
supergrade (or higher) billets. Even NSC's one-to-nine supergrade-to-staff ratio, however,
pales by comparison with the President's Office of Science and Technology, which has 23
superposts but only 60 people! ?
Here's how the supergrade-to-people bean count for key federal agencies compares
with DIA's (where authorized, executive level I through V posts are included in
supergradc count):
Defense Intelligence Agency
Office, Secretary of Defense
Library of Congress
Office of Management & Budget
Office of Economic Opportunity
General Accounting Office ?
crtipEonvnesl ofor Release-2001/03104 : CIA4RPFIA-0
Federal Maritime Commission 1- 14
had any authorization for 8,
took almost 10 months for the paper
needed to justify the single high-leve
slot to filter through lower echejo
administrative channels in the Pentago
before they could be forwarded, with
"str'ong endorsement" from Deputy De
fense Secretary David Packard, to th
Civil Service Commission.
Ironically, just one .day after Th
JOURNAL was told Of the Whit
House's determination to help get th
billet approved, it was learned that th
Civil Service Commission had neverthe
less denied the request. Instead, it of-
fered DIA a choice of having an addi-
tional GS-17 slot or of having a Public
Law 313 post (which would require that
DIA first recruit an indjvidUal highly
qualified enough to justify the appoint-
DIA's supergrade structure, neverthe-
less, is going to improve dramatically.
For at least three years, the agency has
been authorized only 15 supergrades,
but will get 24 more under a plan just
endorsed by Dr. Albert C. Hall, DoD's
new Assistant Secretary for Intelligence.
The posts are known to be endorsed
strongly by both Defense Secretary Mel-
vin Laird and Deputy Defense Secretary
David Packard, -and apparently enjoy
strong backing from. the White House as
well. ??
By going from 15 to a total of.39
.supergrade billets, DIA will be able not
only to recruit higher caliber civilian
personnel -but to promote more or its
own qualified analysts into these covet-
ed, higher paying posts.
Pres?s Mi5ses the Point
Press reporls on the intelligence reor-
ganization conVey. a much different plc':
ture than the above highlights and White:
House sources. suggest. In a 22 Novern,
ber feature, U.S. News & World Report
.noted in a lead paragraph'. that "The
' Pentagon appears to be a loser in the.
latest reshuffle." Deputy Defense Secre-
tary David Packard is probably the man
most responsible for such interpreta-
tions. In a 4 November meeting with
Pentagon reporters, just one day before
the White House announced that CIA
Director Richard Helms was being given
new, community-wide responsibilities
with authority over all intelligence bud-
gets, Packard said: "There have been
people thinking if we just had someone
over in the White House to ride herd on
this overall intelligence that things
would be improved. I don't really sup-
port that view. ... I think if anything
we .need .a little less coordination from
that point than more ...."
The White tlouse's determination to
make the:defense intelligence field more
6gt?wprbigitidoA gai well as civil-
MPsftrpA taken ear-
lier this year by LGen John Norton,
Commanding General of the Army's