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STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601 JACKSON, t,TCH. CITIZEN PATRIOT MAY 2'? 9,t~ E - 40,052 -- 44,#303 I WASill NG'T'ON--?Is there a Communist money man under the bed--or in the bedrolls--of some of the more militant anti-war outfits? B o t h federal I a w enforcement agencies and intelligence people say you bctcha life there Is. Unfortunately, none of these spokes- men will be quoted by name, which is at the very least annoying. But some of their not-for-attribution statements make enough horse sense to merit public clis- closure, especially since the recent May- day high jinks attracted a sizable horde of protesters, and because in this day and age even demonstrations don't come cheap. So it is not unreasonable to try for size a couple of items gleaned . from the involved governmental outfits: 1. "About a million dollars In peace contributions" has been traced through disbursing Swiss and Swedish banks to Communist Russia, Czechoslovakia, Red China, Cuba and Communist-oriented Chile. Some of this money reportedly was spent in Washingtan during the /recent disorders.. V 2. A Central Intelligence Agency man says t Ilt'asiilnv[nii ioni=loolci y 'cost the demonstrators more than. $500,000--"and those people can't lay their hands on that kind of money without help from abroad." ; These items would seem to support the views of Atty. Gen. John Mitchell, the only official at this writing who has been willing to be quoted on alleged Commu- nist involvement. Mitchell has said some of the .leaders of the antiwar protest had "Communist-oriented or related back- grounds," and there was "no doubt" that some of the money that helped finance recent demonstrations came form "Coin- munist sources." All this suggests the danger of disiuis- sing out of hand current hearings of the H o u s e Internal Security Committee investigating the National Peace Action Coalition, which organized the April 24 march, and the People's Coalition for Peace and Justice, which ran the subse- quent mini riots. The house Committee, headed by Rep. Richard Ichord, 1.-Mo., has never been noted for even-handed- ness or a capacity for coldly objective reasoning, but this time it might have something to digits teeth into. p ! 611 7 i'ZI _N;1 A. T At any rate, the committee was not overstepping its responsibility or con? stituted duty in authorizing subpocanas for the financial records of those twc "peace" organizations. It is, if the read- er will forgive an old-fashioned expres- sion, in the American tradition for Con. gross to wonder, publicly, where lobby- ing outfits get their dough. For instance, most of us desire to dis- cover whether a lobby pressuring menl- bers of Congress to pass certain legis- lation--concerning, say, the oil indus- try--is financed by petroleum's fat cats. When a businessman testifies in favor of giving X billion bucks to an under- developed foreign country, it is the pee pie's right to know if the handout wi' enhance his holdings in that country. W find fascinating, and an aid to voting, t1 disclousre that a certain candidate is I. hock to Big Labor. So there is no reason-for Congress to deny to the public a lo.ok-sec at the finan- cial affairs of characters who make a career of wrecking public property and harassing innocent bystanders. No rea- son, that is, unless the "peace" outfits have something naughty to hide-as lob- byists so often do. I don't know whether these organiza- tions have pangs of guilt, but I did note with interest the initial response of Brad- ford Lyttle, a spokesman for the People's Coalition, Etc. Of the House committee's demand for the Coalition's records, Lyttle declared,"We"ll give them noth- ing, and we will refuse to testify." However, if our assorted police and intel- ligence folks are right about finding Commie money floating around on cer- tain occasions, Lyttle's will not be the last word on this matter. Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000300320009-8