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WALL 1 Jl7~i3,Yl1L f= STATINTL Approved For Release.2001/03/0h' ~ 0-016M i liaison aiuun^? the anencics. CISA re- By big nation standards, Israel goes a long Israel 's' SDaes Play forAepS ? ? ? 1 C ehe n a {' By RAY VICiiI R ; ports directly to the prime minister. Military.i way with a shall force. One source e:,timat(s ?''; JERUSALEM - "When our commandos Intelligence reports directly to Defense Min- .th tnhe total l mbereof Israeli then - he ntH m says: Ir-ilded Egypt and seized that Russian radar inter Moshe Dayan? " be only a few station, they knew exactly what they would . Israel's intelligence services have all We'; "You must remember that a good many peo? find," bragged one Israeli journalist in the 'miniature gadgets, electronic aids and c0ln-'plc in the Diaspora are with us to the extent bar of the King David hotel here, puter filing systems necessary for intelligence I that they would gladly provide any informa-. A radio news report had just described an ?ww'ork. But the Israelis understand well that, ! lion which might seem useful to Israel." The .abortive Al P'at.nh raid nipped in the Jordan Jamey Bond to the contrary, intelligence Diaspora is that body of Jews located outside; Valley, thanks to Israeli intelligence. A copy work is usually it matter of picking up a frog- !',of Israel. Today there are over 13 million' of the "Jerusalem Pont" on the -table beside moat of information have, a line in it newspa- Jews in the world, it little less than 2.6 million: theca,, an apparently hmor.uous picture at them in Israel. the tri bottle of Advat clos wtoe afro bad an Ialbers i ,aomewper lnaro else and then putting all the bits The very efficiency of Israel's Intelligence ,'m mr striav so loee to Cairo that bombers R together like in' mosaic to form a broad pie- creates some problems, In Iraq and Syria, Is. {ight have been lthe to jtuournrnalsalist t a may y acl be io Uc parr- - (; lure. racli agents have hoodwinked Arabs so often' con. So perhaps .doneci for ath adding: ',Even the Russians envy "'Years of operating on a 'war economy has , our intelligence network." given us on insigh into the type of informa-:,'' that pact, now every Jew in these countries Is sus- Anti-Semitic purges make life difficult' lion me need for survival, a knowledge Of: for many people who have nothing to do with; To the extent that such boasting Is nter- where to look for that Information, and t116" Israeli intelligence. There Is evidence, too,; iced, it llnes one of the less obvious aH- 'I ability to apply that.inforlnation once we got, that in the Communist world suspicion about pacts of underlines politics in the Middle East: Little Is it,,, says one source here. Jewish spies is playing a part in rising anti ! reel's ability to create ail espionage network The Israelis have developed substantial Semitic discrimination in the Soviet Union,. with world-wide scope, operational capability, dossiers for every Arab country, and every Poland and elsewhere. efficiency and individual talent rivalling that country which might have a, bea.l'ing on devel- Agents employed by Israeli intelligence of far larger powers is an important element opments in this part of the world, Every Arabi, agencies are poorly paid by most standards. in the Israeli-Arab power equation. politician of any consequence is included ini Generally they work out of patriotism, fired' `. Forewarned and Farearined '_ the files. by a dedication which is almost ruthless in its: 1 Time and again, Israeli authorities in Tel President Nasser's diabetes, for Instance, acceptance of the fact that Israel is in a bat-' I Aviv and Jerusalem know what Arabs are has been carefully recorded in all its nuances. tie for its life, Israeli sources claim. A depart thinking and doing even before word drifts In Rabat, at an Arab summit conference re-I ment head draws only about $450 a month. An "into the markets of Cairo, Baghdad and Da- cently, an Israeli Informer may have been on operator in a foreign land may be getting onlyr mascus. When the Arab league was being,; hand when President Nasser hesitated at, about $300 a month. Like most intelligence; formed, an Israeli spy ' in Cairo transmitted climbing a flight of stairs. Did this mean that 1 services, however, expense accounts fit the atop level Arab discussions back to Jerusalem. Nasser is sicker than a lot of people ..real ze? character 'the agent tries to mimic, and "As the Six Days War started in. June, 1907, . Medical men,in Israel have probably already agents seem to have adequate funds when it , `f Israel had every United Arab Republic planer sifted through information obtained by inteili- j comes to paying informers or bribing people r k in Nasser'" air fleet pinpointed on its military, ?gence and sought to'answer the question for! who might provide information. n th e wrL a - maps, any the UAn air armada was wiped,,' , out in the first three hours of the war. Recent- Israeli's Intelligence network reaches far ,.Arab world," says one Israeli source. ly, Israeli intelligence combined with daring ! beyond the troubled Middle East to Buenos !The 088. Story Israeli seamanship managed to slip five Aires, to Geneva, to London, to Munich and to The career of one such agent now amounts, patrol vessels from a French harbor under numerous, other, places about the globe. More. to a legend in the annals of Israeli inteili, the noses of French government officials.-;? over it is an activislr network equipped not',.' He was Elie Cohen, an Egyptian-born? Such chutzpah adds to the legend of a service only to spy but also to handle sabotage, acid- Jewepee. who spoke fluent Arabic. As spy number :1 1 born in the intrigue-filled days before Israeli napping" and any other riiissions considered 088, he became Kemal Amin Tabet, a Syrian 'Independence in 1948 when groups like the vital for Israel's existence. Moslem merchant. So adept was be in his new: Haganah, the Stern Gang and Irgun operated ?~' West Germany would still like to know `M slem the he In his of : that he won underground. what happened to rocket specialist Heinz senior merchant. S adept Syrian nrtha officers tand he nfidenc eat, "Israelis know all the 'tricks of the spy Krug, a German who was helping President officials. He even befriended the President of trade, and they play their game for keeps,", Nasser. to develop a rocket arsenal. Mr. Krug General .Amin Hatez, and once t of an American veteran in the Middle East says. disappeared without a trace in Munich in Sell- Syria, g 9 the General's wife a mink stole. In Cairo, recently, a Soviet general was heard, ternber,' 1962. Adolf Eichmann, the Nazi part of his cover, he made a trip complaining that Israel had more accurate killer, was kidnapped in Argentina by Israeli Once, as . to Once, part where by r, ?d $10,000 trip s Aires, -knowledge of UAR plane locations in 1907, agents, and spirited to Israel for punishment.the uenoli Party among the isedan 000nf r than did the Soviet though Rus Building. a Mirage colony in Argentina. ? sic is chief weapons supplier lier for the UAR.. he gathered minute informa- Mohammed Hikal, editor of "Al Ahrani" and :. In Geneva, Switzerland, a Swiss rnginecr Meanwhile, a confidant of President. Nasser, admitted currently is in jail awaiting trial. He is;tion about Syria's military forces, passing in? g recently that Israeli intelligence is1superi to coases bluepr n ints vfor. manufact u'Ingl jet ci:- transmitterto inlhis eDamas usmiuarters. Pour-' that of Arab counterparts and Is an Integral fi part of Israel's military successes." gins parts for the .t+'r.encln built Mirage 3S su- :-tines he toured the Golan Heights defenses of Today, Israel's intelligence is centered In ~ personic fighter. This, plane, more modern Syria' with army friends; on those trips he es now in the Israeli fleet, has collected information which served Israel Mira th th g e an five agencies. The Central Intelligence and .; . Security Agency is comparable to America's a modified engine which could increase. effec-, well when the Six Day War came. i on work tiveness of Israeli planes. But France has em- A slip finally tripped him. His radio caused Central Intelligence Agency, focus ng at the Indian Syrians outside Israel. Shin Bet, the internal counter- ,I bargoed sale not only of planes to Israel but Interference d a block-to-block check bwith .electron_ t espionage agency is comparable to the United,,' parts as well. starte States Federal Bureau of investigation. 1'0? ' In Alexandria, the UAR has blocked' off its tics devices to locate the transmitter. When a ', lice Special Branch is somewhat similar to,''harbor installations from outside eyes, lest:, power failure occurred one day, 088 was using the detective branch of a big city police force Russian military aid be too evident. High con-i his battery operated set, dispatching a flea-r and and usually works closely with Shin Bat on in- a crete walls rise between what used to be open[. sage to Jerusalem: Syrians quickly spotted 4 Military Intelligence Dc- spaces -separating warehouses. 'Armed so]. the illegal transmitter and arrested Mr. Th a ternal cases . partment functions as a defense ministry discs patrol the area, assiduously. But Greek Cohan red-handed. In May, 1907, he was agency, helping funnel information which as- fl and Italian cruise ships occasionally put Into hanged. In Martyr's Square in central Damas- slats Israeli military planners. Often its work, 'the port, carrying passengers of various na-~,cus t ,;, a wW:,.?::. i ,. ,~~~ -a" y .,- - coincides and is coordinated with CISA. Fl- } tionalities. And, among them,'.one Egyptian' Wally theQll~~a}Z`e1~ la 1 I to -,~as%' '~" "+ 00300130004-4 Divtalon; of te foreign in SYRACUSE, N. Y. HERALD P0jP*d For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-016 E - 129 65G HERALD -A 11"R ICAN .lam 1 9 147(1 `$-251,094 bringing the type of capabili- yra ervices in London Cuba e lli I t , genc s n e ,, and Washington are reported to be 'Ay that sank the Elath to our door- te p, standing in awe of two recent ac- -s ' s equiva? V complishments of Israel lent organization, called Shin Bet. stroyer, four submarines and'now bution because Russian-ships were. " plied submarines and 20 missile-fir-' refrained from. dashing into the has six destroyers, 12 Soviet-sup- tians sank the' Elath, the Israeli's Strategic Studies reports Egypt ~ For example, when the Egyp- } tant waterway. i account in all strategic an ~ mf__ T _.__].. .. t.,.,.'..1 T. ,4-44+?1 lnn_i ?:..Y .. d.::. .+1 ...+++inn. . Mediterranean for the ships, may', 4ie U.S. -Sixth Fleet which has alter the balance of naval power in j prowled the Mediterranean since the eastern section of this impor- ; the 1950s, but it must be taken into.,, In A d' 1 protested the sleight-o-hand 'that, as an American lake.. 4ti( $' rr__. _..,atch these . secret. operations,;.,,,;, A Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000300130004-4 Northern Virginia Sun Approved_FDr Release 2001/03/64 FOIU"OP0966 160 INSIDE WASHINGTON . Johnson St9*UBarS`1" 0 81-s for, S,'Sraelgs Goldsmith JOllN A. GOLDSIIITi[ fighting that raged recently along. the free world, further Russian' the Suez Canal, Russian officers i ' penetrat on of the Middle East WASHINGTON - One man commanded Egyptian batteries. cannot go unanswered forever. alone - President Lyndon B. They used highly sophisticated "Does the Vice President agree the electrical and radar si Johnson htin is blockin ' and `' g - g g yith thd .5e steafast poll of the of Si) A4 Phantom fighter-bomb- aiming equipment, and the firing ~' era to Israel was the most accurate ever re- Johnson Aduninistration in deny . Vice President Hubert H. ceived from the Egyptian side. Humphrey and former Vice Pros- MORE STALLING - Allon and' Rabin left the Whit :dent Rich rd M Ni h b H a xon ave pu - e ouse . persuaded to limit the Middle licly strongly advocated making as they came - with empty East armts race. Since the tragic these supersonic planes available hands. event in Czechoslovakia, it should to Israel. In July, both branches The only word they got from , e apparent eve to those whd (,n............ .........L..,._.....-1_. __ 4.1,n aL- nr .. tagon and CIA authorities have than a year. Always it's the same ly turned a deaf car. Administration insiders credit lIL DID it- again last week in the President's obdurance to I an unannounced meeting with two three reasons: His burning desire top Israel officials - both war to reach some kind of a detente heroes: former Gen. Wigal Al- with the Krenilin rulers before ton, now deputy prime minister,, leaving office; an equally deep- and Ambassador Yitzhak Rabin, rooted desire to maintain a po- chief of staff during the meteor:csition of being able to exert res- Ong this necessary protection to Israel on the specious grounds that the Russians may still be : acYc f""' li`',11VL-t. [Il@' Drll-' tat facts of Soviet power politics. that Moscow will make maxi- mum use of its conventional military force in international af- fiars. "A-1r. Humphrey owes it to the American people to explain whether or not he is openly re-'. pudiating the present Middle East policy, or non-policy, of the administration to. which he,' owes 'his candidacy." STATINTL I' p IfLACH rMPEHiAIAST - Stok- six day war in 7.967. sure on Israel; and file potent F To their request for a confer- influence of Secretary Rusk, who ely Carmichael 's recent expulsion ence with the President they not only fully concurs with these .' from the Student Nonviolent Co- were told he' would see them, but views but feels 'he. U.S. should'. ordinating Committee was the it would have to be strictly se seek to moderate Arab hostility climax of a long and bitter back- cret. They entered and left the toward this country. stage power struggle -'in which 'White House by , a side entrance., The long-time head of the he lost out to James Forman and 1 Present at this carefully unpub-' State Department is the only top Lester ATeRbtnie. licized meeting were Walt Ros- administration official to hold this . Definitely playing a role In tow, special foreign affairs ad. stand. Carmichael's ouster was a fist wiser to the President, and Lu- tight between him and Forman IT IS AN open secret that tile, cius Battle, assistant secretary of President's stubborn refusal to Carmichael an in the Seel and w Yorke Bl5c . state for the Near East. yield on the A4 issue is provin some ]3Iac k In renewing Israel's long stand- , ry g' Panthers, among whom he now-' g b s increasingly embarrassing to Vice holds the title of ! "'prime mints-, ink request to buy 50 A4s, Allen' President Humphrey and' his ter," forcefully entered' the and Rabin stressed 'the follow- campaign managers. While they SNCC headquarters and started - g: fervently assure all and sundry 0 Egypt and Syria, as a result , of wholeheated support for the pushing employes and equipment of massive rearming by Russia, sale of the supersonic fighter around. Forman' ordered them. now have a arm. superiority 'bombers, the Republicans are der argument with Carmichael' they ; Israel in supersonic war planes. risiveiy demanding why they exchanged blows. Also, there are an estimated aren't matching their words with 12,060 Soviet pilots and crewmen, deeds. At this poin't hastily summon- 1 training the Arabs and operat- House Republican Leader Gee cc] SNCC reinforcements arrived ing the jets. All TUl6 medium jet aid .Ford of Michigan caustically,' and Carmichael and, his Black, bombers in Egypt are manned by hurled ? such a challenge at Panther gang were run out. La-'J Russians, although bearing Egyp- Humphrey after he told the con ter, they tried the same raiding tian ,n-arkings. vention of the B'nai B'rith that tactics at the SNCC office in New- ? Since the six-day conflict in he heartily favored selling A4x ' ark, NJ_ but withhout success. the spring of 1967; Israel has not : 'to Israel. AT THE MEETING of SNCC { received a single supersonics "If Mr. Humphrey really favors leaders where it was decided io1 Plane from any source. DeGauile; providing. Phantom jet's to Is-' expell Carmichael. it wan caustic-' has refused to turn over 50 Mir- rael," said Ford, "he should ar- ally charged that while lie rants;" age IVs, bought and paid for,' gue his ease at the White House. and rails against U.S.' imperial.' and the White House, despite' without further delay. All that is ! and capitalism, he had taketr widespread bipartisan support required is President Johnson`s living like a capitalist' since for the sale of Ads, has been approval, and Hubert Humphrey, his marriage to African singer: similarly uny,ri,;ing. The only as his political protege. Not alone' 1ltiiriaml Makeba. planes Israel has been able to, for Israel's sake, but in the 1n- purchase 1NO116db'~ tai 'L? 5~ X001'4 0ti4$ s;ab$IA-RDP80-01601 R000300130004-4 fighters. Approved For Release 2001/03/0~T~ - P80-0 "~ J 47rH YEAR AUGUST 1968 .~.?ige r 4n article a day of enduring significance, in condensed Permanent booklet form 'world. Here, for the first time, is the inside story, in a terrifying `test of will. At stake: the rate or the a year ago, Moscow and Washington were embroiled On two chilling days during the Arab-Israeli conflict, Condensed from a forthcoming book, "Countdown in the Holy Land" LEsn R VELIR rst rt me L. ~-i 000OVXTOOWN IN TNi N0 1.V NNO ?? OOPV~iONT O IYN 1Y ~(~TLX V(LIC, MILL 0( IV ~l11N(0 IM, IAN 37 ~~ ..'S'IwTTNai?wtV:-fA~w.a:C:i NM..::: 1 T.:tis~Yn:b ~I-\":~1..%?i!... ~r"?'^'r"^'I` Lyndon B. Johnson, June 6, ~;- 1967, was "the most awesomely difficult day of my life." It was ..the second day of the Arab-Israeli Six-Day War; and while the world was engrossed in that drama, a more momentous struggle unfold- ed in secret between the United For Union i S h . et ov e States and t Russians used the day, began at 5:50 a.m. when the i fi "hot line" between 'Moscow and Washington in anger. In this con- frontation-and again four days late-Premier Aleksci Kosygin and President Johnson waged a war of nerves and wills. ,As one Presi- dential adviser put it, "we moved very close to the precipice." Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000300130004-4 STAG March 1968 Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-0 Approved For Release 2001/03/04 CIA-RDP80-01601 R000300130004-4 RED WORLD SOVIETS ARE PLANNING A COED SPACE TRIP, WITH A MAN AND WOMAN IN ONE CAPSULE. Men and women are now in training for the flight, STATINTL but husbands and wives of those involved are raising the roof SUDDEN CRACKDOWN ON EASY ABORTIONS IN RED SATELLITE RUMANIA (IN AN EFFORT TO JACK UP THE FALLING BIRTH RATE) IS COOKING UP A STORM. PREGNANCIES ARE COMING SO FAST AND FURIOUSLY THAT SOME HOSPITALS ARE PILING IN THREE MOTHERS TO ONE BED. Unwanted off - shoot of the ban on abortions: Red medical students are doing a land-office business in illegal operations --at a price equal to THREE MONTHS' WAGES FOR AN AVERAGE RU- MANIAN . . . When the sex-and-spy case of "Moscow's No. 1 Agent" broj.e in Bonn, Germany, re- cently, the following came to light: East Germany has planted 6,000 professional spies plus 10,000 "helpers" in the West. On top of that, Bonn is also flooded with Western intelligence agents from every friendly nation to counter any move the Red agents make . . . MADE WAS IN THE MIDEAST WAR. They grossly i STEADY BOY FRIENDS ARE NOT CONSIDERED "BAD." It's only the promiscuous Russian female who gets the abuse . . In some Russian towns, a Criminal has something almost as tough' to cape with as his jail sentence. When he's released, he must face all his neighbors, a personal nightmare very few stand up to without breaking down . BIGGEST MISCALCULATION RUSSIA'S TOP INTELLIGENCE AGENCY - - THE KGB - - PROBABLY ght overestimated the Arabs ability to f and to win. Our CIA on the other hand, HIT IT ON THE HEAD. THEIR ESTIMATE: AN ISRAELI VICTORY IN SIX DAYS . Fpr' the adventurous traveler-- a motor trip across Russia. You rent a car, drive like a top road rally racer over narrow highways loaded with truoks, and spend half your.Iime looking for a nonexistent gas station or refreshment stand. It you survive ,,,youIll have the best look at the Approved For Release 2001/03# :jCIIP80 A ZIP en-Scott Repol By RoeERT S. ALLEN .. :. ;: rmany for its } Acting for his government, doe ?objeoulons -to the treaty had Brazilian nuclear head com- caught the . U.S. de'egatton by plained bitterly that. the U.S. complete sut'misc. He reported 'had steamrollered the objections . "hat U.S. officials had expected of those who could produce their Russia to blas! India for re'fus? oivn nucl Argentina Argentina would Sovnet Disarmament Delegate. jointly undertake the develop- . L lexei Roshchin's violent attack men[ of atomic weapons." against West Ge . if 'the treaty wasn't changed Foster also revealed ,Chat "Brazil Brazil, the largest and most Sotne! draft treaty' stands. advanced nation in Latin -Amer-. Because of ' this growing op. ica, is secretly negota:ing with . Position. U.S. officials :now be. Argentina to pool their atomic lieve there is scant chance of scientifico know-how and re-, 'the final treaty's being a; reed sources to develop n u c 1 e a r' oil before 19SS. weapons. Tha: is the private estimate These negotiations were that William C. Foster, U.S. ;a.:led by the two gave r"ers dele,a:e to ._y ?reSGec Johcs ra;'.C. tic. i.' c:,cfe ec refused their requests to change nova, as given to Democra the tro set po s 7~ li of cgs posed non-proliferation ? treaty -in to step up their atomic research its present form. However, nei- to develop the bomb. :her of these governments so U.S. intelligence sources have far 'has threatened to build its ?w~.arned the White. House that Own atomic weapons if the U.S: "??` `~ ? p r a i. s e d A m e r. i viet Agency ,1 report, L 1 a a airenigence prepared during ~ agreement On all except cept the inspection provision of a treaty ':he recent Middle East fighting, to stop the spread of nuclear sta'es that Israel's atomic re- . weapons. appears to be having search is so far advanced that just the opposite effect. her scientists 'could produce a In South America, the pro- bomb within six montlis. posed nuclear non-ptroliiera: ion West Germany and Italy, are pact is causing two potential vigorously opposed to the., pro. nuclear power `o '-i f - - Mr. Rtfoa p treaty to perm[; congressional leaders: non-nuclear powers J() conduct The legislators were told than ,heir own atomic explosions for- .'the hope .for a ' final accord peaceful purposes. his year inspired by, the Amer. Uriel Da Costa Ribiero, ch:cf icant-Soviet agreement had been of Brazil's nuclear-energy pro dampened by the cool ti c re ep on gram, in private talks with U.S. .? it had received from these six diploniats made it clear that nations ear weapons ?i?r they ing to go along. chose, bug hitherto, had denied STATINTL cording to latex: U.S. intelli- Mediterranean coast' of oIsrael - genoa estimates, now have the .. and the third at the northern ' capability of ' developing . atomic end de of the bitterly contested vi Approved Rc ?Kal l s c ,1ld '/04 ' R' 8G41iS b1 00300130004-4 or srael. uauL;":256aul1y to Will nt