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V DAILY WORLD STATINTL f Approved For Release 2001 r CcA=P80-01601 4~ y U by GEorn'e Morriz 11 r! ;I P A major consideration in AFL-CIO President George he'll;`''look into it." His son-in- Meany's accommodation to the Nixon Administration un- law's statement is the first refer- doubtedly is the desire to insure the flown of about S11 mil- ence to it since. lion annually to finance the army of AFL-CIO operatives AFL-CIO Conferences on inter- abroad working in concert with the Central Intelligence national affait?s are very rare. The Agency. field is limited strictly to the in- It is with that objective in view director of AIFID, who has often ner sanctums of the AFL-CIO. The apparently that the AFL-CIO's boasted of some 200 operatives last conference of the AFL-CIO / International Affairs Department roaming in Latin American lands on the topic was in the same Com- of which "Labor's CIA Man." Jay and that some of the trainees in modore Hotel. April 19-20, 1960, Lovestone, is director, arranged the AIFLD school here had an with Henry Kissinger the main the recent conference in New important part in a coup that over- speaker on Lovestone's list. That York on the topic, "Labor and In- threw a liberal regime in Brazil. conference was called to pressure ternational Affairs in the Seven- Irving Brown, who has never de- President Eisenhower against ties." nied a former CIA top official's coming to terms with the Soviet The major thrust of the gather- disclosure he (Brown) was an Union at a summit conference ing, including some 200 staff peo- agent, reported as director of the scheduled in Paris in May 16 that ple of several unions and the gen- Afro-American Labor Council on year. To the delight of ]Many eral office, was to emphasize to that outfit's very limited success and friends, the shooting down of / the Nixon Administration that the in Africa. Morris Paladino. direc- Gary Powers in a CIA U-2 plane only reliable "labor" handmaiden tor of the Asian-American Free (built by Lockeed) he flew over to its imperialist program abroad Labor Institute, told of his feeble Soviet territory as the conference is the AFL-CIO's three-part "in- efforts to find a base in Asia be- was to begin, torpedoed the meet- ternational." The International yond Saigon and Taiwan. ing. Confederation of Free Trade Un- As Rick Nagin who covered The main consideration in the ions, set up mostly: with U.S. the conference reported in the Meany crowd's calculations is to money and CIA organization in Dec. 1, Daily World, Lee boasted maintain the relationship with the 1949 (from which the AFL-CIO that the three operations get i11,- Administration on global affairs withdrew), is not an effective 500,000 every year from AID and the flow of dollars. For that anti-Communist force; some of "notwithstanding charges from reason Meany obliged with the its major affiliates have actually George Morris and liberal news- "neutrality" policy in the elec- developed friendly relations with papermen that this is CIA money." tions. He has since indicated a the Soviet trade unions. I certainly never expected that willingness to accommodate the That was the direction of the my writings could stop such funds Federation to the Nixon program. main report to the conference de- for the AFL-CIO. His group returned to the Nixon livered by Ernest Lee. Meany's Perhaps Lee figures that calling committee for a drive to raise son-in-law, who, as assistant di- attention to charges from this labor productivity. This is taken rector, is being groomed to take source would be a strong argu- as an indication that the Meany over the aging Lovestone's post. ment for continuance of the funds. group may also return to the Wage Lee, in effect. conceded that the In any case. Lee is late in taking Board. AFL-CIO's cold war policy was a note of those charges. I noted and The December 4 AFL-CIO News failure. detailed the relation between the carries an editorial, a reprint of a The AFL-CIO's concern over CIA and the AFL-CIO's interna- speech of Lane Kirkland, the see- the financing of its "international" tional affairs as far back as 1961 retary-treasurer, declaring that is understandable in view of grow- in my book "American Labor, the AFL-CIO is opposed to "all ing opposition to it. In 1970, Sell- Which Way, in my book "CIA, quotas" - meaning government ate Foreign Relations Committee and American Labor, The Sub- guidelines towards increase of chairman J.W. Fulbright had version of the AFL-CIO's Foreign minority workers in building and Meany over the coals on the gnat- Policy," published in 1967 (which, other crafts - and against "quo- ter. Fulbright disclosed that since incidental!}', was reprinted in tax" in representation in political 1962, when the American Institute about 10 countries) and in my parties or in the trade unions, for Free Labor Development "Rebellion in the Unions," pub- meaning, of course, opposition to (AIFID) was formed by Meany's lisped in 1971, not to speak of the any deliberate effort to break group jointly with corporations scores of columns on the subject. through the all-white domination doing business in Latin America. But the chages didn't only come in union leadership of most un- $44 million of Administration for from Inc. I "simply detailed the ions or in the Democratic Party. International Development money numerous souccs, including Tom Most workers pay no attention was pumped into it. In the the two Braden, who, as a CIA official, to what top union leaders do on subsequent years about $22 mil- originated the "labor" program international deals. But those lion more was dished out. in 19:0. He disclosed the shocking deals are very costly to workers ? relationship. in terms of wages, production Lees tAARrov1 FIpleRoease12001*1/03/44ploG4A4WP8050't8~~0l#d0Olt'018`QC90`#t-3 reports of William Dougherty, tions in 1966-67 of AFL-CIO-CIA tion. by relations, Mcany told newsmen Approved For Release 2001 /03I0'4x;'.CIAtRDP80-01 ffi dbd1-00190001-3 2 3 .r.:.,, i I:. Congress mist act! U.S. BOMBERS UNLOOSED on Tuesday night the most violent attack on Hanoi since the beginning of the war. Hundreds of people were slain in the densely populat- ed center and suburbs of Hanoi, and in other cities. - Encouraged by Nixon's murderous bombing of North Vietnam. Israeli war planes. after a lapse of five weeks. bombed the Syrian villages of Deiel and Seda yesterday. The Israeli war raids underscored Gus Hall's press confer- ence statement that "all world relations will sharpen if the war does not end." The renewing of the bombing makes it necessary to ask in each Congressional district: what has our Congress- man or Congresswoman done to cut short this monstrous killing? Today, and tomorrow, and each day until your repre- sentative returns to Washington are days for delegations to visit them at home. insisting that they act now against the slaughter. The next step is to make sure that your representative is not alone in Washington on January 3 and 4: that deter- mined delegations from the district are at his desk. all the time, insisting that he take every action necessary to end the war. The best assurance of action is for the trade unions. shop workers. rank and file unionists to be included in the delegations to Washington. Start a collection now in your shop to send one or more delegates to Washington for Jan. 3 and 4. It is one thing - and a very important act - for a un- ion's national officers to protest to Nixon and to insist that Congress act. It is another thing. and even more important. when the local unions, their officials or rank and file mem- bers. shop workers right off the job, put the power of the workers visibly behind the peace actions of the top union officials. And if the leaders don't act, it is doubly important for the rank and file to do so. That is the more necessary since George :Mleany. AFL-CIO president, and Jay Love- stone. the CIA's top agent in labor's ranks, and. some. other unworthies are on the side of the Mad Bomber as he orders the destruction of Vietnam. The most effective answer to the Mad Bomber and his servile tools in labor's ranks is for the workers to con- duct five-minute stoppages, so that the rank and file can send a message to Nixon demanding that he "Sign Now!" the 9-point peace agreement he okayed in October, and other messages to the House Speaker and the Senate pres- ident. demanding that the horror end. Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000100190001-3 gags ;:,qe.l N!,.T7ON STATINTL Approved FeO`Release 2001/O3 43E JA9'MP8O-01601 JIHIIN IL G t;,/ ~ v ~ k ar aJ w 4;;.v MEANY: The Unchallenged Strong Man of American Labor. 13y Joseph C. Goidden. Atheneum Publishers. 504 pp, $12.95. Mr. N'idick, currently professor of indus- trial relations in the Graduate School of Business at Columbia University, his been The Nation's labor correspondent since 1955. His most recent book is Detroit: City of Race and Class Violence (Quad- rangle Books). pro- or anti-labor voting records, as Meany's relations with many politicians testify. Rather the explanation lies in Meany's character. To begin with, there is an ar- rogance in the man, visible at press conferences and in his conduct of the AFL-CIG conventions, which is rellected in this book by the disdain with which he views mere mortals. And they in- clude a Who's Who of American poli- tics. Meany's sting has among its victims Arthur Goldberg, Edmund Muskie, book is a gold mine of insights his , , Hubert Humphrey, Lyndon Johnson, irony, and original source material a George ivYcany, the trade unions and prank Fitzsinunons, Walter Reuther, important American public figures. No L Mmes I-ooo%evelJtnhn L. Lewis, F es and post-mortem account of the 1972 elec. ".rs. , as well as President lions will be complete without a read- .(,flew Iand John Connally. Spiro ing of this fascinating, full-scale bi_ ~ra:es no mention and George ography of the controversial president of icGovern barely a word, although the AFL-CIO. Its publication is a major i eany spoke of him as a possible, ac- accomplishment for the author, its tim- ?ce with the cthe pres at the breakfast he ing a likely source of embarrassment for 111-1 had with press late in 1971, when its subject, George Meany and other Wallace acc from John Lindon and George i. union leaders. m consideration. The intention of this biography was one exception. Meany admired and was otherwise. Written with the full Co- proud of John F. Kenncdv, the first operation of George Mcany, its thrust Irish Catholic President of the United was to portray him as a militant labor States, regarding him almost with de- leader climaxing a fifty-year career in tho votion. This does not, of course, extend trade union hierarchy with a glorious to the other Kennedys. President l en- finale: the defeat of the anti-labor oc- nedy knew how to handle Meany. It cupant of the White House. "Nixon! was always "Mr. Meany," never Labor has detested this than and fought "George. ' Gould; n observes, "Inteliec this man for more than two decades, and tualls' Kennedy felt more rapport with now here he is in the White House. A V-iWalter Reuther, but he tool: care to nian with absolutely nothing in common maintain friendly relations with both with George Meant', except niutaal nien. For Reuther, a long hour on the enmity," So ran the "party line" in na- beach with Jacqueline at Hyannis Port, tional A}_-CIO he adquarrers early in h n. The people he despised took over. Hence the bile of his remarks against Senator McGovern at the Steelworkers' convention. Now there was a greater hate than the big hate. Is George Meany that vengeful? In a footnote about his own research for this book, Gotilden writes revealingly, "The presidents of some large anions, supposedly fearless labor leaders, are frightened silly at offending Meany, and would talk about him only in general- ities, or off the record." When in. 1942 Franklin Roosevelt, with Sidney Hill- man's assistance, blocked a merger of the AFL and the CIO proposed by John L. Lewis, and which involved having George Mcany as president of the new organization, Meant' did not forgive and forget. In 1944 he voted for Dev,'cy. A note on his feelings toward Walter Reuther, and the atmosphere in the AFL-CIO headquarters, provides further insight. "Meany slowly became an iso- lated man-so scornful of critics that only rarely would anyone in his inner circles differ with him, upon pain of being denounced as a 'I?eutherite,' Nelson Cruikshank, who left the AFL- CIO to run a Medicare lobby financed by labor, was distressed at what he saw. George found himself surrounded by yes nien, by guy's who thought the way to get along with him was to toady to him. 'File), were wrong; they should have argued with him, for he respects people who do. But by the early 1960s all lie heard was people who agreed with him, and told him what they thought he wanted to hear." t e week aitcr her husbands nonuna- 1972, when Goulden was finishing his tion; for 1,ican)', an advance briefing book, Thc reasons are outlined in rich Obsessive anti-communism is in- btail in two chapter; about the ch on the Cuban missile crisis, so that the other major factor coloring all of voice of oreaniycd labor would support Meitny's politics, at home and abroad. monious dispute between hfeany and the adrninistr:ttion," the President over incomes policy, With Aieany desrribcd himself as "second W}icn Geors;c McGovern received the only to Richard Nixon, in the 1950s, as everything on the record. 1972 , 1972 Democratic I arty nomination, the most rabid anti-Com.niunist in Anier- For good measure, in that period of Meany's fury was unbounded, In 1965, ica." (In ilia epoch of :lcCarthykill, time Geor(te Meanv did not simply dis- lie had been wined and dined and flat- that's saying a mouthful. For v:)1a1 vcr agree with President Nixon, lie, told tered by the most important party poll- reason, (Gulden did not explore Goulden quite often that lie detested ticians. Ile felt like a king ni: ker, anc! Ateany's viev.'s on Sen. Joseph McCar- Nixon as intensely as he did any man r?e:,erved his scorn for the kid; outside, thy, a re!,rctta l'le omission.) hno?.ving who had ever been in public life in v.hose heads were broken in the Chi- these vie%is of ';fe:tnv made it predictable the United States. 'fhc question arises: sago bust. linked, 1\fc:inv praised the that he would c1o everythirilg in Iris What nt:inner of mall could flip clop (rent conduct of th',Chicano police. Ill 1912 power to L1C14'at Senator McGovern. 101;11 war a ;ainst to "neutrality for ---and the details are in tlti?, tgoo k--- Nixon % lanl.,lide, for ?,lc.,ny, is a dc?- Nixon," even oil tite expcn.e of widening Ale.iny laid only one p;sie U;uto- feat for "neo-iNol,ttiL 1,11 ,111 and perhaps the split anion,t unions'? 'kite boot: fur- cr;ttic Party choice, Sen. henry Jacl:',on. a hood onion (or destroyin. any peace coshes the, hosts for in C%planatiou--- '111 s w to rvi and it had Aptpira~vledifor,IRelteease MOO 0 11.tldi, OP 0 017 PI l t?1 ~~ ~Qt~1 dOt~ "j. some of the elder imperialist 67 revelations that the AI''L-CIO's Haiti, the Dominican Republic, 1 a and s, notably I'r,,~ ; i,_e and 13ri- -ihtcrnational affairs department Paraguay and tethers in that cat x fain t' ~^ forced to.raco;ni~. the New York labor'rnovernent, this "labor" committee that its Who are the people engaged as well as Emil t.iazes scene- leafiest even accused the Corn tary-treasurer' of the United Alt ,. ,`,l in this dirty business? There monist 1 arty and the Trotskyite are among fleas some d ul )cd tomobil:i %'; orkers, and Mayor 1 Socialist tiv ,or..ers Party of youths who may honestly think John Lindsay. "joining V-1}to labor fa'?:ers lit_e may It was, as the P',layor o`)servcd, ? that the Measure of "revolution- , to build tail anti- alt advanced step because Nixon t 0 'r'6iT1271t? (that) can 1St]]" is how VlOlders. you (}C- , IIOLIi1C2 11111011 1caderS But in brought together a substantial only act as a grass roots silp labor group in action for peace, terns of Pider t 1f these (sects Port movement Ion tine liberal the rhngl ens of these se a refutation of the claim of the " v ge- De.lnocrat.s. ,4 J ,, George Meanys that they speak There are in the U.S. at least ,, me cIf my cnc tine,~, for.labor in support of the Indp- meat from very rkn< fon +ry i a half c; ,.en Trotskyite orgam- so china war. Laces 3 Cli?firs J21' 2;?ei1Ci.CS, o nations. They have a cut-threat olive,M,;31, CIA or any of the It was a' united front bringing l p any relatioia`iip among tlicill_ ves together organizations that may Otl:er iilStrt;rIei! s for dig r itp- over. various issu?S. 13-A e1 ei] tif?] a;_ l ,(ltvr?>^;1 n tie pro differ in son]e respects but the S` IP, from which they have were united On the bl'Oad gressi;e sectors Of the Viori-ingy issues split off, isn't "revolutioliary" c - ? Of file Moratorium Day meeting. h ,fel ] because it has C+,?S:i lnov~;'_ICnt. iloa;ll fu r t, X . been involved recently in pro- SShai else can you say of 'I'0 the amazement of limsly. gro"ms ti at n--.,-AC t1:C.'3C who peace whited fiollts. ; 11-1 ov fornar(i t`*.' #i' major tt r- soli]t individuals . handed out leaflets viciously Those able. to Observe the ac- g } y et? i'tli:at else Can 'Ott.Sa of , 'ly - denouncing , b d L th l a ' uuuy e is :so-cal - lnit?Ce" that s2t;lns to Have ate- tt1 rally, Singling out especial Col]]mittee" and the "Workers 11!.3 i ? to ctt st. l^ f11a,s 001;)~fi}3iC~4l ,,tCl Df B~ '~~6~'yR~?1QO ~L0; 001-3 - Y nc,vn as such. L()-zi ,Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP8O-0160 pOST DISPAT('F-t Cs-. !As. i result, All) funds have Cdr C .)' Ghiei 5:asr.u;rwrl t n:e d ul:nr nl r,~}:?ortin~; L'is 11~ it handled throu,;lt ...the ;i S , cd that lh CIA cool Corr : mridcul uf- rile AF I C tCT, } sr1, :~ kCt :ctti .nd appral,~tl of I t 5 foreign nation-.,Is inc?r^a Vast-}J sn tell - t to'e CIA's covert operatiun5 ilietrber of the. IIj 63' Uu ,, it ly as "care~.r a ts," tv'it WAS111\'GT'0\' Sept. 2:i - A t.-said: "If the agency is to 6 por c. riot identified but ali-; a states laidle?ay 1"t ss-ten coifideatnil repull being cir? effective, it ss'i!1 }Dave to nla'e ilaic, Bernstein, TO Steel- cl:!.;,;,cul npnt iO a smoa e led ri 1'rs':u on and Iins- uec. of private iii II C!ti015 on all cJ~ \ r !G ~i l f E /L>k s 3' ~5: it ~~ l : 3 iJ r r black persons but of policy matt c) "> [ r.7;j ;1.:`7 , -1 F (=,'j tti f To this cooI'dlllated "socialist" c>?ri 6 d r b' i) v d lr t L ;r (L camp should be added the alli- The extent of the-Socialist Party's S:' in r 4l3 ward ance with the Zionists in the U.S., to win acceptance by the top b"reavcr'ley of th'~ l`~l~'S.- ell,h Israel pictured as the "moci cl socialist state. C.IJ, can ba judged by its app oval of the position, of tic Fe%v of the men who oriented .Mealy group in the AFL-CIO on the I11docllina wa?r. rI'ili a the Social Democratic elements was well dernoiistratad at the May 25-27 co"i1forei-,ce of towards rabid anti-Sovietism and the Sccialist International (S( in 1-1, lsinki). red baiting since World War I. Even that body, dominated by rightwing socialists who head capitalist governments or have a part in coalitions, rejected the out-and-out pro-Meany pro-Nixon line in the U.S. Socialist Party's position. A compromise position was ac- cepted which included a warning that the Indochina position cannot be settled by military means, and that a (late should be set for withdrawal, although there was still an' effort to equate the U.S. aggressors with North Vietnam anc .the liberation forces. Delegates of some of the major socialist part- ies attacked the U.S. delegates position. Canada's delegate, D. Lewis, for example, said, "A so- cialist who-does not see Ameri- ca's aggression has no right to call himself a socialist." The SP played a similar ultr;1- .rightist role ' when the Middle East situation came up. This is evident even from the report on the conference by Paul Feldman, delegate of the SP in the July 30 issue of '"New America," paper of the SP. The U.S. delegates were' the most loud-mouthed backers of Golda Meir, who represented "so- cialist" Israel. So blatant was their position that Vaino Leskinen; the Social Democratic minister of for i t affairs of l inland upbraid- ed Friedman for his rabid anti- Conlriltnlisill and "termed the U.S. delegate 'stupid.' " To the dis- pleasure of the U,S. "socialists," the 81 resolution, also a compro- mise, was considerably subdued in comparison to the earlier stand. Thus we see the. SP trying to play the same role in the SI that Meany and Co. had been playing in the International Confederation of Free Trade Union until they eventually gave up and quit that body. of the Vietnam policy. days, are still alive. But their So the SP sent a delegation of offspring, including several rene- its Young People's Socialist Lea- gados from Cotruntutisn'r and d - gue to look the Senator over and serters from socialist lands, make ask hit, questions. They came up the staff and full timers of the away convinced that "Jackson is present SP orbit. the one. Their links to the AFL-CIO bu- A column of Evans and Novack reaucracy take various forms. Bustin writes an article in llar- (N.Y. Post, Aug. 13), noted "The ,Pre 1~laga:~in'c defcr,dir,g the AFL- heart of the Young Socialists now d hi h arges o CIO lea ers p aJ ' c found him to be almost a "social- racism. The AFL- C30 reprints it ist." : - and distributes it widely. Vihen Josh Muravchik, YPSI, president Meany and Co. were under sharp expressed delight with Jackson criticism for their attitude to because lie was "not falling into wards youth and the campus anti- the reo-isolationist bag on foreign war movement, Tom Kahn, YPSL member and executive director in SP language meaning " olic , , p y that Jackson would continue the of LID came throw h with in arts: "American world leadership" po cle about an alleged f ontash hey. among the youth in support of the is the supply by right :z-in; in the AFL-CIO Fede the SP of some of its younger re rationist. cruits for the AFL-CIO's services The Jewish Labor Committee is abroad under the government-fi- especially appreciated in Meany's nanced, CIA-oriented programs office because it defends his Latin Atheiica, Asia ancGAfricrc. crowd against charges of racism. What does it all add no to? John P. Roche, former YPSL The SP, long dormant, is being member, has a weekly column in reactivated as the core of a "so- the AFL-CIO News. The SP's ? paper reprints those columns. ctallst orbit now controlled by Now that SP leadership has the rigiltrr:ing Social Democratic been cleansed of pro-peace and elements who for many years Thomas followers, then like Shan- were independent of the SP when ker, Rustin and Roche write in led by Norman Thomas. They "New America" under by-lines. called themselves the Social De- In past years, the SP was not mocratic Federation. They are welcome to the top bureaucracy mainly the group that depended of the AFL and later AFL-CIO. on finance from David Dubiusky The very term "socialist" rubbed when he headed the International this gentry the wrong way. But Ladies Garment Workers Union today, when progressive winds and o;?, h- I srcccssor. They includ- - ed the Jewish Labor Committee are strong.. and p llec in acade- mic and other intellectual fields headed by Dubinsky. The Jewish are cold to the lc aclers of most Daily Fort, ard, right ht-wing organ unions, the top labor bureaucracy for generations; the League for is very much in need of a "Iibe- Industrial Democracy; the Work- rat" cover. For-that reason, on a ers Defense League; Albert Shan- number of occasions, the AFL-CIO ker of the Teachers Union and some of his staff; .and the A. Phi- I=ederationist printed articles on the kind of socialists here and lip Randolph Institute, of which abroad who are "acceptable." Bayard. Rustin is director, finatlc- lease 209 / ' LCIA-RDP8O-01601 R0001 00190001-3 11 T B f i ' l 7 1 i ' y o r A 1o A 1VA t Sept 3.971 Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601 i. mper al T-, t N's Ija U10111 and Propaganda 'STA-TINTL .IN OUR DAYS, the role of propaganda and in- agent inffirencing political affairs abroad is be telligence as major foreign policy instruments coming a central figure," wrote Bergh, a West of the imperialist states is growing all the time. German expert on intelligence.3 B. Alurty, an American professor, emphasises In this way, a kind of all organisationally that the functions of camouflaged ideological independent sphere c` so-called - unofficial coercion and -subversion of world law and order propaganda is forming, n the opinion of West- are being carried out by means of -propaganda.' ern specialists and politicians, this type of pro- In effect, Marty recognises the close connection paganda has a number of advantages over the between propaganda and intelligence ' f . The intelligence agencies do not, of course, conduct their propaganda activity openly, but they possess the necessary means to promote id l eo ogical subinbdd verso aroa an render it more effective. A network of secret agents and d pai informers, bribed newspaper and magazine publishers, corrupt politicians and adventurers, to whom the intelligence service assigns the role of "charity workers" and "educationalists"--- alI this makes it possible for the intelligence service to exercise anonymous control in spread- ing propaganda and disinformation. Richard Helms, the head of the. CIA, stated in a memorandum to the government that the , psychological warfare must be placed fully tinder the control of the US intelligence service. Psy- chological warfare, he'stressed, is' a sphere of government activity which must be dealt with / only by professionals acting in secret. An Anre- J rican professor, Ransom, who for a long time took part in the military research programme of Harvard University, holds that the role of the CIA in undertaking political and psychological subversive acts has increased so much. that it has become a major instrument of political war, an el has far exceeded the functions determined by the law.on jhe establishment of the ;UTA.2 Some bourgeois scholars call this process `.`politicising" the intelligence service. "The See A. Musty, Propaganda and World Public Order. . fhe Legal Regulation of the Ideological Instrument of Coercion, New Haven-London, 1968, p. 11. ,See H.? Ransom, The Intelligence Establislunenf, Cambridge (Ma*s.), 1970, pp. 94, 239, o ficial one. A report "The American Ima Abroad", submitted to the American Senate T ii-, 1968 by the Republican Coordinating Gout- rilittec, stresses that the material being spread by non-governmen(al agencies is accepted in foreign countries with greater trust than that put out by the government. In view of this, the corn- mit'tee recommended the government to en- courage by every possible means the American organisations issuing information and ro- p paganda material for foreign countries. A vivid example of the kind of unofficial pro- paganda directed against the USSR and other socialist countries is the activity of Radio Free Europe, officially an independent organisation, but virtually controlled by the US authorities. Speaking in the US Senate in January 1971, Senator C. Case said that 1,642 employees of Free Europe and about 1,500 professional work- ers of the Liberty radio station were maintain- ed by the CIA. These subversive centres make use of 49 transmitters bought with CIA money. The American intelligence service expends an- nually over $30 million on these radio saboteurs. Hundreds of millions of dollars have travelled from the US state treasury to the accounts of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty for over 20 years. As for the assertions that they are financed from "private. donations", it transpires that these -donations do not even cover advert is- lug expenses on. appeals to the American public for money. The US intelligence agencies secretly subsi-, 3 H. 13ergh, A13C der Spione, Pfaffenhofcn, 1965, p. 83. Approved For Release 2001103/04: C.IA-RDP80-01601 R000100`7` 0 Y 1= J,I' C' Approved. For Release 2001/03/04 : dlA-RDP80-01601 OQ! ------ - ------ 1''A..e\ICIUt.=+Ol . '.Text J_.)oo: ~ La icj__ti America in the -1970S by Cary i/~lc;oisl (Holt, Rinehart and Winston; $6.95) Gary MacEoin assembles the necessary facts to prove that revolution next door is inevitable.. The Alliance for Progress has failed, and the reforms agreed on at Punta del Este have been blocked when- ever . anyone has tried to implement them, The disturbing new element in this book lies in the plentiful evidence that the United States may already be so enmeshed in Latin American econo- mies as to find difficulty in disengage- ment when the firing begins. IN situa- tion is comparable to the early years in \-'ictnam when the extent of our in- volvement was large but hard to see. Once again the role of imperialism is the cause. The Savedish authority, Gun- nar Nlyrdel, is quoted as roughly esti- mating that "directly or indirectly through joint enterprises or other ar- rangements, United States corporations not. control or. decisively influence be- tween 70 and 90 percent of the raw ma- terial resources of Latin America, and probably more than half of its modern manufacturing industry, banking, coin= coerce, and foreign trade, as well as much of its public utilities." That high percentage of big business involvement and control means there are innumer- able American families who will find disassociation from engagement in Latin America economically painful. Our imperialism is also extending its neo-colonial tentacles into the social and political life. Latin American armed forces have been assimilated into the United States defense system' under which participating countries receive advanced weapons and integrated train- ing. Instruction includes ideology'. The same old ruse of fighting ''communist subversion" is being used to maintain the hemispheric status quo. And Latin American labor syndicates have been emasculated. Their leaders have been trained in our brand of trade unionism so expertly that they can easily be ma- l,t d ~f~l,ecl~~~{{cif '40"W-10 App t . , `tilts Lute for Free Labor Development -to corrupt and ' control popular move- me nts." According to MacEoin, we have also invaded I_atin American culture, finding it beneficial to integrate Latin American higher education with our own machin- cry for establishing academic standing. We can then employ the properly trained nationals in our international industri4!l complex, or drain off the brains where shortages exist at home. Also we have monopolized the mass media so that they may play their part in cultural colonialism; our insistent advertiCing sells both our products and our dollar-sign notions of human needs. The penetration thus appears to he complete. But v,-hat is happening? In Panama, Peru and Bolivia, power has .been seized by the armies "to protect the people from the exploitation of lo- cal oligarchs and their international business allies." Chile has gone the saute road by means of a democratic election. All through the continent, sup- pressed nationalist elements are taking heart. Even .though it may be a long wait, they are holding out to regain the control of their destinies. Mactoin sees a. parallel here with the pacification pro- gram in Indochina: "the more total the penetration the more negative the. re- suits. Political scientists must, in the future, cite this experience as no less significant than that of the Vietnam war when they discuss the limits of power of the great." `STATINTL : CIA-RDP80-01601 R000100190001-3 a) AI LY WORLD. Approved For Release 2pp~1/ i1ofil CIA-RDP80-01601 / ,r ,~ t f,r, r; ~? coordinated at Washington head G C01- , MW'a-'3`J the late Matthew Well and Dav- ?"?~' Dubin sky. This was before v,7 o o ' Dien Bien Phu, where the French 11 Cl .3C [f C[r cc V 0 HflI ti'10, tl colonialists rnet disastrous de feat at 1116 hands of the Vet- `i'he whole country is talking about how the people names-, headed by I10 Chi r-:iinh. of the'-United States were swindled into the Indochina In those days, the AFL's F ede- war-the greatest mass deception since Hitler-launched rationist frequently carried art- -tile telex by hrov,,n in, wvhler his the Nazi march toward world leaaership: But as the main target was the French gov- AFL-CIO building facing Washington's Lafayette Park, crnnlerit on the ground that it directly opposite the White. House, the occupant's are. Vras inept and not an effective silent. - cation Workers of America an (1, force against ''Conhlnunism'' i11 . urgency George Meany's people are harped on the y of course, the International Aofs a ia U.S Il.e ta !;cover of the ob. glum. They blow we are nearing Ladies Garment Workers Uon judgement day. From what the Operating out_ 'of Tokyo was whose leaders originally used Richard Deverall; the AFL's New York Times has already I,ovestone to head their inter gent, w~ io wrote in a printed and the avalanche of ma- national affairs. East Asia agent, now appearing in the press, similar vein in the Federationist. I,ec< ll the article by Thomas in defin nee of Attorney General Ili-den (now a N.Y. Post col nn - This Loves.ono-t,?cany Hue for John Mitchell, people are begin- . a U.S. takeover in Indochina was nist) in the May 21 1967 Satur- iYing to find out who belongs on the policy of the Air L's burenue- day Evening Post (note defunct), racy lot:; before it became nck- the war criminals' list. And entitled, I'm Glad the CIA is noevledgcd Slate Dehe,-u-nent when that list is completed, Imml oral." Ile told how, as as- t ` George Meany and some of his policy. In the AFL-CIO 1935 con- cronies, will be, or should be, sista Dulles, nt to CIA director Allow veution in San h'rancisco, this arranged a network he of (Braden) ls aandrraphony line was made "palatable" to on it. . We must not forget that the foundations" to finance people some opponents of the policy, AFL-CIO bureaucracy had a very and trimmed up as solidarity" in unions, student ann cultural important part in the gigantic with trade unions in Saigon. conspiracy ' ? 01'gaT11""/.at10nS to pl'OV1Cl'.'. cover the details of which Two years ago the dominant are only now coming out. for CIA's dirty work. - Meany-Loveston'e ' clique split Those of us who have been Braden told how in tike 19 0 53 from the International Confed- saying-and were maligned and oration of Free. Trade Unions persecuted} for saying it-that ~a period, he personally handed out CIA money to I they were instrumental in found rvine Brown, mi]ital?}-inc,Tlstrial coJltplex run- ~ ing in 1949, because even the ping the government engineered Lovestone's assistant, mentioning right wing leaders of unions the conspiracy and deceived the $15000 in one one wacasete,rfitoont pay ganoff abroad refused to align thern-'1211 .people, have always pointed a Stri selves with the 1`rlcany-Lovcstonc- finger at those -labor' leaders sters in France who operated CIA operations. who had a hand in it. Their part the guise of "pro-American an- As recently as February, the ,? in the plot was clear even 1)CfOre ti-Communists." AFL-CIO executive council vient the first U.S. "advisers," began Ile descrhbecl how Lovestone ~ oil record supporting expansion to arrive in Iictirani. was given about $2 million a of the Indochina operation to In 1930. the peoule learned of year to spend for CIA labor Laos. The ILGWU's convention operations and hoer he obtained s how the Central Intelligence 1SSUraIJCe from. the 1e11d~rs of in Harm last mont}l, deaf to the Agency operated a chain of 1` rising cry for peace again restat- phony foundations through which the AFL that it ias money spent ed its extreme hawk position. it financed student, labor, col- effectively. - Ironically, these "labor" hawks rural and other groups as covers In that period even the auto are even to the right of soma of for its global operations. The union's leaders accepted CIA the Southerners like Senators news media then put the spot- money for some operations in B. h veret' Jordan (D-NC) and light on the International. Affairs Europe. Walter Reuther later Merman Talrnadge (D-Ga), who Depart nent of the AFL'-CIO, run claimed that only once did his shifted position for immediate ,by George Meany and its direc- group take ti 50,000 from Braden,' withdrawal from Vietnam tor Jay Lovestone. A number of So the record is quite clear on- The part some union leaders unions were especially distin-, the cozy relations that existed played in hoodwinking us into ,~?guisheci in CIA operations under between the controlling top bu-, the disastrous Indochina war Jay t,ovestone's department. reaucracy of labor and the State shames us before the world. Among those given prominence Department and CIA; at bast We must not forget. The guilty were leaders of the American since 1950. And it. bras all "justi- must be exposed. Their treach- Newspaper Guild; the Retail fled" in the name of anti-Com-' cry must be bared. They are Clerks International Association; 111UIh1SI11. not labor leaders. They are the former leaders of the Oil, Chenl_ In those years Irving Brown tools of imperialism in labor's ical and Atomi t ? f 1' ? Q '1'/I' "1'OV111FJ '1mbas- rank c 1 s s STATINTL r i , . .n o t o Y,as state county and Apt 'iJv J-FoiA-i1easel- OOf1/d3tQ4 ,sCIA-RDP80-01601 R000100190001-3 ,ployes; Joe Beirne's Comnluni- the field man for time operation STATINTL Approved For ReI a OO /~3 @, t , , g001 Tzi The General Policy Stateliieiit And Labor ;>t?Or,if,iTl of 01"! ez rrli.E.' of 1t of r' ' ln_