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In 1967, when the lid was
blown off the CIA's operations
- which it conducted through phony
foundations and the international
affairs machinery of George
Meany and Jay Lovestone, it was
di?closed that more than a mil-
lion dollars of CIA money was
channeled through the M. J. Ka-
plan Fund to finance an outfit
called the Institute of Labor Re-
search, The real operator of the
ILR was one Sacha Volman, who,
?had earlier worked for Radio
Free Europe, one-of the CIA pro-
paganda networks. The II,R,
under .Volman's direction, was
given the task of splitting and
confusing the forces in Latin
America opposing the reaction-
ary dictatorships in a number of
countries, by setting up "left of
center" anti-Communist fronts.
Seventeen such parties were set
up in Latin American lands by
the CIA. through the 1LR's fi-
nances and CIA contacts. And.
who was the chairman of ILR?
Norman Thomas!
Was Thomas a conscious colla-
boratdr with the CIA? Not likely.
I recall the pitiful sight he made
when he appeared on a TV
screen and frankly admitted he
was deceived.
Harrington, ? like many reform
socialists in the past who have
seen the futility of their course,
just doesn't want to see the
realities of socialist development.
now embracing peoples of a third
of the. world. In search Of "alter- ?
aatives" they either get Swindl-
ed into enemy ventures, like the !
CIA operations in Latin America,
or they imagine they see "social-
ism" in something like Israel.
Whether conscious or not, their
line in the cud serves the re-
As for Harrington's repeated )
reminders that he follows the
Debs tradition: Debs was a mili-
tant fighter. lie hailed the esta-
blishment of the Soviet govern-
ment as the first socialist state.
He militantly fought against the
imperialist war of his time and
went to. jail for doing so. In all the
song years of the war in Indo- ?
china,. we have not seen any evi-
dence of the Debs tradition in
any of. the -wings of Socialist
Party before and after the
What made possible such mon-
strous deception of the head of
the Socialist Party? IIarrington's
predecessor also was a strong
adherent of anti-Communism in
the name of what he called "de-
mocratic socialism." He naively
believed that "left of center"
parties in Latin America would
be an effective substitute for the
militant left and Communist
movements spreading across those
lands. But shortly before his
death he found that the tactic
only proved most useful to the
CIA for setting up the military
didatorships, like those over
Brazil, the Dominican Republic,
Guatemala and others.
Basically,- the deception was
the same in the case of Hungary
in 1956 and Czechoslovakia in
1968,- as Harrington would find
by examining the facts with pre-
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STATINTL ? 7 Dec 1972
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De riding the press?
? memory: "I'm one step a lead
you, Bill. President Sukarno and
Exe usive to. the CIA' the Indonesian government know
all about this, and they are partic-
ularly incensed at having a man
of color sent to spy in their
by Witham Worthy
In April 1961, a few days after
the unsuccessful Bay of Pigs in-
vasion of Cuba, Allen Dulles, at
that time the director of the Cen-
tral Intelligence Agency, met in
off-the-record session with the
American Society of Newspaper
Editors at their annual conven-
i Given the Cuba intelligence, by
. 'then obviously faulty, that had en-
tered into Washington's rosy ad-
vance calculations, he inevitably
was pressed to tell: "Just what
are the sources of the CIA's infor-
mation about other countries?"
? One source, Dulles replied, was
U. S. foreign correspondents who
are "debriefed" by the CIA on
their return home. The usual
,practice is to hole up in a hotel
;room for .several days of intense
interrogation. moment and then replied: "Oh,
Much of the debriefing, I've about $10,000." Out of the CIA's
. .
..learned over the years, is agreed ?petty cash drawer.
:to freely and willingly by individu- ; My first awareness of the CIA's
world's image of them as spies. In ' 1 newsmen abroad came at the
I al newsmen untroubled by the special use of minority-group
' time -of the 1955 Afro-Asian
summit conference at Bandung,
Indonesia. Through Washington
sources (including Marquis
Childs of the St; Louis Post
Dispatch), Cliff Mackay, then edi-
tor of the Baltimore Afro-
American, discovered?and told
me?that the government was
planning to send at least one
black correspondent to "cover"
the historic gathering.
The "conduit" for the expense
money and "fee" was the director
gatherer, differed with brother country."
Foster Dulles, the Calvinist diplo- Cold-war readiness to "cooper-
mat about the wisdom of the self:' ate" with spy agencies, whether
defeating travel bans. motivated by quick and easy
Years later, I learned that the money (I've often wondered if
U. S. "vice-consul" in Budapest under-the-counter CIA payments
who twice came to my hotel to have to be reported on income tax
demand (unsuccessfully) ?my returns!) or spurred by a miscon-
passport as I transited Hungary ceived patriotism, had its pre-
en route home from China in 1957 cedent in World War I and in the
was, in fact, a CIA agent revolutionary-eounterrevolu-
operating under a Foreign Ser- tionary aftermath. In the summer
vice cover. During a subsequent of 1920 Walter Lippmann, his
lecture tour, I met socially in wife, and Charles Merz published
Kansas City a man who had in the New Republic an exhaus-
served his Army tour of duty in two survey of how the New York
mufti, on detached service in Times had reported the first two
North Africa and elsewhere with years of the Russian revolution.
the National Security Agency. Out They found that on 91 occasions?
of curiosity I asked him what ' an average of twice a week?
would be the "premium" pride for Times dispatches out of Riga,
a newsman's debriefing on out-of- Latvia, batressed by editorials,
bounds China. He thought for a had "informed" readers that the.
revolution had either collapsed or
was about to collapse, while at the
same time constituting. a "mortal
menace" to non-Communist
Europe. Lippmann and his as-
sociates attributed the misleading
coverage to a number of factors.
Especially cited in the survey
were the transcending win:the-
war and anti-Bolshevik passions
.of Times personnel, as well as
"undue ?intimacy" with Western
intelligence agencies.
After 1959, when .Fidel Castro
came to power after having,
ousted the corrupt pro-American,
Batista regime, Miami became a
modern-day Riga: a wild rumor
factory from where Castro's
"death" and imminent overthrow
were repeatedly reported for sev-
eral years. Both in that city of ex-
patriates and also in Havana,
"undue intimacy" with the CIA
caused most North American re-
pcmters covering the Cuban revo-
lution to echo and to parrot of-
ficial U. S. optimism about the
Bay of Pigs invasion.
In the summer of 1961, on my
fourth visit to that revolutionary
island, a Ministry of Telecom-
munications official told me of a
not untypical incident shortly
before the invasion. Through mer-
cenaries and through thoroughly
discredited Batistianos, the CIA
was masterminding extensive
sabotage inside Cuba?a policy
at least one case, as admitted to
me by the Latin-American spe-
cialist on one of our mass-circula-
tion weekly newsmagazines, the
debriefing took place very reluc-
tantly after his initial refusal to
cooperate was vetoed by his supe-
riors. But depending on the par-
ticular foreign crises or obses-
sions at the moment, some of the
eager sessions with the CIA
debriefers bring handsome re-
muneration. Anyone recently re-
turned from the erupted Philip-
pines can probably name his
Despite its great power and its
general unaccountability, the CIA
dreads exposes. Perhaps because
of a "prickly rebel" family repu-
tation stretching over three gen-
erations, the CIA has never
approached me about any of the
48 countries I have visited,
including four (China, Hungary,
Cuba, and North Vietnam) that
hal been placed off-limits by the
State Department. But the secret
agency showed intense interest in
my travels to those ,"verboten"
lands. In fact in those dark days,
Eric Sevareid once told me. that
Allen Dulles, the intelligence
of a "moderate" New York-based
national organization, 'Supported
by many big corporations, that
has long worked against employ-
ment discrimination. The CIA
cash was passeJ to the organiza-
tion's diree Lor by a highly placed
Eisenhower administratiOn of-
ficial overseeing Latin-American
affairs who later became gover-
nor of a populous Middle Atlantic
state, and whose ? brothers and .
family foundation have long been
heavy contributors to the job op- 1
portunity organization.
Because of the serious implica-
tions for .a press supposedly free
of governmental ties, I relayed
this information to the American
Civil .Liberties Union. I also toldP
Theodore Brown, one of A. Philip
Randolph's union associates in
the AFL-CIO Brotherhood of
Sleeping Car Porters. Ted's re-
. .
Approved For.Rretesasies2004103/014iP GIA
ren in their elasSrooms. and
women where they shop.
On one such occasion a bomb
went off at 9M8 p. m. Five minutes
earlier, at 9.03 p. m., an ambitious
U. S. wire-service correspondent
filed an ;`urgent press" dispatch
from the Western Union ,
printer in his bureau office, re-
porting the explosion that, awk-
wardly for him, came five min-
utes after the CIA's scheduled
time. When that correspondent
and most of his U. S. colleagues
were locked up for a week or two
during the C1A-directed Bay of
Pigs invasion' and were then ex-
pelled, many U. S. editorial writ-
ers were predictably indignant.
Except perhaps in Washingtor
itself and in the United Nation:
delegates' lounge, the CIA':
department on journalism
probably busier abroad than v..,ti
newsmen at home. In 1961, during
a . televised interview,. Wallet
Lippmann referred casually tc
the CIA's bribing of foreigi
newsmen (editors as well as tht
working press), especially at tin
time of critical elections.. All ?ye]
the world governments and politi
cal leaders, in power and in op
position, can usually name theii
journalistic compatriots who arl
known to be or strongly suspectek
of being on the CIA's bountifu
payroll. I believe it was Lem
Trotsky who once observed tha
anyone who engages in in
telligence work is always\n-
covered sooner or later.
' Even neutralist countric
learned to become distrustful
U. S. newsmen. In early 3967,
Prince Norodom Sihanouk ex-
pelled a black reporter after just
24 hours. In an. official statement
the Ministry of Information al
leged that he "is known to be not
only a journalist but also an agent
of the CIA." In a number of Afro.
Asian countries, entry visas for U.
S. correspondents, particularly II
on a first visit, can ? be approve(
only by the prime minister oi
other high official.
As recently as a generation ago
it would have been unthinkabb
for most U. S. editors, publishers
newscasters, and reporters to ac
quiesce in intelligence de
briefings, not to mention les
"passive" operations. What Ei
'Marrow denounced as the cold
war concept of press and universi
ty as instruments of foreign polic:
had not yet spread over the land
doomed to failure not only In the years before the Secon,
because anti-Castro endeavors World War, if any governmen
lacked a popular base, but also agent had dared to solicit the cc
_ operation lof a William Alle
because kindergartens, depart
ment stores during shopping C kJ)
hours, and similar public places
RDP041 60
It /001 800
bombed. In no country toes one C. t (0'3 p-(Pev-T,
mobilize mass?support by killing ,0"
" 1
BLITZ (India)
25 Nev 19.72
elease 2001/03704-: Ctlimi1mo-o1
(flI jr
ORTY YEARS AGO, the students in Berlin ? shrieked:
"We spit on freedom". That attitude of mind of the
German nation enabled Adolf Hitler to bamboozle the
electorate and seize power. . CIA activities in our country.
-17-1r143 "4.71
?Lvt. ?401,1:1
The alternative to her seems to
be chaos and not revolution. For
revolution we require character
and integrity. Alas, we cannot
boast of these characteristics and
we witness the dismal spectacle of
politicians who blatantly defend
- In 1972, another facet of the Two tons of opium and POLITICS OF' HER0Ii4
diseased human mind led Mrs. morphine were seized aboard
Patricia Nixon and her hen-wit- a junk in Hong Kong bar-
ted daughter, Julie Eisenhower, to bour. This Is-as tbe second It is in this connection I give
proclaim in defence of Richard biggest seizure. The two- below a summary of the account
Nixon's Vietnam policy that they million-dollar worth of con- which haseNavpio)era yodo4sino'ff121e1 Sop-
were willing to immolate them- traband narcotics is part of York nevi
selves on behalf of the Saigon the CIA-mastermint ded drug tpeorni ibuccrs 409f72ireArobinook inc n tsi euclth The
. stooge, '.1"hien. traffic to Souh-Ea st A a
a ?Asia lw Alfred W. McCoy was to
THAT EN:PLAINS TO A CETI- countries to lullthe titzlennetriienati(1)
be published ,by the Nv ell-known
submission to
TADN EXTENT WHY THE ill. publishers, Harper & Row,
R AT C on
.A N ELECTORATE June 1, ? 1972, Cord Meyer,
BROUGHT ABOUT A LAND- One would have thought that a CIA official
SLIDE VICTORY FOR RI- this repulsive record wa's enough York office of ? vHairsplecrd&thielowNaenwd
CHAIM NIXON, THE MOST for any decent roan to renounce requested the ?management to
CONTEMPTIBLE, THE 0sT /-4 Nixon In disituA However the .. , . m provide him with a copy of the
UNOVET) FiGuitr, IN ANTE- American ballot ? box turned v galley-proofs of McCoy's. forth-
- :. RICAN POLITICS Or THE to be another idiot box, And the
- TWENTIETH CE.NTERY. most affluent society In the wc)rld coming book.
'showed itself as the most sick
mn. mceo
BLACK RECORD society, Con IN THIS 1;001i i'.equently one must
sclY farewell not only to tile Arne-
IA AND Tin?, C
rican Dream but to freedom at CITY OF Tin3
Richard ? Nixon's re-election Ds large. STATE DEPARTMENT IN Oft-
Presider.t of the US proves cern- GA NISH,TG so II T IT EAST
plete erosion of . moral values in SICK SOCIETY ASIAN DRUG TRAFFIC S1NCE?
American society. What has been
the record of this man as Brest- To advance my thesis I muet At this very time the author,
deet of the US in the last four turn to The New York Review of Alfred McCoy, was testifyin!, be-
years? Books of 21 September, 1172, the fore. the Senate Appropriations
Notwithstanding the pantomime sea-mail copy which has just or- Committee his findings into the
mimicry of Dr: Rissinger's secret ' rived in Bombay. Before doing so Southeast Asian drug traffic. Mc-
ir-?geti71 ions Nv t h Hanoi, Nixon I may be permitted a pertinent Coy's researches included. during
has int:nsified the Vietnam War. aside. 18 months of study more than 210 .
He has devastatA North and In the midst of all this, the interviews with heroin, dealers,.
Fouth Vietnam with fifteen mil- "While Russians" of Indian so- Police officials and intelligence
lion tons of bombs and a million ciety are up in arms as their on- agents in Europe and Asia. ?
Asians 'dead. And ope is Inclined ginals were trying to attack and It. was Cord Meyer's contention
to agree with I.F.Stone, the cele- dislodge Lenin. The Indira Gov- that Mr. McCoy's book would be
brated American columnist, that ernment is subjected to the most full of inaccuracies. It would em-
the Vietnam 'War may go On un vicious attacks from the deshi barrass the United ?States govern-
1978, "White Russians." They seem to merit and perhaps involve the
Richard Nixon has lowered the forget that drought is not an publishers in libel suits. (As a
respect for the United States Indian phenomenon only. It pre- CIA official, Cord Meyer had been
Supreme Court by appointing wills in the Soviet Union and in in the past in charge of provid-
non-enlities ready to carry out Maoist China as well as in India. jng financial subsidies to organ-
thCir master's will. It has compelled Russia and isations such as the National Stu-
He has bullied the national China to buy American wheat (lents' Association, Encounter
worth billions of dollars in hard magazine, and the Congress for
press into subservience and With
his secret electoral funds of C.45 cash. Cultural Cultural Freedom.)
'million, provided by the military- ? Drought is not the only Indian
industrial complex, bought. tele- calamity. Corruption. at all levels
vision to portray him every night in our society has brought about
as a man of peace hijacking his a state of -affairs which can only
The publishers got in touch with
way to Peking and Moscow, end in chaos. We are a corrupt the author and informed him that
He has employed electronic de- and degraded lot. There is no they had decided to let the CIA
-vices to spy on his political' op- doubt about it, But who is there
examine the galley-proof?. The
patients, The list can go on, in our country today to replace reasons given by the publishers
Approved ForRelease 2001/03/04.: CIA=RD0PV-01po1R000100180001C4litirf"1
. ? ? Indira Gandhi? . .
of iiirccbo
NOVEMBER 24, 1972
And Country.
One of the most bizarre accounts of covert CIA
financing, espionage, Communist activities and
murder involves Jacob Merrill Kaplan or his nephew
Joel David Kaplan.
Jacob M. Kaplan was born in Lowell, Mass. on
December 23, 1893, the son of David Kaplan and the
former Fannie Gertz (a 1938 biography refers to his
mother as Fannie Levin). After attending public
schocils? in Massachusetts, Kaplan spent ten years in
semi-tropical: Latin American sugar-prodUcing
countries. On June 20, 1925 he married Alice
Manheim and they had four children: Joan Felice
(Mrs. C. Gerard Davidson), Elizabeth (Mrs. Gonzalo
Fonseca), Richard David, and Mary Ellen.
? In 1920 Jacob Kaplan organized the Oldetyme
Molasses Company and served as its president until it
was merged with Dunbar Molasses Company in 1924.
In 1928 he sold the entire company and became
president of J.M. Kaplan and Brothers, Inc. and later
the Kaplan Holding Corp. In 1.934 he established the
Molasses Products Corp. He and his half-brother,
Abrim Isaac Kaplan, became millionaires known as
the "molasses kings."
In the hearings known as Appendix IX of the
Special Committee on Un-American Activities of the
U.S. Congress, page 1085, it was revealed that J.M.
Kaplan' was affiliated with the American Committee
for the Settlement of Jews in Biro Bidjan (in the
Soviet Union). This organization was cited as a
Communist front which had its own worldwide
propaganda campaign for the purpose of getting Jews
to emigrate to a province of the Soviet Union. The
organization was subsequently cited as subversive by
an Attorney General of the U.S. .
By 1932 Jacob Kaplan was president and chairman
of the board of Hearn Department Stores, Inc.; he
became president of the American Dry Ice Corp. the
following year, and in 1945 became president. of
Welch Grape Juice, Inc. of New York. He was also an
Approved For Release 2001/03/04
official of the Ronier Corp., Jemkap Inc., and
Southwestern Sugar and Molasses Co., Inc. He was a
director of the New Mexico Lumber and Timber
Company and president and director of the J.M.
Kaplan Fund, Inc., which he originally started in
Jacob Kaplan received considerable publicity when
it was disclosed that through his J.M. Kaplan Fund,
Inc. of 55 Fifth Avenue, New York City, at least a
million dollars of CIA funds were dispensed to such
leftist organizations as the Institute of International
Labor 'Research, Inc. This outfit which has also been
knoWn as Labor Research, Inc., maintains an office at
113 East 37th Street, N.Y.C. It was headed by the
late Norman Thomas, Chairman of the Socialist Party
of the United States, at the very time CIA turned
over nearly $1 million to it for the purpose of
financing what the New York TIMES of February 22,
1967, described euphemistically as "17 left-of-center
parties throughout Latin America."
Secretary?Treasurer of the Institute ? of Labor
Research was Sacha Volman, who set up radically
leftist "institutes" in Costa Rica and the Dominican
Republic. According to Otilia.Ulate, former President
of Costa Rica, the San Jose Institute supported only
those Parties which "have the characteristic features
which make them identical in doctrine and homo-
genous in political and social attitudes with Russian
CoMmunism." Ulate said that all democratic parties
opposed to the Marxist regime in Cuba were excluded
from this offshoot of the Norman Thomas and Sacha
Volman Institute.
Through the Dominican Institute, using CIA funds,
Volman promoted political careers for such key
Communists ?as the notorious Juan Bosch. Sacha
Volman had close ties with comrades throughout
Latin America and was neck-deep in the Marxist
-Leninist "Center of Research in Economic and Social
Development" at Santo Domingo. This organization
: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100180001-4
- Approved For Release 2001/08/04 : CIA-RDP80-01601R000100180001-4
(CIDES) was financed by the CIA, the U.S. State General WESSIN. Angel Miolan is a Communist,
Department and the Ford Foundation. When his ? and I say that he is a Communist because in order to
intelligence organization infiltrated CIDES, General be secretary ,of Vicente Lombardo Toledano for 10
Wessin y Wessin of the Dominican Republic found it years you have to be a Communist.
to be a Communist training and indoctrination Mf. SOURWINE. Vicente Lombardo Toledano was
operation. Sacha Volman was an instructor in that an outstanding Communist, was h.e not? .
operation and was the man who, with State Depart- General WESSIN. Yes, sir. He was, in fact, head of
'tient and CIA direction, promoted Communist Juan all Communist political activities in Mexico . .
Posch all the way to the Presidency of the Dominican ?
Mr: SOURWINE. Now, who is Socha Volman?
General WESSIN. He Was a Rumanian brought there
Volman is suspected of being a Soviet agent by Juan Bosch. I don't know him.
ssigned to Latin American Affairs. He was born in
Mr. SOURWINE. Did you consider him a 'Com-
Russia, lived in Romania and came to the United
tates as a "refugee." He is now a U.S. citizen and has
been living at 245 East 8th St., N.Y.C. In the General WESSIN. In my country there is a saying
I learings of the Senate Internal Security Sub-com- that says tell me with whom you go, and I will tell
inittee on "The Communist Threat to the United you who you are." (End of Quote)
!iitates Through the Caribbean," General Wessin y Also involved with the Communist-oriented CIDES
Wessin testified under oath about Volman's CIA organization was Supreme Court Justice William 0.
operation: (Quote) Douglas. The Parvin. Foundation, of which Douglas
was a member of the board of directors, joined with
Mr, SOURWINE. Now, you spoke of 40 Corn- the National Association of Broadcasters and CIDES
timnist indoctrination centers operating in the to produce "educational" films. According to the
1)ominican Republic under Juan Bosch. Did these New York TIMES of February 22, 1967, Douglas
centers operate openly as a Communist operation? became a member of the board of CIDES, winch
administered the film .project in the field. The
General WESSIN. Openly:
"educational" films and the CIDES Communist train-
Mr. SOURWINE. Did they display Communist ing school had to be abandoned when President
lionners or signs? Bosch attempted an open Communist takeover and
General WESSIN. One of these schools located on was overthrown by a military coup late in 1963. The
Caracas Street No. 54 displayed the Soviet flag. CIA had been financing an effort to turn the
Dominican Republic into another Cuba.
Mr. ,SOURWINE. The Soviet flag? Not just a
Communist banner with a hammer and sickle, but the In 1952 Jacob Kaplan became a trustee of the New
soviet flag? School for Social Research on West 12th Street in
New York City, well-known as a Marxist-oriented
General WESSIN. It was the red flag with the
school. In 1956 Kaplan was honored, along with two
nammer and sickle.
others, when an 8-story annex of a new school
Mr. SOURWINE. Now, do you know where these building was named for him. A 4-story building on
i:enters were operated? You named the location of 1 1 th Street was named for Albert A. List, president
:me. Can you tell us where others were? of the Glen Alden Corp., and the main college
General. WESSIN. In the school Padre Villini building on 12th Street was named for Dr. Alvin
Calle-Mercedes. This building, in spite of the fact that Johnson, long a professor at the New School for
A belonged to the Government, was turned over to Social Research. Dr. Johnson was reported to be a
the Communist Dato Pagan Perdomo to install a supporter of the late Communist Congressman Vito
--,chool of political science. Marcantonio, and according to. published reports., was
There was another one, which went under the affiliated with a long list of Communist fronts.
initials of ?CIDES located in the farm, or Finca Jaina In 1968 ground was broken in New York City. for
iitioza. In this school, the teachers were among the the construction of an apartment complex, originally
ii)thers, Juan Bosch, Angel Miolan, and Sacha Volman. estimated to cost $10 million, to provide low income
Mr. SOUIMINE. On of those names has come Up i housing for artists, writers, sculptors, musicians,
before. 0neFffr.9,Y19Piita.rigqigksgigrAc19A/P4 : CIA-BRA0aQi 61Rim0ill0d80004-4ulture." The
ivas Angel Miolan? project was a joint venture of the J.M. Kaplan Fund
and the National Council on the Arts, both of which
made graiptbiy0176W,M. fatiffgais
Loans to finance the project were ma. e ?Ey the.
Federal Housing Administration. The property was
purchased from Bell Laboratories for $21/2 million by
the Westbeth Corp., anon-profit organization formed
by the Kaplan Fund. Mrs: Joan Davidson, daughter of
Jacob Kaplan, told the New York TIMES "The
? Federal Housing Administration has been very broad-
minded, helpful and reasonable and has waived their
usual requirements in several areas."
Kaplan's daughter, Joan, had married Crow Girard
Davidson on. December 20, 1953 and they were
divorced in March of 1967. Davidson was a member
of the Democratic National Committee and had been
Assistant Secretary of the Interior from 1946 to
1950. On page 5291 of the Senate Internal Security
Subcommittee hearings on the Institute of Pacific
? Relations, exhibit 1294 is a letter to Davidson from.
Edward Carter, President of the IPR, indicating a
close. relationship.
On May 20, 1970, the New York TIMES reported
the formal opening of Westbeth, the world's largest
housing project for artists which has cost $13 million
so far. Speaking on the occasion, in addition to
Mayor John Lindsay, was Rev. Howard L. Moody of
the Judson Memorial Church, long a supporter of
leftist causes.
Jacob M. Kaplan and his half-brother, Abrim Isaac,
niade millions in sugar and molasses, principally in
Cuba and the Dominican Republic. Abrim died in
? 1959 and his wife, Mrs. Ray Kempner Kaplan of
N.Y., died in May, 1965. Joel .David Kaplan, age 45,
the son of Abrim and Ray, became a partner in the
? Kaplan interests in Central and South America.
Kaplan had been living at 215 E. 75th St., N.Y.C.,
and married a New York model, Bonnie Sharie, on
October 14, 1956. The marriage was a stormy one
and Was terminated after Bonnie charged her husband
with cruelty and told N.Y. Supreme Court Justice
Thomas Aurelio that in one year of married life her
husband had beaten her 20 times. Eventually she was
awarded $200 a week alimony but Kaplan was
constantly in arrears.
.Joel Kaplan established an independent molasses
business in Peru and trucking firms in Texas and
Oklahoma. He subsequently entered into an official
partnership with Luis M. Vidal, jr., the godson. of
the late General Rafael Trujillo of the Dominican
Republic. Vidal, Jr. was the personal unofficial
? representative or business agent for the Dominican
Republic during a number of years while Trujillo
headed the government. Luis Melchoir Vidal, Sr., an
importer, has been a consultant to U.S. Government
CIA- OticoosiNdosowl AAA% lad influential
nen s o h ms a mn
. . During the 1950's Vidal teamed up with Joel
Kaplan and, under cover of either the Paint Company
of America or the American Sucrose Company, they
operated throughout Latin America reportedly as
agents of the CIA, supplying arms to anti-Communist
governments and movements. Joel Kaplan, however,
was on the left and reportedly also supplied guns for
Communist guerrillas in Guatemala, Nicaragua, Hon-
duras, and Cuba, while Vidal was selling arms to anti-
Communists and anti-Castro Cubans. It was also re-
ported that Kaplan had even shortchanged the guerrilla
leaders by supplying less arms than were paid for.
The business partnership ended abruptly with the
murder of Vidal.
It is believed that Vidal learned of his partner's
dealings with the Communist guerrillas and there was
a falling out. On November 18, 1961 the decomposed
and bullet-torn body of a man, subsequently identi-
fied as that of Luis M. Vidal, Jr., was found in a
shallow grave off a lonely road between Mexico city
and Cuernavaca.
Kaplan, who had been in Mexico; returned to New
York where he learned that Mexican authorities
wished to question him concerning the death of his
partner. Kaplan left the U.S. and went to Madrid,
. Spain where he was arrested in the spring of 1962 by
Louis . Pozo, the Spanish Chief of Interpol (inter-
national police agency). After a week in a Madrid jail,
Kaplan was returned to Mexico to face trial for
premeditated murder. Kaplan was represented at the
trial .by Victor Velasquez, a prominent Mexican at-
torney and associate of Louis Nizer of New York.
The defense claimed that the body of the murdered
man was not Vidal but the Mexican authorities
produced Vidal's wife who identified the deceased as
her husband. Tremendous pressures were brought to
bear on both sides and and attempt had allegedly,
been made to obtain $200,000 from Kaplan as the
price for quashing the case. It was revealed that -just
before the murder, Kaplan had entered Mexico with a
false passport issued to Albert Richard Yates, age 30,
a British seaman, and that two other men accom-
panied him. One was a Russian-born naturalized
American, Evsai Petrushansky; the other, who claimed
-Israeli citizenship, had a passport issued to Earl Scott.
He later identified himself as Harry Kopelson, a
merchant from Tel Aviv. He also was charged with
the murder but was acquitted. Petrushansky was not
? brought to trial. Kaplan was convicted in Mexico City
? of premeditated murder and was sentenced to serve
.28 years in prison. A number of appeals were filed
beginning in '1965, until finally his last appeal was,
Approved For Release 2001/03/04 : CIA-RDP80-018.01R000100180001-4
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turned down by the Mexican Supreme Court in 1968.
In the meantime, in May of 1965 Kaplan's lawyers
had revealed to authorities that he had acquired a
new wife, 25-year old Irma Vasquez Calderon, and
that they were married by proxy. Under Mexican law,
wives are permitted conjugal visits with prisoners.
While the appeals were fizzling out, Joel Kaplan's
divorced sister, Judy. Kaplan Dowis, age 40, qf
Sausalito, Calif., undertook a series of attempts, both
legal and extra-legal, to get her brother out of the
Mexican prison. These included attempting to bribe
high Mexican Government officials, planning escapes
and even producing a defrocked Roman Catholic
priest who claimed that the murdered man, Luis
Vidal, was alive and that he had married Vidal to a
woman named Lucia Magana. This and numerous
tther plans and plots were unsuccessful. Judy then
made contact with Victor D. Stadter, reportedly a
1)ig-t1me smuggler, who lives in a 16-room house on a
10-acre estate in Glendora, Calif. Stadter, now 52
years old, had spent five years in the federal
penitentiary at Lewisburg, Pa. after being convicted in
he U. S. District Court in Brooklyh in connection
'ith a narcotics conspiracy case.
Stadter worked out a plan for Kaplan's escape. He
purchased a Bell Aircraft model 47 helicopter in.
t L'asper, Wyoming for $65,000; he also acquired a fast
single engine Cessna 210 aircraft and had both of
Jtein registered in the name of M. Milandra. On
August 18, 1971 at 6:37 P.M., the helicopter, piloted
;.)y Roger. Guy Hersliner, age 29, formerly of Glen-
dora and noW of Ontario, California, was set down in
the prison courtyard. Within 20 seconds it was aloft
with Kaplan and his cellmate, Carlos Antonio Con-
1reras Castro, age 36, who was serving a sentence for
::?ounterfeiting and forgery. The helicopter flew ap-
n?oximately 100 miles away where a plan piloted by
..itadter was waiting to take them to Brownsville,
Texas where they boarded another small plane which
Look them to Sausalito, Calif. where sister Judy lived.
Through Victor Stadter it was learned that Kaplan
Tent. three months in Stadter's Glendora home after
lhe escape:
In a dispatch from Mexico City, dated August 20,
1971, the U.P.I. reported that the Mexican police
asked the U.S. F.B.I. to seek and arrest a New Yorker
who had escaped by helicopter from the Mexican
lederal penitentiary. The dispatch stated that Victor
Valesquez, Kaplan's defense attorney, claimed that
-1iis client was an agent Of the CIA. On September 6,
1971 'the New York TIMES reported that a spokes-
man for the U.S. Department of Justice said that
Kaplan was NOT souJb ie FBI arhdn.glaitjae,
formal intaPsPrEfielteg-thsag4RalV tu MMetYri+
'Government in obtaining the return of Kaplan even
: CIA-RDP80-01601 R000100180001 -4 ?
though he was an escaped convict. It was subse-
quently learned ? that Kaplan's two friends, who
entered Mexico with him 'prior to the murder, had
been involved previously in European espionage
activities (not on behalf of the U.S.). Reporters who
interviewed members of the Kaplan family after his
escape obtained little information. His sister, Mrs.
Dowis, refused all information and referred ques-
tioners to her attorney, Vasilios Choulos of San
Francisco. Kaplan and his Mexican-born second v.vife
are reportedly living in the vicinity of Sante Fe, N.M.
where the Kaplan family is said to have property and
business interests.
The CIA involvement in the death of General
Trujillo has been documented. Arturo Espaillat ex-
'plains in "Trujillo: The Last Caesar" that "The
arrival of weapons from the Government of the,
United States was, for the plotters, tangible evidence
that the might of the United States was behind them.
Without that support there would simply have been
no conspiracy. Trujillo had put together a powerful
political-military machine which could only have
been destroyed by intervention from the outside
world." And the State Department had decreed that
Rafael Trujullo, our most reliable anti-Communist
ally in the Caribbean, must die. The CIA did the job.
Luis Vidal, godson of General Trujillo, was also
murdered by the CIA.
On the other hand, Joel Kaplan lives comfortably
on his inherited fortune, unmolested by the U.S.
Department of Justice in spite of his involvement in
supplying arms to Communist guerrillas and revolu-
tionaries. His illegal smuggling of arms, use of false
passports, murder conviction and finally his escape
from the Mexican prison are seemingly olno interest
to U.S. authorities. The CIA works in mysterious
ways its murders to perform and its murderers to
Extra copies of this issue 50c 5 for Si 50 for $5
100 for $10
Books by Frank A. Capell
The Strange Death of Marilyn Monroe $2 00
The Untouchables ? Book I & II (each) 2.50
Robert F. Kennedy ? A Political Biography .50
Special discounts on quantity purchases. Usual bookstore
discounts allowed.
is published every other Friday by The Herald of
Freedom, P.O. Box 3, Zarephath, N. J. 08890
Subscription $10 per year, $6 for 6 months
Frank A. Capell, Ed. & Publisher, Tel. (201) 469-2088
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Approved For Release 2001/08i :1A-RDP8OL016
Kremlin exploits anti-CM charges
..???=.01=..VIMPUS ANNIIMIMMO? - Om ????V1011*????IPPIINMIF.??????WM:?????AMMIIM?M?.....1
Soviets eatirmitini
.. _ .
By Charlotte Saikowski sionary groups were located in strategic
defense regions.
The Christian Science Monitor -
Staff correspondent of
the CIA, working through such philanthropic
? Washington organizations as - Asia Fund, was inciting
For weeks now the Russians have been separatist sentiments in Nagaland and trying
,shrilly playing up India's charges that the to sour relations between India and Bangla-
VCentral Intelligence Agency (CIA) is med- desh as well As between India and the Soviet
cluing in its internal affairs. Union. It described these alleged activities in
Sensitive about their own relationship with minute detail.
New Delhi, the Soviets appear to be trying to As U.S. officials assess it, the Soviet
drive an even deeper wedge between India campaign must be viewed against the back-
and the United States and to prevent the two drop of Moscow's own position in India. That,
from moving toward any healing dialogue, despite the treaty of friendship, has never
? If the Kremlin's vociferous anti-CIA cam- been as firm as the Russians would like and
paign points up anything, say U.S. officials, it they apparently want to shore it up.
Is that the detente between the Soviet Union Economic relations with New Delhi, for
. and the United States does not put an end to instance, have been complicated over the
the political or ideological rivalry of the two past few years. The Indians, for one, have not
powers. Moscow continue to pursue its own been willing to give the Soviets the desired
national interests and in the given case that credits.
interest lies in expanding its own influence in A coolish Kremlin view of the Indian
southern Asia and removing that of the economy is reflected in a recent commentary
Americans. . in the Soviet monthly Peoples of Asia and
i The Russians also are trying to discredit
Africa on the 25th anniversary of India's
U.S. relations with the Philippines. On Oct. 25
independence. The article points out that
Moscow Radio, in an English broadcast to India is on the capitalist road of development
Asia, said that Washington is irritated b.y the and that the. socialist program of the Con-
recent developments in Manila and sug- gress Party is not socialist by Soviet stan-
gested that the CIA had been involved in dards. .
. engineering and financing actions against the Firm base in question
Marcos government. The Russian reader is thus left with the
Indian allegations against the CIA were impression that Soviet relations with India
first leveled by the head of the Congress are not based on ideological affinity and
Party late in September. They were then therefore are not firmly based.
picked up by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi The Kremlin's concern is understandable.
and, although they have never been substan- Some segments of Indian opinion are critical
tiated, they have stirred a storm in Indian of the Russian influence on the subcontinent
politics. and generally the Indians are thought to
Some Indian media have in effect blamed place too high a value on their independence
the American intelligence organization for to fall under the Soviet thumb.
India's domestic troubles. Hence the Soviet leadership may not be too
confident about the stability of its relations
Soviets exploit situation with New Delhi and the anti-CIA campaign
The Russians moved in quickly to exploit can be interpreted as an effort to make sure
the situation and Soviet news media have that there are continuing problems between
the United States and India and that the
kept up a Steady drumfire of accusation,
often citing elaborate particulars that do not current alienation is not patched up.
U.S. officials express dismay at the present
. even appear in the Indian Press. coolness in Indian-American relations ?
In sum, they charge the CIA is engaged in a
engendered in part by Washington's policies
toncerted program of subversion aimed at
"undermining India's political and economic during the Indo-Pakistani crisis, the CIA
Independence" and whitewashing the impe-
allegations, and New. Delhi's pro-Hanoi posi-
rialist aggressive policy of the United States tion on the Vietnam war ? and would
welcome moves toward a dialogue. But this is
In Asia." The Soviets say the CIA is using
scholars, scientists, and teachers in this seen to be a difficult process given Mrs.
Gandhi's present mood.
- . . Meanwhile, the Russians are having a field
Varied ruses charged '
day. _
Broadcasting in English to Asia on Oct. 20,
to cite an example, the Moscow-sponsored .
ilis.4tilie CIA
Za01 /03/04 : CIA-RDP80-01601R000100180001-4
missionaries and that many of these mis-
? .
Approve?VONalease 2001/%340krW2RDP80-016
Bloodbaths in Vietnam: le Mea
and the Myth
By Robert F. Turner
-STANFORD, Calif.?Administration
spokesmen have argued that the
United States cannot unilaterally
withdraw from Vietnam without in-
viting a vast bloodbath. In support of
this thesis, they assert that following
the Communist takeover in North Viet-
nam in 1951 a massacre occurred
resulting in the killing of more than
50,000 people and the indirect deaths
of hundreds of thousands more. Critics
of the Administration have recently
charged that no bloodbath took place
in the North?that President Nixon's
apparent concern is founded on a
I have been to Vietnam three times,
twice working for the North Viet-
namese Affairs Division of a branch
of the U.S. Embassy in Saigon. My
duties included following the North
Vietnamese ,radio and press, studying
captured documents and interviewing
important North Vietnamese and Viet-
cong defectors. Having a personal in-
terest in the early days of the Commu-
nist regime in North Vietnam, I
discussed the "bloodbath" with many
defectors frov various areas of North
Vietnam who had been present during
the period in question. It should be
noted that several of these individuals
had been Communist party members
and active participants in the so-called
"bloodbath"--eit her as specially trained
cadres or as "people's court" judges.
On the basis of these interviews and
other evidence accumulated during the
past eight years, I am convinced that
there was in fact a large-scale purge
of opposition elements following the
Communist takeover in North Vietnam,
and that its magnitude was sufficient
to warrant the label "bloodbath," The
purge took the form of a "land re-
form." However, it was clear to most
observers that an incorrect political
standpoint was as likely as economic
prosperity to bring a death sentence.
It is difficult to determine the actual
human cost of the "land reform" be-
cause no official figures are available
and those- witnesses who have escaped
the Communist North seldom are
knowledgeable about events onside of
their own village or province. It is
known that the party established a
quota of at least five "landlords" for
execution in each village.
To Van Xiem, a Communist party
member since 1950 who served on the
planning committee in Thaibinh Prov-
ince, reports 31 executions out of
5,000 resiclen s in Coat villag
for reasons which. are too complicated
to detail here, the number of execu-
tions was probably smaller than that.
Most Vietnam schlolars, including
Hoang Van Chi and the late Bernard
Fall, accept the figure of 50,000 exe-
The "people's court" executions,
however, accounted for only a small
part of the total vici.ims of the "land
reform." Far more numerous were the
"class enemies" who committed suicide
rather than face Communist justice,
and the wives and children of "land-
lords" who died of starvation under
the "isolation' policy."
The most thorough study of the
"land reform" to date is Hoang Van
Chi's excellent book, "From Colonial-
ism to Communism," which concludes
that the total vicx`ims of the purge
numbered nearly 500,000. I have found
nothing in my own research to dispute
this estimate, and I am quite sure that
the victims numbered in six digits.
. All of the defectors are in agreement
that a Communist "land, reform" in
South Vietnam would dwarf the blood-
bath which occurred in the North. Cap-
tured Vietcong documents and state-
ments by high-ranking defectors indi-
cate that the Vietcong have between
three and five million names on "blood
debt" lists for punishment in the
future. Two leading British authorities
?P. J. Honey and Sir Robert Thomp-
son--have estimated that a Vietcong
bloodbath would result in over one
million deaths. Unfortunately, the re-
sults of my own research support such
an ominous conclusion.
Robert F. Turner is a research asso-
ciate at the Hoover Institution on War,
Re.voitiCon and Noce at Stanford Uni-
By D. Gareth Porter
ITHACA, N. Y. President Nixon now
justifies continued United States mil-
itary involvement in Vietnam in large
part by portraying Vietnamese Com-
munist leaders as bloodthirsty fanatics
who would order a massive "blood-
bath" against their former foes if they
were to gain power in South Vietnam
?one which would be even worse than
the present daily, bloodletting. in sup-
port of that argument, he has charged
that the North Vietnamese Govern-
ment carried out wholesale liquida-
tions during the land reform from
single source: the book "From Colonial-
ism to Communism" by Hoang Nan
Chi. A native of North Vietnam who
left for Saigon early in 1955, Mr. Chi
has been presented to the American
public as an authoritative source on
the land reform, with intimate knowl-
edge of Communist party policy. But
a careful examination of his account
and of the original documents in Viet-
namese discloses a series of distor-
tions and fabrications which totally
misrepresents the land reform program.
On the basis of Hoang Van . Chi's
gross mistranslations of key passages,
General Vo Nguyen Giap's speech on
land reform errors .in October, 1956,
has been quoted frequently as proof of
a reign of terror in the North. As
translated by Mr. Chi, the speech ap-
pears to admit that terror, torture and
execution of innocent people had been
official policy. But in the original Viet-
namese text, Giap says nothing of the
sort. This complete alteration of Giap's
statement was accomplished by no less
than eight serious mistranslations in
three sentences. This distortion by mis-
translation was no mistake; Mr. Chi
ff C..tql
tt".34,7.,-:.1 Q./ E?'?iv
has now admitted, in an interview with
The Washington Post, that he departed
from an accurate translation in order
to impart the "true meaning" of the
documents in question.
In many cases, he has simply in-
vented evidence to support his charges.
For example, in order to prove that the
purpose of the land reform was to
physically destroy the landlord class,
? he quotes the main slogan of the land
reform as exhorting cadres to "liqui-
date the landlords." But the slogan in
question said, "Abolish the feudal re-
)gime _of landownership in a manner
that is discriminating, methodical and
under sound leadership." In fact, only
those landlords guilty of specific
These figure, Wv ECM leage-42004/03/04 ? CIPrR9P80-01601R000100180001-4
for every 160 to 170 people, which
Nixon's charges, like ii 1a a ega-
Cons in secondary sources on the land
projected nationd
wie. would suggest bOritinUCd
--,-,t;"..r. reform. are based ultimately on a
SAN FRAAporotiediear Release 2001/03/04 : CIA-RDP80-
E - 204,749
Mr 1. t)
By Betty Flynn
. NEW YORK ? (CDN) ?Frances
.IFitzgerald. at 31. is a woman of con-
siderable beauty, education and im-
peccable social background.
The sort of tall, aristocratic blonde
one would expect to find running
charity balls in. New York hotels or
taking tennis lessons at the country
Instead, Miss Fi t z ger ald has
emerged as the author of a book the
major_ critics are hailing as the best
book ever written about American
involvement in Vietnam.
Its title is "Fire in the Lake: the
Vietnamese and the Americans in
Vietnam," a 441-page work recently
published by Atlantic-Little Brown
($12.50) which places the U.S. mili-
tary presence in Vietnam against a
complex background of Indochinese
history, sociology, religion, culture
and contemporary politics.
"When I went to Saigon first in
1966 as a free-lance journalist, I
found a Lind of Alice-in-Wonderland
atmosphere ? stupidly gay parties
with rodk bands and banquet-like
meals, while outside death and de-
struction rained down." she said. "It
was completely surreal.
"I thought at that point the trou-
ble is nobody understands this
place. If they only understood it bet-
ter they wouldn't ? be doing these
_ things.. I thought I could explain
some of these things."
? Frankie, as she. is known to her
friends, decided to stay in Vietnam,
and, for nearly a year, write about
the war from the point of view of
the Vietnamese for an odd assort-
ment of publications ? the Village
Voice, Vogue, New York Times
Magazine a 11(1 Atlantic Monthly
among them.
Her reports were lucid and per-
ceptive, and the society-girl-on-a-
lark image gave way to a healthy
respect from her military contacts
and other journalists.
- "It was. a probtem" she sa'ys
now. "FdPippriowlepaRortReLe
miles from Saigon in an insecure
area ? that ;means there are too
6-7) Tinii
could feel the horror at what is that
girl doing here?" ?
In a way, Miss Fitzgerald's
background prepared her admirably
for the kind of sophisticated, intel-
lectual approach she has taken to
her reporting and writing.
Born Oct. 21, 1940, In New York
City, she was the first daughter of
attorney Desmond Fitzgerald, Dep-
uty Director of the Central Intelli-
gence Agency when he died in 1967,
. and Marietta Peabody, of the Mas-
sachusetts elite, liberal-minded Pea-
body family.
Her grandmother. Mrs. Malcolm
Peabody, was arrested a few years
back for participating in a Florida
civil rights demonstration.
Her mother divorced Fitzgerald.
shortly after World War II and mar-
ried Ronald Tree, a wealthy British
businessman and former Member of
They have another daughter, Pen-
elope Tree, now 22.
Mrs. Tree was a close friend of
Adlai Stevenson, and served as a
special UN Representative when
Stevenson was U.S. Ambassador to
the U.N.
Frankie recalls touring Africa
with Stevenson. her mother and a
small group of friends in. 1957 when
she was 16.
"We wanted desperately to see
what we jokingly called darkest At-
"Finally, in the Congo, the Belgi-
an officals arranged for a small
plane to take us out into the bush.
For the first time all the women put
on the safari clothes they had
brought. We landed in the. middle of
a tiny airstrip?and there were a
group of about 30 Belgian officials
in white uniforms with their wives
in these marvelous little pink linen
pastel sheaths with pearls waiting
to take us in a procession of Cadil-
lacs past all these little school chil-
i dren waving flags.
''Tb e procession went slowly
a Belgian official's villa where ?
waiting for us ? was a dinner
Later in the same trip, the group
visited Albert Schweitzer in what
was then French Equatorial Africa.
"Ile came to the airport in these
enormous canoes rowed by sweating
natives," Frankie says. "He was a
very old man at the time, tall, slen-
der with that marvelous craggy
Beethoven-like head but with finer
"By some error I got into the
same boat with him. My French
was not good then and we both were
nervous. He just refused to speak."
She looks well in the tailored
beige safari slack suit she is wear-
ing, similar to the fatigues she often
wore in Vietnam slogging through
rice paddies to outlying hamlets.
Her hair is long, straight, streaky
blonde, she has large, round blue-
green eyes and wears very little
makeup. Her manner is straightfor-
ward and confident.
"One has to. come to some sort of
;terms with how you want to live and
what you want to do," she says, slp-
ping a beer between bites of a sand-
wieh- in a Broadway coffee shop.
"And when you do that you cut off
a lot of choices. You're just not
going to marry the boy you thought
was so wonderful in college because
he's probably now a dreary banker.
You have to select your own spot in
Miss Fitzgerald has not yet mar- -
ried, but says she "doesn't rule it
"The trouble is when you find
someone interesting and attractive,
you may have an impossible life,
the kind you just can't lead togeth-
er. And age does narrow one's
choices. On the other hand, so many
of my friends who married early
; tire now divorced because they
didn't know what they were going to
turn into."
She attended Dalton, and was
graduated magna cum 'antic in 1962
from Radcliffe, where she majored
in Middle Eastetrn I listory.
nont _:7.13(1
Approved For Release 2001/03104TCIA-RDP80-01601
Lawyer Ed Garvey's clients are the 1,100 members of the National
Football League Players Association.
At 9:35 a.m., in a crowded
eighth-floor conference room of
the Federal Comm uriications
Commission, Pete Rozelle----al-
mighty father of professional
football, eternally tanned and
impeccably dressed?steps for-
ward to defend his empire. He
wants cable television short-cir-
He argues it could pirate the
signals of several games on any
given Sunday in the NFL, rosultin7
in orgies of TV foothall thet would
glut the appetites of his subjects
and start the empire crumbling.
At 9:35, the rear door of the
room opens ruid Ed Gr-Ivey steps
in, almost unnoticed. Ho sits near
the back of the room, listens in-
tently to Rozelle, takes notes.
As the lords of the games file
out the front door an hour later,
their sad tales given, Ed Garvey
straightens up, zippers his brief-
case, and marches swiftly out the
back door. He is now in excellent
field position in the. corridor, hav-
ing staked out a place between
Pete Rozelle and the elevator.
Rozelle will not find it easy to
avoid him this day.
"Rozelle comes here to talk
about cable TV and the last per-
son he wants to see is Ed Garvey,"
whispers a friend of Garvey's.
"Garvey goes to New York and
Rozelle never wants to see him.
He's always busy."
Ed Garvey, 32, is the executive
William Gildea is a columnist on
the staff of the Sports Department
of The Washington Post.
By Winiam Glidea
director of the 1,1C)-member Na-
tional Football League Players
Association, the group that star-
tled sports fans in the summer of
1970 by striking for higher pre-
season salaries and an increase in
pension fund payments. People
were surprised because football
players are supposed to play
more for love, or for glory or for
the Gipper, than for money.
But from 1956, when the old
NFL found itself with its first play-
ers association, to January of 1970
when the AFL and NFL groups
merged, the players have been
trying to snatch away some of the
controls the National Football
League exercises over their lives.
For the past year and a half,
Garvey has organized the players
as never before, making it a
whole new NFL ballgaine which
often finds Rozelle, long known
for his big offensive game, sud-
denly on the defensive. A non-
player, Garvey nevertheless
shows excellent moves in the FCC
He walks over to a New York
Times reporter, Leonard Koppett,
who just happens to be talking
with Pete Rozelle. Now Garvey is
talking with the two of them. Now
he is talking only with Rozelle.
Now he and Rozelle are closeted
in an anteroom, seated and talk-
ing earnestly in forced commun-
ion. Score one for Garvey. "He's a
bugger, he just wants Rozelle to
know he's around," Garvey's
friend says.
Garvey had come to the cable
TV hearing "to see if Rozelle
would give some indication of his
thinking 'about future television
contracts. But he didn't. At the
present time he does all the bar-
gaining with the networks and
our position is that no one knows
what breakthroughs are going to
occur in pay TV and we don't
want him to get locked in on a
long-term contract that may not
turn out to be the best thing. We
feel we should have a role in
these negotiations."
Garvey first got involved with
the Players Association when
John Mackey, then with the Balti-
more Colts and head of the
group, brought in the law firm of
Lindquist and Vennum to repre-
sent the players in their 1970 con-
tract bargaining. Garvey was one
of the Lindquist and Vennum
team and, when the strike was
over, he remained with the group
as their counsel.
The name of the business being
money, Garvey's principal con-
cern is the "players not getting
their share of the exorbitant prof-
its within football," a viewpoint
diametrically opposite of Roz-
Rozelle, Garvey says, is an ami-
able fellow and it is "not unrea-
sonable if he isn't overly solicit-
ous considering that we slapped a
lawsuit on him just last month."
In addition to the suit, which is
an attempt to stop the League
from naming compensation for
players who've played out their
options, there is also the small
matter of five charges of unfair
practices against the NFL that
Garvey has taken before the Na-
tional Labor Relations Board on
Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100180001-4
Approved For Release 2001/M64 :13A-RDP8C601610PIJR00
It's Not the Gift, If,. the Thought Behind It
Foundation money! Encounter maga-
zine! Angry intellectuals! It's the socio-
literary late show, a rerun of the anxious
1960's in the disconsolate 1970's --com-
plete with hot and cold running warriors
athwart their mimeograph machines.
You will remember that Encounter, the
British monthly, was subsidized until
. 1964 by the Congress for Cultural Free-
dom?to the tune of 615,000 a year. In
? 1966 the Congress for Cultural Freedom
was revealed to have been subsidized by
our own Central Intelligence Agency. On
being horrified by this bad news, people
like Stephen Spender and Frank Kerincale
?who had been categorically denying
rumors of such a covert subsidy for years
?resigned from Encounter's eciitorial
board. The Congress for Cultural Free-
dom then reconstituted itaelf as the inter-
national Association for Cultural Freedom
and went right on subsidizing a variety
of journals in Australia (Quadrant),
France (Preuves), Germany (Mcnat),
Great Britain (The China Quarterly, Sur-
vey, Minerva), India (Quest), Latin Amer-
ica (Mundo Nuevo, Aportes), Uganda
' (Transition) and Thailand (Social Science
At just about the time that Encounter
stopped getting subsidies from the C.I.A.,
it started getting them from Cecil King's
-International Publishing Corporation of
London (The Daily Mirror, etc.). Mr.
? King's group recently allowed its finan-
cial backing to lapse, and the magazine
has been hard put to meet its publication
.. costs. Who should come to the rescue?
The Ford Foundation, that's who. The
Ford Foundation has forwarded S50,000
.of "emergency assistance" to Encounter,
. through what in the 1960's we used to
i call a "conduit"?in this case, the Inter-
national Association for Cultural Free-
dom. .Interesting.
Such emergency assistance is consid-
ered especially interesting by the editors
of and contributors to domestic literary
magazines. It is interesting because the
Ford Foundation has never given any
. money to local jouinels. It is even more
interesting because the Ford money has
been specifically earmarked to "seek in-
creased circulation in the United States"
for Encounter. The editors of The Massa-
chusetts Review (Jules Chametzky), The
Sewanee Review (Andrew Lytle), The
Last Word
Hudson Review (Frederick Morgan), .The
Partisan Review (William Phiiiips) and
Tri-Quarterly (Charles Newman) have
protested: "This grant, by an organization
that on many previous occasions has
claimed a lack of funds for the support
of American literary magazines, is gross-
ly insulting to American editors and
writers. It is also damaging to American
literary magazines in putting them at a
competitive disadvantage. . . . We are
made uneasy, as well, by the political
implications of this effort to promote and
expand Encounter's influence in this
country." Jules Feiffer, Susan Sontag,
Frank Kennode (I), Robert Brustein, Nor-
man Mailer and William Styron are
among the writers who have joined these
editors in objection.
In June of this year James Boatwright,
speaking for the Co-ordinating Council of
Literary Magazines, also objected to the
.Encounter grant in a letter to the Presi-
dent of the Ford Foundation, McGeorge
Bundy. Mr. Boatwright was coolly diplo-
matic: "Some of our members regard the
grant as a scandal." However, "We prefer
to place a more positive interpretation
upon the grant and believe that it really
signifies that the Ford Foundation is now
prepared to give support to literary maga-
zines, even American ones." And espe-
cially American ones that "do not have
the same legacy as Encounter to over-
Mr. Bundy, in his reply to Mr. Boat-
wright, was sophistical: "There are es-
sentially two parts to your letter?one
relating to the view which your members
have of Encounter, and the other relating
to general support to non-profit literary
magazines published in the United States.
These aro really two subjects, and as it
happens they are treated in two different
parts of the Ford Foundation." it seems
that the grant to Encounter was recom-
mended by the Ford Foundation's profes-
sional staff in their office of European and
International Affairs, whereas policies
having to do with American literary mag-
azines are determined by -Ford's division
of the Humanities and the Arts. As it hap-
pens, the division of the Humanities and
the Arts feels that its money is better
spent on direct and indirect grants to
poets, novelists and playwrights; on post-
doctoral fellowships through the Ameri-
can Council of Learned Societies; and on
playwrights' workshops, experimental
theaters and full-scale producing com-
panies. Alas, "the Foundation is not cur-
rently planning a program in the field of
your direct activity."
To be sure, some of the protesting
about the Foundation's "emergency as-
sistance" sounds a little too much like
local craft unions complaining about low
tariffs on digital clock radios from Japan.
And the Foundation's division of the
Humanities and the Arts may very well be
right in thinking that grants to individuals
are a niece effective way of promoting art
than grants to magazines. And Encounter
is noW and always was an excellent mag-
azine, one of the C.1.A.'s better invest-
ments?it has distinguished itself partic-
ularly in its emphasis on science.
But it is hard to see why arguments
that are compelling in one part of the
Ford Foundation are not compelling in
another part. If it's all right to subsidize
a European magazine, why is it not all
right to subsidize an American magazine?
Unless the grant to Encounter is con-
sidered to be singular, aberrant, excep-
tional, and if it is to be considered an
exception, why? Why, of all the mag-
azines in the world that have never been
or are no longer subsidized by the C.I.A., .
does onfy Encounter rate 650,000?
Those editors and writers who are pro-
testing cannot be blamed for suspecting
that there is something political about
making .an exception of Encounter. While
Encounter's contributors often disagree,
occasionally savagely, with one another,
on the whole the magazine has been much
more congenial to American foreign policy
over the last decade than most American
literary magazines have been. Inevitably,
conclusions are going to be drawn about
the Ford Foundation's understanding of
its own role in sanctioning one sort of
politicization of literature over another.
Those conclusions are not exactly pleasant
to behold. Ill
Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100180001-4
Approved For Release 2001/03/04 : CIA-RDP80 01601R000
E - 43,953 -
S - 48,116
Whiurs Beildad Aki
There. is. a ...most disturbing report government to every ccintry in the
prepared for the House foreign affairs world with vastly different traditions
,s.ubcommittee .on Europe and recently and histories than those of our own. Our
?'?-?made :public- that strongly intimates national security involving Greece way
private financial interest;S are heavily require continued financial support
...influencing the Nixon Administration'.s because of Greece's position in the North
altitude .toward ...Greek ?Colonels who .Atlantic Treaty .Organization. And the
?? cOntrol. the. country through force,. same might apply for Turkey. Our bases
...E.???The primary . figure who isn't so .in Spain may warrant our assistance to
?shadowy is supposed .to be Thomas .that .dictatorship and we have had
? Papkis, Greek-American from Boston reasons for some help to Yugoslavia and
wtth 11ca-\..y.intcre3t in the Eu-Pappas Taiv.-an neither of which are remotely and steel .demot):racics..
? complex,. The. 'report claii115. that BLit if there is a iiint J tout aid is in
? 1)0Wt.i' red lily Ct fina ocial boos t to 0:10 particular
??,pior1-2nt Itt,fp2, financial interetsti,;
Amer:it:an or even a grititip Atnerictins,
that.h ]f c%terisi,)c een- then eve t.y other _Atryt?trican ho pays ins
".U iL party ;ini,lit:;taNe otih1 to resent it .cleply. No ono
. esecfitive the Re13cx shou",,.t know this' hello-
? f1nal1C:.(: that?i\ixon. v...hatever the possihte moit'etary
voice .1:1 fA hti 1, ice 13enef.its to the Repai:ilit_tat: ,:tarty, At
? Pres L LI 1 cihouht rioted that this pertieuLit-
.says1.t.';:p011:2;i1..)1e for the p.obkhi has not !,cen re:str?-.!ei to the
clio-iet of 1"ien:',:it Tait: ii",) American
Heavy poH.leal
? coti-
C to and accompinie..)
1311.1-.,i'5 of c X 1:02C in
?? sueh Adinini'stration ii S
uo:nos!ie and foreign polief...6.
S?ii?.ert,..tdi-y of Centinerce Staus.
. and of 0,-lerit.e The dangers in tit,: ..courent fTitt,tit"Itc
slluation is that it Nay beorivTailg.
? on their vi:ititit? to AiJil:11S. is not casy to:
. fOrget aoithus(astic. 'I here al:Tear:3.1.o cteep apposition h)
the colonels' junta, aithy'411 tnany
? the stat4ty et the
dlssidents are. in piison. According to
? curyt-,fyil juati:t atid the "\\ oncterfiii*
Lucia 1\ioutat in ciit-i:5nc271 sc:icricc
. l'elotit?on:3 Otal tOdaY bet-0,-cen our
lvtoti;:itor?..-congressionai, investigitions
. reccutN' vetfttd tnilitary iii otUr1
to ctreeet.: eta', off i3initte the
. Thc . . tit," es
col'ainits by the Cc- tral 1 It liii (I
have- confirmed lit ii ,
founda dons luld been. used ais
Jul 'i 11net fulfilled its. piaitotsc Lo Acf,,ene.y." Pappas mis.tittiti0115 111
? ? ClC U1 J'a r" ri 2 rerat?C treun.::
,I ho a7r?)tio nave 1) (II sabotaged by what aye
Ll!)(? permit .-?;ncli aid if the Ft tom . "
hetiel,Tel fo he opponents of the. regithe,
. .
liii UiIcJ 6;.a les bac-cc-,u kttirifl ii. . !n u1 junti,i has .tiied to In thy its
seciirity .is involved. . ? . ? seizure of the ..govrnincit? more than
...The mere fact that a particular . thi?ce years. ago with the offen-usci-.1
:regiine etamplc.tely our charge of the dangers of ceretratinii:-ni.
? be rig!i0 IS Ironictilly.such..dangers may he greititcr
-it It ii Iiito cut oif dl.plwitati,_ci?. .thi-ut then, espeeialty if there is
tito:a.dc?tcho)?,;. eq. pply . widespread belief that a te3v..\ t10 Ii I aid it.erk.ati
e.v(t'n tor i.adit.toty pocker000k-Ft are being, paddir,-ti to 1-:tett..p
App?-6e-R'e1e*gei2tvo11e.3/04.,....otAyRopi8o-o44301 R0001. 00180001-4
ApproWeiTIWA-elease 2001/03104 ]..X.MA-14150131:14f4160
Interrupting its .usual silence, the CIA has provided
llarper's with a rare public document. It is awofficial letter
of protest. against our July cover story, "Flowers of Evil,"
an extremely compromising report. by Alfred 11 McCoy
about the CIA's complicity in the heroin trade in Southeast
Asia. "I trust," writes IC. E. Colby, the Agency's execu-
tive director, "you will give this response the same prom-
inence in your publication as was given to the McCoy
The letter appears below in full, together with. Mr.
McCoy's reply and the testimony of a former lISAID rep-
.res.entative who witnessed the CIA's participation in the
Laotian drug traffic. This exchange, we hope, throws fur-
ther needed light on a little-known stretch of the sewer
that runs between Washington, Saigon, Vientiane, Pnom-
penh, and Bangkok.
Beyond all that, we are surprised by Mr. Colby's use
of the word "trust." We may well be reading too much
into it, but that word, and indeed the Whole (One of the
letter, suggests that Mr. Colby expected an immediate mea
eulpa from Harper's. Is the CIA that naive? Mr. Colby,
who once presided over the notorious Phoenix program in
Vietnam,* is hardly an innocent. Still, his entire letter
reflects a troubling simplicity, an unquestioning trust in
ihe goodness of/us 011,71 bureaucracy. He asks us to share
that trust, whatever the stubborn facts may be. As con-
clusive evidence of the Agency's purity, for example, he
even. cites Director Richard Helms' public-relations argu-
ment that "as fathers, we are as concerned about the lives
of our children and grandchildren as all of you."
11w-per's July issue contains an
article by Mr. Alfred W. McCoy alleg-
ing CIA involvement in the opium
traffic in Laos. This allegation is false
and unfounded, and it is particularly
disappointing that a journal of
Harper's reputation would see fit to
publish it without, any effort to check
its accuracy or even to refer to the
Such curious expectations of trust apparently moti-
vated the Agency to ask Harper & Row to hand over the
galleys of Mr. McCoy's book, The Politics of Heroin in 7
Southeast Asia, front which he drew his magazine article.
The Agency declared that it simply wanted to check the
book for factual inaccuracies, possible libel, or damage to
national security. 7'o deliver this unusual request, the
Agency dispatched Cord Meyer, a man. with ihe proper Es- V
tablishment connections who,as the CIA's overseer of the
since-transformed Congress for Culturall'reedom, '* might
be said to have once been in thc publishing business him.-
self. Although the galleys were duly sent to the Agency, the
CIA's subsequent complaints about Mr. McCoy's research
failed to impress Harper S.: Row, whieh? has since ?conft-
dently published the book, unchanged. Apparently there
are limits to trust, even among gentlemen.
Although. Mr: McCoy won't agree with us, our own.. re-
action to this episode is to feel a certain sympathy for the
beset bureaucrats of the CIA, who seem. to be impaled on
the defensive notion., "The Agency, right Or wrong." By
definition the CIA finds itself involved u?ith a good many
questionable people in Southeast Asia. 7'hat is a condition
of its 7711.5.51.071---a mission it did not invent but simply
carries out on. White house orders?and we suspect that
the public would trust the Agency a. good deal more if it
either acknowledged the facts or ref/lc-tined silent. Alas,
the CIA now seems determined to revamp its image into
something like a cross between General Motors and the
League of Women Voters. But so endeth our sermon. Let
the reader draw us own conclusions.
public record to the contrary.
Normally we do not respond pub-
licly to allegations made against
CIA. Because of the serious nature of
these charges, however, I am writing
to you to place these accusations in
proper perspective and so that the
record will be clear.
The general charge made. by Mr.
McCoy that "to a certain extent it
[the opium trade in Laos] depends
on the support (money, guns, aircraft,
etc.) of the CIA" has no basis in -fact.
To the contrary, Mr. John E. Inger-
soll, Director of the Bureau of Nar-
cotics and Dangerous Drugs, in a
letter to Representative, Charles S.
Gubser of California on May 27, 1.971
? Phoenix is a campaign of systematic counterterror designed to root out and destroy Vietcong sympathizers. As U.S. pacification
chief .from 1968 to mid-1971, Ambassador Colby headed CORDS '(Civil Operations and Rural Development Support), which ran
Phoenix in cooperation with the South Vietnamese police. Mr. Colby has testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
that, in 1969 alone, Phoenix agents "nein ralized" 19.53-1 suspected Vietcong, killing 6.187 of them in the process. Critics argue that
Phoenix uses assassination methods and that Mr. Colby's figures ate extremely conservative.
**The ? t hout t0 the world ,9410,010:00441,2 0110 iti*."eizA' fttiOtil2Oltiti-ikddbtfoticizg.'obCiV'r
The best . -
pgpl.,1 people here, though. We allays
',ApprroisdpEocRelease 2001/CONY49MbP80-01601
d?-/- ?
. :
?,.., ?-?-, '"._:
, . ,...,:f? :
tkild V111141PCOlUN
Althettgb. Most people are aware that
Th e Vitited States Armed Forces re,
mit personnel at the College, it
ykrottld probably come as a surprise
to most to learn that an.other govern-
mot agency, the Central Intelligence
Agency, quietly but actively recruits
4on the campus as well.
one asppects of CIA activity are:
.1) One. member of the Class of 1971
was. Introduced to the CIA by a facs
? ktIty ?Wel.nber and is presently era,'
itloyed by that agency..
. 'A cast tlimo Tr.k.1111?era of thin
?laeigty an.0 one member of the Board
of Trustees have at one time worked
.#9f the .CIA., $everal other -faculty
"members were ? employed by CIA
virot'?' organizations,
4. The agency worked through a
?.Y4i.onitaet" at the college,. a. faculty
member, until 1967. ?
- The CIA has on several oeca,
sions approached faculty membera go-
abroad, and. asked them to ob-
tabi Igor-m.309R while travelling over-
. A significant number of Dart-
mouth. alumni are presently erriployed
? by the CIA.
SeluiaNtliStftal For Re
it was learneu recently, that a se-
mor at. the College last year, Benja-
that '
-is vet
year .
the A
ally d
ref lee
vision: it wwas sort of an Ivy League
club, with most people from Yale,
Dartmouth, Harvard or Princeton."
min Bates '71 is presently working Campbell added that it 'may have
for the CIA at the agency headquar- changed Since his time, "but there
leis in Langley, Virginia, doing eco were very many Dartmouth gradu-
nomic research on Latin Arnericad ates there, and a lot of them were
Contacted in Washington last week, way up there, in pretty important..
Bates confirmed this report, saying positions."
that he'd been "working with the agen-
cy since September." He termed the
job "reasonably interesting, but not
fascinating." .
Bates, an economies major while
at the College, reported that Profes-
sor Colin Campbell of the Economics
Department introduced him to a CIA
recruiter last winter. After a prelim-
anary meeting with the recruiter (a
Dartmouth alumnus) at the Hanover
Inn,. Bates saidhe was flown to Wash-p
ington at government expense for in-
terviews and testinc,
Bates called his four day stay in
the nation's capital during spring
break "sort of a free vacation." He
;began working in September after
Other Faculty Members
A colleague of Campbell's Profes-
sor of Economics Meredith Clem t it, /
also worked for the agency: Clement
did economic research for the CIA,
from 1954 to 1956, before coming to
the College.
Clement said that the CIA reg-
ularly approached university profes-
sors going overseas on academic Tat-
ters, as one means of obtaining in-
formation on foreign countries. He
explained that the process was known
In the agency as "briefing and de-
"Being briefed," he elaborated, "is ?
being told what to look for, while '
being granted security clearance.
being debriefed is being asked what
? you saw. Clement said he knows of
Professor Campbell wo Dartmouth alumni now working -
? Professor of Economics Colin Cam
bell, who termed himself "an. old Assistant Professor of Geography, /
alumnus f the CIA," agreed with David Lindgren, was employed by the
Bates. Campbell worked tor CIA from /964 through 1966 before
.the organization as an economic re- coming to the College. He served as
searcher in Current Intelligence dur- an analyst doing basic geographic re--
iitor4n?th2rAh-03315. 813q0613.11R80#1i10111800014-
Elaboraling.on Bates'.description of
'last year's meeting, Campbell said, "1
ifor the CIA.
Approved For Release 201031Y6RIPCIA-Rig pR0001
Candidate Critica Nixon
too S , . ____
"I know that the IA is very, very meticu- Communist officials," he said. -
- .
By STEVE DIMICK bus and careful in its evaluations and is ac-
Of 'Me JOLI11131 Staff, curate and precise," he said. -
"I also did get information on what the
1U: S. senatorial hopeful Jed Johnson spent "The point is, if the CIA has given such an political ideology was of .up-and-corning poli-
more than two years as an undercover agent for evaluation (of the Vietnam blockade), I know tical leaders," he said.
the Central Intelligence Agency during the early they've done a thorough assessment of the sit-
Johnson balked at the wird "propaganda"
. uation. They're very capable people and are when asked whether his job entailed more
?1960s, he said Friday. . ' ,
. / - Johnson said he carried .on CIA activities not political; they're very apolitical. ? gathering of information or disseminating
in more than a dozen Asian,,African and Latin "While I was never involved in CIA , propaganda.
" -
American countries while working for one of operations in Southeast Asia, I know per- i It involved a lot of both," he said. "Hilt we
the front organizations exposed in the "CIA sonally that they literally can tell you the were never told what to say by the CIA. We
. minutest details about minor African political were never giver. any orders about what to say
on cariipus." scandals in 1967.
gures and I'm sure they have done the same, in a speech.
' e former Sixth District congressrnan Fri- fi
- - - type 'of investigation in Vietnam," Johnson -I was simply a youth leader telling them what
we believe, why .our .'economic system is the
ost productive, why our political system is
e best."
Johnson's undercover activity began when he while a student at Oklahoma University which Youth and Student Affairs, the dummy bun- V was still in collegc? with a 1959 trip to Cuba
. was. later thrown back at him during his 1964
dation for which he worked, was still in WI- which later returned to haunt him during his
'congressional race, also was actually a gov, sa
- ness. congressional race in 1964.
ernment-sponsored "intelligence-gathering,
? ? "For me to y anything would have literal- -There verc chat ges made during the cam-,
Arip. ? ? ly endangered the lives of some of our people ? paigning that 1, had, taken this trip with other
1 In his speech to the Jaycees, Johnson will
1'verseas," he said. student leaders in defiance of the State De-
attack President. Nixon'sNi' new interdiction pol- He came back to the U.S. early in 1964, on partment," he said. "This was untrue. The ?
? icy against North Vietnamese supply routes. leave from the Foundation, and then resigned trip was sponsored by the U.S. government.
He bases his criticism largely on his knowledge from the organization before he made his suc- t'I was asked by people 'in the State Depart-
of The CIA, which reportedly. has claimed that cessful race for Congress. ment to make the trip to get information about,
r, day released, a copy of a speech he will de-
liver to the Oklahoma Jaycees convention Satur-
Johnson. said he was not at liberty to dis-
day, in which he reveals his CIA involvement. ?
close his former CIA ties while he was a mem-
Ile said a controversial trip to Cuba he made
ber of Congress because the Foundation for
the blockade?will not work.
. ?
? ?
? Johnson quotes from the "Kissinger Papers,".
a. secret , government study conducted by the
CIA and other information gathering groups
. and made public by columnist Jack Ander-
son two weeks ago. The study reported the
CIA's belief that no amount of ? interdiction
f Ntill be successful in stopping the flow of war
'?materiel to North Vietnam.
: "I am personally acquainted in some depth
with the degree of precision that the CIA oper-
ates within its intelligence activities, because
jI worked under contract as a covert agent for
:,the CIA prior to my election to the Congress,"
'Johnson said.
? ! "At that time, the CIA had extremely de-
tailed .information on such things as which
hand an obscure African provincial chief
would eat with and the vintage of his favorite
he said.
? "I am convinced after reading the Kissinger
Papers that the CIA estimates of-our capacity,
.to interdict supplies was done with similar at-
. -?
itention to precision and gave absolutely no
:reason for encouragement that this military
action will successfully bring the war to a con-
In an interview with The Oklahoma Jour-
nal before his announcement Saturday, John-
. son said he worked for the CIA from 1962 to
1964. He said his experience as an agent has
Johnson served in Congress from 1964-66. what was going on," he said.
He said the "whistle was blown" on the cover ' At the time the. group of young student lead-
of the dummy foundation in 1967. ,
ers made the trip, shortly after the Cuban re-
"I'm still not sure how much I'm at liberty volution, "we 'didn't know that things in Cuba
to tell you," he said. would go the way they went," Johnson said.
The former student lea. der at the University He said another of his missions was to
of Oklahoma said he was approached by the CIA, debate young Communist lea.ders in Cuba.
(referred to among agents as "the firm") in However, he was not able to reveal in 1964
1962, a year after his graduation from col- that he had known in 1959 that the Cuban trip
lege. was a government-sponsored one.
"They contacted you to see if you were in- _
terested and then did a very thorough security "It was a very interesting experience, but ,
clearance," he said. "Later, you were taken it was frustrating that I couldn't rebut some of
to a hotel room where you had to sign an oath the charges made against me," he said. .
saying you would not divulge any secrets or "As a result of that trip and some other ac-
critical information. tivities I was involved in, I was later asked to.
"After that, I was what they call 'under become an agent for the CIA."
contract' to the CIA until I reSigned," he During his years as an agent, under the
said. ?
. code name "Mr. Page" ("I chose that name
"It was fascinating work," he said. "If 1 because I had been a page in the Senate and -
hadn't run for Congress, I might have made thought it would be easy to remember,".),
a career out a the CIA." . . . .
he was at liberty to tell only his wife of his
Johnson said he actually worked for the U.S. .
Youth Council, which was. funded by the Foun- "There were a couple of agents before me
dation for Youth and Student Affairs, which in who had just disappeared," he said.
turn was funded by the CIA. Johnson says he still has faith in the per-
His duties, about which he was never too suasive and example type of diplomacy, the
specific, involved basically being a sort of good- former the kind he said is practiced by the
will ambassador-cum-spy.
? CIA.
"I led delegations Of young Americans to de-
veloping nations and spoke before various, le-'
gislative assemblies," he said. "We met with
caused him AptrnikitidiFttPiFterealletiemthTiO?tiKADP80e-01601R000100180001-4
CIA's assessm n s of vanous situations an t
in the -agency's non-partisan, position. "Once at an Indian Youth Congress in Ti- ?
rupathi, India, I debated_ a_ couple of older ?
AmEoved For RelmedleibtagX: ialAcIRDR84404.61111R0
ifay 1,
rttot, that the cold war with Russia and
the other Communist eountries is not
caw better. It is naive for us to think that
ime and peace are in the offing. I do not:
diAagree with that.
we have many problems with Russia,
IAA I submit that one of the obstacles
to better relations with Eastern Europe
and Russia and most of those other
eauntries?although I think our rela-
tions have improved over time?but in
Any case, among the principal irritants
arc these broadcasts from Voice of Amer-
ica, Radio Free Europe, and Radio Lib-
erty. They contribute to keeping alive the
animosity and suspicion which exists be-
tween our country and Russia. I said be-
fore with redarcIto Radio Free Europe it
seemed to me with the President going to
Russia and having just been to China,
and having announced a policy of trying
to normalize and improve relations with
those countries that it is inconsistent to
continue a propaganda program de-
signed to arouse the suspicion of the peo-
ple of those countries against their gov-
I do not think it accomplishes our
purposes; it harms our relations. I can
, well imagine that there are people in
Russia who disagree with their leaders'
. policy of meeting with the President of
? the United States and who make the
same arguments that are made on the
floor of this body that there is no hope
for better relations with the United
States, or that they are kidding them-
selves to think they Can do business with
the United States. One of the things
they would point out would be the prop-
aganda we engage in.
It has always puzzled me why the
Russians have such suspicion with re-
? gard to the SALT talks. They had one
meeting interrupted by the U-2 incident.
-Those not dispOsed to normalized rela-
tions with us can point to the Voice of
America and Radio Liberty and say,
"They do not really mean it, they are I ask unanimous consent to have
kidding us. They continue the old war- printed in the RECORD the full article by
time programs of propaganda intended Mr. Oudes.
to undermine the stability of our gov- ' There being no objection, the article
? ernment." was ordered to be printed in the RECORD,
I ask very seriously on the merits as follows
whether the program is well designed to THE GREAT WIND MACHINE
accomplish the announced purposes of (By Bruce J. Oudes)
the President and what I believe to be
the overwhelming view of the people of
the United States, and that is to bring
about better relations with the people of
?Russia, China, and Eastern Europe.
It seems to me it is high time in this
world with nuclear weapons that some
other approach to the solution of these
- international differences be developed;
that greater emphasis be placed on co-
operation and discussion such as the
United Nations offers, than to keep alive
the traditional anticommunism which
we have been subjected to for so long,
to keep that alive by spending $200 mil-
lion in this case, and many millions of
'- dollars more in the case of Radio Liberty
and Radio Free Europe. I am not under
any illusion it is going to be easy, but I
think some different approach than the
1961 to 1965 and is now an international
reporting fellow at Columbia University.
So he speaks from substantial experience
in the USIA. ?
Mr. President, the article ntitled "The
Great Mind Machine" relates to the
problem I am talking about and that is
the value of the USIA itself.
Just to give a sample of the article,
I wish to read one part:
Much of the ? time there is a gnawing
suspicion that whatever the project of the
day might be, you're participating in a giant
charade, a hoax.
"What am I doing here?" is a question
that often intrudes in the mind of the USIA
officer as he goes about his appointed rounds.
Why was I hauling those pamphlets across
the Sahara? In time the two of us delivered
our "freight"?the agency term for its mes-
sage?to the American Embassy in Nouak-
chott, and It was duly distributed to its
Mauritanian audience. Yet it is hard to
Imagine that any minds were altered by
our pamphlets, either among the illiterate
nomads who make up most of the popula-
tion, or among the tiny literate ruling class,
whose ears are tuned to Cairo and Paris.
Certainly our message did not prevent Mauri-
tania's rulers from breaking relations with
the U.S. during the 1967 Arab-Israeli war.
And. why was I hustling votes for Moise
Tshombe in the Congo? Tshombe won the
election with American help, but not because
of anything USIA did; the constituency that
mattered was the white mercenaries, who
voted with their guns, and the kind of U.S.
help that mattered was money and arms, and
planes supplied by the Central Intelligence
Agency. If we won any votes in Katanga,
which I doubt, they weren't counted?that's
not how power is won and lost in the Congo.
Thus the USIA officer's self-criticism centers
around feelings of futility; harmless in
Mauritania, but distasteful in the Congo.
? ? ? ? ?
USIA produces a lot of noise. Whether
that noise wins any hearts and minds out
there is a question to which, fortunately for
the agency, there is no statistical answer?
for propaganda, unlike soap, cannot be meas-
ured in bars sold,
The sight of a wheel rolling off into the
desert- is of distinct interest if It is one of
four carrying you to Nouakchott, the capital
of Mauritania.
It happened the visit was a goodwill, more
correctly a misguided will, mission. The oc-
casion, replete with rising sandstorm, pro-
vided time and conditions for a unique reas-
sessment of the heavy cargo, principally
hundreds of pounds of pamphlets explaining
the American way of life, which had con-
tributed to the breakdown.
My companion, who had been sent from
Washington to see if the United States In-
formation Agency (USIA) was hitting the
"target" in West Africa, blew the sand off
a brochure on the American economy, one
which described the marvelous Detroit motor
vehicle, and broke up laughing.
On another occasion, the scene was the
Congo and my companion was an American
newsmagazine correspondent. We spent a
616 we have had is called for. rather wry afternoon driving around the
precincts of Katanga distributing a station-
Mr. President, I referred earlier to an wagon load of American-produced "get out
article by Bruce J. Oudes, who, I see, the vote" leaflets in Swahili in preparation
served with the USIA overseas from for an election which, to no one's surprise,
ratified o se s om
Prime Minister. ?
Any officer in USIA has a store of such
stories. They are rooted in the frustration of
determining the message, the audience, and
how the audience is supposed to react to the
message. Much of the time there is a gnaw-
ing suspicion that whatever the project of
the day might be; you're participating in a
giant charade, a hoax.
"What am I doing here?" is a question
that often intrudes in the mind of the
USIA officer as he goes about his appointed
rounds. Why was I hauling those pamphlets
across the Sahara? In time the two of us
delivered our "freis.,,ht"?the agency term for
its message?to the American Embassy in
Nouakchott, and it was duly distributed to
its Mauritanian audience. Yet it is hard to
imagine that any minds were altered by our
pamphlets, either among the ? illiterate
nomads who make up most of the popula-
tion, or among the tiny literate ruling class,
whose ears are tuned to Cairo and Paris.
Certainly our message did not prevent
Mauritania's rulers from breaking relations
with the U.S. during the 1967 Arab-Israeli
war. And why was I hustling votes for Moiso
Tshombe in the Congo? Tshombe won the
election with American help, but not be-
cause of anything USIA- did; the constitu-
ency that mattered was the white merce-
naries, who voted with their guns, and the
kind of U.S. help that mattered was money
and arms, and planes supplied by the Cen-
tral Intelligence Agency. If we won any votes
In Katanga, which I doubt, they weren't
emintcd?that's not how power is won and
lost in the Congo. Thus the USIA officer's
self-criticism centers around feelings of
'futility: harmless in Mauritania, but dis-
tasteful in the Congo.
The agency that sends its people on such
? missions is a 17-year-old cold war hybrid, the
descendant of the World War I George Creel
committee and then in World War II the
Overseas Operations Branch in Elmer Davis's
Office of War Information. At the end of
the war OWI was transferred to the State
Department where William Benton, the ad-
vertising man, later a 'U.S. Senator, nursed
it for two years. As the cold war got under-
way, Benton's office drafted a bill which be-
came the Smith-Mundt Act and put propa-
ganda permanently into the American de-
fense a:rsenal. Under the Eisenhower Admin-
istration in June, 1953, John Foster Dul-
les rid his beloved State Depadtment of the
dirty linen of propaganda work and the name
U.S. Information Agency was born. The USIA
budget passed the $100 million mark dur-
ing the Eisenhower years and floated up to
Its present $175 million mark during the two
subsequent Democratic Administrations,
Today USIA produces 66 magazines in 27
languages. Its Voice of America broadcasts
932 hours weekly in nearly three dozen lan-
guages using 104 transmitters with a total
of 19 million watts. It has assisted foreign
book publishers in-producing more than 120
million copies of over 14,000 editions since
1950. It operates more than 22 libraries vis-
ited by 20 million or more persons annually
(clown from over. 31 million in 1955). It
radioteletypes abroad a 10,000-word daily file
? of Administration statements and packaged
stories ready for foreign newspapers to lunk
in their columns. It does all this with a
staff of 2,139 Foreign Service personnel, a
total which will be reduced to about 1,760
by mid-year by Presidential order. Foreign
Service personnel, however, are substantially
outnumbered by the 2,410 permanent Wash-
ington-based employees Who try to commu-
nicate America to a world they never see.
USIA produces a lot of noise. Whether that
noise wins any hearts and minds out there
is a question to which, fortunately for the
agency, there is no statistical answer?for
propaganda, unlike soap, cannot be measured
In bars sold. True believers in the agency pro-
Approved For Release 2001/03/04 : CIA-RDP80-61601R000100180001-4
Approved For Release itigtogois mik-
By jack LInclerso;z
117-LA 'E-Eiroh2 o--11-T2,E71
led in former pirate lairs in However, ha; told us his discovered a sheaf of three
the Florida keys. story and howed lis the bank bills matted together with
My- associate Les Whitten records. We also checked out mud and grass.
has just returned from a traas- Scerzat 'CIA Si.7:a his veracity carefully. I sent The bills were near sera!ae
Les Whitten to accompany of a road map, which Ayeas
ute hunt for buried CIA cesh- One who perke.d up his cars him back to the lery3 to re- said had been used as a v.orap-
in the Florida 'Keys where pi- over the whispers was Bradleyi" rover the CIA money. We natl.. per . for the suitcase bills.
rates once stashed - Spanish Ayers, a.former Army captain, fled the Treasury Department, Treasury records show the
gold. who was on loan to the CIA in in general terms, that all re- bills were printed between
covered CIA cash would be April, 1065, and August, 10e3.
He found one cache where 1033-64 to train Cuban assault
thousands in molding $20 bills teams. One trainin site had turned over to the Treasury. There is no way to prove this
had been buried. .But sona?,one been located on Upper Key Treazaire Hunt was part of the money which
the CIA continued to nrovide
had reached the secret site Largo on land that - the "alon- Whitten, Ayers and Ayers' anti -Castro exiles. But the sto-
ahead of him. All Whitten roe County tax assessor's of- wife fl.,e,,v to an air strip on ries that led to the cache ca711t3
Lice identified as belonging to Upper hey Largo. Using it as in part to Ayers from Cubans
found were six weathered, the University of 'Miami. a base of operations, they he helped train for the. CIA.
matted $20 bills litat appar- The CIA also operated out reconnoitered the dark man-
ently had been dropped about of a front, called Zenith Tech grove thickets, sluggish can-ra
iir3lon Whirl
meal 7:nterprisee, on the lull- ale, treacherous swamps of sea
200 yards away. Volunteer Army?Presia-le.rit
versity's south campus. Thus grass and crocodile-infested
In an earlier column, we re-Nixon is leading the opposi-
the reeoecteci university, wit- creeks where Ayers had once
- ported that the Central Intern- tingly or otherwise, provided trained Cuban commandos. tion to his own proposal for ?a
gence '- Agency -- had delivered the site for an extension For two days, they chugged volunteer Army?at least for
bales of $20 - bills - to Cuban course in infiltration and dem- through the creeks in a shalt- the next two years. At a secret
exile leaders to finance clan- olition. low-draft 18-foot skiff, startled White House legislative con-
destine operations against Ayers learned enough from occasionally by the barks of ference, he warned GOP con-
Communist Culla. his former trainees to figure crocodiles. When they were gressional leaders: "So-me
Assaseination teams, aboa out where some of the CIA convinced no one was follow- votes to end the draft may
tage squads and commando money might be hidden. He ing, they plunged through un. look popular temporarily. But
after the abortive Bays of Pigs buried suitcase full of mold- couldn't see four feet ahead.
mendations (to extend the
unit were were sent against Castro told us he discovered a half-
derbrush so thick they in the long view, our recom-i
Invasion. These missions ap- ing, mutilated $20 bills. Finally they came upon the draft for two years) will prove
parently were halted after The suitcase was in a 7.":?. bramble-cloaked site where to be right." V\-"nite House -aide
President Kennedy's assessi- mote spot that he was confi- Ayers said he had discovered Peter Flanigan explained to
nation. But the CIA continued dent wouldn't be discovered, the suitcase. The soil at the the leaders that "A short-fall
to slip infiltration teams into He took out a dozen bills to hiding place had been turned of 100,000 men is expected".
Cuba to gather intelligence. ? make sure they weren't coun- up and sifted for 10 yards in next year. He described the
The CIA paid all. expense, terfeit. Banks redeemed all all directions. The underbrush administration's plans to en-
apparently, in cash. Huge but two badly weathered $20 and sea grass were trampled courage volunteers by offering
sums were . turned over to bills, as if by many feet. financial incentives, including
exile leaders, who gave no ac- Then Ayers' house was nays- The suitcase MI of cut- a $3,000 bonus to those whb
counting of they spent it. teriously broken into and rec- rency was gone. Disappointed, will re-enlist for combat duty.
There-. were whispers that ords of his find were taken. they combed the area. Within But he warned this "would
some money hal disappeared Fearing the CIA or Cuban ex- a quarter inile, Whitten spot- Mean cuts in other vital areas?
into .private bank accounts, Iles were watchig him, he ted a tattered $20 bill. kers in the Defense Department." ?
that other thousands were bur- dared not return to the cache. found two more, then Vilutten 1971. Ben.McClura Syndicate, ..r..c..
Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100180001-4
Approved For Release 2001103/04: CIK-ATI4'8111-1016
2 6 APR 1972
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. been the main bcnificiary of the coup.
Since its seizure of power in April 1967; the military and Aristotle Onassis have received huge tax concessions
dictatorship in Greece has followed a path seeking to to get them to invest in Greece. Less well known figures
transform that country into a virtual colony of U.S. im- from the group have gotten similar privileges.
perialism. One of the latest junta giveaways has been to place a
At the same time the junta has sought; with much less publicly owned land in Greece up for auction. This
? success, to crush the Greek resistance movement, amounts to millions of acres and thousands of islands and
U.S. aid to the military regime has continued without islets. Most of this land will end up in the hands of the
interruption in spite of congressional acts to delay extpatriate millionaires and their friends. , Another
shipment of certain heavy weapons. The U.S. govern- example of junta financing is the building of tourist.
ment's enthusiasm for the regime was reinforced when complexes at public expense and then leasing them to
? Spiro Agnew visited Greece in the summer of 1971 amid private parties for management and profit. Thus the!
great fanfare. , junta's vaunted drive against corruption has amounted to,
Agnew's visit was followed by an agreement that Athens little less than the replacement of the royalist cliques by
would become a new official home port for the U.S. the colonels' own coterie of rural gentry, nouveau riche
Mediterranean fleet. This will mean tens of millions of. and international capitalists.
dollars annually for the troubled Greek economy. In
February, President Nixon released all frozen aid to
Greece, including the shipment of new jets.
11w brazen Nixon blessing of the fascist junta is the final
flower of long-standing U.S. policy. The first overt in-
terference came in 1948 when Truman ordered massive
military assistance to the royalist government. This aid,
which included the experimental use of napalm, coupled
? with conflict within the socialist world over Tito's struggle
with Stalin led to the defeat of the Greek left in the civil
war. Tens of thousands of patriots went into exile and an
equal number were jailed. .
l., The 1950s were dominated by the governments of
Costas Karamanlis who .ruled with a tough hand and full
U.S. support. Even during this period, however, officers
within the Greek military developed clandestine groups
With ties to U.S. intelligence. These men were trained in
jthe U.S. By the early 1960s when the Greek masses were
again in motion, the CIA contact man in Greece was
George Papadopoulos who would emerge as the junta superficial impression of tranquility.
strong man. .? ?
While worldwide pressure has brought the release of
CIA line wins out - many prisoners and an abatement in torture, the resistance
has not very effectively taken advantage of the ?junta's
For a time U.S. policy was undecided between the State massive unpopularity. There has been no significant
Department's trust that George and Andreas Papandreou clandestine organization of workers, no rural guerrillas,
could keep Greece dependable while retaining the form of only limited urban warfare and no large-scale participation
parliamentary democracy and the CIA's desire to insure of youth who were the spearhead of the mOvement in the
dependency with its colonels. The debate was won by the 1960s. . ? .
CIA when it became clear that the general elections Much of this failure can be traced to the disillusionment
scheduled for May 1967 would bring the center and left. felt by the masses toward all pre-junta figures and
solne 80 percent of the vote with great expectation from organizations. The king, his clique and the right wing are
the masses of fundamental changes. The colonels were blamed for setting the conditions of the junta in the first.
given the go-ahead to use NATO weapons and a NATO place. The center is thought to be mainly a movement of
contigency plan to take over the government, only rhetorical struggle. The greatest disillusionment,
The colonels moved swiftly to crush opposition through however, is with the organized left. Almost all cadres of
'a policy of torture, exile and imprisonment. Every public the Communist party and the United Democratic Left
and private organization was purged of persons with any were completely unprepared for the coup, despite prior
cOnnection to the mildest progressive forces in Greece. warning signs.
This ruthless disregard of national interest was masked by The collapse of the left can be traced to a large extent to
a psuedo-nationalist jargon about "Greek Orthodox the ineffective popular front tactics of the left. Un
Christian purity" which not even the colonels took
' prepared to seek power in their own name, their resistance
seriously. ? .
activities have been primarily verbal, emphasizing the
A key man during these events was Tom Pappas, the political prisoner issue and sentimental feelings about
. Boston industrialist who raised over $1 million from Greece rather than engaging in class politics with lin-
Greek shipowners for the Nixon-Agnew election cam- mediate socialist goals.
paign. Pappas has the Standard Oil franchise in Greece
? and his foundA The United Democratic Left now has no viable.
ipleryksfieFndializeif4A4 poyet/93/04enCIALIRDP(130u0410011R00'0510618110613-4
duns. The expat a e rce - millionaire group e '
By Dan Georgaiias
No popular support
Popular support for the regime has remained nil. Not a
single prominent political figure of pre-junta Greece.
whether rightist, leftist, or centerist, has been won over.
Less than ten deputies from the last legal parliament have
collaborated. Recently two archbishops and sixty bishops
took public positions against the regime. ? ?
Such conservative and somewhat "safe" protests reflect
the general mood of the nation. The funeral of George
Papandreou, the last legal premier, was turned into a huge
anti-governmant rally when hundreds of thousands
shouted the slogans which had terrorized the Greek
establishment in the early and middle 1960s. Every such-
gathering is a tinderbox carefully guarded .by the police
and army. Even a film as innocuous as Woodstock had to
be banned because peace slogans and wild cheering took
place in the theater when Jimi Hendrix. rendered his
parody of the American National Anthem. Only constant
surveillance, arrests, beatings and torture keep the
26 MARCH 1912
proved ,EQ/ Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01
1.7 tbs, ar7.2112?
hr riiTa
.? ASON EPSTEIN and Norman Podhoretz are
Nebraska, Iowa?anything that isn't New York.
They don't understand that, apocalypse Or no,
graduates of Columbia, both editors and
most people are going to take their prune juice
both in their. early 40's, both Jewish, both
occasional writers, and while they were once the next morning."
close friends, they are now sworn enemies. But there are those who believe that not all the
They once agreed on almost everything, in lit- issues in the rift are so apocalyptic, and that
erature and in polities; now they agree on friendships in New York literary society wax
almost nothing, and the arguments between and wane with less profound events?like the
them, in large part because of them, are re- disheartening review given Norman's -autobio--
peated on every university campus in the graphical book, "Making it," in a 1968 issue of
United States, as well as In every city and town
The New York Review and the similar treatment
where people who are intellectuals or think rpf
themselves as intellectuals?and these days
accorded Jason's book, "The Great Conspiracy
doesn't??get together. Trial," in Commentary last year. It is true that
Norman Podhoretz is editor of Commen-
ever since Edgar Z. Friedenberg's treatment of
tary, which has a circulation of 60,000 a
"Making It" ? in N.Y.R , except for a few cold
hellos at one social gathering or another, Nor-
-month, and, according to a study called "How
man and Jason have not spoken to one another.
and Where to Find the Intellectual Elite in the
United States," which was published in Public Norman and his wife, Midge Deeter, used to be
Opinion Quarterly last year, Commentary has
among the dinner guests at the Epsteins' apart-
more influence on the thinking of intellectuals ment, where Jason occasionally cooks superb
_ meals on a restaurant-sized stove for as many
" in this country than all but two other publica
as 40 guests. Back in the sixties, you could have
tions, one of which is The New York Review of
Books, which has a circulation of about 100,000. the Podhoretzes to dinner and, say, Mary Mc-
(The other is The New Yorker.) Carthy and Dwight MacDonald and Hannah
Jason Epstein is one of the founders of The
Arendt and Lillian Hellman and Hans Morgen-
New York Review; he writes for it now and thau and Paul Goodman and Delmore Schwartz,
again, and while he denies having any direct all at the same time.
editorial influence on the magazine, his wife Alas, death and geography and politics and
Barbara and his friend Robert 13. Silvers are the disheartening book reviews have separated
top editors. And those who know all three find them now. Guest lists in the seventies must be
it impossible to believe that they disagree on carefully examined to avoid.possible hair-pulling
any major issue concerning the magazine. Jason among the ladies and fisticuffs among the men.
Is also a -vice president and a senior editor of Was it the war in Vietnam that did it?
Random House, one of the largest and most The war was certainly fundamental. It be-
prestigious publishing houses in the country. came the central symbol in the argument
Random House is owned by RCA, which also between Jason and Norman, and between New
owns Alfred A. Knopf and Pantheon Books. The York Review and Commentary. In essence the
' three companies share the same sleek modern disagreement is over whether the System can or
? building on East 50th Street in New York and .should be salvaged, and to what extent the war
is an aberration of the System or characteristic
MERLE MILLER, the novelist, lives in Brewster, N. Y., of it. And whatever th.) personal animosities
in splendid isolation from the wars of the New York invo lved in i the break between the two editors,
Literary Mob. His new novel, -What Happened," will their di vision s taken seriously as illustrating
be out this spring. the division in the country. A writer in the
Catholic magazine Commonweal has said of
constitute the most powerful book publishing their quarrel:
combination in the country today;probably ever. "What once could be taken as another family
Some people feel that the disagreement be- squabble among Manhattan literati looks more
tween Jason and Norman is of importance only 'and more like an important indicator of future.
to a coterie of so-called intellectuals in New political alignments."
'York. One observer says: "They don't under- So let us trace the story of the falling out
stand the rest of the country and are deeply between these two gatekeepers of the literary
fearful of A4101 FEffiteetggePpOlffigan'.:PANWObrtadi# n4180001-4
lypse. They e t at? t e ossac s come rom e
the steppes, and to them the steppes are :061111.=
19 MARCH 197^
Approved For Release 2001/03/04: Cl
i CZe
MI1E11(111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Il Il1llillil11111111111111111-11 11111111 I 1111111111111111111111111111E11 Ill Iiiiiii11111,1111111111111 IL 111P11111111111111111111111111111
- international Mystery Sh,r Lids Snectetula ?
Copt?r Escape From Mexican Prison
Associated Press Writer
? -MEXICO CITY ? As al-
most 00 prisoners and
guards watched a movie
called "The Altar of Blood,"
a U.S.-b ased helicopter
swooped down within the
Santa Marta Prison walls,
scooped up two men and
flew away with the answers
to an international mystery.
Joel David Kaplan of New
York City was one of the two
men who made the first
known successful prison es-
cape by helicopter.
The confused and contra-
dictory events that led to the
28-year prison sentence Ka-
plan was serving for the al-
leged murder. of Louis Mel-
chor Vidal, hint at gun run-
ning, international dope
smuggling, espionage activi-
ties, and the possibility that
? the body identified as Vidal
waS that of an itinerant
Turkish- peddler.
Kaplan, '45, had admitted
he was involved in smug-
gling.. The son of Abram
Isaac Kaplan, the molasses
king, he traveled a great deal
about the world, particularly
in Latin America, loved ad-
venture and actively was as-
sociated with numerous com-
panies connected with the
family's business conglomer-
"KAPLAN was well-edu-
cated, refined, loved politics
. and could be consicler0 an
expert on Latin American af-
fairs," said Victor Velasquez,
: the Mexican lawyer who'rep-
' resented him in his appeals
after he was Convicted.
.Deep investigation of con-
flicting police records, law-
yers' files and court testimo-
ny points to a fascinating
web of intrigue. The investi-
gation turned up these possi-
ble explanations for the "Ka-
plan Caper":
It could well have begun in
the late 1950s and early '60s
with a group of organizations
loosely referred to as the Le-
gion del Caribe. Among the
legion was a group of merce-
naries involved in terrorist
and leftist movements in
Central America and the Ca-
ribbean Islands. Also quite
active in that part of the
world at the time was the
U.S. Central Intelligence claimed body that resembled
Agency (CIA). /
Vidal, buy some blood plas-
ma, fake a violent act and
have their contacts cloud the
legalities to proclaim Vidal
dead. He, in turn, would wait
near the Guatemalan border
and when advised that he
was "dead," cross into Cen-
tral America and disappear.
stolen from Mexican army
arsenals .and then shipped
from this country. by small
IN 1961, Vidal, 32,. was
under pressure that already
had cost him a severe beat-
ing in New York City. Did it
become wise to disappear?
If so, the ideal place to do
It was in Mexico where he
had contacts in important
Persons involved with the
case say the plan was that
Vidal and Kaplan would
rneel in Mexico City, where
they would look for an un-
AT ONE TIME, the J. M.
Kaplan Family Fund, a chari-
table trust, served as an out-
let for CIA money. Jack Ka-
plan, Joel's uncle, told a Con-,
gressional investigating corn
raittee a few years ago that
the Kaplan Fund had been
used to funnel CIA funds.
Vidal apparently led a
shady life but he didn't have
the stature or the financial
independence that Kaplan
enjoyed. He sold Cuban
pesos on the black market
and 'had been indicted in
New York for fraud.
"From bits and pieces put
together here, including
things that were said by Vi-
dal's father, and a Spanish
engineer associated with Vi-
dal Sr., and some comments
made by Kaplan, we know
that Vidal had sold arms and
ammunition," said Velas-
(Inez. "We feel he sold arms
to Castro and to members of
? Vidal, a New York city the Legion del Caribe."
Puerto Rican, also had an in- . Knowledgeable persons
ternational flavor to his life, say that much of the illegal
His family, like Kaplan's, arms that were sold in Latin
was connected with the Ariairu during those years
sugar and ApproveduFofam
ieaseib20011/030/04f ? ft- 40e 1ROZ1014301130011134Pod-
z ism rircem
A Mexican witness would
be set up to identify the
''body," a "wife" would
make a quick appearance and
contacts in the U.S. Embassy
would quickly accept a Mexi-
can death certificate and au-
thorize shipment of the
corpse back to the States.
Kaplan would leave ' Mexico
as scion as the deed was
done, visit Vidal's father in
New York City to assure him
his son was not dead and
then go about his own busi-
about noon and met with Ka-
plan, two of Kaplan's friends
and an employe of Kaplan's
Mexico City firm. That night
Vidal took his hotel key, left
his belongings behind and de-
parted with Kaplan. He was
never seen alive again.
body to meet Vidal's speciff-
A borrowed car was al-
ready on hand, so Kaplan
posed as Vidal and went to
the hotel with the room key.
He paid the bill, checked out
and kept the hotel key. Blood
was poured on a pair of Vi-
dal's pants., a jacket and a
raincoat and then tossed near
a lonely road outside the
Next, according to a per-
son connected with the case,
they went to claim the body
and planned to place it some-
where near the clothing-. Po-
licemould discover the cloth-
ing which would have a cou-
ple items including the hotel
room key to show they be-
longed to Vidal. There would
also be in one of the pockets
the name and address of the
"wife". in New York.
TIIEY THEN went to
claim the body ? but it had
already been claimed! They
located the unclaimed body
of an itinerant Turkish ped-
dler who had lived alone a
few miles outside the city.
The fact that he weighed 50
pounds more than Vidal and
was about 45 years older
would have to be passed over
through influence of Mexican
After they got the body, it
was shot five times and bur-
ied not far from where the
clothing was thrown.
On Nov. 13, Kaplan left
Mexico for New York where
he visited Vidal's father.
Then he traveled to South
' America, Canada, and Eu-
rope. The following day, Ka-
plan's two friends, who had
been involved in European
espionage actitivies in the
past, also departed.
tries. Mexico, perhaps some arms
stained clothing was found
? and morgues turned up a .
MIIIIMFor Release 2001/HibV.1
t o erms wit i 1 re new age it was not because
Ire failed to understand its. seriousness but because he 'dis-
dained it." , ? ? - , .
of Hear
'He was a Rococo figure, complex, finely carved, all sur-
face,- like an intricately cut prism. His face was delicate but,
Wit/rout depth, his conversation brilliant but without ulti-
mate seriousness. Equally at home. the salon and in the'
he was the lieau-ideal of [an] aristocracy which Ines .wilich have attracted him a great deal more popularity
justified itself not by its truth but by its existence. And if
in i"n06iicios igd 140diovintiol zfuld seem to
'1 rfo,
named Henry Kissinger introduced Clemens
Metternich, Austria's greatest foreign minister
_and a man whOse.diplomatic life he has sought
' -to relive. As Richard Nixon's most influential advisor. on.
foreign policy, Kissinger has embodied the role of the 15th
century balance-of-power diplomat. He is cunning, elusive,
and all-powerful in the sprawling sector of government
which seeks to advise the President on national security
:matters. As Nixon's personal ernissary to foreign dignitaries,
to academia, and--as "a high White House official"-'-to
the press, he is vague and unpredictable?yet he is the
single authoritative carrier of national policy, besides the
President himself..
Like the Austrian minister who became his greatest polit-
ical hero,. Kissinger has used his position in government as T
a protective cloak to conceal his larger _ambitions .and pur-
poses.. Far from being the detached, objective arbiter of
presidential decision-making, he has become a _crucial .
molder and supporter of Nixon's foreign policy. Instead of
merely holding the bureaucracy at comfortable arm's length,
he has entangled it in a web of useless projects and studies,.
cleverly shifting an important locus of advisory power from
the Cabinet departments to his own. office. And as a confi-
. denfial advisor to the President, he never speaks for the
record, cannot be made to testify before Congress, and is
identified with presidential policy only on a semi-public
level. .His activity is even less subject to domestic .con-
straints than that of Nixon himself.
Not that any of this isvery surprising, however, because ?
Kissinger .has emerged from that strain Of -policy thinking
which is fiercely anti-popular. anCI 'anti-bureaucratic in its
origins. Like the ministers who ruled post-Napoleonic Eur-,
ope from the conference table at Vienna?and the Eastern
:Establishment figures who preceded him as policy-makers
of a later age--Kissinger believes that legislative bodies,
bureaucracies, and fun-of-the-mill citizenries all lack the
training and temperament that are needed in the diplomatic
field. He is only -slightly less moved by the academics who
parade down to Washington to be with the great man .and
peddle their ideas. And when one sets aside.popular
Congress, the ? bureaucracy, and the academic community, -
there remains the President alone. The inescapable conclu-
sion is that Henry Kissinger's only meaningful constitu-
ency is a constituency of one. ?
? At a superficial level, the comparison with Metternich
breaks down. As 'opposed to a finely carved figure, Kis,
singer is only of average height, slightly overweight, ex;
cessiyely plain, and somewhat stooped. Far from beau-ideal,
he is a Jewish refugee, and he' speakswith a foreign accent.
Despite the image of the gay divorce, the ruminations
about his social activity seem to be grounded more in jour-
nalism than in fact. ? ? ?
But 3,vithout being a butterfly, Kissinger is a deeper indi- .
vidual than the man he wrote about, and he possesses
A proved.For. Release 2001/03/04 : CIA-RD - 1 1,
by David Landau
)1311011_ C'Te
Approved For Releas140149,511q s JA-R13141J-M-610
:A.)._ VA:4.
i .
. The . document reflects durng the '50s
individual. assessments of Provided "limit(
the ' CIA by thbse present. but dramatic re:
? li it ,, ---1.,;-?,--: .. J-
kt_if.a..--A. r_)?ti) q.. I - The report- include.s a num- flights were lat(
bei of general statements: of the ameell
, ?The. ,tv.i,e elements of scheduled sumr
between Presic'
CIA activity, "intelligence
hower and :
collection" and "covert ac-. after Francis G
lion" (or 'intervention")
1-1 'ii was shot !lawn
-,...- Ti -. ci It ???:--, !y-,-,arc not separated within
(12'*;?11 -1. r),..4-i-N q;,-.1- ,,n ;1,1 sia.)
Al..A..1L-i,... v,,-....ii.).....),.--, J?..,..!..,.0._y ,,....."1,. the agency but are consid-
"After. five d.
er PCI to "overlap and inter.;
flights were
act." . from. the Ru
. --The focus of classical these .operation
. espionage in Europe and highly secret. in.
I - ,
The written report of a confiden- other developed parts of States, and wit]
tial discussion about Central latili the world had shifted
son," reads the
gence. Agency ,operations held in "toward targets in the un- these overflight
1963, a year after the public contro- derdevelopcd worlq." :leaked' to the
versy over agency involvement with ? ?Due to the clear juris- press, the 1...;
the National Student Assn., shows. :notional boundary be- ia-ve. been fore
the CIA was anxious to establish nevi tween the CIA and FBI, thi?ction." ,
contacts with other student grouPs, intelligence -agency was The meeting,?
foundations, universities, labor. orga- ''adverse to surveillance of :vas not to ronsi
? nizations and corporations for its US citizens overseas (even CIA missions so
overseas wok. ? . .. .. when sPecificallY .1.0.,:illest- characterize gc
. - ? ed) and .adverse to operat- cepts and procc
The dis..:cussion Was held in Jariu-
Mg against targets in the -discussion v.,:p.s i
'fly 1963 among ranking govermnent United _,:tates, ONCept for- of a council stu
officials and former officials, includ-
ng several forrner CIA of ricers, eigners here as transients." "Intelligence a;
--The acquisition of a Policy." -
..t/uncles the auspices of the Council on
secret speech by Soviet The ehairrru?
Foreign Relations in NCW York. -
Premier Nikita Khrush-- meeting? was t
- -Though no.- direct quotes Pre at- .chev in February 1956 was Dillon, an in v
tributed in the report, the opinion a classic example of the po-, 1)i:ulcer who 112
___..4. 1,,,,V N.,:l. 11 r - -.1.11V-7 lilic'lltaiirC In
WaS stated by the discussion leader, litical use Of secretly cc-. Washington. as underscore- the statement that "it is
1,7 'Richard M. Bissell Jr., formerly' a viral intelligence. The tary of State and Secretary notably true. of the subsi-
deputy director of the CIA, that: "If State Department released of the Treasury in the Ken- 'dies to student, labor and
the agOney is to be effective, it wilt the text which, according nedy Administration. ;cultural groups that .1-utve-
have to mal,:e use of private. institu- to cue Participant,-prompt- Twenty persons were recently- been publicized
tions on an expanding scale, . though ed "the beginning of thi. listed as attending includ- that the zigency's objective
these relations which have 'blown' split in the Communist lug prominent former offi_ was never to control their
cannot be resurrected." ' ? . .. movement." 5ince this cials and educators like -;,ctivities, only occasionally
.speech had been specifical-
. The diseusSi011 al :4) referred .to the ,- T-TAarrY 1-Iowe Ranscnn.. ofYto point them in a paral
ly . targeted before ac- vanderbut University! it lar direction, but primarily
continued utility of labor grouPs and quired, the results mea 'it to 1/ivid B. Truman, presi-? to enlarge them and render
Ainerican corporitions to C.I.!\ opc,.ra-
this Partieilmult that it Yoti dent of Mt. Holyoke Col- them more effective."
tions. No such groups or corporations..
get a pt-ecise target and go lege,
. - :after it,' you .can change ' An an article in the t-*.iat-
are named. ' , , .
- T4 list 'included Allen \tirclay Evening Post in May
? ? The- I.:fatten report, like OtherS historY." ?
_...onetratten,?: joy es_ \V. Dulles, former' dire.ctor 1937, Thomas Braden, who
sponsored by lite council, is consid- -
of the CIA., and Robert ,}-(ad helped set up the sub-.
Cl by the p:.:tip
rticants as "confi-
tablishing persond Amory Jr., 'who had .been 1' sidles With Dulles, defend-
dential" and "completely off the rec--. tions hips with _individuals
deputy direetor, as well as . ed the El? Way to
.. . - - ratner than . simply hirMg
ord." ? ? ? ? ? Bissell, who had been clop- combat the . seven major
. ? . , ? .theth was rerfarded as
i . The document. is being circulated % '
especially useful in theun-
C n
uty director until shortly. front organizations of the
. by the Africa Research Group, --.7,t. derdeveloped .world. The after the Bay of Pigs inva- Mmunist \Wild i which
small, radically oriented organization statement is made that sion, in which the CIA was ?the Russians through the
headquartered in Cambridge, because ,.
cover i
t ntervention (in involved. . use? of their international
'it offers a primer-on
, the underdeveloped \vorld) The discussion took place fronts.had stolen the great
U he theory and practice of CIA ma? ,
is ustuthy designed to oper- just a year after res ela- 5y01 cis SUCh as peace., ju.3-
nipulations.:! . . ..
' ' ate on the 'internal power tie ns by Ramparts maga_ tice and freedom." .
? .. Portions of the document balance, often with a fairly zinc c o a c e r n in g' CIA- I/ me?
report' shows that
are scheduled to appear Shog-term objective." funded training of agents, the publicity had not been
today in the 'thnversity - --The reconnaissance of -for South Vietnam at ns d,,,,,h-,,,
Review," aAiSfiroied-For Relet sea200t103/044101A-RDP80-01601R00010018.0001 -14 CAA activi-
o. "
,based monthly.
By Crocker Snow Jr.
Globe Staff
-.Approved For Release 2001/03/04 Cm-Kurou-016
September .15, 1971 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? Extevs;ovs
JOR that now exists in many countries. We
will also urge that such a system eliminate
the inequitable "reverse preferences" that
now discriminate against Westera Hemis-
phere countries.
The President was certainly correct
when he said that--
united States trade policies often have a
very heavy impact on our neighbors.
. As an example, - Mexico imported
$1.505 billion worth of AtneriCan goods,
mostly 'manufactured items, last year.
'1.'1.1e United States imported $833 million
worth of Mexican goods, resulting in a
plus U.S. trade balance of $832 million.
. Mexico, like nao5.1t of the developing
nations in Latin America is striving to
build its manufacturing capabilities in
order to create join and raise its GNP..
President Nixon has not only
broken. his promise to "press for a
liberal system of generalized tariff prefer-
ences for all developing countries, in-
cluding Latin America," but he has
slapped Mexico and our other neighbors
with a surcharge of 10 percent on their
export.seto the United States.
Surely the President 'was correct when
he said during the economic package an-
, nounecinent, that the "temporary" sur-
charge was aimed at trading- nations
with under-valued currencies. Given
that, why Cid he break his promises to
our developing. neighbors and levy pre--
- ciseiy the samo surcharge against them
as he applied to the developed nations?
- But the levying of the surcharge was
not the .only broken promise, in order
to increase the drama involved ,in"an-
nouncing such a comprehensive econom-
ic package, President Nixon broke his
express 'promise to have "advance con-
fsultation on trade matters" which he
made in the Inter-American Press As-
sociation speech: -
In a speech delivered yesterday before
the U.S. Cxevernors Conference in San
juan, P.R., OAS Secretary General Gal()
Plaza. stated:
The new economic policy announced by the
the United States Government last month
has, understandably, not been well received
In Latin America. The surcharge on imports
ceems to undercut both the general U.S.
commitment toward freer trade and the
opecific U.S. commitment to. help. Latin
America expand and diversify Its -exports.
I find Secretary General Gab o Plaza
to be most diplomatic indeed. He might
have stated simply: "President Nixon
lied to us."
I would remind President Nixon and
Use Members of this body. of one or two
economic facts of life: .
? First. Latin America is the only major
world area in which the United States
maintains a favorable trade balance.
Second. That favorable trade balance
amounted to $700 .million last year.
Third. The United States exported al-
most $5 billion worth of goods to Latin
America in 1909.
. Fourth. The old days when the Latin
Ameriertn nations had nowhere else to
go for their imports are over. West Oer-
many, Japan, France, Great Britain, and
even the Soviet Union are accelerating
their experts to Latin American nations.
As MI example, in a recent closed session
of the Foreign Relations Committee ill \
one of the hoaaes of the Brazilian -Con-
gress, the Foreign Minister of Brazil
stated that last year, for the first time in
its history, Brazil traded more with the
Common Market nations than it did with
the United States.
This morning the Washington Post
published an editorial which is very ger-
mane to the subject of the impact of the
10-percent import surtax on our south-
ern neighbors. The editorial entitled,
"Who Pays the Tariff?" follows:
Wno vho-)--rs THE TARLIFF?
1.11 the current pushing and shoving among
the world's great trading nations, a lot of
small countries arc getting hurt. Latin
America, illustrates the point. The United
States did not- really intend to harm the Latin
economics last month when it imposed. its
10 per cent surtax on imports. The truth
is that the White House and the Treasury
were not thinking, about Latin America at all.
But intentional or not, the damage is real
and the- consequences are going to- be scri-
President Nixon worked. out his economic
program with the advice of a spetial Com-
mittee of able and experienced citizens,
headed by Albert. Williams, whose report has
now been published. But in the matter of
tariffs the President overrode this committee,
which urged hini to move toward removal
of all barriers to international trade. The
Williams committee Is right on this issue,
and the President is wrong. The evidence is
already visible to the south.
The Latin Americans protest, with good
logic, that it is unjust to maize them pay a
surtax designed to remedy a trade crisis in.
which they played no part. Latin America has
traditiorw.11y bought more from the United
'States than it sells hero. The Latins, are not,
the people to .sce a-bout revaluing the yon
and the Deutschemark, But the United States
meets all objections with a shrug and the
oh2ervation that it can't start making ex-
ceptions now.
Mr. Nixon attempted tbis week to placate
the Latins with the decision 1-hat, for them
aloin:, he w-ould cancel -the 10 per cent re-
duction in foreign aid; it had originally been
Part of the program announced a month ago,
with the surtax. But the countries getting
the most a-id are 'not those hardest hit by the
surtax. .
The extreme exaMples are Mexico and
Brazil. Mexico clues more business Nvith the
United States than any other 'country in
Latin America and will be DlOre severely
darnaE,,ed by the surtax than any other. But
Mexico takes no direct aid from the United
States. On the other hand, the United States
gives more Rid to Brazil than to any other
Latin country. Brazil does hall aS 11111.0h b11.5i-
neSS With the United States as Mexico does.
Since coffee is exempt, the surtax applies
only to about 15 per cent of Brazil's exports
to this country. But it applies to fully 50 per
cent of Mexico's exports here.
Less than two years ago Mr. Nixon deliv-
ered a glowing speech on this country's re-
sponsibilities to Latin Ainerica. "They need,"
he said then, "to be assured of access to tin;
expanding markets of the industrialh,ea
world." . He promised them advance con-
sultation On trade matters, and he also'
promised to pyrsue, worldwide, "a liberal
system, of generalized tariff preferences."
Thu- got ne consultation on the surtax, ob-
viously, and now they see the United States the lead in raising tariffs. Unfor-
tunately the price of the.-3e moves comes high,
and. ranch of it is ult:rn ately paid by sro.;-.Cil
natkmS 1-hat cannot p.f..ord their large neigh.'
boss' mistakes. ,
HON. 1;10.CJI(
Werlmosda-g, Scptcniber 15, 1571
RI-RICK. Mr. Speaker, cam several
occasions dining recent Months, I called
the attention of our colleagues to ac-
tivities of the Bilderbergers----an elite in-
ternational group comprised of high Gov-
ernment ofileials, international final).- .
ciers, businessmen and opinionmakers.--
see Comumssionnt, Rxociati, IE.010-z-8 of
May 5, 1971, entitled "Bilderbergers'
Woodstock Meeting;" 113701 to 113707 of
May 10, 1971, entitled "U.S, Dollar
Crisis---A Dividend of Internationalism;"
)11/1979 to E4985 of May 24, 1071, entitled
"Secret Bilderberg Meeting and the
Logan Act;" and E7786 to E7707 of July
16, -1971, - entitled "Bilrica?berg Case:
Reply Fr011l U.S. Attorney General's Of-
This exclusive international aristocracy -
,holds highly secretive meetings annually
or more often in various countries. The
limited information available about What
transpires at these meetings reveals that
they discuss matters of vital ini.por-ah ice
which affect thc lives of all citizens.
Presidential Adviser Henry His,:thiger,
who made a secret visit to Peking froni
July 9 to 11, 1971, and arranged for a
Presidential visit to Red China, was re-
ported to be in attendance at -the Most.
recent Bilderberg meeting held in Wood-
stock, Vt., April 23-25, 1971.. The two
points reportedly discussed at the Wood-
stock meeting were "the contribution of
business in dealing with current prob-
lems of social instability" and "the pos-
sibility of a change of the AmeriCan role
in. the world and its consequences."
_Following. these . secret discussions,
which aro certainly not -in keeping with.
the Western political tradition of "open
COVeD.P.)AS openly arrived at," the par-
ticipants return to their respective coun-
tries with the general pj-tblic left unin-
formed, notwithstanding the attendance
of some news media representatives, of
any of the recommendations and plans
agreed upon as it result of the disells-
S.1071S?or for that matter_ even the oc-
curence of the meeting itself.
Because the American people have a
rig-ht to know of any projections for a
change in America's role in the world
and because -Henry Hissinl-,,er and other
Government ofileials and influential
Americans met with high Government
officials and other pow?crful foreign lead-
ers, sought to have more information
about the recent Bilderberg meeting
made public by robing the Question to
the U.S. P.-ttorney General of a possible
violation of the Logan Act by Arnerlean
31articipants and asked if the Justice De-
Partmcnt anticipated taking 0.ny action
in the matter.
The i eply froin the Justice Depart-
ment, in effect, was that all of the eie-
ments constituting a violation of the Lo-
gan. Act were present; and that the De-
partment contemplated no action but
Approved For Releae 2001/03/04 CIA-RDP80-01601R000100180001-4
Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-0160
E ? 43,953
S ? 48,116
4 int
it Was right cut of the Three
eMusketeers oiethe Scarlet Pimpernel or
Maybe-just Zorro. But the rescue of an.
--?American, convicted of murder in..
.7Mexico, by a helicopter which simply
landed and picked him up will be
something prison- authorities won't.
- forget for some time.
Joel Kaplan had been convicted of
murder in Mexico and sentenced to 23
years in prison, lie has served nine of
.. them. He is the heir to a considerable
- fortune and has a mysterious
background including rumors of being
involved with the Central Intelligence
Ale Agency and political intrigues in Latin
America. His Mexican attorney says the
? murder charges were ridiculous but
relatives were worried because
er Kaplan's health .Was failing in prison.
? Apparently several other attempts had
? been made to get him out.
. The successful break was .made when.
? all . but five guards were watching a
movie. There was no opposition to. the
landing of the helicopter or any shots
fired as it left. After transferring to a
private plane, Kaplan and the pilot
legally landed at Brownsville, .Texas,
where they were checked out for nar-.
cotics and then sent on their way. -
Mejco apparently doesn't intend to
bring any extradition proceedings. For
one thing it is no crime to break jail. in
Mexico unless violence iS involved. In
the peaceful landing and takeoff Of the
helicopter, there was no violence.
But while the episode is humorous, it .
does .bring up some long range
questions. If the murder charge was so
untenable, why was it not fought by
American authorities? Did some of
Kaplan's funds actually go to a school in
Costa Rica that had soMething to do with. '
the C.I.A. and was a.Kaplan family fund .
used to convey money .from the State
Department to that school as .a relative ?
now claims? Did American authorities
? have anything to do with the escape and
was it something of a face-saving
mechanism for our relations with
There are many unanswered
questions and probably there won't be
any sure answers. But anyway it a
refreshing episode even if the stakes
were really not as high as might be in-
dicated and even had the skids been
carefully greased ahead of time.
Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100180001-4
rairm; TOfl c5 STATI NTL
.Approved For Release 2001/00,/14ipCpjfi-RDP80-01601R00
t.Tc7 11
4-47 .41) r/7) 1/ Ii?
d V.,1-1/(LLij
Q,c/U(". 4'1. r TT
MI/ VI/ '
-By Francis 13. Kent
Los Angelcs Times '
David Kaplan would itot
stand out in 'a crowd. -
Slightly built, going bald, he
might be taken for a shy ac-'
countant. '
Yet this outwardly unas-
stuning figure has twice
burst into the headlines
here, first on being con-
victed of murder touched
with foreign intrigue, then
as the central. figure in a
dramatic escape from
.Both incidents, it ap-
peared, are in keeping with
the 'personality of the real
joel Kaplan.
Erom information sup-
Plied by those who knew
him here, friends and prison
authorities, Kaplan emerges
as a kind of Jekyll and
Hyde, quiet and reflective
one minute, bold and swash-
buckling, the next.
Little is known of his
early years, except that he
Was born in New York on
Oct. 17, 1D26, that he f;raclu-
ated from a military acad-
emy at Roswell, N.141., at the
age of 16' and that he en-
listed in the Navy the follow-
ing year.
It was not until March,
3961, that the record begins
to catch up with him.
MOlasses Business ,
At that time he entered
Mexico using what officials
describe as a fraudulent
British passport, describing
himself as a photographer
although he was known to
be an executive of a New
York firm engaged in the
purchase of 'molasses. Eight
months lat er he was
tharged with the murder of
a business associate, Luis
Melchior Vidal,
. Convicted and sentenced
to 28 years in prison, he de.-
nie.d'steadfastly that he had
killed 'Vidal, although he ad-.
mated to an interviewer' in,
1667 that he had taken part
. in shaCtowry world
in a conspiracy; hatched in
New York, to make it ap-
pear that Vidal had been
killed. Vidal, he said at the
time, was in trouble for traf-
ficking in illegal arms.
Prison officials contend'
that during his years in var-
ious penitentiaries here
Kaplan drank heavily and at
one time used narcotics sup-
plied by easily bribed
guards. . t
Reporters who talked with.
him concede the probability,r
citing Kaplan's moody- dis-
trust of relatives, his tend-
ency to contradict himself
and his fear of being killed.
He is reported to have failed
in at least one suicide at-
tempt and is quoted as say-
ing on more than one Occa-
"If I ever get out. of here
won't live 21 hours."
CIA Agent? ?
K.aplan's attorney', the
noted Mexican ;trial lawyer
Victor Velasquez, insists
that his clicnt was an agent
of the. Central intelligence, but well-placed
.sources hero argue that the.
Mexican government, would.
in no circumstances jail a.
CIA operative. . ?
Still, his uncle, J. M. Kap-
lan, is known to have es-
tablished a foundation cite(
as a conduit for CIA funds.
Joel Kaplan, without elabo-
rating, often said?that it was
in his uncle's interest to
keep him in prison here.
In November, 1.967, the
uncle told Kaplan in a letter
made available here that he
had had no contact with the
CIA "for years" and that he
had no reason to want his
nephew imprisoned. Those
at fault, he added, Were "the
crowds of leeches and blood-
suckers who surround you
. : . part of the poison known
as the Mafia."
Curiously, Ards man who
admits to have smuggled
guns and taken part in a sin-
ister conspiracy was mice a
figure of some renown in
New York society. He NV a S
married for a time to a
model named Bonnie Sharie
and was seen frequently in
New York's posh watering
..Now,? having engineered a
spectacular escape from
prison, he pre:qui-ta1)1y has
disappeared into the shad-
owy world that better fita
the other Joel David Kaplan.
Approved For Release 2001/03/04.: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100180001-4
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Whirlaway ?
Most of the. 136 guards at Mexico
City's Santa Maria A.catitla prison were
watching a movie with the prisoners
last week when a Bell helicopter, sim-
ilar in color to the Mexican attorney gen-
eral's, suddenly clattered into the. pris-
on yard. Some of the guards on duty
presented arms, supposing that the. hell-
C,opter had brought an unexpected of-
ficial visitor. What they got was a dif-
ferent sort of surprise. As the chopper
set down on the paving stones, two pris-
oners dashed out of Cell No. 10. The
men were airborne in less than two min-
utes. One of the most enterprising jail-
breaks in modern times had been ac-
complished without a shot being fired.
The more notable of the two es-
capees was Joel David Kaplan, 4=1, a
New York businessman and nephew of
Molasses Tycoon Jacob M. Kaplan,
whose S.M. Kaplan Fund was narned
in a 1964 congressional investigation as
Er conduit for CIA money for Latin Amer-
ica. The younger Kaplan had been con-
victed in 1962 for the Mexico City
murder of his New Yor,17 business part-
ner, Louis Vidal Sr. Kaplan claimed at
the trial that Vidal, who had been in-
volved iii narcotics and gunrunning, had
constructed an elaborate plot to dis-
appear. The murder victim, Kaplan
'maintained, was not even Vidal, and in-
deed, serious doubts were raised about
the body's identity. When Kaplan took
it on the Jam, he was accompanied by
Carlos Antonio Contreras Castro, a Ven-
ezuelan counterfeiter..
The escape plans had apparently been
completed the day before when an
American man visited Cell No. 10 and
looked over the prison yard. He was ac-
companied by both men's wives. (Kap-
lan had married a Mexican woman?the
only way he could have visitors, he said
?without bothering, to divorce New
York Model Bonnie Sharie.) After the
escape, Kaplan and Castro 'switched to
a small Cessna at a nearby airfield and
were flown to La Pesca airport near
the Texas border, where two more planes
awaited them. One flew Castro to Gua-
temala; the other flew Kaplan to Texas
and then on to California. Kaplan used
his own name when he passed U.S. cus-
toms at Brownsville. Both the helicopter,
which was later found abandoned, and
the Cessna had been bought in the
at an atimated cost of S100;000.
No James hand. At week's end neither
man had been caught. Kaplan's Mexican
attorney declared that his client was a
CIA agent and that the rescue had been
engineered by the agency. But a spokes-
man for Jacob Kaplan pooh-poohed all
that. "People are determined to substi-
tute James 13ond for the Kaplan. family
name,' he said, though he could offer
no explanation of just who had carried
out the spectacular stunt. Jo Mexico,
meanwhile, Attorney General Sulio San-
chez Vargas was forced to resign, and
prison officials and all 136 guards were
arrested for questionMo. The movie, af-
ter all, had been the first shown at the
prison M two years.
Approved For Release 2001/03/04: CIA-RDP80-01601R000100180001-4
Approved For Release 200)/p3A4 ? CJA-ROPSPACriOntRO
ub 19/1
(, vt cl .
CV.7. r.,1. 7
=?, '?I
FlatiNCYs' B. KiiNT
Timn Star; 'eri!Dr
is known that l'i' `'
MEXICO CITY?The few. guardstn s, ar? rived hTerein,
who hadn't gone, to the Movie pre- early IT6t-ii as a represents.,
sented arms smVtly as the helicop- of 't??? American -u-
ter chattered out of a nay, drizzling cro".? c ?
o., al Ina Ae
Angust sky and sett14. onto tho pri- the: s' olit an hweststi, ?r ci
soli courtyard. But no dignitary -Molasses Co. of Ne?\;l'ilo:rk.
alighted. Instead, two Inmates. dart- The following November
ed across the open space, clambered an associate the sucrose
aboard and were whisked, away into firm, Luis Meicl;i0i;
the gathering dusk. was reported shot to death
Thus Joel David Kaplan, an and a body identified as
American adventurer, wrote the last his was found : several
chapter but one of a bizarre scenario :miles from here on the
that few writers of fiction would at- road to Cuernavaca. Ka-
tempt. The final chapter and the plan and two others were
complete Cast of characters may re- charged with murder.
main forever a mystery except to T 1.1 ?
To this point a seems
the people directly involved, plausible enough. A busi-
For Kaplan, after serving nine ness disput e. Heated
years of a long sentence here. for words. Hired assassins
. murder with intriguing, overtones, and a quick settlement of
account. Nothing out of
- Aug-. 18 almost ?
into .thin left, behind a tan- "lc 01.(li1 rY iri
gled skein m fact' runlor,'su?estion ,then or now. But a closer
and. conjecture that ray art-e-ver Jeok at the priiacipals sug-
sorted out. ? gests something else.
What, for instance, really bro.ught Vidal, the alleged victim,
Kaplan to Mexico in the spring 0-r- \va,s 1:1-111mred, at? not
1961? Business' :_rt cOntraet ' to navo ricer' Ion involved
in tho business of sup- ?
other kind? What Diotive lvould
have had f.or killing the rnan jiCwas PlYing arms g?vern-
:convicted of killing? was Hai)lan in ? anents with ready cash and
fact a -as. intelligence agant?-was no.hangups about keeping
.the Untral Intelligence zgoriey that records. He was said to.
planned and carried out the spectao-
have taken money from
ular Aug. 18 escape?
the Castro government in
The record, pieced together fromr. Cuba but then reneged on
yellowing nowspaperchppinf, feta deliv,ery. Jr court, it was
mal testi in o n y anti' interleav- identified as Vidal' testii:ied that the body was
leaves, a checkerboard of blank sna-
.'-ces.? that of a man in his 70s,
twice Vidal's ac,e.
Uncle's Foundation
Perhaps coincidentally,
it was his uncle, J. M. Ka-
plan, who founded the Ka-
plan Foundation of New
Y o r k, which has been
identified in congressional
testimony as one, of the
o t herwise philanthropic
agencies used for channel-
ing CIA funds to labor and,/ it has been ? learned, Ka:-
student organizations. ? plan's wife and an Amen-
duck out by clinging to a
truck's underside earlier
. this year, that Kaplan
nally carried off the bold
The helicopter simply
appeared, took on its -pas-
sengers and disappeared
as quickly as it had come.
On board with Kaplan was
another inmate, Carlos
Antonio Contreras Castro,
a Venezuelan citizen serv-
ing nine year's for robbery
and forgery.
At Santa Marta A.catitla,
Also perhaps coinciden-
tally, both of Kaplan's al-
leged accomnlices in the
Vidal slaying were men of
curiously similar b a c
ground. Both promptly
slipped out of the country-
and disappeared.
- One of these was Harry
Kopelsohn, a naturalized.
citizen of Israel who was
born in Kiev. Kopelsohn,
also known as Earl Scott,
was widely rumored to be
an agent of the Israeli
. government. The other
was' Evsie S. Petrushan-
sky, also born in Russia.,
who described himself as a
movie and television di-
rector working out of New
York. and Baltimore.
Speculation' has it that
Kaplan's escape plans be-
gan to take shape in 196,5,
when as an inmate of Me-
leo City's infamous Le-
cumberri prison he mar-
ried Irma Vasquez Calde-
ron. Under Mexico's :vs-
_ c? tern of almost unlimited
Kaplan himself, in pri-
son interviews; hinted
broadly at having served
the CIA. He said he. had
.been in naval .intelligence
in 19z15-46 in Miami, a
hotbed ? of Cuban agents
and Cuban' intrigue. Hp'
said .he h a d smuggled
guns in Central America
but in that "al-
? though I'm no boy scout"
he had had nothing to do
with the alleged murder of
privileges for )risoners
with money,. the Calderon
woman was free to enter.
and leave Lecumberri
most at will.
? t
From Lecumberri, lo-
cated in the heart of the
capital, Kaplan was soon
transferred to Santa Marta
Acatitla3 a maximum se-
curity federal prison on
the city's southern out-
skirts. It was there, after
an unsuccessful attempt to
can friend, identified only
as Harvey Orville Dail, vi-
sited Kaplan only a few
hours before the escape.
The helicopter, .along
with two light planes em-
ployed in: the elaborate
operation, have been
traced as far as the Texas
border and there the trail
ends. Kaplan is believed to
have CI' s e d into the
United States at Browns-
ville and headed west, pos-
sibly to California, and
the Venezuelan is thought.
to have, been flown .south
to Guatemala and points.
beyond. .
Trail Cooling
Mcanwhil c, with the
trail cooling at what ap-
pears to be a dead end,
. Mexican authorities are
concentrating on what
transpired at Santa Marta
Acatitla. The prison corn,
mandant, his chief assis-
tant and an increasing
number of guards are be-
ing held, for. questioning.
Despite testimony to the
contr any, investigators
have established that the
prison's alarm system was
funetiOning and that the
guards' rifle 's were ? in
working order.
. Few observers d o u Ii t
that part of the half-mil-
lion dollars estimated to
have gone into the scheme
found its way into the pri-
son. ? But the money's
source, like the where-
abouts of Joel David HaP-
lan, remains a mystery. .
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