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Approved For Release .; ; _ 4' A-RDP80-01446R000100060010-0 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Senior Research Staff on International Communism Article in Foreign Affairs by Nikita Khrushchev Pressure of time only permits a brief and hasty footnote: A point about the seemingly conflicting statements by the Communist leaders on the inevitability of war and Khrushchevis present stress on peaceful coexistence which seems to deserve greater emphasis is the fact that there is actually nothing contra- dictory or new in these statements. Marx and Lenin are on record as having declared wars between capitalist states inevitable, but as for wars or clashes between the capitalist and the Communist systems, what the Com- munist leaders always had in mind was the inevitability of war as the result of armed attacks by the capitalist states. On the one hand, they could not believe that the capitalist states would remain with arms folded while Communist states were developing their power and their concomitant resources for internal subversion, and on the other hand, they would obviously not publicly announce warlike intentions, even if they had them. On the contrary, would- be aggressors have always been most vehement in their professions of pacificism. When, therefore, Kh.rushchev says that wars are no longer inevitable, all he means is that the Communist camp is now so powerful that the capitalists will no longer dare attack it, even if nuclear weapons are outlawed de jure or de facto. It follows that the "aggressive" capitalists, monopolists, and imperialists should give up their vain dreams of crushing the Communist camp and implicitly Communism by force, and reconcile themselves to the necessity of peaceful coexistence, which means disarmament, abandonment of military bases, and recognition of the status uo in Eastern and Central Europe. Communism, now as always, will rely an its intrinsic superiority - economic and moral - to triumph in the rest of the world, even violent revolution, as distinct from "parliamentary revolution" being soft-pedalled if not formally disavowed. Approved For Release 1999/b9~08 : CIA-RDP80-01446R000100060010-0 Approved For Release?19.92(-Q$:.:,cIA-RDP80-01446R000100060010-0 To sum up: The Soviet state has never threatened war, for obvious reasons, and cannot renounce something it has never announced. True, when attacked, it argues that all its armed forces did was to create "favorable conditions" for Communist takeovers in the countries they occupied. The Communist Inter- national (or the CPSU), for equally obvious reasons, has not and cannot threaten with war. There is, therefore, nothing new in tlpeaceful coexistence. 1' Superficially, it merely means an invita- tion to the West to return to a peace footing, and fundamentally it does not guarantee peace any more than countless similar solemn declarations to renounce war have in the past. 25X1A9a SRS/ DDI Approved For Release 1999/09%0$x: CTA-RDP80-01446R000100060010-0 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-01446R000100060010-0 SENDER WI CF(ECK CLASSIFICATION TOP AND BOTTOM U CL DIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OFFICIAL ROUTING SLIP YO I // NAME AND ADDRESS INITIALS DATE 25X1A9a Room 304A, 2210 E Street 3 4 5 6 ACTION DIRECT REPLY PREPARE REPLY APPROVAL DISPATCH RECOMMENDATION COMMENT FILE RETURN CONCURRENCE INFORMATION SIGNATURE Remarks25X1 A9a The boss wanted you to know that thi s was exactly what he wanted. JS E 2 1A9a FOLD HERE TO RETURN TO SENDER FROM: NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NO. DATE EO/D CI/ blp 2 21 Ad min 14 Apr 5 UNCLASSIFIED CONFIDENTIAL SECRET FORM N0. 237 Replaces Form 30-4 (40) I APR 55 Which may be used. U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1955--0-342531 Approved For Release 1999/09/08 : CIA-RDP80-01446R000100060010-0