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Publication Date: 
November 10, 1952
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Approved For Release 2002/06/13 : C PROPOSED LEGISLATION to provide certain authorities for the entral intelligence Agency and for 1 ,other purposes. B IT ENACTED BY THE SENATE AND HOUSE OF R.ZP .E$FNTA" IVL IN CONGRESS ASSEMBLED, Sec. 1. So U. s. c. 403e(S)(A) is- amended to read as follows: Order to the United States or its Terri- tories and possessions on leave provided for by law, every officer and employee of the Agency who was a resident of the United States or its Territories and possessions at time of employment. upon completion of two years co*trs service abroad, or as soon as pos- sible thereafter, and grant to such officers and employees leave of absence, without regard to any other leave pro Aded for by law, for use in the United States, its Terrtt ies or posses- . each four months of service outside the several States a the District of Columbia. Such leave may be accumulated for future use without regard to See. Z0 c) of the "annual and Sick Leave Act of 11951' (65 Stat. 680), but such leave which is unused shall not be made the assis for any terminal leave or lump $ am Pay- . ment: P .OV1l , T' Sec. Z03(d) of the 'Annual and Sick Leave Act of 1951' (65 t. 680) shall not apply to such Officers and em- ployees assigned to permanent-duty stations oota de the several States and the District of umbia. 'I Approved For Release 2002/06/13 Melt Uv UP-1c. - 11 era TYPE _,_ __ The new s:,bsection, will permit accumulation of ,-hone leave" for people on foreign dut '. It embodies provisions which have been granted to Foreign Service personnel. Subsection Z03(d) provides for day accumulation of leave for persy._3 Pn- nel overseas except for Foreign Service personnel. The proposed language would bring %:rI.A in line with i 'oreign Service. 1 c-~1 rte?-cl y_? uqf~ mr, TH. HR 10.2 Approved For Release 2002/06/13: CIA-RDP80-0137000500020001-4 AW Sec. 2, The Central 'Intelligence Agre hereby exempted from the prt:isions of the Performance Rating Act of 19502" (64 :tat. 1098). Sec. 3. 50 U. :S. C. 4031 is hereby re- pealed, Sec. 4. 50 I3. S. . 403j(i) is amended by deleting the words "payment of claims pursuant to Title 2S; and substituting the following: "payment of claims pursuant to Chapter 171 of Title Sec. 5. 50U. S. C. 403(a) is hereby amended by deleting the figure "$16, 0001 and substituting in lieu thereof the figure Sec. 6. 50 U.S.C. 403(h)(2) is amended by deleting the second sentence thereof and substituting the following: Any such co missioned officer, while serving #n the office of Director, shall receive the pay and allowances authorized by ecause of security reasons it is impossible to co ply with the review and inspection previsions of that Act. The Civil Service Cornmission support in this ratter. has indicated the super grades as necessary. Repeals See. 9 of f:IA Act which p ,, - vicies for three positions in profes'- sional or scientific field with ceiling of 15, 00. No longer necessary since we have authority to appoint Corrects printing error in CI.", 1949, Sec. 10(a)(1) which onnits, o chapter. Increases compensation of I: I which was $14,000 per National Securi A..ct of 1947 and increased to $1 by Executive Pay Bill of October 1! 1949. , ends Sec. 102(b)(2) of Nat. Sec. Act of 1947 to give military Man serving as DCT straight pay and allowances of Approved For Release 2002/06/13 : CIA-RDP80-0137OR000500020001-4 Approved For Release 2002/06/13 : CIA-RDP80-0137000500020001-4 law for the grade of General or equivalent grade, Any Such commissioned officer, after erved four years as Director, shall t his 'own requestFanci if other- to retirement 'With the retired allowances authorized by law for the grade of General or equivalent ra se. payment of difffference between military pay and stated civilian salary. Note: Take home pay on 518, 000 based on one dependent and including deduction for retirement, coputed under 1951 tax rates amounts to $1Z,98, while that of a Genera $14, 566.94. Take home pay on $16,000 is $11,468. Sec, 7. 50 .8. C. 403 is further a ended by the addition of a new subparagraph to read follows uty Directors; appatftment and co.rn- were shall be a Deputy Director of Central Xemmgenne v ointed by the President b' by and with the advice and consent of the Sena te and who' shall receive compensation at the rate of $17, 0O0 a year. The Deputy Director of Central lntelli en.ce shall perform sucli duties a. d exercise such powers as shall be pre seribeO by the Director igence or by law and shall for, and exercise the powers of, the Director during his absence or disability. (2) addition to the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence, the T-Arector of Central intelligence is authorized to appoint three Deputy Directors, each of whom shall receive' sation at the rate of $1,000 a year and who shall perfforfx such duties as the Director may prescribbe. ends Executive Pay Pill of October 15, 1949, establishing statutory salary and position of /Dial, provides for three additional eputy Director statutory positions and salaries. .For security reasons and wit lar reference to the identity of t OT)/ P provision, for appointment b President with advice and consent the Senate is oitted. ? Approved For Release 2002/06/13 : CIA-RDP80-0137OR000500010001-4 Approved For Release 2002/06/13 : CIA-RDP80-01370R0000500020001-4 *90 14w, 4c I The Director of Central 14tallikeuce Gi . to-, ri to appoint a General Co ssl pasi 'WI- have UM to appear and be here z eves sar rn h iz 0 p ,w JF, *TA and if xte, to intervene, in any jurisdiction of CIA is not being cou r pie to per3o'nnel of the ezte.. a :s Cal late Agency or any Matte W staWtory Jurisdiction of r i Intelligence 'eocy; PROVIDED. WS might shall not operate to give rvice:* in a ttloat to the number i d and appropriated for. acemp from numeric ailed "Davis a tlen4 *a V and eat of Defense pay for those additional :officers assigned to CIA, rty the numerical ber been retired ility, and in order for them to be employed by the Government, the +~eheral Counsel or the Cntral 1ntalli- ,gsce # y any A-ar # L ser cea whenever such *'vice* are r ed for the protection e Government or to enable an or employe of M Service carry on work efficienity, ": 'y be apinted ~ ar rred or detailed to serve With the Central *See Agency may be employed their Approved For Release 2002/06/13 : CIA-RDP80-0137OR000500020001-4 411016 the )iregtor may Approved For ease 2002/06/13 : CIA-RDP80-0137ORR0000500020001-4 Sec- 10. All laws or Wt z e*$tent with Act are hereby repealed to tk* extent of such inconsistency. Approved For Release 2002/06/13 : CIA-RDP80-0137OR000500020001-4