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Document Number (FOIA) /ESDN (CREST): 
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Document Creation Date: 
December 9, 2016
Document Release Date: 
July 18, 2000
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Publication Date: 
January 22, 1953
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80-01370R000200090009-2.pdf85.17 KB
Approved For Release 2000/0 -- -RDP80-01370 R000200090009-2 s , z 7 n ormahnn ER 3-6173 JAN 2 2 1953 KMORANDM FOR: Deputy Chief., Medical Staff SUBJECT : Shards for New Employees' Selection R ": RUCs s New dtd 14 Jan 53 to ,fDDA fr DC*r same subject Lt is presumed. that a majority of the personnel of offices may at one time or another be required to overseas assignments,* it is not mandatory that all personnel of these offices meet the first qualification listed in your paragraph 1. In only isolated: cases, aid these will require special identifi- catiota,, will full duty (special) medical qualifications need to be met, fever, whenever medical determination is made that the new employes should be assigned only to nonarduous duties within the continential United states, the e ploying office should be notified n order that the head of the office and the Career service Board of the office be fully cognizant of the limitations of the assignment. 2. It should be noted that a subcategory of your third qualifi- cation of departmental clearance may be necessary for certain positions in the Procurement and Supply Office Brad in the Office of General Services. Jobs such as warehouseman? automotive mechanic, and related unskilled, or semiskilled labor cannot be described as non arduous although oversees physical standards need not be met. Ar" ce: ADaA(T Cs) AD/P Gomptrol, C/Ga #C C/P&SO Auditor-in-Chief Approved For Release 2gpz 6-pecial Assistant to Deputy Director (Administration) I ~YRIG CUSS ,S 4 3 suss _. aExr REV 0 ff' 1,f ..t~7Ht IiR 7R?R i 25X1A9a can 5 Mega Ma go ax?725