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STAT Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000100060015-8 Next 3 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000100060015-8 Approved For cease 2003/04/1 4 --tbbP$0-01341A 00100060015-8 STAT 6. Another item on the Agenda was to discuss the status of my reorganization plan. I discussed with the group the meet- ings we had with in early June and gave them a copy of my 10 June memo and suggested TO (attached). I stated that I hadn't received any feedback on this proposal and as a result, I would send this memo to you with a plea that we receive some feedback. We feel that we are going through a real transition or change at this. time and we must continue to fight for our position of asking for a stronger Division that will be capable of providing management with the information it needs. In order to accomplish this, I believe we must have a very strong Analysis Branch which continues to take preliminary responsibility for developing and implementing systems that cross organizational lines in Finance, and also for a strong Data Base Branch that can service the customers utilizing the GAS/FRS Data Base. One of our biggest frustrations is our worry that Management (at the DDA level) does not really understand that the user should have the prime responsibility for develop- ing systems. Rightly or wrongly, we feel that we do most of the work and ODP gets the kudos. Hopefully, someday we'll be able to turn this armind. We also have a constant fear that as soon as we develop o Our STAT desired degree ot pro essiona ism we wl reas- signments because of the cold fact that systems specialists aren't totally accepted in the Finance career service. In recent discussions with PMCD in trying to upgrade Tony's GS-14 position, they stated we appear to be in Approved For Release 2003/04/1T it, V a M41-FDR89-01341A000100060015-8 ' r Approved For Release 2003/04/,1:7 :, GiA-RDP80-01341000100060015-8 m:_.,_ ~_ spy direct conflict with the ODP organization, grade structure, etc. It appears to me that we should have a clear understanding who is responsible for systems analysis work as it relates to the Office of Finance vis-a-vis ODP. 7. In summary, I have gone over with you some of our immediate personnel problems, I have pleaded for an additional look at our reorganization plan, I have asked for a reconfirma- tion of a strong charter for the Analysis and Data Base Branch and I have expressed my feeling that unless we fight for this, we will lose at least part of these functions to the Comptroller and/or ODP. The intent of this memo is just to put together some of our thoughts in a very candid and constructive manner. STA Approved For Release 20 (1 CIAARDP80-01341 A000100060015-8 Approved For Refease 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP80-01341A0 0100060015-8 ACCOUNTING TECH Accounting Branch - 1. JOB SUMMARY Serves as a. member of the GPADE : GS-09 POS NO: 0686 I STAT engaged in the recording and reconciliation of field accountings and analysis of advance accounts. II. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Reviews, reconciles and records Class A station monthly accountings; records disbursements; distributes employee advance account statements; distributes 1501 (stations' accountability) and 1505 (transfers) computer listings; collates operational and representation expenses to be used in annual report for DDO. Does research on advance accounts and prepares adjustment vouchers when required. Performs other ad-hoc duties as required. I III. SUPERVISION AND GUIDANCE RECEIVED Receives direction and policy guidance from the STA{T STA Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000100060015-8 STAT Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000100060015-8 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000100060015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : Cl RDP80-01341A0 010 STAT STAT ACCOUNTANT GRADE: GS-11 Accounting Branch. - Hqs Reports POS NO: 0685 (jr=G I JOB SUMMARY Serves as accountant responsible for analyzing and reconciling field property accountability repc'-ts of Type I field stations; for analyzing, policing and maintaining in a current status all subsidiary ledgers relative to Type I property procedures; for reviewing and posting vouchers to record annual dollar value reports from installations designated on Type II accountable installations. Responsible for analyzing and reconciling monthly reports of advances from U.,S. Government agencies; for the recording and liquidation of Agency estimated receipts for reimbursement and for originating Agency reimbursement billings to other U.S. Government Agencies. II..,. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Responsible for the accounting control. of funds advanced by other,U.S.- Government. agencies. and the recording of related authorities,, collections, expenditures, refunds and final.' closing. of each project. Provide assistance to AD/L- in the special handling of some projects. Analyzes monthly computer report of advances from U.S. Government agencies and prepares monthly. reconciliation, identifying and resolving discrepancies. Prepares special reports as requested by the Assistant Director for Liaison. Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000100060015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000100060015-8 Responsible for the accounting control, recording and .liquidation of Agency estimated receipts for reimbursement; periodically requesting AD/L to verify the validity of uncollected estimated receipts... -Originates, provides. accounting control and distributes Agency. S.F. 1080 reimbursement billings to other U.S. Government agencies;. follows up with-Agency components and. identifies and -reports del-Laqu:,incies to -the. All/L. Provides, special assistance. to AD/L,_ Office of the. Comptroller-and operating components in the use of the reimbursement accounts and prepares special reports as requested by AD/L. Prepares quarterly report and supporting schedules of expenditures data to be certified by the Director of Central Intelligence in compliance with the CIA Act of 1949, as amended. Responsible for analyzing Type I field installations property tinanci vouchers, reports, memoranda, dispatches, and other correspondence relative to Type I installations. Review, analyze and record periodic 'reports of STAT in the possession of contractors, cryptographic material under the control of the Communications Security Staff, and (d) Agency real property. Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000100060015-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/17: CIA-RDP80-01341A000100060015-8 Prepares semi-annual financial reports reflecting the dollar value of property assets at Type I, Type II, Type III and Headquarters Property in Use installations.for the Office of Logistics. Review and prepare posting vouchers to record 187 annual dollar value reports from installations designated as Type II accountable installations. Prepares correspondence to field installations and/or area component regarding non-compliance with Agency regulations (mainly delinquent reports). Review all transactions processed to record Property transactions, T/A's, Log jobs, Schedule of Shipments, etc. Provides telephone assistance to B&F offices, area Log offices Office of Logistics, Comptrollers Office. Provides special financial analysis and special reports as required. Also assists in.:the preparation of the Annual Agency Financial Report. Responsible for analyzing, policing and maintaining all subsidiary ledgers relative to property accountability, advances from other U.S. Government agencies, accounts receivables, etc. Performs other duties as required. Acts for the Chief of the Headquarters Reports Unit during her absence. III. SUPERVISION AND GUIDANCE RECEIVED Receives directions and policy guidance from Chief, Ac IPiY4iF,r$I 1~ 200A/i4/9Tn C2~P$~~1 $1 0% 960a0ri~-8written Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000100060015-8 and general as to end results and suggested courses of action. Work is reviewed upon completion for compliance with Agency's accounting policies and with accepted accounting principles and practices. Supervisor is available for consultation. Available written guidelines include Agency and Office of Finance regulatory material, technical handbooks and manuals, etc. ?Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP80-01341A00060015-8 STAT Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000100060015-8 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2003/04/17 : CIA-RDP80-01341A000100060015-8