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April 21, 1953
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Approved For Tease ~ ,PP8044341A000100020009-9
,'TMORANDUf" FOR: Deputy Director (Administration)
T:21RLi: Chief, Classification and Wage Division
SUBJECT: Proposed Table of Organization for the Career Service
Board Secretariat, Office of Communications
1. Effective 13 June 1952, the Director of Central Intelligence ap-
proved an Agency-wide career service program designed to identify, develop,
effectively use, and reward individuals who have the skills required by CIA;
to motivate them towards rendering maximum service to the Agency; and to
eliminate from the service in an equitable manner, those who, in spite of the
program, fail to perform as effective members of the organization.
2. On 21 July 1952, the Office of Communications established a Career
Service Board responsible for advising the Assistant Director for Communi-
cations in matters affecting the career development of all civilian and mil-
itary personnel assigned to communications ana related duties in the Central
Intelligence Agency.
3. Organization and r'unctions
a. The Office of Communications Career Service Board has the fol-
lowing- membership:
assistant Director for Communications, ex-officio
Deputy Assistant Director for Communications, ex-officio
Chairman and two menbers selected from among the staff or
division chiefs and their alternates
An Executive Secretary, (non-voting)
A Recording Secretary, (non-voting)
A Personnel Clerk, (Typing) (non-voting)
These positions are attached to the Personnel Branch and report to Chief,
".dm nistrative Staff thru the Chief, Personnel Branch.
h. It will. be the responsibility of the Office of Communications
Career Service Board to:
(?_) Serve as advisor to the Assistant Director for Communi-
cationn on all matters pertaining to the Career Service Program.
(2) Direct within the Office the application and_ function-
ing? of the Career Service Program, including but not limited to:
(a) Executing relevent decisions of the CIA Career Serv-
ice Board and making recommendations to the CIA Career Service
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f SF 14
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Gard for improvement of the Career Service Program.
(b) Sponsoring, developing and executing the Career
G>ervice Program of the Office, including an intra-Office
rotation system, and reporting periodically to the CIA
{'areer Service Board.
( ) Reviewing Personnel Evaluation `h'.eports and proposed
development plans for individuals in terms of training, as-
si.nment, advancement, rotation and promotion.
(d) recommending cancellation, including termination for
-first caua:se, or continuance of career development actions.
(e) Participating in the development and execution of
approved extra-Office rotation systems.
(f) Submitting a semi-annual Personnel .:valuation_e-
_c rt to the Sponsoring Office on each rotation appointee from
another Office.
(_) Ensuring that the rotation appointees detailed by
i, Office to another office are not overlooked for warrant-
_ promotion and ensuring that rotation appointees received
hh~, this Office are productive and.their assignments comnien-
cirate with the purpose of the appointment.
(h) rieviewi_n continuously conditions of service and
4 t.y with a view to mal inc recommendations to the CiA Ca-
cc r 3erzrice Board concerning working conditions and.bene-
L that can strengthen morale and increase "esprit de corps."
(i_) !'eviewinr continuously the personnel intake of the
especially at the junior professional level, with a
to erisurinc the acquisition of highly-qualified, ver-
utile neroons with long-range potentiality.
(;j) Supervising supro=~ting groups or Boards as appro-
y - ?.e f(-)r handling specialized functiors, fie., selection,
termination, etc., recommencing -ssicnment to them of officc
~~) ~nonso.ring and developing the career rotation pro-
n_romotion of the Communicc.+.ions Office personnel as-
c ned to t.~ e CafJle a ocret.ariat 'i;1nder the Executive
Assist- -to the Director.
)i. Precepts
I vr~,yr`r. me
re ec?arlidhed for guidance in Career Serv-
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~f .
Security Infor?n^ilon
Approved For ease 200f Q1r .`n ~r RQP80=8341A000100020009-9
(l) Assignments involving a change in station should be a:4scer-
ined six months in advance of the effective date for transfer.
(2) Normally, overseas tours of duty shall be limited to three
years; however, individuals may be reassigned to the seine area for an
: dd_itional tour of duty where exceptional conditions dictate.
(3) ieassi *nment of individuals shall be to duties which will
;roaden their experience in the field of communications, such action
being consistent with the over-all requirements of the Office of Com-
(h) No individual shall be assigned exclusively to Headquarters
training duties for a period greater than two years.
(5) Personnel returning from. overseas may be expected to be avail-
able for reassi=nment after three months based on date of departure
from overseas most.
(') Individuals fully qualified for promotion should be reas-
s,,i.gned. to slots carrying additional responsibility and the higher
f ) The So,r;t,tee shall establish norms for each grade which
will provide a reasonable indication as to those individuals who shall
be considered for promotion. These moans will be based on the follow-
ing factors:
(a) Total experience from the time of graduation from
school to the present in years.
(b) Formal education (above high school level) including
special training to date, in years.
(c) Total OSS, CIu, CIA or related, experience, in years.
(d) Length of time in present grade, in years.
(e) Age of employee.
(f) I.ndividua2.s' scores will be based on the sum of the
factors (a) through (d).
(8) Normally, Headquarters assignments shall. be limited to four
,-ears duration.
C. Administration
-n order to allow cf'f'F-ctive advance schedulinc' for the rotation
ssignment and promotion of personnel, the '.f'ollowine information will be main-
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Security Infortnat,lo!n
Approved For -ease 2001 Ir'i' :Id A 0 41 A000100020009-9
ta:ined by the administrative staff:
(1) Table of Orcani2:ation for the Office of
including personnel assignments.
(2) 1i table of positions in order of responsibility.
(3) '. File covering current position descriptions including,,
qualifications and sources of personnel.
:evaluation or data for evaluation of each individual as-
signed to the Office of Communications.- This file shall include a
service record, data on education, experience, qualifications, per-
formance of duties and a log of Aryency ratings by rating officers.
(r) Information on each employee describing military status,
marital status and dependents, birth dates and dates of availabil-
ity for rotation.
(b) Priorities for the filling of vacant positions ( to he es-
tablished on request of administrative staff' by the Office, .i)ivi-
si.on or branch Chief concerned).
(7) Seven months in advance of the end of a tour of duty the
OC-CSB Secretariat shall -o_ rovide the following information on each
(a) Assignment recommendation by the chief concerned.
(fib) Training recommendation by chief concerned and by the
CChief, Training Branch.
(c) Assignment preferences to be submitted by the employee.
(d) 'Tames of Headquarters personnel available and. quali-
f'ied for assignment overseas shall be listed by the administra-
tive staff on a continuing basis.
Information contained in personnel records and files will he handled
in strict accordance with Agency reculations. Actions or deliberations of the
'oard. will be released only after concurrence by the Assistant D_rector for
7. Limitation of Authority
a. Promotion and. Career rotation of Communications Officers to CIS-14
positions and above will be handled by an ad hoc committee convened on call of
Approved For Release 2000/08/1?fTRDP80-01341A000100020009-9
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I ' Security I nformatiori
Approved For R lease 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP80-01.341 A000100020009-9
the Assistant Director for Communications. The Chairman of the Career Service
Board will act as Secretary for this committee and will be responsible for in-
formation essential to ornmittee operations.
P. Promotion and Career Rotation of Communications Officers CS-7
'trough CS-12 w.wrill be the prime responsibility of the Career Service
c. Promotion and notation of Communications employees in all grades
below GS-7 will be handled by Administrative action subject to review by
the Career Service Board.
d. All Communications Personnel Promotion, Career, and notation
actions are subject to concurrence by the Assistant .Director and Deputy
:assistant Director for Communications.
it is recommended that the positions contained in Attachment A be
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