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PDF icon CIA-RDP80-01341A000100020006-2.pdf336.79 KB
S R Approved For Rel s&2000/08 A47 80-013M 0100020006-2 Office Memorandum ? UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Comptoller's Career Service Board FROM : Assistant Management Officer, DD/A ? SUBJECT: Program Plan for Career Service Board Submitted herewith, in brief form, is a proposed draft covering the organization, functions and procedures for the Administration of the career service plan in the Comptroller's Area. 2. It is obvious that this first draft touches on high points only and would require more detailed procedure for implementation. If this approach is approved in principle, the opportunity for parti- cipation in further development and installation of an acceptable program would be appreciated. 25X1A Assistant Management Officer DD/A Approved For Release 2000/08/15 ~C RDP80-01341 A000100020006-2 Approved For Release 2000/084 A-RDP80-Oi341 OO O 020006-2 suety tnfannation 1~ 8-10-53 jmf 25X1 A A. RESPONSIBILITIES AND FUNCTIONS The responsibilities and functions of Agency components Career Service Boards are outlined in 25 May 1953.0 paragraph 5. co as follows: sc. RESPONSIBILITIES AND FUNCTIONS It is the responsibility of these Office Career Service Boards to: (1) Advise the Office head or Senior Staff Chief on all matters affecting the personnel of his component. (2) Monitor the application and functioning of the Career Service Program within the component including:, (a) Executing relevant decisions of the CIA Career Service Board and making recommendations to the Board for improvement of the Career Service Program. (b) Sponsoring and developing the Career Service Program of the component and reporting periodically to the CIA Career Service Board. (c) Reviewing Personnel Evaluation Reports and proposed plans for the utilization and development of career employees including their training, assignment, rota- tion, and advancement. (d) Recommending cancellation or continuation of pro- posed actions affecting the utilization and develop- 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/08/15,,C1_a FA0-01341 A000100020006-2 Approved For Rel ase 2000/08A-RDP80-01341 A000100020006-2 25X1A ment of career employees. (e) Establishing a system of rotation within the component and participating in the development and execution of rotation assignments of career employees to other parts of the Agency and insuring that they are not overlooked for warranted promotion. (f) Insuring that career employees on rotation from other parts of the Agency are assigned duties that provide experience commensurate with the objectives of their rotation plans and submitting semiannual Personnel Evaluations Reports on these employees to the sponor- ing component. (g) Reviewing continuously conditions of service and duty with a view to making recommendations to the CIA Career Service Board concerning working conditions and benefits that can strengthen morale and increase "esprit de corps". (h) Reviewing continuously the personnel intake of the com- ponent with a view to insuring the acquisition of per- sons with long-range potentiality. (3) Supervising supporting groups or boards as appropriate for handling specialized functions within the component con- cerning the Career Service Program." B. ORGANIZATION 1. The Comptroller's Career Service Board is organized in conformance with 25 May 1953, paragraph 5 b. and is com- posed as follows: Approved For Release 2000/08/15 :"G-J*RDP 1341 A000100020006-2 Approved For Rele' s.000/08/154 DP80-013 *A O0100020006-2 Chief, Organization and Methods, Member