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Publication Date: 
June 21, 1962
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Approved For Release 2001/09/041~4- 2 1 1962 Honorable Carl Vinson, Chairman Committee on Armed Servic? t; House of Representatives Dear Mr. Chairman: By letter dated May 16, 1961, to Honorable Paul .3. Kildaey, Chairman, Special Subcommittee, Central Intelligence Agency, Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, we reported upon our review of selected activities, of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) for the purpose of determining whether -w scope of the audit of the General E_ccounting Office could be acpanded sufficiently to make reasonably comprehensive evaluations of CIA activities. In this letter we stated that under the existing security restrictions on our audit of CIA activities we did not have sufficient access to sake c%prebensive reviews a continu- ing basis that would be productive of evaluations heltrful to the Congress and that we planned to di sscontinue the work. Your letter to us dated May 180 1961, recC mmendet3 that the audit not be discontinued at that tipae and accordingly we have continued our work at CIA despite the severe placed upon us. Our further reviews, confi*d wbolly to certain units in the Intelligence Component, have xot resulted in any change in our views that under exisstisr security restrictions cm our audit of CIA activities we do not have sufficie=nt scenes to effectively accomplish any worthwhile "it objectives at CIA on st" continuing basis. We are submitting this letter so that you may consider further our views on this matter at this time. The limitations placed upon our audit activities at CIA are severe. Following several meetings w ;th the Director, Central Intelligence Agency, and members of Lis staff, we exc.*anged correspondence in October i.9559 which in essence recogtized that an audit of CIA would have to be limited to reviews outside the areas of sensitive security operations on: (1) Expenditures certified by the Director under Section 8 of Central Intelligence Act of 1949, as amended. (2) Certain activities in support of confidential operations protected by the authorit o the ~Ien4 sa. ~KM-_ Director under section B. l Approved For Release 2001 /?9 }ll. Jth 41"w of t0is It as CL4 cis' ? i#Y q vise +kt tIA anbsest mac}'.., Approved For Release 2001/09/x:, 11~+ 71 46,0 40111-4 We agreed that to the extent expenditures were certified by the Director as being of a confidential, extraordinary, or emergency nature, such expenditures were not subject to examination by the General Accounting Office without the concurrence of the Director. The activities in support of the confidential operations embraced practically all of the administrative operations. `tdnetheless, we were willing to attempt to hake an audit at CIF, within the principles stated by the Director in bis letter of October 16, 059, but in our reply dated October 21, 1959, we stated that its the event it appeared after a trial period our reviews were limited to such an extent that we could not effectively and constructively acctlisx any worthwhile objectives we would consider whether or not the audit should be continued. During the ensuing 30 moths we undertook to make reviews of selected overt activities as access to the covert activities was not made available to us. In this connection, access to he activities of the Support Component in which we could be expected to be most effective in our reviews was significantly limited because covert and overt activities of this co pcpsent are intlgrste i`. We were not able to review sufficiently financial management, property management, contracting, procurement, and similar activities for tiny effective appraisal of the administration of disease activities. Our access for a review of the internal audit prc*raa and reports tans very limited and we had no access whatever to the work of the Inspector General; therefore, we were not able to appraise the internal review mechanisms within the Agency. We have had rather complete acceav to the activities of the Intelligence Component, but the nature of thesab activities and the lack of complete access to internal review program s and reports has significantly limited our effectiveness in this area. In undertaking to make reviews at the Central Intelligence Agency, we recognized that the nature of the activities of this Agency pre- sented problems on sufficient breadth of cover a and review of detail for the purpose of reaching sound ammIusions. We hate made every effort to broaden our review of the activities of the Agency within the limitations which were placed on us, and we wish to assure you that our conclusion that we could not effectively accomplish any worthwhile audit objectives at CIA on a continuing basis was reached only after considering all the factors as we saw them. To obtain the maximum effectiveness of a General Accounting Office audit of CIA activities, it would be necessary for our audit staff to have nearly complete access to CIA activities. Howevtr, we believe it to be possible to perform reasonably c rebensive relieve of CIA activities if we were permitted conplatte access to tho administrative activities, such as financial, procurement, property, and personnel Approved For Rele ~ :[ Q 24OA000l OO140111-4 Approved For Release 2001%Q9/14' L4 j "U management and internal revi r activities that Are performed in support of both sensitive &ad nonsens Live operations of CIA. We appreciate your Interest in our work at CIA anti the expression. of your views on the disco nti ncee of our stork there is invited. We are prepared to discuss these natters further with you. ',incerely yours, !'3oseP1 Cain 'r t;orgptroller General Of the United States Approved For Release 2001/09104: CIA-RDP80-0124OA000100140111-4