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Document Creation Date: 
December 9, 2016
Document Release Date: 
July 24, 2000
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Publication Date: 
May 23, 1961
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80-01240A000100140109-7.pdf203.8 KB
COMPTROLLER GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES WASHINGTON 25 MAY 2 3 1; C~ tra1 Intelligence A envy Dear Mr. Dulles s gable Allan Il l es , 0ix ec.t.o r ci may 16s to you rc l Itin) to Our revteLs at 1010 Central sck*i1edge also ycar ma, fntellige:ce Agency and your comma representatives have been belpful, May 16, 1961, we do not bjliera th rt to posit us to make raviata cif ftcf n our jo i t! $ at the he reviews s by our in r lett--2r of had $ufficmnt access to be *lpful to lots- audit at this time. Your l -tt r notes -that overthe fye*s the work of the C natal Accountin~f (ff"ire has been most ben rIcial to you. thlm Congress and for this reason wc p1 b liev&- it is appropri= tte h e r o ~o clarif +1% e s e OW P * ously Imi rftlr bDj the General Ac x$tinc ..t9~+F1 rn ice,. .x, . _ ,. .. _ I- II mm I C ntrai Intelligence Agency by, the act an auditf of t4 e itures at th it , F b fi withstanding the very broad and Unusual e" rlttd t V ~ Act in 1949, the these 13irector of th* Ar,, mle &&*,&d xc -1Va of i tter$ in LWC Otar 19" . Following the 'zacto nt -,tthf C ,41 Irrtelll y y-c .+ s VW work projrasr preceding thc ri vi , s that vi.;,re un4ertaten ollowtn' ire h Approved For Release 2001/09; W c wledgt your lotto t dat 4 %ay17, 1961, resounding to A++rs.. f continued to aka audits Of v cter i xp, ndtturss under the sam : ts that if#t i xern o(-c +th the predecessor C qtra.1 04- i 6'nc : Agt nc Not no sxceptlons were taken to to the CIA elpt~rc~tler' fftco` for corrective action. practices and proc dur 3 anc w t f=j:, no wu ii t, of xp*ndi tltares of unvc+uchered funds. Approved For Relele IA-RD P 80-0124 ?A00p 100 0.40109- .- is 'i'QI~.?iA '6S'E't."~Yi $3`~iP~#r~C'. , Approved For Release 2001/09/04: Cl > 1 a,0 0100140109-7 W!'4 iat It ffl of th;. $ess of r. in t basic peso is to review u! 1 evaluat? .gtra:y air ectivtty under audio carries ,,is of most. lti a t. `:- Con trV3 final r " #zw.p*nditur of funds the utilisation of pro y and me tal in furthtrr&nC y of pzo ws or ctivitt s if an effective, ical Cr. In c rrr?1tng t this type r cvitw that was ropos ad for t ho Central of gfr cy prlctitos anJ pr dur :s. Intelltgeme Ag ,may in occcr ianc- t tth what,>v :r a r rrt < i14 reach wh. you as to a :car`s to the rt*cortis. O tjr work du` the last 18 months has d: natrst 4 to us that UAJ*r exiastin ty restrictions we - , 2t hrve su ?ficient access to ante activities. t-t 9,tao ?x rive t9on y era or confort=tty to It lslativ intent -ind appti.c ti's t t'ructure and roviee the dej in c ~,rrrtnV out tlr=: ag-army pltcies anil tivc of ?:valu.stl*s hlpf l to rociat4t }-tear 1n x ?st in at tPu Central 2nta111,7 orenar+rd to dim m, this proataect "1 of sort=- Cr pry: sont> and perk!, di scuara t 4th you ssio a tnt ruts, vMa #3ll continue our `trite CONffDE4 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP80-0124OA000100140109-7