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Document Creation Date: 
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Document Release Date: 
July 24, 2000
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Publication Date: 
August 30, 1946
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80-01240A000100140100-6.pdf64.33 KB
Appro4ed For Release 2001/09/04: CIA-RDP80-0124OA000100140100-6 C 0 +o. GENF;ERAI. ACCOUNT ING OFFICE '41Mw 0 P P Y ,zA3IIINGTCN 25 Y CGNFIDh 1IAL [dug; o 1946 K ere a mus re aln Washington, D.C. riasr4'c~f at 7Z ' S s,Ati-a.ity. HR 70.2 Dear Sir: t; co,etaina nothing of CIA inter Lase ~4_:_1'SE~ Reviewer C i You are advised that James R. Taylor and Edward T. Chappell have been designated, subject to your approval, to make the General Accounting Office site audits of the accounts for the Central Intelligence Group. Review of this document by 40A lilts detzrmine1 that j CIA has no objection jt dectass Director, t co+}Mains il,formaiion ;of CIA Central Intelligence it ttht i h Document No. A clearance was secured. in March 1()1+2 from the Federal Bureau of Investigation for Mr. Taylor and Mr. Chappell as it wls necessary in the performance of the General Accounting Office auditing and accounting functions for them to visit and inspect the offices of various establishments of the War Department which were Feing erected, equipped or operated under a cost-plus-a-fixed-fee contract. Other confidential work his also been assigned to M?. Taylor and Mr. Chappell. Mr. Chappell performed the site audit] during the war of the War Department accounts at Cam-rp Dietrich, Maryland, and at the Atomic Center, Oakridge, Tennessee. Mr. Taylor was detailed to the War Department in September 19)+3 for several months to act in an advisory capacity on the procedure for payment of Civilian personnel outlined in War Department Circular 412 (1942)3 as amended, and was required in the performance of this assignment to visit various camps and establishments of the War Department. Mr. Chappell is 53 years old and has been with the General Accounting Office for more that: 25 years. Mr. Taylor is i+7 years old and was with the Denartmer.t. of Justice and the United States Court of Customs and Patent A-oi,eals from 1919 to 1932, ai 3. has been with the General Accounting Office from 1932 to the present. Tory truly yours, 3I_gned.) BELL Chief, Audit Division NOTE: I have been auditing accounts here at Central Intelligence Agency since sometime in the latter cart of 1Q47. C C', () 0 Approved For Release 2001/09/04: CIA=RbPO41 iN"000100140100-6 p Y