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Document Release Date: 
October 1, 2003
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Publication Date: 
February 5, 1951
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.awmruvY.J Approved For Release 2003/10/22 CIA-RDP80-01tA000500130044-1 INFOR'IAL L.INU OF '.EETLUG OF DIRECTOR AND CONSULTAkNTSO INTER* Di PA.R3'"t'f!1TAL IA W IGgi INFOIU :lTI.UN OItGANIZATION HELD ON 2/55/51k IN TH .O 'FICE OF T tD DIRECTORS at da PM Department of State DepCartutent of Defense Joint Chiefs- of Staff Depw:rtment, of the Army NatS.orial Security I'resoudces I3d? conomic Cooperation Adm,, Central Intelligence Agency 'fir 0, :3arrett $ Direct or. Mrro Oechsner,. Acting Executive Secretary Pr. Phillips Mr. Htulten Mr. MacKnight Mr0 Connors (for Item 2) General. Magruder Admiral' Stevens Geneve; al. 'ScClure Mr. Sheppard Hr. 13e.-ding '$r, `41ienex 25X1A 25X1 The .mirruten of the meeting of 1/29/51 approved ,dith deletion of the laaet sentence on page 1. It w ac a;rved that minutes should include approximately the detailed diecuev on and action taken as wary incc,rporatied in these minatec. Mr o Barrett informed the i,tE m ore that he had been in coneultatiorn with Hi r. on the d=evelopment of Project "Brain rave". and that a ,pr?rr r~e~,s report would be sub itted to IFIO at its neat meetia a As to the extent mad character of continued research into t is field by Uro Viisaierss agency-, it ;ias agreed that General Magruder would confer with Research and Development Board on appropriate steps a4d confer thereafter trith Mr? Wisner., the Board to be informed of the outcome of these tahlc s0 SI R1 T State Department review completed Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000500130044-1 Approved For ReI $e 2003/10 -RDP80-01065A0(,0130044-1 Mr. Barrett noted that various proposals for the private use of balloons as propaganda carriers had been brought to his attention, ariong others by Mr. Drew Pearson. These proposals inquired as to whether government support would be forthdoning. It vas agreed that the government was not in a position to provide official assistance to these efforts. Agenda item 2e Mr. Connors reported on State Department information activities in Korea, noting that ten offices were now operating and that it was proposed to open five more centers. The 8th Art, he said, had requested help from State Department personnel in the preparation of Chinese language leaflets. There were a daily news bulletin., a weekly newspaper, radio broadcasts twice daily, including relay of VOA, and seven, mobile teams in the field with thirty?fivo units on' the sway. It riaa,planned to centralize all activities in Pusan. General I:cClure stated that a message had been sent to Tokyo suggesting the classification of leaflets dropped on enemy troops since their free publication out of context or series could very easily give the wrong impression as to the purpose of individual leaflets. General McClure further noted that the P,i Division of Army had sent the Korea Plan to the field two weeks ago for implementation as appropriate, and asked whether it had simfl.arly been sent by the, Department to State elements in Korea. The Acting Executive Secretary was requested to give the Board an interim report on this at the next meeting. Agenda item . Mr. Berding proposed the .tel. Project as outlined in his paper already distributed to the Board. The project was dis- cussed and there were no objections by the Board, provided that a preliminary check'of the living Nobel peace prize winners were made to determine whether any of them might not agree to participate in the project. Mr. 13erdibg was requested to develop the project in collabora- tion with a State Department representative to be designated by the Chairman. Jenda itemsdand were carried over until the next meeting. Agenda item 6. Mr. Phillips briefly outlined the proposed Indochina Plan which was accepted by'the Board subject to a change in the covering memorandum to the effect that implementing departments provide "a state- ment of operational plans based on this paper" rather than "prepare a detailed plan for the implementation of such parts of it as come within the responsibilities of the department or agency, so as to assure coordination of propaganda with substantive political, economic, and military programs." P:IFIS:FCOechsner:jl. 2/7/51 SECRET Approved For Release 2003/10/22 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000500130044-1