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SECURITY INFORMATION Approved For Releas 01/07/27: IA-RDP80-01065A00050000020-9 DOC. NO. D`24 DATE Nov. 1, 1952 COPY NO. 51 PSYCHOLOGICAL STRATEGY BOARD Washington PROGRAM OF PSYCHOLOGICAL PREPARATION FOR STALIN'S PASSING FROM POWER (THIS IS AN APPROVED PAPER) MIL This document contains information affecting the national defense of the United States, within the meaning of the espionage laws, Title 18,,Sec- tions 793 and 794, U.S.C., the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. SECURITY INFORMATION Approved For Release 2001/07%21 -nlnR5A000500020020-9 Approved For Release`'?!$01/07/27: CIA-RDP80-01065A00050(I020-9 TOP SECRET Security Information The Honorable Dean Acheson Secretary of State Washington 25, Dn C. My dear Mr. Secretary: COPY NO. _rU December 8, 1952 I have the honor to transmit herewith for implementation a "Program of Psychological Preparation for Stalin}s Passing from Power" (PSB D-2L) approved by the Psychological Strategy Board at its Sixteenth Meeting, October 30, 1952. Sincerely, Enclosure: PSB D,-2Lt dtd November 1, 1952 Copy Not (Note: Similar letters to Secretary Lovett, General Smith and General Young.) Security Information TOP SECRET Page 1 of 1 Page Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000500020020-9 Approved For Releas*4001/07/27 :ZQ i4 $I-01065A00050*0020-9 PS D.-24 ? Security Information Nov. 1, 192 PROD PSYCHOLOGICAL PREPARATION FOR STALIN tS PASSING FROM POt ER 1. National policy calls for placing "maxiu m strain on the Soviet structure of power," reducing Soviet power, and bringing about "a basic change in the conduct of international relations by the government in power in Russia" (NSC 20/4, para. 19,g and ]2,, 211; of. NSC 10/5, para. 1 g). 2. One of the most favorable occasions for furthering these objec- tives may be Stalin's passing from power. This event, however, has important relations to practically every aspect of the Soviet problem. It may touch off a split in the top leadership. It may also lead to the crjstallization of present dissatisfactions among various groups in the Soviet population which feel themselves discriminated against. 3. This paper is also relevant to strains that may emerge before Stalin has fully passed from power. For example, since, rivalries must be presumed to exist already in the top leadership and Stalints control may be relaxing as he grows older, it is conceivable that the death of one of the principal aspirants to the succession might upset some delicate equilibrium and precipitate a crisis, arising perhaps out of Stalin's efforts to restore balance. It is also conceivable, though unlikely, that Stalin's death may be concealed, both from us and from the people, for some time after the event. 4, There is only a chance, not a certainty, that conflicts related to Stalin's passing from power will bring major changes, and if they do the changes need not be favorable to U.S. interests. The successor regime may be worse than Stalin's, and among remoter possibilities lies general war as well as general collapse. In any case, those conflicts have such weighty potentialities that they call for active preparation on our part. It may also be possible to pave the way, to a modest extent, for their eruption in desirable forms. ----- -ww I,VSe`curi y . o mat onr ...............~.,pa .,I -of Pages TOP SECRET PSR D-24 Security Information Approved For Releas4!'001/07/27: CIA-RDP80-01065A00050i?820020-9 Nov. 1, 1952 5. There are many uncertainties in this field, but three points stand out as landmarks: (1) Stalin must die somdtim; (2) strains must be presumed to exist between individuals and groups closely connected with the problem of succession, even if the problem as such is never mentioned; (3) apart from strains now directly connected with the prob- lem of succession, there is evidence of group dissatisfaction throughout the population of the Soviet Union. Recommendations 6. In the psychological field, preparatory work should be five-fold: a. Existing information and intelligence should be inventoried, all that is likely to be additionally useful collected, and the results brought to bear on factors likely to in- fluence strains in the top leadership and their modes of expression. Consideration should be given to using certain non-attributable operations to provoke Soviet press or other reactions which may throw further light on this subject. b. In the light of such insight and within the context of the more probable patterns of future events in general, the principal ways in which important conflicts might develop should be analyzed and corresponding psychological courses of action sketched, as a repeated staff exercise designed to make possible prompt and judicious decisions when the time comes. Since Stalin may die any time, this task should not be delayed for the completion of further work under 6 q above. c. To avoid uncoordinated action in case of sudden death, an agreed Government position should be prepared at once, as a basis for stand+by instructions for the period imne- diately following this contingency. Approved For Release 2001/SOe7/7/27iTAl Ric~n5A0005000200xage 2 of Pages Approved For Releas001/07/27 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000500020-9 TOP SECRET PSB D-24 Security Information Nov, 1, 1952 d. Ways of enhancing top-level conflicts in a useful manner before Stalints passing should be continuously studied, developed if promising, and employed when considered feasible and desirable by the members of PSB. This task should envisage not only conflicts as such but also those contributory factors which might eventually shape events in directions favorable to U.S. interests. Particular emphasis should be put upon exploring the possibility of developing psychological operations aimed at influencing the minds of top-level Soviet leaders in such a manner as to enhance decisively present or potential conflicts among them. In connection with other programs oriented toward the ob- jectives cited in paragraph 1? exploitation of salient v lnerabilities in the Soviet or Orbit control apparatus should be integrated with any operations developed under paragraph 6 relating to the problem of succession in order to (1) feed probable strains at the top or make it easier for them to spread taut from there eventually, and (2) make use of hopes and anxieties which cluster around the points mentioned in paragraph 5. 7. Each Nbmber Agency and the Director of PSB is requested to name one staff member as principal point of contact concerning the work outlined in paragraph 6. Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : '49ONT01065A000500020020-9 Security Information Page 3 of 3 Pages TOP SECRET r ffl R R FOR THE INTRA-OFFICE USE OF 080 6 OPC ONLY Detaching Form No. 38-13 for the purpose of securing this form to AS A COVER ATTACHMENT TO FORM NO. 38-13 To Secret Documents is Prohibited. ATTENTION: ACCESS TO TOP SECRET MATERIAL IS LIMITED TO THOSE INDIVIDUALS WHOSE OFFICIAL DUTIES RELATE TO THE MATE- RIAL. EACH ALTERNATE OR ASSISTANT TOP SECRET CONTROL OFFICER WHO RECEIVES AND/OR RELEASES THE ATTACHED TOP SECRET MATERIAL WILL SIGN THIS FORM AND INDICATE PERIOD OF CUSTODY IN COLUMNS PROVIDED. EACH INDIVIDUAL WHO SEES THIS TOP SECRET DOCUMENT WILL ENTER DATE OF HANDLING AND SIGN HIS FULL NAME IN THE PROPER COLUMNS. OFFICER DESIGNATIONS SHOULD '13E USED IN THE "T0" COLUMN. UNDER EACH COMMENT A LINE SHOULD BE DRAWN ACROSS SHEET AND EACH COMMENT NUMBERED TO COR- RESPOND WITH THE NUMBER IN THE "TO" COLUMN. EACH OFFICER SHOULD SIGN FULL NAME BEFORE FURTHER ROUTING. FROM: P. CONTROL N0. O ROOM DATE OFFICER'S TO NO. RECD. FWD'D LL NAME COMMENTS P/P P (0 2. 501 /I k~ c' ' 3. 1 ^ 1 .20 6. 9. ib. i1. 12. 13. 14. 15. pPM 8 MIA004dOO 24flVb8 OF OSO OR OPC. FORM NO. 38.13A JUN 1949 TOP SECRET PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO REGISTRY