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Approved For Release 20Q 07127: CIA-RDP80-01065A0005000203-8 e uu Security information 9 March 1953 SUBJECT: Chronological History with Respect to Planning for the Death of Stalin. 1. Official interest was manifested in this subject upon the publication of an article by a Mr. Scott called "Death In The Family", in January of 1951. 2. Mr. Phillips of the Department of State formulated an ad hoc interdepartmental group to study this problem and evolve some basic papers. 3. Two plans were prepared within the Agency 1951 known as (subsequent to the death) andl a crash plan for implementation on an emergency basis. 4. The committee reached a point where it felt that it needed a thorough-going intelligence annex prepared in Government, which would provide a basis and authority for the recommended actions. 5. On July 11, 1951, ONE was approached to include on its dockets an intelligence estimate for this subject. 6. Since the docket was overcrowded, the ONE complex con- curred that this could better be prepared outside of Government and accordingly CENIS took on the responsibility of preparing a paper on this subject. 7. On October 30, 1951, Mr. Gordon Gray of PSB requested Mr. Dulles' views as to whether formal planning should not proceed on this item. Mr. Dulles' reply indicated that it was the opinion of this Agency that sufficient intelligence was available to enable a continuing development of this subject, aid he recommended that PSB be charged with steering this particular study. 8. A PSB panel of interdepartmental representatives was set u in which the I entatives were r% curity Information Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000500020003-8 Approved For Release 20Q 07127 : CIA-RDP80-01065A00050002GW8-8 SECRET Security Information 25X1A 9. This panel produced on April 16, 1952, a plan calle This plan was circulated for comments in Government and was not well received within the Department of State. It was never formally sub- mitted to the PSB. It included for bac round the previous thinking that had been prepared on these plans having been made available to the panel for the drafting of 25X1A 10. In the next 3 months, nothing definitive was accomplished on this matter. 25X1A 11. On June 30, 1952, completed and circulated its study. 12. In early August 1952, took the initiative for resuming work on this problem and called a meeting in Mr. Sherman Kent's office to review the problem, assess the background data, and determine the next step. 25X1A 13. On 15 August 1952, of PSB met with SR, PPC1 PP and PYD representatives in CIA, and asked if we would take steps to review and pre are a staff study on this problem. This meeting appointed as the steering member. ltd.. In September 1952, the PSB was formally asked to take cogni- zance of this problem and endorse the development?of a paper on this subject, which it did. 15. In October, an Agency ad hoc task force was created with PP, PYD, PPC and SR representatives in accordance with the August meeting and the formal PSB authority of September. 16. On October 30th, the PSB formally approved the terms of ref- erence and general approach for the undertaking of this matter, stipu- lating 5 elements to be considered. Agencies and departments desig- nated "representatives as points of contact". 17. By mid-November, the Agency task force had completed, circu- lated, and received informal comments and re-drafted a series of papers on this subject known as in addition, it compiled a biblio- graphy. 18. A copy was furnished to f PSB and shown to the Defense and State points of contac . 19. At this point, the CIA task force felt it had reached an area of diminishing return until the interim guidance called for in Paragraph 6 (c) of PSB D 24 could be completed. This particular development was Approved For Release 2001/07/27 : CIA- 1 @aoi vi O fiM"@ 020003-8 Approved For Release 20QV07127 : CIA-RDP80-01065A00050002GWO-8 SET Security Information under the purview of the State representative. 20. The views of the State representative were formulated, coor- dinated in State, and distributed (PSB D 2I/1) on January 19th to the departments and agencies stipulating that there were 3 courses of ac- tion open in the event of a sudden death, and that a plan be developed along the lines of the 3rd alternative. 21. On 6 February, CIA formally concurred in the 3rd alternative, as did Defense. 22. On 27 February, CIA furnished additional views informally to the PSB staff representative, with respect to concepts believed appropriate to the plan (!t points). 23. On 3 March, word was received of the impending death of Stalin and a 7:30 a.m. White House conference transpired., It is our understand- ing that of PSB did confer with. Mr. C. D. Jackson of the White House staff on agreement in Government as to the approach and pattern to follow in this emergency (3rd alternative of PSB D 24/1). 25X1A "FRZ/bjc Distribution: 2 1 - 25X1A 1 - 2 - Chief, STECRET Approved For Release 2001/07/27: CIA-RF Ei ddA UQQ20003-8 miw - ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET INSTRUCTIONS: Officer designations should be used in the "TO" column. Under each comment a line should be drawn across sheet and each comment numbered to correspond with the number in the "TO" column. Each officer should initial (check mark insufficient) before further routing. This Routing and Record Sheet should be returned to Registry. FROM: 25X1A NO. DATE ~~/J ROOM DATE OFFICER'S NO. RECD FWD'D INITIALS COMMENTS 9 153 ~~-- J iry /a s'3 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. prove M ~ 1-10 1950 3 8 SECRET 5-1 U. S. GOYERNMEIR PRINTIMO OFFICE