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March 5, 1953
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PDF icon CIA-RDP80-01065A000500020002-9.pdf178.4 KB
bRET Approved For Releash416000(707ttranAiling6-111465A000508a0002-9 5 March 1953 &MORAN= FOR: CHIeFS ALL AULA AND IO DIVISIONS ATTENTION: PP OFFICeRS SUBJeer: Interim Propaganda Guidance on Stalin's Death 1. The following is an interim propaganda guidance designed to deal with the period prior to and immediately following Stalin's death. The propaganda themes are grouped together under appropriate target audiences but this should not (exclude using them to other targets which the field considers suitable. 2. Use of themes conducive to creating an atmosphere of apprehension among Soviet and satellite representatives abroad should be closely coordinated with operations aimed at defecting such officials* 30 PROPAGAI iDA TH AILS 10 The people of the free world sympathize with the Soviet people in the privations they have endured in the past and hope that eitalin's death will give the peoples of the USSR an opportunity to have a type of government responsive to their desires for freedom, justice and peace, 2. Stalin's passing from power offers his successor an opportunity to reorient Soviet foreign policy in the direction of sincere international cooperation and permanent peace. Such a puede would enable the Soviet Union to realize all its potentialities as a great, rich nation and would bring to the Soviet peoples a better life and a position of security in the family of nations. H. he Satellitew 10 Stalin's death moans that there will be a new dictator in the UJSR bent on entrenching his power by appointing only men of his choosing to responsible positions throughout the Soviet orbit. He will therefore purge officials, high and low, fen the satellite governments and replace than with his own men. Since no one can be sure how the power struggle in the Kremlin will come out, all current officials are possible targets for puree, 2. Protesting a SALCRLT Security Information Approved For Release 2001/07/27; CIA-RDP80-01065A000500020002-9 -7' I Approved For Releastegii01/07/273:,V4PAPeettlig050060002-9 Ap 2. Protectiug deWrtion to tto precepts of Stalinicm vill pre,:ect actmatiat rrw dismissal zy the now leader. At. iccin adapted WAre to his purposet and as 3ta1is adapted MAex acd lArAin to his tvirposeo, tha maw dictator 4.11 adapt Mars, WO:a St4"3,11i to nis own and* and any whose former' actions havo TA cnommut with the new party line will be 4)urged. The td,*-4et,L ixo4t4bwt7 of Communism is in itself e threst to those who tt7o,t, refuse t*elmg the part/ line. 3. /here are many iadications that Chines* Centatlnivrt PUitfre CNO Tait-Tong: rill Inherit Stalin's Treition as top COWWW.V; limder 4nd Sttills hifteelf cited 4ao'so theoretical works as va.D4,eb--%1 factri- bstimo. tc Cormastist theo7. This w1,11 Man thOt, the Soviot couutrIts limiters fur*r! will be Foverned by an Asian detriAt and Ult. 01 their energies will geared toward incrausibg Ute vov:i-vAc trrestigr of Chime. A7, To lins-Crsitytmlanist Pariles 1. indivate tbec4. 40servienee to W144iTA! tan CC longer 1.41 cns- 00140crail AmPlOixiegoi tliwgiano# #00 StAitain, tkfe fiNioi440 loo7 vwxra- linutAt aud will saw becose anti-national fifth celumn at41.-4,4 fov a foreign power, 2. Also play themts 2 e1 3 ir B abaft. D. To the f Yaw xS/11.1?NIIII00118.0. 'ee Worki) 1. Speculate thst with Stalin's dtath the situation 14 'the Soviet Union is so utosttled that the free world must increave its efforts fcr tusl defense as a deterrent to any more blaterly aggressive policy the atv Soviet leshership night favor. 2. Suggest that the Kremlin power group headed by Malertkov lu responsible for cmdermiaing Stella 's health and arranged se Doctor's purge to serve 64 an a priority cover for Stalin's tiwiestuaa demise. 25X1A Chief Paycholo6Ocal Warfare Division 25X1A