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Aplroved t~or Releas~2003/06/1~~ 80-01065A000120060-8 ~ ~ _ G~NT~~L I1~~E~L~k~~~'CE ~t~~IIC~ S t~' 1~A~t ," 29 pia i953. ~~~~ ~' THE ~ ~'t T~l~C~~ 1 ~ 195. to ~ a 1953 foxy aPf~ ~t~t.~ P ~ISSD1Cl4 ~.a esti~.te ins bas?d a~ t~ h un that theme ~crx73 not be ~, ~. ram t t15S~i ?d t~ idsrrn ~ within this Q ~a 3 ?.T~i?,~ ~.r~ ~ ~ $~l$ '~ 117.tiu~'te s5'a~.!!t a~t~et3td,'ee is 8 wa~~ damatne~t~ed '!x~/ t~ II:~3R and tit the ~ its ss~i~' aen be assut?ed aroe~ the ~a~ aster try the elm tiara a~' aii its it ceamot aant~o,1~ w~sr tie meta s e$ tho t~ a~ dis~ldent t to s'uoh as ~ugoals~.eo Ws ~ bo3ie~ro that a+~ the shoat ~ the S.ia laoks. ~ te37.#.t? csanmct~i?~s ean, tfie baacdm~ of tie SoR3,et omit as aa~-s to be hit ruder aaviet aa~lrroa:. then ~~~' at~l~e.~ as ac~~ ttte~f~ans. t~,,9~t~3ate'~ Approved For Release 2003/06/12 :CIA-RDP80-01065A000100120.06.0- Ap~rovecl?~or Retea~2003/06/12 :CIA-RDP80-01065A000'1~120060-8 ~~ 5~' oc~atries ts~ break S+,e~t o~t~l~, ae pote~-t ~ for ~t tai Sa~r3et Ito ~9 ~ ~a~et Foic~,r mad ~tior.~ ~~ it~o~,'~~ onq We be3.3~-+ag th~~~'oa~s t~iat # t3, w~a ~~.~ s to ant ~~ d ~ ~ ~ to the ~s3,~ a~ DE~~~ aac txa Sov~e'E~ ~.tro~. of ~a S ata2~ ~3.tea; ~b~ ~~ ~ ~~, I3arifi~as ~' t ~~ oacb~.t$ raj S~1s to u~der~ae aid aeao~~ ~antr~ol of g~ern=. ate not met dt't~.r~~, ~d,j :~ t~ c~~~ o~ fire old to rapt e. po~.c~w off` ~utioy 3sa ~Iho t~sett stye and tri ~ the~.r ~aaux~es,~ 3~at~nd3x~ rao a~~a$ to ~ a ita 2~, Is`~e ~ fi~atg ~ the ~.t off' t,~ge ob~ec~ti:~a~, ~t i~g d ~ r~..ak of , ~ nth tbam ~Q At t'~ t ~ tha ~`rra~tlxt mfr s~1.1 eat3,~ett~ tlant the ~or~,d dt.~ae~t~.~ ors ec~naf~de~,ble a~p~ttiea for was met ob~eett~as ;ait~ta nc r!~#.ah~ rJCa& o~ wrer wit~a tyre ~Q .~ eat~r~tte o f'i ~.ts ba.e?e rat ' 3a t~ exerting o~I~oe Sor st rresa9 ~t ~1sa ~n t't~ tangy oi' thy, US to rol~cl ~ c~, ~e t ~~ S~R~ Approved For Release 2003/06/12 :CIA-RDP80-01065A000100120060-8 . Approved For Relea2003/06/12 : CIA-RDP80-01065A000120060-8 ~P' S~A~` ~ ~' s off' ' ~ ~ '~. fix~9 fees ~i].~.t~,e~s agar ait~I ~ a ~ ~- ~ t ~'Ss 3~ ~ ~ off' a cast ~ ~ ~1 ~a the a tit' ~s't31,.~ tae ~ w2~ ffi~~ 3a merry ~ 'hav~+ eozplA3.1 ~ a ~ ~ ~ t~ ~, ' ~ 7a~ o#' ~ of ~a way ~ sn ~~ ifi.~ m ~$ bad. ~ t a~' eta n,~~ ~I 3s~ x~~~ ,~ '~t3rro 3n o~ ~ ~w ~d~ azui 8 #,~- a~o~ra'~3.e~ o~E' ' FAi~ ~ r~~,r maa~ ec~d,~d, ~o t a~cr~~ 3~c~. cn~` ~ aoam~ris~ ' t~3atea~ C ~ man b~ cc~saict ~, lx~eeib$1~,~' v3~si neon ~ ~ In t~ aba~noa ~ ~at~1. ~rrr~ai.~t~ tea ~s~ ~'~s w3]3 at st~tt~,a ~ ~ of ]tel. Ca~mis~ ate p 7G`h~ ~. ~a~' ~Ltdaer air ~vt& of tba$e ~tt~~ ~o C+oa~miat oon~+o~. Wca~d ~~''~- ~ ao7m.ea to +~t~.. ~~ ~P S~C~ Approved For Release 2003/06/12 :CIA-RDP80-01065A000100120060-8 Approved for Relea2003/06/12 :-P01065A00010~20060-8 sud intertia3. Comnaanist pressures, and thus would facilitator a Cornmux~ist advar~e fihroughout 5outhaast Asia, Although me cannot estimate the likelihood of an attack aver a two year period, we believe that for the next year,, or at least than duration of the Koreas war, an inQasion of either couatrg is u~,ikely of the present]y limited Chinese Coma~znist capability to 8itpport sustained operations, the Communist awglc?e~? Hess that open interrreratioa might provoke TeTesteru intea~ntioa, and the prospect that is the long rue the Conm~ists might win a victory in H~i.rma amd Indochina without ovrert Chinese iavasion, We bel3.sve, therefore, that the and Peiping ~a~11 seek to atrength~ the Co~ist parties in these countries and w311 use the threat of Chinese Communist imrasion in an effort to prevent effect$ve counf~ra+ation aga3,rtst local Commaan3stso 5o Elsewhere in Scni$heast Asia, the Kremlin and Peiping will, aont3x~ae their efforts to gthen 3ocal Commaanist partiesp using th+err-, where possible, to disrapt the economies and admin- istrations of the 'govsrnments8 The Kremlin in this respect tiail3 eonti~e its efforts to ggiri Commmw~ist leadership of elements and will. play heavily oa x~nti-~Testern themaes tv reduce Western influence? 6ti 7Cn Japan, the Kremlin will pxrabably depend an the Japanese Com~ainist Party is its ?fforts to disrupt Japanese political. and Approved For Release 2003/06/12~IAS~O-01065A000100120060-8 Approved for Rel'ea2003/06/12 : C,~~~1065A0001 20060-8 economic life, During the initial portion of the next two yearns the prn~ected Japanese Pease Treaty will be a principal tearget of the Japanese Coaamruniats Prom within and the USER and Communist China f?aram xithouto The threat of Soviet and Chinese military nation Will be used in an effort to intimidate the Japanese and present the close alignment of Japan with the We~~ powerao Japanese x'e~t Wes, ~ vigio~>ualy oPPo~d ~ the USSR and Communist China and also by the CamYminist Partie$ throughout the world, particular~r in the Paci- fic countries Which Fought Japan in World War IIo ?o A Chinese Conmwniat attack on Formosa would i' ar:tive Soviet participation to have a chance of anccess in the face of esiating U3 policy to defend the inland, Thus, ao long ae thin polim cy remains unchanged and US fleet units are available for the defense of Formosa, the USSR is unlikely to assume the risks of War introlved is participation inF or encouragement of, an attack on Form~saq Chinese Communist subversive efforts wi7.1 be continued, and the quenw tion of Formosa will be exploited as a focal point of Chinese Coma monist anti?American propaganda, $~ Hong $ong and Macao in Western hands are presently of value 'Eo the USSR and Com~niat China for eco~omio reasonso These advan? tages wilt pabbab],y decrease an embargo measures against Communist China become more effectime, and the likelihood of Commttaist neisur~e of these territorien gill, ~='easeb The Chinese alone have the capa.+ bility to seise them and the risk of gexx~ral War would ire slights ?5~ Approved For Release 2003/06/12 : -01065A000100120060-8 ~~~ ~~ J 'Approved for Re~ea~lE'2003/06/12 : ~"Fr`~P'SO"01065A000'#,~,120060-8 Such action must be considered a serious possibilitcp during the next tao yearsa 9o It is impassible at present to predict with at~r aonfider~e either when hostilities in %res may come to an end or what form a settlement, if made, might takeb Current diacnesions of a cease.. fire miry result is an armistice and possibly a subsequent settl9~ meat? but, thus far, these efforts camaat be e~raluated aac~suraetelyo .Should aurarent efforts fail to prochice a asses fire, we believe that the USSR will aont3.nue to support the Chinese Communists caneri~,3,yr, If, howstrer, the Kr?mlin corm:luded that the Chinese Communist and North gorean forces were usable to retain control of North Sores ar that, as a result of the extension of the area of iail,itarg opera- tions, the Chinese Cozar~nist regime itself were endangered, the Kremlin probably would resart to increasingly drastic measureso These measures might, if necessary, include such t3~inlg?ve~,].ed aommit'? meat of Soviet farces against US farces that the US and USSR would be engaged in a de f.~ local war, which, if the US felt compelled to recognize its existence, might at at~y time develop into a general warn Ho THE NEAR 1#ND MIIlI~L.E EAST. 14Da Of the countries in this areas Iran is in the-mast immediate dangero The current Angla~Iranian oil dispute offers numerous opportunities for Soviet exploitations either directly or through the Tudeh Partyo The Kremlin maiy hope that at best the situation will, sa deteriorate as to permit a Tudeh soup and at leant that it can be sa manipulated as to der{y or to limit Approved For Release 2003/06/12 : CIq-B,D~80-01065A000100120060-8 Approved'For Rele 2003/06/12 :CIA-RDP80-01065A00120060-8 ' TAF 511? ~G,`8o3.~- oil, $~ the W~ata d ~9.~'3ah fora enter t ~ #~ ore off' the t diep~a~ tht~ poea~b~,~,9L'by o~ aaatun3 dirt ~o~ist 3a~toz?v~tdc~ ~1 ~ a~fi ?, 'liter a~ ~tanoaa~ the ~ft t oona"Lvde that uv~et f ovn~ eut~ ~n withatt ~erivaa r~.ak oP w~arg For eacamr~lse ehvutd the Todah Patty ~ixe oontro~. of aoaaa norther a amrd than anquest svvi?t eaid$" that t .et foraea into that ate as the tb,~ory thntg ~cter tho c3a~. tances~ that aot$on vats~d not ctlve u is r3ak e~ rat ~ In ' ~a+ePnt~ the t of met t pa~-,arr tair,~]. be ut~isoad 3n e? e-~inrt to punt or de~q ~ ~~.s~'asto~r ~ttlarmsnt~ atad~ 3nteaa-~ the Tecteh Pain a~ac~t to a~p~oit the ait~tfon to ~ to o t~, a e3,a aca~trol oY` the t iiP thmt op~ac.unit~ ehould nr~.a~d gt is virtaial~t? iasad,~b]a 4.o pro~~t '-' es,ts bead a ae~ttls~ maaat o!' the esi3. is ~ as ~1a~ dipta v.~,]3. to a gt~t e~taaatt an the netvaro oS fhrat Bet a 11~ ~a aoc~nomd?o and grcpt~faaada~ p~8aa~ ~ ih~ce at~d. Ta~,rloa,~ yi.L'!. proly ~ ,~.av~rly 3~ tbo~ oo~rs't~1.ea are tatoe~a into NATO or ao~ or,~mi,~- t3.on? Intes~llgg bath ot~aarts~?s t~7. prabab3~ ~ to bs a4i].e to a?ge Frith the L?q ~ in th? Neatr axadl a~dd~ Eaat (Zt~die~ Isrne3.Q TC7~P SI~C? Approved For Release 2003/06/12 :CIA-RDP80-01065A000100120060-8 Approved for Refea2003/06/12 :CIA-RDP80-01065A000'4 20060-8 e~ the ~.reto S'~~) ~ ~' wiL~ ~' csc~te ~lte `orb tca arrir~a' + x~ '~ ~ost~ 1011. ri.iria~ ~ t ~'!`~ti~ c'~~~ ~~, 5e~ su0~~ a3.ut~ ~ ;~ be ~tin~.~,ted~, ~ia~'~.:s gf..rnzsg e~ a plem~s 'be +~~.t '~' ~~ it- aen +`art to deter tlne 0 ~~ th~.e , t0 West ~ ~ "ems ups t~eee ctr~,e~ ~'0r ~'~ A ~~ diiM..d.L W.SML~p - V p i3e~ t~5 yoere 1 araaa~ t[t ~a tie t~.c~ etr 13~tat~. ems, d~ t~~ Weed ~:~' ~ $ kl`e~ a ~ ~ ~. ''~ ~-~~ 9i~t3 +~6~J~2t ~.?SE3 ~e~~* fib' Vii', '~+` ~. Q '1~.CI~. ~`?ih~q T~Ie'' '~ ~ ~At~t Ip~1,t ~ "~ ~ p~'0,~8 i~ t$.o 'mss e~ t1~t thaw t c~all'-~~ . .tats ax '~ ~ ~ d+~ai~,~a ~ tae ted by US u~~~3 t08 that ~~ refit to d~AT'0 e~ ~ ~g ].~.t' ctt tl~.t e X3.11 1~ tt~ Cott t0 ~ po~r~t ta6-e ~e~n]ia iLr liked to reach such a decieiao? We aa~aact eatimats whether they wi11 Approved For Release 2003/06/12 :CIA-RDP80-01065A000100120060-8 Approved For Release 2003/06/12 :CIA-RDP80-01065A000100120060-8 ~P SBC~.? rsea}~ e~ah s ~S3.~E 'i6~' A953Q Po],~l.~3.c~at tfuar+e9 t~io~f'o~~ ~. ~~ b~ t~.t~.,f~ed; t~~ ~,x.~;cxa n w33A bey p~r~d9 tha ~' of war iat ~e u~.]. bo ?~aloi~ted ~9 axed the ~er~?~ of Fps o~od I~s~,yr wi~.l. c~~ana t~+ e~'f'orto 1+o ac~!'c~c3, the p~a1.~,u33. oit3.c~t. ~i o'b~ a~'Fe~ ~~ g to In i~a t~to ~ t1 ~` aoent3r~ ~o ~ 3.~ p on #~ia F,~tori Zt~a$ bu.~ ~.~ th? r . at'pt '~o "~''~ ups t~a'~ '~ott~ opera off' u.c~~Eo~~ ee:o~ao~fe pr~o,~ ~~o~p ~~, ~ ~ ~~.oas poe+~iM1~,~ tit ~, 5a~,~ ~~ C-lvedn Aal~.~io~. ~~ode ~z ~~ ~o di~~ t.~ T3,~o . +a~ar I,3~Et1.a profit og ~ ~, ~ v3.e~t o~ Wasters ao~rnitit tee Yu~oa3a~L~~~ t3he 33n parob~ua~ ~atso #~t a S~ ~~tt d it~v+o~~a would involvt~ ~ s,artas r.Loa? of t~ 'be 'q5 or t1~i aa~i 5a1~Cea and/ t~ tit a r~r t deo~a~p Ito ~ bee '~ ~ t~ ~ r~ the ~~ 11~r be~.i. fd~t $~~ zd.s~ ~sss sao~r text ~- to be ~~ a 3.~ter date srhe? the int1, and ~o~.tio~ of Stag?sl a~ h~e+ becsa~ era l~c-~ ~ ~' matte ,~ ~ q~ak and e~~til. aonqueat of 'o~,+a ~ dot #~ a~t3re t~e~terxt detemslve e~orto ~heae ~~t~8 a with e g ~t3.eo of t~ TOP S~~ Approved For Release 2003/06/12 :CIA-RDP80-01065A000100120060-8 Appro~ e~1 FoX Re ea a 2003/06/12 :CIA-RDP80-01065A0001 0120060-8 ` 1C3k ~ete-13dte~ ~o~ ~ctacsh e~ ~~~ the ~ ~ ~ S~tsl~its i~ o~ ~ugc~ o 3.5? Ian. ~~? ,mot t~~ee tal.. prr~beb~g c~~t,a to be de to .~ ~.~'~ to ~o~'i'sibB,it? tca tlhe i?t ~b~~r1~3.~ off' ~. s~a~.~a~e bra G . i~ ~.n ~ tea. p~~C.t3.e~ in t t $~ ~]. ~'' Sa~,st taro it' t,~ nhatald deride t&~mrt ~tq~ so 3~ to 5ci ~sa~caa~rieB e~ ? t tbai~ ~ as3.ped~.o~ itt Wesf- de~+aa ~ egg ~ that ~ ae~ttre