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Approved For Relea 2000/09%J, -- g3p65 00100020021-2 'SEP 30 1952 MEMORANDUM FOR: CHIEFS, PY DIVISION POLITICAL ACTION DIVISION ECONOMIC WARFARE MISION RESISTANCE DIVISION INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS DIVISION AIR MARITIME DIVISION C02CIAL DIVISION SUBJECT s Review of National Policies and Their Adequacy to Support'the Clandestine Effort 1. A review of national policies is being conducted to deter .ne adequacy of policies to support the NSC 10/2 objectives and activities. Attached is a basic framework of apparent policy inadequacies which has been obtained from monthly reports and allied papers from geographic divisions. 2. Your help is solicited in reviewing this paper and furn.ghing such supplemental policy considerations 'as are within your cognizance. It is requested that your comments be furnished to SPP by the close of business, Friday, 3 October, (1018 K)., .3. It is proposed to submit a revised paper embodying you counts to the Area Divisions for their r ,tnd commentsm for Pldi Authenticated by Attachment: Report on Policy Inadequacies SPP/FRZsblr Distributions Copy I - CPY 6?-CAM 29% & .12 - SPP 2 - C-?PAD 7-CCM 3 -. CEW 8i, IPM, 1 (=*t 4.CRD 9-PPC 5..;. CIO 10-CPO TS 82885 Copy4_of 13 Copies Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP80-01065A000100020021-2 TOP SECRET Approved For Lease 200'i8 4Vr: P 0065A000100020021-2 29 September 1952 ` Q ieaY;"~dig &4Li ican..9 Revisions Necessa far more Efrectiyg IzpjqMgM>ion of NSC NSC Activitie's I? GENERAL . . A. NSC Policies B. Policies 0. Internal Agency Policies II. WESTERN EUROPE A. NSC Policies B. Iuter-Agency Policies C. Internal Agency Policies In. EASTERN EUROPE . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 A. NSC Policies B. Inter~Agency Policies C. Interzia]. Agency Policies IV, SOUTAEASTERN EUROPE AND SATELLITE COUNTRIES .5 A. NSC Policies B. Inter Agency Policies ? C. Internal Agency Policies V. 4DDLE EAST s . . ? ? . ? a . ? . o . 6 A. NSC Policies B. Inter.-Agency Policies C. Internal Agency Policies TS 82885 TOP SECRET Copy ,of 13 Copies Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP80-01065A000100020021-2 Approved For ,Wease 2000/0 1SiCW-RDP80- 65A000100020021-2 VI. PAR EAST . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 A. NSC Policies B. Inter-.Agency Policies C. Internal Agency Policies VII. LATIN AMERICA A. NSC Policies B. Inter-Agency Policies 0. Internal Age Policies mule us`' a . s o r . . A. NSC Policies B. Inter.. Agency Policies 0. Internal Agency Policies TOP SECRET . 11 COPY. )F. r9PSF Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP80-01065A000100020021-2 Approved For Relea? 2000/09/11TofP80-01065,Qi000100020021-2 Security Infornation 1. GEN,L A. NSC Egs Generally speaking, because overt manifestations of United States policy have a direct effect on CIA covert operations, it is imperative that the U. S. adopt a firer attitude toward the Soviet Goverment and pursue a ere aggressive policy, which would force the Soviets to resort to defensive rather than offensive tactics. There is a requirement for a now national strategy determined by top national military, economic? and diplomatic planners on the basis of feasible and practical allocation of world-she U. S. military and economic resources. Develop a policy providing responsibility for planning and executing strategic deception plans and operations in the promulgation of the national psychological warfare programs. B. Inter~? c~?ncv P,~- i as s It should be emphasized as a policy that covert program cannot conceivably operate unilaterally with air expectation of success, and accordingly, CIA's covert capability should not be considered a determining factor in devising U. S. strategy or in developing U. S. programs in pursuance of that strategy. Clear-.cut policy guidance on certain basic problems is required, such as the extent to which preclusive burring operations my be employed, or resort nade to sabotage, or violence, as instrumnts of control.. C. Ind AM= P,,i ie s The following CIA proposed programs are subject to clarification of certain policy questions: Intensification of effort to locate the sources and individ- uals involved in illegal East-West trade. An intensive propaganda campaign designed to publicize, discredit, and intimidate Western participants in'illegal East-West trade. 25X1 C TOP SECRET Shipment of 8288; Copy? of 13 Copies Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP80-01065A000100020021-2 25X1 C Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP80-01065A000100020021-2 Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP80-01065A000100020021-2 Approved For R se 2000/09 1 ~~DP80-01*@6A000100020021-2 Ii. WESTERN EMOEE A. NTSCjjqk There is a need for a forceful, positive, and Imaginative policy in the political field which will provide: i. A reinvigorated Western Europe; 2. A continuation of U. S. military and economic aid to Western Europe; 3. Closer political, economic, social, and cultural ties among the Atlantic and European powers. The U. S. Government would enhance its. national psychological warfare ? programs if it provided policy guidance for political, military, and economic leadership in those evolutionary movements engaged in developing the political and economic integration of European States and the preservation of peace and secuarit r0 TOP SECRET 82885 -- 3 - Copy of 13 Copies Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP80-01065A000100020021-2 Approved For Rele a 2000/09/11ToMI VoMdROP000100020021-2 17l. PASTERN EUROPE 25X7 A. NSC Po i iie Public statements by the U. S. regarding its policy toward Polish and Czechoslovakian problems are needed. The most significant obstacle to the successful oonduet of covert cold war activities in Western Germny is the incipient sovereignty of the German Federal Republic and the absence of U. S. policy guides defining our position with respect to this republic. 25X1 C R' inter-age Po~te,t Official U. S. diplomatic policies should stress to the Swiss people that Swiss national self-interest requires closer cooperation with the West in the cold war. 25X1A TOP SECRET 82885 -4- Copyzaf 13 Copies Approved For Release 2000/09/11: CIA-RDP80-01065A000100020021-2 Approved For Rel6il a 2000/09/MP: ',, DP80-010W000100020021-2 M'Pz Iv'. SpMaMaTERN A. NSC 'i st There is a requirement for a cleanly-defined U. S. policy tom the BalJan area, with respect to U. S. end, objectives and the methods that should be used to attain then. This lack Impedes the development of phased opearations designed to implement any oner.all strategic an, B. Inter. encv Pal sst Some policy problemss have developed with respect to Priests due to American 1411itarr Governor nt, Free Zone, etc., as a result of which no avenues for immediate action have been developed. A joint statement of non-agr ressive intent by Y osslavia, Greece, and Italy, t exanteeing Albania's independe a and the integrity of its present territorial borders; Expedite a rapprochement of Italy and Yugoslavia by eliminating items of serious friction such as the Trieste. stion. 25X1 C C. b. A i_ TOP SFRET gg85 M5