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Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP80-00941AO00600050015-9 SECRET '?NTERNAL USE ONLY JOURNAL Contacts: 06 Calls : :11 Ins : 01 Outs :00 Tuesday - 11 July 1978 1. LIAISON Called Pat Swygert, General Counsel, Civil Service Commission, and asked for help on a technical amendment to the Civil Service reform bill to assure that the Agency is not included under the merit pay system. I referred him to previous favorable action in the Senate and to Ted Kazy's, Minority Staff Director, House Post Office and Civil Service Committee, request that this amendment be accomplished at the request of the Civil Service Commission rather than the Intelligence Community because of the amendment's general applicability. Swygert said he was sure he could take care of the matter and would let me know the outcome. LIAISON Called Howard Liebengood, Office of [=e Minority Floor Leader of the Senate, and discussed several amendments of interest to us in the State Authorization Bill. Liebengood is quite sure that Senator Howard H. Baker (R., Tenn.), one of the conferees, would be sympathetic to our concerns and would take appropriate action. On the role of the Ambassador amendment, he said the Senator had asked him to check it out with Bill Miller, Staff Director, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, because the Senator was concerned and Bill Miller had advised Liebengood the amendment would cause us no problem. I explained why we did not see eye to eye with Bill Miller on this issue. I promised to send Liebengood a talking points paper for use with Senator Baker. Approved For Release 2006/08 /CDF Pages 1 and 4 Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP80-00941AO00600050015-9 ',INTERNAL USE ONLY SECRET. Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Tuesday - 11 July 1978 6. (Unclassified - RJK) LIAISON Called George Berdes, staffer on the House International Relations Committee, to tell him that our people continued to believe that the Egyptians did not have certain Soviet aircraft, as reported in various media publications. Berdes appreciated our response, indicating that people had written to Chairman Clement J. Zablocki (D., Wis.) about this matter and that he felt obligated to check it out. 7. (Unclassified - RJK) LIAISON Senate Foreign Relations Committee staffers, James Thessian and Steve Emerson, visited Headnnartprs for a briefing Mexican oil 25X1 situation. NFAC, provided the briefing, which went very well. 8. (Unclassified - ELS) LIAISON Attended lunch and briefing on Soviet intelligence operations with Charles Snodgrass. staffer on the House Committee on Appropriations. NFAC/CSS, was host. 9. (Unclassified - ELS) LIAISON Set up meetings for Ambassador Andrew Steigman, Director of National Intelligence Tasking Office, with Dan Childs and George Pickett, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence staff; James A. Fellenbaum and Guy G. McConnell, Senate Appropriations Committee, and James 0. Bush, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, scheduled for 17 July at 1000, 1030 and 1130 hours, respectively. Fellenbaum will confirm. 10. (Unclassified - SF) LIAISON Received a call from Randy Manella, in the office of Representative Gary A. Myers (R., Pa.), requesting a copy of the lower court decision in Higgs vs. Schlesinger, docket number 72-6272, reference number 411US963. This decision was appealed to the Supreme Court. Stephanie, OGC Library, who is very familiar with the case will handle. 11. (Unclassified - SF) EMPLOYMENT REQUEST Received a call from Schelly Reid, in the office of Representative Goodloe E. Byron (D., Md.), requesting a professional employment package be sent to her. OLC Registry was advised. ]NT RMAE USE ONLY. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP80-00941AO00600050015-9 Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP80-00941AO00600050015-9 '3 TER I C PSE 0 "1 LY SECRET. Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Tuesday - 11 July 1978 12. 1 LIAISON Cliff Fowler, GAO, called and requested that another meeting be arranged between representatives from his office and the Agency to discuss further the changes to GAO's draft report on NUMEC. We will shoot for sometime next week. 13. LIAISON Accompanied Stan Taylor, 25x1 Abram Shuls y and at erine Essoyan, all of the Senate Select Committee on Intelli once staff, to a meeting wit F_ _1 25x1 regarding the committee's preliminary in in s on international terrorism. Don Gregg 25X1 also attended. Taylor reviewed the Committee's preliminary conclusions from its study and asked for our comments. Principal conclusions included that each U.S. Government entity involved does a good job individually in carrying out its responsibilities to combat international terrorism but that the entities do not work well together; the inter-Agency working group is only directed toward responding to incidents, it does not take a preventative approach; there is a lack of leadership problem, as most entities look toward NSC for leadership but NSC looks to State. Complicating this is the fact that there have been five different leaders of the inter-Agency group in two years. Finally, there have been no simulations of terrorist incidents which the staff feels would very much aid the inter-Agency group when they are confronted with actual terrorist incidents. 14. (Unclassified - DFM) LIAISON Called Susan Mahler, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence staff, and asked her to see how many of the 43 unclassified reports on Soviet defense spending, which had been sent to the Committee for distribution to Senators, were still available. I offered to make up the difference. Forty-three studies had apparently been received by the Committee before the letter explaining they were to be distributed to Senators and they were subsequently passed around to the Committee staff. 15. I LIAISON Received a call from Bill Miller, Staff Director, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, who requested that an Agency spokesman brief the Committee this week on three topics: "spy war," i.e., exchan e of Soviet and American agents: the discover of the I and the Ana o y c arans y case. INTERNAL USE ONLY SECRET Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP80-00941AO00600050015-9 Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP80-00941A000600050015-9 SECRET Journal Office of Legislative Counsel Tuesday - 11 July 1978 Page 4 17. (Unclassified - LLM) LIAISON Accompanied the Director and Fred Hitz to a meeting with Senator Barry Goldwater (R., Ariz.) in which the Director thanked the Senator for his help on the floor on the role of the ambassador provision in the State authorization bill and reviewed the troublesome aspects of the Case Act amendments also being proposed and exchanged views on the intelligence organization involving the Resource Management Staff and the National Intelligence Tasking Center, (See Memorandum for the Record written by Mr. Hitz.) and I attended a mark-up hearing on Civil Service Reform at 2:00 p.m. in Cannon House Office Building. 25X1 18. (Unclassified - MDC) LEGISLATION 19. Received a call from Holly Brown, Special Assistant to Senator John H. Chafee (R., R.I.). She said the Senator would like to set up another breakfast meeting with the Director and would like to bring some other members with him. (This had been arranged earlier by letter from the Director to the Senator.1d her I would get some REDERICK P. HITZ Legislative Counsel SECRET Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP80-00941A000600050015-9