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Contacts 4
Calls 25
Ins 2
Outs 13
Monday - 8 May 1978
1. I LIAISON Spoke to
Chief /E
J..LI.CZ 4 ^1j. C64
rvrs[azr, DIA, regarding clearances for
reporters both House and otherwise. said that he hoped he was
right in that requests for compartmented clearances now come
directly to the Legislative Counsel of the CIA. I told hat he was
indeed correct and this was in line with the intent of mira Turner.
then stated that they would be out of the picture completely, and I
added that this was not true since we may have occasion to coordinate with
them regarding staffers who have the need to know when the material to
be reviewed involves strictly Defense Department material. greed
that this would be no problem.
2. LIAISON Mr. E. Homer McMurray,
Chief/House epor ers, caned and inquired how House Reporters,
who .cover hearings in- which intelligence community compartmented
material is to be utilized,obtain compartmented clearances. I explained
the current procedure and asked that he forward his request to
I as that would be the most expeditious way of handling i .
Mr. McMurray said that he would and in response to my request, he
further stated that he would forward a complete list of his staff so we
could come up with an up-to-date listing of who has what clearances.
3.1 LIAISON Attended a meeting with
Mr. Gene F. Wilson, Chief/Information and Privacy Staff, at the Secret
Service Headquarters building regarding abuses of the Freedom of
Information Act by FOIA requesters. Agencies represented besides the
CIA included Secret Service, FBI and DEA. The meeting lasted from
9:30 a. m. to 11:00 a. m. (See Memorandum for the Record.)
-1 0F If 'C E= Ego
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Approved For Release 2006/09/11 SECR80-00941 A000600030017-9
Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel
Monday - 8 May 1978
Page 2
5. LIAISON Florence Roth, Personal
Secretary to Senator Daniel Moynihan (D., N. Y.), called and said that
the Senator was in Michigan but had asked her to call me to assure
the personal and confidential handling of a letter he has addressed to the
DCI. Arrangements were made to pick up the letter and it was delivered
unopened to the DCI.
6. I LEGISLATION Called Nanette Blandin,
OMB, and ou r e Tor ner our position on the McGovern amendment to
Section 16 of the State Authorization bill (role of the ambassador).
7. I I LIAISON John Hooper, in the office
of Represermarrver xrml -Lu y (R., Calif.), called and requested
a map of Israel and Southern Lebanon showing the Latani River and where
refugee camps are located. After checking with NFAC/CSS,
an unclassified map was sent to the Congressman's office.
9.1 1 HEARING Attended the House Permanent
Select Committee on Intelligence hearing on Intelligence Community automatic
data processing activities. Witnesses were from the Intelligence Community
Staff, the CIA and NSA. (See Memorandum for the Record.)
10. LIAISON Picked up a letter for the
Director at Senator Daniel P. Moynihan's (D., N. Y.) office.
11.1 LIAISON Michael Pillsbury, Senate Budget
Committee staff, called about the status of his clearances. I told him I had
no news and suggested he contacti _1 OLC.
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel
Monday - 8 May 1978 Page 4
18. I LIAISON Received a call from Bill Miller,
Staff Direc , ena e e ect Committee on Intelligence, who informed me
the Committee had no objection to our releasing the section of the Director's
6 December 1977 testimony before the Committee on the Frank Snepp case
to the court under terms of a subpoena. Miller did propose a formal
exchange of correspondence on this request, however, and I agreed. I
also talked about this request with Keith Raffel, of the Committee staff,
several times during the day. I also discussed with Miller the request
of Senate Budget Committee staff member Mike Pillsbury for compartmented
clearances. Miller informed me the Committee had decided not to approach
Senator Henry Bellmon (R., Okla. ), Ranking Minority Member of the Budget
Committee, but instead would await a formal request from the Budget
Committee that Pillsbury have access to the Committee's FY-1979
authorization report.
19. 25X1
Committee Intelligence staff, to inform Nhimathe Agency's t task forceelect
study on the Frank Snepp book was being forwarded to the Committee today.
He was delighted about this.
20 25X1
BRIEFING Accompanied the Director 25X1
and C/DDO/AF, to a meeting with Senator Dick Clark
(D., owa . There was a general discussion of forces at work in Africa,
the Clark amendment (after which the Director had to excuse himself for
a White House m and Senator Clark discussed the 25X1
for the Record.)
in he context of certain allegations made 1
ormer CIA employee. (See I JA emorandum 5?C
21. LIAISON Nancy Mathews, in the office
of Repres Richard Ottinger (D., N. Y.), called to determine the
status of the briefing arrangements in follow-up of the 21 April letter to
the DCI from Representatives Ottinger and John Dingell (D., Mich.) on
the Indian nuclear device. I referred her to Frank Potter, Staff Director,
House Interstate and Foreign Commerce Subcommittee on Energy & Power.
oke a
n with
NSA, and receive from him a proposal on how to handle Representative Lee
Hamilton's (D., Ind.) inquiry for identifying information on a certain
f f, _--
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 6
Monday - 8 May 1978
29. 25X1
LIAISON Called John Marshall,
on the staf o e organ-Schmitt Senate Select Committee on Ethics
Subcommittee, to arrange for him to review additional material related to the
Subcommittee's investigation of an unauthorized disclosure of intelligence
information concerning Panama. We arranged for the review to take
place on 9 May 1978 at 10:00 a. m.
30.1 I LIAISON I called Robert Hull,
Department a firemen 'pecialist, and- explained that I had discussed
the amendment to State's authorization bill claiming credit for service in the
Radios (Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty) for retirement under the
Civil Service System with Hilda Schreiber, OMB. She agreed that it would
be best if the Agency's comments were included in State's letter to
Chairman John Sparkman (D., Ala.), Senate Foreign Relations Committee, since
our direct response to the Committee might raise a number of questions as
to how we manage ongoing proprietaries and could very well raise the Air
America issue. Hull said he would draw from Mr. John Blake's, DDA, letter
to Deputy Undersecretary for Management Ben H. Read commenting on the
amendment which will be delivered to him first thing tomorrow morning.
Earlier in the day, [: I DD/OP, called Mr. Hull and gave him 25X1
the thrust of Mr. e s letter.
31. 25X1
LIAISON At his request, O/SA /DO/65X1
and I met with Al Tarabochia, Senate Judiciary Committee staff, to discuss
a proposal concerning Cuban exiles. Se
( Memo for the Record. )25X1
32. I I LEGISLATION Received a call from
Allan West eimer, who identified himself as being associated with
Morton Halperin and the Institute for Policy Studies. Mr. Westheimer
said that he was calling to interview someone at the CIA with regard to
S. 2525, the intelligence charter legislation. Mr. Westheimer indicated that
he had already interviewed people from DOD and State Department. He
hoped to be able to complete the interview process he was involved in by
arranging a meeting or a telephone interview with someone at CIA. I told
Mr. that I did not have the authority to grant him an interview
but that I would make a note of his call and have someone contact him the
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Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel
Monday - 8 May 1978
Page 7
34. I I LEGISLATION Called the House
International Relations Committee to attempt to arrange to get the
actual language of the "Bingham Amendment" (see immediately
proceeding journal item). The staffer dictated the language over the
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