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Approved For Release 2006/07/26: CIA-R[3R9.(De00941A000600020014-330 SECRE1 is INTERNAL USE JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Tuesday - 11 April 1978 1. (Unclassified - NDL) LIAISON Per her request, I mailed to Carolyn Tennyson, in the office of Senator Paul S. Sarbanes (D. , Md. ), a copy of the Agency publication entitled "Korea: The Economic Race Between the North and the South. " 2. (Unclassified - MG) BRIEFING Called Louis Hunter, GAO, and confirmed the briefing for tomorrow of John Van Desander, Philip Phibeau, and Steve Syriala, GAO, on oil exploration prospects in Mexico. 3. (Unclassified - MG) EMPLOYMENT Received a call from Bart Johnson, Administrative Assistant to Representative Charles E. Bennett (D., Fla.), who asked if we could set u an employment constituent After talking to 15X1 I called Johnson's office and left a message that an interview had been scheduled for tomorrow, 2:00 p. m. 4. (Unclassified - MG) Dennis Causey, in the office of Senator Paul Laxalt (R. , Nev.), called to thank me for sending him -a map of the USSR he had recently requested showing major petroleum deposits, pipeline systems and refineries. 5. (Unclassified - MG) BRIEFING Steve Syriala, GAO, called to confirm the briefing he will be receiving tomorrow at Headquarters on oil exploration prospects in Mexico. 6. (Unclassified - KJS) BRIEFING Jim Przystup, on the staff of the House International Relations Subcommittee on Asian and Pacific Affairs, called to request that the briefing set for Thursday, 13 April, on developments in Cambod' Vietnam and Laos, be changed to Monday, April 17, at 1:30 p. m. I ce, I checked with INFAC/CSS, office. NFAC/CSS, called me back to let me know that Monday would be o. k., and I called Jim 25x1 Przystup to advise him. as been advised of this change. SECRET ;INTERNAL U 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/07/26: CIA-RDP80-00941AO00600020014-3 Approved For Release 2006/0 ^i-RDP80-00941 A000600020014-3 INTERNAL USE C ILY Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Tuesday - 11 April 1978 7. (Unclassified - MMP) LIAISON Accompanied NFIB representatives to discuss procedure for passing information on liaison arrangements to Congress. (See Memorandum for the Record.) 8. (Confidential - MMP) LIAISON Received from Thomas K. Latimer, Staff Director, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, 9. (Confidential - MMP) LIAISON Diane LaVoy, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence staff, called with requests for the following documents: (a) Procedures for the Production of a National Intelligence Situation Report - which is an attachment to NFIB-D - 28. 7/1. (b) DCI Memoranda on Task Force on National Intelligence SITREPS dated 19 Au ust 1976 and 7 September 1976. I passed these requests on to I I NFAC/CSS. 10. (Unclassified - MMP) LIAISON Received a call from Rhett Dawson, Senate Armed Services Committee staff, requesting a copy of the Agency document on Soviet Civil Defense, which he understood has been declassified down to the Secret level. After checking with NFAC/CSS, and withi LC, to determine the availability of the document as well as c earances held by Mr. Dawson, I informed Mr. Dawson that the document is currently in the possession of Larry Smith, Senate Armed Services Committee staff. I also told him that the more highly classified document (codeword) is available here at Headquarters should he wish to read it. He then asked if it would be possible for him to receive his own working copy of the Secret document and, after checking with FAC/CSS, I told him that he could. 11. (Unclassified - MMP) LIAISON Pat Long and Herb Romerstein, both of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence staff, called askin whether it would be s s ' le to shift tomorrow's 10:00 app 25 1 I to 1:00 p.m. After checking wit assured them that 1:00 would be fine. 12. (Confidential - MMP) LIAISON Called Herb Romerstein, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence staff, to tell him that he had received his codeword security clearances and to ask him when it would be convenient for him to receive his briefings. He told me that he had been briefed the preceding Wednesday, 6 April by Agency security people. SECTL ONLY INTERNAL Approved For Release 2006/07/26: CIA-RDP80-00941A000600020014-3 Approved For Release 2006/07/26: Cl -RDP80-00941AO00600020014-3 ;cal INTERNAL USE ONLY Journal-Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Tuesday - 11 April 1978 13. (Unclassified - ME) FOIA/LIAISON I called Ms. Mikki Staab, in the Falls Church office of Representative Joseph F. Fisher (D., Va. ), I apologized to Ms. Staab for not sending a copy of a second response of 23 March 1978 t and offered to send it along to her. 14. (Unclassified - MDC) LIAISON I I DIA, called to find out what clearances were held by Thomas B an enship, of Columbia Reporters. After checking, I informe hat he holds a Top Secret clearance with the Departmen se. 15. (Unclassified - ME) FOIA/LIAISON I called the office of Representative Robert F. Drinan (D. , Mass.) and spoke with Mr. Arthur 25X1 25X1 Wolfe. I asked Mr. Wolfe the date of previous correspondence, 25X1 but although he stated that he had been told of a previous re uest to us, he was unable to furnish the date. However, he will advise 25x1 that the Agency is processing the request at hand and he will receive acknowledgement from our FOI people. 16. (Confidential - MMP) LIAISON Called Loch Johnson, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence staff, to ask him about his recently concluded European trip. He said that both he and Representative Les Aspin (D., Wis.) came back highly enthusiastic about what they saw and learned. He sai ha- h as sure t epresentative Aspin would be pleased to lunch wit !hand myself at some future date to discuss the benefits and observations they had made from the trip. 17. (Confidential - MMP) LIAISON Received a call from Louis Hunter, International Division, GAO, with regard to an appointment the wish to set up for Joseph Di Geor io, International Division, GAO, anc wI 25X1 The purpose of the meeting is apparently to 25x1 find out which of the documents that the GAO team saw during a trip to several countries in the Western Hemisphere could be released to them. I told Mr. Hunter that I would get back to him the following morning. SECRET `INTERNAL USE ONLY Approved For Release 2006/07/26: CIA-RDP80-00941AO00600020014-3 Approved For Release 2006/07/26 : 0-00941 A000600020014-3 INTERNAL USE ONLY Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4 Tuesday - 11 April 1978 18. (Confidential - THW) LIAISON Called Frank Sullivan, Staff Director, Senate Armed Services Committee, and alerted him to an item in the NID on Panama. He appreciated the call. 19. (Confidential - THW) BRIEFING Called Hans Binnendijk, on the staff of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Foreign Assistance, and set up a briefing for him at Headquarters on 13 April, at 9:15 a. m. , on the impact of the arms embargo on the military readiness and NATO role of Turkey and the military balance in the Agean Sea. 1OSR, will do the briefing. 20. (Unclassified - THW) LIAISON Linda Bates, in the Roswell, New Mexico district office of Senator Harrison H. Schmitt (R., N. Mex.), called with a request from a Professor Bowen of the University of New Mexico at Roswell. Professor Bowen had asked if she could set up a conference call for a class of 30 students to discuss the organization of the CIA, employment needs, etc. I told her that I thought such a set up would be very difficult to handle and suggested that she ask Professor Bowen to put his questions in writing and perhaps we would be able to be responsive in that fashion. I also said I would send her some brochures on the CIA which they could use to answer some of the questions. 21. (Unclassified - THW) LIAISON Called Chuck Snodgrass, on the staff of the House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee, and in his absence spoke to Marsha and asked her to tell Mr. Snodgrass that we had no objections to Dempsey Mizelle, on the staff of the Subcommittee on State, Justice, Commerce and Judiciary, sitting in on the hearing scheduled for 3:30 p.m. on 12 April concerning 25x1 22. (Confidential - THW) LIAISON Called Dick White, Admini- strative Assistant to Representative Dale Milford (D., Texas), and asked him if he could forward to us the best set of coordinates Representative Milford has on the World War II aircraft in Greenland. He said he would check into it and call me back. INTEiU l USE ONLY Approved For Release 2006/07/26: CIA-RDP80-00941AO00600020014-3 Approved For Release 2006/07/26: CIA-RDP80-00941AO00600020014-3 Q Approved For Release 2006/07/26: CIA-RDP80-00941AO00600020014-3 Approved For Release ttftr A000600020014-3 USE 3 ' ~' INTERNAL Journal-Office of Legislative Counsel Tuesday - 11 April. 1978 Page 6 26. (Internal Use Only - GMC) LIAISON Took a call. from Kenneth DeGraffenreid, on the staff of the Morgan-Schmitt Senate Select Committee on Ethics Subcommittee, who gave me the name of another employee of the Subcommittee's stenographic reporting firm for whom a TS/SI clearance was requested. I told DeGraffenreid that I had been informed that it would be necessary for the Agency to review the investigative reports in these cases and that it would take some time to have these reports forwarded from their repository in Ohio and processed. 27. (Internal Use Only - GMC) LIAISON Received a call from Don Sanders, Special Counsel, Morgan-Schmitt Senate Select Committee on Ethics Subcommittee, who inquired as to the status of the draft Memorandum of Understanding between the DCI and the Subcommittee. I told Sanders that it was m understanding t at he had discussed desired changes in the 25x1 draft wit Acting Chief, C &R Staff, and that we would be forwar Ing a revise ra to the Subcommittee. Sanders said that he would like to expedite matters and that if his desired changes had been accommodated we could save time by having the DCI sign the Memorandum of Understanding and then forwarding it for signature by Senators Robert B. Morgan (D., N. Car.) and Harrison H. Schmitt (R., N. Mex.). I told Sanders that I would try my best to move this matter along as quickly as possible. 28. (Unclassified - DFM) LIAISON Accompanied Richard Kaufman, General Counsel, Joint Economic Committee, to a meeting with Maurice Ernst, D/OER, regarding how the Agency might respond to the letter from Senator William Proxmire (D., Wis. ) asking for statistics on the Agency's work on the Soviet economy. We reiterated the Agency's position that we could not supply budget and personnel figures. Mr. Ernst did offer to list the areas of speciality of Agency employees studing the Soviet economy. This was satisfactory to Kaufman. Kaufman agreed that we did not need to send full answers to Senator Proxmire in his capacity as a Member of the Senate Appropriations Committee as we did last year. 29. (Unclassified - DFM) LIAISON Took a call from Joyce Newton, in the office of Senator Orrin Hatch (R., Utah). Newton read me a letter from a constituent expressing concern about DDO personnel reductions. I explained the DCI's position and specifically denied the charge that politically hard line employees were being released in favor of those with more moderate political views. I also agreed to send her a paper which had previously been circulated to the press on this subject. INTERNAL USE. LY Approved For Release 2006/07/26: CIA-RDP80-00941AO00600020014-3 Approved For Release 200610712& -LCxkI 1P80-00941 A000600020014-3 INTERNAL I)L Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Tuesday - 11 April 1978 Page 7 30. (Confidential - DFM) LIAISON Talked several times during the day with Bill Miller, Staff Director, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. He requested that Mr. Frank Carlucci drop by his office to discuss operational use of a former Agency employee who was on the staff of a U. S. Senator. This incident occurred in the early 1960s and the Senator was not made aware of contacts with the staff member. Miller also referred to a Washington Star article on a Soviet spy recently arrested in Iran and asked if this incident was connected with the arrest last year of two other Iranian officials as Soviet spies. Miller indicated Senator Daniel Moynihan (D., N. Y.) was very interested in the Edward J. Epstein book, Legend, and had requested that the Agency make a point by point response to the allegations. Miller also requested any damage assessments on the book. I discussed with Miller the request for a compartmented clearance for Hoyt Purvis, of Senator Robert Byrd's (D., W. Va.) staff. Miller agreed that we could retract compartmented clearances for another staff member already representing Senator Byrd in order that we might have only one representative of each Senator on the Select Committee with access to compartmented information. 31. (Unclassified - DFM) LIAISON Received a call from Earl Eisenhower, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence staff, who said he had been asked for information about the apparent defection of a Soviet official at the United Nations. Eisenhower asked for information on this case and I agreed to look into it. 32. (Unclassified - DFM) LIAISON Received a call from Ed Levine, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence staff, who asked me for the figure in the Agency's FY-1979 budget for a particular program. After checking with the Office of the Comptroller, I gave Levine the figure. All of this was done in a manner which did not reveal classified information. 33. (Secret - DFM) LIAISON Called Abram Shulsky, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence staff, to ask for the subject Senator Daniel Moynihan (D., N. Y.) wants to speak to the Director about tomorrow. Shulsky indicated the subject was the possible defection of a Soviet United Nations official. Later on the secure phone, Shulsky informed me that txrhila fiPnnfnr Mn rniha.n was at the TTN_ he knew the official and this was INTERNAL USE (.: '? y Approved For Release 2006/07/26: CIA-RDP80-00941A000600020014-3 Approved For Release 2006$ECRETIA-RDP80-00941 A000600020014-3 INTERNAL US-or, ONLY Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 8 Tuesday - 11 April 1978 34. (Unclassified - HMS) EMPLOYMENT REQUEST Received a call from of Representative Joseph Ammerman's (D., Pa.) office, requesting a pro essional employment application. I told her we would send her one. OLC Registry was advised. 35. (Confidential - HMS) LIAISON Per Donald Massey's, Assistant Legislative Counsel, request, I sent via courier an answer to one of the follow-up questions of Mr. Frank Carlucci's testimony on the Agency's special activities budget to Ed Levine, of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence staff. 36. (Unclassified - HMS) LIAISON Received a call from Janean Mann, in the office of Representative John Buchanan (R_ _ Ala. ). reauestiny 37. (Unclassified - JEC) LEGISLATION Called Alan Coffey, Associate Counsel, House Judiciary Subcommittee on Administrative Law and Governmental Relations, and told him that a courier would be delivering the statements on financial disclosure legislation which he had requested. Later in the day I visited Mr. Coffey and we discussed the hearings held that day by the House Rules Committee on financial disclosure legislation. 38. (Unclassified - JEC) LEGISLATION Met with Ira Goldman and Karen Kaub, on the staff of Representative Robert McClory (R. , Ill. ), to discuss financial disclosure legislation. I also left a copy of proposed amendments to H. R. 6954 with Ms. Kaub and asked her to determine if the Congressman would be willing to introduce the amendment if necessary. Earlier in the day I had phoned Mr. Goldman to tell him that several papers concerning financial disclosure were available at the House Permament Select Committee on Intelligence. INTERNAL USE r~.' Approved For Release 2006/07/26: CIA-RDP80-00941A000600020014-3 Approved For Release 2006 HETIA-RDP80-00941AO00600020014-3 INTERNAL USE ONLY Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 9 Tuesday - 11 April 1978 39. (Unclassified - ELS) HEARING Attended the House Appropriations Committee hearing on the National Foreign Intelligence Program (NFIP) 1979 budget with the Director and Program Managers of the NFIP. (See Memorandum for the Record.) 40. (Unclassified - MG) EMPLOYMENT In response to her earlier call, called Clara Terry, in the office of Representative Robert S. Walker (R., Pa.), and informed her that on 9 March we had sent a letter with a -1-mi- L"31 and brochures to the Congressman's constituen but perhaps it had been lost in the mail. I told her we were orwarding another one. 41. (Unclassified - RLB) LEGISLATION Attended a meeting of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence regarding financial disclosure legislation. Acting Legislative Counsel f JNTERNAL L Approved For Release 2006/07/26: CIA-RDP80-00941AO00600020014-3