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Approved For Release 2007/02/22 : CIA-RDP80-0094100020004-4 3 Calls - 19 CONFIDENTIAL Outs - 5 INTERNAL USE ONLY JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL `Tuesday - 25 April 1978 1.1 1 LEGISLATION Spoke with Ginny Schlundt, 25X1 Counsel, House International Relations Subcommittee on International Operations, with regard to H. R. 11383, a bill to establish a Commission on Proposals for a United States Academy for Peace and Conflict Resolution. (See Memorandum for the Record. ) 2. I I LEGISLATION Spoke with Ken Hill, at the State Department, Office of Management Operations, with regard 25X1 to amendments to the Foreign Relations Authorization Act of 1979, scheduled for mark-up on 26 April. Mr. Hill said he had been doing most of the ".footwork" with regard to the State-supported amendment. Mr. Hill informed me that what once was H. R. 11458, a bill to establish a national policy for the application of science and technology to United States foreign policy, is now in what Mr. Hill called the "latest" amendment form. I asked Mr. Hill to make available to us the latest amendment which he consented to do. (See Memorandum for the Record. ) 3? LEGISLATION Received a call from Bill Fite, a member of the Minority staff of the House International Relations Committee. I thanked Mr. Fite for returning my call and asked him if he had any dealing with the State Department amendment to the Foreign Relations Authorization Act of 1979, scheduled for mark-up this week and next. He said he has dealt with it only tangentially. He indicated that the person to contact on the matter would be Forest Frank, also on the staff. I asked Mr. Fite if the mark-up was scheduled before the full Committee. He informed me that it is to be before the full Subcommittee on International Operations and not the full Committee. I thanked him for his help, and he said that I should feel free to call anytime. MORA/CDF Pages 1/2/3 CoNjghla INTERNAL USE ONLY, Approved For Release 2007/02/22 : CIA-RDP80-00941A000600020004-4 Approved For Release 2007/02/22 : CIA-RDP80-00941AO00600020004-4 Approved For Release 2007/02/22 : CIA-RDP80-00941AO00600020004-4 Approved For Release 2007/02/22 C%fl0E*TJAk41A000600020004-4 INTERNAL USE ONLY, Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4 Tuesday - 25 April 1978 15. (Unclassified - MMP) LIAISON Called Mike O'Neil, Chief Counsel, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, to establish that he would speak to the CIA Mid-Career Course on 2 June from 1500 until 1615 hours. 16. (Unclassified - DFM) LIAISON Called Ed Greissing, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence staff, and told him the years as Director of OCI. Greissing had asked for the information in connection with I appearance in open session before the Committee today on intelligence charters. 17. (Unclassified - DFM) LIAISON Received a call from Joyce Chestnut, in the office of Senator Sam Nunn (D., Ga.). Chestnut said their office had received a request for a CIA employment application for a constituent. I agreed to have an application sent directly from the Agency. Chestnut indicated her office did not need a copy of our letter to the constituent. 18. (Unclassified - DFM) LIAISON Called Geryld Christianson, in the office of Senator Claiborne Pell (D. , R.I. ), in regard to his request of last week for CIA information on former Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg. I told Christianson that the Agency did have some documents which were originated by the State Department and that I would check with State and ask them to provide the documents or provide them myself if that was State's preference. Christianson said this arrangement would be fine. 19. (Unclassified - DFM) LIAISON Called Chris Lay, Legislative Assistant to Representative Steven Symms (R., Idaho) and told him the Agency had no information at an unclassified level on Soviet research into lasers and into other exotic weapons. I again stated our willingness to offer the Representative a briefing on the subject and Lay said he would let me know if the Congressman was interested. 20. ( - DFM) LIAISON Received a call from Mike Epstein Senate Select Committee on Intelligence staff, who said a man named claiming past CIA employment was applying for a position with the Committee. Epstein asked me to verify his employment. CON' F I DENT I AL INTERNAL USE ONLY 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/02/22 : CIA-RDP80-00941AO00600020004-4 Approved For Release 2007/02/22 : ClA RDP80-0QQ41A000600020004-4 CtUEE AAL p [[rri INTERNAL USE ONLY Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 5 Tuesday - 25 April 1978 21. (Unclassified - DFM) LIAISON Called Hal Ford, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence staff, to ask about the background of the new Committee request to see all NIEs for the past year. Ford said this was Bill Miller's, Staff Director of the Committee, idea and I should check with him. Ford said his impression was that this was not intended to be a formal quality of intelligence study but merely to get an appreciation for a year's NIEs and to see how they compared to previous ones in format, subject, content, etc. 23. (Unclassified - DFM) LIAISON Received a call from Martha MacDonald, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence staff, who indicated I arles Mathias (R., Md.) was interested in touring She asked me to set this up with Mrs. Graves on the senator's personal staff. I expressed reservations about handling this through other than Committee channels and said I would talk to Mac Donald about this in person. 24. (Unclassified - HMS) EMPLOYMENT Received a call from Susie Williams, in the office of Senator Robert Dole (R., Kan. ), requesting a professional employment application for a constituent. I told her one would be sent to her. OLC Registry was advised. 25. (Unclassified - HMS) EMPLOYMENT Received a call from Nancy Newcomer, in the office of Representative William Goodling (R., Pa. inquiring for a constituent about the status of his employment application. After checking with the Office of Personnel, I called Nancy and told her that they could not find the constituent's letter of about a month ago and that it was probably with letters regarding the advertisement in the New York Times for employment opportunities with CIA because that was the address which the constituent said he had sent his letter to. U T1~ INTERNAL USE ONLY. Approved For Release 2007/02/22 : CIA-RDP80-00941A000600020004-4 Approved For Release 20 W#Maffff80-00941 A000600020004-4 INTERNAL USE ONLY Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 6 Tuesday - 25 April 1978 26. (Unclassified - JEC) LEGISLATION Called John Seibert, Department of Justice, to double check on the application of the proposed amendments to the Federal Tort Claims Act to constitutional torts committed overseas. He said the proposed amendments would apply because the exemption contained in section 2680 does not apply to constitutional torts. On the subject of disciplinary hearings, he said that the FBI objected to Civil Service Commission review of decisions. He added that the new language which had been drafted did away with de novo review of disciplinary decisions. The reviewing body may look at the administrative record or may remand for a better record. Further,the reviewing body may increase a penalty if they find it unreasonable but may not decrease the penalty. 27. (Unclassified - JEC) LEGISLATION Received a call from Hilda Schreiber, OMB, who said that the Civil Service Commission called her for a copy of our revised views on the Civil Service Reform bill. She said OMB had not received a copy and wanted to know what exactly was going on. I told her the person at the Civil Service Commission had misunderstood and that our letter was only goingout to OMB today. She promised to forward a copy to CSC as soon as she received it. Acting Legislative Counsel CONFIDENTIAL INTERNAL USE ONLY, Approved For Release 2007/02/22 : CIA-RDP80-00941AO00600020004-4 Approved For Release 2007/02/22 : CIA-R DP80-00941 E J20004-4 3 C alls - 2 In s - 0 O uts - 0 INTERNAL USE O L Y ADDENDUM TO JOURNAL Friday - 25 April 1978 1. (Unclassified - RJK) LIAISON Called Roy Werner, Senate Foreign Relations Committee staff, to inform him that I had left with Barbara Allem, also of the Committee staff, a package of Agency information dealing with theeconomic situation per his request. Werner thanked us for our quick response. 2. (Internal Use Only - RJK) BRIEFING NFAC/OSR, met with Richard Perle, Senate Governmental Affairs Permanent Investigations Subcommittee, and provided him with a briefing on camouflage and deception. Perle had requested the briefing recently, was pleased with it, and when the briefers finished, indicated that he would be in touch with us so that the same briefing could be given to Senator Henry M. Jackson (D., Wash. ). 3. (Unclassified - ELS) LIAISON Jim Bush, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence staff, said that his bill, H. R. 12240, has also been referred to the House Judiciary Committee, which is interested in his marks for the FBI and in Title IV, which directs the Attorney General to inform the oversight committees whenever an alien is admitted to the U. S. when Justice believes there are grounds for denying admittance. Bush said that the Judiciary Committee did not receive his entire classified report, just Secret excerpts concerning the FBI. 4. (Unclassified - ELS) LIAISON At the request of -7TR, I invited Chuck Snodgrass, House Appropriations Committee staff, to speak to the Senior Seminar at 10:30 a. m. on 19 May. He accepted, subject to any last minute crisis, such as the impending birth of his first child, due after 11 May. 5. (Unclassified - ELS) LIAISON Dan Childs, Senate Select Commitee on Intelligence staff, called to request a copy of NIE 4/1-78. I told him I would check. I asked Childs whether there was a letter to go with his classified authorization report. He said the report should be dated 19 April, same as the overt report. Acting Legislative ounse INTERNAL USr 0471 y 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/02/22 : CIA-RDP80-00941AO00600020004-4