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(JOrltacts - 4 Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RD084100941A0006000100237 STAT Ins - 1 SECCE'rts JL)UR,INAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Monday - 6 March 1978 1.1 LEGISLATION Spoke with Irving Jaffe's secretary, at the Department of Justice, regarding Jim Conley's call to Mr. Jaffe on Friday, 3 March. She said he had not been able to return Mr. Conley's call and was now out of town. I relayed that Mr. Conley was interested in whether Justice has proposed an amendment to the Federal Tort Claims Act to cover constitutional torts overseas, and if so what reception it received on Capitol Hill. She said she would check and call me back. 2 1 LEGISLATION Called Mr. Bob Hull, at the State Department, to ask him about the provision in H. R. 10691, the International Development Cooperation Act, which provides that an AID employee who is on the foreign service retirement system may have his annuity based on a "high-one" instead of the high three consecutive years. He said the State Department would probably submit an amendment that would broaden the provision to include all foreign service officers. He asked me if I found anything else objectionable in the bill, and I mentioned a few sections I felt would have an adverse impact on the Agency. 3. LEGISLATION Called George Howe, at the Civil Service Commission, and asked him for copies of the CSC draft reform bill. He said the bill was available, and if I sent a courier over I could have as many copies as I needed. 4.1 1 EMPLOYMENT Received a call from Mr. Dolan, in the office of Representative Joseph D. Early (D., Mass.), who requested a professional employment package for a constituent. OLC Registry will forward the material. 5. LIAISON Received a call from Susan, in the office of Representative Robert L. Livingston (R., La.), who asked for a copy of the National Basic Intelligence Factbook. A copy was forwarded this date. SECRET Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP80-00941AO00600010020-7 Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP80-00941AO00600010020-7 Q Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP80-00941AO00600010020-7 Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP80-00941A000600010020-7 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3 Monday - 6 March 1978 11. I IHEARING Called Jim Bush's, on the25x1 staff of the ouse Permanent a ect Committee on Intelligence, office to check on change of date for DCI appearance for NFIP wrapup. Eileen, on the Committee staff, said they were trying for the morning of 17 March. This was later confirmed by OLC. 25X1 12. I LIAISON Delivered additional budget25x1 justification materials and copies of DDCI statement to Jim Bush, on the staff of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, and picked up questions for the 7 March hearing, hearing agenda, and a document for OLC. 25X1 LIAISON Met with Subcommiti;~~1 on International Organizations, House International Relations Committee, Minority Consultant Thomas R. Smeeton, and Minority Staffer Larry Sulc. (See Memorandum for the Record. ) Michael Hershman, Deputy Staff Director, Subcommittee on International Organizations, House International Relations Committee. Hershman offered to personally brief us on testimony the Subcommittee plans to elicit at its public hearings scheduled to begin around 15 March. I thanked Hershman for his offer and said that we would seriously consider it. 25X1 15. LIAISON Received a call from Irene, in the office of Representative William F. Goodling (R., Pa.), and at Mr. Gabrielson's request, I rescheduled the 5 April briefing of 10-15 high school seniors from 10:30 a. m. to 11:30 a. m. to 11:00 a. m. to 12:00 P.M. OTR, was advised. 25x1 16. I I LIAISON Betsy Wolf, Dan Hardway a ` Leslie Wizelman, of the House Select Committee on Assassinations staff, visited Headquarters to review Agency material. Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP80-00941A000600010020-7 Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP80-00941AO00600010020-7 Q Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP80-00941AO00600010020-7 Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP80-00941A000600010020-7 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 5 Monday - 6 March 1978 21. LIAISON Called Ilene Katz, House 25x1 Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence staff, and asked her whether Annette Smiley, of the staff, was still interested in obtaining an Agency badge. I explained that it had been some months since she had made the application and that she need only come out here to have her picture taken to complete the process. Ilene called me back to assure me that Annette does want the badge and will be out to have her picture taken within the next few weeks. 22. I I LIAISON Bill Ashworth, Senate Foreign Relations Committee staff, called to ask for our assistance in providing him 25x1 with some accural-c- flaures on Soviet ballistic missile submarines. I passed the request on tol and told Mr. Ashworth that 25X1 eitherl OLC or I would be back in touch with him. I further explained that had assumed responsibility for the Senate Foreign 25x1 Relations Committee while I was now concentrating on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. 25X1 23. LIAISON Called Loch Johnson, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence staff, to confirm the 25x1 8 March luncheon between Chairman Les As in (D.. Wis.), Subcommittee on Oversight, and John McMahon, DDO, an Acting Legislative 25x1 Counsel, in the DCI dinin at 12,00, T also na he proposal that Chairman Aspin visi to take in the covert action infrastructure at the various stations. Apparently, Mr. Aspin will wish to discuss this further with Mr. McMahon, whom I have apprised of Mr. Aspin's intent. We also discussed the 15 March DCI hearings, which have since been cancelled for sometime in early April. 24. I I LIAISON Mike Flannigan, House 25X1 Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence staff, called to ask whether it would be possible for him to look through the two remaining IC Staff, Pike Committee, boxes for a document they are looking for. He asked whether it would be possible to do this out here and I said that I would look into it and get back to him. S- n il.E Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP80-00941A000600010020-7 Approved For Release 2006/08/W--C DP80-00941 A000600010020-7 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Monday - 6 March 1978 Page 6 25. LIAISON Sent by courier to Thomas K. Latimer, Staff Director, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, for his information, a copy of recent correspondence between the Director and the Attorney General intended to establish procedures for reporting violations of federal law as required by 28 U. S. C. 535. 26. LIAISON Sent by courier to Loch Johnson, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence staff, the NPIC/IEG25X1 Spot Cable Distribution List for his use and retention. 26. LIAISON Received a call fromi I on the staff of the Ad Hoc Select Committee on Energy, requesting an employment application (professional) be sent to her. OLC Registry was advised. 27 LIAISON Sent by courier to Chairman Les Aspin (D., Wis.), Subcommittee on Oversight, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, a letter (OLC 78-0474/2) dated 6 March 1978 The letter was signed byl I Acting Legislative Counsel. 28. LIAISON Called David Bushong, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence staff, who told me that he still needed one final item he had requested in connection with the Committee inquiry into drug traffickin 29. L LIAISON Received a call from Don Sanders, Senate Select omn ee on Intelligence staff, who indicated that he com leted the report he had worked on last fall 25X1 I I and would give me a copy of the report tomorrow. He also indicated that Senator Adlai Stevenson (D., Ill.) had called a meeting of the Senate Select Committee on Ethics, of which he is Chairman, for 9 March to discuss leaks on Panama and he needed the damage assessment he had previously asked me for no later than 8 March. Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP80-00941A000600010020-7 Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP80-00941A000600010020-7 SECRET Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 7 Monday - 6 March 1978 I I LEGISLATION Called Tracey Cole, 25X1 30. OMB, and asked if we could have an extension until Friday, 10 March, to get our comments on H. R. 10691, the International Cooperation Act, to OMB. She said Friday would be fine. 25X1 31. LEGISLATION Called Alan Coffey,, Minority Counsel, House Judiciary Subcommittee on Administrative Law and Governmental Relations, to check on the status of lobbying legislation. Mr. Coffey agreed to give us a copy of the Committee Print of H. R. 8494, a bill to regulate lobbying. 32. LEGISLATION Called Jim Stimpson, 2&iB, to work out procedures for delivery of a letter addressed to Acting Director James McIntyre on S. 1893, the biomedical and behavioral research bill. 17- 25X1 Acting Legislative Counsel cc: O/DDCI Ex. Sec. DDA DDS&T Mr. Lapham Mr. Hetu SA/DCQ Resource Management Staff Comptroller NFAC SECRET Approved For Release 2006/08/09: CIA-RDP80-00941A000600010020-7