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uontact s 4 Approved For Release 2006/06/23: CIA-RDP80-00 # C 0050003e017-016 CONFIDENTIAL In tss INTERNAL USE ONLY JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Wednesday - 11 January 1978 1. (Unclassified - NDL) EMPLOYMENT REQUEST Per the request of Carolyn Fell, in the office of Representative Chalmers P. Wylie (R., Ohio), I made an appointment wit WARO, to meet wit o discuss emp oyment possibilities in the Held o graphics. The appointment was made for 10:00 a. m. , 13 January, i office. 2. (Unclassified - JMD) LIAISON Called Jim Lofton, in the 25X1 25X1 office of Representative James Martin (R., N. Car.), and told him the Agency tours have not been set up yet. I told him they would be given on specific dates which have not been set, and that the whole program was still being ironed out. (This is in response to the request from the Charlotte, North Carolina Chamber of Commerce for a tour of the Agency.) I told Lofton that we do have sessions with groups, usually on the Hill, giving them a briefing on what the Agency is all about briefings) 25x1 t J and explained a bit about these. I said we would be g a to try to arran such a briefing for this group if they would prefer. Lofton thanked me for checking into this for him and said he would check with the head of the group and then get back in touch with me. 3. (Unclassified -MG) ADMINISTRATIVE - DELIVERIES Received a call from Mary Ellen, on the House Interior Committee staff, who said they had a letter to the Director which they would like picked up. I told her that we would send a courier for it the morning of 25x1 12 January. She said that would be fine. 4. (Unclassified - ELS) LIAISON has responded to a request from Mary Locke in t lie o' ice o ena or Charles H. Percy (R. , Ill. ), to talk tol 25x1 The matter is considered closed. 5. (Unclassified - ELS) LIAISON Arranged to meet with John Atkisson, Counsel to the House Interstate and Foreign Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, to show him our response regarding a uranium cartel. CONFIDENTIAL INTERNAL USE ONLY MORI/CDF Pages 3 thru 8 Approved For Release 2006/06/23: CIA-RDP80-00941AO00500030017-0 Approved For Release 2006/06/23: CIA-RDP - 941A000500030017-0 INTERNAL USE ONLY Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Wednesday - 11 January 1978 Page 2 6. (Unclassified - MMP) CONSTITUENT Michelle Farrar, in the office of Representative Paul N. McCloskey (R., Calif.), called. A constituent wrote a letter asking whether his name was included on the list of "26, 000 Americans who were to be incarcerated without benefit of atrial inthe event of a national emergency. " The list was allegedly drawn up by intelligence agencies. I told her that, while I was quite certain that no such list was ever contributed to by the CIA, I would check and call her back. After consulting wit I called Ms. Farrar back and assured her that CIA has no knowledge of 25x1 such a list. She said that she would answer the constituent. 7. (Unclassified - MMP) BRIEFING Attended the briefing of Peter Kyros and Suzanne Oetting, House Merchant Marine and Fisheries Subcommittee on Merchant Marine, by The briefing took place in Room 1332 Longworth House Office Building and was unclassified. The briefing went smoothly and the only outstanding request is for some unclassified statistics that OER is working up with regard to Soviet merchant marine capabilities. 8. (Confidential - MMP) LIAISON Marty Fitzgerald, Congressional Liaison at GAO, called to request guidance on how to handle a classified letter from the Director to GAO Comptroller General Staats concerning NUMEC which some staffers on the Subcommittee on Energy and Power of the House Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee, Chaired by Representative John D. Dingell (D. , Mich. ), had requested. After consulting wit I called Mr. Fitzgerald 25x1 back and obtained the names of the staffers and told him that we would contact them directly. 9. (Internal Use Only - MMP) BRIEFING Pauline Baker, Senate Foreign Relations Committee staff, called to tell us about an executive session hearing that the Committee intends to hold on 10 February at 25x1 10:00 a. m. The subject will be foreign military presence in Africa - not limited to Cuban. She indicated that would be an acceptable level for the sort of authoritative and detailed briefing that they have in mind. I ca11e who put this 25x1 on their agenda and agreed tha [Would be the indicated man, 25X1 supported by a Cuba analyst an imse . will confirm these arrangements with Ms. Baker once the appropriate approvals have been secured. TEHNAL WONLY INTERNAL Approved For Release 2006/06/23: CIA-RDP80-00941A000500030017-0 Approved For Release 2006/06/23: CIA-RDP80-00941AO00500030017-0 Approved For Release 2006/06/23: CIA-RDP80-00941AO00500030017-0 Approved For Release 2006/06/23: CIA- 0941 A000500030017-0 ~~ 25X1 Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Wednesday - 11 January 1978 Page 5 25X1 21. I LIAISON Talked with Bill Miller, Staff Director, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, regarding the status of charter legislation. I informed Miller, in general, of conver- sations which took place on this subject at the DCI's meeting today and efforts we were making to move forward on this issue with the Committee. I did ask, however, if he thought it would still be meaningful to get 25X1 together this afternoon since I understood fro EA/DCI, that he (Miller) planned to draw up a new draft of te charter legislation which would be made available to us on Monday. Miller encouraged us to meet this afternoon for further dialogue and I told him that would head up our team that would be meeting with him, Elliot Maxwell, also of the Committee staff, and representatives of the House Permanent Select Committee on intelligence. Miller advised me that after consulting with Senator Birch Bayh (D., Ind.), who is expected to be the new Chairman of the Select Committee when the second session of the 95th Congress convenes, it had been decided to move Ambassador Carlucci's nomination confirmation hearings up to Friday the 27th of January for the open session and reserving Monday the 30th for executive session if it appears necessary for the hearings to run two days. This information has been passed on to Ambassador Carlucci as well as the DCI and A/DDCI. 0.1711, ~ If ~~3PE 25X1 Approved For Release 2006/06/23: CIA-RDP80-00941A000500030017-0 Approved For Release 2006/06/23: CIA-RDP80-00941AO00500030017-0 Q Approved For Release 2006/06/23: CIA-RDP80-00941AO00500030017-0 Contacts - Approved For Release 2006/06123 :CIA-RDP8( Oq~11A0005Q0030047-0 0 enyFtnEN--A[ ADDENDUM TO JOURNAL OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL Wednesday - 11 January 1978 LIAISON Called Stan Taylor, igence staff, at the request of 1. and gave him the cite of a status Senate Select , Legislative Counsel, George L. Gary, ermits foreign service officrsThe questionsc me up in retain statute which per vernment agencies. while serving in other go designee Frank Carlucci. Taylor's meeting yesterday with DDCI- LIAISON Received a call from Dick Di said 2? J mmittee on Intelligence staff, who stan ek Giza, House Ferman personnel in order to ted under day stand we he would like to meet with NFAC ublic peations ? D / next process of evaluating their publications' g wit If telemetry. OWI, except Monday. I told Giza his meetin be in 5F46? The meeting concerns material for his tomorrow wo in the EPDS/DDO was to have assembled after G Giza told me materials were rocess. w as we These evaluation p review Como C/EPDS/DDO, on the DDO meeting with tha MacDonald, Senate with Bill Miller, Sta yesterday with Miller on the su J - secretary the Director had met y I then called Jeanne McNally, e planned to discuss on 17 January- House Permanent Select Commait eT on to Tom Latimer, Staff Director, intelligence, and arranged for the Director to have lunch with L LIAISON Called Mar or I s lunch Direct 4 staff, and cancelled the on the grounds that Select Committee on ff e Director, scheduled for 17 Ja ect he had originally the 17th. CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2006/06/23: CIA-RDP80-00941AO00500030017-0 23:CIA-RDP80-00941A000500030017-0 25X1 C I E TIAL Addendum to Journal - Office of Legislative Counsel Page 2 Wednesday - 11 January 1978 5. I ILIAISON Called Loch Johnson, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence staff, and arranged for him to review articles from Studies in Intelligence which he had requested. 6. LIAISON Received a call from Paula Belknap, on the House International Relations Committee staff. Belknap said by tomorrow morning she needs statistics on the percent of specific minerals used in the U. S. which were imported. I took the list of 25X1 minerals but cautioned Belknap that I was not sure if CIA would maintain these statistics. After checking wit office, CSS/NFAC, I called the Department of Commerce and spoke with Brian Hessler in their Legislative Department. He agreed they could undertake this request and said he would call Belknap. I called her to inform her what had transpired and she was quite agreeable. 7. LEGISLATION Called Bob Carlstrom, OMB, to ask him about several letters which we have pending. He said that the FOIA people were studying our letter to Representative Samuel Devine (R. , Ohio) about amending the Freedom of Information Act, and he would get back to us as soon as this was completed. He said he hoped to have the letter on S. 1974, the Regulatory Flexibility Act, cleared by Friday, 13 January. Regarding the letters on S. 1720 and S. 1721, bills to amend the Administrative Procedure Act, he said he was not sure when they would be cleared because he was awaiting comments from DOD. He had contacted the Senate Judiciary Committee, and they had no problem with the delay. They merely wanted to be sure the Executive Branch was working on it. Mr. Carlstrom also extended the deadline for our comments on H. R. 10076, the Omnibus Right to Privacy Act, until 20 January and said he did not expect to be clearing an letters on that bill to the Committ u 1 -1 25X1 cc : DDA /Tl Tl f-T Mr. Hetu Comptroller islative Counsel Ex, Sec. SA/DO/O NFAC CUFIDE$, Approved For Release 2006/06/23: CIA-RDP80-00941AO00500030017-0