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Wednesday - 2 March 1977
1. LIAISON Sent by ~~ourier to the Senate
Select Committee on Intelligence, a letter from they Acting Director to
Chairman Daniel Inouye (D. , Hawaii) thanking Cha~.rman Inouye for his
kind remarks about the Agency.
2. EMPLOYMENT Spoke with
Peggy Jarrells, in the Senate Office of the Vice President of the United
States, and told her that I would send her brochures on the Agency for
a constituent interested in employment.
3. LIAISON Attempted to reach
Representative Robert Sikes (D. , Fla.) again to talk with him about
the discussion in the House Appropriations Defense Subcommittee last
week over information which we had provided him on the Intelligence
Community staff building alterations and the maintE:nance costs involved.
Alma Butler, Administrative Assistant, said she xzientioned to him the
reason for my call and she did not think he would have any concern but
they would have him call back at the earliest opportunity.
4. LIAISON Meat with Ron McCluskey,
Assistant Counsel, House Post Office and Civil Service Subcommittee on
Retirement and Employee Benefits, at his request to discuss the
eligibility of reemployed CLA.RDS annuitants for fux?ther retirement
benefits. McCluskey asked for the meeting after discussing the personal
case of CIARDS retiree
~9 ~`l~ !
(See Memorandum for
the Record.) During the discussion, Mr, McCluskey requested that the
Agency submit its comments on H. R. 3793, a bill i:o require right of
representation for federal employees involved in p~~ssible adversary
proceedings. McCluskey said this bill was conside;red in the last session
as H. R. 6227 and the Agency then submitted its comments, and he
presumed our position would remain the same. was informed.
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Journal -Office of Legislative Counsel
Wednesday - 2 March 1977
Page 2
5. LIAISON P'~ill Hogan, Counsel,
House Armed Services Committee, called me and expressed his view
that the budget briefing yesterday went very well. He said
D/DCI/IC, and Mr. Taylor, Comptroller, did an excellent job and the
Members seemed satisfied. Hogan said he had received a call from
Ed Terrar, Representative Bob Wilson's (R., Ca]Lif.) Administrative
Assistant, concerning a matter which he thought 7:'errar should discuss
with me. I later met Terrar and he related an in~~ident involving a
Mr. Riley (or Ryan) who is a friend of a mutual friend. Riley, an
American trading in oil and medical equipment in the Middle East, was
arrested on 22 February in Baghdad with three persons, two of whom
were American. The latter were executed. Riley managed to leave
the country in a few days with State Department assistance. Terrar
asked if we might know anything about the incident:. I explained that
we do not investigate Americans and he should direct his inquiry to
the State Department which he said he would do.
Left for Mr. Hogan a copy of an analysis on H. Res. 204 and
S. Res. 400 with a note that we had given it to Re~~resentative Clement J.
Zablocki (D. , Wis.) and asking that he call us on it.
6. BRIEFING I accompa7zied 25X1
DDI/CPS, and DDI/ORPA, who briefed Representative David C.
Treen (R., La.) on the reported mass executions in Cambodia. This was
in response to his letter to Mr. Knoche, ADCI. (See Memorandum for the
Record prepared by )
7. LIAISON Called Bob Hall,
retirement specialist at the Department of State, and requested if he had
to submit an analysis to OMB in his request for their recent Executive
Order to change their retirement law to conform i:o recent changes in
comparable provisions in the Civil Service systerYi. Mr. Hall said that
no analysis was requested, however, the Order was closely reviewed
by lawyers at OMB to identify comparable provisions in the Civil Service
Law and they disapproved two changes which had iio comparable provision.
I advised DD/OP, since not all of the provisions in his
draft Executive Order appear to relate to compar~~.ble provisions in the
Civil Service system and we will have to review diem very carefully.
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Journal -Office of Legislative Counsel Page 3
Wednesday - 2 March 1977
8. LIAISON Received a call from
Dan Childs, enate a ect Committee on Intelligence staff, who
once again asked about the briefing he had previoL~sly requested for
Bill Miller, Staff Director, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence,
and himself on a recent Reserve release. I told ~;hilds I still
did not have an answer but would do my best to get one for him today.
9. LIAISON Called Mike Epstein,
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence staff, to him about a
question Senator William Hathaway (D. , Maine) h~~.d asked during
Admiral Stansfield Turner's confirmation hearings. I wanted to know
if, when Senator Hathaway asked if the Agency would support a
proposal to require advance Committee approval of "covert activities, "
he was restricting this latter phrase to covert action, or whether he
also meant to include sensitive intelligence collection. Epstein said
he did not know.
10. AGENCY VISIT In attempting to
arrange abreakfast/briefing for the new member: of the Senate Select
Committee on Intelligence, I contacted the following people: Holly Brown,
on the staff of Senator John Chafee (R. , R. I. ); Frances Cody, on the
staff of Senator James Pearson (R. , Kans. ); and ]~endall Stewart, on
the staff of Senator Malcolm Wallop (R. , Wyo. ). Senators Chafee and
Wallop have tentatively scheduled 11 March to come to Headquarters for
the breakfast/briefing. Senator Pearson is tentatively scheduled for
18 March. I also called David Winstead, on the staff of Senator Charles
McC. Mathias (R. , Md. ), and Florence Ross, on the staff of Senator
Daniel P. Moynihan (D. -L. , N. Y. ), both of whom. will call me back to
set a date.
11. AGENCY VISIT Received a call from
the office of Representative Bruce Vento (D., Min.n.) accepting the
invitation to the Freshman breakfast on 8 March. Mr. Vento will
require transportation.
12. AGENCY VISIT Received a call from
the office of Representative Thomas Luken (D. , Ohio) accepting the
invitation to the Freshman breakfast for 8 March.
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Journal -Office of Legislative Counsel Page 4
Wednesday - 2 March 1977
13. AGENCY VISIT' Received a call
from the office of Representative Ronnie Flippo (D. , Ala.) accepting
the invitation to the Freshman breakfast on 15 March. Mr. Flippa
will require transportation.
14. AGENCY VISIT Received a call
from the office of Representative Ted Weiss (D., N. Y.) accepting the
invitation to the Freshman breakfast for 15 Marc1'~. Mr. Weiss will
require transportation.
15. AGENCY VISIT Called the appointment
secretaries of each of our oversight Chairmen, Ranking Minority
members and principal staff person to invite therri to the swearing-in
ceremony for Admiral Turner next Wednesday. I advised each one that
a printed invitation would be hand-delivered tomorrow morning and
asked that they call me to let me know if the members can attend.
Later in the day the following people called with acceptances:
Representative Bob Wilson (R. , Calif. ); Jack Brady, House Tnternational
Relations Committee staff, and Bill Miller, Staff :Director, Senate Select
Committee on Intelligence. The following called with regrets: Messrs.
Ralph Preston and Charles Snodgrass, House Appropriations Committee
staff, and Mr. Guy McConnell, Senate Appropriatzlons Committee staff.
16. CONSTITUENT As agreed, I took
Deputy Director of Personnel., over to call on
Representative Manuel Lujan, Jr. (R. , N. Mex.) and Mrs. Peggy Papp
of Congressman Luja.n's office, The subject of discussion was the
grievance case which had been passed to me, by Cord Meyer, SA/DDCI.
made an excellent presentation and :impression, and. it was
agreed that we would furnish afollow-on memo to Congressman Lujan's
office. (See Memorandum For The Record. )
17. LIAISON Called. the Office of Senator
James Abourezk (D. , S. Dak.) to advise them that we are in receipt of
and working on the inquiry which the Senator had s ~>nt to us on behalf of
The staffer with whom I spoke appreciated our interim
reply and said she would put a note into the file concerning it.
M1 ~
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Journal -Office of Legislative Counsel Page 5
Wednesday - 2 March 1977
18, LIAISON Marian Gold, Senate Select
Committee on Intelligence staff, visited Headquarters to provide interested
Agency officers -with his impressions of Panama based on his recent visit
there for the Committee. In attendance were SA/DO/O; 25X1
O/SA/DD/O; Chief, LA and 25X1
Mr. Gold was very pleased. with the arrangements
made by the Agency for him and the colleagues with whom he traveled
and. also expressed. a high regard. for the competence of the Agency officials
with whom he met. (See C/LA Memorandum For The Record, )
Ac ing Legislative Counsel
Ex. Sec.
Mr. Falkiewicz
IC Staff
Comptr olle r
Contacts: 1
Calls 5
5/11/2: ~>~1A000300020022-7 Ins 0
Quts 0
Wednesday - 2 March 1977
2. LIAISON I calledl James Fellenbaum,
Senate Appropria ions ommi ee staff to confirm appointment of members
to Intelligence Operations Subcommittee. A question was raised as to
whether the appointments were official and in confirmation with new
Senate rules. Fellenbaum stated that the appointments are official.
on Admiral Turner's staff, called concerning miz?a Turner's schedule
on the morning of 3 March and it was agreed that if it was at all possible,
the Admiral would drop in on the CIA briefing of the: Senate Armed Services
Committee .
4. LIAISON I c~~,lled Jack Brady, Chief
of Staff, House International Relations Committee, ~~oncerning Chairman
Clement J. Zablocki's (D. , Wis.) 25 February 1977 letter to the President
and alerted him to the information in the record on 662 briefings of the
Committee. Brady agreed no response to Chairman. Zablocki's letter
should be sent until after the Chairman has an oppoY~tunity to review the
material. Sam Hoskinson, NSC, was advised.
5. LIAISON J. J. Hitchcock, Department of
State, called and we further discussed procedures for exchanging informatian
on briefings on the Hill to avoid blind siding problerris.
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Addendum to Journal -Office of Legislative Counsel page 2
Wednesday - 2 March 1977
Subcommittee staff, House Appropriations Comrnitt:ee, called to review
schedules for budget hearings before the Subcommittee and to inform
us that the NFIP hearing scheduled for 15 March would be deferred
until later in March or possibly early April. The Sia.bcommittee wanted
Admiral Turner to be in attendance during the all-d:~.y session hearing
on the Agency budget scheduled for 16 March, but I explained the conflict
with a morning session before the Senate Appropriations Committee and
it was left that Admiral Turner would sit in on the afternoon session
and on the morning session to the extent possible if the Senate session
is completed early.
Snodgrass said that the Chairman had agreed with Representative
Bill Chappell, Jr. (D. , Fla.) that the Subcommittee be provided on Monday,
?March, at 2:00 p. m. , a briefing on the Soviet civi.~ defense and that the
Air Force participate in the briefing. .Snodgrass will pass on our counter
proposal that Agency experts would provide a complete briefing, including
pointing out where the Air Force differs with us, and the basis for that
difference, to the extent we know. I said that we would have no objection
to the Air Force sitting in on the briefing as an observer as opposed to
being a participant. Snodgrass thought our counter proposal was reasonable
and will get back in touch with us.
~L. , r ~a. ~ catlea on behalf o:f the Privacy Act case of
on whom Mr. Lehman had received a 16 June 1976 letter from the Agency.
Mr. Lehman underst~.nds the backlog of such cases but wants us to be
back in touch with him no later than 4 March to give shim a status report.
Legislative Counsel
Ex. Sec.
Mr. Falkiewicz
IC Staff
C ompt
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