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Publication Date: 
December 13, 1956
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NAVY review completed. SEE BOTTOM OF PAGE FOR SPECIAL CONTROLS, IF AN This material contains Information affecting the INFORMATION REPORT National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. PREPARED AND DISSEMINATED BY Secs. 793 and 784, the transmission or revelation of which In any manner to an unauthorized per- CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY son Is prohibited by law. COUNTRY Chi nA SUBJECT DATE DISTRIBUTED 71 s 4an Port Inf rmationo Ne /-3 . f., ! %.5 y g NO. OF PAGES NO. OF ENCLS. 3 fi~ \ SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT # THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION Z E OFFICE OF NAVAL *-TGENCE FURNISHED THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION TO CIA FOB IAC DIES STAATION IN ACCORDANCE WITH PARAGRAPH 3 c OF NSCID #7 (DIO, 8ND No 167-56)> 2. Alphabetical Designators In connection with information contained herein, specific points of interest are =referred to in this report by the following alphabetical designators: A. Vessel?s berth B. Suction dredge line Co New channel D. Reclaimed area E. Chinese passenger ship F. Seamanos Club G. AA gun mounts Ho Radio station Io Power station 3. Apgroaches and Pilot Data Vessel isited Hsingkang Prior to arrival at subject port, vessel received the following message from PiIIAVICO, "Please advise again ETA Taku Bar local time. Enter Changshan Channel only. Attention marks (Red) in position 37 39 24N 11 10 0E. Navigate with precaution." Vessel anchored at Teku Bar Pilot sad security guard arrived via small tug and boarded vessel 301430H. Pilot appeared to be middle-aged, spoke English, and performed his work efficiently. Pilotage at subject port is compulsory at all times. Vessel arrived at berth 30163, position labeled designator A. Upon departure from subject port 0710451 Feb 56, pilot sad security guard boarded vessel at berth and conducted vessel to Taku Bar. Security guards departed with pilot 0712271 Cold weather and rrequeWt o . Ice was present but not heavy enough to require the use of icebreakers. High- est temperature recorded was 6007; the lowest was 1307- 4. Anchorage Vessel was required to anchor outside harbor at Taku Bar 0 to reduce vessel's draft by 15 inches...,,,, After sufficient reduction in draft, vessel got underway from anchorage at 301505*. LIMITED: Dissemination limited to full-time employees of CIA, AEC and FBI; and, within State and Defense, to the intelligence components, other offices producing NIS elements, and higher echlons with their immediate supporting staffs. Not to be disseminated to consultants, external projects or reserve personnel on short term active duty (excepting individuals who are normally full-time employees of CIA, AEC, FBI. State or Defense) unions the written permission of the originating office has been obtained through the Assistant Director for Central Reference, CIA. Approved For Release 2008/07/09: CIA-RDP80-00926AO09300120001-0 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/07/09: CIA-RDP80-00926A009300120001-0 Approved For Release 2008/07/09: CIA-RDP80-00926AO09300120001-0 10 soundings were allowed but vessel had to reduce &aft to 25.6 feet ore entering harbor. suction dredge lice at east end of pier $1 at position labeled s gna or B. new channel, labeled designator C, which connects the harbor and the river is now in use. Controls A 15w boarding- party, including the agent, security guards, a officear, ii igratioe and customs officers, and harbor superintendent, boarded the vessel 2922001 at ?aku Bar and remained aboard until 3001301. The boarding party divided into four groups and searched forward, aft, mid- aps, and the engine room. One crew member accompanied each inspection team. Radio equipment, personal firearms, binoculars, radar, cameras, flares, and sextant were placed under seal. The crew was mustered and seaman?s books were inspe do Two surveillance guards remained aboard until the vessel reached berth. After arrival at berth one guard was stationed at the gangway of the vessel and one guard was stationed at the gate to the dock area. Both guards were armed with machine guns and checked shore passes of all crew members going ashore. Bch crew member was given a shore pass written in Chinese which showed his a?s number. Naval patrol craft patrolled the anchorage area; these craft used searchlights at night and had one machine gun mount fordo Prior to departure from port, a boarding party boarded the vessel 0708401 Peb 56 and remained aboard until 0710J+01o Two security guards remained aboard the vessel with the outgoing pilot, removed seals from all items under seal, then departed with pilot. ;arbor Craft Tara; small motor tugs assisted vessel in berthing and departing if r. The lipbter to which vessel discharged cargo had a full cargo capacity of 600 tons and was equipped with a steam lift. No other harbor craft were obser^F.,d except surveillance patrol craft, 8. perth Vessel berthed at 3,16381 Vessels berth was alongside a concrete quay 2500 feet is lazwth which could accoaa.date five vessels. The east end of this quay is used for Xoading coal; this arA* was being dredged as noted in paragraph 50 A sketch of quay is labeled figure 8--a0 No cranes or other handling facilities were, _nres t on quay. At low water the vessel?s main deck was 12 feet above the :'art apron, Fig' gangs of stevedores - 13 men to each gang worked during t 4.ch of three right=hour shifts. All ages of males were employed with good profs::? may, 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Inspector* tested the water aboard p before vesse took on water. Bo drinking and boiler water were delivered by hose., Vessel?s agent indicated that there was a ah rtage of ;per in the area o 9. Construction I area labeled des ~.gnator D has been filled in sad snow occupied by new office buiidi, ;%. All other buildings in the area app aced to be relatively new. Approved For Release 2008/07/09: CIA-RDP80-00926AO09300120001-0 Approved For Release 2008/07/09: CIA-RDP80-00926AO09300120001-0 -3- 15. Merchant Vessels several Chinese freighters traveling in and out of area at various times. D to heavy fog about 5 Feb 56 a 500-ton Chinese passenger ship, labeled designator 1, passed via the new channel to the river. 16. Show Activities All crew members were allowed ashore but were restricted to ~ downtown area and to the Seaman's Club. The Seaman's Club, labeled designattor F, is located a short distance from the gate to the dock area. Caly a small number of the crew vent ashore due to poor weather conditions and lack of entertainment available. The vessel's agent remained aboard ship during cargo discharging operations except that he occasionally called for a a-built jeep and west ashore for a very short* time. The agent ate and slept aboard the vessel. 17, Miseellamous The people encountered at subject port appeared to be afraid 10' tM "impressed with the ruling that school attendance was compulsory. Reports indicated that everyone had to attend classes for at least two hours per week. Some of the stevedores were compelled to take time off from handling the ship's cargo to attend classes. No anti-Ccmmunist feeling was noticed except that the ent stated that it took too much "red tape" to get things donee a guard tower with an AA gun mount at,position labeled designator G, an area which is under water at high tide. A radio station with 10 masts was sighted at position labeled designator I. An electric power station was located at position labeled designator I. Sanitation and health conditions were good as far as known. 10 DISS( ABROAD LD(ITED Approved For Release 2008/07/09: CIA-RDP80-00926AO09300120001-0