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Approved For ReleasIyP7001/11(21 :ICIA Only Y COUNTRY lndonez'La, CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT SUBJECT 6t:a,tu or Me i, aal prof e Sion TraIning a Medical Pral t 3, e s and / o8pita, ,a In M ,na1, .?qaa Area PLACE ACQUIRED (BY SOURCE) DATE ACQUIRED (BY SOURCE) DATE (OF INFO.) THIS DOCUMENT. CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES, WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE IS, SECTIONS 793 AND 704, OF THE U.S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVE- LATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. THE REPRODUCTION OF T ------ HIS THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION DATE DISTR. /7De 54, NO. OF PAGES NO. OF ENCLS. SUPP. TO REPORT NO. 1. The total nu . ar In I:axa f7neeta as of the e1L m r of 1954 v so ebo'ut y 97. Of there aabrsut 1,50 ^ aa:re . Dut h,~ 1,55 were Qermany and. the rest:; 'a * re I~`nd,oneei,aene. Of the ndo a iane , About 500 ver?e Chinese a .d the '#00 or so ware r*al 1D;'a.oneaii,ane. Befo ^ee Wo; L,; 'War Xis when the athoolo in Inionereja were rti,l,i aaz, .e: 1 uxt,''xh D t t i,on,l,...taf a were two zed.izal air,*hi olm whi.nh we utte ,~ good- oars in d 9% n , Out in goer'aacha ja. The .zal wing received at the enhoa e, "s gory :! ,eared, good 9 axsd,. 4Izring -that, ti mush valuable work wedF,~ done `b;~y?T,,, dootoga 1.nIt,gi.o wyi~a in the f le Ld, a 'A, med ' ue &MA, Algal dM a earh. many ~1~!,3 p the ~1J~ig plan'*1t stions bal their own da4,torle and they, provided fine laboraatoarlea In wh,t-oh the a of -tca:l;?a Laoul.d work. At that tim the 4o ttorae were not as overburdened with word as .they are now a It vas posejble for them to apend more time on reaearroh. Important work was done in the d!?l,roove',wy of Vit to B1. as well as in the treatment of malaria and amoebl,i~ disenoea. $inl a World, War' II,, however;, everything (parti.aularly in the field of med.ilwine) is vaazy poor in..Ind.onaesia. d,i~~a;i e4hool.a. ar?e unable to provide th t i ,, e ya ni g uioh , was ofterod under the Dutch,, and the medical groups are not functioning well. The journal of the Indonesian medloal. aouietyp which is supposed to be issued every, 25X1 C mon t,h9 is now about 13 months behind. People who are supposedly writing papers for the journal, are unable to get them in on times and I believe this i.a largely baeuauae of a la yak of interest. The failure to get the. journal out on time ja typ!.,a ,l and is I haa.raaatert,etlc4. of the whole mediQal pi tnarre in Indonesia at present. 14. Foreign doctors who w.ieh to praoti_, e medi ?ne privately in Indonesia are -.required to put in three' ' yea a pr aarra taixig #'hr thet bf ,i, governmeneore they an enter pr.i,yate praotir e. They are assigned, to government poets throughout Ind.anestaa, W' uu ua:: ly in some remote ra rer th ,, . as e e 'ter governmntt e poss are u.saaa, ,y 'reserved for Indoneslaa dootorR (iM lud,ing Chinese who are oit .zena of Indonesia). I was a CONFIDEN' TIA,L/US OFFICIALS ONLY DISTRIBUTION y STATE ARMY~'Cq NAVY J fAIR Gal M s/ l~,/j This rannr+ is f +T., rli, --- __ ~_ UALQ "At1o11L6cnuu components or the Departments or Agencies indicated above. It is not to be transmitted oversea ith s w out the concurrencf th e oe originating office through the Assistant Director of the Office of Collection and Dissemination, CIA. Approved For Release 2001/11/21 : CIA-RDP80-00926AO07600840001-7 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/11/21 : CIA-RDP80-00926A007600840 hospital in Noongoan 55c with 100 beds d There is at least one doctor at each of the hospitals. At the Catholic hospital In Lemri3ing there are 1.2 vh.;ite nu_rses,, and, at the Catholic hospital in Tomohon there are 19. The protestant hospital in Tomohon- has one white nurse on the staff. Other hospitals employ Indonesian nurses, and most of them have had little or no training. Indonesian nurses who were trained by the Dutch before World, War 11 are very capable .vm in diagnosis as well as in giving Interveinous 'injections.. 4nd in helping people generally. But since World War 21 no particular training has been required for nurses,, and It Is now possible for almost anyone to don a uniform. and work In a. hospital, as a nurse. Polyclinics? or out-patient clinics, in Minahaea are run by nu rsers 5resumably trained. nurses rather than by doctors. Child: irth in this area, is nearly always attended by a midwife rather than, by a phys i,~;:ian,, and the midwives are -we.l.l, trained and very competent. 6. Some of' the hospitals in the Min. ha,sa region have fairly modern equipwent,, and others have very little. The tuberculosis hospital in ,Noongoan Is very wel,1, equipped. There is a fine, X-ray ma(Mhine at this hospital. which was a gift, from Queen Wi,lh i,na,, but unfortunately the machine has never- been used because there is no one at the hospital who knows how to run it. The big ospital In. Manado has an X-ray machine 9 as does -the hospital in LettAinZ. The ?otestaa,nt . ton pita,l. in Tomohon. has two X-ray machines. Rather than sending X-ray machines and modern surgical instrument to the people in the Minahasa region, a better gift would be the loan, of persons who could demonstrate the proper techniques in using su?h equipments. 7. Quite a number of German doctors have oc e to Indonesia to practise since the end of World War 11. There Is apparently an oversupply of doctors in the Federal Republic of Derma Ly,, eopetia:l,l.y since many have come there from the Soviet-Zone, aao many of them have gone to places,, such as Indonesia,, where there is a serious shortage of alt- ctors. The Indonesians do not look upon the German do,tors vith much favor. The Gee .s wbo have come to Indonesia have not known the Indonesian language, they usually have not known much. about the history of the couna.try,, and, the Indonesians think it is obvious that they are there only to earn money. 8. Indonesians are not much more favorably inclined to irds US citizens who have come to their country,, as they believe that they, too, havs- come either to earn money or to spy on the Indonesians. The Indonesians cannot believe that US missionaries would come, to their country for the sole purpose of helping the people. Since the missionaries are obviously not there to earn money,, however,, the Indonesians usually assume that they must be spies. CONFIDENTIAL/ OFFICIAL ONLY OONFI;L 'IAL/ STS OFF:IO1AL6 ONLY 1951, and at that time there were 14 or 15 oc .or,a practicing there. Five of the docta:r were white, six were Chinese and the rest were Indonesia. hospital in Tondano with 120 beds; a Ca.thoi c. hospita?. in mb* with 2 0 bed.a; a .ospital, in Kawa,ngkoan with 50 beds; a small hospital in LLDgoan / Hospitals In the :Lnabasa region include a large general hospital (300 beds) in 1 nado; a psychiatric hospital, in Manaado with 1,00 beds; a Catho".i,c> hospital Approved For Release 2001/11/21 : CIA-RDP80-00926A007600840001-7