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COUNTRY ihufgari Approved For ReleaUge I 8UCifIbi1sCR-14bP80-00926A007100070001-7 EZl IDENTIAL CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT SUBJECT The Gips Cars and ifsehinery Plant/Location/Production/ AIR Internal Security Branch/Procedures for Employment In Plant/Work Accidents/Sabotage/Wages/Personnel PLACE ACQUIRED (BY souRcE) DATE ACQUIRED (BY SOURCE) DATE (OF INFO. SOURC 25X1A I!HI% DOCUMENT CONTAINe INFORMATION APPECTINO THE NATIONAL DEPENSE DP THE uNITED STATES. WITHIN THEMEANINO OP TITLE IS, SECTIONS 75S ANb Tee, OF THE U.S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANOMISSIDN DR RENS. LATIoN OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHDRIzED PERSON le PION I NI 'PPS lei LIw. Yr Armlet' OH OF 11418 111808Y IS 1.1t01.1 VIA THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 25X1X 1. informmtion on the Gans plant dates through 2. "Location: grailable at the OIL follalfertig legend. applies: DATE DISTR.OA,N4 NO, OF PAGES 10 NO, OF ENCLS, SUPP. TO REPORT NO, library in a map of the Gans plant. The 1. TheiSsersaan posssesserelo Whely0(Assembling section) - new uilding ground floor. 2. The?Ontwanytiestito Muhely'(Gri ng section) . old buildings,ground floor. 3. The'Oepjawito ',10-1y?(Repairs Workshop) - old building with one floor. 4. TheePortal?(Entrance) - Weer and check point for workers. 5. TheAltalsmos Mnbelr(Mixed Machinery section) - old buildings ground floors formerly the Cashiers' Office 6. The lakkoso 1e1y (Urals shellac section) - old building ground floor. The ?Oktatasi Ossyaly (Profe sioal SC ) - old buildings having one fl r. a. The ?Lakatos Altalanos tha1y (dithe giacksintqg section) - old building ground floor. The Nigel Ontode Fele (Steel section) - sittated on the ground floor. On the first floor sus located the Mass Canteen and rooms for political couraes - old building. 10. $ame as 8. DISTRIBUTION ? JSTATE IARMY U.S. Officials Only CONMENTSAI. NAVY 1 1; IR T-1 FBI 25X1A 25X1X 25X1X ORR This report is for the use within the USA of the Intelligence components of the Departments or Agencies indicated above. It is not to be transmitted overseas without the concurrence of the originating office through the Assistant Director of the Office of Collection and Dissemination, CIA. Approved For Release 2002/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-00926A007100070001-7 25X1A Approved For BeiftwitilliNi3erfakkfaffeetal926A00 -2- 11. The Magi Novacs-Nuhely? (the old Blacksmiths section) - old buildings ground floor. 12. The 'Villanysserelo Mihaly; (Power plant transformers) - old buildings ground floor. 13. The etill Novae *Abele (BlacksmIth ection) new buildings machinery was not yet i tolled ammo 14. The "(aeon Snore' (Railway ce; Section) - old building. 15. The 'Olajraktar; (oil depot) - old buildings ground floor. 16. The lOcska Vastel (depot of old iron) - locat in the courtyard. 17. The 1Vastoro Torony Ragas' (Cutting section - where large sire iron is cut into small pieces) - old buildings ground: floor. 18. The qpitesseti Raktar? (Det of old building terials) - old buildings ground. floor. 19. The 'Gepjavito OW (Repairs IR ) old building, 1.0=4 floor. 20. Semmres 14. gl, 8e 8. 22. 8emg9 as 14. 23. Sanwa* 14. 244 The 'Volt Reed 'rods' (Old Officls)- old bili gr floor and one upper-floor. ei)o 25.Li SOW me. 240 26. The ,Dnocialis ntalyl (Social Offices) - old, buildings. with one floor. 27. The 11 BZ Nal or 4iagpar Esabadsag Marcos Suovet (1.4. ... of ? lungazdanFrimsdossiqghters); also the ilf agilepulo ? Motor Ogress' (Nodal Planes. Garage c.f Youth Organisation); old buildings floor. 26. The 'Ideigle ce ,lakast (Workers Motel for t e. mortars with families) The ginnhas (Obetere, Motel for single workers), On the first floor building are located officss ergamisati a munitions .00.t (Tegyverter belonging t the e o;ganination-. 29. Pi SZ SZ The Anto4ars (Iyek Pool) - old buildings 30. The 'Gyari. ,..011' NO 111 IP floor. (iitem ) old huilil f1. 31. The 'Regi Rajsolo:Pemmagolo Nyam ( .1aDrs,v4rst Iffi0 wsli as the...Printing-house-of the plant's newspapers the 'Gans Waage-. Old buildincs haring-one-floor. 32. The Toporta' (i40i entrance), ground floor building. On the first. flow?s lieetecIthe-IPermensel Office-. 33. The "Gepjavito Nnhely? (Repairs Dtwkshop) locat on the ground floor. On 'first floor are situated the 'Iroda Kultur'(Culture lose) and other offices. Old building. (a= CONFIDENTIAL/ OFFICIA13 ONLT Approved For Release 2002/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-00926A007100070001-7 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A Approved For RctiMigi :167a-gIVONOWT26A0 .3- 334 Se.sge 110 33 widish are connected. A gallery leases through the. 3. 34. The 'Iroda Bpwletek' (Building for Offices) tvo floors, newly eronstritte.46* rig- commerted with- #35 35. Newly constructed eleven-starY building, where all Gans plant's offices are located,. 36. The quto-Parke (Truck 1) not just for the care of the Gana plant, also a taxi station is located here. 37. The criresont rola owlet (The old. Iron Workx) - ground floor 38. The Cipariskola (Profess oval Sch.00l) old. buildings gronaulfloor. 39. The "Itegy? Oyer? (The old Tobateo plant) old buildings gronind floor. 409, The *Sans Xe,pcsolo? (Am seoti.n for electre-engines) building camatmarbed in 1946. l. Blectric power plumb transformer.. Pres that point electric power is supplied to #12 'which s lies electricity to all sections of Um Sans plant. Wo_tet Railvar line leading into the Completed. railvay oars sake trial tripe on thatillite. A) ? ) Vasuti Porta' (Railway 1) ) B ) C ) IF 3 G ) I ) I )7 4, -Liget Park ends in the pork itself. tee) 'Porta' Entrance & Skit dcors) 11.WItzEactly 1 **tea:lane to sourceis inabili_ty to detarnancittWartoes Note catio Lo orf plait is correct s but other buildin ay gs m exactly; 25X1A 25X1A till the beginning l World War II plant vas called Reszven,y Tarsesag Gans, and vas the property of a limited sha ,9 re company. Novadays1.1. plant is State Pzeoperty Production "Plant asnufacturd, the f a, eVestati Rocsit (Railway cars) -which were: 4TSheir team' (freight-cars) 2. 'Sagami., Nocsil (Passenger oars) 3. 41gotoros Taafato_Ssconly Xocsi (New typ. ofmotor-passenger LI b. b. iSserszangepek" ?fteleittnerY fr i J.try 10 ir Illszterga rpek lathes 2. 41yal (wood. lathe c. 11fillanymotorok' electric machinery - Alamo) commurig/ arricuus ONIt Approved For Release 2002/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-00926A007100070001-7 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/03 :CIA-RDP80-00926A007100070001-7 4 _ - CONFIDENT/AL/US OFFICItIT ONLY d. trastermekek! (Iron ALSteelprodildts) e. 'Begal1atr6szek' (spare parts for vessels) 1. 'Propellere10-(propellers) ? ? ft the exact monthly pro - ion figures. approximately 20 25X1A twenty passenger-cars were manufactured every month. These were the new type of passenger cars (para a3 above), which were manufactured and exported to the following countries: Argentina Brazil Egypt USSR - cars were white colored - ^ cats were 'White cbloredl- - cars were half white & half-blue colored - cars were green colored, some even, white colored, -length of each carwas smaller, the otheriL number per month ? nUmber per month ? number per month 7 . , - number per month ? TOTAL PER MONTH: 20 .., , . . , . , ,-25 lA These passenger railway cprs were constructed with,VA., type railway gaugeoic and eadh car was aPProxiMitely).0peters long. The-diaMeter6 each Whee s a 25X1 AProximately 75-80 ems., railway-car wheels. Regarding e e ec rc mac Very manufactured by the Ganz Plant, parts were assembledby the Ganz Kapcsola section (see No. 401 Legend).. Iron and Steel Casting in the 4577 Steel Section (see No. 9; of Legend) 4.ITh'ere existed three furnacesA. a. one 'Ivfenyes' (steel casting) furnace, two tons. Heating was made with normal coal and with the aid of a "Szenelektrod (coal-electrod) b. another steel casting furnace, two tons. Heating was made with electric power. It was installed and made by the Ganz plant itself. C. the third steel casting furnace, also of electric type of heating, eight later, during early days it was oliglilleW for a week tons, was made and installed by the Ganz plant One week 25X1A 25X1A for repairs. 11===Mollowing, an explosion (probably sabotage), it remaineodoUkOf pperatio0:Or'a,79511 ';:grepAki 5. "Casting of irontook place three times every 24 hours of work, more precisely at 09301 1600 and 1800 hours, During the night, night shift of workers; prepared only the forme in which casting took place..,,Raw materials were carried by battery driven cars, There was an elevator raised up to the level of the Abor of the furnace and materials Were emptied into the furnace itself. Doors of furnaces were opened by a ,special pushbutton. Liquid steel was poured into special prepared forms and left to ,,dool, after having been treated with a special air-pressure hammer. 6. "This section manufactured: a. b. d, railway car wheels vessel propellers - five to six every month for the Hajd) Gyar vessel plant. connecting rods,(HAjtokar') joints for crank shafts (2Csapagy ) Raw materials used were iron, copper, aluminum, steel, wolfram were imported goods, ?but(I do not know from which country they 25X1A etc. All raw materials came. -qopmENTIALjup OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2002/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-00926A007100070001-7 Approved For Release 2002/01/0,3 5 CJA-RDP80-00926A007100070001-7 COFIDE4TIAL US OFFICIALS N,13..Y Norms" 7. "The manufacture of yarts was governed by working norms as follows: a. b. C, 120 minutes for the casting of one railway-car wheel 160 minutes for the casting of a big-sized ?Hajtokar' 55 minutes for the castingtof a big-sized ?Csapagy' ? Working Hours & Shifts 8. "Work was performed in three, eight-hour shifts, that is from 0600-1400, 1400- 2200, 2000-0600. Upon entering the plant, every worker had to exhibit his Entry Permit, to the Gyar Or,Plant's Policemenxat the check p-Ant. Upon leaving the plant, workers were searched in order to ensure that no spare parts were taken out of the factory. This was done because of the -many thefts by workers. Naturally, a search was made only in the event a worker carried heavy packages, or when his suit Was rather swollen gig. A larger search, naturally unexpected, was made two or three times yearly (including taking off shoes). It was a general habit by workers to steal small parts, iron, etc. and sell them on the black market at the Teleki Ter Market in order to exist on their low salaries. FL%. 25X1A AVH Internal Security Branch 9. "In addition to an unknown number of Gyar Or who were unarmed and wore civilian clothes and who checked only entry permits, there existed also an internal AVH Security Branch, These AVE wore civilian clothes and were armed. They were empowere&to search, stop and arrest e-,en workers within the plant, anyone they believed to be suspect. Their number is also unknown. The Belip8 igazoivany (entry permit) of the Ganz Vagon es Gepgyan plant was made of white cardboard about the size of the Hungarian permit and had a border of red strips around it. Underneath the name of the profession of the holder was the surname and first name and date of birth of the holder. The emtry permit also served-aa anidentifiCation card when moving within Budapest. The following is an example of an entry permit: CONFIDENTIAL US OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2002/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-00926A007100070001-7 150(1 10. Pormalitiee Completed for Emplo nt in Plant the Ganz Plant by the ..MTh Muikaer4 Tartalekok Hivatala) Labor fice of Budapest, located on Ranolder,Ut. after having completed a two-year course of vocational training school-, at V400 I handed to the Personnel Office the following documents:.0- . Approved For Release 2002/01/03,: ?A-RDP80-00926A007100070001-7 , coNribmia, US 'OFFICIALS ONLY a. Anyakonyvi Kivonat - Birth certificate b. Munk a K8nyv - Labor Book c. 8neletrajsz - Curriculum vitae, own hand writing d. Lakas Bejelent8 - Residence Certificate e. Three pictures The Personnel Office of the Ganz Plant was located on the fist floor NO. 3 of legend). When hixedI received the following documents: a. The 'Belep8 Igazolvany'-Entry Permit (see paragraph nine) b. The Clock-time sheet issped every month. Example:. - GANZ AGOWea,GEPGYAR N00.0.0.....0 0.0 000 0 00 DOD 0000 Bel pett. Kilepett Ora.Perc. Or .Perc. M=XIBICESIBM.Xlif=X=SM,TXXIC3SU CONFIDENTIAL US OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2002/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-00926A007100070001-7 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-00926A007100070001-7 - 7 - CONFIDENTIAL US OFFICIALS ONLY Clock-time Sheet The time sheet was made of thin white cardboard and was printed. It was the size of the above,,examplao , Translatioa, Data - date of issue Ganz Vagon es Gepgyan -Ganz Railway Car and Machinery Plant No - number given to each worker Neve - Surname and first name of worker 577 sz. Ac618nt8de - the .#577 steel foundry Belepett - Vra. Pere. - Here the time clock,is,punehed giving correct time of entering plant Killp4t?t-Ora. Perc. - place where time clock is punched shoving correct time of leaving plant c. The Daily Labor Book issUe'd daily. Example: 'No...... MUNKA LAP Da,ta. ? 0 0 "Nove! . . . ? 0 ? 0 ? ? '11,Weve0s "Ber. . OrrtsITZET Feltint.s Darab sz ? Forma na ?4- -4- wodsr ,440; ? ows ??44, gxsTga dm11111? .11110 adre. . . , , -- 7A-171iTiae !??? ??," ???? ??? ..??? 'Datab stEtM Fizeten 'Elien8rizte !Id8 Ida 8sszeg 0 0 0 lo MUNKALAP-LaborlBOokfor,the.daily.wP , No. - number Neve - Name (of Yorker)Megnevezes -_type of.product,(to be worked) UTASITAS - Directlyes Atvette number.of.products,received Ellen8rizte - controlled by??,...(Piga4tVre), Id8 -,time of w4k, Anyag - raw material Darab szam daily norma (norms) Fel8ntes - extra steel Forma nagyselga -2'size,of form,. Darab swim - daily,northa,(norma Fizetend8 8sszegt.= amount ...earned in For4.4t; The Daily Labor Book was printed and made of white cardboard equal in size to the above Hungarian sample. The foreman of each working squad entered in ink work performance by. each worker daily. The book was issued daily to every worker at the :beginning of work when work was assigned and was withatal:ni tthe end Of the working day. CONFIDENTIAL US OFFICIAL.ONLY Approved For Release 2002/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-00926A007100070001-7 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/03.; qkRDP80-00926A007100070001-7 COIVIDENTIAL US OFFICIALS ONLY The foremen also ca1cu1atd..hewoerst, daily earnings. It was used for the calculation of monthly wages and norms and was also indirectly a time sheet., Protection against work accidents 11. "This was rather poor. Every worker received every six months a blue colored typical workers' overall, free of charge. He was not compelled to turn in the eld one to get the new one. Most of the workers, when getting the new one, sold it, and. continued to work with the old one. Casters, received special leather shoes with wooden soles. Operators of furnaces, received in addition special glasses and rubber gloves Work -accidents: 12. "A dispensary was located in the Plant (see No. 31, legend), and was opened from 0830 thru 1130 hrs, and from 1230 thru 1700 hours daily. Accidents oc- curred rather freqUently? and there were even months when there were up to 25X1A 39 cases but there were also other months without any accia.epts,,n mos---9?es cases these were burns, due largely tc relesa or , Work accidenti were booked in -a special Registry, and when work ,seeident ?resulted- as in the mAjoritY' of 1 , cases hem ea 'worker's negligenee, he ad -met get any. compensatton. In the event of a work accident, workers ,were immediately taken to the dis esary, or in more serious cases, to the Hospital. Medical assistance and c ,L.ensation as well as treatments etc., including payment of salaries diatiiinoneworking period resulting from illness) were covered by the State Social Insurance Agency, known by me only as OTIewhich workers wer6 all ;,,,ompelled to join, and for which each paid a roux forint membership fee. In case an accident resulted which was not from careles eas and iftheease was rather serious, a worker could get a few thousandforints as compensation. 25X1A Sabotage 25X1A 13. The greatest majority of accidents were caUaed, by sabotage. For example, the 25X1A newly constructedfurnace IIMIMMI see paragraphAie) was blown up in. Prior to that date, even the first rrpairs (when furnace did not 1,111111 a week) seemed also to have been sabotage. approxi- 25X1A mately at 2400 hours, a terrific blast blew up the furnace. Many workers were Injured, aseee'ee'e. eeriailelyeFortutately, I did. not work on .the night shift, otherwise,IwOuidave:been woUndedee The,AVH Internal Security Branch, despite 1,tpeleeyestigatinSs . could not find the saboteurs s Workers said that some one had thrown dynamite in the raw materials which were thereafter 25X1A thrown into the furnace for the castingenf4roduets. 25X1A Party members earned more assignments where work was easier and norms less heavyethUS they. could. Ora MUCh'more'thenthe eommon worker. Assignment of work was made by the ChiefIseeman of the Section, a Party member vho, follow- ing superior orders, designated work in such a Way that only Party members received less heavy Work and completed norms with a good profit. Some of them, made 1700forints per monsh. Work was compensated according to fulfillment of norms . In the event the furnace was not opera ng and. the workers were out of work, they' received a minimum of 3.80 forints per hour; Normally,8-10 forintswere ?aid for the casting of a railway car w4eel. Wages were paid twice monthly on the 'Afth. and: 25th of each month- Over-time existedeenly until when it was abolished(actually it was said there Weald be ne more pay ror overtime), no 'worker put in any overtime hours. Deduction in wages was made for, careless work. The OTI paid , _ a sick Worker full PAY, only three days after he became ill CONFIDENTIAL US oFFIcIALs ONLY Approved For Release 2002/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-00926A007100070001-7 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/03: CIA-RDP80-00926A007100070001-7 - 9 . CONFIDENTIAL? 0i$`101AIS ONLY Work Discipline 15. "There existed in the Personnel Office a Work Regulation which I never read. I know that if a worker MW five minutes late to work, he was fined the amount of one hour's work. For unjustified absence a woman was fined 20 Lek 51.27 per day of absence. If one escaped from work that was AVH business. Organizations within the Plant - Meetings 16. "a. Vasasok Szakszervezete (Metal Trade Unions) b. D.I,SZ. (Demokratikas Ifjusagi Szervezet) - Democratic Youth Union c M SZ.,HSC7tRZgyea,Szabadsag IgT771761retse ) - Union of Hungarian Freedom Fighters ,Production: conferences were held twice monthly by the Chief Foreman. He spoke mainly about increase of production. Workers Hotel.' 17. "(see -No. 33 of legend, for. locatinn), Every worker residing outside the city and who did not bave 'lodging Was entitled to It,' e7in,the Workers' 'Hotel, plant. For that every worker paid .40forints. Worker'1, (single) wete ledged in' big wards, 4o-5,p ,people to :a. 4o0m4in' double miliia4'iron-type',beds. A NEP-Radio loudspeaker' exited. ix 64Mry ,ward. .While the plant supplied mattress, linen, pillow and pillow cases and blatkets(Iinenechanged every two weeks), workers had to procure their owntowela They. received from the plant 4m of soap per month (it .was black, like chocolate). Since there was. also a dressing-room where worbrs 'could undress and even take a shower after Working hours, ..the A1T qep144tly- detfe4veaRearchear?t4e. small wardrobesosaeaied by wOrkerS'. Cultura fife 'me plant was entirely radio-controlled. by-loudspeakers (thru which orders were issued). Workers were also delighted with music and communiques of Hungarian stations .programs. The plant edited the Ganz Ujsag paper for '-workers, , There was also a sports -club in the city, but I never visited it. ? Personnel: 19. 'The plant emplavedKapproximately 8000-9000 workers .(estimated number of female vOrkers cannot be stated) of WhOm 300 were Greeks, the latter were brought to Hungary by the Soviets at the end of World 'War II. These Greeks were n t per- mitted to repatriate, and were lodged in the old Tobacco Plant (see No. 39 of legend). Among the personnel I-remember the following: a. Aeaaa) Szaataxlarector of theePlant, aged 40, MDP Party member. b. (fnu) Malarovics, Chief of thereisonnel Section, aged 50, MDP Party member. c. Istvan Barakonyi, Chief of 'Grinding and Steel Casting' section (N. 2 2 & 9, of legend) aged 40, married MDP Pty member. d. Istvan Joo, Chief 'Foreman of the 'Steel Casting Section:1 577 (where worke)7 aged 35, married, fanatical MDP Party member, When Stalin died, Joo cried, but all other workers laughed at him. e. (mu) Kovacs, let Secretary of the MDP Party Organization, in the Plant, 25X1A aged. 3tr: Gyula Devai, AVH Political Lieutenant, aged 40. He earned3,600 forints per month.. - f CONFIDENTIaL US OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2002/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-00926A007100070001-7 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-00926A007100070001-7 - 1 0 CONFI , .AL US OFFICIALS ONLY Mess 'Canteen: 20.. "(see No. 26, of Legend) . A mess Canteen e?cisted'41P0, and workers could eat their ,meals- there at 'noon o yl:fOr which they Were charged 18 forintsWeekly (deducted from salary)." L 1 P,RARY 51.113.s.14T 1 -6/7143.331 1-6/743.332 (-6/741 .416 7.51 ,3. 757513 1f.,3 , -6/73397I 765..! 7:62 .51' 9/743.33 762.2 761.124 AND AREA , C09,E3 37N1 37m 37m. 37m IH(HM) . 37m(l H),(3H) 3H(HM) 7P(HM) N(HM) 371'4(7)011 37m 37m 37N1 371q 37m 37m(GI) CONFIDENTIAL US OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2002/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-00926A007100070001-7 25X1A