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Approved For ReleaseU262TMO3 i IA-kdR80-00926A007100020001-2 Confidential CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT SUBJECT Layout Of the Sltsko?Dgbrovskie Coal Basin PLACE ACQUIRED (BY SOURCE) DATE ACQUIRED 25X1A (BY SOURCE) THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES. WITHIN THEMEANING OF TITLE 16. SECTIONS 793 AND 794. OF THE U.S. CODE. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVE- LATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT PROHIBITED. THIS Is UNEVALUATED INFORMATION SOURCE DATE D I STR. 9 TO 1y2954 NO. OF PAGES 9'. NO. OF ENCLS. SUPP. TO REPORT NO. 25X1X 25X1A 1. "The following information on the Sl~sko-D browskie , Coa],. Basin dates through Introduction 2. "The eastern and northeastern strips of the Silesian coal basin still constitute a separate traditional coal mining region. Having been separated for over 100 years from the German or Austrian part of Silesia, respectively,, this small coal mining region around Sosnowiec and Dabrowa-Gorniza has kept its individu- ality within the organizational system of coal mining in Poland. Coal exploita-. 25X1A tion and excavation at present is operated under the organization called the "Union of Coal Industry', ( e czenia Przemslu We awe o). This separately set-up union operates in the Sl..s - cw a reg on,'covering the eastern edge of the Silesian basin which produces rather minor type of coal product. New Developments in this Area "Some new investments have been made in this area within the last years /xact years not ,give ,by the opening of two deep coal mines, Mortimer II and Mortimer III, and by starting to work on two other deep coal miles, the Por ka and the Gen. Zavadzki II. The latter mine has deposits directly underneath the earth and is worked on from above without shaft operation.' The Polish name for this type: kopalnia krywk~. Th a sand which is excavated during this development stage is used to fill tJ*L: d. _ yg areas in that part of the Gen. Zawadzki I coal mine, which is still ope.--::ed by the shaft excavation method. La. t of the Slasko-Dabrowskie Coal Basin h. "I have prepared a map of the 3lasko-D brovskie Coal . .jin which is drawn to a U.S. Officials Only Confidential SEE LAST PAGE Q 8: AREA DISTRIBUTION ? STATE. ARMY NAVY I AIR 1BI RRR Ey/ I- I This report is for the use within the USA of the Intelligence components of the Departments or Agencies indicated above. It is not to be transmitted overseas without the concurrence of the originating office through the Assistant Director of the Office of Collection and Dissemination, CIA. d El Approved For Release 2002/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-00926AO07100020001-2 Approved For Release 2002/01/03' IA' RDP80-00926AO07100020001-2 ConfidentialAS Officials Only scale of 1: 25,000 and shows various coal. mines, utilites, railroads axle, other enterprises in this area. There are symbols on the map showing rain. lines, railroad lines operated for coal transport only, for coal r ,dross lines operas,t. and pas ort, high-tenvl.nn lines, coal mines Rrd out of operation etc. is available at the CIA Map Library. To borrow map Zhe following legend ep11l;;,es: code 143, ext. 2596. Map call- numbe, object Location 88166-R2 Jto. - on Ylan - ~..e s 1 Kazimierz-Juliusz coal I,.6 The mine is approximately 600 meters mine deep, It is known for its large quantity of waste gases which makes it dengerous to work in it. The ventila- tion system 1-A A send auxiliary is good. coal Besides its main sh ft,, the coal mine producing shaft called the operates a second auxiliary coati. pro- ' Juliusx* flimontow coaal mine F-9,10 ceucir:g ahaf t, the ' Julius z ' and two lifting shafts. The daily output of the Itazimierz-juliu+sz coal mine is es- timated as between 3,500 and 4,000 tons. A cvanpulsory labor ara UP ii attached to the coal mine with approximately 500 inmates o The v is a former loorld War II British Pw caa tp. In as.dition to the compulsory for camp inmates, anround 1,500 free coal miners are employed in the mine. The coa.L.amine is equipped with its own power plant. In 1952 ,an explosion blew u i some installations within the plant. ApProximately 20 workers were arrested on the charge of sabotage. .Only a,feww o then were aftgarwards released. Later j t t year another sabotage act was coummt.ttad. in the saw coal mine by putting the lifting machinery of the mine out of operation. Five of the coal miners received long terms of imprisonment for these sabotage acts. About 400 meters deep. Operated with shafts. In 1952 and 1953 some improvements were made in the coal mine, one of which was the electrifi- cation of the lift system, The ven- tilation installations are said to be good. The aily production does not exceed 2,000 tons. There are 2,100 miners employed here, of which about 300 are inmates of the compulsory la- bor camp housed similarly to those of the Kazimierz mine in the World i`ar II British Fcamp. The coal mine is equipped with its own small power plaant. The director of the coal mine is Benon Ctranz who was elected as a member Of Parlia men . Gen. 7acdzk:L I cosi. Gen' formerly -P C,7J..4 It is approximately 400 meters des ary* located in the northern outskirts of browa-Oornic zap bordering the Dzerzynskiego steel mall (formerly, the Bankowa steel mill). Before World War II there was some coal Confide xtias! Officials only /continued next page Approved For Release 2002/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-00926AO07100020001-2 Approved For Release 200 Q .CIA-RDP80-00926AO07100020001-2 Ceaft4e ntial/V49 Officials Only mined in this coal nine , by strip aaa3 tai.aa. Pits 15 meters deep acre. still visible. In the coal mine area which have been f.3 lad .kith .elem. This coal ..amine h" Its ovu small power plant: 3-A Oen.-. Zewadz . iI coal B,C-3 . A new surface stripping a aaetbod coal mine sine (Polish to a c i Kr a), on :the mortmearn of tae Ozer aaa praxes river. hie, coal mime is still i>a t development ? steege and is 02,167, he;tames of. the fields of the Lagi a'ta vi~ll:a?e* , The coal is e0 meters deep vender ' earths surface. According to calculations around ten milli.= toes. 2 can, be: mimed in this area. Production. of 3,0QQ 'tans per day is planned,. Coal mining is supposed to start. For the. time being. the. llayers of earth are opened up to a depth of about 13 meters.. Soviet* Cze , aend.. 4ermu, coed adaiaag >ammtcsh3ry is installed-- he latter being of greatest inportaace in the future coal. arming field. k Stalin cowl. mine C-9 Formerly the filfrabie Renard' coal nine,, Ludwik coal mine in.tkw western outskirts of Sosnow ec. It bias A-4ad reputation for its strOnu- oue and .;WT icult working conditions w6mg mi mere A very high waste dwaop is visible 10 km north of it, the weatern outskirts of Sosnowiec, near the Stalin coal mine liar inform- *at could; not' give any additioaaal ;in- fvraeation. I-v F~6 Located 7+agc rzre. , One of the oldest 6 B Mortimer.III "ids. of the. seal ce: area. This iear- coal mute: eaoye . at present a 'eoal a uez8. (all of them "- - pia) .and Operates without, a. th a sou a ft #;cnrea y idI ca3.led c13 .,p3.aflo! laa LaI- There are >ce the e t that after the two sisteir_ seal: rimes, ll*2timer I wills sit er be closed or jut used as an auxiliary mine A taevly constructed coal sine., east of lag?a ai near the former $Albert' ? coal shine 'vbit~h woo abandQ4i:a and over* ia d im 932, Th+~ . nets coalr preineat 200. miters dtsep. 25X1 A A newsy installed coal , close to I 'tizer. II : Zt operates , limit *timer with a, lift ''. bat with ;4'. so- 1O d e3ancl fined is as J1 c;ic lnis- All. ' be i ti.srs opira as one ccmn- Confidential/VS Officials Or Approved For Release 2002/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-00926AO07100020001-2 5X1A Approved For Release 2002/(PM:1+CIA-RDP80-00926AO07100020001-2 QPf tial,/YS Officials Only ? No. Ob_jet. _ Acatior ~n Fa.eaaa- 7 Porabka coal mine F?7 8 Niwka-Modrsejow coed. mine C,D-13,1k BA Niwka coal mine D-13 was elected a Member of Parliament, 9 Lu,dmila coal mine Located in the southern outskirts of Sosnowiec.. My informant stated that between this coal mine and that located 'In. the vicinity of ;the.-.iron mill,, lute at ,4SZJC (No, 28), a..kind of cooperation 0 *18-t$ as. fa C as electricity or .coal etc is, concerned. 5? "My informant could not state with certainty coal mine (this name was given to one of the formerly called 'Saturn' located in Czeleardz .belongs to the Dgbrcywskie coal mine uniono t ;. po+e mines within the area,, the reach of the pI= ,alqo 1 ` h, is coal mine w' : i -first. called by the re olutionary name, 'Red Starr,, ,it. still remained anti-Comml qt and in 1951 was the place of outbreak of the revolt of the coaal miners- against Con.- munism. 6. '"At the end of 1951, the working hours of the mi i er:s were extender `by .1/2 hour , for the underground crew with no additional may. !Thin ; hblf hour was. added to made the time lost in taking over shifts. The coal. miners in 'Czer? ono,. Guardia' and the nearby Xazimie3rz Julia rz coal mine in protest remained underground., and. only with the assistance of the strong XBW ~nterna~.. securit end'the Police Forces who nt underground., could the coal miners be Pere d.ed.tq,leave their forts. any hundreds of coal miners were arrested in this. area, and ;some of them 7? never al awed up. thereafter. A coal mine presently under in 25X1A ata3lation near l ;orze.. Before. World War II this, was the Jad.wiga coal mine, was. overfloo 3.ed ;shortly before World War II*, During. the economic crisis of 1931.- 4" of the coal mines were put bout ?_. ?pertion by ' . . theirs owners, among. them the Mort4or, a~l~riga, . XU*ontaw, and the Mars miner ' ? o iec,. , The ar.s mine, is stir r : water (beyond , the sketch),. In .., the: Pcrr ka coal mine besides tkhe chow.. watorlp& work, , new, ventilat#on ehaf'te ere .presently under inst tion..:;The Por+ bka ,mine, according: to platia,will be the lSrgest within the entire group.;of the ronrsaskie coal basin* Ac- aore3li remee rrch work, this coa' mine j.e located absolutely in the cen? tar of the Coal trough. At least 10,000 tons of daily :output. are a ntici- ted frcmr the Por mine which is scheduled to b9gin~operation's in 1955, Two coal mines operated as one ccambine with five shafts, among them the Xiazimieiz (C-13) and the, Wygoda (c,D-l3) shafts, which are connected with the main shaft of Modrze jow. One of the 25X1 A Ong Polish stakhanovite workers is: eployed In t1u ,u-la~s;. S>u.~ ,.fit ,~a- Stefan Bksut.., and. he "My infc mart further stated in this connect. >n that the two pre.4 or]4 Wtr 'I CCs].:.: mines, Anton, and ?.sgisza, located north ox as in, are still out of operation. Confiders ial ht ? 'ffieiels a Jnw. Approved For Release 2002/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-00926A007100020001-2 Approved For Release 2002 93 CIA-RDP80-00926AO07100020001-2 ni:+t~sSt3'a~ `03;ele fy coal - 4ne lap brcr -ti or cza i sw.:still out rod op rat3csn dad .3 been taken over as a post by a :rigade. "thefollowing nz ormtion: ".] n adeii: i iooaa,'ua W informant gave Aft Be At Object Location Remarks on plan F41~~ " F,~-~A~r ~'~ lief: Romer plant"is sicr~-' the sh1* 25X1A ? -supplying' center, wno. e II a new boiler was added to 11 Electrical installations n-k and Repair Workshops seed , "s' *0 'pit`s s equipment. and rovei uta j6re =40 after World.Waar? II. 'fie K ebtdz power pleat, ie. ct t with +' coal mines' =d other smauey trial. eaateririsee' in the errs, b him-teueion power-net. It ;LS, &Iaeo additionally supplied enezw by rifts, smraall. rpower pleats installed. im ingiv$dua3. coal mines, fare le the XJvk&_$odree jcmv (No. 8), ..1GRsisiert liusaa. . u. 1), end Ilimontow (No. 2). Jlter elation of the newly 'constructed Jawi pq `power plants near Myslenice, the itportauaeae of was diminished to she teuat. Nigh,-t ion power lines frown svorsno have already been con- atrLdd apd erode the, are' on its. south- e astern edge. Some branch-offs i'rOm " 5X1A lice haervl been built withita.the Slasleo- this net is uncerl Dshrowski 'region d,. iuar,,*t .+ nsion of +ame ,o'ya-dx Power punt will:.lane be the. Rre-World War II Flora coal. :,ncorperated into the .ire electrical ponder 'System net for the' w'hol.e 'Siltsian basin, The. Shako .DaaabrQVskie?"col industry union ]has under its control the',CWE ' entralne Wareetaty Elektrotechniczne) which is ssporisible'i' >11v' ter; e;i alete1y. exhausting." atipply at, t former' center Which was, 1.octted,' on U4' spot where, the 'ogoria .. lakes is' nor, The new ssaan l supply cennw' ter services the coal mines located... in tYe'. northern part of the described area. i:.l3ue;. with .p oJe cts this, area will be i^aeor,,Vo ated into the recently. orgaflize3 3 said supply system fresh the Ble~si wdo ek desert, .The 'saand railway Sines , now tly construct, will cross 25X1A area in the southeastern corner note, far from the Xlimor to w and lazimierz coal ,z ess., try infor t claims that.*. conitructiozi on the. re ilroa d fills Is.. being perfoz ied at present O~Mlies the zimierz-3'ul,iusz, and n.imontow coal 'mines. 13a "a Jlzor sand a,B-11,12 supply center 13b Former sand supply L:M-4 center 14 (gmitted by source 15 Railroad bridge B-il 15s lighway bridge Not uIed at present .,; north of Strzem,eszyrce. over the C rna 'i? sz , in the soutb, Yesstern uute3cirte of Sosnowiec, still: under reconstruction. This bridge was blown .up . i;ar. II. , were is s roviseioxieal wooden' bridge being' used at pseerat B-ll .O, ier . t xe Brynica -river. I was "blown %W t ui n . reb l du in. g o?ld war II and. has bee l6 Railroad bridge Z-10 Over t ,_Br mica ri ier in the western out r of Sosnowiec. It was blown up, 4% World Saar lI and has been par. rebuilt only for vine=track raiir ttf ie. 16a $ighway bridge Railroad'bridge O t Brynica river. Bl a up Luring World War II and hats been reconstructed. Over the Carne, `i rze msza, blown up during World War Ia, still not -rebuilt'.. 'Traffic carried' Aver provisional bridge? $. "asst tore investments or 1 n rotesbents on the railway comu4kcation system inthe railwel lines operated before only for transporting col have been opened Up` regular passenger service. In 1951 'the coal line"'. (, abkowiceGrodziecmMuA ice.Jr25X1A was switched to both. "In addition a new suburban electric-operated railway lime as p apered the Slasko-Dabrvwskie area and is intended to connect Sosnowiec with Jghro ,- Confidential/US" Officials Approved For Release 2002/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-00926AO07100020001-2 Approved For Release 2002/0?Ms dIA-RDP80-00926AO07100020001-2 C f aatis-3ti{i~B i i is Qe X, . t eieza, . Wi es a --and hack to Baler -Qornicza. 3:953 t3r3. 3 er xasr cext$ acts$ samuted otrly as fair as IEl imontov. 3 .. " .ice. control red by -tire 83.aa bvab -8 sloe cam. i~r a g union quite A aver of' 1& enterprises of other bremc es-we? also is aperatjtm4 my tuf t eve ~u~oar -e eteai s arlr t timer rurbe ritass C ' centratg ti. ; 04 +eare:aa: vent of BraicZ$, Beiiiat t . ' . . LIM 17 Dzierz nala e$s 1iaB steel am 19. -a.#T1IA11. Befoi4 World War -.II: this : was, tbo Ba kavs steea?l, ;, .. 7.t. is one of the oj4est steel P,s.- PWAnd and was eelV; d o A4 ae d after World War Ii eipeci$11 ia.:3ta ? mill. sect .aa3 sed. r 1]4i. 400#a q. Between 1950 ea- 1951 tt% qtr >i rtins ovens snare added to the prwUmw at iaer- of Fiver The eteei. Pill a we f Out *r,AQO ?o as produces aaia1y r&awV Tails and iron ors for bid conata?txct . In 1952 the, ateel sill took over time !4taaes t boa had .b a cvna auated dur3 ag World war TI for m;Llitery pmTows b the Aete.n egPt cavities. near ?iek7.o~ northeast of D hro~waGornicza.' ese warehouses are lvcai ed in the forest wear toe Pogoris 3 e i4. lia) and we equipped with teir can railroad aiding. The pre- e 3. ' 3~1sar,, coaal. Vii' ede% now out ?i , wan s aLl. 3 ! ' over by . --fie Zbci ego steel mill for stowage of metal scraps. b ci'nszk3. Street and is a kind of 'p !t:-?for the ,Dzierz7nsk go ; cola tie l ziet rta isiego steel le$13. ; fte Perrm Pl . is -ataied izz ox*a t was not suave of the saga. ?c 'to ~Ix thin pre-World War it la'#.taFaer salyd., plant w ,,taken over t ~ wma cvecern ai. has to ig;OP vend; in plant. totrice. The plant p ?oduces meta ll icaal V a- swta *s o t?a s of c .t ? Ia tine-' + tlme = outakist ot Brd$is m oua oL0.?~ A .afB to fl U cam izafcas n ,t$oas: a set : S~tf the Fr state. cv .. g3;aaa.maaea waver, for ships e lemcanot .ves. iibtle Pali ship- we t P clients ..of phis P ,a t ;ems"~ a tin 25X1A -to ~! e-'?ltaao .l an lam" t of C to :N's ell AvatlAbbin I-A DO P 7L Approved For Release 2002/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-00926AO07100020001-2 Approved For Release 20023$CIA-RDP80-00926A007100020001-2 Conf :d ti . eat. 24' sn ^ec , iron, Will A#B-9 25 `Spinnir Mill 26 Spip in mill. B-1? 27 Cedlera rolling C,D-11 R2=+. 28 Iron mill 'Stassicv BA-12 29 Brick kiln '$taszicv 6-5 30 'Streev plant M,N-5 31 Fabryka Armstur :,A79 32 Paper will B-10 33 Steel foun4ry Z,A-9 .34 rhea chemical B-11 35 Steel rope and. wire Producing factory A-10 36 Foundry A-5 1,t,; oducing cable B-5 mn& insulatin& wire .lz o gerly the Emma iron mill, e e ?, in the ui of special ,steel all.oyra. . To- mCher ,frith tl e; steel m3.Lis Bail4on, Ferrtm ((in Yatowice) and the Batory mil.]., the Sosnowiec iron mill is under the control of ar s tpsrate bead for or,the., Production 9' v spec isl. ` ~- i~els v , ... Befoamt*i ld'War.1I? was . the, Ditla spinnery. No more, i4i ox id n . available. In the aou*eastern- o4ts4rts .,of Sosnowiec,. ? syecie,liai # the, production of thin- plates %nA 'i iron rods.. awad bars. In the: psouthern Quutelcirts 'of Sosnowiec. Preeentlyy ender -expanaiort In Strzermieviz a B4fore World lair II this plant producesi fertilizer.; It baa been taken over 'by the Slaslco- rowa .e..c? a3A ining anion to 10e, used as warehouses and. are workshops. Factory p educing various kinda.,of arn*tWeso In Sosnow aq* In the, 'w eastern. outskirts of gsnowiec. aged in chemical reprocessing of zinc. Badocba, is also, known for a special tra nsi'- tory --Located near the factory.. Pra:Soners fray vas aaa prisons are sent to this r,3 mp and Pram 'her+e' are distributed to work 44, co puldor ..l?ab?rprs attached. to various .coed. mines. . ., In Sosf, iecs ;near - Soso wieo-~Fal dz i, rail, station. In the,,, ?,outskirts of B n. Located near they Bedzif ra,iX-&way staton.- Piles for iametal'work- Abitte plant is located in the ern part of Y , -l t ." . Be~izin,::;: t ,tar rr... xtrne :pa a en z euc -' , g ,. g sebinery M,43-14 Located in;N , plant ll. "According' to rencently, obtained information;. j, ct.:4 e. not given ,he whole,_ basin area is rather unmilitary, except ,for a' few *il.itary 44stall&ti oal c . like the militerry barracks in Bedzin (No. 454, location .t5), v4ere -b*faare; WarI .'".. ' s at nc war II the 23rd Regisment of Light Artillery. ras tpo ted ..It i ,, dl i ter are .tVQ oo artillery unit is -stationed in these barrad*s+. Furthermore t three army labor units in Bedzin Which are housed in a newly constructed car:: located in the eastern outskirts of Dabrowa?+QQrh za .($oa146, pat !n ,F-5 ) -i i loyed in the construction of the near coal mines, nsd Porabka (loo. 7). Confideatia /B$ Cft',A;c; Approved For Release 2002/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-00926AO07100020001-2 Approved For Release 20 /CM : CIA-RDP80-00926AO07100020001-2 Confidential/US officials -may 12. *R#y informant claims that a new military airfield strip is presently 25X1A h ` oa. io ? uumuw1i UWX v under cons`6r c:-G1ou 13. "My informant also mentioned the 'Peking hospital located, east of 8osnov ec (No. 47, location D-8). This is reserved as, an isolation-hospital Where serious cases resulting from -mine acetd nts are brought. He said that it is extremely rare that anytody who is this hospital is ever released. 14. "M informant also merztioryed the peniteatiarx prisons Badocba' locatsu. in t southern outskirts of Sosnowiec (No. 1i8, locationt-ii) which is known all over Po- land .eor its;rigorous and sharp. practices. Ancther investigation prison, the kostra Gorkax, is located in.the center of the town, not far from the paper mill (No. 32). and. a. third one in.. the area 94 Bedzin. o., 5QA, ,1 ocatiOn.,.B?4) ." -end- ,: 1 ) .'"'.i...S. 1-12/735.1 55M 1o-11/735.1 55M 1-6/735.1 55M 4-5/735.1 55M 761 .125 55M 4-12/73541 55M 9/735.1 55M 8-11/735.1 55M 10-11/735?..92 - 53..3 55M 734.12 55M 755.81 55M 751 .8 55M ., 10/735.1...., 55M 735.214 55M 451 55M 857.8 55M `863 .551 Approved For Release 2002/01/03 : CIA-RDP80-00926AO07100020001-2