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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP80-00926A007000040008-4 COVIDERIM cOuOTRY Poland CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT suCECT United. Polish Workers Party/Organization and Admini- stration/Membership THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES. WITHIN THEMEANING OF TITLE 18, SECTIONS 793 AND 794, OF THE U.S. CODE. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVE- LATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS Pit0I-i)BITED BY LAW, ''THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT IS PROHIBITED. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 50X1 -HUM REPORT DATE DISTR. /1 Jun 1954 NO. OF PAGES / 50X1-HUM NO. OF ENCLS . SUPP . TO REPORT NO. 50X1 -HUM Structure of the PUR 1. "The follOwing chart shows the organization of the PZPR-Polka Zjednoczona Partia Rohotnicza (United Polish Workers Party): gee following page for char:g U.S. Officials 'Only CONFIDENTIAL [DISTRIBUTION ? This report is for the use within the USA of the Intelligence components of the Departments or Agencies indicated above. It is not to be transmitted overseas without the concurrence of the originating office through the Assistant Director of the Office of Collection and Dissemination, CIA. STATE EV ARMY NAVY 50X1 -HUM AIR I I FBI Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP80-00926A007000040008-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP80-00926A007000040008-4 .um - CONFIDENTIAL US OFFICIALS ONLY Legend pm Polska Zjedwczona Partia lichotnicza (United Polish Workers Party) KC Kumitet Centralny (Central Cormdttee) KW Komitet Wojemodzki (Voivod Committee) KP Kctmitet Powiatowy (District Committee) KM Komitet Miejski (Municipal Committee) KD Komitet Dzielnicowy (Division Committee) (Sic) POP Podstavoua Organizas e.112._.Lart_za (Basic party organization) r-Sekr I-szy Sekretars (First Secretary) CONFIDENTIAL US OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP80-00926A007000040008-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/01/30 : CIA-RDP80-00926A007000040008-4 3 - 50X1-HUM - 46MOVUMMVIAL cAlttrAIS ONLY,. Administration 2. "The Chairman of the State Council is at the same time president of the Central Committee (Komitet Centralny) of the PZ. The headquarters of the Central Committee is located in Warsaw. The Voivod Committee (Komitet Wojewodzki) is directly subordinate to the Central Committee. There is a Voivod Committee office in every town of the Voivody. In Krakow the Voivod Committee office is located on the corner of St. Thomas Street U1 SW Tomasza) and 'Plenty' which is parallel to Stalin Street before coming?to Potocki Street CUl. Potockiego). I know two people in the Voivod Committee in Krakow. They, are (fuu) Bajewski and (Fnu) Szlachta. 3. "A11 of the District Committees (Komitet Powiatowy) and Municipal Comodttepi (Komitet Miejski) of a voivody are subordinate to the Voivod Committee. The Krakow District C.4,...ttee is located on 'Aleje Krasindkiego'. All of the committees within a certain district (such as Krakow) are subordinate to the District Committee. The Division Committees (Komitet Dzielnicowy) are _subordinate to the Mumicipal Committee. The Municipal Committee office in Krakow is located on the central square at the corner-. of Wis]ra Street. 4. The following Division:Committees are. located inACrakow: (a) Srodmiesqie Division Committee Grzegorski Division Committee (c) Zwierzyniec Division Committee (di Podgorze Division Committee (e Krowodrza Division Committee _ . The office of the Srodmiescie Division Committee is located on the central square of Krakow in' the same building where the Municipal Committee is 3Located. The Zwierzyniec Division Committee office is located on:,the Krasinskiego Allea.' The podgorse Division C.,4,4,ittee office is located on the square of the Podgorze division (town section). 5. "All POPs (basic party organizations) in a given Section are subordinate to the Division Committee of that section. The POP is the lowest cell of the MR, PON may be found in all factories., enterprises, plants, etc. There are also POs outside of factories, and I believe that they to the Committee of the Division (town section). I have prepared the following charts to show organizational setup of the POP and the KD (Komitet-Daiellnicowy): POP - PDOSTAWOWA ORGANIZACJA PARTWNA (Basic organization of the . party - the lowest cell of the party) Egzekutywe POP I-wszySekretarz POP Executive staff of POP lot secretary of the POP (? members) , ...,,TX.aS4.retarz?POP (2nd secretary of the POP) IU Sekretarz.POP (3rd Secretary of the POP) Czlonkavie POP The members of the ,POP CONFIDENTIAL US OFFICIALS ONLY , Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP80-00926A007000040008-4 Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP80-00926A007000040008-4 CONFIDENTIAL LISJonizmas ONLY KD KOMITET DZIELNICOWY PZPR (Committee of the town section PZ.FR) Egzekutywa KD Executive board. of the 10 ? (1 members of executive board.) POP I-wszy Sekretara KD -(1st secretary of the -To) n-SetrAtarz,. KA , sev.r.vAternr, 4, the 11) III-Sekretarz KP ,(43rd,. seiorqtary of ?the .1CD1 , Office 9,.f )the ICDP7kril 7 number Of einplOyees WiDZIZL PROPAdAND/ PeZencie section) WYDZIALTA,.;.KULIVRALNC-osylinowt A sAct.pprkse,'.cvotwto affaireand ..inetruc.tioni ?? WYDZIAL SZKOLENIOWY Agreining section) ; -,,WyDZIAL KOBIECY ,(womenva section) and. so forth Administration of the POP 6 ,1%13, all-L.the -Party committees the head of . the committee iv.,called.3*e..Oirst Secretary There -are also _One; or several Second, flecretomxiefe. Wed Ant-enecu-- tive.ataft.,;(4,the?,sizeof the,. .latter: dep.erlding on,,the, Size-ef. thg?mmalhittee). ?The, p9p?.,..1..ikelitise,..had its First Secretary,.,,Second?Secretarreaci Sepretary al.PAp. executive :staff. ApplicatiOn for Party Membership. 7: "Anone ;Wishing to._join.,the Party must obtain an Applicationlalark,fregn the First Secretary ? of the POP, and -after mat. retemned 'to- ,:'The application is then, examined bythe,.,ether.Meilhere,?-of tI 0., a,n. Ono of, thepi. finds ?any reason, for irtewolve ,a0m#tamcal, ,be? 'r!flAs:Pc1,?Angli the,.. applicant is, notified. accomiiusly. mach asier.to..obtain?--Party -membership if one has had pricrr -membership in the (ZwiaZek Mlodziezy Pelskiaj-linim of the Polish Youth). It is better still if the'. applicant is from a -proletarian background, The ,,applioation Must be signed by tvo members Of the party who will introduce the new candidate.' The application form is typed on a sheet, of ;white paper (size 28 x 21. cm?). :;The,restarks.ork the .form are to be filled out,by.,,the First fieoretary iLzul the office" ,of ,,,the DPrision. ComMittee., following ett example of an application blank as remember it: Epee following page 7 Iii-OFEVIALS ONLY 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP80-00926A007000040008-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP80-00926A007000040008-4 - - corarmarNAL 50X1 -HUM US'ANIKEIYALSJONLY' y.; Nazwisko ? ? ? . . ',crcjea Data urocizenia . . Miejsce zamieszkania Zaw6d wykonywany Zaljziowane stanowisko .. Przynaleinoid partyjna: miejsce urodz . zawbd wyuczony . . . ? , Do 1939r. UWaga: podad stanowiska ezionkowie vprowadzajacy: tii). 0 0 0 ? * 6 ?0 ? Wokresie okuPacji Pa wyzwolenia zajmowenS w partii. .. . _ 103444Ydata) (nazwiski) imie adris 2-ch 0 ? 0 (wypeIniaje, czynniki polityczne) .. (podpis czionkow par- ...... Tiianslation and first name Lte?.obfrth. ' AP PLICAT 0 ? ?? 4 0 0 0. ? 0, Profession engaged in post held. (position) Party m?ershi: Unti 3.939 )0, 0 0 ? 40 first name .of father. :PladS T.? -,ya- pel,i.? fitne during the occupation after the liberation' Note give ive the positions occupied in the party (signature) The party members, the sponsors of the candidate (name, first name and address of two party members) . . . ? ? Remarks: (to be filled out by political authorities) ? 0 0 0 0 0 V 0 0 0 ....... 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 ? 0 00 ..... ... coluarem4 Ok'qexAls WILY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP80-00926A007000040008-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30 : CIA-RDP80-00926A007000040008-4 -IUM CONFIDENTIAL DS 47 34ALS ONLY Provisional Membership Card 8. "If the application is approved the candidate for Party membership receives a provisional membership card which is entitled 'Provisional Membership Card ,(Legitmation ?,roaisoire). The provisional mpabership card looks exactly like the regular (stabile) membership card in size and shape except that the nmAbarina ?ie different, The numbering on ,the provisional member- ship card begins with the number '0' :while that on the regular membership card. begins with the lar,tter '1' . $mMe time later the POP calla another meeting and the candidate becomes a regular member. Regular Membership Card 9. "Regular party membership eards, are obtained at the office of the Division Committee. It looks just like the Syndicate membership card only the cover is a different color. The cover of the party membership card is dark red and the letters PUR are Printed on it. The party membership' card is not an identity card and must not be shown even- in case of arrest to -the authorities of the Milicja Obywatelska. The ership card may only be shown to Party members. The text on the cards is made up by Party authorities exclusively. The signatures are those- of the First or Second Secretary of the Division Committee. There is a place for a photograph and below this the owner of the card signs his own name. On the following pages, there is space for stamps ,ta be pasted._upon payment of membership dues. The changet of address of th,e member are noted OA the page headed &Charlie of One_page is _reserved for special remarks concerning jobs in the., party held Il&y the- Cardbolder and. ant penalties imposed: by the Party. 'Vile foll6v- ing data 'is regaired on 'a 'membership cards' , fatigrAllangsalV.aAail (membership card) ? ; al,. aPodpia--signature Nazwisko i imie?family name and first name Data tariejsce urodzenia--date and place of birth d. Miejsce zamieszkania-aresiaence Data wstapienia do partiia'-date 'holdei- entered the Party Podpis i pieczec--signature and seal Skiadki. cziOntkowskie= -membership 'dues Przeniesienia partyjne--party transfers (antarnaq) Kary-i 'uponinienia partYjne--petalties add 'pi e.ity 'instructions ? Membership ft s '''' 10. The membership fee amounts to 10 of the member 's monthly asalary. The member whose monthly earnings 'are over '1i00C zlotys Las 'tc:i pay "More than: 1$0. Obligations Of a Party Member 11. "1 have never heard that any pressure was used in order to get somebody to become a member-of-the ,party; on theeontrary,--it la_difficult to get : accepted and many members; who have capitalist backgrounds or meMbers refusing to wholeheartedly carry out the orders of the party, are thrown out. A party member is obliged to take part in all meetings of the POP, to carry out orders, to pay his membership fees, and to participate actively in social and political affairs of ,his country, Frequently, political training and social inatruction'aourses vire organized, and it as compulsory to attend than. Members of the Party are compelled to attend the 'Przeskolenie Politycznea political school)-and the graduates were then Osigned to the jab of,spe4ers,i-agitators,- leaflet peddlers etc0 accordintto their ability. . .. . . . . . CONFIDENTIAL, US OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP80-00926A007000040008-4 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/01/30 : CIA-RDP80-00926A007000040008-4 HUM 7 COAFIDENTIAT, US OFFICIALS ONLY 12. "The' speakers are used by' the Party in meetii-s that is to say, after finishing his daily jobs a speaker has to go to a plant or factory indicated to barn by the section. committee of Use Party and lead a POP meeting, there. 130"The,agitators are sent by the Party to the surrounding villages to make propaganda for the produetiOn.cooperative, 'Spedzielnia Produkcyjna?. They mast go there every time the Division Ct4sittee tells them to. It must be realized that dealing with the Production cooperatives is a very delicate matter. Some of these agitators lost their lives when they were assaulted by peasants ?Or became enraged over this propagaeda, 14. "Thesleaflet peddlers are respenslble for the Subscription to meal, essand? newspaPera Within? the area of a factory or plant. 15. "Complete 'knowledge of the theorieS of, Marx, Lenin and Stalin VAS absolutely required :of a Party member,,but nevertbelees, at, leaet 504 of she Party, meMberahipknewsnothing aboUt these suhtlecte. 4 , Grounda for Dismiesal from part 16. 'Party neMbere who fail to Paytheir' Membership dues for a.period Of :three months are accordleig to, Party regulations automaticallY.thrown,out of the Party. This is not applied.in.Prectices Also a Party member who fails to attend Party meetings three times in a.row without A valid excuse. ay be . dismissed 'from the Party without,fprther ado.. It is tree, however, that,.the Party authorities. (Po),are obliged to .notify the Member before concrete action has been taken and the member concerned has the right to defend himself against possible injustice; apziaLletMParember 17. "Partymembersdonotreceive privileges merely because they are Party members, Thee Working at the PZPR headquarters dp have so .e privileges. Party employees:who are,in need ,of any type of goods not obtainable else- where are in a Poeition to buy anything they, want at their canteen. Also from time to time they get a ticket for the movies or theater for nothing. Privileges .of :Shock Workers 18. 7A shock worker or,best worker (peeodoweik pracy)? it makes no difference whether he is a Party member of not, always gets privileges. He bas no difficulty in obtaining goods that are bard to find, in securing a place to livek'for'inatanee at the Workers' Home (Wczasow PracoweiczYch). His pictUre Wears in the newspapers topther.witl.en article about his work and the methods he used to obtain such outstanding achievements. He receives better care than others in the state-controlled offices. These shock workers march in the first ranks in the May Day parade and Parry a sign on their chests. This inecriPtion reveals that the individual Bur- passedthe rOduction quota and the Percentage by which it was surpassed. Large pictures of the shock, 'workers are displayed in the main square in Krakow and also on Graze street right next to the ancient royal castle, Wawel. In plants, factories, and Labor organizations,, special stands are erected to expose 'these shock 'workers to the public eye. Description of a Party Mesties 19. The meeting was to begin at four o'clock, and there were no more than 11 persons waiting for the arrival of the Division Committee representative by the name of (f flu) Zwierzeslee. He arrived at 4:30 arsi. the meeting could have been opened, but the First Secretary was absent. He. had CONFIDENTIAL US OFFICIALS ONLY 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP80-00926A007000040008-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP80-00926A007000040008-4 CONFI oUA l-HUM DFATIAL US -0FIPICIALS ONLY gone out for a few drinks while waiting for the Division Committee ? representative.' The meeting took place in one 'of the office rooms. Be- fore the opening of the meeting the First and. Second. Secretary noted how many members were preseat. There are always more absent than present, and if proper action concerning absences were taken, there would be no longer' anyone left in the Party. 20. "At the President's table, the following were seated: bwiereaniec, the Division Committee representative, the Pint Seerete,ry of the POP, the Second Secretary of the POP e.nd the man who reeorded t minutes. The minutes are always faked akwihgtrAirrit(ti13t 4i cebi is never recorded. The minutes are written up to make them sound as good. as possible so as not to cause annoyances. Things which might be compromising are not mentioned. The minutes must be short and concise. Attention is centered en the struggle between the POP and the management of the plant, factory, etc. This struggle was considered by the Party as the best means to fight for the social forces, and naturally the Party instigates the struggle. 21. "The First Secretary opened the meeting by welcoming the Division Committee repreeentativo end then turned the meeting over to the representative. The Committee representative reeds 'a report about Marxism, Leninism, proletarian vigilance, war instigators, etc. After this report, the First Secretary opened the meeting for discreeaion on the matter at hand Nobody attended the meeting because he wanted, to de so mainly because no one knew what to talk about. The First Secretary called, ? on certain peeple for discussion and. they answered With a couple of short sentences bearing no relation to the :- Matter at hand.' Those present were requested. to submit proposals on the matter disouseeth It was then that they talked about the actual deficiency dee consumer goods, prodnction errors etc. The members also ti Iced. about their personal enemies and. accused them of acts which could =promise ? them (1. or example, friendship with former property holders, doubtful back- ground, mordseniXered which may be considered to be anti-Commtunist, collabora- tion with agents of the oppeettition.) There was always a certain, amount of inkibitien on the part of the members at these meetingi because of the pre- sence of the Division Committee representative. 50X1 -HUM 22. ? The meeting was closed with the singing of the "Interbettioreel at a meeting of the POP, P221e, which convened. at the POE (Panstwows, ?Centrals. Handlova--Bio Spedycyjno Transportowe w Krakftherie State central Bureau of Cotiserce-Transport and shipping office in Krakow; that teg the 30 people at the meeting not one person lelta le g tional', and there was a lot of talk about this incident. the 50X1-H UM Division Candittee representative would never have dared to 'denounce' this case because he' would have been the first to have been reprimanded. 23 !aleetikgs of 'the POP wrer held once or twice a math; meetings of the executive stet vet* held twice a month; meetings of the POP in the Division Committee leere held. fence a month. Elections 2. "Elections of the POP are held once a year. It is difficult to accomplish an election meeting because there is never any more than 59% of the member- CONFIDENTIAL US OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP80-00926A007000040008-4 Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30 : CIA-RDP80-00926A00700004000814 -HUM - 7 -1CONFTDritIAL US mums ONLY 26 ?. ship present and more ?than half must be present 'before elections7ttan be held. The, elections are irmaignificant because in reality it is the Division Committee which sets irp its own people as candidates. Candidates foParty offices. are selected by the executive coumcil azd ratified, by the Division Committee. The' Party lumbers -have the right to put n afiditional candidates, but this means thing because they will ozt be alopruved by the Division Cow:tit-bee. lot many. people care .to accept 'Party offices aid those who accept' them are .strictly out for themselves. The element of worthiness is rare' in the Party. There are 4so thoge,persons, Vorthy people, idealists,: who 'really believe *art they, read. in the panersabont Conantaists,-antkAlese people are ,therefore willing? to accept Partroffiees, but the result is always very eied4; Hither these people become terribly' disillusioned bout' Conan:mime (and they can be considered cured of Tomminism) or they start to ob4ect to Party discipline and consequently often end up in prism, This happened to one 'of my friends in Poland. He WiliS First Secretary of the POP of the Panstveva Central HantUowa, Eittro Spedycyjn -Transportowe of Krakow from Aug-Dec "A votingnmeeting.was more closely watched by the Divi,6.i.e)rt Committee than other meetittgs. Party-candidates' with provisional membership cards are nOt.pertkit- ted to mot.e.-: The candidates to he voted on do not have 'the Might to- vote,. buti'theY--mted:anyway.. The names of the candidates are ].j ?.]. ,type- written-cards and: these cards are distributed to all nembers.Preaent.. One' struch,?ont-the'-namtes of t .4telte did not want to elect .:and. then .retttined the card to. the .poreon 6i:43:eating the cards. A 'balloting commaisaints:0101x.)seti of thriaapersons.counted the, votes and. announced the 'results 'The fallowing two persons worked at the PCH (Panstwona Central Haxtdlowa): . -.2.0 Zbigniewlinakt, Chief of the Tee Joel INFficeof the Pgli tPanstshowa gen-tread Handlawa-Bittro Sn_sdicittak3,,Trari rtatie, State-Commerce 'Center-Freight and Shinning Ott:fie veritch VAR dissOlved in 1949 the FCR was completely liettidated in 1951./. He is presently 59537 chief of the Technical-Mechanical Office of the, :Zjedadomenie tudownictwa Miejakiqmo (Association' Of local constrectionin,Krakaw). At the MR. iRS1 ton.1 viva+ 'Sectretary of the FOP. (b) Czeslaw loalko, formerly was Clerk in the -oer ortrApl nffi pia ryr the PCH. during '3.949-3.95o he was employed in the Municipal Committee of the Party in the propaganda seotion: At present L3-79527 he is working in the 'Polskie Radio" Chor Gerte. (Polish Radio-Gerta Choir). CONFIDENTLAL US OFFICIALS ONLY 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part-Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP80-00926A007000040008-4 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30 : CIA-RDP80-00926A007000040008-4 CONFIDENTIAL 50X1-HUM us-OtenpIALS ONIZ 27. At the Nov 1914.8 meeting, by order of the Party, Zielinski, who was First Secret-ern was, ,to,...bereplaced,by somebody else appointed by the Division COlimAt.e.e.? The . meeting was led by Czeslav (Valk?, who was a friend of caeslaw O.Palko found. himself ,in a very bad situation, but before the Meeting he *ta a talk wit h the First Secretary, and they came to aVieetlear,t ? 28. 7Theineiabers Of' the pop ".(consisting altogether of :out. five persona were . , , , ? opposed to voting fOr Zielinski and he was elected Nananizonsly, that is to. egg., against the order of the Division committee:, but lince. he had been infOrate4:by the Division.Coomr4?:00b7,?,ny,1 of .q*eq,?i,,if,9013,4,4ih,rgilsq. ei3O.:ett? tho, osiro,oix- The .membersVent *Me', all heving, voted for .the indiyidUal Picked bj. the -?arty: becm*e there, were no 'ether candidates, dertainlY, Zhigniew .Zielinehi -Was happy to get rid of the job of First Secrete y was a barbert by profession ,50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/01/30: CIA-RDP80-00926A007000040008-4