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rWM OEC 1951 1W. S1-x6 Approved For Release 2001/11/21 : CIA-RDP80-00926AO06900010011-5 U.S. Officials Only CO1 FIDENTIAL CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY Albania SUBJECT 25X1 C Conditions in the Village of Letaj: Location/Administra Lion/Religion/Comn1unications/Border Controls/Agriculture 25X1A DATE D I STR. ?j F,66 T* NO. OF PAGES II NO. OF ENCLS. SUPP. TO REPORT NO. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES. WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE IN. SECTIONS 793 AND 794. OF THE U.S. CODE. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVE. LATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BY LAW. TN REPRODUCTION OF THIS REPORT IS PROHIBITED THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 3? 25X1X Location 9Ej is located in northern Albania 1000 ffi from the Yugoslav frontier. It is about 40 km north of Kukes, tie nearest town, 23 km as the crow flies. It is about 15 km from Kruma, as the crow flies. The village is on a hill, about $00 m above sea level. No accessible roads link it with the outside world. A small mountain road runs to Kruma, but it can be used only by horses or mules, not even by horse-drawn or mule-drawn carts. The soil is comparatively rich. There are thousands of boars in the surrounding forests. Population h. The population of Letaj is about 1500 persons, all farmers. Religion 5? All. the villagers are Mohammedans. Hence they never touch the boars. The Mohammedan Xhania are situated one km from the village. The priest in 1951 was Moll Ahmeti, aged about 60, about 164 cm high with white hair and blue eyes. He came from Prizrem. He was not a Comrnuni st. 25X1A U.S. Officials Only CO If1:NTIAT, Approved For Release 2001/11/21 : CIA-RDP80-00926A006900010011-5 25X1A -2 - CONIFIDENTIAL US OFFICIALS ONLY Administration 6. The village of Letaj cones under the town of Qarr. Official-, in Qa-.r supervise the villages of Letaj,, Dobrune?fsolaj,, Peraj,, Perollaj an, Vllahani. 7. "There is a village People's Board (Kshilli Katundit). The members of this board are the only villagers with arms. They have German carbines. 8. "There is no administrative building in the village. Al]. meetings Of the villagers take place in the classrooms of the elementary school,, a one-story building. Naturally there is no cinema. Power 9. There is no electric power. Thus lighting is by kerosene lamps. Communications 10. Since there is no power, there are no radio sets. The only contact with the outside world is through the postman. He brings the mail twice a week,, Monday and Friday. At that time he also brings about five copies of the newspapers Bashkimi and Zeri Poputlit. In 1951 the postman -,was always alr i with a German carbine. Medical Facilities 11. "There is no doctor in the village. The nearest doctor is in Kruma, Poli ti.?al Orientation 12. "The only convinced Communists in the village are certain village leaders Jee PaXogt aph 1ct - -Although the youth (aged 17-25) are forced to join the Communist subordiiate to headquarters in Kukes (K.G. Bashkimi Rinis Punes ?h ,Ypris Rethis- Kulze which means the Central Committee of the Union of the Youth of the AT ni a aiu organizations) in the towns of the Kukes region. The Or Ri ni i L t g. . n e aj is under the immediate supervision of the Basic Organization in Oarr, as are the 9r--g.t= Ri, s units- In Done, Jola j,, Leta j,, Pera j,, Perollaj and Vilahani. There 3.0 :m hers of. the . Basic Organization committee--in- Qarr, inch ,'c_ 1931h (a) Isuf Ve seli - Secretary of the CP and of the Basic Organization in Qarr.. He-Sas-25: about 125 cm tall,, with brown hairy eyes and mustache. Single. A farmer from Golaj. He was a partisan in World Wax II. The third and fourth fingers of his right hand are missing. He was a staunch Communist,, hated by the farmers. (() (mu) Bubi - Farmer living in Dobrune. 'ged 30,, about .63 cros tall,, s.j4gle,, with black hair.,,. eyes ana mustache. (c) Hagan Qari - Farmer living in Qarr. Aged. 25,, blond., with blue es and a mustache. (d) As].an.. Peka - Director of the elementary school in Letaj flee paragraph l~. T1' farmers were gathered at the elementary school about 10 times a Loath for political education`,,, by the President of the People's Board or the Director of the school. At school the children also received political education. lay "There -is: no iu.the villag, OVil ?n_the fa or y is vested -i.n. the members of -the People =s Board,, who s CONFIITIAL US OFFICIALS ONLY ranch,: of the Si:gurimi Shtetit (Z.- SH.- State Security organization) _ Its atith it Approved For Release 2001/11/21 : CIA-RDP80-00926A006900010011-5 Approved For Release 2001/11/21 : CIA-RDP80-00926AO06900010011-5 -3- CONFIMNT1AL US Offs 2l&I6 -ONLY Border Controls 14. The village is linked indirectly with the outside world in that a barracks of the Frontier Guards (AQ.;wqjtia Popullore is situated tee j9st' on the !ugo avdan bo This bgra Gcs> s " d by telephone and-wireless directly to the head- quarters of the Mbrojtia Popullore in Kruma. The barracks is a one-story crick building p. about' 25 x 10 x 10 *!i. ?.1 sere are :about 60 frontier, guards tnere,5, under the_- command; of an asgirapt (subli +u. ant )... He has two MO's under him. frontier guards do not interfere at all with the life of the village. They - there to guard the frontier. There is one watch tower (pika e vro jti si.t)ia fro# 'of the barracks which is linked to the barracks by phone. Two guards with bifloeulars stand duty. They are armed with Soviet PPS automatic rifles and have also o-a German Sebars machine gun. The frontier guards in Letaj are all armed with either .the Soviet PPS or a World-War II-type German,-carbines The post has a total of four German Schars machine guns. It also has four or five trained gsj, but the dogs are of no use because they know all the villagers. 16. "Residents. of I,etej.. can approach to within 50 a of the r? mine. l' re_ is no barbed-wire in that :region between Yugoslavia an& t! 7,Y n " D -rn ixiifS ? 3 no Telreiled off. ,Or. plowed areas There ere only white sign stone.., about 0.50 a big1x9 _ These ?are the only indications to inhabitants of the border zone. r:owever, there are mines scattered all along the border. During the night wild.animals run. into them, and the explosions can be heard in-the village. 17. "Nothing seemed to have changed in this border zone between 1951 and Auga t 1952. Approved For Release 20(1 CONF-cAAT RSO ~~,1l~1=RB -00926A006900010011-5 25X1A 25X1 B Approved For Release 2001/11/21 : CIA-RDP80-00926AO06900010011-5 Gt W, TTAL - - G ICIAL !9 01-LY ~iculture 25X1A 19. Compared to other areas in Albania the soil in Letaj, is rich. The forme,. cultivate maize, tobacco, bees, some potatoes .and fruits.. ? 20. "As of August 19 .2 no kulkaoz had been organized.. After the agrarian form five Jg laks were } Letaj -- today in Albania 'kulak' is synonymous with 'treactionaryt. The_ Iwlaks include haa.i t Bell and. Ba jram Alia. The I aver - i -Jjetta j orin from -a mirth= of two- to a maw m~-y so'i~ 1f1n^.tever .crops they want. ~~he People's `=,-~~aey " ward does not interfere. - The. People'- board does: ,.(.a) 25X1X 1 ( ) heavy anyway. Many farmers, -;escaped into Yugoslavia to avoid th .ate determine the quantities of various agricultural products, meat wool,_,, , etc. to be delivered to the State and the taxes on the farmers; and sees that each farmer has made his deliveries at the end of tie agricultural year. Members of the- People 's Board confiscate the household goods and livestock of farmers unable to fulfill their 25X1 X delivery quotas. eavier quotas apd taxes were- imposed. on the five Bu the ? "ALl rota deliveries must be made to the Kooperativa e Guft lljmit (Cooperative) in Kruma. T:e ?ollowing list indicates (Column A prices paid, by the, Cooperative to the farmers - and (Column =3) the selling pricey for the same products when sold by the Cooperative to cwt :,; _, ennswaers. note: It is not clear 25X1 A whether these are prices , "ia.wor 1951 or r Prices are in lek. .C. B 100-150 Grune- (eorA4, per. kilo Ewheag Miser (maize), per kilo Note: Pr-iges in (BY W 2.Y to resale. in fora of flour for maize and corn Eggs, each Note: since the egg deliveries took *lace -once a year, as with other . products, the farmers,. in order to- have the -prep .amount, ready on one may, haci 'tC chase : `e. from other farmers t.-15_1ek :each Price - Lek OI I1fE ?x' US OFFICIALS ONLY 15 Approved For Release 2001/11/21 : CIA-RDP80-00926AO06900010011-5 25X1 B Approved For Release 2001/11/21 : CIA-RDP80-00926AO06900010011-5 ?ONF I rT , Us WI?I-ALS ONLY Milk - No milk deliveries. Cheese -anad butter deliveries inste d... I ?_~- D athi Cheese: lst quality, per kilo 2nd quality, per kilo 3rd quality, per kilo G ize cheese; per kilo (butter): lst quality, per kilo 2nd; quality, per kilo Favule (beans) per ki lD Potatoes ' - No delivery quotas sire- dthp Leta areas since so few 20 15 10 500-600 400 350 5- 45 800 30 600 Meat Deli; ere&. in -the form -of live animals).- Lops cow),, per kilo ( 25 125 Via.. o " ), perk 4 ,. 5 200 Dhia (sheep , per kilo 30 150 Note: If the weight. of the live animal is not sufficient to cover the meat quota, the discrepancy, if not more thin 2-3 kilos, may be replaced by live hens. The Cooperative prices are those for the a M t after It has been prepared by the butchers. The meat is t graded,, Duhan. (~,robac o} : !at quality, -per kilo 2nd qua-ity,per kilo ~,3rd quality, per kilo 60 4+0 Note. tie tobacco apatubardelivered completely dry. It is not paid for in cash. It-is exchanged for goods on sale at the Cooperative. Wool - Every farmer possessing sheep nnist deliver 25, a` rsheep-quotas consisting-of 100 gms of wool, per sheep, per anwrn- The Cooperative ;pays .the .farmer 25 lek per ` kilo" of wool. 23? "The farmers -can sell their cows and horses. The People's Board d fit= so long ab they get the requisite livestock for the meat t quotas at the end of Lhe year. The following prices indicate the astronomic prices which livestock _~"bani aa: Livestock apiece Price in Lek Lope (cow) 20,000-40,000 (Qr e) 20,x-30,000 's () 15,000-30,000 CONF-IWZTIeL US OFFIQIAW ONLY 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/11/21 : CIA-RDP80-00926AO06900010011-5 Approved For Release 2001/11/21 : CIA-RDP80-00926AO06900010011-5 Dele (sheep) Dhi (goat) -6 C0 IDE TIAL :;:., US "ICIAUS ONLY Vices pe (calf.. two years old) Grog, young ewe lamb) 5,000 1..500-2,000 2, 5O0-3, 7uu 25X1A 1 000 Hen, depefdiiig on size I00 - 700 Rosa duck) 1s500-2,000 "Data goose) -},500-2,000 21+. "Following is a price list of typical goods sold at the Cooperative in Kruma: Commodity Stof-Dock - 'Dock material', black, blue, or greys used mostly for trousers. Price per meter Be,z - Shirt material of miserable qu?:ttw. Only wai"te; Per meter Price in Lek 500 250 Ready-made shiir of Bez material i 200_1500 Opiaga - The national Albanian low shoes worn by. farmers. have rubber soles made oi'"`'ti c ' res. Pair Cora . Cotton men's socks. I etc: not =eicha able for agricultural goods. Pair Kam- - Salt, per kilo Sugar, per Coffee.. pure ground, per kilo 500 200-250 10 200 1500-2000 Vaj-Geri - Kerosene for lames, per liter 25 25. "The farmers do not possess ration cards (triska). "Upon ,zast. be C"'` , d 26. Ueither d li very of goods at the Cooperative or purchase of other items (even when exchanged for" goods in kin4l, against ` quotas to be delivered)., a sir receives an invoice bill, a so-called Bonot Faturat-Bardha. This is a printed white is ~ with the heads g o`"the Cooperative. It is about ] 1 x 8 cm. The right hand corner- states the date:. Underneath ire four: columns: number of item; send:. {test; '6 Mini - price; and r - r + c3,3 rave been delivered the invoice bears the stain Dorzue whic-s m"za i P ~-f d:e~vereci? If goods have been purchased and paid for, the i voice bears the stamp I ague. The stamp of the Cooiiera iv:: is also on the document. fine document serves as proof of delivery of good. not mind so 27. "No agricultural bachinery :L2 available at the Cooperative 14 Kruma. 28. "Sine ?the quotas are so high., the farmers are unable to fulfill all th r deliveries. Th 25X1X e acmers L.L ad they nave to sell heir possessions for. virtually nothing in order to buy.. at high-prices. the missing com odities. Obviously there comes a point when they have nothing more to sell. A farmer can't sell his oxen because they are 951 e secu ~~ : yr ~ Lion o farmers fo;. _ nonfulfillment wr agricmltural deliveries: CON IDENTIAL US OFFIC I r L' ONLY Approved For Release 2001/11/21 : CIA-RDP80-00926AO06900010011-5 Approved For Release 2001/11/21 : CIA-RDP80-00926AO06900010011-5 _7- CO i]iE TIAL U3 OFFICIALS ONLY (a) Uk Kec:"f a. was one of the five knlaks in Isetaj. .e was 38, ,4th black .hair and eyes and mustache, married, ;w th two sons. BecaVse he owned five hectares of aad his quota., were necessarily high. At the end of 1950 he could not fill the Meat quota due the Kruma Cooperative. He could have sold his two oxen, Jut he needed them for plowing. In January 1951 the president of the village People's Boa rd, Curr Brah-simi, accompanied by two police guards lie) from Kruma, confiscated the two. oxen.. Kecia was arrested, detained for three days in Kruma and then freed. - He And his family were at starvation level. 25X1X 25X1A 25X1X (b) Idriz Kolsa was a farmer in Leta j but not a kul ak. Ie was 32, with black hair, married, with three sons. He owned four hectares of land, Because he had not fulfilled his agricultural dcl.veries nor paid his duty taxes the People's Board confiscated in May 1951 his oxen and all his furniture ouse old. good~`. Koka tried to escape to Yugoslavia to 'avoid arrest but Was caught by the Frontier Guard. He shot three of them and then himself. His body was displayed in the village and then taken on a mule to Kukes. His eldest boy escaped to Yugoslavia. His wife and two other sons were arrested and sent to the concentration camp in Tepelene. .r~et (Pager-Li :s: body was hun for three days ;in the cattle ma ijase) at Kukes. it was then thrown in the win As a t of-the Koka epiaode an entire village escaped into Yugoslavia in July 1951. Shahan Llka: a farmer fro n Zylfaj , two miles from Leta`, organized the escape. He was the chief of the People's Board in Kruma (Kryetari i Lokaliteti Kr 0Tp, with 13 villages under his control. He was 32, about 17 ex high, blond with a beard and a mustache with blue eyes. He was married. It will never be known fcr-oert-sla how he, a Communist, organized the escape, but one night in July 1951 the entire village of about 152 persons crossed the border with their household belongings and cattle. Educ`ation tart' ithoo1 in Leta] occupies an old one-story building, which has t classrooms acid a sm "all room for the director. The pupils clean the school in rotation. The teacher is lodged with a local farmer. According to village oas, every farmer must., in rotation, give free lodging to the elementary school-teachher. A l t h o u g h f a r m e r s possess n o ration-cards, teachers d o ; a Tris-ka T ttc w-'i 1'Lehti, ration card for light workers No. 1. Food commodities issued-on this,eard are bought at the cooperative at-Krume or Kukes and given to the f .t! whoam the teacher is bola, dim. 30. . "In=1951 the basic wage for an elementary teacher was 3000 lek per mouth. The Letaj receiz=sd-an additional 1%%p, calculated-on'the basic monthly QLlary., because he was in a special zone, the so-called Shtese Largsi a Veshti.rsie. The food which the teacher bought with the triska cost.about 500 lek per month; the- flier supplied the -rest free -- Albanian farmers are usually generous. The teaohe was paid overtime at .the rate of .32 lek per hour. The sa].axies were paid on 'fie `fist of the_ 2 ,;at Kukees, at the Se ksioni Arslriit (Bducation ' ectioa) of Kom teti E$sekutiv i sh, i.t Popullor Rrethit - Kokes The L:eautive People,'s ttee --o: -tne- itegion of Kukaaa .. 31. " here.- xtia about -1`2 pupils 'in the Letaj school, divided into four years. C?14F &NTIA.L US OFFICIALS -ONLY Approved For Release 2001/11/21 : CIA-RDP80-00926AO06900010011-5 Approved For Release 2001/11/21 CIA-RDP80-00926AO06900010011-5 -8 COL WTI - _ US.0FFIQI ONLY 32? "Following is the-elementary school curr3;Cultan: First Year: Abetare (The A,_13.j c ~ - ? # houra weekly Matenat5.ka (Mathematics) - 8 hours weekly Bukurshkrim..(Ca]i.graphy) - 2 hours weekly Vizatim (Drawing) - 1 hour weekly Gjymnastika (Gyznnastice) - 1 hour weekly Kange' (Singing) - 2 hours weedy Vizatim - 2 hour weekly Kange' - 2 hoed weekly Gej' tika 2 hours weekly Buk%3 W1&rDA- b houxG weekly Second Year: Xendia (Readhours weekly A itmetik .-,nmetie) - 6 hours weekly Third Year Same subjects -a to l second year. In addition: Gramatik (Grammes"') - 1 hour Weekly Hartim jWriting) - i hour weekly Dik1;at,. Dictation?) - 2 hours weekly 1out.h Year: Kendizze - 6 hours week _y Aritmetik - 6 hours weekly G jografi (Geography) - 2 hours weekly Histori (yirtory) - 2 hours weekly N. Ilatyre (Natural "c1ence) - 1 hour weekly Vizatim - 1 hour weekly Gjimnasti s - Z hour weekly ,. Kongo' - 1 hour weekly kiaxtiu Z.,hours weekly Diktat - j `hours week? y Graznatil 2 hoaaz s kiy 33- "There is no political ,lour. Political education is achieved indirectly, example: (. For Abetare: Political notions are used in teaching the a?phabet. Eg? 9 ne day Agizni, having a terrible pain in his tooth,, tries to go to a local dentist. able to heal him. If there had not been present in Albania, just at that ,tiaep the f scientist and dentist Alexander (whop by the ways as any. ,a--- Soviet scientist,, etc.) . of ot` (b) For Aritmetik: 'A farmer delivered one day to the Kooperativa E GrumbullULKE-lb (t ni) eggs. Another farmer __d,elivered._alzo _ 10 eggs. But- ?fe &t3+re had in its stores already 100 eggs. The last 100 eggg1 were taken away from the Kulaks., those farmers who exploit the poor farmers. All eggs were then taken by the Coopera- tive to the hospital for sick persons. ,low many .eggs were taken to the hospital?' Political education, besides being driven into the heads of the poor children., CONFIDENTIAL U3 OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2001/11/21 : CIA-RDP80-00926AO06900010011-5 . Approved For Release 2001/11/21 : CIA-RDP80-00926AO06900010011-5 9 - COI e ID DIAL - S OFr ICIAI$ omx thvbxl& variai B a les? meet to to .c^ t' a Co ? ~~:; v ne~m., c].at for various organization y, yga7, also 3"` -e t: ru. 1.L = ; ? rT r: : 'i ?o typic songs taught to sc ioo? c ', i.ur n: (a) II ?3EP 1 R IT ' r3 fib['' 'Kudo i take e . ogean Po n,grihen popu. j t x-%,a .kas :tr-a Kalon ze er -plot dz I thone botas Za ~F 9E ?i~F iE ~F Qeli.k sod rral-l e t ti shtc=zo jme Krem1ini drite i yep i no Me. ty St.? in nee tam ,)ro j Te sh are jten page per!* e Mutt do to !e J= to f t].lo je Ne bote lu-'ten g jake sore Mbi vd6kjea jeten xie fitore Na. princ Stalin- ne Iitore Note: After the third see the second is Stalin do to t oJe paqe e jete E per r, varr I, zi Stg -=ku do neper ulaz be V1lazcrim edhe .ri. r,~%wice. 25X1A Not-: Second verse i- once more repeated twice. Cl?) Er. IERIT To Enver 'Enver= na prin4 ner betcja Me fl r to partise _ jjth ne Me Enve:in po ihet e reja E jets, ne atdhe no lulzon fferokoriandant po to tho^-..i. Po ti shpetimtar je per ne Mesonjes to da-,;hur to homi E ti jepe write ne adhe.' "No Russian language was taught to the schoolchildren or to anyone in the village of Letaj. best ~1'~'j;cc:ellent). To graduate it is "te 35. "Marks are given from: I to 5`. T1 necessary to get a 3? There exist 34- or 5- marks, 36. "The school year begins on 7 September and ends 31 May. There are to Y,cition~. The only holidays authorize- during the school year are: 7 and 8 November, 28 29 November, 25 December (K.rishlind ja - Xmas),, 1 January, 11 January, 4 Februaryand ., ]. May. During 1-15 Mays fL, peeial period is dedicated to exami.nationF . Only the fourth year pu ils t `/e to . take emotions a~. the end of the school 7ear. Attendance is obl:igat ry for all children. Evdn sons of Ki laks can attend the elementary school. Tut=on fees consist of one lek per month of school for each child (that is nine Lek yearly). It is the same-for all children. If a child is absent _for the first time, and unjustified absence, the director of the school or the teacher reprimands the parents. The second time of unjustified absence, a report is forwarded by the director of the school to the People's Board of K,rume. A fine ciobba) of '2000 Lek muss, be paid by the parents of the child concerned, under penalty-of arrest. At the third unjustified absence, the father of the child is punished w th a 6000 Lek Fine plus a three months' period of forced, unpaid work . C,WI :i E TIAL US OFF ICIAI. OIL?' Approved For Release 2001/11/21 : CIA-RDP80-00926AO06900010011-5 Approved For Release 2001/11/21 : CIA-RDP80-00926AO06900010011-5 37- 38. Second. Year Kendi*. i - 30 Lek Arlth etik - 20 Lek CO IDITIAL . US OFFICIALS ONLY (n tebbo]d'-(with one line?, - 20 napes - -nrieP 10 T.Pk wsarnh Third Year di2n - 4o Lek A ithAetik - 30 Lek F 'th Y ar Kendim 40 Lek` Arithmetik - 60 Lek Gjografi - 50 Lek - Iistori - 60 Lek M. Natyre - 50 Lek (i.rith two L.nes). 20 pages -price 10 Lek each Fletore i?or 20 pages - price 10 Lek each et Te:'Detyrushme). "At the beginner of the--school year a special meeting is held at the school. The, President of the People's Board and the represenitive.of the Democratic Front preside. Parents of the__ children attend to elect five parents `-(pi ther man or woman). For every 100 children., according to provisions of law., five . parents become members of the do=called Ksh lli Prinderve (Parents' Council). This council., accordt to provisions of law., meets the first of each month, with the President of the People's Board, the representative of the Democratic Front., the two teachers,, and the Polaku Katundit (the courier of the village) to examine sc o?;._ problems, eg firewood, or repairs. After the meeting al decisions are psistered into a so-called Proces-Verbal signed by the President of the Peoplearc? and the teachers. The Proces-Verbal is made in two copies., Ane *pt in the registry of the elementary school, the other copy sent to the Education Section of the Executive People's Committee of Kukes. 25X1A "Textbooks mast be purcbased,at the school at the beginner of the year. Pur- chase--is obi .rto^ y but the end of the school year the textbooks must be handed back to- the school. ono pupil can resell his books. Following are typical prices for textbooks : .l _= ` : i First Year: Abetare - 10 Lek ,ttik - 20 Lek Fle?to a or drawing) - 10 pages - price 30 Lek each Kalem (pencil) - price 15 Lek each Ooma. eraser - price 15 Lek each P1laka small -bi. board - price 100 i Q Kalem II _ ~. chi 5 Lek per piece' . These prices are loV compared with . the prices of . the Cooperative for the same 4 tem,s. They are sold, by the Education Section which supplies. them to,.the,'sohodl.. For example j, ate, the- .Cooperative a. pencil is 150 Lek; one notebook (Fletor) . oQ CONFIDENTIAL US OFFICIALS ONLY Approved For Release 2001/11/21 : CIA-RDP80-00926AO06900010011-5 Approved For Release 2001/11/21 : CIA-RDP80-00926AO06900010011-5 _- - 11 - GOT FIDE9 . US O'IGIAJ . 39. "The -duties of a schoolteacher include : (a) At the beginning. of the school year., ;to. m a, inventory., with a signed Prod es-~Vel, witA the Pest Of tree People's Board of the ' -llawge, of all it,. !a-the school.. (c) Compile special P i - c - plan: for .the year., for three nths and for each month a d day for all subjects taught. (d) Attend every two weeks special, meetings on teaching methods at Krum e with other.-.e leWntary teachers of the surrounding villa es. (e) Attend once a month a special. meeting held at the Education t Sec ion of the Executive Committee of the Peoplets Board at v.~--- ..,. .,,.~ c uu va -iiiC ~.c;nuw. year e 3zimi n tions 'am made by t1e teachers, of the regions. The. Education Section of the Kuke, region appoints three-member commission for each elementar y school, composed of teachers of the same region but from a different village. 4O. "At the a td - the school yearp the best pupils receive as prizes books by Marx., Engels,, etc. 41. "The method of teaching is the Soviet method based on analysis and synthesis. For all subjects; it proceeds from the maximum to the minimum. For example if one wants to talk''about a village (let us say describe a village of Albania), one must begin with Mosco:a,, describe that city, then come slowly down and explain Albania. The same metfid.d''is used for political personalities, etc. 4+2. "Each elefteutary teacher in Albania according to the Soviet method, ca=, a special notebook, called Plan-Kona ekt (work plan) issued by-the Ministry for Education. This Plan-Konsp has to be signed by the teacher concerned, counter- signed ? :the d,ir..ctor of the school.. it must be available for inspeetiow. It is made as follows: PLAN-KONS PEKT ORA IANDA ZHVILLIMT MSIMIT PJESA ED[JKATIVE MJETE MSIMI Data - date of lesson Ora - hour of lesson Landa - subject Zhvillimi Msimit - description of subject Pjesa Edukative - the educational side, of the subject Mjete Msiioi - concrete example of subject of lesson Each page is Used or one' ' dir. At the end of each page is a part called Kritik-A11tQ1 it Oriticism and self-criticism made by teacher) and a part called Resultat results) put into percentages." 621.4-2 1OM 5/727.5 IOM 845.4 IQM 108 10M 5/727.2 IoM 5/727.12 1OM 114.71 10M 781.12 IOM 176.1 10M 781.11 10M 917.114 10M 786.3 IOM 5/724.11 IOM 831.1 - IOM 5/724.14 10M 6 - 5/727.6 1OM 7 2.208 IoM 5/727.62 IOM 812.23 IoM 5/727.63 10M 831.6 IOM 5/727.1 lOM 5/727.4 IoM 832.1 IoM 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/11/21 : CIA-RDP80-00926AO06900010011-5