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__ .r, Declassified in Part -Sanitized Co A roved for Release 2013/03/05 :CIA-RDP80-00926A004700030008-1~ -HUM pY pp REPOR GD N0. DATE DISTR. ~ J+1~j-I~ 52? N0. OF PAGES 1 N0. OF ENCLS. 1 INFORMATION REPORT 50X1-HUM SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT N0: ' CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY V 1../-\V V I I 11./!l l I V I. cvivr~~.y.NU~-~.1'--rar./U$ OF'$'ICIALS OIvZY/ SECURITY IiUFOR '? _,11 THIS IS UNEVALUATED. INFORMATIC'50X1-HUM 38 page pamphlet,; - puklis~~ed by the Foreign Language Fress, Peiping, entitled: The 1'rac3c Uniogfl Ls,~a of The People's Republic: of China. This pamphlet eont~.ins four sections as follows: Thy; T*: ~,dc: Uni~am I,aw e~f the People ~ s Republic of China Some Expls,na~;s~rY Remarks of the Draft Tr13de Union L~^w P~?ovisi?na1 Ru~.f.s of Procedure for` Settling Labor Disputes L~+bo~?~Ca,~:~.tal Consultative in Private COUNTRY China SUBJECT Trade Un.fon Law PLACE ACQUIRED DATE ACQUIRED THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE REANINO OF THE ESPIONA08 ACT 60 U. S. C., 91 AND 92, AS ANEMpED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR TXE RlYELATIOM OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY NANNlR TO AN UNAUTHORIZlD PERSON IS PRO- HIB17E0 BY LAW. REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORK 1! -ROMIRITED. AR M!Y CLASSIFICATION C(7IdE'IDENl'IAL~US OFFICLALS ONL~SECURITY INFORMATIO~d -,~ 1 AIR I EB I Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/05 :CIA-RDP80-00926A004700030008-1 ~H~ '~t2AbI:" UNION ~~w or 4n~ryH Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/05 :CIA-RDP80-00926A004700030008-1 THE TRADE UNION LAW OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA FOREIGN LANGUAGES PRESS, PEKING Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/05 :CIA-RDP80-00926A004700030008-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/05 :CIA-RDP80-00926A004700030008-1 THE TRADE UNION LAW ~OF THE ;. PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC! OF .CHINA TOGETHER WITH ` aTHER RELEVANT DOCU1vIENTS Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/05 :CIA-RDP80-00926A004700030008-1 i i rt ~ Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/05 :CIA-RDP80-00926A004700030008-1 [Revised Edition. 1951' ,, Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/05 :CIA-RDP80-00926A004700030008-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/05 :CIA-RDP80-00926A004700030008-1 trade unions are.empowered to superaise the scrupulous. law, d,~creg nor collgctive agreements. To sum up, the ~ eort~lttdingr ,collective agreements with the manage- ;rf4~rits;`~whle trade unions in private enterprises have th~~right to represent the workers and staff members in . coitduc#ing ~ negotiations;. in participating in labour- capital consultative councils and in signing collec#ivQ ,agreements with the .employers. Besides, the trade urttans~hgve the right to file protests against any engage- ~'ment ar dis~harg~e of workers ir: violation of,government State enterprises or in enterprises operated by coopera- fi~es hive the right to .represent the workers and staff rrt~m~ers in taking part in administering production-and `ions: Under .this law, trade union organisations in ;off fheir ouin~.butdt also.grants wide powers to-the trade plefe freedom of China's workers to form trade unions 'People's Republic of China together with three other re~'evant documents. It is hpped-chat this collection will . serve ~ ltmel and useful y purpose. in making known, ? esttectilly to` members of trade unions. in other. Iyrnds, `a num~ier of. important -facts concerning the role and fzrnctions of t.~e trade union-organisations in,Chi,na., ?~~ie~frade.Union Lbw not only guarantees the com- This booklet contains the Trade Union Law of the- Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/05 :CIA-RDP80-00926A004700030008-1 i Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/05 :CIA-RDP80-00926A004700030008-1 carr,~irtg out of government laws and regulations con- cerning labour protecfion. '~ T1ie Chinese working class is the leading'clt~ss in the ~~tgte. New China is a people"s democratic dictator- , ship which represents a uriteai front composed of the working class, the peasantry, the petty bourgeoisie and the ,na#ional bourgeoisie. However, if: must be borne in rpirtd that such a united front is based on the aldiance w ut ~k classn~ Therefore, it~ t fhe leadership of `the ~~~ b ands to reason thaf the government should regard the trade uniomorganisations' as ,the main prop and stay of` the- New' China and grant therm considerable. powers.... Now,that fhe. working class has assrzmed the leader- . ship it is only expected that they should be playing ~a lgcrdin~ role in det.~eloping production aitd in accelerat- ' nthis connection, it is also ittg najional construction. 1 interesting to note the new phase in what is generadly ccllE.d abour-mana ement relaf ~~ ~ ,, ions. ,, 'True, ,this .task confronting the Chin?se working m h e .cuss is a gigantic one. But judging .from what f broad m?;' hinese workers have accom lahed sses of the C p iri the past we can~ie confident that the Chinese working class wild come through, with flying colours. The Trade Union Zaw represents the fruits of the eohsi5tent struggle of the Chinese working class during the past;`thirty years._~ It also .points the direction in which he trade union movement in New China. is deve- 7'he Publishers. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/05 :CIA-RDP80-00926A004700030008-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/05 :CIA-RDP80-00926A004700030008-1 C~NTEN:i'S TFiE TRADE T~IVION LAW. OF THE .PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC `, Off' CHI13A ..................:....-........ SOME EXPLANATORY REMARKS ON .THE -DRAFT TRADE ~ .. ... 15 UNION ,LAW ............ FRQVISIONAL .RULES OF PROCEDURE FOR. SETTLING .:LABOUR DISPUTES ........ .... ... 2'J LABbUR-CAPITAL CONSULTATIVE COUNCILS IN PRIVATE ENTERPRISES .... .... Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/05 :CIA-RDP80-00926A004700030008-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/05 :CIA-RDP80-00926A004700030008-1 functions and duties of trade union. organisations in the: Atew, Democratic State thereby enabling. the working Mass to become better organised and thus .play its g~o~er' part' in 1Vew Democratic construction. ~tse "of' ~ defining in explicit .terms the legal status, .The Trade Union .Law is promulgated for the pur- Article 1.. - _ ,. non-}nanu~l wage workers_in enterprises, institutions and class, ~ormed qn a voluntary basis. All .manual and ~,~rpt?autgated b;~ the Central P?oyte'8 Govetnnaent mi June 29, 1850.- Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/05 :CIA-RDP80-00926A004700030008-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/05 :CIA-RDP80-00926A004700030008-1 sch~~ols in Chinese territory ~n~'hose wages constitute .their sole pr main. means of livelihood, and all-wage workers in irregular employment shaill have the right Article 2. ' Trade unions shall be organised on the principle of democratic ~ent'raliszn, in accordance with the Con- st itution of the All-China Federaticbn of Labour as . ' adopted by the All-China .Labour ?Congress. -Trade urii, added, ~ for every' additi'onal' two thousand persons in enterprises employing over four thousand workers and staff members. Basic trade union committees in 'enterprises employing less than two hundred persons may have bne full-time trade union functionary with the authorisation of a higher trade union organisation. Article .~G.. . When a basic. trade union committee has (been elected the management .or the owner must be notified of the names of the committee members. The manage- m~nt or the owner ;must, , in accordance with the decisions 4f the basic trade union committee, .release from work those members who- are required to be'freed from- production. Article 17. Full-time trade _u~iion functionaries who are Ereed from production, shall be,paid by the trade unions and thE; amount sl~o~ld nQt be less #han .the.. rate of wages previously paid to them. , They, shall continue to share in labour insurance and other welfare. facilities paid for by the management or the owner. After completing Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/05 :CIA-RDP80-00926A004700030008-1 . : ; _ . ~; Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/05 :CIA-RDP80-00926A004700030008-1 their. term ~o# o#fice, the.- management ~ or owner shall ensure. that they retur}~ to their-original -jobs ar begiven other jobs at the same rate of wades as formerly. Article i8. - The ~managernents or owners of factories, mines, .'business. establishments, farms, institutions, schools anc~ othQr .,productive or administrative units shall. not ., _ obs#ruct the activities of the basic .trade uniori com- z~ftees axed: the general .membership meetings or re-' ,. presentative conferences summoned by the basic trade ~nlort.oi?mxriittee~.. But ipaeetings and conferences call- ed ~ by ~ trade ~ unions should not be held during the _ prescribed working hours. when such meetings ha~~e to ~ie held, during, working hours as required'by special circumstances, the consent of the managements or piwn~rs "should be obtained. If -members , of a. oasic trade union committee who are- still engaged in pro- d~tc~ion ,_h~ve . to coi~ducf {r.ade union activities. during. worl~in~ hours then the trade union must inform, the maxza~ement or owner thereof. But the -total work- `ing hours thus occupied by any such member shall not exceed two working days per mon#h: in .such cases, the wages of such members shall be paid in full: people's- representative conference or .people's cQn- El~ction~_ of trade uxxion, representatives' to a gress, in accordance with the directives of the people's governments at city ~ (county) level or above, or elec- 'tipz~s of tr~cJ,e union 'representatives to trade union congresses in accordance with the directives cf tpie Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/05 :CIA-RDP80-00926A004700030008-1 i Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/05 :CIA-RDP80-00926A004700030008-1 j , trade union. councils. at city or provincial levels or abewe~ may be held during working hours, if necessary. In private enterprises, represer)tstives of workers and staff members to the above-mentioned and other con- ferE;nces shall, be .paid' fob the. period of their attendance by tl~e organisations. which call such. conferences. - Arficle ?,d. ~ , ,' The,. managements or the owners of factories, mr.~es, I~usiness establishments, ,farms, schools and other productive? or administrative units.. ,which employ ? . ~or}p hund~?ed or irnoxe vvork,~rs shall provide free of charge the necessary buildings -and other facilities .(water, electricity, .and furniture, etc.) for.: office nse by Ehe'basic trade union committees and shall., provide,.. permanently or temporarily,. a s,ui.table place for . general me~ibership meetings or representative. con- ferE;nces. Those employing :less than one hundred persons, ,if unable to provide separate offices? for the trade unions, ahall provide-special desks for the use of trade unions in rooms which are in general use., Trade unions may also hold, meetin~ss in. such rooms. Artzcle `~f: ~ ,. 1 . Wh.eri the managements or the owners o#~ factories, miries> business establishnnents, "farms, institutions, schools and other productive or administrative units engageEworkers or staff members they shall inform the basic. trade union committees, which shall have the ` right to protest, witlx three days, if they discover that such erigagements violate any law or ,decree. of the .People's Government ar run counter to collective agree- Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/05 :CIA-RDP80-00926A004700030008-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/05 :CIA-RDP80-00926A004700030008-1 izients. ,' Disputes? arising from: the rrianagements br Sett.ling_ Labour. Disputes: ~ wxt~~ in ;. accordance .with, t13e Rules of ,pirgcedure for Article 2:2? ',Thy. managements or the owners. of factories,. ~2ules ;.of ~rocedure #_or Settlin~ ,Labour Tisputes. .. ~, .~ ~ :m.~ suc~i protests shall be dealt with in accordance with the :-, 'Y~,~ counter ;t'g collective,, agreement. ;Disputes arising tk~ai, such ;discharge violates, arty government decree or. the ri:sht ~o .urotest, within seven days, if thev~ discover they vvaxit to discharge, together, with the reasons for dis- ~~a~;rge. ~'he basic trade union committeQS sha1T have , ~a~~ ingo~~i the basic tr~c~e union committegs_ten days 8s~y~,~cg ~~,"the name o~~any, worker or staff member &c~~~p1~ , a~~..other. productive or administrati~~e ~i~nits, x~rt3"e~, _busine~s 'establishments; farms, institutions, r1z~Xes 21 and 2Z shall not; a~~Fy m the case of :ersdntel appointed by the peoples governments at ~ , `sEC~rYdrr. ~ovR, ', TRADE \UNfi4iN '"FUNDS ,,. Article. 23. '~ Tlze~ trade unions must set up ~~heir own'~system of ,: , ~bud'geting, drawing up of balance sheets, accounting ~~.~n?~1?auditing onrthe principle of independent ac~r~iznis- . traton~ o~ theirfunds. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/05 :CIA-RDP80-00926A004700030008-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/05 :CIA-RDP80-00926A004700030008-1 rticlP 24. Trade union funds shall be drawn from. the follo~~- (a) Membership dues paid by trade unionmembers iii accordance with. the G~nstitution of the All-China Federation of Labour;. "~(b) The managements or the owners of factories, promoting cultural and educational activities .for the workers and staff members; of real wages shall be used far the .purpose ,of an, ~noun't equal to 1..5 per cent of the total amount ers in privately owned enterprises). Uf this su~a, members ?employed (excluding a?ents of the own- in .kind.. and in meals) of all workers and staff sum equal to two .per cent of the total amount? of the .real wages . (including #hose ;paid in, currency, grade union organisations; as trade union, funds, a units shall each month allocate to their.. respective schools and 'other productive or .administrative mines, businessestablishments, farms, _institutons, (c) Income .from cultural and sports activtes_spon- sq~ed by the ,trade unions; ' (d;~ ~ Subsidies from the .people's governments- at Article 25. Regulations governing, the disposal of, the funs of thy; trade union ,committees at all levels shall be ior- mutated by fihe` All-China Federation of Labour.. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/05 :CIA-RDP80-00926A004700030008-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/05 :CIA-RDP80-00926A004700030008-1 _,: Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/05 :CIA-RDP80-00926A004700030008-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/05 :CIA-RDP80-00926A004700030008-1 -?LI ~z=sAN* formit~ with, their opinions. The I`lational ConfE~ence :union organisations throughout"the country. an~1 iri eons `F`edera}iori of Lahour- (ACFL} at t1~e request of trade ~Zr~;paraton._ 'It was- first drafted by the . A11=China fQz discussion; has',gone through a rather Tong period of .meeting o~ the Central People"s Government Council. Cc-mrade: Ghairnxan, and Members of ;the Council:: dr4 w ,gip, the, late; which was then .submitted to the ,, _ ,.._ 3~: }nlstxy of Labour for exatninatgon. The_I~Iinistry of~ La~aour submitted this draft to the All-Chink Conference.. *~,,~, L3-sin, Vise-President of'thz AtL-China Federat2on of Labour, 4s Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/05 :CIA-RDP80-00926A004700030008-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/05 :CIA-RDP80-00926A004700030008-1 . o#, I?~rector~ .af Labour ~,~reaux, attended by 'a11 looal trade union organisations ,and the representatives cf zidixstri~lists and businessmen... After careful study and d#seussion,; the draft was forwarded to the Govern- nne'r.~t Administration royricil for ..consideration. , .This Council first sett the. dr~ft,~to the Financial and Econo- me Sub-Committee of the' National Committee of .the " Chinese Peoples Political ~Consulative Council for. ex- atn}natpn. ~'o#lowx~g this, ..the .draft was brought up for dlscus'sion and approved, at the'29th regular meeting cif ithe ~iovernment :Administration Council on Apzil 21. ,It was then the~;Central People's Gov- ernment "Council .for finale consideration and .adoption. ,~, At the .Same tune the draft law was published in the ? ` the people. press i~ order to ascertain the ppinioms of 'During the fast ? two months; the draft has been ~en- t~usiastically discussed in all the people's organisations throughout China, in the, press, and especially in trade uz~lon .grganisations and among workers. This resulted in .unanimous 'stip~ort for the draft Trade Union Law,. although a few. suggestions were made for revising ; ? ;;; l~rom all. this one may see ,that the draft Trade Union L~w?really reflects tl'ie will anti der~.ands of~bli Chi:neSe :people, particularly of the broad masses of . workers,`` One tray also see that?~the legislative methods of the Chinese,People's Government are basically df- . ferent' from those of _al~ reactionary governments. ~- ... The .laws. of any reactionary government are enact- ed' lby tl~e reactionary ruling class, or even by a . parfi- eular reactionary bloc, in the private interests 'of this Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/05 :CIA-RDP80-00926A004700030008-1 .. \ ...` v ~ -. i Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/05 :CIA-RDP80-00926A004700030008-1 upon the,malority who. are therefore deprived of their. . ; maynority ~rqup. ~ nese, ,x~aws .are co~mfauasoriiy imp4sea certain to gain their support. This. is one of the chief characteristics of New Democratic politics. >-:all la~t~ prgmulgafed liy the P'eople's Government must. .. 4caiCxfgrm t4 the interests of the broad masses axxd :are 'anre with the principle "from the masses and to~ the ~m~isses" as .Chairman Mao Tse: tung has directed. .So ~Otsr People"~s Government enacts laws in accord- -R,EC~ARDIjq~ THE CHARACTER' OF TRADE UNIONS. ;followixig relatively important problems , 1, propose to over some brier explanations on . the x ;t~ignary goyerriment which compelled the workers to ;.join the trade~unioris and transformed the trade,unons. ~ ?: r~de,uniori aaw promiulgated by'ahe Kuomintang reac- w .~ Thus this Law is entirely`differenf from the fascist class. #ormed on a voluntary basis." This means tliat every wbrker has the freedom -and right to join or not to 14n a trade union. ':`Made unions are. mass grganisations of the wording wagesconstitute fheir sole or main means .oi livelihood . u t= .,, ,...~ _ ~iristitutions and" schools in~ Chinese territory whose nr~.n-inanu~l ~ wage workers- employed- in enterprises, ' Our draft. Law also stipulates that all- zi}anual. and h~,~e tithe right' to organise trade unions.."..'t'his means aid a..ll wage .workers in irregular employment -shall for controlling the workers. ? " is' Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/05 :CIA-RDP80-00926A004700030008-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/05 :CIA-RDP80-00926A004700030008-1 than every wage worker who' lives, on his -wage earnings has the right to j oin a trade union, no natte;: in which exitE;rprise or institution he is employed. This. is ~nothex,,,radical, difference from ,the trade ~it~n law of ~~the KMT xeactioz~2~xy, goverranent and th ..e of eerta~in, ,capitalist coixntries, under which., a large sec{ion, of Worl~ers and. ~taf f members are. deb~,r~red from, . t-rganising trade unions. For , instance; government .ezri f-loyees, staff? members and workers. in the munitions industry are sometimes forbdden,tq form trade unions. In some stated in,.the U.S.A., Negroes: are not permitted ,Our Trade Union i?.aw conforms entirely i~ith the spirit of, Article 5' of the ?Coxnmon Pxogramme.?,of the, Chinese.. People's Political Consultative Conference, , which stipulates that. the Chinese. people have the free- dom and .right. of assembly and association. without any "hut's" o~ restrictions. The c:(ass character of ,our trade unior}s is~ expressed" in the. provision ,that .only ~va~;e workers have the right to join trade ,unions. The . ~ ma;:coi~ncils as representatives. of the wage workers and staff ~ mem~iers. ' Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/05 :CIA-RDP80-00926A004700030008-1 l Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/05 :CIA-RDP80-00926A004700030008-1 I~.pwewer, both sate-operated and privately operat- ed enlerpri~es alikeare beneficial to the-nation, to the. people and to tfie,working class in that they are increas- i~t_g and developing~~rgduction, thus adding to the~wealth of ithe state and the society. In this respect, the. workers a - ~ ti,d staff .members, in bo#,h the state-operated and privately-operated enterprises are similarly serving the ? n~.tibn, and the people. `Labour is a glorious thing- no, matter .whether .one works in a state-operated car pri- vat~ly-operated enterprise.. Therefore, Article.9 of the. data. Trade XTnion Law states that ~"the trade. unions ?Sha1Y in accordance with their constitution and dec isions . . ,protect thQ fundamental interests of the working `class, ...educate and arganise 'the masses of worifers and staff. members to adopt a .new attitude towards labour, observg labour discipline, organise .~ labour emulation campaigns and - other ~ production ` triovements in order to ensure the fulfilment of the ~i'foduction plans:". These things should be carried out in both State ? andl'.privat~ enterpzises. ~ That is: to say, the. central tasl~ of `trade union organisations in private enterprises as wel"l'is to increase production. this. way will the trade unions 'be? ~b~e to take fully _into . considers- . '. Lion th,e ,interests of the working class. On the other band, own'~rs of private. enterprises .should rely on the ' workers in~ order to cs}xry out production well, the same- . as ~~Ehe managements , of state enterprises. .They must ' ' #lierefore change their former` practice of imposing oppressive anal compulsory controls over the workers arid: also change their; former .attitude of looking dgwn upon the workers.. They should adopt a frank attitude Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/05 :CIA-RDP80-00926A004700030008-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/05 :CIA-RDP80-00926A004700030008-1 #gw~ards the workers :and- employ the method of demo- ?crd"tic eansultation, thi~s facilitating the work of the. Meanwhile, the trade unions should of course pay tra~.~ unions.. in mobilising ,and organising the workers for ~ene~?etic. production. ~ - ~ttentisn to~the daily welfare of .the workers .and "staff members and see to. it that the private owners real~y, ~arry'ottt all government orders regarding,labour~pro- tecton Article 7), so that the aim of ~ benefi#ing both: . - labour and capital in order to develop production can ~be~~e~lised. " To sum ~up, although ,state-operated" and . " , fsrf~retely-operated enterpri~e`s`.are different in charac- ~ general, be considered of equal m- t~er, they should,. in ~ - ~poftance in regard #o the question of pry 23 tion" attd improving labour conditions. ~. - '' m)nlstrative institutions, the... central task of the ra e ~sure-'~he, Ggmpl~tion of~ the production plans. Tn ad- 'eiribez~lement, extravagance and bureaucracy. so. as to 'labour, discipline, ; to organise production emulation 'Caxh~se:igns, to protect public property "and to oppose ' th.Q~_trade,un}on committees. is tp educate and organise the massgs of worlckers and staff members, iri order ~to Whelp them ta,a~lopt a new attitude to,labour, to observe - system: In productive enterprises, the central task of TRADE' .kiy basic organisations we mean the basic trade union, ;conninlttees i~" Elie factories, mines, business ~ab~i~hmgntst farms, institutions, .'schools and other `producti~re~ or administrative units. These ire the most fuzlctamental links ' in the trade "union organisational Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/05 :CIA-RDP80-00926A004700030008-1 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/05 :CIA-RDP80-00926A004700030008-1 uuidrt eo~~ittees is also . to educate and. organise ? the staff members in order to help ?them,, to adopt a.-new o ~ labours to observe labour discipline; to or- an