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Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2012/11/30 : CIA-RDP80-00926A002400020,95,-.1.iiim CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL/US_OFFICIALS ONLY CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT _INFORMATION REPORT CD NO. COUNTRY Poland SUBJECT Electric Power Consumption and Production by Polish Coal Mining Industry PLACE ACQUIRED DATE ACQU IRED DATE OF INFORMATION DATE DISTR. // Jul 1950 NO. OF PAGES 5 NO. OF ENCLS. 6 (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. 50X1-HUM THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT 50 U. S. C.. 31 AND 32. AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROS HIBITED BY LAW. REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 50X1-HUM 1. the following data concerning the Polish Coal Mining Industry as a consumer and producer of electric power in early 1948 for the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development in connection with Polish negotiations for a possible loan. RTRCTRIC POWER CONSUMPTION BY THE COAL INDUSTRY 50X1-HUM "In spite of the advanced electrification, there is still a great mount of steam and air driven machinery. There is also a mall mount of internal combustion locomotives of lesser importance. In the auxiliary plants of the coal mining industry the electric power is exclusively used. 50X1 -HUM limit the study of power consumption to two basic forms: steam and electricity. The compressed air power as an intermediate form of energy in the process of conversion of heat into mechanical work, needed for the drive of mining machinery, is derived from steam or electricity being thus taken into account in the balance of those two forms of energy. However it must be stressed that mall efficiency of the compressed air drive has an influence on the power balance of the industry. "The statistical data on the electric power consumption do not cause objections. The power consumption in kWh is sufficiently accurate, but the pre-war con- sumption in kW on the various mines may show some inaccuracies, when the mining unit possesses compressors with both electric and steam drive, of which some are usually in operation some-in reserve as in case of a mine supplied by two power plants. The consumption of power of the Public Utility Power plants by a mine is usually calculated according to the so called maxim= recorders, showing the maximal 15 minutes power supply in a month. Therefore the total consumption by the various units, as shown in statistics, is a little higher from the real total consumption. STATE ARMY NAVY CLASSIFICATION 14FIDENTIkL/US OFFICIALS ONLY , NSRB DISTRIBUTION FBI L ???MMIIMmm.00 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80-00926A002400020040-1 A 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80-00926A002400020040-1 CONFIDENTIAL/US OFFICIALS ONLY -2- 50X1 -HUM "The difference,howeverpfor, the whole mining industry is rather small. Records on power consumption of steam driven machines are more difficult to obtain and statistics are less accurate. The right measure of power consumption in that e is the work done by the motor. Practically it cannot be givei in statistics. cas express it by figures on steam consumption for the drive of machines. Not all steam generating plants have steam flow meters. I divide the boiler steam output into consumption for drive and heating purposes. Lack of measuring instruments does not allow accurate figures in statistics. 50X1 -HUM "The same applies to the compressed air consumption figures. The mines do not possess flowmeters, measuring and recording initruments. Many mints give the air consumption, calculated out of the time of operation of the compressors, their rated capacity and the real number of r p in or from the consumption of electric power by the electric motor driving the compressor. "Electric power consumption. It depends on: a) coal output b) degree of mechanization and electrification of the mine o) degree of coal preparation d) mining conditions and methods e) opening of new mines f) auxiliary plants development H . a) Influence of the coal output on the consumption of electric power. The estimated consumption of electric power is based on the real consumption in the various months of 1945-1947. The number of pick load hours is 4800 awing to the double shift work in all mines which makes it necessary to pump during the winding shifts. Many mines had to spread winding over the night shifts and Sundays. The amount of energy needed mould be according to the following formulas: Power requirements in kW.' 170,000 t .00225x in kAh = .86. 109 ; 10.4x "Where x is the yearly output in in. tons. Output kWh Required kW Required 106tonsfiear AO 10? kWh/year kg/1000 tons year MW 60 24.7 1940 4.96 305 70 22.7 1590 4.63 327 80 21.2 1700 4.35 349 90 20.0 1800 4.13 372 100 19.0 1900 3.95 395 nb Influence of the mechanization and electrification on the required electric power. "The degree of mechanization on the whole is rather high. Some increase is expected in loading and mechanization of shaft bottom at some mines. "There is also planned an electrification of winding machines, of the underground transport, as well as on the surface, electrification of compressors drive and reduction of the compressed air used underground. This is a long time program covering 20 to 25 years. ?There are 48% (expressed in capacity) steam driven minding machines. In the 10 year program the percentage of electric driven hoists will- increase from 52 to 66%, -which means an increase in output of electric wound tonnage by 14%. CONFIDENTIAL/US OFFICIAL? ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80-00926A002400020040-1 . Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80-00926A002400020040-1 CONFIDENTIAL/(JS OFFICTALS ONLY -3- e anv4 L4HRA 0.14 . 100 . 109 . 400 = 3600 . 102 . 0,55 27,5 . 10.6 kNh and average 27,5 . 106 - - 3600 7700 kW no) where 400 m m average depth and 3600 .. number of winding hours "The 10 year program program provides for installation of compressors of total capacity 818,000 cu. m, per .hour. At the same time a capacity of old units of 282,000 cu. m will be withdrawn so that this increase will amount to 536,000 cu, m, with mainly eleotrio drive. That means that the capacity of electric driven units will be about 50% of the total. Basing on the figures of 1947 of 4,000 full capacity operation and an energy supply of .11 kWh per cu. m., the increase of the capacity of electric driven compressors will be: 130,500 Cu. M. per hour, and the necessary energy supply: 130,500 ? 0,11 . 4000 57,5000,000 kWh/ year. The operating units during 300 working days and 18 hours a day would demand a power of: 57,500,000 18 . 300 10,600 kW The internal combustion locomotives with the exception of those of Lower Silesia will be replaced by electric trolley locos and this will increase the requirement of electric power by 3,330,000 kWh. "Summing up the following figures: Hoists electrification Compressors electrification Traction electrification kW 106 kWh/Year 7,700 27.5 10,600 57.5 740 3.3 19,040 88.3 50X1-HUM Coal preparation plants It consists of screening, mashing, floatation and briquetting. Every mine has a screening plant although in many oases the plants are in very bad condition and they do not allow to separate coal fines 0 - 3 mm. With increasing depth of mining the quality of the product is getting worse and the seams thinner. The mines will have to be pro- vided with washing plants especially those with coking goal. In the 10 year program there will be built 10 washing plants of a capacity of 4120 tons per hour assuming a supply of lee kWh per ton and 16 hour work at 300 working days a year. The consumption of electric energy will be 4120 . 1,5 . 16 . 300 = 29,5 . 106 kWh/Year pick load 4120 . 1,5 6200 kW "d) Changes in geological conditions and working methods. (1) lowering of working levels (2) thickness and cleaness of seams (3) hydraulic sand stowing CONFIDENTIAL/US OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80-00926A002400020040-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80-00926A002400020040-1 - CONFIDENTIAL/US OFFICIALS ONLY tt e 112) -4- "(1) Depth of 'working levels. The working of one million tons of coal in the Polish Coal district is equivalent to lowering the operation level by 4". It is connected with an increased pump- ing and transport. In 10 years at an output of 800 million tons it will mean an average lowering by 80 m. The maximal output of 100 million tons a year mould require: 100 0 109 . 0,66, 80 - - 3600 e? 102 0 0,55 26 million kWh "Would all the pumps be operating the 'Whole 24 hours the pick load mould amount to: 315,000,000 . 8,760 10 3,600 kW "Some mines with small aflux of water will pump during the night shift only. Therefore the increase of the pick load can be assumed 501% of the above i.e. 1800 kW. ( 2 ) Thickness and cleaness of seams. 50X1 -HUM With the increased depth thinner seams which means higher amounts of rock working and an extension of both transport and ventilation galleries. The last increase will be compensated by better concentration. The impurities in coal may increase by 5% which calls for 5% more energy supply. 10,4 . 100 000 000 . 0,05 52 000 000 kWh and 0,00225 . 100 000 000 . 0,05 11250 klff 11(3) Hydraulic sandfilling. The central sand mine should, at its highest capacity, supply: 45,000 cu. in. of sand per day. "The pick load for excavating, transport of sand and pumping mould be: 14980 kW required energy 63,610,000 kWh New Mines. They will take over the required energy of the mines which are going to be put out of operation. Summary of calculation of the energy requirement for the mines. MW 106kWh/year out of regression curve 395 1900 mechanization & electrification 19 88.3 coal preparation 6.2 29.5 lowering of -working level shafts 7.3 26.0 other transport 1.8 31.5 impurities in coal 11.25 52.0 sand filling 15.0 63.6 Total 455.55 2,190.9 CONFIDENTIAL/US OFFICIALS ONLY 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80-00926A002400020040-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80-00926A002406620040-1 CONFIDENTIAL/VS OFFICIALS ONLY .5. The possibility of reducing the energy requirement. This could be achieved by: (1) extension of the operation time at the pick load (2) electrification of underground machinery "The first means is very improbable as the time amounts already to 4800 hours as it has been achieved by working on Sundays. "Even assuming 5000 hours of pick load operation it would save a small amount of energy: 455,5 - 2190.-9 = 16.8 mff 5000 "The second way is by electrification of the underground machinery. The consumption of compressed air at 100 million tons yearly output will amount to 011. m, ner ton of coal produced as compared with 170 cu. m. at an output of 60 million tons per year. "To obtain 1 kWh on the coupling of the air driven machine we have to supply 6 kWh on. the busbars and at direot electric drive only 1,2 kWh. rig) "The electrification of the Polish mines will be limited by the: a0 difficulties in obtaining gas proof equipment b. necessity of maintaining the pick hammers underground o. unrentability of an electrification of the levels and mines in liquidation. n It is estimated that the electrification of underground machinery will reaoh about 35% of the theoretically possible and therefore reduce the amount of energy by 170 6 106 kWh and of the pick load of 32 MW. "Coking plants. 50X1 -HUM The average energy consumption per 1 ton of coke produced is practically independent from the amount produced and is estimated as 16,5 kWh total requirements: 82 . 106 kWh/Year and 10,8 MW "Factories and workshops. The factories and workshops owned by the coal mining industry will increase their manufacturing capacity and energy requirement as follows: Manufacturing capacity Energy requirement 1947 21,000 t/Ysar 1957 45,000 t/Year Enclosure A Enclosure B Enclosure C Enclosure D Enclosure Enclosure 4,400,000 kWh/Year 1,220 MW 8,500,000 kWh/Year 2,350 MW - Requirement of Electrical Energy of the Polish Coal Mines in 1948 - 1957 - Consolidated Requirement of Electrical Energy of the Polish Coal Mining Industry in 1948 - 1957 - Coal Mining Industry in Poland Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2012/11/30 : CIA-RDP80-00926A002400020040-1 50X1-HUM REQUIHEME4T OF ELECTAICAL EiGY OF TA' POLISH COAL MINES IN 1248 - 1957 Thar Planned Output of kWh/t Consumption electrical energy 1061cWhhr NW Increase Consumption 106kWh of Reduction of consumption Planned Consumption 106t/yr 106/kWhArr 106kWhhr MIA 1948 59 67 25 1480 302.5 - - - - 1460 302.5 24.8 1949 73 23.3 22.2 1560 321 28.2 5.9 16.5 3.1 1571.7 324 23.4 1950 78 1620 334 56.4 11.8 33 6.2 1643.4 338.6 22.6 1951 80 21.5 1670 346 84.6 17.7 49.5 9.3 1705.1 354.4 21.8 1952 83 21.2 1700 350 112.8 23.6 66 12.4 1746.8 361.8 21.8 1953 87 20.8 1730 356.5 141.0 29.5 82.5 15.5 1788.5 370.5 21.6 1954 89 20.3 1770 360 169.2 35.4 99 18.6 1840.2 382.8 21.2 1955 92 20.1 1790 370 197.4 41.3 115.5 21.7 1871.9 389.6 21 1956 95 19.8 1820 377 225.6 47.2 132 24.8 1913.6 399.4 20.8 1957 97 19.5 1850 384 253.8 53.1 148.5 27.9 1955.3 409.3 20.7 1958 100 19.3 1870 388 282 59 165 31 1987 416 20.5 19 1900 395 290.9 60.55 170 ?32 2020.9 422.5 20.2 CONFIDENTIAL/US OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80-00926A002400020040-1 ENCLOSURE uBtt Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30,: CIA-RDP80-00926A002400020040-1 50X1 -HUM CONSOLIDATED REQUIREMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENERGY OF THE POLISH COAL MINING INDUSTRY IN 1948 - 1957 Planned energy consumption by: Year Coal Mines Coking plants Factories MW 106k1fh/yamr Others Total Mil 106M/year MW 106kWh/year W 106kWh/Year MW 106M/Year 1947 1460 302.5 86 4.64 _.. -- -- 1559.- 315.- 1948 1571.5 324 49.5 6.5 4.81 1.333 30 7.5 1655.81 339.33 1949 1643.4 339.6 57.8 7.6 5.22 1.446 30 7.5 1736.42 356.20 1950 1705.1 354.4 55.1 7.3 5.63 1.559 30 7.5 1795.83 370.30 1951 1746.8 361.8 64.6 8.5 6.04 1.672 30 7.5 1847.44 378.9 1952 1788.5 370.5 71.4 9.4 6.45 1.785 30 7.5 1895.35 389.2 1953 1849 382.8 73.3 9.65 6.86 1.898 30 7.5 1950.16 401.9 1954 1871.9 389.6 79.6 10.45 7.27 2.011 30 7.5 1988.77 409.55 1955 1913.6 399.2 81.2 10.7 7.68 2.124 30 7.5 2032.48 419.5 1956 1955.3 409.3 82.3 10.8 8.09 2.237 30 7.5 2075.69 429.84 1957 1987 416.- $2.3 10.8 8.5 2.35 30 7.5 2107.80 436.65 1958 2020.9 422.5 82.3 10.8 8.5 2.35 30 7.5 2141.70 443.15 The installed power at the power plants should be increased by 15% for own consumption of the powerplant and losses in transmission. CONFIDENTIAL/VS OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80-00926A002400020040-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30 :.CIA-RDP80-00926A002400020040-1 50X1 -HUM District Unit Coal Mining Industry in Poland (Number of persons employed on December Manual -Workers Total 31, 1947) Office Workers technical clerical Total Total underground surface 2 3 1 . 6 3 i 6 4 5 I. Jaworzno-MikoXow 14,841 7,266 22,107 962 755 1,717 23,824 II. III. Dabrowa 15,710 8,566 24,276 1,109 917 2,026 26,302 Katowice 12,556 6,009 18,565 900 668 1,568 20,133 IV. Chorzow 13,150 5,535 18,685 857 663 1,520 20,205 V. Ruda 14,271 5,613 19,984 921 684 1,605 21,589 VI. Bytom 12,211 5,613 17,824 846 520 1,366 19,190 VII. Zabrze 14,456 5,396 19,852 662 550 1,212 21,064 VIII. IX. Gliwice 16,587 5,610 22,197 755 502 1,257 23,454 RAM ir 14,399 5,987 20,386 693 598 1,291 21,677 X. Dolny-Slask Total. 12.918 5.081 17.999 821 484 1.305 19..304 141,199 60,676 - 0 - . . . 201,875 8,526 6,341 14,867 216,742 CONFIDENTIAL/US OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80-00926A002400020040-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80-00926A002400020040-1 50X1 -HUM MONTHLY OUTPUT OF BITUMINOUS COAL. COKE, BY-PRODUCTS, ELECTRIC POWER OF THE POLISH COAL MINING INDUSTRY IN 1947 Product January in. tone February in. tons March in. tons April in. tons May in, tons June in. tons Bituminous coal Brown Coal Coke Bit. coal briquettes Brown coal briquettes Tar Benzol Ammonium sulphate Coke gas in 4,548,479 382,086 210,787 48,330 2,763 7,713.0 1,829.6 1,814.3 4,136,862 321,652 194,090 35,589 2,306 6,883.0 1,436.0 1,641.0 4,792,902 362,470 233,695 45,873 2,797 7,905.0 2,115.6 2,039.0 4,650,211 380,511 232,250 51,059 3,266 ::::::: 20184.9 4,459 199 420,307 247,021 49.551 3,377 8,498.4 2,600.7 2,179.5 4,581,492 399,223 241,891 56,593 2,844 8,306.5 2,418.7 2,035.2 93,854.5 89,071.9 1000 Cu. in. 84,454.5 76,047.0 89,560.4 91,988.6 Electric power 109,487 E4 in 1000 kWh 118,798 = 124,273 109,935 112,639 111,469 g co 2 o r4 CONFIDENTIAL/VS OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80-00926A002400020040-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30 :CIA-RDP80-00926A002400020040-1 Product 50X1-HUM July in. tons August in. tons September in. tons October in. tons November in. tons December m. tons Total in. tons Bituminous coal Brown Coal Coke Bit. coal briquettes Brown coal briquettes Tar Benzol Ammonium sulphate Coke gas in 1000 ca. in. Electric power in 1000 kWh 5,086,512 413,541 253,760 63,247 3,738 8,453.5 2,612.4 2,150.1 941361.1 121,183 5,107,205 431,658 253,619 56,507 3,856 8,251.2 2,818.1 2,309.9 93,777.1 125,070 : CV 1 0 tv a 5,367,005 416,790 244,403 59,035 4,923 81074.0 2,701.0 2,034.9 911634.0 123,567 5,760,558 433,267 249,733 58,232 5,572 8,715.4 2,996.3 2,162.5 96,955.0 132,276 5,421,360 412,762 249,747 53,025 2,861 8,556.3 2,939.5 2,153.3 93,316.1 135,032 5,218,550 389,197 256,796 55,183 3,395 8,877.9 3,013.6 2,204.0 95,574.1 139,500 59,1301335 4,763,464 2,867,792 632,224 41,698 98,350.0 29,862.9 24,908.6 1,0901594.3 11463,229 ? CONFIDENTIAL/WS OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80-00926A002400020040-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80-00926A002400020040-1 50X1-HUM CONFIDENTIAL/US OFFICIALS ONLY ENCLOSURE nE" POLISH COAL & COKE EXPORTS Provisional figures for 1947 in m. tons Total, Other Countries Czechoslovakia vermany oussian tone) Hungary Yugoslavia Rumania USSR Foreign Bunker Total 50X1-HUM 10 910 20 10 930 50X1-HUM 250 140 390 140 120 260 60 130 190 50 50 8630 190 8820 450 450 17750 1480 , 19230 ECO Countries 8,190 - 43% .0ther European Countries 2,220 - 11% USSR , 8.820 -46% 19,230 By sea 7,020 By land 12.210 19.230 CONFIDENTIAL/US OFFICIALS ONLY 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80-00926A002400020040-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80-00926A002400020040-1 ENCLOSIM ripti CONFIDENTIAL/US OFFICIALS ONLY EQUKSQUATEDIg_umagg-m Num (November 301 1947) 50X1-HUM 21gIrld_2141 Coal Mines Auxiliary Branches Total Office Manual Offiqe Manual Office Manual Jaworz. MiloX. 21536 1723 3213 803 24749 2526 Dadrowa 24153 2008 1929 755 26082 2763 Katowice 18231 1571 1724 547 19955 2118 Chorzow 18484 1508 1320 661 19804 2169 Rudza 19990 1586 4549 822 24539 2408 Bytom 18200 1296 1361 710 19561 2006 Zabrze 19806 1192 2271 660 22077 1852 Gliwice 22222 1230 2214 661 24436 1891 Rybnik 20069 1292 3297 771 23366 2063 Dolnosl. 18022 1316 5350 1244 23372 2560 27228 7634 227941 22356 TOTAL 200713 14722 Auxiliary Units 20551 6070 20551 6070 Brown Coal 2656 230 905 293 3561 523 GRAND TOTAL 203369 14952 48684 13997 252053 28949 CONFIDENTIAL/US OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30: CIA-RDP80-00926A002400020040-1