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Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30 :CIA-RDP80-00926A002400020027-6 Y -`- ~~ '~14 CLASSIFICATION ~^ ' ~. _..Kci1.~~1- SECR._,i/US U~'~ ICIA~S Ui1TLY INFORMATION. REPORT ~o?o COt1NTRY SUBJECT ACQUIRED ACQUIRED REPORT NO. DATE SUPPLEMENT TO 50X1-HUM DATE OF INFORMAT{ON THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE Of THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE ESPIONAGE ACT 60 U. S. C.. 91 AND 92, AS AMENAED. tT3 TRANSMISSION OR TH[ RlYCUTION OF ITS CONSENTS IN ANY MANNER TO AM UNAUTNORI2lD PlRSOM IS PRO- NIBITED RY LAW. REPRODUCTION OF iMIS FORM IS -ROHI.ITED. Czechoslovakia DATE DISTR. _ 11 3v1 1q~0 .., ?}ffci~l Fulfillment of the Food Consumption Plan N0. OF PAGES far ~dogember 19.9 N0. OF ENCLS. ~2 50X1-HUM - . ZzC22eral Survey The following table shows the overall fulfillment of the food plan for Novcmbcr ;1g~.9~ in percentage fulfillment at placaning prices. Czech Pr vi.uces Slovakia Entire Country November ~ tobcr ~toveazber October Diovember October P~zr~;hases 1127 8~~7 79r9 120+x. 94.7 8$a3 Imports 87.9 71.7 5t~.~ 59.6 $~..2 73.3 ~'roduction 10lt.1 loa.5 117,8 $8.1 106.6 98.x. Deliveries to Market 92.1 99e8 93.1 68.1 92.,l~ 92.3 Export ,56.7 90.3 1 ,3 ~3 .~ 56.0 $5.~ Serious Shortcomingsa Qn the ~eho~.e -there is an improvement in November9 except for deliveries to marked and export. F`~zlfillment of the Purchase Plan The piarcha,se plan was fulfilled in the entire country for November by 9~..7 percents THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 50X1- BECRE'P~/U3 OFFIC3.AI~S ONLY CLASSIFICATION NSRB FBI DISTRIBUTION Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30 :CIA-RDP80-00926A002400020027-6 [. ! Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30 :CIA-RDP80-00926A002400020027-6 !t? F'u.lfillment of the Import- Plan The import plan was fulfilled in the entire country for November by $lt.2 percent. The following table gives a breakdown of th~.s, ?n ~ Tota1 Imported in Thousands Plan Ftiilfil7ment in Percenta es of Crowns at g " Fly Rc~ No mber O Prices ~ __ vQ c Czech Proms _ 610, 202 772, a3~. 87.9 7~.7 Slovak~.r~ ~.7, 917 61, 807 74.9 59.6 Total 658,119 833, 8t~1. $It.2 73.3 Total ~~ 4ctobei~ 72,259 521,x.28,, 73.3 5. ~:%1fi~.l~rAent of the F,xport The exj~ort plan vrs,~ fulfilled in t~~? er.~;i~~;~ ~:~,:~urr~.ry~ t"r~s? Novvmbar by 56.0 percent. the rollowing table gi;~:s a breakdo~~vn a:~` t:~iti~ p~w~~:;. Re ion Tota,~. Imported :~a~ '_':'~zaus;~;:~~a=~ of ~~~~ans :,=.t Plan F`ulfilJ~aent i.n Percentages P:L~ning ~, a$c.~,.~;a1 :ao-,rember + Jctober ~r.~ O~,ech Prov ~ar+~w..:~. 585, X62 j97, 2.01 56.7 ~ 94.9 ~1ov'akia ~., 203 ~, 525 19.3 11.tG ~Qt~. 589,665 601,7?6 56.0 ~ $5.4 Tots. a.I1 Gctob~?y 3..0,26$ 37,x.15 w b5e4 s~a~T/os oFF zcz~ ONLY Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30 :CIA-RDP80-00926A002400020027-6 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30 :CIA-RDP80-00926A002400020027-6 $LC~?LT/US OFF:IGTQTfi ONLY w3.. Fulfillment-of the Production Plan /The psroduction plan wasfulfilled in the entire country for November bye-106,6:.percent. .Lhe 1?~O'CP7 Y`1 D' 'f 9}l~~ tr~t-~a- .. Y.~.~~1~~1~~_ _.n i~_: _ ~. won Total Produced in Thousands of Crowns at Ply Ac foal Prises ~ , Czech Prow -5,352,,268 ~ 6 013 306 ~ i Slovakia 1,309,325 1,828,564 -Total 6,661,693 7~8~1,920 Total 3.n October ~., 5$2, 223 It, 969, 686 P~.~a klu,lfillment in Percentages Ns'~rember , . .October u7$ 106,6: 100e5 88.1 98.1 89.1 quarterly 7. The fulfillment of the plan for~the formation of stocks will be presented in the plan report, 8.. Fulfillment of the De]39erv P1~ The plan for the. delivery of food to market was fulfilled ix-,the entire country for November by 92.l~ percent. The following table gives a breakaot~a o~ -.~i~. plan?. ion Czech Prov ~,560,7t~6 6 16l~ 180 i a Slovakia ~ 1, l~50, 0l~5 1, 7811lt26 T?t a1 6010, 79l 7, 91c5, 606 Total in t?ctober 5~-79l~,421 7,258,5l~2 9e Fulfillment of the Food Ration plan Thee-following table indicates computed in the caloric value Consumer Cxroup +C1~-2 years i 2-b years old 6^?12 years old 12-20 years old Over 20 years old, l~forkers Heavy workers Very heavg workers .Surface minors Underground miners Pregnant women Nursing. mothers -99.8 68,,.1 93.2 93.2 the percentage fulfillment of the food ration plan, as of foods. The plan is folloa-ed on]y,in the Czech Provinces, plan l~eilfil]meat iri Percentages N vem ~._~~_._..._. ,., October + 9191?3~- 86..83 , ,; 9Qe75 $`- l .; 930.~~ 92.86 90.l~5 ~5~33. 88.}8 $1R7O 83.37 83_,,62 85.50 88~O . .: 89?53 86;62 . 87.11 ;173.6: 78,27 ;.; 90,52 . $1.08. 93.75 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30 :CIA-RDP80-00926A002400020027-6 w Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30 :CIA-RDP80-00926A002400020027-6 $EG~E"Pf li$ UF'?~'xCTQT~ OiuLY -14- 50X1 10. The miss feeding plan is followed by division II/lc. 11. Fu7.fil'mcnt of the Unrationed Sales Plan Region. Total Sold in Thousands of Crowns at P1~ Actual Plan] lment in Percenta es Pr'iee~ . g No`ber October Czech Px?ov 226, 883 Slovakia > ? 11, 056 Tvt al 236, 939 Total in October 228,591 >ylontYi Report on the Fu1f i.llment of the Plan 1, 398, 584 58.7 69, 308 2b .9 1, 1467, 892 62.0 1,756,795 - 69.0 22.5 63.1 63.1 otal `zechoslovakia - ovember ~}~9 -'~`~ i ~ Ftiilfi7.7ment in Percent of Fulfillment in Millions of Cro~rns Planned Ae~ the an Planned Ac tu l _ a , Purchases 4,107,715 3,889,990 94.7 3,889,990 ~ 3,631,560 Imports 781,373 658,119 84a 658,119 833,841 Production 6,250,619 6,661,693 106.6 6,661,693 7,841,866 Exports 1,053,329 589,666 56.0 589,665 601,726 liveries to market 6,5?9,032 6,010,791 92.4 6,410,791 7,945,.606 Supplies .. ~, This is br?ken do~rn into z 1. Dairy products 873,1]14 773,824 88..6 773,824 970,745 2? Eggs 3. ~e at and me st 118,831 126,604 106.5 126,6014 129,817 products 4. Fish and fish 1,088,682 738,827 b7.9 ' 738,827 989,695 products 129,056 54,931 42.6 54,931 57,192 6? Fats 254,1814 315,161 123.9 315,161 474, 562 6. Sugar r~-rd syrups 5 3,118 656, 723 123.9 656, ?23 834, 360 7. Potatoes 138,617 212,101 ~,.: 153,0 272,101 2214, 905 8. $. Legumes and nuts Fruit ara.d fruit 114,123 !4, 335 , 30. ? 4, 335 6~ 941 r produ~;ts l0. vegetables and 18$,l-.45 259,335 137.6 259,335 489,357: vegdablr; pro~?tr.ets 196,680 223, 556 113.7 ~ 223, 556 183, 793 11.Ci.+r.~s fruits and ' t:;rnato~< 63,919 2q,4o6 ~46.0`~ 29;406 ~, 60,926 12. ,.X,..~~:~.z ~,~?. ~c?u.ct3 1,173, 442 1,147, 385 97.8 ~' ~ 1 ,147,385 1,226,433 24,415 375 1.5 375. 375 SEC2~'TjtiS, OF'FICIAIS ONLY- Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30 :CIA-RDP80-00926A002400020027-6 ? e ~. ?~~?~~~ ,'~ 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30 :CIA-RDP80-00926A002400020027-6 i s~cx~~r/uS oFFIe7AIS oNi,Y ' Fulfillment in ~ 5 - Millions of ___ Fulfillment in ~ of Drowns Planed Actua], the Plan Planned Actual ].l~.. Beverages 1, 565, 733 1, 286, 512 82.2 1, 286, 5J}2 2,101, 504 15. Miscellaneous 1la.9,673 181,686 121.l~ 181,686 177,011 Monthly fte~ort on the Fulfillment of the Plan - Gzech Provinces Dates February 2, 1950 November 199 Purchases 2,6.2,988 2,978,995 112.7 2,978,995 2, 772,70 Imparts 69l~,167 610, 202 $7.9 610,.202 772, 03 Production 5,139, 518 5, 352, 668 l0?~.1 5, 352, 668 6, 013, 306 Eacports 1, 031, 610 585,162 56.7 585, ~C62 597,201 Del.iverie s to market ~., 951, 918 !t, 560, 7l~6 92.1 !~, 560, 716 6,161.,180 Supplies ~ This is broken down intos .,. .. ., 1. Dairy products 77.5,956 612,3.21 79.0 612,321 815,069 2. Eggs 91a., l~.l ].~., 081 121.0 111.x, 081 116,155 3 . NIe at and meat products $b1.~, 371 539, 228 62.>a 5,~ ~ 228 773, 207 }~. Fish and fish products 96, 803 1~.0, 089 ttl.l~ l~0, 089 36, 323 5. Fats _ 198, 21}2 .:23i, 0l~1~ 117.0. .. 232, Olali. 392,161 6. Sugar and syrups 399,719 1183,312 120.9 ~-83,312 650,621 7. Potatoes 103,529 183,283 177.0. 183,283 19,738 8. Legumes and nuts 8, 056 3, 92a1~ l~8.9 3, 9l4ti. 6,185 9` Fruit and fruit products 137,136 225, 065 1~r?~.1 225,065 1,32, ~t15 10. Vegetables and vegetable products 162,731 161,819 101.3 lfila,819 137,5 11. Gurus fruits and tomatoes 55,278 28,98? 52?!1 28,987 60,2 12. Grain products 922,377 869,1x39 91.2 869,~t39 906,061 13. Cocoa and chocolate 12,825 160 1.2 160 160 11~. Beverages 1, 001, 923 919, 002 91.7 919,002 1, X87, 7l~0 l5. I~iscell~xeou3 11$,531 ~ 144,972 122.3 1.1111,972 ].3?,621E Total (not including beverages) 3, 949, 995 3, b111, 744 92.3 . 3, 641, 72111 ~, 730, 659 SECRET~US OF'FICIAIS ONLY Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30 :CIA-RDP80-00926A002400020027-6 ' .... 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30 :CIA-RDP80-00926A002400020027-6 .~ Menth,~.y Report on the Fulfillment of November 19!49 Planned Purchases 1,128,727 Imports $7,206 Production 1,111,101 Exports 21, 719 Deliveries to market 1, 557,17-1~ Supplies -This is broken down into a 1. -Dairy products 97,158 2. .Eggs 24,390 ~e at and meat products 224,311 ~. Fish and fish products 32,253 Fats 55,942 6. Sugar and syrups 130,399 ?. :Potatoes 35,088 $. I,Ggumes and nuts 6,067 9. Fruit. and fruit products 51,309 Z0. and vegetable products 33, 9149 11. Citrus fruits and tomatoes 8,641 12. Grain products 251,065 13, Cocoa and chocolate 11$.,590 SEt,;tt~l'/u~ uk'r~1Q1A1~ UtvLY _6. the Plan, -Slovakia Dates February 99 1950 Fulfillment in ` Fulfil7rnent in ~ of B4illions of Crov~ns Ac_ al t~he Ply, Planned Actual _ 901,995 79.9 901,995 859,090 47,917 54.9 47,917 61,807 1, 309, 425 117.8 1, 309, 4z5 1, 828, 560 !~, 203 19.3 ~., 203 ~, 525 1, 450, 045 a. 93.1 r 1, 450, 045 r 1, 781, 426 .. 161, 503 166.2 7b1, 503 155, 676 12,523 51.3 12523 13,662 199,599 89.0 199,599 216,488 14, 842 46.0 ].~, 842 20, 869 83,117 148.6 83,11? 82,398 173,411 133.0 173,411 183,747 28,818 82.1 28,818 30,168 391 6.~4 391 756 34,270 b6.8 34,270 56,942 58,73? 173.0 58,737 46,279 419 4.8 419 706 277,946 110.7 .,;z;{~4 277,946 3,369 215 ,} 1.9 215 275 7~4. Beverages 563, 810 367, 540 65,. 2.~ '. 367, 540 613 , 764 15.Dti.scellaneous 3Z 142 36 771.4 "; ~~~ 36, 7114 39, 387 sECRET/vs oFFICTdTS ONLY Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30 :CIA-RDP80-00926A002400020027-6 ~nx~_HiiM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30 :CIA-RDP80-00926A002400020027-6 ~_ SECRET/US OFFICIALS ONLY Monthly Report on November, I91~9 - 7 .. the Fulfillment of the Purchase Plan -Czech Provinces Dates December 28, 19149 Planned ~I~~. Ful Mi Fulfillment in ~ of C actual the ~ p~~d ~~- fillment 3n llions of rows A. .Plant Products 1. .whe ~,t b9, 183 80, 2149 115.9 322, 77,3 320, 996 2. RYe 69, 010 112,662 163.2 1402, 767 105, 583 3. Tour].. bread grins (5314,896) 135.6 f725,~0) (725,579) !~. Barley 35,100 a5, 993 ~'~ 76.9 106, 892 103, 383 5. Corn ~ 2!4}a. ?? is 122 .781 6. :Oats 14,137 25,139 607.6 70, 263 ,. 70,389 7. Total feed grsu.ns (150,559} 118.14 (178,277} (17,553) 8~ ..Total grains (685,!455} ~ 131.8 (903,757) (901,132} 9. .Sugar beets .. .. .. .. 10. Oil seeds 1,855 1,592 85,8. 16,789 19,193 11. Early potatoes 12. Sciniearly potatoes l3. S~itxter potatoes - - *? - .. 201, 658 _ .. - ,~ - 2131, 658 .. .. 191, 575 114. Industrial potatoes 15. Iota,]. potatoes - *? .. (201,658) - (201,658} .. (191,575} ~? 7Jegumes 1,1439 693 18.1 4,505 !4,567 17. Total fruit - 12,!4].9 - 86, 933 80, 723 18. Total. vegetables 58,767 31,99 53.6 19l4,t497 157,x.95 19. Chicory 20? Hops ?? 1,399 - - _ - .. - ,~ ~? 21. Total p3arit products (1,012,290} 129.2 (1,308,139) (1,3,685) 22. Total animal products-(1,621,69$) 103.0 (1, 670,856 (1,1427,785) 23. Total agricultural products (2,633,988} 113.1 (2,97$,995) (2,772,1470} $ECRET/~US OFFICIALS ONLY Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30 :CIA-RDP80-00926A002400020027-6 ~nx~_HiiM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30 :CIA-RDP80-00926A002400020027-6 . ?~ BECHETfU3 OFFICTAI3 ONLY w 8 Monthly Rep?rt on the Fulfillment of the Purchase Plan Gmech Provinces -Dateds November 19It9 December 28, 1919 Fulfillment 3n Millions of Fulfillment in ~ of Cro~ais P1~ed ,~c tu _ t~Pl Pl ned A l ~ ~, a ctua B. 1. Animal Products 'V9hole milk .delivered to dairies- 100,350 90,002 89.7 585,01 3 378,.008 2. ~Phole milk delivered directly to consumers 2,000 2,000 100.0 13,00 0 8,100 3. Country butter 50 119 238.0 8,80 6 8,806 !~. Total dairy products (668,975) 90.7 (606,81 9) (395,2].t~} 5' cgs ~ 8, 389 w 20, 55 3 20, 972 6. Beef 20,000 17,269 86.0 367,83 0 30.,971 7. Pork 13,503 17,693 131.0 513,097 560,868 8. Veal 1, 560 1, 812 116.0 ~9, x.68 3~~ 8~ 9. Total. meat (860,175} 108.2 (930,395) (901 662) , 10. Total poultry (16,200) 612 170.0 (27,5~t0} (26,1,3} llr Total ]fleet and. poultry (576,375) 109.3 (957,935) (927,975) 12. Freshwater fish l~00 385 9b.2 13, 090 11,165 13..Raw lard from domestic slaughter- - ing 1, 512 1, 7lib ~ 115.I~ 72, x.59 72 X59 , ~. Raw lard from small commercial slaughtering - ,,. _ o 15. Total raw lard (62,7lF8} 115.i~ (72,l~59) (72 x.59) , 1b. .Total animal products (1,,621:698) -~ 103.0 (1,670,856) (1, 127,7$5} Monthly Reuort on the Fulfillment of_, the _Purchase Plan ~ Slovakia, Dateds Janu 5, _1950 November 1919 A. 1. Plant Products 1~he at 11, 322 !t, 533 x.0.0 18 200 18 100 , , 2. Rye 7, 0l~1~ t,., 058 57.6 11a, 500 15 xoo 3. Total bread grain3 (70, 712 } It6.3 (32, 700} , (33, 500) ~. . Barley 12 l~l~.1 !~, 957 39.8 19,600 x 300 5. 'Corn la 3~ 3, 5l~2 271.2 11 300 , 11 300 , , 6. 0;1',:5 1.06 2, 399 590.8 6, 700 6, 61.0 7. `~' :~;~ :~.' tee:d ,raitEa (5.,680} 68.7 (37,600) (38, 210) s~cRET/us c~FFICTOTS ONLY Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30 :CIA-RDP80-00926A002400020027-6 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/11/30 :CIA-RDP80-00926A002400020027-6 SECRET/US OFF'TCIAIS ONLY r 9 A Monthly Reoort on the Fulfillment of the ,Purchase Plan -Slovakia November 19.9 0Contd) Dateds January 5, 1950 Fulfillment 3n ~ of Fulfillment in 1~3.llions of Crows Planned Actual the Plan Planned Actual 8. Total grains CI25,392) 56.1 070,300) 071,710) 9. .sugar beets 917,500 625,691 68.2 0375,!,15) 0375,lsa.5) 10. Oil seeds 1,025 937 91.l~ 0,800) (5,200) ll. Early potatoes ,. ,. ,,. 12. Semi~rly potatoes .. .. ., 13. hinter potatoes 7.~. Industrial potatoes l~9,630 lt0,657 .. 81.9 ~ X0,65? ,~ X3,706 15. -Total potatoes 0l~9,630) _ 81.9 00,657) (l~,3,706) ~~