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SUBJECT Finnish Paper & Timber Journal
Monthly Report No. 5 - 198
On file in the CIA Library is a copy of the Finnish Paper & Timber ITournal,
Monthly Report, No. 5. May 1948.
- and -
DATE DISTR. 3 August 1948
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30 July 1948
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No. 5
The special delegation of the Wallboard Merchants'
Association recently visiting Scandinavia spent five
days from 12 to 16 April in Finland. Mr. A. It e gin a I
A I v i n of Leeds was Chairman of the delegation,
Mr. C l i f f o r d B. N o r t h of l [rill, Vice-('hnirntan
and other members Mr. A I I a n R. K i if g s I e v,
London, Mr. W. R. 13 o it s f i e I d, Loudon, Mr.
G. Edward Payne, Birntingha.m, Mr. E. Cecil
T e t s a 1 1, Ipswich, Mr. F. L. I I i 1 I, Manchester,
Mr. R. Harley Weston, (,Jasgouu, and Mr.
R. R. B r a d f o r d, Yeovil. 1'hcyy received a nest
cordial welcome from the wallboard manufacturer;
of Finland. A conference was held on Monday the
i _?th of April with the representatives of all l he
wallboard rnamafacturers of Finland, who afterwards
entertained the delegation at dinner. There were
present also several wellknown and distinguished
Finnish bosiriessnten.
On Tuesday the delegation motored to Koi h i
+here met by. the hnso-Gntzeit Cnnipa.oy VNNils
here made to various mills ill the district repre-
sentingg its principal manufactures of machinery, glass
Mr. Alvin Chairman of the English wallboard importers delegation pressing the button which
set in motion the now null.
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The annual meeting of the Association of Finnish
Paper Engineers was held in Helsinki on April 16th-
17th, and as last year the Chairman, Mr. Tiilikka took
the chair, Mr. Lassenius being the secretary. More than
hundred members participated in the proceedings.
Among the foreign guests were Mr. Ott o Bra u n s,
head of the central laboratories of the paper, wood
pulp and wallboard industries of Sweden, representing
the Swedish sister organisation; Mr. 0 t t o I m s e t
from the Technical Association of the Norwegian Pa-
per Industry and Mr. L. G. C o t t r a 11 representing
the Technical Section of Paper Makers' Association
of Great Britain and Ireland. Among the guests were
Mr. T. Potts and Mr. J. Chapman from
England, Prof B. G r o t h and Mr. G i e r t z from
Among the outstanding lectures was that of Mr.
J o h a n R i c h t e r of A. B. Kamyr, Karlstad, on
continuous cellulose cooking. The interesting lecture
revealed that this problem has now been solved.
So far it has been used only in sulphate making, but
the Mo & Domsjo A. B. are putting a trial plant for
sulphite cellulose into operation this year. Four
mills operating according to the sulphate method
are under construction in Italy, France and Sweden
and other mills are planned.
Dr. B. N y b e r g h lectured on the activities of
A. B. Centrallaboratorium, Mr. M u r t o on chipping
of pulp wood, Mr. K. E. 0 1 s o n i on the planned
and cellulose. Some time was spent at The Insulite
Co. of Finland Oy., where an inspection was made of
the mill and methods of packing.
On Wednesday members of the delegation made
the long journey to Norrmark by air and road and
visited the head quarters of the A. Ahlstrom Osake-
yhtio. A very important occasion was the visit
of the delegation on Thursday to the new wallboard
plant of the Ahlstrom concern at Pihlava, where the
Chairman of the delegation was honoured by art
invitation to perform the opening ceremony and at 11
o'clock pressed the button which set in motion this
most modern installation. On pages 1 and 3 115 we pub-
lish some photographs from this occasion. An inspec-
tion was also made of the extensive sawmill and.
storage yards belonging to this company, where many
features were of particular interest to the visitors.
The thanks of the whole delegation to the Finnish
host were especially adressed to Mr. R.Harju-Jeanty
for his most capable organisation and assistance
throughout the whole trip in Finland.
Friday, April 16th saw the return of the delegation
to Sweden whence, after various meetings over the
weekend departure for Norway early the following
week to meet the Norwegian wallboard manufactu-
rers took place.
new Technical Central Library, Miss A n n a G r o n-
v i k on the exploitation of the technical perio-
After the meeting had been split up into sections,
Mr. Kuve,Mr. Kivi,Mr. SivolaandMr.Alm
read papers in the sulphite section, Mr. Kivi and Sivola
giving impressions from a journey to America. In
the sulphate section papers were read by Mr. 0.
Havanti, Mr. L. Markila, Mr. P. Halle,
Mr. 0. Niirmiaho and Mr. Y. Tahtinen
on the different aspects of sulphate cellulose mak-
In the paper section Mr. Wichmann discussed
the use of waste paper in the paper industry and the
use of the Shartle and Dilt (Black-Clawson) system
of defibration. Mr. T. W i k 1 u n d gave details of
the paper machines used in Canada, and Mr. R.
Christiansen of the efforts to increase new-
sprint production in Canada.
The papers were discussed with considerable interest.
All this took place on the first day.
On the second day the statutory matters were dealt
with. No less than 15 new applications for member-
ship were approved. As Mr. Tiilikka, on the expira-
tion of his three year term desired to retire from the
Chairmanship, the following board was elected: Mr.
T. Lento, Chairman, Mr. G. Weekstrom,
Vice Chairman, and Dr. B. N y b e r g h, Mr. E. J.
Pitkanen and Mr. A. Wichmann ordinary
members, with Messrs. G. Ku 1 v i k, T. L a s-
senius 0. 0. Ojala, and A. Valanto as
The C. J. Janssen prize for the best paper or study
produced by any member during the year was awarded
Mr. B j o r n S u c k s d o r f f for his article on
beating and sheet formation in the Finnish Paper
and Timber Journal.
The programme of the second day still included
a lecture by Mr. 0. I m s e t, Oslo, on beating of
pulp in paper making and by Prof. H. R o s c h i e r
on his research in the field of kinetics in sulphite
cooking, by Dr. R. S a r v a s on breeding of forest
trees and M. E. L a m p e n on the possibili-
ties of time studies in the paper and cellulose
In the evening dinner with dance were arranged
at the Adlon restaurants. Many messages from Fin-
land and abroad were read and various speeches were
made, after which the paper engineers were able to
prove that their skill in the technique of dancing
was as Brat as in that of paper snaking.
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On April 14th the new fibre board mill at
Pihlava of A. Ahlstrom O. Y. started operations.
The opening occasion was more solemn than
usual because of the presence of the represen-
tative delegation of the Wallboard Merchants' As-
sociation of London.
As will appear from. a picture on page 1 the
skick-offs was performed by Mr Alvin, Chairman
of the Delegation.
The work on the Pihlava mill had commenced in
the autumn of 1946, and in the spring of 1947 actual
construction could commence. The space of the build-
ing and the power station building totals ab. 80 000
cub. metres. Building contractors were A. W. Lilje-
berg O. Y.
The machinery includes 8 defibrators delivered by
A. B. Defibrator, Stockholm. The drying machine
is from the Suomen Puhallintehdas O.Y., and most
of the other productive machinery from the Karhula
Engineering Works. The present output is 10 000
tons of porous board, but it is intended to include
also production of semi-hard and hard board, and
preparations indicate that this production will com-
mence early next year. This will raise the total an-
nual output to ab. 25 000 tons. The press required
for the hard and semihard board will be delivered
by the Karhula works in cooperation with the Baldwin
Locomotive Works of Philadelphia. - Rawmaterial
will come from the wastes of the Pihlava sawmill.
Mill. manager of the Pihlava mills is Mr. H.
I. i n d e b e r g, and technical manager of the
wallboard mill is Mr. I n g m a r Jaatinen.
Sales will be handled by the Helsingfors sales
office of the A. Ahlstrom O. Y., Sodra Esplanadg.
14. The trade name of the wallboard will be
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The annual meeting of the Association of Finnish
Sawmillmen was held in Helsinki on April 6th in the
presence of numerous members and Mr. R. G r u g e o n
of London, technical timber expert of Messrs. Price
and Pierce as a guest.
The opening speech was held by the Chairman, Prof.
M. L e v o n, who stressed the importance of coope-
ration between the technical organisations in the
timber industry.
After the annual report and auditors report had
been passed, Mr. H a r j u-J e an t y, Mr. K i n n u-
n e n and Mr. N a e s m a n were re-elected ordinary
members of the Board. Also all the deputies were
re-elected, except that Mr. Gustavsson who had died
during the year was replaced by Mr. Y. R e u n a n e n.
After the statutory agenda had been gone through,
an interesting lecture on Finland's economic position
was delivered by Dr. K 1 a u s V a r i s, and on the
market position for sawn goods by Mr. A a r n e
And. Auvinen OY. 75 years.
75 years had passed on April 10, 1948, from the
establishment of And. Auvinen Oy., the oldest business
enterprise in Savonlinna.
Anders Auvinen moved to Savonlinna in 1859
where he established in 1873 a general store. This
firm, which right from the beginning entered into direct
business contact with' St. Petersburg, Lubeck, etc.
expanded its activities considerably already during
the first decades.
In addition to general merchandise, And. Auvinen
concentrated his attention before long also to other
fields. In 1887 he bought a land estate and a saw-
mill driven by water in the parish of Punkaharju. In
1897 he built a modern two-frame saw-mill, which
was driven by steam, on the lakeshore of Putikon-
lahti. This saw-mill has been enlarged and modernized
several times since that date. The main part of its
annual output, which amounted to 3 000 standards,
was exported. There are also wood planing works
in the connection of the saw-mill. And. Auvinen built
during the same year on the rapids of Putikko a by
water power driven mill. Also a steam-driven mill
was built in 1898 in the connection of the original
saw-mill. In addition to the above mentioned mills
also some other industrial activities of minor impor-
tance have been carried on in Putikko; a shipyard,
for instance, existed at one time in that place. -
From the beginning of 1892 And. Auvinen was also
part-owner of the mill and saw-mill of Savola in
Savonlinna, but in 1933 these establishments became
the property of the sister company, Savola Osake-
After having been closely connected with companies
carrying on steamship traffic, And. Auvinen estab-
lished his own shipping firm in 1894. During the next
decades over 20 vessels have been in the transportation
P e 1 k o n e n of the Finnish Sawmill Owners' Asso-
An interesting and pleasurable event was the motion
picture and lecture on British timber economy by
Mr. G r u g e o n, who spoke fluent Swedish. - Mr.
E. A. J us s i 1 a gave an account of the work of the
committee appointed for the purpose of handling
matters relating to sorting of planed goods.
Immediately after the meeting a session of the
Board was held. As the Secretary, Mr. Kinnunen
wished to retire after having held the position for
many years, Mr. U. R i n t a k o s k i was elected
general secretary, while Mr. K. K i v i m a a was
re-elected technical secretary. An executive committee
consisting of Prof. L e v o n, Mr. K i n n u n e n,
Mr. 0 j a 1 a, Mr. V e s a and the two secretaries
was elected.
The meeting was ended by a joint dinner in the
service. Before the first world war they carried fire-
wood to St. Petersburg and returned from there
with a full cargo of grain. Between the two world
wars these vessels carried timber products to different
ports on the Gulf of Finland.
In 1910 And. Auvinen changed his firm into a
joint-stock company. After the death of Mr. And.
Auvinen, councillor of commerce, on October 7, 1915,
his sons, Mr. J. A 1 e k s. Auvinen, councillor of
commerce, - who is still the managing director of
the firm - Mr. V i k t o r Auvinen, who died in
1936, and Mr. Y r j o H. Auvinen, who died in
1935, became the directors of the company. After
the above mentioned persons, Mr. E r k k i A u v i-
nen, Mr. Juhani Auvinen, and Mr. Pekka
Auvinen were chosen to the Board of Directors
of the company.
Foreign Visitors.
Of gentlemen from abroad, who recently have visited
this country may be mentioned:
Mr. F. P. B i s h o p, general manager of the News-
print Supply Company, London,
Mr. S t a n l e y C o r k e, director of Messrs.
Legge, Angel, Murrant & Corke Ltd., Lyndon.
Mr. E i n o E n e g r e n, director of Agences
Papetieres Reunies, Paris,
Mr. 11 a n s-P e t e r R o 1 i n, director of Den
Danske Presses Faellesindkobs-Forening, Copenhagen,
Mr. B e r t e -1 W e c k m a n, Istanbul, agent of
the Finnish Paper Mills' Association in Turkey,
Mr. F a r n a n d P a r d o, director of Messrs,
Clement & Joseph Pardo Co., Cairo and
Mr. A. J. B r e w e r, director of Messrs. Charles
Morgan & Co., Ltd, London and Mr. 111 i n g-
w o r t h of the same firm,
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Liner Service between Finland and U.S.A. News and Notes.
The liner service between Finland and U.S.A.
by Finnish tonnage was entirely interrupted during
the war. It was resumed last year by Suomen Hoyry-
laiva Osakeyhtio, who bought a vessel, M/S Hesperus,
from Norway and placed her into the service.
In view of the importance of Finland's American
trade, the big Finnish firms carrying on foreign trade
Enso-Gutzeit Oy., Veitsiluoto Oy., S.O.K., O.T.K.,
Kesko and Tuko, formed in 1947 a shipping company
M e r i v i e n t i Oy., which at first bought three
ships for tramp services. Besides the company bought
soon three ships more and time chartered one for
the Finland - U.S.A. traffic.
The line is in charge of Finnlines Ltd.,
a daughter company of Merivienti Oy. The Managing
Director of Finnlines Ltd., Mr. K. A. A I a k a r i,
states that with this tonnage it will be possible to
maintain 15 voyages a year in each direction.
More tonnage will be time-chartered if so required
and besides new ships will be built as soon as condi-
tions allow.
The Chairman of the Finnlines Ltd. is Mr. Wm.
L e h t i n e n, Managing Director of Enso-Gutzeit Oy.
At the Brussels Fair a special day for Finland
(similar to special days for some other countries ar-
ranged before) was held on April 22nd in the presence
of the representatives of the Finnish Legation and
the Finnish Foreign Trade Union, as guests of the
management of the exhibition. The Chief Super-
intendent, M. E c t o r s and the general secretary,
Al. F 1 o r y took the Finnish guests to the different
stands of the exhibition. A luncheon party was given
by the superintendent of the Finnish section, Mr.
H. G u 11 i c h s e n, in honour of the fair management,
which was represented by M. M e u 1 e b r o e k, Mair
of Brussels, Senator Catteau, and Mr V e r b r u g g e n.
Among the guests were also M. G e r a r d and M.
J o t t r a n d of the Fenno-Belgian Chamber of
Commerce, M. R a o u 1 t a c k, Chairman of the
Journalists' Association, the Finnish Minister, Dr.
N u m e l i n and members of the Finnish delegation.
Mr. Gullichsen made a speech on Finland's economic
position and Fenno-Belgian trade, the furtherance
of which was also stressed in a speech by M. Meule-
The annual meeting of Puunviejdt r. y. was held in
Helsinki on April 12th. Proceedings were opened
by the Chairman, Mr. I. Kalkkinen, Mr. I. Helanto
was elected chairman of the meeting and Mr. Y. Koho-
nen secretary.
The annual report and accounts for 1947 were
examined and passed. In the course of the elections
Mr. A. Aminoff, Mr. E. Anttalainen, Mr. B. Butzow,
Mr, V. Eklof, Mr. Th. Hansson, Mr. I. Helanto, Mr.
E. Hoglund, Mr. W. Jagerroos, Mr. I. Kalkkinen,
Capt. A. Kallio, Mr. L. Kivinen, Mr. V. Mankki, Mr.
J. Pekkanen, Mr. E. A. Sopanen, Consul J. W. Tuo-
misto and Mr. L. Westerlund were re-elected members
of the board.
The Board subsequently held a meeting and re-
elected Mr. K a I k k i n e n its Chairman, Mr. A n t-
t a 1 a i n e n its first Vice Chairman, and Mr. E. A.
Sopanen second Vice Chairman.
The usual special departments of the board were
also appointed.
The Association of Export Timber Measurers
held recently its annual meeting in Helsingfors
The Board was re-elected and consists of Mr. T i m o
Brofeldt, Mr. O. Lund, Mr. R. Sax6n, and
Mr. O. S 1 o t t e, ordinary members, and Mr. F r.
Seeberg, Mr. E. Sagfors, Mr. Henrik
Clement and Mr. N. S e l l b e r g personal depu-
ties respectively. In addition to these Mr. P a a v o
Turin, the acting secretary and Mr. P a a v o
H ar v e, as representative of the Ministry of Supply
are on the Board,
The annual report of Bank of Finland was recently
issued. The annual turnover shows a considerable
increase. As to' dealings with foreign exchange, the
total value of foreign bills discounted was`1 120 mil-
lions, and foreign payments 984 mill. Local discounting
also reached record figures, viz. 132.2 billion, while
rediscounting during the year reached the reasonable
figure of 19.9 bill. No mortgage loans were granted
during the year.
Thanks to the increased turnover the gross earnings
increased by more than 100 % to Fmks. 778.6 mill.,
of which interests accounted for 517.5 mill. As
the rise in expenditure and costs was not nearly
equally great, the net profit of the Bank rose from
Fmks. 242 mill. to Fmks. 604 mill.
According to official accounts for 1947 the proceeds
of the Forestry Board accruing from sales of logs on
root totalled Fmks. 1 273 mill. (in 1946 Forks. 998 mill.)
and from delivery logs Fmk,,,. 1448 mill. (Fmks.
1 343 mill.) Total revenue thus reached Fmks. 2 733
mill. against Fmks. 2 348 mill. the year before. Ex-
penditure increased from Fmks. 1 161 mill. to Fmks.
1 240 mill., which means that the net profit rose from
Forks. 1 187 to Fmks. 1 493 mill. In addition accounts
show a profit of Fmks. 173 mill. against a loss of
Fmks. 278 mill. the year before.
Since the profit of the Board had been assessed at
Fmks. 881 mill. the result thus considerably exceeded
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Commemorial of Mr. Eric Sasse.
On February Sth,, five years had passed since
Belgian fascists cruelly murdered Mr. E r i c S a s s e,
a highly esteemed Belgian subject, who had for a
number of years been Finnish honorary consul in
Antwerp. On the occasion of the anniversary a
coxnmemorial celebration was held at the cemetary
in the presence of the next of kin, Mr. Jean E. Sasse,
the son of the deceased, and other relatives. Honours
were paid by the Mair of Antwerp. M. Lode Craey-
beck and by representatives of a, number of organisa-
tions. Finland was represented by the Finnish Minister
in Belgium, Dr. R. Numelin. Legation Secretary
J. Hallama. Consul Munsterhjelm and the Seamens
Pastor A. Aaltonen. Minister Numelin made a short
speech and laid a wreath with ribbons in the Finnish
After this ceremony the commemorial celebration
was continued at the Cercle Royal Artistique, where
also the Swedish and Norwegian ;14 inisters participated.
The Minister of Education N. Huysmans made a
speech and it foundation for the support of students
of commerce was created.
since the foundation the chairman of the Board of
Directors of Haukivuoren Puutavara Oy. He was also
one of the founders of K.otkan Puutavara Oy. and
Otavan Saha Oy. and is chairman of their Board of
Mr. B. T. S t a h 1 e, former technical manager of
the Kajaani Oy. paper and mechanical pulp mills,
celebrated on April 19th the seventieth anniversary
of his birth.
On April 24th Mr. Oskari Santaholma,
managing director of A. Santaholma O.Y., celebrated
his 70th birthday.
After completing school Mr. Santaholma went to
England to study languages. After his return he
entered the business of his father, first as a member
of the board, but in 1919 as managing director, a
position he still holds. Mr. Santaholma is known in
particular as an experienced timberman, but he has
had much time and interest to spare also for municipal
and public matters and in the course of years has
earned various distinctions and honours in this field.
Personal Items.
On April 13th Baron Kenneth Wrede,
managing director of Sateri 0. Y. in Valkeakoski
celebrated his fiftieth birthday.
Baron Wrede completed his school in Abo in 1916
and then as it young student participated in a research
excursion to Mongolia. After his return he took his
technical examination in chemistry and then held
positions with various cellulose industries. Between
1924 and 1927 he was head chemist at the A. B. Kaukas
Fabriks sulphite cellulose mill as Lauritsala. In '1927
he was granted a scholarship for the purpose of study-
ing the production of rayon cellulose in U.S.A. and
Canada and was for a time assistant technical manager
of the Metabetchouan Sulphite & Power Co. of
Desbiens, Quebec. After his return he resumed his
position as chief chemist of the Kaukas mill in 1928- -
1937 and during this period the sulphite mill was
completely renewed. and experimental plant for
making rayon cellulose was built. In 1937 he be-
came managing director of Finland's first mill for
rayon, the Kuitu 0. Y. in Earelia. As this area
and the factory were ceded to the Soviet Union in
the first peace treaty of Moscow, Baron Wrede
immediately started planning a new company, the
Sateri 0. Y. of which he has remained the managing
director since its foundation.
Mr. H j it l ma r P o 1 h o, managing director of
Otavan Saha Oy., Lasakoski Oy. and Mikkelin Puu-
tavaraliike Oy., celebrated on April 18th the sixtieth
anniversary of his birth in Otava.
Mr. Polho has for many years been actively intre-
ested in a number of Finnish sawmilling enterprises
which he has managed with great success. He is also
On April 25th, Mr. T r y g g v e Z. Wiklund,
assistant technical manager at the Voikka paper and
mechanical wood pulp mill, celebrated his 50th birth-
After graduating from the Technical University,
Mr. Wiklund studied in U.S.A. On his return he
joined the Voikka mill, in the service of which he
has subsequently remained. He has been a
member of the Association of Finnish Paper Engineers
since 1927, and in 1942-48 was a member of its
Board. Since 1948 he is Chairman of the Technical
Committee of Department I of the Finnish Paper
Mills' Association and also the representative of this
Association at the Executive Committee of the
Central Laboratory.
Among colleagues at home and abroad, Mr. Wiklund
is known as an expert especially on newsprint making.
On April 30th, Mr. V a i n o Johannes R i n n e,
technical manager of the Saastamoinen mills of Kuo-
pio celebrated his 50th birthday.
After graduating from the Technical University,
Mr. Rinse entered the woodworking trade as mill
engineer at the plywood mill of Oy. Willi. Schauman
Ab. and acted later as technical manager of the ply-
wood factory of Fennia Faneriosakeyhtio and the
A. Ahlstrom Oy's plywood factory. He obtained
his present position in 1944.
Mr. Rinne who is well-known and appreciated as
an expert in his particular field, has published a
number of articles and books. He has also held
municipal posts of distinction. Since 1944 Mr. Rinne
is a member of the Board of the Federation of Wood-
working Employers.
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In 1927-1928 and in 1930 he undertook extensive
journeys to U.S.A., Canada, England and other coun-
tries to study the production of plywood.
On May 13th Mr. Kaarlo I. Hautala, mill
manager of the Pankakoski mills of Enso-Gutzeit O.Y.
celebrated his fiftieth birthdate.
After passing the commercial school at Raahe in
1917 and graduating from the Technical University of
Helsinki in 1924, Mr. Hautala was in the service of
the Kymmene Co. till 1926 after which he undertook
a tour of studies in Canada in 1926---1929. On his
return he held positions of increasing importance at
the Jamsankoski and Walkiakoski mills, until in 1936
he obtained his present position at the Pankakoski
Mr. Hautala is known as an expert on cardboard
manufacture, and has remained a member of the
Association of Finnish Paper Engineers since 1931.
Mr. B i r g e r E k 16 f, managing director of the
Eklof-concern, in Borga, celebrated on May 13th the
sixtieth anniversary of his birth.
Mr. Eklof, one of the sons of Mr. August Eklof, the
founder of this family concern, studied agriculture
both in Finland and Sweden until, in 1913, he entered
the service of the firm as manager of its estates. In
1918 he became one of the managers and in 1934 he
was appointed manging director of the concern, being
at the same time chairman or member of the Board
of affiliated and other companies.
As head of the family concern Mr. Eklof has done
very valuable work in carrying out the fine traditions
which his predecessors have established. He has more-
over taken an active interest in municipal work as
well as in various other enterprises than his own
company and is a member of the board of the Employ-
ers' Association of the Finnish Woodworking In-
One of the leading timber agents in Finland, Mr.
J o h n W o r s o e, celebrated on May 23rd the sixtieth
anniversary of his birth.
Born in Norway, he spent some years in Belgium
to study languages and trade matters and entered,
in 1907, the service of the well known timber firm
Charles Hamfeldt & Co. In 1909 he opened a new
branch of the firm at Riga but already in 1911 joined
the firm Churchill & Sim, Ltd., in London.
Mr. Worsoe has lived in Finland since 1919, with
the exception of a year and a half when he was work-
ing with his firm in London. 'Besides this he at present
also acts as one of two representatives of the Asso-
ciated Pitwood Agents Ltd. in Finland. During his
long career he has visited practically all timber ex-
porting and importing countries and has made nume-
rous friends everywhere.
On May 21st Mr. VAino Pelkonen,managing
director of Karjalan Metsatuote Oy. at Lappeen-
ranta, celebrated his fiftieth birthday.
After passing his student examination Mr. Pelkonen
completed his commercial education at home and
abroad, for inst. at the Sawmilling School of Harno-
sand in Sweden. In 1919 Mr. Pelkonen acted as a
sawmill foreman in the sawmill of Annalan Kartano
Oy. being the founder of this firm. In 1921-22 Mr.
Pelkonen was in the service of Suomalainen Puuliike
Oy. being the sawmill manager of the Koivisto saw-
mill. He was also one of the founders of Annalan
Saha Oy. and acted as a sawmill manager of the
mentioned sawmill in 1922-24 and as managing
director since 1924. He was also one of the founders
of Karjalan Puutuote Oy. and acted as managing
director since 1924. Also lie was a founder of Karjalan
Metsatuote Oy. being at present managing director
of the mentioned firm since 1932.
In recent weeks a great number of foreign business-
men have visited this country. Among these was
Sir Leonard Pat o n, who arrived early in April.
Mr. Paton is head of the plywood section of the Timber
Control of England. He arrived for the purpose of
discussions with the Finnish producers and was
accompanied by Mr. H. G. C. Townsend, who
is also from the Timber Control..
Mr. A. A. N e a 1 e, head of Messrs. Beach, Neale
& Co. Ltd. of London, well-known agency firm in
plywood, wallboard, veneers, staves etc. also visited
a number of mills in Finland to discuss current busi-
ness matters with his old connections. Mr. Neale
was also a guest at the annual meeting of the Asso-
ciation of Finnish Wood Engineers.
Mr. T r e v o r P o t t s, technical adviser for wood-
pulp to Messr,,. Price & Pierce Ltd, London visited Fin-
land by the middle of April and called on a number
of mills for both mechanical and chemical woodpulp.
In the course of his visit Mr. Potts was also an invited
guest at the annual meeting of the Association of
Finnish Paper Engineers, and had an opportunity of
discussing current questions with the technical staff
of many mill;.
It is reported that Mr. A a r n e C a s t r 6 n, general
manager of Helsingfors Aktiebank will retire from
this post on September 1st. It is not yet known
who will be his successor.
Mr. Charles Nyberg, managing director of
the wellknown agency firm Nyberg & Co. A/S of
Copenhagen has recently visited this country for
discussing actual problems with the Finnish exporters.
Lieut. Col. L. R. G ran t of Messrs. W. Grant &
Co., well-known timber agents of Edinburgh, recently
visited this country calling on his old acquaintances.
This is the first time after the war that Col. Grant
visits this country, where of old he has many friends.
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Mr. R o l a n d G r u g e o n, technical advicer
for timber to Messrs. Price & Pierce Ltd. of London,
wellknown for decades among Finnish timber people,
has been staying in Finland for some weeks. Mr.
Grugeon also participated in the forestry week and
two occasions made valuable contributions to the
programme. At a meeting for the purpose of dis-
cussing forestry wages problems, arranged by the
Ministry for Social Affairs, he gave an excellent sum-
mary of the activities of British timber industries
during the war and the difficulties which had to be
overcome. His lecture he illustrated by a most interest-
ing film production made at the initiative of the Fo-
restry Commission, in England, giving an idea of the
elaborate work undertaken to plant forests in England.
Mr. Grugeon was also invited to the annual meeting
of the Association of Finnish Sawmillmen, where he
contributed to the programme with equal success.
In the course of his stay he has visited a number
of mills, participating among other things in an
excursion to the mills of the Rosenlew and Kaukas
combines, arranged by Minister for Social Affairs,
Harms. At the end of May Mr. Grugeon will leave
for Sweden and he expects to be back in London
about Midsummer.
Dr. J o b i n and Mr. A 11 i s o n from the British
Paper and Board Industry Research Association
recently arrived in this country to acquaint them-
selves with our paper and cellulose industry and the
research work carried out there.
Mr. 0 1 a v i P y h it l it has been appointed
managing director of Haarlan Selluloosayhtio after
Mr. Ville Pyhala who recently died.
Mr. J. E. A l f t h a it has been appointed repre-
sentative of Svenska Tandsticks Aktiebolaget i Fin-
land, where this company owns several industrial
enterprises. Mr. Alfhan will still act as managing direc-
tor of Osakeyhtio Savo in Kuopio. Mr. W. E n q v i st
from The Employers' Association of Finnish Wood-
working Industries has been appointed mill manager
of the plywood and wallboard mills belonging to Oy.
Savo. Mr. Enqvist will take up his new post as from
June 1st.
Mr. L. G. C o t t r a 11, chief chemist of Albert
E. Reed & Co., in the capacity of official representa-
tive of the Technical Section of the Paper Makers'
Association of Great Britain and Ireland, was present
at the annual meeting of the Association of Finnish
Paper Engineers. Mr. Cottrall, who last year was
Chairman of the Technical Section has taken the
opportunity of inspecting a. number of mills in Finland.
N:o 5, 1948
Mr. J. C h a p in a n, chemical engineer of Messrs.
Albert & Reed & Co. Ltd. was also a guest at the
same annual meeting, and has visited a number
of mills.
On April 26th Mr. V i 11 e Pyhala, mill manager
of Haarlan Selluloosatehdas, Lievestuore died at
the age of 70.
Mr. Pyhala acted formerly in the service of the
shoe manufacturing industry and was in 1927 appoint-
ed office manager at Haarlan Selluloosayhtio. In
1930 he became commercial manager and in 1934
mill manager, which post he held until his death.
Mr. Emil S t r a n d w a l 1, mill manager of
Alholmen sawmill belonging to Jakobstads Cellulosa
AB. died on April th 9 at the age of 63.
Mr. Strandwall entered the service of the Alholmen
sawmill in 1913 and was later on manager of the
sawmill. When the activity in the 30'ies was ceased
he moved to the sawmill belonging to Oy Wilh. Schau-
man AB. in Jyvaskyla but when the Alholmen saw-
mill in 1938 was acquired by Jakobstad Cellulosa
AB. and again began its activity he went back to
his former post.
Mr. Strandwall was a very capable and experienced
sawmill man.
The President of Finland has conferred upon Mr.
E i n o H e i n o n e n, Buenos Aires the distinction
of Commander of the Order of the Lion of Finland.
On April 20th, Mr. G e r r i t K e y, Finnish Consul
General in Amsterdam since 1920, and well-known
in Finnish timber circles, with which he has maintained
constant contact, celebrated his 60th birthday. On
this occasion the Finnish Envoy conferred on him
the Commander Insignia of the Order of the Finnish
It may be mentioned that Mr. Key a few weeks
ago visited his friends in Finland to discuss current
questions in his branch of business.
Change of Address.
Kymmene Aktiebolag, Halla Fabriker inform as
that their postal address now is only H a 11 a, Finland.
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