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ApproVolease 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP80-0083M002000800SA CI-A U-S-E SUMMARY AND RECOMMODATIONS FOR TSB COMNITTEE 2 June 195p( SUGGESTION NO. 58-531: dated 5 May 1958 // STATINTL 08-120 Analyst/ A. suMEM-21:132.6A"t1al Suggester proposes the installation of spOt-light microfilm reading -rooms of the CIA Library. // B. Emma of Eva/uation On 15 May 1958, Deputy CIA Librari in the stated.: STATINTL 'This suggestion has considerabl merit. At one time the Library had a set of small 1ig4s clamped to clip boards for this purpose. This was ditcontinued only because the lamps were carried away. In/the absence of complaints., no attempt was made to replace/them. "Since this suggestion my4r represent, a wider but unexpressed need, the Library will,experiment with spot lighting for note taking in the micron.* reading room. 'Although it would 1every difficult to establish a, monetary saving, there willralmost certainly be an improvement of service as a result of this suggestion." C. *se of Duty Status:, Not in lineof-eluty (Analyst) D. Executive SectetaryliOteomsnOation. I. Recognize adoption of suggestion. 2. $25.00 award based on Intangible Benefits (Slight-Local) LA-ic ,c,r,.;o7Iakf.t/APA 10-yrtr) car 4co E.Decis on of Coorittee o & to at Adopted Not Adopted ? Award Letter of Appreciation C-I-A U-S-E O-N-L-Y Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000200080026-9 Approved Fdtlaplease 2000408./15 :nCIA7RDP80-00832A000200080026-9 , Niirook \Me- *EW MEMORANDUM FOR: Sugseation Awards Commitl.,ee . SUBJECT File for Seggestioe Auazels Program I. INTRODUCTION: At the last Committee Meeting, 6 March 1958? the Chairman .directed the Suggestion Awards. Stuff to outliat a revised film, discuss procedures, time and coat 0TRAA8, and report to the Committee at the next meeting. 2. PIM= a. A narrated motion picture, in color, of about 20 minutes duration can be made by OTR/AAS, probably during the month of July. (The film production group takes vacation during Augnet). Suggestion Awards Staff would be charged $400-$500, which covers film cost only; OTB would absorb labor and equipment costs. Cost for black and white production would be $2004300. b. The OTB/AAS scrip writer is on exteaded leave through- Septebber and has.several projects to resume upon his return. Consequently, so that the film may be completed soonest it will be necessery for the Suggestion Awardo Staff to develop the ideas and write the scrip. The Executive Secretary will briefly describe the outline at the meeting, c. An alternate possibility would be a motion picture of 140 minutes duration with actors, dialogue, etc., requiring about three mouthy and ccoting approximetely $100000?--20 times the cost of a narrated motion picture. OTR/AAS estimates they could not start such. a production until late Spring, 3959 because of 4 priority film and 12 others ahead of our request. CONCLUSIONS: a. The preeent Civil Service film is not suitable for showing on a regular basis throughout the Agency. With some deletions it might bring favorable reactions in certain r'ield type installations. b. Considering our immediate publicity objectivee, costs, and the work schedule of OTB/AAS personnel, a 15-20 minute narrated color motion picture is the moat practical type of presentation. 4 FECOMMENDATIOE: That the 6616,gestion Awards Staff be directed to proceed with the Office of Treining for the production of a narrated color motion picture during the month of July 1958. 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA eu Irk CI Irn