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Publication Date: 
March 6, 1958
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Approved F orRelease 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000200080016-0 S.E-'CBR-3-T t 10:00 A.M. in e Rom 2601 Cut Igeetin of the chairs the Reg~,l~r Avards Caittee. The. folloving were present t On Thure r s 6 Nex cT11 i MA MELTAG SUGGESTION A W A R DB CO T SDAy, 6 march 1958. (Dw/F ) (nD%1) (DD/s ) (nD/B) 'Potion 25X1A 25X1A Min Chairman' a Executive Secrets' R Personnel) (Security ) ra (Executive Secretary) (5AS ) ttee meeting The minutes of t1957 e~ Cp.~vo ~;d. het on 39 December estion$ in process at this time total. 202 a. Sll of the eu eations are as c ae ass. The age follows s a1.95 (tat 0-tr. (2nd qtr.) 19 (3r qtr.) 30 (4th Qtr.) 1958 (Jan. & Feb-) J;L Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000200080016-0 S-E?C-R?E T Approved f{+aar?Ree se 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000 00080016-0 .xiat!8 of SW et z 6 MMA. 3958 b. a Chi ne fort his as 3"o 1 of 8 simiml avard em ea on 26 `ebb r 1958 vus disc t sleds a c p b y t1 w Co Lt a the C it n request. . to ecntiroe.tttie e Ne becsugw. it -e &US p e0m Gi of sgetione MA is vOZT a fii to the Ce dtt o' In relation to t h e ft:ni ..3. a d see, s. 611 M .t g O'efts S"d is of a ?+ e for 1'957 wino ez Presented. e. The Ctamfi' W"ented the ' Civil Box -vice C ion?ss filmstrip "Partners in P user to 52 a sa vi a in the Re.001.45 integration Bresch of the Fl -iwinion, DD/P, WArty turned In written same a i the vsa'e of the film. Q*o eWroa! itioo to all inventive evaeds . tya erne did not a nt. d. Samples ve aed to the Cams ee of an educational bit of &tverbiea nt on the sug- gestion arm op?:a by the Siff and sehmatuled for dint t?i.F cation with the 7 Mavla 1958 Cheek. C. Similarly, int( .1ak blotters ova 6ieWlbuted with a enee to eu eete . Liquid ink is still used cuff .eientlyr to ea ' t to Srw- Woos.-nee of a blotter on eka as , the ing use of b point penes will extend the life of the blotter and its "Ida , i e MOOSMe* c . A recent ph check reveals that car 30 Jaanuaa 2958 visit s ta'k before 26 eu vias a of I atim, ated awe s ationa, v'iniaa of the Ccmittee andrega3Atims,, and into ll tion n meter f e tere. Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000200080016-0 Approved fpr:Rease 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP80-00832A00 200080016-: Minutes of SAC 5Laeting 6 March 1958 The d d g. program an proce ures have been completed. h. The Clandestine Services Special Suggestion Awards Committee met and considered 9 sensitive casaes l of the U February 19.58 1 < adopted and a latter of Appreciation sent 2 - referxed for further DD/P study 6 - not adopted. Old Business 'Details on the processing of Sug estiou No. 788 were read to the Coi itt by the Executive Secretary. The Committee unanimously voted to reject the pro- posal of redlucit bulb wattage in the halls and to close the case. S estioxrs By unaninous vote on each ease, the Committee ap ,?roved the f ollovf. awards for the suggestions Indicated: u o Total Award Beral."its ox. Savings 3203 $100 Tangib].e (2,500) Intangible (Slight-Limited) 58.227 $750 Intangible (High .Gerac:ral) 58.288 $100 Intangible ( .erate - oca1) 58.316 $ 80 Tangible 429159.80) =8-327 $ 75 Tangible ($4100). Intangible ( derate Lim .ted ) The Chairman co> rated on the i anagement Staff r d 1)I)/P, RI reactions to the filmstrip "A Partnership in Progress". emphasized that some supervisors were not aware of their responsibilities with regard to the Suggestion Program. He asked .thee Co mittee to review the film with the supervisors in mind. -3- Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000200080016-0 Approvedr Reuse 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP80-00832A0200080016-Im' 1-41nutes of SAC 11peting 6 larch 1958 review of Film and Discussion of Cc .ittee suggested the film be shortened. proposed inserting some. Agency award cases. Coaxittee Recomendation recott ended a co 31ete revision rather than a patched film. The Cha1zn i directed the Suggestion Ards Staff to,OA a revised film, discuss procedures, time, k nd cost with AAS and report to the Cos ittee at he next meeting. The meeting adjourned. at 11:45 A.M. cutive Secretary Suggestion Ards Coittee Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP$-00832A000200080016-0