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Ap yed For Rase 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP80-00832A 200060Q0-2 S-E-C-R-E-T SUMMARY OF SUGGESTIONS AND ACTION TAKEN BY CHAIRMAN MINIMAL AWARD CASES 10 SEPTEMBER 1958 SUGG. NO. PI-1590& dated 23 February 1955 25X1A Summary : Action Taken : Award : SUGG. NO. 2198 m 2633 : summary 21981 26331 Action Taken a Award $ SUOO. NO. 3214 x GS-13, Analyst Suggester proposed mechanizing the notes of the individual analysts by the use of an edge-punched card similar to the McBee Keysort or the Flexisort, so that other persons could readily take advantage of these notes. Thorough trial resulted In decision to adopt in l imitad areas Letter of Appreciation dated January 1956 dated 29 October 1956 CI, DD/P G5-12, Training Officer Suggester proposed that employees be furnished adequate cover infoination when they are given checks drawn on confidential fund accounts. Suggester proposed that an abstract of or reference to Notice l" be issued with all checks drawn on confidential fund accounts. Unvouchered payroll will henceforth attach negotiation Instructions on all checks. $20.00 award granted. MMOMOM GS-9, Researcher CI, DD P dated 25 June 1957 SUGG. NO. 58-537 s dated 7 May 1958 25X1A GS-12, C/o WE, DD /P Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000200080005-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP80-00832A 0008000005. 2 i%W Minimal Award Cases Contd. 10 September 1958 SUGG NO. 3214 and SUGG NO. 58-537 Contd. Summary ? The two suggesters proposed that first aid kits be made more readily available throughout the Agency. action Taken Medical flotico prep:-red to pul>licizr lunation of first aid kitL. Award SUGG. NO. 58--269 : dated 3Q, December 1957 ? Q--4, Payroll Clerk Finance Division, Office of Comptroller, DD/S Summary At present, the monthly Quarters Report, issued by to feadquarters a lists all enmployees. Suggester proposed amending this report to list only employees who have had a change in their quarters. Action Taken 4eiu forr.ult via- adopted. SUGG. No. 58-305 : dated 16 January 1958 Office of Cumunications, DD/5 Summary $10.00 award to each, $15.00 award granted. Suggester proposed a revision of the procedure for repeating words for clarity and emphasis, and tho discontinuance of phoneticizing the letters "Z" and "J" in the transmission of cryptographic documents. Action Taken Office of Communications has changed its repeating procedure but did not adopt idea to phoneticize "Z" Award : $25.00 award granted. Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA-RQPaa,0-00832A000200080005-2 S-i -T CS--7, Cryptographer App yed For Rise 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP80-00832A0 100080Q 2 Minimal Award Cases Contr. 10 September 1958 s dated 31 January 1958 ~, George S.$ CS-13, 10 00, DD/I Summary s Suggester proposed that a bulletin board be placed in the Matomic Building for use of 00 employees. Action Taken Two beil1eti? Z jrd have b n lht 4l in the Matomic Building. Award : $15.00 award granted : :ar ia. NO. 5G-201 a dated 6 Februa 1958 C7--13, Analyst EE, DDP Summary z In an attempt to clear the driveway out of Quarts,,-zEe during rush hours, the suggester proposed placing a sign, just at the right of the drive-out of Quarters aye, to read: "DO NOT BLOCK DRIVEWAY"' or 11D0 NOT BLOCK INTERS EG-f lON" . SUGG. NO. 58-516 a dated 25 April. 1958 Rio Fit DD//P S kuar;- S Action Taken Award a The Park Police have agreed to this improvement. Letter of Appreciation -7 Clerk Suggester proposed a procedure for the replacing cf cards in the RID/Main Index. The dual filing operation has been eliminated in. RID/Main Index. $25.00 award granted. S-F- C-R.E-T Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP80-00832A000200080005-2 Approod For Relea&e 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP80-00832A0000800 Minimal Award Cases Contd. 10 September 1958 SUGG. NO. 58-580 s dated 26 May 1358 GS-,5, Clerk Typist OC, DD) S Summary Suggester proposed modification of the routine letter notifying an individual about to enter on duty to provide for a possible pay lag of six weeks rather than four weeks and to amend language used in request that the employee bring appropriate evidence of his and his dependents' dates of birth. Action Taken s suggestion wat, adopted in part - letter:: to appointees are more explicit as to pay arrangements. Award s $15.00 award granted. SUGG. No. 58-598 s dated 10 June 1956 GS-14, Security Asst. Building. Planning Staff, OL, DD/S Summary a Suggester proposed that the shuttle bus shelter located at R& S Building be turned part way around so that prevailing northwest storm winds will not blow into the shelter. Action Taken s OL will relocate the shelter and affix a sign ,reading "Shuttle Bus Passenger Shelter". Award : Letter, of Appreciation 25X1A 25X1A SUGG. NO. 58-626 s dated 13 June 1958 GS-7, Records Mgt. Analyst Records Center, M S gamma ry Suggester proposed that the Records Center be per- mitted to discontinue its present practice of making and retaining a copy of the Courier Receipt, Form No. 240, when it transmits records to requestors as the courier receipt number is always entered an the Form 490, Records Center Service Request. Action taken s Courier Receipt numbar on Form 49J, ;ef2rencn Service Request considered sufficient. $10.00 award granted. Approved For Release 2000/08/15 : CIA-RD P80-00832A000200080005-2 S-E-C-R-E-T Aproved For Ruse 2000/08/15 : CIA-RDP80-00832A200080Q5-2 Minimal Award Cases Contd. 10 September 1958 SUCG. NO. 59-24 a dated 14 July 1958 o E., GS-12, Economist Summary a At present, when books are purchased and placed on Library shelves for utilization, the, covers are removed. Suggester proposed that the section of the cover providing a brief biographical sketch of the author be saved and posted inside the book. Action Taken a The Library will comply to the most practical extent. Award a Letter of Appreciation Approved For Release 2000/08/15 Q [ p.?Q100832A000200080005-2