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Approved For elease 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP80-00832A00O0070027-9 ao,. I k& , Nor 1053) STATINTL 9 JUXIV 1954 istioe ii.ot, Co ntri)), starr m-9 ,?ey "r " : ` .Y . i ? 1 tbm * rn e of ain e n v e 1 R w i t h end MeninV a 3d et ; Mane t adoption 10 1954, p wL.ded 3 *w w4ty. WGUM apse. 18 'W55 s = ity i ap- r-N fro lam. Mu*gement did a atom on envelopm in 1956 h ~ g in euvelWe w1tt t stria apening idea baq been vith t approval of the Office of amity Tbm i z , o cation :. 1112--to ume tJie- etrin a button rm-ItKA of a 1 of envelop" em alao gsoxasif aog wits. - coo award bi 105 to get 1/3 of the a i 1 to gut 2/3 of the ate., s-Mm at bow evaLuattian Cbie _? dated. 29 A 1951" iza 16 7 - '10 h tioat or the utive Semetsm 9 Approval. OW award of $150 ($150 award r: sentes 2/3 of the tot 1 cash award r?een d for thin auggeation ama euggeetic@ #1053),, Intangible benefits and tangible savings for both suggestions are determineed, to be as follows '2300 Tangible-.-- ----$25Q Intangible-Minor-gem xra1---$1400 61 ~jo Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP80-00832A000200070027-9 Approved For elease 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP80-00832A00' 00070027-9 23 January 1957 Suggestion No. 1053 Date: 29 November 1956 TOt FROM: SUBJV,Ts C~ietf Phyaioal Security Division ;hiefp Records Management Staff Changes in Agency Chain Envelopes 1., Sccu&ity C1ea.r.,nce and Approval is hereby requested for tho eonte-,1ated changes iz.: the "chain envelops" currently being ug; by th a Agent^y~, These -Thanges will assure greater efficienexy of opera Lion,, a caving in operating nn-,hours;, and economy in envelope cone xmpt1on,, Tha changes are as follows: aU T pr: rating to provide for addressee on the face or back :t the eavelopo, h., Thet ac option of the "string and button" fastener, rather -,.gin sealing the envelope with an adhesive tapes,. e*,. The adi ition of a "window envelope" on the face of the ehain envolopi to carry currier receipts,. This will assure the right receipt with the appropriate material and eliminate the second writing of tie address., 25X1A 2 The now envelopes will be for internal use only., 3. It is anticipated that the new envelope will also be used as the i?outer envelope" in the transmittal of highly classified material within the Agency. 4. Subject to the concurrence of the Office of security with the Propoeeal, this office will pr# pare the necessary instructions to implement the change, These instructions will be coordinated with your office prior to issuance. h ef~ Pbysicai Security Div;; Date: 30 Nov 56 25X1A f f Approved For Release 2000/08/15: CIA-RDP80-00832A000200070027-9 Suggestion No. EVALUATION OF EMPLOYEE SUGGESTION 1053 TO: executive Secretary, incentive FROM: Awards Committee Chief, Records Management Staff ACTION REOOIMEND(D CHECK APPROPRIATE BOX: 0 Ado()t for use. Q Suggestion already in effect and no part of suggestion makes added Disapproved for adoption. contribution. [-~ Suggestion already In effect but 0 Requires further study makes added contribution. (indicate below the expected date of completion). Other (please specify in' sect Ion below). 1CARON$ FOR R(CON BOATION In order to guide the incentive Awards Committee In ask ng final determination, an ana ys s of the anticipated first year's savings and/or other benefits should be shown here. If applicable, Indicate and explain below pro- posed disposition of savings as ill allotment savings, (2) Increased output at same cost or (3) application of resources saved to sowe,other necessary activity. If suggestion contains intangible vale such as morels, safety, etc., please indicate the extent of the area which you think the suggestion will affal:t, i.s?i the Immediate area, office-wide, Agency-wide. Attach additional sheet if more space is needed. ii. 3e-?iaLon has been made to make two changes in the Chain Envelope: 1. Secure the envelope by the use of "String and Button" thus eliminating the use of adhesive tape for sealing. (See Suggestion 1102) 2. A rwindow"`type envelope will be securily attached -to the Chain Envelope for the purpose of bolding the Courier Receipts. Readdressing the envelo will not be necessary in such cases. If Courier Receipts are not used, it will be necessary to place an address sheet or card in the window envelope: le It is estimated that the adoptiod of these two changes should cut the coni~nnption of ~'^'? (561,758) and 10"x15 (399,100) plain manila envelopes by 5 . -Due to the ~tic1-_ ted longer. life. of the new chain envelope, total yearly consumption in chain ' new chain envelope will --n-. ?;oes should rise very little. However, the coat of the :hereby reducing the estimated dollar saving in envelopes 'to approximately w2304 In 51i tion, there will be an unestimable dollar saving in sealing materials plus a man 1?jvir.r; in performing the sealing operation. , the r1allar savings to be realized from the being made in the Chain envelope