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Publication Date: 
December 9, 1955
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Approved For Release 2008/10/06: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA008500200007-2 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This material contains information affecting the National Defense of the United States within the meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law. SE-CRE-T COUNTRY East Germany REPOR1 DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED DATE ACQUIRED Reorganization of the Institute for Medicine and Biology, Berlin- Buch DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGES REQUIREMENT REFERENCES 9 Decmber 1955 1, According to the protocol of the meetings of the Board of Directors (Direktorium) of the Institute for Medicine and Biology, Berlin-Bach, of the Academy-of Sciences held on 3 and 7 June 19559 the following officials were appointed by the President of the Academy of Sciences, Walter Friedrich: Working Field Arbeitsbereioh) Physics Biochemistry Biology Pharmacology Clinical Medicine Central. Units and Organization Professor Walter Friedrich Dr. Herbert Pupke, deputy Professor Karl Lohmann Professor Erwin Negelein, deputy Professor Arnold Graffi Horst Bothe9 deputy Professor Friedrich Jung Professor Friedrich Windisoh, deputy Professor Heins Gummel Professor Luehre, deputyl Kneller (fnu) Voigt (fnu) Professor Lohmann was elected "First Director" of the Board, and Professor Gummel and Dr. Pupke, his deputies.. 2, The Institute was reorganized into the following'Berelcne (fields)s a. Bereich Biochemie (Biochemistry) Abteilung (Department) Bioohemie Abteilung Angewandte Isotopenforsohung (Applied Isotope Research) Zentral-Labor (Central Laboratory) Drs Schmidt Zentral-Labor Dr, Brucker S E-CR E-T X NAVY FBI AEC OSI E (Note: Washington distribution indicated by "V; Field distribution by "#".) 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/10/06: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA008500200007-2 Approved For Release 2008/10/06: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA008500200007-2 SE-CRET The Applied Isotope Research Department will be a separate Bereich as soon as feasible, in accordance with the recommendation made by Professor Lohmann. b. Bereich Biologie Abteilung Biologische Krebsforschun (Biological Cancer Research) Abteilung Chemische Krebsforschung (Chemical Cancer Research) Abteilung Genetik (Genetics) c. Bereich Pharmakologie Abteilung Pharmakologie Abteilung Mikrobologie Zentral-Labor Eletronen-Mikroskopie d. Bereich Physik Abteilung Physik Abteilung Biophysik e. Bereich Klinische Medizin (ClinioAl Medicine) Abteilung Chirurgie (Surgery) Abteilung Innere Medizin (Internal Medicine) Abteilung Gynaekologie (Gynecology) AbteilungRadiologie Abteilung Anaesthesie Abteilung Poliklinik (Polyclinic) f. Bereich Zentrale Anlagen and Verwaltung (Central Units and Organization) aa. General Administration Department bb. House engineer and workshop cc. Technical Department, including- a construction office, physics and pharmaceutical shops, glass blowing shop dd. Technical Aids Department, including a library, interpreter, and photographer. 3. The following members were appointed to serve on the scientific council by the Presidium of the Academy: the directors and deputies of each Bereich, Professors Dr. Theodor Brugsch, Dr. Johannes Dobberstein9'\y Dr. Herwig Hamperl, Dr. Hans Knoell, Dr. Kurt Noack, Dr. Robert Roes e, Dr. Robert Rompe, and Dr. Robert Schroeder. In the Interest of a mu ual cooperation with the Institute for Microbiology and Experimental Therapy (Dr. Knoell), it was agre~d that an official from thet Institute also be appointed to the council. Comment: Probably Dr. Walter Luehrs s meant. Approved For Release 2008/10/06: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA008500200007-2