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Document Creation Date: 
December 21, 2016
Document Release Date: 
May 8, 2008
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Publication Date: 
September 16, 1955
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Approved For Release 2008/05/08: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA008100740007-7 CLAASSIF.CA 'iCf ~rrrr=: " , Eas-u (;ez?!runy -LAt ",'rafr.i3 tx%.2'i_.1iiY't,\)d ?; arc ' r: ,,~L'1"-, C i L_ _1" AC : OBTAINER. 25X1 ~1 - ---25X1 - -----25X1 .I r.DATE P;;]_--PA ED_ 2-6Senteriber lay 'fin{:]Le.......... ..~...__. ....-...ENCLOSURES ~..u_...............- ; folr"" K, S . [This is UNEVALUATED Information The fc.-1lowinr' shipr.crty -;ere observ d at 17r,: xsc-L''utt/0doyb betwoon 22 anal 27 August 111)55: B -. Boxcar; F .q Flatcar; G 4. i+ondola Car; ,' -> Tank Ca E::.te in t+un:be ar.C' T''T ,ad 24 36 G iron pr; 52 F ea b].e" and crates 42 F enpt y 54 B t::ndeterria.nect 56 G colce 52 T ax. a. B undeter ,:L nled 56 G iron ore 56 G er.pt~r 56 G coke 52 T arlc B rardetc-i-mi-^ed. 1 train :'.3 tractors and 'a 6 tanks co lured '.I_'_th ta1'71a.1_ 11 _7 s, 56 G iron ore 52 F iron sections 52 G iron ore 56 F and, G timber 56 G Iron ore % G iron cre 52 B c?ndeterrn i rivd 2 3/26 49 T u.x :d B :mdets'.1n&t1 56 F orates Bros tTLi toirs:c Fran:siza_rt/kd e:: tares t.-?Lito'JSk Brest,-"Atov sic Bros t^4LIto'7sk Bros .--r~:i.tovsk :rest.-L: to isk Brest-Litovsk Brest--Litovsk Brost-I.tovsk Approved For Release 2008/05/08: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA008100740007-7 ircn c' t:? Bre,..-,--Li tovsk Brest-Litovsk Brc 5t,-Litevsl: Cottbus 1 Brest-Li tovek Bret-Litov sk Approved For Release 2008/05/08: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA008100740007-7 2 4 . Date in Number and Type A st of Cars 26/27 54 F iron 16 F 16 tanks covered with tarpaulins 25 B 1-indeterraned 4Frcm To Brest-Litovsk Brest-Litovsk direction of Cottbus 4QmmwIo Continued T..54 tank shipments. These shipments are possibly identical with shipments with Satzkorn as place of es na on,, 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/05/08: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA008100740007-7