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September 1, 1955
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Approved For Release 2008/08/25 :CIA-RDP80-00810A007900160008-3 25X1 CENTRAi'tN'FEt~1GfNCE AGENCY This materhsi coatatne information sRecting the National befense of the United States within Lhe meaning of the Espionage Laws, Title 25X1 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the tranerriieetan or revelation of which in any manner t0 .an unauthorised person is pr'~hibited by law. S -E -l; ~ -E -~? COUNTRY China~'tJSSR~Germany SUBJECT Description of Air Journey, Be~~.n~JSSR -Peiping DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED DATE ACQUIRED DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGE REQUIREMENT REFERENCES P September. 19',25X1 1. In early 1955s the following observations were made on a flight from Germany to Chinao a. Prague - no visibility; change of pilots, b. Wilnow - no visibility; passengers added to flight; small airfield with single-engined Fighter planes. c. Warsaw - no visibility; landed at 01d airfield with poor runways. Three twin-ergi.ned Set planes were in front of the hanger, and there was a mobile radar installation on the fi.e~.d . ~il;a control was observed here . d. Minsk -visibility poor, wind gusts. The plane lar.,ded on the military arc field south of the city since permission to land on the civilian airfield had not been. obtained. There were probab3.y three military airfields at The airfield had four ru~lways usable by heavy planes; and there were lei planes, of which five were four-e~Lgired het planes, ors the field. Radar equipment consisted of one stationary ancl, two mobile units> There were barracks at the western edge of the airfield, and antiairf~raft and searchm light ur~i.ts of about 150 men wi5re carrying on manuevers. An i~.dustrial plant for the manufacture of ai~?p?anes may have been located nearby. e. Orsha -civilian and military airfield, mobile radar unit, four sit.gl_P? engined and one twin-engined het planes. f. Smolensk -two planes on the airfie.l.d. Construction work on rti~~ways a.~d buildings was going or. at the airfield. At the railroad station, a~~"x'eight train of about 60 cars was heading in a westerly direction. `?~:.e train transported 70 guns covered with tarpaulins. Where were two gams os~ each of 30 `cars and one larger ~, or each of 10 cars . '1'he relllairide~r of the trais.s consisted of closed cars and cars carrying troops. g. Moscow -one-hour stop. h. Kazan - no visibility; spent.+.;he night here> STATE X ARMY X NAVY X AIR X I Pbl I I AEC (Note: VMa~ieyton distribution indicated by "X"; field distribution by "#".) Approved For Release 2008/08/25 :CIA-RDP80-00810A007900160008-3 Approved For Release 2008/08/25: CIA-RDP80-00810A007900160008-3 i. Sverdlovsk - no visibility. airfield approximately 25 kilometers east of the city in the ~, Omsk -military .laid out in a cross, each direction of Novosibirsk? There ware two runways, ar~d three mobile approximately 3,000 meters long. -There were one stationary Planes cor~- radar installations at the field. The air traffic was heavy. slated of six new TU-~+'s, two four-engined propeller-driven bomin.ed9jetgfighter tWj,n-engined jet fighter planes on the field., and Pour twin-eryg planes in the air.. There wab canfenceaand watchtowers aTheretwere ntanti~d The airfield was surrounded lanes were being tested at the fief[. aircraft installations, and p ood. On the airfield were two twin-engined traris- k,. Novosibirsk -visibility g port parses and two twin-engined fighter planes. There was a mobile radar installation at the airfield. A plant that corresponded in size to the former ~ej.nkel Works in built b~tweennNovosibirsk and Kransnoyarsk,double track ra3.lway was being 1. Irkutsk - landed at the airfield at 2418 hours, middle European time, and left the next morning at (?730 hours. Fliers, sailors, tank pers~anryel and other military personnel were on the streets. The hotel s+?aff was Mongolian. During the flight, about 50 kilometers east of Minussinsk, arge ma.nuever grounds for tanks and artillery were seen. Between 150 andea00db~oiibergs, 80 tanks, 200 guns, and 5,000 men were seen:; the troops app moving in. m. pksha - 20-minute stopover; military and civilian airfield, on bake Baikal.> Aksha airfield had two runways; one was new and suitaellersr semen MI~'ss~a~~~d On the field were three four-eng~.ned planes with prop rs two four-engi'~ed four hangers. 4n the northeastern bank were six hangs , sea planes on the water, and two others in the air. Antiaircraft and sta- tionary radar installations were on the airf field. n. Ulan Bator -border airfield with three modern w ewrotati ge fac~i.ities aircraft installations and a mobile ra~~r changed planes here and transferrea were to the west of the field.. The 1~ y Chinese and Soviets.. On the flight to a four-engined Chinese. pane piloted by ~~ ~,d a from Ulan Bator to Durma, the airfield located south of large concentration of troops. o, Durma - small military airfield, runway in good condition. There were two twin-engined Set planes on the field. The military personnel were Chinese. The plane left at 1500 ~~'s p. Peiping - arrived at the central airfield. 2, The following observs.tions were made on the return trip: a. Mukden - extensi4e industrial and dormitory construction; there w~het~nrur~- military personnel on the trains and in camps. Anew airfield wi ways was under construction about 10 kilometers southeast of SF;up'ir~gkai. b. Changchun -one military airfield and one civilian-military airfield. There were 30 antiaircraft guns, searchlights, and two mobile radar ~xnits at the airfield. There were 16 Soviet fighter planes, l~+ Pour-engined bombers, and 3 twin-engined jet planes at .the military airfield. S-E-C-R E-T Approved For Release 2008/08/25: CIA-RDP80-00810A007900160008-3 Approved For Release 2008/08/25: CIA-RDP80-00810A007900160008-3 -3 - c. Tsitsihar -airfield located about 20 kilasoline storagefdehotcit~herehwere r or a g P a ound hang mbers gr b d o er airfield had an un two four-engined propeller-driven three twin-engined jet fighters, or transports, antiaircraft guns, searchlights, and mobile radar a,t the airfield. There was heavy railroad traffic and much construction. act_v.ty a,t Tsitsihar. . Chita - no visibility."The airfield was busy and seven'search:Li?;hts were 'in operation. on arrival; fog during departure. The passengers e. Irkutsk - no visibility lane had ore Chinese changed to an old fpzaz'-engined transport in Chita; the P lots otz departure. pilot and one Russian pilot on arrival, and two Russian p' f. Novosibirsk - no visibility. The factories were lit up, and work appeared to be carried out in three shifts. Omsk - hea air traffic. Seven twin-engined jet fighters were in the air g~ ~ ractice with targets about 50 meters and ten others were on the field. Target P 000 meters. Three four-engined in diameter was conducted at approximately ~+, .jets were on the field. The runways were covered with asphalt. administration; 2,000-meter cement runway. h. Sverdlovsk -airfield under military mhree four- There were stationary and mobile radar installations on the field. engined transport planes loaded paratroopers. There was heavy freight traffic in a westerly direction. On the airfield were three new four- i < Kazan - s~.o visibility .because of fog. engined bombers and seven twin-engined jet fighters. Fuel depot and hangars were underground. j. Moscow -overnight stay and sight-seeing trip. There was a change of pilots and plane at Moseo~r. At the airfield were six four-engined proppeller-driver planes. ~.~, k. Smolensk -three cement runways, each approximately 3,0~ meters long. ,.here was one mobile radar rotating; six MIG's were on the field. Minsk - landed at the military airfield. There were three military airfields ilot said that a plant; 1 The . p and a civilian airfield under repair at Minsk. Minsk i . n for the manufacture of four-engined jets was m. n. Warsaw - no visibility Berlin . Approved For Release 2008/08/25: CIA-RDP80-00810A007900160008-3 Approved For Release 2008/08/25 :CIA-RDP80-00810A007900160008-3 Approved For Release 2008/08/25 :CIA-RDP80-00810A007900160008-3